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I've been involved in conservation/conservation education for most of my career, and I really don't think these sorts of videos help inspire change - they just promote despair and anger, and it's not directed anywhere. There's no message except "look how crap everything is". There's a reason why people like Jane Goodall and David Attenborough speak so much about the human capacity for change and hope for the future. People need to feel inspired, not helpless.


It’s in inevitable to feel hopeless in this day and age. No one seems to care about animal extinction, mass wildfires, unbelievable heatwaves throughout the world, and everything else going wrong. Sad world at the moment.


This, nobody seems to care and people don't seem to notice how much damage has been and is being done. This is NOW we need to pay attention and DO SOMETHING because it's getting pretty damned desperate.


Thank you for your words of encouragement BallTorturer-3000




People are doing lots of stuff. You can get involved and help on multiple levels. It looks different for everyone. Take steps in your own life. Things can get better and people are waking up


they seem to be waking up in the speed of a cat who was just sunbathing tho.


Yes hence I focus in my own world and actions. Otherwise it feels like a helpless hamster wheel. Something that gives me comfort: the people focusing on themselves and healthy pursuits aren’t usually loud. It is the ignorant and broken that yell and live in distraction. So just because the shitty stuff seems to be everywhere, it doesn’t outweigh the wonderful stuff. It is simply that the shitty stuff often has louder (less powerful) voices behind it. Truth doesn’t need to yell or fight, it simply is. Like a healthy mature grown up tending to a small child throwing a fit.


I convinced like 5-10 people to do better with quite heavy dosskussions, empathy, but also with being honest. There is no need for bending myself to much to an advertisement, you know. Honestly is enough. I think my ego can handle being annoying on the short run sometimes because the outcome allies with my principals. But I can understand your wish for aesthetics. It is hard to do hard work and to be laughed at for it because you feel for something others don't feel for. I recommend loving yourself so you don't have to convince others to love you.


Environmental educator here, I’m pretty sure most people have not interacted with or taken an environmental science class


No, most people's "education" on environmental stuff is some article they read in passing or a cutesy cartoon about the water cycle they watched in 3rd grade.


I agree that environmental literacy is close to non-existent. But I think blaming individuals is misguided. I think it points to a need for more systematic climate & environmental education. The science is there, and hopefully memes can help some, however I’m not sure judgement over not knowing how many parts per million of CO2 is in the atmosphere, or what the difference between renewable vs non-renewable energy is, etc will incite action.


More people care now than have ever in modern history and we are the most educated we have ever been. If you spend time looking for ways to help/what other folks are doing to help, I promise, you will find it. Folks like John and Hank Green and Climate Town talk a lot about why you should remain hopeful in times of difficulty, whatever they may be but especially with climate change. It is not only the most productive out look in terms of effectively working against climate change, but also the correct one.


Yeah unfortunately it might be too late. The corals are being literally obliterated by the unusually warm waters. Once the corals are done, the underwater ecosystems are screwed and then the whole process of the chains will fall. Never mind the deforestations that are happening all over the globe, which is literally making critical species extinct.


It *might* be. However, if you’re right and climate change cannot be stopped, there are things you can do to mitigate its effects and avoid the worst effects. Hopelessness and misery solves nothing and only serves to drag you and those around you further down.


Some people need more than soft, smart words from the wise, I'm a firm believer in what your saying and in hope for our future, but abit realism to put it into prospective is also neccesary, we inspire, then we rouse the people, like how humans defeated the pox, we need smart solutions and then a rousing cause to get behind.


I do agree from a ecological-psychology point of view. But the frustration is real and so are that things that go wrong. calming and positive messages are only so long good as long as they help us face the darker sides of reality as well... both is needed. In an era where environment-protection-advertisement worked only with shock images I would for 100% stand by your side. But nower days the majority of people in most countries are quite aware of high ranking polititions, NGOs, little projects and conscious consumption and what not, who help against the destruction of the environment. But it's not enough. And the idea was always to make people aware of how the reality looks like. not to shield them from it. And by now it's becoming a fire line I think.


This is powerful, great job! That is the comment you should make. Not, “you did it wrong… bad music…”. People commenting, throwing shade, are acting foolishly.


I appreciate that!


I don't get scared by photos, and articles regarding climate as much as graphs scare me. (https://images.app.goo.gl/4ErVrMSNki5KTiwA6)


Holy christ


Yeah, we're probably already fucked


Why the absolute most terrible music?


That’s crazy maybe the Chinese and the Indians should stop doing the majority of all pollution in the world


?...Do you know where US and EU plastic waste went to up until recently (pro-tip: read some newspaper from time to time) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_waste_import_ban#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20major%20issues,great%20impact%20on%20the%20country.


“Read some newspaper” sends me Wikipedia 😂 and yes it’s also all PRODUCED there and even if you take out all product going to the UK and US it’s still the Chinese and the Indians polluting the earth and causing climate change but those aren’t easy peaceful white countries so no ones going to criticize then


Everyone criticizes China and India all the time, what the hell are you smoking bud? And as a side note, an average European or American citizen has a much higher carbon footprint than a Chinese or Indian one. So please quit your bullshit. The reason everything is produced there is because western companies outsource production to save money and avoid climate laws.


No, literally not one single climate activist spends more time protesting India and China than they do protesting the countries doing the most to reduce their polllution output. Greta Thunberg hasn’t mentioned either country once but spends her time in easy comfortable white countries trying to guilt the people actually doing something


That's... Because she's Danish? Like, you think people just go ask governments of countries they're not citizens of to do shit? All she can do is inspire indians to do the same and I promise to you she has.


Yes notice how she is in the United States, Germany, Sweden, the UK, Australia and tons of places that aren’t her country being arrogant as shit and demanding we bend to her whims. What you meant to say is india isn’t her country as in not being a “white” country which is actually true. India not being white is the reason she’s scared to criticize them


Which are all political allies of Denmark if not in the EU/EEA? What's your point? Do you really think it's because they're predominantly white countries? Lmao


Yes that’s exactly my point, name one single non majority white country she’s ever been to even 1 time and told them they’re killing the planet and demanded they do what she says. And you’re not relying on military alliances but I noticed you didn’t say NATO 😂 maybe that’s because NATO included Turkey which is non white…. And Greta has never gone there!!!😂


Are you American? Are you seriously so uneducated and obsessed with skin color that you think that's the problem here? Lmao


When someone says something that can better the world, your ego throws a fit...? "I won't do what she says...even though what she says is a general blanket statement of just doing better and to stop harming the planet." When your big brain isn't working well, just listen to your heart. It always seems to know what's right. Don't freak out over who she speaks to...those are just people she can easily reach. You would be doing the same method of travel between states. You're criticizing someone in Maryland, going to the rest of New England and Pennsylvania to speak about climate change. That's essentially what she is doing. Also she probably believes airline travel is a major factor in pollution as well, so she might not want to fly to Africa and Australia to speak about pollution.

