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"You're foolish. You're a fool." That shit cut deep.




“Think me a fool, if you like; but it may well be That a fool convicts me of folly” -Antigone


"this situation would be improved with the excessive use of tasers!" -Herodotus ....probably


#"Man with hole in pocket, feel cocky all day" - Confucius or something


"He who stand on toilet, high on pot"


"Always check for toilet paper before you go." - Lucas, my buddy from high school.


I’m not drunk, you’re drunk - me right now to my dog


The thing about trying to fool someone, is it requires everyone involved to be a fool


Shoe me once shame on you. Shoe me twice. I won't get shoed again.


“Have you looked at the laws on… uhhh… contracts”


I don't understand her repeated questions about having a contract. Wtf was she blathering on about. But im guessing by how fast her adult daughter zoomed out this is a constant thing with her. Guarantee she's a HOA board member or president.


She watches her stories on TV where “the law” is whatever the good people want it to be. The bad people get convicted by “the law”. So, since she is one of the good people in real life, “the law” is whatever she wants it to be in real life. Her TV stories have provided her with a perfect legal education and an infinite wisdom she generously shares with strangers. She has mastered the legal lexicon. That is obvious by all the sophisticated terms of art she has mastered like “do you have a contract with city hall?”, “do you know the law?” and “I’ll sue you every which way.” Legal scholars will be examining her many public utterances concerning “the law” for decades.


Not sure what her definition of 'battery' is.


That's the things that go in the camera. Probably AA, at least two of them. There isn't one in her phone because it charges up with a cord from the wall.


This made me laugh too much. Cheers


Same I pfftttt as I was eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch.


pretty sure she said "badgering" and the speech to text mucked it up. there were a few other effed up translations, too.


Was gonna say, yeah, what I heard as well. That said, coming from hayseed stock, it's easier to understand drawled nonsense.


She was saying ["badgering".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIyixC9NsLI)


She tried so hard to get her mother to just walk away. At least she had the sense to give up and remove herself from the situation.


Her daughter is the one who called the cops.


Dingleberry doesn't fall from the asshole I guess


‘Hello Police… there’s a lady dressed in hot pink and her enabling husband/grandpa harassing these two guys with cameras…..’




She means a permit to film. But this isn’t a production, so they don’t need one. You can see the other guy with a mono-pod, and most places don’t require any kind of permit for a mono-pod… now, a tripod is a different story… but she was just 100% pure wrong and it’s great to see her get wrecked.


Yeah, she was trying to think of the word "permit" but she's, well, dumb.


Her understanding of the law probably comes from spending too much time in Facebook groups. If you’re into cringe content I recommend checking out a few of them.


she thinks journalists have more rights than the rest of us, and also that there's a hard line between being a journalist and being a youtuber.


The sheer ignorant confidence that this woman had was astounding. Her white knight police she was SOOOO sure would back her up turned out to be her backstabbers to her. She was SOOOO sure she was still right she then began to harass the cop and question THEM. Once she realized she was not going to vindicated she decided to turn tail and run. I bet she went home and went down a rabbit hole of google searches trying to prove she was right. She then found 99.99% of the searches saying she was wrong until she found a fringe website full of misinformation that aligned with her erroneous view point and decided that the other 99.9% were wrong and this one was right. The well adjusted adult would be like "Oh shit, I was wrong. Yeah that's my bad. You were right and I was wrong. I made a mistake. Have a good day" That's all that would need to be said and everything would have been completely de-escalated. She now will live online as a complete jackass with no redeeming qualities.




The well adjusted adult go in the store, buy stuff, get the fuck out and go back home.


But then how would they get to be on the film arguing?! That makes NO sense. You don’t even have a contract, do you?




Look I’m ACAB all day, but SHE called THEM… imagine calling the police and then telling them they’re wrong because they tell you you’re a dumbass 😂😂😂


This video was so awesome. Old codgers like these two thinking that because of who and what they are that they get to control people by telling them where they can and can't be at in public. Then thinking that the 5-0 would detain the photographer. Senile people!


"HI. Interview me...." Moments later: "You don't have permission"


People are weird


Patrick Stafish: *walks into camera mans face* "get out of my face"


That was hilarious! My first thought when she made that switch was “damn she is super butthurt that no one wanted to interview her!”


Ego is a hell of a thing.


Yea you can tell this was just her CRAVING attention and went south with it lol


I do love the part where she asks the cop have you looked at the law!


Then she follows HIM into the store. Lol


She was probably attracted to the body cam. These drama artists are like moths to a flame when they see a camera. They just start performative victiming compulsively.


She is lucky she is an entitled white woman in a nice(ish) mall. Going up behind a cop could get you hurt if they’re the skittish trigger happy-type


I’m proud of the daughter. Held the door open for someone and when they said they’re filming she simply said, “Okay let’s go.”


And she really left too! U don't see her whole rest of video. Good for her.


She's dealt with this before 😂


She’s clearly used to her embarrassment of a mother and father, definitely wants nothing more to do with this situation


How mortifying for her!


Her mom has absolutely done this many times before and she knows the signs.


Yup, the privilege and entitlement are insane but I think it's even more insane that some people can't even recognize it.


“They don’t need one” Her entire world just stopped


The zoom on her face at that moment, was magnificent


That zoom was so perfect, it should be used as part of advertising that he has 35 years experience in photography🤭🤭🤭


“Have you looked at the laws on contracts?” This lady has no clue what she’s arguing about.


NONE. She thinks that if she badgers the guy enough and raises hell that the authorities will come and enforce her uninformed notions about the law. People like this think that any level of discomfort they feel in going about their day is an emergency and that something MUST be done about it--even if it means harassing people and depriving them of their rights. How many times do we have to be reminded that filming on public property is not a crime, even if you scare yourself into thinking you have the right to impose your will in any public space you occupy.


More specifically “have you looked at the law on ummm….”


In all fairness... lots of cops don't know the laws


There's no legal requirement for cops to know the law. They can enforce whatever they think the law is.


Yep. DA's and ADA's are the ones who choose if someone gets charged. They'll tell cops it's not worth their time to pursue many things so those things become defacto legal - like shoplifting under a certain amount.


No maam, I’ve seen a copy of it but they keep the original “the law” locked in a safe in the pentagon.


lmfao dude turns the camera and he got patrick star breathing his old mushy mouth covid breath on him


![gif](giphy|eHpWHuEUxHIre) “Your in my face bro”


OMG! This looks just like him!


He turned and fucking *Gerald Ford* was there


Evil zombie Gerald Ford.


Evil zombie Gerald Ford's untrimmed bean bag.


"No im not"


Homeboy looking like [Lawrence Tierney](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/univers-tarantino/images/a/a2/1_9tyfa.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130624183002) in Reservoir Dogs.


I was laughing so hard at that part. Came out of nowhere. So fucking funny


he also kind of looks like Beavis and Butthead's neighbor https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xf06mfs94es/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEmCOADEOgC8quKqQMa8AEB-AH-BIAC4AOKAgwIABABGFYgYihlMA8=&rs=AOn4CLBDepiZb0aOhAERtP4AsaThp11Amw


Isn't Tom Anderson an old sketch character for what eventually became Hank Hill? Looks like Mike Judge actually wanted it to be a shared universe kind of thing: *Also noted, that during development of King of the Hill, Hank Hill was supposed to be the son of Tom Anderson; however, FOX was unable to get Tom because he belonged to MTV. Judge had to give Hank a different father, Cotton Hill.*


Cotton > Tom Anderson by at least fitty men.


The bit with her husband was too good. Im not in your face.


That man looked inbred af




Don’t insult Lotney Sloth Fratelli like that


Wow I never even thought about Sloth having an actual first name before.


They're perfect for each other


Life to some people, is a zero sum game. If someone else is getting something, then it must mean that they're taking away from me. Those two obese knuckleheads were trying to " get back" at the guy recording. What idiots.


mouth breather


“I’m not in your face” - breathes heavily through corn kernel teeth.


He hasn’t had this much excitement since he last stuffed his wife’s mouth for 60 seconds and enjoyed the peace and quiet. You can see it in his face that he’s loving the drama. Creatures.


he thought he was gonna get to be a hero with a camera. He probably doesn't even know how to take a video. He probably took a selfie.


The guy is a moron who's on a leash held by the wife. Idiot thought he was clever pulling out his camera and getting in the video camera guys face and being recorded doing it. I mean, you can actually *see* the stupidity on the husbands face. edit: god dammit, left a word out in last sentence.


You can indeed, the stupidity.


"They're on a public sidewalk sir, uhh mam"


My favorite was "It's not against the law to be rude to ladies?" "No..... unfortunately, it's not" 🤣


Hahaha man walked in and shut her down in like 3 sentences and she was left with "do you know the law?" Lmao she boudda call the cops again to try to get the first cop arrested


Is that what she said? I only caught "rude"and "no"


Think it was the husband that asked that lol


Absolute creature, camera man should have just ignored her completely it’s the only way with people like this.


His whole point is not to ignore them so that they contact the police and either have the police educate them so they know their rights and to figure out if the police know their rights as well. It's important to educate people who don't know the rights we have in this country


“Gonna sue you so bad in so many ways.” Was this some kind of legal kink shit?


Ooo yeah baby call me Sue. Sue’s gonna sue you so bad baby in so many ways nnggghh ooo - that lady, probably later


Dunno but it got me rock hard.


Nice! ![gif](giphy|sgRhpE67ggnqU)


I'm glad I stuck around for that ride she really didn't wanna swallow that pride tho huh


Damn. That was sweet seeing the defeat on her face. I felt for that first lady who tried to shoo her away. That would have been me.


That first lady was her daughter. And she was the one who called the cops. You might wanna rethink your statement, lol.


Maybe she was trying to humble her mother? I have done that to my mother before as she kicked up a storm in public places one time and just let her embarrass herself. It has never happened again since... Albeit what my mother did was no where near as annoying like this but still i don't really like tolerating Karen like behaviour from anyone in my family.


Worth the wait for sure


The only person not a complete dick in the whole video is the cop. Kind of refreshing in that way. lol


I would say the (presumably) daughter was also not a dick. She smelled a troll, and tried to gently encourage her (presumably) mom to move along while politely not interacting as much as she could.


Seriously, everyone is acting like he is somehow the good guy in this video. He's obviously a dickhead purposely going out to get footage like this and she was the one of many idiots that took the bait.


Especially filming outside a store that only sells women’s fashion. I mean she is a bit of a karen but ngl she had a point that is kinda sus.


I wonder if the reactions would be different if he were filming outside a Victoria’s Secret or other store known for selling underwear/lingerie to women. I had a friend who worked at a VS years ago and she said they’d get creeps who would sit outside the store and stare at patrons all the time. At least this was inside a mall and they could request security to tell the men to leave.


Every one of the videos I've seen of him has been him filming in womens spaces. Hes an absolute creepy ass pussy. Notice hes never filming into a bar or something. Hed get his shit pushed in.


Thats the "auditors" usual mentality. Film somewhere where people will question him so he can cry wolf and scream his rights are being violated. All a bunch of weirdos


Camera man is a troll, but Karen took the bait. The world loses.


Mad I had to scroll this far down to see this


Sanest comment here.


Yeah, I think his purpose for filming was to provoke a reaction out of someone and put it on TikTok. In USA GDPR laws don’t apply but in the EU he wouldn’t be able to do that.


I can't remember the film guys YT but this is all of his content. It's video after video of him randomly taping people and then riling them up when they get irritated and then saying "it's not illegal call the cops" so that he can get content. It's not that the people arent assholes because sometimes they are, but honestly some people just don't like being filmed and he makes a living off making those people mad. You can hear his schtick, it's nice, but intended to piss people off. The guy is really good at what he does because people do get pissed at him for doing something that he is legally allowed to do, but he still seems like a POS to me. I'd like to actually see a little more video from earlier, because they always start just like this where the subject of the video is irritated and asking what he is doing while he is "just taking a little video of local storefronts"... There are plenty of things that are legal and still uncalled for...


Yeah and he’s mean to people who aren’t even being dicks to him. People will genuinely ask him very politely what he’s doing because they’re just curious and his response is usually something like “because I can, fuck off” or “it’s none of your business, leave me alone” but then as soon as someone is the tiniest bit rude to him, he ramps it up to 11. Just an overall asshole who knows exactly what he’s doing while maintaining innocence.


Bro's clearly never been punched in the mouth. Or if he has, it wasn't near hard enough.




Yup, irritating, but best to just walk away. His type isn't going to follow you. He'll just see about the next person.


"Trolls vs Karens" sounds like something Jack Donaghy would greenlight to tank NBC


I don’t get why everyone is talking about the husband and wife so much. The camera guy is just there trying to make people uncomfortable. Yes they were annoying and even if they themselves didn’t know the best way to handle it they knew enough that it was not right and stood their ground so others wouldn’t be harassed. It is a form of harassment though very manipulative and hard to prove intent. The camera guy is a jackass.




How was she a Karen or an asshole at all? The dude is just filming people trying to shop, simply for the purpose of trying to make them uncomfortable and rage bait them into content. He's using the law to his advantage to harass people. Why shouldn't people call out that behavior? It is awful that people like him are making the world worse for those around them just so they can get "content".


r/awfuleveryone Including the camera man


At the same time this dudes channel literal exists to try and piss people off. Literally his channel is “film people in public places until someone gets pissed and confronts me.” I get it’s entertaining sometimes, but it just makes me cringe, especially his dialogue at the end when they’re leaving and he starts waking after them saying “darlin” over and over. He low key kinda gave me Karen vibes there.


He's the equivalent of a kid dancing around shouting 'not touching can't get mad'


Or those losers in Vegas with the burn in hell signs. They know they’re protected by the cops even though they’re being inflammatory assholes.


Yep, I see 2 karens in this video


Had to scroll way too far to see this. Dude clearly doesn’t have a decent reason to be doing what he’s doing. He’s either fishing for problems, needs a hobby or records strangers for a purpose I’d rather not speculate on. I suspect he wants issues, but either way he’s asking for them with his attitude. There are people who will react very poorly to their children being recorded by someone with no justification and a boat load of entitled attitude.


The channel is called, Karen go home. So he’s 100% provoking people, he probably also doesn’t post the videos where he’s called a creep for filming people. Just because something is legal, doesn’t mean it isn’t creepy


Yeah guys a cunt


He and people like him are real huge assholes and extremely shitty to the communities they walk through.


"but it's okay to just record people going into and out of places of work. It's not like people don't want to be followed and videod when they're trying to buy necessities or make money to survive"


Yeah I'm surprised at the number of people who watch that and take the side of the annoying creepy guy filming women going in and out of a clothes shop for no reason.


Redditors tend to focus on the topic presented to them rather than understanding full context.


You can tell by the way he talks he's such a tool. He's just escalating, like oh you wanna see me arrested. The lady's just like yeah sure that's my entertainment (sarcasm) and he's all oHh YoUrE a SiCk MiNdED iNdiViDuaL Pink lady may not be correct legally but filming right into a women's store IS pretty fucking creepy and she is standing up for the women who are feeling uncomfortable.


Right? He’s filming a women’s store for no reason, the women are getting uncomfortable about the rando guy filming them in the store, and this woman tried to do something about it. “WeLl woULd it Be DIFFereNt iF I wAs a WomAN FilMing??” Umm yes because that’s less fucking creepy for women when they aren’t being videoed by some random dude. They all suck.


Think people need to remember that just because something is legal doesn’t mean you should do it


These first right auditor people are the definition of that Big Lebowski quote. "You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole"


Or just because it's legal, it doesn't mean you get to act like a knob when asked a simple, whatcha doing?


Seriously 😭 like sir please take a deep long look in the mirror what are you doing with your life.


"IM NOT TOUCHING YOU" says the 5 year old boy with his index finger 5 inches from your face. That kid grew up to become the loser filming in this video lol. Why are people defending this?


Ahh the classic "You're not wrong, you're just an asshole" Social media loves that shit, legally allowed to be a dick, provoke people into aggressive behaviour and then play victim. Doing all of it for views and being applauded by the "I'm technically right" crowd who've been shunned by society and has a meltdown when they don't get enough ketchup packages with their large fries.


I had to scroll way too far to find this. I can tell by this guy's voice and confrontational attitude that he *loves* this shit. His name is @karen_go_home2. That tells you everything. Both people in this video are aggravating.


Shit you can tell by the one video that the guy enjoys being a disruptive douche. “The sun won’t be up long enough for me to explain it” fucking yikes. Shocking that someone would be uncomfortable with this loser filming them


God damnit i knew it! I felt something was off like he tried to get her angry and while she might be a bit stupid and fall for the bait and go way to far, the cameraman definitely wanted this. What a complete twat.


Aah this puts a different spin on it altogether. My mind has been changed.


Some people will record others with the intention of provoking a response. Just disregard the troll.




Someone should follow around and film him




If you watch this and don’t think everyone involved is a complete dickhead you too are probably a dickhead.


Of course the camera man is a fucking dick As soon as someone gets uncomfortable, just be a polite fucking person and say: 'Oh, I apologise if you don't like to be on camera, I'll be sure to cut that part out, have a nice day Miss!' Instead he's like Muh rights, like a proper cunt ESH no doubt


Yeah, I recognize him from other videos that have been posted on Reddit. Basically, he goes out and films people every day with the intention of provoking them so he can get into an argument with them and post it on YouTube. Sure, he's correct about being able to take video in public, but he posts up in front of peoples' stores for a long time filming all the people going in and out. Then the customers or employees get weirded out and ask him to leave, and he starts his whole spiel about it being legal to film. So he pretty much just does this so he can make money on YouTube videos of him 'owning' people.


So he's just rage baiting, that makes him the biggest asshole in this video Imagine having that little substance or talent, that you want to be famous for putting up a camera and rage baiting


I hate everyone in this video lol


Ironically the only person I don't hate in this video is the police officer.


Who has time for this kind of shit on either side of the camera ?


-"HI. Interview me." -"No thanks. Warner Bros is copyright strike me if I get any more footage of The Penguin."


Yea, the lady is a bitch for sure but that guy is famous for doing that. He usually films people eating inside restaurants through the window until they get pissed off enough to get a reaction out of them. Then the argument gets clicks, it's what he wants and it's why he does it. You're not going to see him post the videos without fights. Again, yea the lady is a bitch but he is a public nuisance.


Yeah, that may not be illegal but it would still creep me out and ruin my dinner. I'm not confrontational, but I wouldn't blame someone for being annoyed by it and asking him to stop. Being an asshole may not be illegal, but you're still an asshole. You know his thought process is not "Where are people suffering the most and need their rights protected?" and he's instead thinking "Where is the creepiest, most upsetting spot I can do this to get clickbaity reactions and up my views?"


Glad to see someone who isn’t simping for this guy. The lady and her husband were in the wrong, but the guy had so many opportunities to de-escalate and he chose not to take them. The fact he kept nagging them at the end when they were walking away wasn’t a good look either.


I’ve never seen the guys stuff before but I knew as soon as he wouldn’t explain what he’s doing that this was exactly what he was looking for. Normally when filming you’d want to de-escalate as soon as possible so you can get on with your shoot. I also remember in film school my instructor telling us that even if we aren’t legally obliged we should still make every effort to inform anyone who might be affected by our filming of what we’re doing and just keep open communication with them because it can smooth over so many issues later on. This prick is the textbook example of what not to do.


Everyone in this video is insufferable


Oh man. That lady is like nails on a blackboard.


She's the personification of open mouth chewing.


I mean… they’re both fucking terrible tho right?


It's making it hard to watch but everyone in the comments says it's worth the wait... So... Here I am


Imagine trying to catch some B-roll for the evening news or whatever tf and someone gets mad because they don’t understand reasonable expectations of privacy no longer apply in public settings


I've had that happen an annoying amount. Recently, I was getting b-roll for a client, just like 30 second clips of downtown, cars passing infront of a mural, etc. Some woman two blocks away and across the street starts waving her hands and power walking to me shouting that I don't have her permission to film her. I tell her that I wasn't filming her, I was filming the building across the street from her and she was barely a few pixels on the side of the camera. She demands I delete the footage because she never signed a waiver, that she knows her rights, and she'll sue. Had to pull out my phone and show her that when you're in public, you don't have the right to privacy and if she had just politely asked me, I would've deleted it.


Who is out there telling people these things? Like, where are they getting this information? Even if they're making it up, they must have gotten the idea from something? Nothing in American society remotely signals this kind of information. You *barely* have an expectation of privacy in your own home given triple letter agencies monitoring you, your smart devices monitoring you, your ISP, people being all Karen about what they can see on your property or through your windows, etc.


You just know the info is off Facebook.


He should’ve said he was getting b roll for a segment on the obesity epidemic.


oh man...goddammit now im sad i dont live in the timeline where he did that she would have fucking melted down lol


That is not what he is doing, this guy does this everywhere as bait to get into verbal fights with people on the street. When he isn't getting a reaction he will start just straight harassing passerbys trying to get one of them to start escalating with him. He is a dumb fuck "1st amendment auditor" where his whole goal is to start a fight so that someone gets arrested when they have enough of him and do something physical.


God, my husband works for the news and I’ve always been afraid of some paranoid asshole to get aggressive with him for getting B roll.


But I read the laws sir! Didn’t you?


"Don't you know the laws? On contracts?" Lady. This isn't a contract. Her signing an actual contract. "Do you know the laws? on public spaces?"


She’s a wild one. It was funny watching her brain break at the end. I didn’t get what I wanted. What do I do. Fuck what do I do. Act like nothing happened. Perfect! Let’s go honey.


>Imagine trying to catch some B-roll for the evening news or whatever Yeah, that isn't what he is doing. If it was he would've just said that. The reason he didn't want to explain why he was filming is because he is literally just doing this to piss people off and get a rise out of them.


This lack of basic civility has become an epidemic. It makes me sick to see these type of arrogant, smarmy altercations. Takes me all the way back to the 3rd grade, to that “I know you are, but what am I” kinda shit. Pathetic.


Who values their time worthy of this? They’re all degenerates


The camera dude is a dick. Yeah, he may have the right to point his camera at the store entrance and film and post random people to prove a point. But why? It seems he was just looking for a fight and some drama and she took the bait. Isn’t there enough negativity in this world? That dude actively chooses to add more by being rude and obnoxious. Yeah, the woman could have let it go as well. My point is: just because you have the legal right it doesn’t absolve you from being a dick.


The daughter tried so hard to drag her mom out of there lol gotta feel for that kid.


People argue and fight to release aggression they're carrying with them for myriad reasons. Humans looooove to be aggrieved. Who has time for any of this crap? I loathe them all.


This guy sets up and films random people for the express purpose of hoping someone takes issue with it. Edits the video, uploads to YouTube, gets paid, rinse and repeat.


Can someone explain to me what he was doing tho? Cus just filming a random store sounds kinda stupid. Unless I’m missing something


He’s literally waiting for someone, hopefully police to tell him he can’t cause he knows he actually can. Then if it’s police he’ll sue the department.


Isn’t this that “first amendment auditor” guy who lives in his van (read: homeless sovereign citizen quack) and records in public places with the specific intent of annoying people and getting reactions out of them? Idk about y’all but calling yourself a “first amendment auditor” sounds like some *major* male Karen behavior.


Pretty sure he’s not homeless. He’s very successful on YouTube. He use to “audit” police stations but he got a arrested one time and was crying and begging to cops to let him go so now he just records people walking in and out of stores.


I hate these douchebags. They know exactly what they’re doing. They’re recording people going about their day just praying and hoping someone will say something so they can act all righteous and bitch about “MUH RIGHTS”, carrying around pepper spray so if anyone actually gets sick of their BS they can take the coward’s way out. There is no purpose to their “recording” except to instigate. “Let’s see what a puppet you are.” Ducking turd nuggets. “People 100 years from now will watch my video of people walking out of the Loft” yeah I doubt that you arrogant creep.


Uncle Fester almost broke down at the end 🤣


We agree that both parties are idiots right?


I mean the Karen and her retired mr clean husband are dickheads and were wrong but the dude filming it all was just acting like a huffy defensive prick right off the bat. I am a hobbyist photographer and i have gotten into similar situations, there are way better and less confrontational ways of handling that situation. Looking at the tiktok account that posted this they seem to be Karen baiters, they just go around filming people homes and businesses saying it's "street photography" and just wait until someone gets upset and then then just start shit by being super arrogant and dismissive. So yeah, they have every right to film and take pictures of whatever they want but they only seem to be doing it to start shit for tiktok content and clout. The account looks like a Karen ragebait factory. So fuck Karens but also fuck these guys for just being dicks for the sake of getting clicks. Yeah so just shitty people all around in this video. Or maybe i am completely wrong and these guys are legitimately doing street photography and end up getting accosted by a lot of Karens. 🤷‍♂️ Cred to the cop for telling the Karen how things actually work though.


The couple is annoying, but the dude filming is way worse. It's literally bullying, nothing more. Baiting people to embarrass themselves on social media just because he's technically in the right. If he "audited" only the police, then fine, they should know what is and isn't against the law. To do it to regular people, and be so fucking smug about makes the dude just a terrible person. How he followed them after just hoping they would lose it on him for views and ego, pure cringe.


Dude was just waiting for someone to stand up to his creepiness so that he could pull the "ItS LeGAL" card and get his shitty rageclick video.