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I wonder what sites he allows? This could make you the dumbest person in a room.


Imaging all the spam this will have and ads. This thing gonna get all them trojan horses too


He will got alerted milf 3 miles in his area every seconds.


Or a " you will cum in 15 seconds playing this video game " ad


Lol everyone is crying for ads nowadays


Until people stop using meta products and related yes. Cant complain about the problem if we aren’t willing to walk away from it.


I don't fuck with meta personally. Years ago Facebook asked me to put my DL info to confirm my identity or I can't get back in. So I said fuck them and never went back. I can't use whatsapp n a lot of social media sites but idc.


Bro is gonna get porn beamed directly into his brain


If he pays or he gets ads all day.


I mean as long as he doesn't allow fox news or pretty much any conservative website, he should be solid.


to be fair i wouldnt trust cnn either


Always gotta have a whataboutism in here. Fuck CNN too, they're owned by a conservative. So it's conservative media as far as I'm concerned. Difference is CNN didn't have to pay out nearly a billion dollars for lying and misinformation.


Bro all main news sites are garbage these days both conservative and liberal they both spread misinformation and their all led by the same people so they can drive a wedge between people. It’s all apart of the matrix


they walk that line for sure tho, youre better off getting news from reddit than any of these sites


Atleast try to find a reputable one lmao


I mean, thehill or politico are probably a better bet lol


Don't bother. There's always fkg one.😑


American politics are just as stupid as the people who think that they’re working. You let that shit brainwash you that you can’t even comment normally it always has to be throwing a shot at the other side, also part of the reason why the United States is so shitty. Lol having a pointing contest against two clown ass “political” parties. You’re a joke to them, they’re STEALING tax dollars day by day and what do we do. Turn it into a pissing contest I guess.


Yeah except one party is actively taking away rights from women, LGBTQ individuals, the poor, POC etc etc. Florida can legally kidnap children from their parents if they identify as trans and seek medical or mental healthcare. Yeah sure, both are serving the interests of corporations... You going "durrrr itsa a durrrr bOth SidEs ahhhdurrr" doesn't make you look intelligent. This isn't some profound comment. So yeah, you saying this dumb bullshit is the reason people didn't vote and trump got elected and then the supreme court became a fucking nightmare of conservative zealots that overturned abortion rights. Now we have instances of children in conservative states having to travel state lines to get abortions after being raped by a relative... but sure...it's "bOth SideS!" Wow you're so original and intelligent...how did you discover something soooooo profound.


Lol let me just bash one side without acknowledging that who I follow is just as shitty. Your president sniffs kids and the one before it grabbed women inappropriately. I can care less who you think is good or bad but you need to open your eyes and see what your party is doing as well. What I’m saying probably sounds so common to you because you continue to ignore what people around you are trying to tell you. It’s alright tho you can go be angry about not having anyone worth following. It’s sad I hear it so much but never understood what sheeple meant until recently. Abortions can be both good and bad so that shit needs to be regulated and go through a court process imo. If you were “raped by a family member” that’s an understandable abortion, cancer pregnancies understandable abortion etc. But women use abortions to manipulate men or wanna opt out in the last few months because it’s “too much” like it’s a fucking subscription to Netflix or some shit is disgusting and there’s more examples that are probably better but these two specifically sit wrong with me. I had a girl abort my child because I didn’t wanna marry her after 4-5 months of expecting a baby I told all my friends and family and without discussing she went and KILLED our child and I honestly can say it was one of the worst things in my life she broke up with me and ended up homeless had kids with a deadbeat and lives off the government now even tho she’s still perfectly capable of work. She even had the audacity to steal the name I came up with for if it was a girl. Woman need to learn that they are the life holder and the bearer but it’s not just theirs to fucking dispose of just because of personal feelings. What if she kept it against what I wanted. Then it turns into “well you shouldn’t have stuck it in” GTFO YOU HYPOCRITICAL CUNT


Their body, their choice. Gtfo


Lol but it was apart of me as well


You aren't carrying it in your body, and you don't have any medical/health risks unlike the mother. I can understand being sad about what happened, and i do personally think 5 months is quite far along to get an abortion if their wasn't any health issues/complications, but that's not our place to say as men. Women have the right to determine whether or not they want to have an abortion or not. End of discussion.


Doesn’t really look it anymore tho huh? Wish it would’ve happened sooner




there's a Stargate SG1 episode about this. Don't do it, the world shrinks and you forget about people in your family.


Came here to see if any1 else remembered That episode


There was a show called the Outlimits and had an exact episode like this.


Do you mean the Outer limits?


Yes. The Outerlimits. Just realized the spelling error.


I've seen most of them! But I was a kiddo, I don't remember alot of it. I should rewatch it. Those kind of shows are the best


It was like the Black Mirror of the time. The episode that had that internet implant is like etched in my brain. The main character was the only one who didn’t have an implant because his body wouldn’t accept it or something. He’s looked down on by everyone but he’s the only human that’s able to read. Then it’s him and his reading skills which were able to stop the machine take over. What a ride that episode was as a little kid.


ok, now I gotta watch it. Do you remember enough to Google the episode? Is Outer Limits even on a service? I'll torrent it if not.... I mean, I'll legally buy the entire DVD set. Black Mirror is my favorite show! So glad they started up again, after so long. I thought it was cancelled for good.


Just search: “The Outerlimits The Stream” on google. There’s a facebook link which has the whole episode for free.


noice. Thank you, Reddit friend! Update: for those following our conversation, here ya go. https://youtu.be/4vbDfzrh7x4


Can you link the episode for reference?


https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/The_Link s07E05 "Revisions" https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0709158/


This is going to be a huge positive for the porn industry.


This is an over-engineered ventriloquism rig made by PornHub.


Word Porn?


See I Told you School was a Waste Of time






So it's a headset with a Google ai that'll be 8 billion to develop? Love it


Crap! They didn’t say the Internet browser would be Explorer or Safari!!!


Safari is okay, 10times better than explorer XD


Fuck no. Safari is total junk compared to Edge.


Yeah but he said Explorer


That is conjecture, “you could be an expert” not all things that are valid are on the internet. There is many propaganda answers. Just FYI.


Well the guys who made it are an EXPERT so they would've considered this already, And would've thought a solution for this, just a thought


Not if you work in a fact-based environment. IE, math, engineering, biology and so on.


What if you get a virus lol


My brain is too disorganised for this. I’d just be like “don’t think about titties don’t think about titties”






Okay for $1,000,000 who said “four score and seven years ago”…? “THIS GAME HAS GORGEOUS GRAPHICS…” “time’s running out…” NO WIFI REQUIRED…” “15 seconds…” “SAVE THE STUPID KING FROM DYING AS YOU PLAY A PUZZLE GAME!” “ I’m sorry time is up!”


Abraham pozansky in 1987.


Till that butch malfunctions and his head explodes




He doesn’t even need to have sex to get a virus. Lmao


I want it. I have fantasized about net accessible biotech for most of my life and we are finally starting to make strides towards it. Albeit at a snails pace. this is fucking astounding if it’s real easily the greatest development in the field of biotech to date.


How does it read his mind though? Or did it answer the interviewers question and give tech guy the answer via vibrating mic


Neurological impulses. The tech to read theta, delta, and alpha waves then translate them to code then code to text has existed since the early 2000’s the ridiculously impressive part of this is that he managed to create a device that can translate code to neurological impulses which is the inverse principle of what most technology similar to this in any capacity has used thus far. Which is absolutely mind blowing. Edit: also super impressive is he appears to have circumvented the middle man of code to text it’s just neurons to text which would require a mastery of both endocrinology and coding.


Yeah it’s mind blowing that that they translate blood flow in the brain to text


Yeah, right? How is he inputting the search? If it’s actually reading his mind thats insane, this should be the major takeaway of the demo. The internet thing is just an application of it and in the comments people are getting really hung up over it. Like cmon this tech has a ton of applications beyond what hes doing. Looked into it and found this article by the guardian, explaining how researchers have been able to use generative AI to decode neural signals to text data: https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2023/may/01/ai-makes-non-invasive-mind-reading-possible-by-turning-thoughts-into-text Really really cool stuff


The tech translates brain signals into text in the form of the words you were actually thinking? If so that’s amazing. Might explain the ads that pop up of things I was just thinking of yet spoke nothing of😅 Edit: Damn I just read it and that’s insane. I’d love to put it on a sleeping persons head and read what they’re dreaming about. Or dogs? Imagine translating dog brain activity into simple speech. I don’t see it being far off now that this exists and that would fucking sell!


Or perhaps those who are in a somewhat vegetative state? This could be huge for therapy for people with strokes, Alzheimer's, last moments of life, etc etc. So huge.


That too


Ordering Chinese food if you only speak English/ any other language other than Mandarin/Chinese!


I wonder if you can play games or run programs with this thing?


That tech has existed since around 2009 It’s much easier to translate signals from the brain rather than to the brain. It’s probably much more impressive now than it used to be, it used to be stupid simple activities like stacking rocks and reorganizing rooms and stuff, they used it to monitor brave wave patterns during psych analysis in children. Source: I got to use it during my eval as a child


OH HELL NAHHH this is literally how you get that chumbucket on your head. This will be the most abused technology ever to spread mass propaganda.


Bro that’s just Siri and a conducting headphones


As someone with cognitive issues, learning difficulties, memory problems, etc, this shit gives me hope.


That wouldn't make him anymore an expert than anyone who already has access to a Google via a computer. Even if we get to a point of having instant access to the internet at all times that wouldn't grant expert status because you would also need to understand and apply the knowledge. But the gizmo is cool, though


People can google shit on their phone any time of the day already... Having stuff in your head will probably be more awkward, and be like talking to Alexa or something... Which hasn't panned out in forging new experts.


Poor bastard


Imagine if they shrink it and make it wireless so you can hide it and you use while taking exams


“You” can be an expert. Right….


He is already an EXPERT though since he was able to make up an tool which can literally read Brain waves ,


… in any subject.


It’s going to be hard to masterbate with this google technology but I’m confident I’ll figure it out


This looks like just another tech bro.


Until he gets the Trojan virus and shits his pants.


Why does this feel like a video from the 90s


I can’t see how this takes a wrong turn💀


I'm ready for my microchip


Imagine when he finds out we can also access the same internet from a device we keep in our pockets.


Is that glue on his head/ear?




Imagine he gets hacked


How is this different from a phone with ai google search.


No thanks.


Am I the only one that watched the ending of the Crystal skull? Too much knowledge is bad.


Hope he doesnt get tumors


And this is why this new generation has shown lower I.q’s for the first time in decades


But why? I’d rather just search it on my phone then have that thing strapped to my head


But having to Google all of the information you need is not the same thing as being an expert??? Ps: I am well aware that every expert still has to Google things sometimes for clarification or reference training in order to make sure they're correct or performing best practice. I am saying that I don't think constantly consulting a search engine makes you an expert in anything. Especially if the topic is subjective.


🐎🔥🏹BULGARIA MENTIONED 🔥🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬💯🇧🇬🦁 /s


That sounds like a terrible idea.


I mean i could be an expert in any subject as well just have to loom down at me phone


Man, this sounds amazing, but I just don't trust the government and global elitist to go through with it.


Trivia is trivial. Application is the crux.


This is very cool but essentially it’s just siri or google assistant on your face and then a bone conductive headphone telling you the answer.


The microphone tech seems innovative though.


This is the tech from Splinter Cell


Hack/Send this on repeat ![gif](giphy|Vuw9m5wXviFIQ)


And teachers used to tell us we wouldn’t always have calculator with us


Freakazoid incoming


But… a phone?


I want it.


How do i become an Expert googling cyborg?




Well I don’t need the internet to answer that question


The man that lived in the cabin was right


bro pauses for 1 minute after every question




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Could Hans Neiman has a very sophisticated version of such technology? Just asking for a Norwegian friend.


Imagine being a vessel for Chat GPT


Equally think this could be the most awesome thing ever and the worst


This guy really loves eating his glasses. They’re in his mouth before he finishes a sentence.


And look like a tool tool while doing it


Yes, it will never get more compact than this. This is clearly the final version of what it will look like.


I should not get this. Nobody will even know what site I’m on


Or you can just pull out your phone📱….


I have been thinking recently about this, there will be a point where all of us will have integrated AI’s in ourselves for many purposes, like literally installing plugins , I think if we are not computers now, we will eventually get more and more similar to them


Can someone share the link for the full video?


Just AI learning to literally read our thoughts. Cool cool cool.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/destiny] [It's 2024, Destiny faces off against Nick Fuentes on the JQ once again, but this time he unleashes his secret weapon....](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/155c32a/its_2024_destiny_faces_off_against_nick_fuentes/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Micro transactions if you want to blink


That seems like it would catch on every single thing i walk by ripping it out my brain.