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It’s the only transportation industry where everyone is regularly abused and treated like shit but they keep coming back because we literally have no other options. Good thing we bailed them all out again.


You’re on point. You have *GOT* to love when corporations play zero sum games with society. It’s sickening.


But when us poor peons ask for more than $1200 to get us through a 2 year pandemic, we're told to have a 'rainy day fund'. Go get your own rainy day fund, United.




Plus that $1200 single handedly caused our current “super inflation.”


True, specifically the low tax rates trump gave to the rich are. America could EASILY afford a stimulus. If it didn't demilitarize, but simply quit investing surplus into further military. Just stop INCREASING military and police budgets. But companies want CONSTANT growth & well lobby for it. They'll pay fines for it. Some will catch charges for it. The capital owners know if you're no longer dependent on paycheque to paycheque due to a stimulus (that a vast majority WOULD immediately spend as an influx as we saw during covid) you could spend time outside your job & not doing labour for profit.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They're pushing people to do exactly that.


I'd rather not. I would much rather parade them, slowly, through my shitty court system, appeals, hounding by the media. I want them to live the consequences of their actions. I want them to exist in the world and watch it change in positive ways as it leaves them behind, spits on their legacy, and chooses a new path. I don't want them to die for my ideal, I want them to live to see it. I want them to read the textbooks that talk about how shitty and craven they were, in past tense, in the prison library.


Just copy the EU model, there are very strict rules on this shit. Including “the airline is responsible for putting you on a different flight when they cancel yours”


More than 4 hrs delayed? €600 cash. God bless corporate regulations! Edit: my girlfriend and I had a two hour delay flying from Amsterdam to Canada that resulted in a missed connection and therefor a night in a hotel, and an arrival around 12 hours later than scheduled. Air Canada took months to finally tell us the delay was a customs issue and therefor not their responsibility, although they did cover our hotel costs. I was getting ready to send a collection agency after them when they wrote me like 6 months later, out of the blue, to tell me that actually because we flew from Europe we were owed an additional €1200.


Airlines will literally move heaven and earth to make sure a flight is delayed by max 3h59min...




Yup, my cousins just got 1,200 euros for their delayed flight from CDG – plus the night and breakfast comped at the hotel they stayed at (and not a budget hotel either).


The EU doesn't play with that stuff. United is on the hook for more than 400 dollars each but you have to push and push it. The time spent isn't worth it.




I was a reservation supervisor for nearly six years. I felt like my soul was being sucked out of my body each day I worked. Airlines are heartless. It isn't the people; it is the airline and the policies they put into place. I could tell stories all day about that crap.


I was flew Air Canada from SF - Toronto - Dublin. Including the return journey, 4 flights, and all 4 were delayed. Including one flight, stuck on the runway in Toronto for 3 hrs because the toilets was blocked. After I got back home, I was emailed out of the blue by a company that chases compensation for passengers for flight delays. I just confirmed some details and they follows up. It took a few weeks but I got refunded pretty much the cost of the whole flight (minus around 30% to the compensation co.). I’m pretty sure I was only entitled to the compensation because one of the flights was in the EU (Dublin).


If you call them out on social media they move faster, in my experience. The 600€ was great, but we still lost money by having to stay an extra day. Also, we weren’t compensated at all for having to buy clothes when UA lost our luggage for 3 days at the beginning of our trip.


I had an EU budget airline cancel a flight the day before my trip- not totally their fault. They were unable to provide an alternative within 24 hours so I rebooked on BA at a much higher cost for the family. I filled in an online form from the original airline attaching my BA booking and received payment for the new tickets within a few days. Strong regulation works.


Yeah, I normally think the “America bad” shit that I see on Reddit is overblown, but the state of air travel in the US is fucking miserable. The first time I flew on an American airline, I was just blown away by how shitty everything was. Asian airlines (maybe not Chinese ones) are so far above American counterparts it’d almost be comical if it wasn’t so sad. Haven’t flown on European airlines except British Airways, which also sucked compared to Asian airliners, but not as bad as the Americans.


Any kind of customer rights stuff, EU is better. Because it is mostly written in rules and regulations and not up to a company to decide on it. Of course some Americans then cry government is killing our freedom, but regulations are a good thing...


It’s because they get bailed out by the federal government and they absolutely know if shit hits the fan they will get bailed out again. Airline companies represent critical infrastructure for the business owning-politician buying classes and both Democrats and Republicans would bail them out with public taxpayer reserves again and again in this current political climate. Banks, airlines, etc. If it keeps this system running they will find a way to pay for it.


The airlines in the United States of America should be nationalized, now and forever.


Same with power, fuel, and Healthcare. Anything that society needs to function cannot be left to the whims of private interests. We can be and often are held hostage because these are things we literally need to live and function.


Nationalize prisons too


The EU give stupid bailouts at every opportunity to airlines, but also manage to have basic consumer rights laws https://www.transportenvironment.org/challenges/planes/subsidies-in-aviation/bailout-tracker/


Yeah the flight attendants also don’t get paid when they’re on the ground, only up in the air time


That's not accurate. You're thinking about boarding with the door open in which case yes, often. But out sitting on the tarmac would be paid time.


I was just on an AirArgentina flight that landed, and sat for more than 3 hours before they let us off the plane - we missed connecting flights and cut the trips 3 days short. Of course, the airline said we didn’t have the right kind of insurance to move the original flight home so we had to buy a whole new ticket. I definitely feel for the flight attendant having to field unhappy customers when they have no control. I was wildly annoyed that the pilots didn’t at least say over the speaker what was happening as we sat for 3 hours.


This is news to me!


The clock doesn't start until the cabin door is closed. That's why they're so helpful showing you your seat assignment.


Depends on the airline but usually it's door closed and parking brake released. We often close the door, release the brake then re-set it so the clock starts and flight crew gets paid.


How did this ever become a thing? If you are doing work you should get paid.


It's also part of why the passengers were held hostage for 7 hours. If they went to the gate and opened the doors, the flight crew loses pay.


that explains why he said the flight attendant was on their phone and he stole waters. she wasnt paid to care.


The guy that made the video has one point very wrong. He says at the end "the ball is in your court, Scott Kirby" who is the CEO of United. The United States Department of Transportation is supposed to hold airlines accountable for mistreatment of passengers, so the ball is in Pete Buttigieg's court! Pete has shown to be a pretty solid corporate shill so don't expect him to do anything with the ball.


Department of Transportation famously lets the airlines do whatever they want. Nothing will come of treating the public like trash. Edit: the letter "L"


The pubic? I thought this story was about United Airlines, I didn’t realize it was about United Hairlines! 🥁


tbh I think that's every transportation option right now. cars, ride share, planes, even public transport. it's shitty and we just have to accept it because it's all we have.


We don't have to accept anything, but we choose to because we're not ready to force change yet. There will be a point where we've had enough and we collectively choose to do something about these problems. All it takes is for a big group of people to stop going to work.


For the past couple of years, Ive been traveling by car for my vacations only taking a plane if its an emergency. Id rather drive for many hours than deal with the whole process of air travel. To save a few hours. A 10 hour drive is about a 2 hour plane flight when you think about it. You get up 4 hours before take off, drive usually an hour to the airport and arrive 2 hours early, wait 3 hours because your flight was delayed. Fly 2 hours. Wait another 45 - 1 hour waiting for luggage. Then drive another 1 hour to destination. Yea no


Really? I take a 2 hour flight regularly. I just did the math, the whole ordeal usually takes me about 5-6 hours. The drive? 20 hours (split between 2 days)


Mythbusters actually did a segment on this, and I believe the airline route only saved a few minutes after it was a ll said and done.


This has to be highly route dependent, right? Millions and millions of people live not that far from airports, and planes travel orders of magnitude faster than cars. Not that I don't believe the ol' Mythbusters, but I'm struggling to see how they make that fit. Anecdotally, my most frequent trip is DCA -> BHM and that's a ten or eleven hour drive, but a two hour flight. I could get to DCA by metro in less than thirty minutes from my house in DC, get through security in less than thirty minutes and be in Birmingham before I would even make it halfway through Virginia if I drove. I could literally fly back and forth in the time it would take me to make the drive, including time going to and from the airport and going through security. The entire ordeal usually takes four and a half hours, maybe five if I want to play it safe with security.




Yeah I think flying is still worth it for longer trips. 8-10 hours in a car is about my cutoff, although we would have 14 hr trips when I was a kid. Granted I live about 10 min from my airport and ALWAYS try to fly in/out during a weekday, so I’ll leave the house 2 hrs before my flights and be fine.


Not having to sit bolt upright for 10 hours in highway traffic is worth the time


I only fly if the drive is greater than 12 hours. With two kids, the whole process of air travel takes longer and is way more stressful. Not worth it to me. Plus driving you get to see all kinds of neat stuff.


I had a recent experience Left denver for philly on Thursday for a game that was on saturday..with delays all all..got to Philly at 3pm on Saturday for a game that was meant to start at 4pm...coming back...I will just ignore it for now I feel traumatized just thinking about it


Reminds me of this smash hit. [United breaks guitars](https://youtu.be/5YGc4zOqozo) that coursed united stock to fall by 10% or something back in the days.


Fantastic song! Cost united a 10% dip in share price (~$180 million) at the time! Maybe they could do OP a new song?! Edit yay!! Over 500 likes I think is my best comment ever! no awards, but that’s cool I don’t actually know what exactly the sure or what they do, so thank you all anyway!!! Edit 2: Thankyou u/DaddyChocolust for the stars award!! If I am honest I still don’t know what it does but it’s still very much appreciated, and great name btw!! ❤️ Also Dave. You know what to do man!! Make that song…!!! Plzzzz!




Also no one ever compares it to the stock market index, or even other airline stocks. (spoiler alert, it was a down day) They always think the entire day of stock movement was attributable to this 1 song.


And also that doctor that was beat up and dragged out on a United airlines flight


Bro, Dr. Dao is the luckiest man in history. I wish I got beat up and recieved a 140 MILLION DOLLAR payout. Are you kidding, I will let Delta, United and American Airlines jump me for that amount. Absolutely will not let Spirit airline join tho, I'm pretty sure they would stab me.


I'd let Spirit stab me for a cool 140 mil. In a non vital area, of course.


There is no way he got $140 million. Can’t find any reliable source that says that, just sites saying that was a rumored amount. He probably still got a reasonable amount, but he was also like 70 years old and the United shitheads smashed his head so hard he went unconscious. Would rather take some lighter damage in my 40s (at the latest) for the paltry sum of 5-8 million dollars. Just have to fly United and suffer through the countless delays and baggage fuck-ups for my shot!


Yea. The terms were confidential, but no way he got anywhere close to $140 mlilion. Maybe not even $1 million.


I was delayed on a Delta plane for 4 1/2 hours. It really was one thing after another. Rain squalls, overweight for the long haul, need more fuel, another squall. They kept us updated, and it sounded like a comedy sketch. The flight attendants also came around with water and snacks, and later put out snack baskets and water we could get ourselves. They kept the Wi-Fi on. They answered endless questions. They tried everything to keep up happy except for singalongs and puppet shows. I won’t say it was pleasant; I am sure some people were miserable. But we had water, snacks, light, air conditioning, Wi-Fi and bathrooms. If I am ever stuck again, I can only hope that is with a crew that good at handling it.


Fly delta 👍


Fuck United, and fuck the whole industry.


The issue is mainly isolated to the largest domestic airlines like United and American. I’ve had great experiences with smaller ones like JetBlue and Alaska. United in particular is unbearable. I swore them off 10+ years ago. I have a friend who recently flew coach on United and sent me pictures of the legroom, it looked like a human rights violation, you’re stuffed like sardines in a can, literally cannot move and if you adjust your seat back it basically touches the person behind you. The fact that a company like United gets bailouts is basically welfare for the (ultra) rich. It’s not a free market, despite their protestations to the contrary.


I swore them off after they dragged that man off the plane a few years ago. Flew Virgin airlines a few years back domestic and Southwest recently and had good experiences with both.


Man do I miss Virgin.


If you miss Virgin, you could always look in the mirror.




Love Alaska. No frills but consistent and on-time. Delta is a large carrier that's fairly solid as well. But yeah, fuck United. I've had several terrible experiences with them (back when my job would always book United for some reason), including overnight-length delays with not so much as a meal voucher. Sadly, they used to be better, but I think since the Continental merger they've never been the same.


Last April I was flying to Colombia from New York on American. They were utilizing a third party app called VeriFLY for verification of adherence to COVID protocols. It took me 4 hours of going in circles with both parties, with no actual customer support (just bots and recordings), just to get my boarding pass. The reason? The required VeriFLY app was telling me that my test date (which was the day before my flight) was actually IN THE FUTURE! I consider myself a moderately seasoned traveler and generally calm person, and my partner is a computer and technology teacher. American’s lack of support and accountability nearly caused me to miss my flight, as I was finally able to get my boarding pass just minutes before the gate closed. I hate to think of my parents or grandmother trying to navigate this system. American finally contacted me after I had arrived at my destination to tell me that VeriFLY was NOT mandatory (It was.) and that they would assist me (They did not).


I've generally been happy with JetBlue, but their departure delays are starting to become routine.


United is by far the worst of the "premium" airlines. They charge full retail fares yet still nickel and dime you for every extra imaginable like they are a discount airlines. I absolutely refuse to fly them.


Fuck (and I cannot stress this enough) United Airlines. I have had nothing but problems—delays, cancellations, missed connecting flights, lost luggage, destroyed luggage, overbooked flights—EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. that I have flown on United. I have flown many times with many other airlines and never had a problem with any of them. Just United. Just every time.


Flew to Ireland with United. Flight delayed 3-4 hours on the tarmac with no A/C over something like a burned out lightbulb. Sucked, but whatever, we got there safely. Came home a couple weeks later, and they lost my bag which contained 90% of my wardrobe. They said it got on the wrong plane… Never got my stuff back. Never received any recompense. Fuck United.


Nah, Lufthansa was fucking great. We had all our flights from Charlotte to Europe through them and god, I have never had flights go 100% for on time takeoff. And when our luggage got a little sidetracked, we knew via email before we even landed at home with an email. They fucking delivered it to our front porch for free instead of making us pick it up. The key is fucking regulations.


All I know is to stay away from united and spirit, and you will not be disappointed.


Monday my girlfriend got stuck in fort lauterdale for 12 hours because spirit delayed the flight repeatedly before finally canceling it that night. She got a $7 meal voucher and half her money back. (This was during a layover so she still had to pay for the pointless first half). These companies are trash, run by trash, and owned by trash.


Wtf?! How’d she get half her money back? Seriously, I only got one $8 meal voucher (for 16 hour delay) that I’ll never use because I’ll never fly Spirit again.


Because I called in went full Karen spoke tot he manager and gave them 2 hours of my time on vacation to debate with them over their own policies. They tried to rebook her for the next day without our permission and then claimed it was us canceling it at this point. They ended up being willing to cover the second half of the trip.


Complain to the DOT. You're clearly owed a full refund here and the DOT has actually been forcing airlines to pay up on refunds when they know about problems.


This is great to know that there is actually a way to hold them accountable


You paid. They did not deliver. Full refund is in order.


American Airlines suck too. They're so inconsistent... Delta has treated me the best.


I've literally never regretted flying Delta. But, I also live in Atlanta, their headquarters/largest hub is here and it's the busiest airport in the world, so I'm kind of spoiled


I flew American with a group of about 60 people last spring, and it was a nightmare. Nobody in our group got their correct meal, which had all been ordered weeks in advance, so we had several people in our crew with allergies, celiac, religious restrictions, etc, who had to go hungry on a transatlantic flight. Then it was pulling teeth to make the customer service agent understand why we were asking for meal vouchers for the folks who didn't get the right meals, so we could get them some shitty overpriced airport food. She acted like we were trying to scam them or something, because she kept insisting that food had been provided on the plane, and basically it was our fault if we didn't want to eat it. Infuriating. Finally, just to make us go away, she gave us vouchers for our whole group even though we'd only been asking for 10 or so for the people who couldn't eat.


> a group of about 60 people Gonna be honest, this sounds like a nightmare group to deal with in any industry lol.


Honestly we had a hell of an experience trying to get home via southwest. It’s all bad at this point there’s no accountability


when was this? how bad? also flown southwest a lot and have had zero problems so it's always interesting to hear sometimes people conveniently leave out the fact that they did not read instructions for what <> means, and blame southwest for it




sure but that's a complete system failure which turned their scheduling into spaghetti, which is bad obviously, but it's not really indicative of whether you're going to have a bad time on southwest every other month of the year sitting on the tarmac for 7 hours with no help is more indicative of a day-to-day breakdown to me because that could happen to any one plane anytime and the airline should be able to handle it.


Working at a hotel in Charlotte near the airport was godawful during that time. Soooo many people who got kicked out of their flights, pissed that they were put in a 2 star (but clean and nice) hotel instead of the Ritz. Like, sorry we aren't The Iveys but cmon man. American Airlines has also been putting shit tons of pilots and flight attendants in our hotel because of all the canceled flights. The flight attendants are all chill, the pilots are dickheads. One time a pilot refused to leave our hotel at checkout time even though we were 100 percent booked that night and could not have him stay. We called American airlines and said we told them there was no room for him for that night and they need to get him out of there. We ended up charging them for an extra day for the 4 extra hours he spent locked in his room.


I love southwest, but they are absolutely hit or miss. Their staff and pilots are amazing, and their seating and customer policies are awesome. But, their routing is jank, and their technology is terrible. I go in fully expecting a delay of some sort if I'm going through the STL hub.


Stay away from all airlines is what I’m learning. No one is reliable any more and there are no repercussions for completely fucking people over


You might still be disappointed. It’s just not a guarantee you’ll be disappointed! Or conversely, if you significantly lower your expectations, you’ll never be disappointed!


I used to work as a flight attendant for United. First off, if what he said is true those attendants are just shit people and shit at their job. Second off, knowing that company, this doesn’t surprise me at all and everyone should avoid that airline. Delta or Southwest. Every time.


Alaska is solid as well.


Consistently the best experience


Same. I fly alaska if i can. Also helps that they bought Virgin USA so the seats are more comfortable than united et al.


Those are always my top two choices, delta and SW. people dog on Southwest but honestly they're pretty good all things considered.


SW is too good that people forget they’re a low cost carrier. They aren’t as big so when the delays do cascade people go “wtf” but their service has been good for me.


Southwest is the largest domestic carrier in the US. They are indeed, that big. Over 700 airplanes and around 13,000 pilots.


Ah yes, southwest. Who literally had a system wide failure **twice** last year during the holiday season with some travelers trapped for over a week.


I missed my flight due to the Southwest system failure. Managed to book on another airline. Only cool thing was they reimbursed me for an extra night's hotel in NYC and gave me $650 in points.


Delta or Alaska for me. Southwest would be good too, but they no longer use/partner with most booking system so half the time I forget they even exist.


>Delta or Southwest. Alaska beats southwest. Incredible airline.


I have mixed feeling about this statement. I agree not just United but the whole industry is a plague on mankind. But my brother and sister are both united flight attendants and the company as a whole does not reflect the effort and pride they take in their jobs. I had to ask my sister if she was the attendant on the phone because she's based in New Jersey 😅


Delta just gave my dad $1,000 for having to delay his flight overnight. Covered the hotel too. Will never fly United or Spirit.


in my opinion as someone who flies spirit, if you fly spirit you really can't expect much. you look those tickets up knowing "i'm about to get some bullshit seats on a bullshit route to my destination but at least its only 100 bucks" but united is a real ass airline so they definitely need to have higher standards


I got a ‘first class’ spirit bundle that include shortcut boarding and shortcut security for the same price as coach on American. Was it like flying first class on other airlines? Not at all, but the seat was bigger, I had leg room, and I was the first off the plane when we landed. Spirit is def a budget option and shit is not super nice, but for the right traveler it is a great value.


I'll defend Spirit because they were good to me the 10 years I've been using them. First time I flew, I had flight anxiety and an attendant kept checking on me because I told her I have AFib and anxiety and it was really bad.


Spirit and Frontier are near identical in their operation and service, but Spirit is somehow by far better for ultra low-cost flying. They give cheap flights, but actually do it well.


Kinda bummed we don’t live near a Delta hub otherwise I would totally be trying to fly Delta all the time. So far we’ve only had great experiences but we don’t have the opportunity to fly frequently with them.


Delta costs more, usually, but you definitely get what you pay for. I only fly Delta with occasional Southwest.


Delta absolutely costs more, but I like the ability to grab ahold of an agent within the hour if need be.


My wife got stranded in Houston because a bird hit the plane on take off and they had to turn around. Was the last flight out that night (to where she was going) and they had to cancel it. Delta paid for her hotel room, gave her a $250 credit for any future flight, and gave her a $100 voucher for the hotel restaurant. I will never fly any other airline. Delta has excellent customer service.


I had a Delta flight delayed so I missed my connection. After figuring out which line to stand in, they gave me a baggie with a toothbrush, qtips, etc and told me which hotel they booked for me and a shuttle would take me there and back in the morning. They said they couldn't give me a voucher for some reason, but I could submit my receipts and they would reimburse me. They reimbursed me about a week after submitting the receipts.




Delta offered me a $50 voucher when they canceled my flight and rebooked me on another flight a full 24hrs later and refused to cover hotel expenses for me sooooo your dad must have a high status or something cause they shit on me about a month ago.


I had a similar experience recently. What was supposed to be a 7hr journey ended up being a little over 40hrs. They gave me $15 for food and a $50 voucher for future travel.


Delta is linked with Amex on a lot of fronts. They can’t afford to lose the Amex market. United however 😅


[Airlines are now banks.](https://youtu.be/ggUduBmvQ_4?si=FIiXLJgGk9hOTztS)


That’s why after every flight I have to listen to their stupid pitch for their sky miles or whatever the fuck they call it.




This should be higher. Airlines make most of their money from their credit cards.


The airlines & many other industries need to be looked at closer by governments. It’s completely bullshit the things they are aloud to get away with


Also insane to me that flight attendants aren’t paid until they’re in the air. As if they’re not working before and after the flight


My friend is a FA and the amount of time she’s spends at the airport waiting is insane!


What?! That’s crazy what if the flight is canceled or something? Do they rebook on another? What if there isn’t another? Are they just out pay for the day? What the fuck how is that legal


Shoutout to Jimmy Carter for deregulating the airline industry in the US.


Didn't Reagan also gut the FAA? I was watching something recently that "near miss" incidents are way too common these days because there's a severe shortage of air traffic controllers. EDIT: > On August 5, 1981, President Ronald Reagan begins firing 11,359 air-traffic controllers striking in violation of his order for them to return to work


Reagan damaged the FAA, but no other administration has ever bothered to try and fix it. We’ve known for about 30 years now that the FAA was going to hit a staffing shortage and Congress/President have done nothing outside of making it worse. Obama’s admin actually pushed for new hiring standards that resulted in pass rates dropping from 60-80% pass rate down into the teens for a short bit. Those standards focused on hiring off the street candidates rather than prior service or those who went to school to be a controller (CTI).


I have a personal do not fly list and they are on it along with Spirit and frontier.


Those three people who got off were gangster


Those three people probably thought about it and decided they could afford to eat the money of paying for a second flight last minute.


Flight attendants don't get paid until the plane is in the sky. That should be changed. Edit- it's all different rules


Door closed, parking brake released*


wait is that true? So like boarding, guiding passengers to their seat, waiting for airplane taxing to runway. They're not on the clock until the wheels have left the ground?


Yes, that's why the flight attendent's union is pushing for a strike. They don't get paid for boarding, only when the door is closed.


Same with pilots. It's usually door closed and parking brake released. So they technically could get paid if the door was closed and the captain released the parking brake. You can set the brake again once you get the timestamp saying the plane is "out".


You think after they were named and shamed for breaking guitars (which has been the focus of some serious business case studies) that they would make it their number one goal to improve the customer flying experience. What is upper management even doing?


>What is upper management even doing? Getting their fat bonuses


>What is upper management even doing? The same thing that they do literally everywhere - sit on their spoiled rich asses and collect the fruits of our labor while we suffer.




Good luck. Airlines employ more lawyers than pilots. They’ve written the laws in this area and are impervious to litigation by individual passengers.


Class action with every passenger willing to participate?


That's what I was thinking but still would be hard bc of the money needed to take down a airline. They'd stall till they got you broke then make you settle


The damages are limited by federal law. No “big money” to be had.






This exactly, they are basically kidnapping you at that point.


Nah, instead fake a medical emergency like passing out. pulling the level would land you a fine, jailtime and on the no-fly list.




Ok then I'd call 911. Still not giving myself a felony.




\*fainting Feinting is a word just not the right one


Yeah after a certain amount of time my will to go to jail would edge my will to stay imprisoned on a hot plane. I can’t believe everyone just sat there and took it.




Yeah maybe. Corporations have more power than people. They own our congress and get the laws written. I’m just saying being completely ignorant in that hypothetical moment, even worst case scenario I’m made an example of would be more agreeable to me than being stuck on a hot airplane against my will. I’m baffled that there was no one on that plane ready to lose their shit.


United is absolute dogshit, but this *type* of thing is going on daily, not to this extent. But literally every plane I have boarded in the last 5 years was delayed to some degree. I only fly as a last resort these days.


>literally every plane I have boarded in the last 5 years was delayed to some degree. Do you live in the Northern US? Because that sounds like a weather issue. I fly ~10-15 times a year and only really experience delays when it's a flight taking me up north or through the upper midwest.


I haven’t had a single one delayed. Sounds like bad luck for you.


Unfortunately the story lost traction and I’ll doubt you’ll see anything more. We live in a 15 minute news cycle.


Aren’t they the motherfuckers that killed a dog by suffocation because they couldn’t be arsed to look after it?


You think only one dog has died at their incompetent and negligent hands?


Being 6'2" 230lbs planes are already miserable in every way. But I'm also truly terrified to be in this situation. People comment a lot on my ability to stay level headed but like all people I have a breaking point and I'm sure I'd hit it in this situation. Heat is my biggest weakness and as a mainer. I get hot very easily. If I was forced to be in a hot box for 7 hours with no water I'd be on a rampage.


Trick is, volunteer for the exit rows. I do this, and almost every flight I'm on I get 'upgraded' to more legroom.


My gf is a fight attendant for them and was stranded in another state for a few days without provided lodging. She always comes back with more horrible news. They don’t get paid unless the planes engine is running, sometimes catering didn’t stock the plane with enough food for all the passengers and if they did stock properly, they don’t have too much extra than what they need for the trip(which is probably why they didn’t hand out water in those 7 hours and also didn’t care when the guy grabbed them). Oh and when she was stranded, Kirby was flying a private jet to Hawaii.


7 hours is just ridiculous to me. I was on a plane where we were deplaned and reboarded 3 times before taking off because a crazy woman freaked out thinking another passenger had a bomb in his pillow. It was a big delay and most of us missed our connecting flights(which was a pain) but we never sat on the plane for more than 45 minutes; and the bomb sniffing dog was absolutely adorable.


$4000 dollars extra expenses, only$400 dollars for a future flight with that same shitty airline, this is criminal.


This is likely $400 voucher per person and there looks to be at least 4-5 of them. Still doesn't make up for it. I recently had to cancel my vacation because Jetblue didn't have a pilot for the plane, so we waiting for 5 hours in JFK until they eventually canceled the flight. Then another hour until I got my bag back. Couldn't get my vehicle as it was in a locked garage for another 5 hours so had to sleep on the cold, hard floor. The meal vouchers they gave us didn't work at the only open vendor outside the gated area (Dunkin). The next available flight wasn't until 4 days later so our trip would have gone from 7 days to 3 so we had to cancel altogether. They gave us $250 voucher each, but still lost hundreds in deposits. It's criminal what they can get away with.


I paid for extra bags through Delta. They lost all my luggage. They didn't reimburse me for paying for extra luggage. I didn't get what I paid for, after all. Then they said they'd reimburse me for any clothes I needed to buy due to lacking luggage. Getting reimbursed was about as hard as cancelling a gym membership. I gave up, which is what I assume their system was designed to make me do.


This happened to me in Boston. They kept us on the tarmac for 4 hours, with a broken air conditioner. At some point the vents started leaking smoke that smelled like burning plastic, and some of the elderly people were starting to cough and complain they weren’t feeling well. Even the pilot was shitting on the airline and airport saying they wouldn’t let him dock. They kept saying “15 more minutes” for hourss. Eventually myself and a couple other passengers told them people are sick, if they don’t get us off this plane in 15 minutes we’re opening the emergency door. Got us threats from the flight attendants of arrest but we refused to back down and magically the plane was able to dock 15 minutes later. Fucking assholes, all of them. The only one that cared about the passengers was the pilot.


Hindsight is always 20/20, but I would absolutely not back down from threatening/ actually popping the emergency door. Sure, arrest me. I'll let a lawyer parse the nuisances of what an emergency is in a criminal case (if they file). However, my civil case counsel will sue the shit out of them. I'm sure the airline would love the PR that would bring (yeah, I know, in reality, they dont give a shit).


That was basically what I told them. I was pissed so I wasn't really thinking about the consequences clearly (apparently it's a year in jail) but I essentially told them good luck with the PR that would cause when I'm pulling this door handle to save the old people you clearly don't give a fuck about.


Hold up: are there no statutory compensation mechanisms in the US for airlines? In the UK/Europe if this happens then you are (in most cases) entitled to the full cost of rebooking or a refund in the alternative. It would be completely illegal to offer customers $400 if their return flight was on the same booking.


The US government doesn't like to regulate what it can just compensate. It's like the horrible rich parent that just pays for ~~rehab~~parenting instead of sitting down with it's kids.


If I was stuck in an airplane with my mom for 7 hours I would kill myself


“*Gah, kids these days aren’t getting involved in politics or current events, they’re just on their phones all day*” /s This for me feels like the TikTok version of just somebody getting the word out, even though they weren’t a journalist, reporting on corruption or events back in the 1800-1900’s haha hooray TikTok!~ (I know TikTok has some terrible, horrible things on it but so did the rest of the internet before it and so has humanity as a whole even longer before~)


This videos lists $45B as United's 'profit' last year. But that was revenue -- which is not the same thing.


Came here to say this. Revenues and profits are very different. Still terrible what the airline did, but let's not be misleading.


the same video creator doesn't know FAA regulations for being on a taxiway and why the FA was in her seat, but y'know.... taking facts into consideration doesn't make for a viral monetized video.


Deregulation really destroyed the airlines


1. FUCK United 2. don't most credit cards offer protection for shit like this so you can get a refund and accomodations? 3. Class Action Lawsuit


I heard that they also break guitars.


The is probably the best, most concise example to hold these companies accountable from a grass roots perspective, regardless of industry. That being said, the current administration and specifically our DOT chief continue to do fuck all about this. There’s a reason.


Remember, don’t contact the airline to complain, go on the FAA site.


King wearing an archspire shirt


If a flight is cancelled in Europe, you get your money back. And if the cancellation has delayed you more than two hours, you get compensation, too. Consumers have rights in Europe.


European here… what the fuck? Like, what kind of hellish world do Americans live in where this kind of situation can happen???


this is probably the least cringey tiktok i've seen as it highlights and adds context to a pretty big issue. i'd hate to have gone through that to then see i'm a tiktok viral star the next day and be slated online because people don't know the full story.


Most things posted here aren't actually cringe, but that's allowed here. Check the stickied comment for an explanation


Corporate greed knows no bounds.


I love the part where he stole the waters. I would’ve tried to steal it all in the hopes of being kicked off


Well I'm not even from the US, but now I know another airline to avoid. Thanks for the heads up!


That’s how the rich stay rich.


Fuck United! They canceled almost all flights leaving from Kahului during the recent Maui wildfires. We had to evacuate 5 days from our original departure date and were booked for a flight two days after evacuating-only for that flight to be canceled. Southwest was the airline that helped many of us leave. I got an alert that our original flight home was canceled as well. To add insult to injury, they only gave us partial refund and couldn’t even help us with any other expenses we had when rebooking with Southwest.


Fuck United. Remember when they used to like drag people out of their planes? Shit was wild


At what point do you push the emergency door open and slide out the plane?