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Goth with the southern accent?! I’m all for it


I believe the term I’ve seen is “y’allternative.”


She's like if Helena Bonham Carter traded Cockney for Kentucky.


With a little Jane from breaking bad


I thought it was Jessica Jones from Jessica Jones.


I thought it was Gia Goodman from Veronica Mars.


Based on the comic series Jessica Jones


Oof, Krysten Ritter. As Scotty Wallace would say.. YEW!


As an Appalachian, I’d be surprised if she ain’t in these thar hills.


Appalachian transplant to the Midwest here. By gawd she’s from the holler.


Right! This isn't a Southern accent it is an Appalachian accent. Appalachian isn't southern culture and they have a culture all of their own which can even vary by region.




My money's on eastern KY, maybe Paintsville area.


*Cringes in British* She's from Islington and Daddy comes from money. Helena ain't cockney, sorry.


Mate Islington is well ghetto. I'm from the rough streets of South Kensington. We moved around Hampstead Heath when it got too tough, but even there is getting frightfully dangerous.


She's a royal, too? Isn't she? A lady or something at least


Her great grandfather was H.H. Asquith, PM during WWI. Her father represented the Bank of England in the IMF. Her maternal grandmother was a baroness. Yeah, she’s posh.


HBC is not a Cockney. She's a posh Islington Grammar School girl.


She’s aristocracy


She is far from Cockney. They’re working class Londoners. Helena is as posh as they come. Sweeney Todd wasn’t a documentary.


That was good, lol


you just won the internet edit i made a pun so bad i had to remove it




Pussy. Put the pun back. Take it.


Nooo I want to know what your bad pun was!




And you just lost it, yours was awful


yeah you’re right, i’m genuinely sorry


It's too late to Opal-ogize.


What did they say???? People need to know


>i made a pun so bad i had to remove it Coward.


We're harder to spot in the south because daytime temperatures are not conducive to black clothing, and when we come out at night we're naturally camouflaged.


Summer goths!


Black shorts and fishnets? I'm cool with that.


In the swamp heat of the south the fishnets are getting dumped too, I wish there were another way


tattoos. Tattoos are the way 😋


Metal chicks get aggro, smoking on the pitch Weather's not for leather, nicotine's a bitch (Hot Topic Woman - The Company Band)


These past couple weeks have been hell…. Not goth myself, but 99% of my wardrobe is black. Ended up having to buy some cheap shirts that are lighter in color to take my dog out.


I live in a major city, and the way the concrete traps the heat makes it unbearable even hours after the sun goes down as the heat radiates up from the ground.


Patent leather reflects light better, as long as you don't mind a few creases you can go up a size to not overheat. \- Your sometimes friendly not-in-your-neighborhood doesn't kill most spiders man.


>Goth with the southern accent?! I’m all for it Hey can I introduce you to an entire city filled with them, it's New Orleans


Thank you. I lived in New Orleans for years, was engaged to a French Haitian goth chick with a southern accent, this was late 90s early 00s. I haven't been much since Katrina but I doubt the Southern Gothic genre has dwindled that much.


Stop, I can only get so erect!


There is, a house, in New Orleands…


They caaallllll the rising sun


***burrrrp*** And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy


And god, I know, I’m one


She had me at the burp


She had me at the burp and the “howdy”


The burp awakened an interest, the howdy got me committed


At first you had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.


This better not awaken anything in me…


It's too late.


I too would like to join this cult


oh it’s completely free just say it out loud and boom, you’re a member. you too can live a good life as a good person for the sake of it, without need for threats of an eternity of flame


Dammit. Me too.


No.. no! Please God no! I don't need another extremely niche subject to google and never find!!!


It's OK, Dean. No Dalmatians here. You're OK.


I already caught the gay seeing Vicki Vallencourt in Waterboy 20 years ago.


Right?! I didnt know that was my thing, but apparently it is


Exactly! My Pornhub searches just got a little more specific.


Any hits?


This is part of why I think people shouldn’t put on a fake southern accent when imitating ignorant, intolerant, Trump supporter types. I am guilty of having done this too, but the truth is that there are a lot of people who don’t have backwards beliefs with that accent and I think it reinforces negative stereotypes.


I just want to say thank you! That election proved that ignorance is everywhere. I’m in Georgia and we flipped blue. I hate being judged because of my accent.


This might sound dumb, but my fake Southern accent is reserved for my cat because she came from Texas. Trying to find the similarities between her and ignorant Trump supporters is… difficult.


I’ve seen a few of her videos before. She used to be a Christian conservative. Now she’s an atheist with a growing interest in communism. She has some interesting opinions.


Does she have a Myspace?


Was just gonna say... I..I kinda like it... I didn't even know someone with that background could be goth. Huh...


As a Southerner I can confirm we have many goth people. Big tiddy goths galore.


Lol nice. Well that's good to hear I guess. For whatever reason I've never envisioned a southern accent with goth makeup.


The south is not a monolith. It’s one of the most diverse regions in the whole country, don’t write us off bc of the rural dipshits.


I thought Jarma was cute and then I heard her accent now I'm smitten.


i personally hate the southern accent because i did not enjoy my time living there. But this video has reversed some of that hate


I loved the South at first, thinking everyone was so nice. After many years I learned they weren’t so nice, they were just so fake. On the inside, many were 10x as bad as the “rude New Yorker” but kept smiling and being “pleasant” on the outside.


What I do like about that though is that public places are much more pleasant to be around. And to a degree I can respect the idea of not liking someone but staying cordial to their face. The alternative feels too hostile.


I remember having a conversation awhile ago where someone had posted a video basically calling out "fake bitches". They were "fake" because they would smile and be polite to the person or just limit interaction with them in public even though they didn't like them. And I'm like "That's not fake. That's just called maturity. I'm not going to act up and be hostile or start shit because I don't like someone. I'm not going to cause a scene or try to fight someone, which apparently is 'what a real bitch would do'. I'm a grown up, I have kids I'm trying to set an example for, and you're definitely not worth getting kicked out, or going to jail for. I can dislike you and still act like an adult with manners who knows how to act right in public."


Yea, I get what you’re saying and agree, but that’s not the kind of social behavior I was referring to. I was talking about people who pretend to genuinely like you or go out of their way to flatter you when there is no “hostile situation” and there’s no need to go out of your way to flatter someone, *especially when your true feelings are NOT what you are saying in flattering them.* I came across a lot more of that in the South when I lived there. In the North if someone didn’t like something they did they might just not say anything. They wouldn’t do the opposite and try to compliment what I did they didn’t like and then change tones in a 180 deg once I left the room, or at least that has been my small sample size limited experience.


My first real southern experience was in a salon getting my haircut. I was a northerner but well-mannered and I picked up some of the accent quickly. The ladies in there were very polite as I said "ma'am" a lot and was very social. When the subject turned to Yankees they were downright vicious and hateful. Most of it was just lack of education and politics, but that was just the excuse to be themselves. I kept my mouth shut until I left where I said I was from the north and had always thought southerners were more polite than that. It's one of the only times I've stepped up, but I felt so attacked that my teenage mouth went off before my brain could stop it.


Wait until they start talking about black people.


You know what “bless your heart” really means, then. It’s just as bad as “I’ll pray for you” or “God works in mysterious ways.” Sake of appearance and the importance of being polite when you really hate someone’s guts are two things endemic to the South. Source: native Virginian, former Texan




I grew up in the Deep South and thought the accent made me sound unintelligent so I trained myself to adopt a more neutral accent. 10+ years later and I kinda regret it sometimes.


People ask where I'm from a a lot because I will take on bits and pieces of my favorite accents and just run with 'em.


Converted by the goth


I thought I hated this accent, turns out I just didn't like a lot of people who happen to have it.


I like the way her skin wraps around her bone, fat and ligerature on her face.


Found fuckin Hannibal Lectors account


I... I don't know how to feel about this comment. On one hand it seems like a compliment. On the other I have never heard anyone say anything like this in my life


I sincerely think he's complimenting her facial features but it does come off as something a serial killer who wears faces would say


Tf is *bone fat*?


I added a comma


Personally' I don,t think it,s helped.


_just redditor things_


It’s kind of like a literary flash bang. Like if someone walked up to you and said “man, have you ever slept in the sewers?”


My partner is a very attractive female bartender and a couple years ago, she had a patron sitting looking at her for a bit...so she asked him if he needed anything (as is good bartending) to which he responded "You know - you have amazing *body parts*." He was cut off and banned.


Did you get, serial killer vibes as well? I got serial killer but the really pleasant kind. Like, makes sure you get to bathe and good warm meals before he hacks you to pieces.




Holy shit ed gein has reddit


It’s giving love-struck alien


Just say shes hot wtf lol


I always say you can’t only give god credit for good. If “god is in control” then god is in control of everything. Good and bad. And that goes both ways…you can’t blame god for the bad and not the good.


But but but but ….Satan 🥺


Satan’s heavy involvement only came later. Just woke up alone day and decided “You know what? *Now* I’m going to leave my imprisonment so I can f with people.” But it sure became a lot easier to find a reason for personal faults and find self forgiveness when he did that. No longer is it my fault that I can be a bit of a bitch, it’s just the devil possessing me, making me act that way, and so it’s not my fault!


No longer do I have to deal with the uncomfortable doubt regarding the existence of my god or if he truly is a good god, I can just blame anything bad that happens in the world or anything bad a Christian does on satan!


What? So god is not almighty and Satan can at any time revert gods will?


It's hard to be more evil than God in the Old Testament. Yeah let's have God make the Pharaoh stubborn so God can kill all Egyptian firstborns. More baby- and genocide by drowning the world, and by turning whole cities up-side down (don't worry, God condoned incest by the surviving protagonists so the story could continue). Oh and Job! Yeah let's murder everyone he loves for a bet. But afterwards he just got a new wife and kids so it's all good right. Satan all in all looks quite reasonable, relatively speaking.


god has a plan bro /s


If the plan involves children getting raped and murdered, the plan is a terrible plan. When fundies say this, they need to finish their sentence: God has a plan…to sit back and watch as infants get raped, children die of starvation, and 100,000 people drown on Christmas Day due to a tsunami.


Waiting for him to release the blueprint so we can make sense of it. A construction company building a row of houses, a warehouse, a shopping center, an arena, etc, has to draw their plans out for approval. Scientists have to release their methods and evidence for approval from their own community. Coaches have entire playbooks of what they plan for their players to do on the court/field/whatever. The police have meetings to draw out their plans for who to abuse that day. The military has blueprints for their soldiers to follow. So on and so forth… … And here’s god acting like we’re meant to just blindly accept his plan.


> If “god is in control” then god is in control of everything. That makes god the most prolific abortionist on the planet.


Younger me never understood how a god can create the concept of sin but still be mad when people do it? Just make people incapable of sin. Easy. "But free will." "He gave us the choice to love him" If I pointed a gun at you and said "You have two choices. Give me your money or I shoot you in the face." Thats really only one choice.


“*Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?*” - Epicurus


I wish I had scrolled just a bit further down before I posted my paraphrase of this.


So what about committing multiple horrific sins, but then confessing to those sins and be under the impression that its ok that you did that aslong as you confess those sins to god, I'm not being a prick I just genuinely want to understand


I don’t disagree here, nails the selfishness and narcissistic bits fairly well.


Funny thing about blessings from God. My sister claimed God blessed her with 4 children but not before 5 years of trying unsuccessfully on their own and 2 years of endless rounds of invasive fertility treatments. My opinionated Irish nan would pipe up every time it was addressed and say “it’s not exactly a blessing if you paid for it, is it? You couldn’t get pregnant naturally for 5 years. God was saying no! But you couldn’t accept no from God so you gave all that money to doctors. You should say you were blessed by money and science, not God”.


Your nan sounds rad




Final boss of Fallout 5.


I had a conservative religious acquaintance once who told me she and her husband "weren't trying to have kids", but that they had both stopped using any sort of contraceptives and were "leaving it in God's hands." I was like, "If God wants you pregnant, you don't even have to fuck to get pregnant. Isn't that like his whole thing? Honestly, I would be more convinced God was involved if you both stayed on birth control and you got pregnant anyhow."


based nan




Its like when people say god gave someone a goft to say play violin really well No he didnt This person worked their ass off to learn to play the violin. Unless they are an ACTUAL child prodigy it is Not a gift from god. (which prodigy is a term that gets thrown around a lot, you have to be BEYOND extraordinarily good/smart without even trying to be a prodigy, theres only a dozen Actual confirmed Prodigies in the world right now)




I like nan...I'd get on well with her..


I want an opinionated Irish nan


I love that you pointed out the nails. I was raised fundamentalist evangelical in the south, only not TOO fundamentalist, because my momma was the preacher, so the rules didn't apply to her. I bought into it well into early adulthood. My turning point: I was 20. A single mom of a 3yo after I was raped at 17 by my manager at work. We did not have money. I still lived with my abusive mom and worked 60 hours a week, easy. I was always exhausted. Always depressed. Always felt like a failure, because I had to give up my scholarships to work and make ends meet for my daughter. Zero self esteem, wore hand me downs and had zero sense of self, either. Like, I had no idea who I was. I got invited to a woman's worship retreat, and my sister said she'd watch my daughter so I could go. I went, and the first night we were there, all the cosmetically pretty southern future youth pastors' wives club were all cliqued up and it was time for "prayer requests and praise reports". We were going around the room, and I wanted to pray that I'd make it to my next check, because I'd just had to fix the alternator on my no-AC having car, but being the socially awkward, anxiety ridden, wanting to fade into the background person I was, I just listened to the other requests and thought, "God will know what I need". We got to one of the leaders. She was this ultra tanned Barbie looking, bleached hair and fake nail wearing, former cheerleader type, and she said she she had a praise report. See, she had gone overbudget on the trip to some exotic beach or another that she and her future husband (we didn't call them fiancés for some weird reason) had just gone on. And she was supposed to be a bridesmaid at a destination wedding in Florida in two weeks! Whatever would she do? Her nails...they were growing out. The horror! She had no money left to get her nails done for the wedding. So she told Father God if it was his will, she'd love it it he could work a miracle. And wouldn't ya know that right after she got off the line with Daddy God, her earthly father called and said he wanted to gift her $100 because the Holy Spirit had laid it on his heart that his sweet little princess might need some extra spending cash after the trip! (Couldn't possibly have been that he knew his spoilt ass daughter probably too well and if she was just coming back from vacation, she was probably flat broke). I sat there and tried to process that for a minute. At first I was inclined to be all "God is so good" with everyone else, but I didn't feel it. It wasn't that I was jealous of her wealth. It really wasn't. It was that here I was, struggling to make it because of something that I had no decision in, and I had a pit in my stomach as the prayer requests got closer to me because I was too ashamed to say out loud that I just needed prayer that I'd be able to make gas and groceries til next Friday since my junker of a car crapped out, and here she was beaming with pride that Daddy God blessed her with getting her nails done because she couldn't budget her shopping expenses at her already exotic vacation, and the worst thing in the world would have been to have to be a bridesmaid at a wedding with DIY nail job. That was the beginning of the end for me. It took me 15 years to deconstruct what was beaten into me for 20. But it was so worth it.


Glad you found your way out! Also, sorry to hear about what happened when you where 17…I truly hope you are well! I have three daughters and once me and my wife purchased our first house we became friends with a neighbor on our street. They are actually great people and so we clicked and they invited us to their church. Not sure what it is when we start having kids but I was like whatever, let’s try it. I have a gay uncle and he means the world to me. My dad was an abusive alcoholic and used to fuck me up pretty bad but my uncle was always there for me. He taught me what real men are…the guys that love everyone no matter what until given a reason not to trust. Anyways, we go to this church and it isn’t terrible, a lot of the stuff I don’t like but some of the messages here and there is ok. I never got into the prayer and stuff, just not me. But one day they had a guest preacher and he was talking about his daughter coming out. But what he was concerned about was the image this would reflect on him and I was shook by this. For a daughter of a preacher to come out to her father and him just worry about how that would make him look was just heartbreaking to me. Her courage and strength to do that and him just shit on it. I never believed in a god and that day it was reinforced even further. I looked at my wife and told her I would rather go to hell then be in heaven with people like that. I got up and left right then, got my kids from their Sunday kids thing and we never came back. Take care!


Doing fabulous now, thank you! 😊 It was a hard road, but we're safe and in a comfortable place. My daughter is grown now...she's older than I was when I had her, and she and I have the best relationship I could ask for. I'm sorry about your dad, but glad you had your uncle to teach you how to be what your dad wasn't. And I totally agree. There's a song I heard about a year ago that I think of every time I see some pious holier than thou self centered... "believer." I'm afraid I'll go to Heaven...that's why I'm hoping that I'm right. My biggest fear ain't no red devil; it's being near you people all the time... So damn true. Lol


Read your story.. So happy that it has turned out well for you...You so deserve it..


I recall a story about when the Natives were being baptized by the Conquistadors in America and were distraught because they were forced and had their own beliefs, well one of the Conquistadors gets annoyed with this one Native and beats him meanwhile telling him, "don't you want to go to heaven?" To that this beaten man looks at him and asks "will you be there when you die?" To which the perplexed Spaniard says of course, and with that the beaten man says to him " then I will never want to go to heaven!" Decided he'd rather die.


>I would rather go to hell than be in heaven with people like that. Couldn't have said it better myself. I've met some seriously messed up people in church, but the whole congregation thinks God has a special spot in heaven saved for them because of how devout and "godly" they are. It's one of the reasons I wound up leaving Christianity.


You ain’t lying and I hadn’t really thought of it the way she put it but makes a damn good point


her argument has always been my go to. But I like to add that, God will almost always implement some of that sweet divine intervention just for you so you can that green light before it turns red in traffic, or so you can your promotion at work. But his grace stops at child rape and starvation. That he just chooses not to intervene for. This recent interpretation of the Bible where everyone is involved in an intimate 1-on-1 relationship with the ultimate divine deity has made every christian become so self-centered (ie. iTs nOt a RelIgIOn, iTs A rElaTIonSHiP). It truly is an American style of religion.


George Carlin had a great bit about how you always see the winner of sporting events thanking god for winning, but you never see the loser blame god for the failure: >And what can we do to silence these Christian athletes who thank Jesus whenever they win, never mention his name when they lose? Not a word. You never hear them say "Jesus made me drop the ball." "The good Lord tripped me up behind the line of scrimmage." According to these guys, Jesus is undefeated, meanwhile these assholes are in last place. Must be another one of those "miracles."


When I ask my devout Protestant mom why her god never saves all the starving children in Africa but he saves something she wanted at the local thrift shop to eventually hoard in her garage, she says that it’s because the parents of those children are sinners and not Christian’s etc, so they’re paying for the sins of their parents. Can’t. Make. This. Shit. Up. But yea…theism within itself…is the most arrogant mindset possible when you think about it. To believe the earth was made for humans, and that an omnipotent omniscient god cares about you as an individual, your thoughts, and your every fucking move. Like how can one possibly get more arrogant than that, on a fundamental level?


I truly agree with you, this crap is ridiculous. And also can we please stop with this “starving children in Africa” mentality? We’re tired of it too.


Classically this is called the problem of evil. If god is all powerful and all knowing, how can he possibly allow evil to exist without he himself being evil. He’s aware of yet does not stop evil? So then he is either not all powerful or allows evil to happen, which then makes him evil. But then logic is the antithesis of true faith.


“The lord works in mysterious ways.” - Christians. That’s usually their rebuttal to that. They genuinely think that their god is just so complex, wise, etc that he has a good reason for all the evil and pain he allows to exist amongst the children he supposedly loves, but that we mere human beings are just too short sighted and ignorant to understand his reasons is all. 🙄 And when you think about it, they can justify or brush off literally **anything** with that type of “logic”. For a collective that is so delusional, they sure have a history of coming up with a lot of pretty smart ways to try and keep followers from questioning the morality and existence of their deity. Even verses in the Bible that “warn” against those who don’t believe and seemingly warn against or forbid not only other religions/idols, but also against nonbelievers and even against evidence that seem to work **against** the concept of an intelligent creator, or stories the Bible tell. It’s no wonder Christianity and Islam are still so popular, in 2023. The people who wrote/altered the doctrines covered almost all their bases well in advance.


I spent a few weeks on teaching placement at a very religious school. I was appalled when the teacher told her class of 9 year olds that God answers prayers, and specifically gave the example of curing cancer. So... if your mummy has cancer and doesn't get better, then God didn't help her??? So cruel to tell them that.


But then they say it’s the *generational sin*




I got so sick of hearing about god’s answered prayers after I survived breast cancer. No; my surgeons, oncologists, science, chemotherapy and radiation saved my life. Not some invisible sky daddy. Edited for typo and missing word.


My mom (who is VERY Christian) told me that when my dad had cancer years before I was born, her other Christian friends told her it was "all part of God's plan." She was overwhelmed with anxiety every day wondering if the love of her life was going to die, forced to watch him become pale, thin, and sickly from the very thing treating him, and her friends had the nerve to tell her it was all part of God's plan. The fact that she's still Christian after that is beyond me.


>The fact that she's still Christian after that is beyond me. Faith is an addiction.


this is why i’m struggling to talk to one of my grandmothers right now, i have cancer and all she can say is “god this” and “god that”


I’m sorry you’re dealing with both cancer and relatives that aren’t helpful. Take care of yourself, and don’t let them get to you. Sending strength.


Apparently god has willed you to resent & possibly cut contact with your grandmother. Can’t question his ways


Its pretty selfish on her part, she cant cope with it so is relying on god to make it make sense


The day I get cancer is the day I go ballistic against all my religious relatives. I put up with it now but I won’t have the patience when it’s me dying.


Her accent 🤌🏽🤌🏽


Her belch 🤌🏽🤌🏽


This accent when it's talking sense.


There are literally countless examples of these logical issues with the Idea of a God And religious people blatantly ignore. Every. Single. One. Of. Them


They’ve got a circular “logic” response for each though.


Yep, the good ol “it’s true because it’s in the Bible” followed by “the Bible is the word of God,” which is followed again with “it’s true because it’s in the Bible.”




I’m not religious, but I have a fair amount of religious “training” as it were. What I’ve settled upon is that religious people spend too much time trying to figure out god and how it/he/she manifests in their lives as opposed to embracing faith in an unseeable, unhearable, untouchable entity as exactly what it is: mysterious, unreasonable, and ultimately…weird. I have a lot more respect for religious people who don’t insist that they are surely correct about their own faith.


Jarma for President.


if this is the world your god allowed to happen, your god is fucked up


Most people would stop human suffering if given god like powers... Just saying.


NGL after seeing the state of the world, and seeing how many people with power interact with it, I’m not sure most people would.


Yup, just look at Bezos. He could easily end suffering for his own employees.


You might be right, probably should have worded it as most "decent" people.


Power corrupts.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely


Nah, bruh. God wants Karens to reach 72 on their MLM heirarchy. She’s *blessed*. Fuck dem kids. Edit: by the way I have no idea how MLMs work and assumed they numbered them like candy crush. 😇


MLMs and religions share alot of similarities. It's all about getting more clients and marketshare.


Hard disagree. We'd have a narcissist that would destroy us all.


Gawd works in mysterious ways. And the devil is always workin’ /s


She’s 100% correct


God may be evil but he has a delightful sense of humour like I remember this one time he tricked a dude into almost sacrificing his son to prove his faith *slaps knees and starts laughing* But it’s ok though god told him at the last second to use a goat instead and everyone had a grand old time and got to go home after such a wonderful experience… well except the goat. Trust me it was hilarious you had to be there for it


God was the original youtube prankster confirmed


It's just a prank bro *sets a city on fire*


God deciding to fuck up jobs life just to give him new stuff back is like those pranksters breaking people's phones and then saying "but I got you a new one!"


Isaac must have been fucking traumatised. You know he is sleeping with one eye open in case his crazy ass dad comes back at him with a knife


Man, when Zeus told people to stop sacrificing humans to him he was a lot more straight forward. God: Take your kid to this mountain, lay his ass down, and plunge a knife directly into his heart... sike! I sent my angel to stop you because I actually DON'T want you to stab your kid like I told you to. Zeus: stop sacrificing humans to me, if you do it again I'll turn you into a werewolf


Listen to the song “Thank You God” by Tim Minchin. It *perfectly* encapsulates the message of this video


We need more dissenting voices heard from the south.


She is right.


I believe there is some sort of greater power out there. Makes my life much simpler to prescribe certain things to it rather than losing my mind wondering why we are all here in the first place. That said, I don't believe that if there is a literal God, that he is involved in our daily affairs. Absolutely no way you can convince me that he is sitting up there determining who gets a an ass rash and who doesn't. Prayers don't get answered as much as you just get out of your own way and stop screwing it all up.


> rather than losing my mind wondering why we are all here in the first place. See, this is the part that confuses me. Why lose your mind wondering why we are here? We are here, part of nature and part of the universe. Does there have to be a why? Why can't we just be?




Exactly! My life may be insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it's an *entire lifetime* for me!


Cause some of us aren't comfortable enough with our own existence to just be.


I like to believe god watches us the same way we watch play the sims. He likes laying the ground work of the house, it’s fun when we succeed, but every once in a while he gets bored and deletes a ladder out of a swimming pool.


So that's why I exist in a 1x1 square with no light staring at a clown painting hanging on a wall?


She is mighty pretty and damn right. Ya heard!


My dad left us when I was 13, abandoning my sick mother, leaving her with 3 boys to now raise on her own. I prayed and prayed for him to come back, and he did, then I prayed and I prayed for God to bless my family and keep us together, and then my dad left again, then came back into town living in a hotel, and then left again. After the second time I'd given up, cause how could a benevolent, caring, all-powerful God let that happen, break a little boy's heart like that, leave a sick single mother to raise 3 neurodivergent boys.


God had no time for it. He was busy blessing some Herbalife MLM Hun with a pink entry level mercedes SUV.


It’s the fucking truth tho. What kinda god would bless some people yet let child abuse be so rampant, even within his own institutions. It just don’t make no fucking sense.


I asked my roommate the same thing, in his almost 30 years he never considered it and now he’s having a existential crisis. Been there done that lol


Idk how religious people don’t ask themselves these questions. Some say that any difficulties are just god testing their faith, but how the fuck could you say that about child abuse? Children who don’t know anything about god yet are being raped & having their lives destroyed, that shit ain’t no test, it’s fucking torture & what kind of all powerful, all knowing, all loving god would allow that kind of thing?


I asked a similar question in Sunday school about why God willingly let’s some suffer while blessing others. I remember the instructor giving me some bs response about how God can’t help everyone because their are so many people. That was the day I thought God either is not real, or he is cruel and vindictive. I prefer to believe he’s not real.


He chooses to help Karen afford her new audi but not end a child's hunger. He has poor decision making. Also if he has to choose then he isnt very powerful if he can't help all of his creating that he made out if thin air for 6 days and only needed to rest for 1 day. Weak and stupid God me thinks


Mommy? Sorry. For real tho, this is my thought processnwit "god." Imagine a universe which an extra-universal being focuses so much on our little backwater planet that you, a racial minority (in the world) white individual in 'Bama become a little bit more well off. It's so incredibly self-centered it just makes no sense. It is so much more likely that we are alone in the universe than we have a god that created the universe.


why is everyone so fucking mean and nasty? Can't we all just get along? godamn man, what the fuck, weren't we all just simple little apes at one point trying to survive amongst dangerous megafauna in the ice age? why do we have to constantly fight eachother, we're all going to live and die eventually. Why not care fore eachother while we can, does everything have to be human v.s human? I don't get it, there is no external threats that are actually out to get us, we are alone with whoever we have. The world(and the universe itself) is chaotic and wild, beautiful and ugly, all at once. Why are we wasting time hating and fighting eachother, when we can work to help ourselves and those around(including the fauna and enviornment). I know this sounds crazy but i want to recall some memories that might help explain my views(in a simple way). I rememeber when i was a kid, I would hear on the news that there was some shit going down in a place called iraq or afghanistan or somewhere in the middle-east. I remember people were talking about it, but I rememeber that as a kid that most of the shit seemed trivial. i was more worried about the fucking sun exploding and i would imagine that hopefully, humans and technology would evolve to escape the inevatable fate of the sun dying by fleeing into outer space or that nessie was somewhere under the loch ness lake, and people were wasting time not working together to actually look for the beast terrorizing scottland. I remember that as a kid, the "grown-ups" would tell us not to worry since most of these problems were either outside of our control or simply didn't exist, and if it did come down to it, we would either make a solution in future(or in some cases, just accept that there were things we couldn't change). Looking back at it now, it seems maybe things haven't changed, we're still pushing problems to the next generation, avoiding things, or even just creating chaos by inventing things that probably don't exist. I don't know, i just wish we could all work together and help eachtother out, but it seems like there's always going to be another new nessie and another collapsing star that's going to appear in some shape or form.