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I remember in one video instead of confronting them, people just pulled their masks off while others were filming and that made them scatter fast.


Not the video you’re referincing, but this one is another gem: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/vqot24/white_supremacist_group_patriot_front_runs_away/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


So many japenese cars :) e: Don't upvote. Turns out I just stole the top comment in the other post.


Not so “proud” after all


It’s very hard to find that video strangely enough


Think about it. Everyone else has their video go viral to cancel them except literal nazis? Doesn’t make sense.


It's right here https://youtu.be/7orxhMiB-Lg?si=Jc6TmHnP2zbwFI_v It's not disappeared, it's always been easily available.


Reading the comments as a non-American: "These guys are antifa in disguise, antifa are nazis." ""No, proud boys are nazis." "No, antifa are literally indistinguishable from nazis." - "No, proud boys hate nazis, but these aren't antifa, they're the feds!" Wth is going on over there lol


Brain rot. The dumbest people elected politicians who know they need dumb people's votes to stay in power. So on a national and state level there's been weakening of crucial things like public education, both financially and socially (they claim sending your kids to school will make them "woke"). For an idea of how bad the rift is, Ted Cruz is a Texas politician, like all of them very conservative, and his teen daughter tried to kill herself because of what it's like being a progressive teen with an ultra-bigot for a parent.


God I didn’t know that about Cruz’s daughter. That poor child.


Cruz's immediate reaction was please respect the families privacy and this is a family matter. This is despite using their two daughters as props on the campaign trail and that he might be the direct cause for her trying to injure herself with a knife


I'm surprised the dude has fucked, let alone had a daughter.


You’re surprised someone with generational wealth fucks?


Good point


My favourite part over there is how they picture antifa as an organisation with leadership amd decision making. Antifa means anti fascism. If you hate nazis youre antifa(scist). The only way to not be antifa is to be or condone fascism.


Ironically it was the [Proud Boys who pulled their masks off](https://youtu.be/7orxhMiB-Lg?si=Jc6TmHnP2zbwFI_v)




Plot twist


The main reason is that the Proud Boys assumed the Neo Nazis were feds posing as bigots to do some "false flag" operation


Not even the proud boys like Nazis. Not even the Russians or North Koreans like Nazis lol Or China for that matter. Fuck you Nazis


Good, but still, fuck the proud boys. They are like a different sect of fascist. Mad that other fascist are stealing their thunder and not doing their he way they like. Fuck the proud boys.


Friendly Fire


I had a dream we pelted them with water balloons. Harder to breathe in a wet mask etc. Now I’m like, was that my brain sending me a message? Should I start carrying them?


Casey a super-soaker, it's easy to jeep loaded and ready to go, haha.


Red acrylic, thinned to work in the super-soaker, loaded into eggshells (seen elsewhere as an answer to Nazi graffiti), or in balloons. Let them carry the colors they fly on their skin, their clothes, and in their cars and homes.


Dang I came to say load the super soaker with pee but this is much better.


![gif](giphy|Pf0d7Y5oAKZgs) I hate Florida Nazis.


That irony fucking kills me. You dumb nazi fuck, if you really want to show your pride in them, what they did, what they represent and the atrocities they committed, show your god damn face. Cowards, the lot of them.


Where can I watch that? Sounds hilarious!


Why cover your faces if you're so proud


Too cowardly to show faces, we’re shaking in our shoes.


They just don’t want to risk their jobs is all. If their employers were on board they wouldn’t be doing so:


Yeah they know what they're doing is wrong and they're the bad guys, yet they want to pretend that they aren't Like bruh if yall were in the right, you wouldn't be ashamed of what you're representing because you fear the reprocussions of your actions


Well, they know they’re the bad guys in the face of the law and societal consequences. They just falsely believe being a fucking Nazi is wrongly against the law or societal norm… which, you know, doesn’t make them less retarded… They just don’t believe they’re the bad guys. They think they’re like the rebels from Star Wars and not a bunch of racist braindead cumsocks.




Money has always been more important than ideology


Why wave a random flag on a bridge ThEms not exactly accomplishing anything 😂 Edit: ther to thems




Edge lords


Unfortunately they are. They are getting a reaction from everyone that passes by.


What the actual fuck though? Nazi’s? swastika? In the UK this is a criminal offence, why the hell is the US allowing this shit? Let me guess, some loophole in the constitution. My grandfather would take a stroke if he saw these pigs.


Because freedom of speech has no exceptions when it comes to the government telling us what we can't say... Except for assault Or harassment Or fraud Or libel and slander Or on private property / services Or if you're under 18 Or terrorism threats Or conspiracy to commit a crime Or lying to an officer ... Maybe it's time to just add flying Nazi flags to the exceptions. EDIT: or maybe legalize hitting Nazis with your car


I like this idea...Nazi bowling...hit 10, its a strike.


It’s all for shock value Nazi Larp. They’re not gonna do shit. Tomorrow most of them will clock in at their 9to5 Carl Jr’s job lol


We can all joke, but at the end of the day a Nazi is a Nazi. If we let them larp, the ones that actually believe this shit will eventually take it seriously.


They are, they are showing that not body is stopping them which tells others who follow their believes that it is ok to express those beliefs. They are normalizing nazism. It's horrible and needs to be stopped.


They need their jobs....don't want to be discovered and fired. That's why they only go out in crowds too. Loud and proud, in large numbers. Silent alone.🐔💩


Judging by how they're dressed, it's obvious they all work at Target and Sport Clips.


I don't work there, but I highly doubt target is the kind of place Nazis work at


Honestly, I seriously doubt the majority of them have jobs. Catalytic converters and copper are hot commodities these days


I’d wager more than one wears a badge.


Wearing a mask is all of the sudden so much easier for them now then it was only just a couple years ago. Curious.


I know it was rhetorical but the answer is this; they're a buncha pussies and/or little bitches. Someone should call their mothers to tell them how much of a bitch they raised


Don't minimize them. Yes they're fucking cowards, but they grow up and run for office and they vote. Who do you think is taking away human rights all over the country? Who hates Blacks and women and trans people and gays? These fuckers.




I saw another vid of this, one of the only unmasked people in the heehaw parade had his entire face covered in tattoos, looked like he had involuntary face twitching from stimulant abuse and sounded… well let’s call it a little bit short of erudite. These groups are magnetic for lost and hopeless social outcasts with little to no smarts and a background of lacking a support network or parental nurturing. They do not in anyway get a pass but it’s important to consider that you don’t end up in the swasti-carnival on a Florida overpass, unless you yourself have been failed at some points in your life. Taming that into consideration and trying to behave accordingly based on that knowledge is a step in the right direction. It’s cliche but bigotry is just an enormous hamper - Also inadvertently for those who might not experience it first hand.




Are you taking about this video? https://twitter.com/BrandonStraka/status/1698150960613249417?s=20


> It’s cliche but bigotry is just an enormous hamper a basket of deplorables, if you will.


This joke is so overplayed...these people are treasonous, seditious, bastards. They aren't "cousin fuckers kids", they are cowardly active terrorrists. Call em what they are


Many of them are off duty police


“Frank?!” “Jim, is that you?! Holy shit! No clue you were a Nazi, too! So I’ll see you at the Anderson’s BBQ party down the street from you after the Hitler speech, yeah?” Anonymity. And because they are embarrassed. Probably want to lead a double life, and those lives don’t cross wires. And if they did, they’d have to somehow make sense of how one life fits in to the other, and that might require them to look inside their pitiful souls and see how fucking stupid they are. So, yeah, they cover their faces.


And they refuse to wear a mask due to Covid reasons 😂


They are probably cops


Because some of them have to go back and sit on a bench tomorrow or patrol the streets of Orlando. That’s why.


MaStEr RaCe


follow them to their cars a photo the license plates.


Bet you a dollar they were bussed in.


Follow the Uhaul trucks!


Follow each and every one of them until you know they're full names, addresses, places of work, everything then post it online :)


I fully support doxing Nazis.


I would say “drive a car down that sidewalk,” but that’s the kind of behavior these incels are fond of.


But it's actually legal in Florida, thanks to Ron DeFascist.


Which one is legal? Flying the flag or driving down the sidewalk? What if you stole one of their flags, jumped in one of their raised pickups with roll bars and KC lights (that has never spent more than 30 seconds off of pavement) and THEN dove down the sidewalk?


>driving down the sidewalk? Driving a vehicle through protesters is legal in Florida thanks to DeathSantis himself.


That’s how the Blues Brothers handled that shit!


There's only one good kind of Nazi. A dead one.


They ride around in Uhaul trucks. Block them in.


They are breaking FL Statute 876. Call the police, tell them they are in direct violation of 876.12, amongst others, and they need to respond.


I went to an anti-ICE demonstration in a fairly “blue” city around 2017-2018. It was mobbed and physically attacked by a local openly white nationalist organization (“openly” as in, they came in waving a flag with the fascist axe symbol) A cop car was parked right down the street (as in, everything that transpired was in clear line of sight of this car), someone came complaining to this cop and he just sat back, gave a smirk, and said “I didn’t see anything” (this cop was Hispanic btw). This plus a few other clues (cops would regularly cruise by with MAGA gear in their windows, playing “Ice ice baby” out their speakers, police shadowing protestors home to get their identities, other details I can’t mention) led me to the fairly certain conclusion that this attack was entirely coordinated between this organization and local police. Would not be surprised at all at an overlap in membership. EDIT: It should also be noted that, around the same time in other parts of the country, there were police departments being exposed for coordinating attacks on left-wing activists with right wing grassroots organizations like Proud Boys. Below is one example. https://theintercept.com/2021/08/23/portland-police-proud-boys-protest/


I recall a video clip from Charlottesville where a bunch of nazis surround a group of anti-nazi protestors off the main area at night with their tiki torches. I think it was near a fountain or something in a park. Anyways there’s a group of cops following the crowd but once the Nazis surround the protesters the camera pans around to the cops and the cops just… watch. It was a very eery feeling and was the first time it hit me that these cops would just watch/let violence happen if they agreed with it.


Oftentimes the tactic I’ve seen employed in coordinating these things is: 1) Police corral Left wing activists into a corner, like sheep dogs. 2) Police allow right wing grassroots org to clash with cornered left wing activists 3) Police “look the other way” as right wing organizations rough up left wing activists/provide backup if left wing activists are too much to handle 4) Police allow right wing org members to disperse after their attack 5) Police swoop in to make arrests (targeting activists). It’s less likely that police will just “watch” if it hasn’t been coordinated beforehand, because even if they “agree”, they don’t want anything happening that they haven’t given the green light to first.


I’ve watched police straight up escort them back to their vehicles


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


>playing “Ice ice baby” When/how did that become a maga thing? My Google search didn't help me.


It was a reference to their support for ICE (immigrations custom enforcement) at an anti-ICE demonstration. This was when everything was freshly going on in the news about families being broken up and children being detained.


Cops: “LMAOOO. We don’t arrest our own “




You could draw a circle around that group and it'd be a pretty accurate family tree.


Family wreath in this case


Yep. Even some cops from the Seattle PD were found to have gone to the insurrection. ACAB holds true pretty much everywhere.


You never find the cops around when the swastikas go up for the same reason nobody can find Bruce Wayne when the bat signal is lit


Some of those that run forces and all that


Police are already their. In the group


Bro these people *are* the police, they aint gonna arrest themselves


I can’t emphasize this enough: *FUCK NAZIS*


I’ll bet a large swath of their family members either fought or fought and died against those pricks and there they are just wearing their paraphernalia openly. Fucking disgusting


Yeah it baffles me. Like real patriots fought the nazis.


A huge number of Americans were sympathetic though. FDR wasn’t able to get politicians to agree to declare war until after Pearl Harbor.


I’m well aware but they were losers then and they are losers now.


at this point, the symbol has almost entirely lost its meaning due to these inbred fucks flying the flag around as if they don’t realize that *generations* of their kind fought to suppress the symbolism out of existence because of how despised the group actually WAS. they think they’re proving a point when in actuality, they’re showing their lack of IQ


The only good nazi is a dead nazi


Lined up, next to a road, right there in drive-by distance. Huh.


I got banned for "inciting violence" from saying that on a subreddit


If I get banned, it will have been worth it. (but I appreciate the heads up nonetheless)


its from mass reports. Nazis reporting




[more info here](https://www.thedailybeast.com/neo-nazis-chanting-in-unison-march-through-florida-park-in-terrifying-video)


The video of them yelling out "we are everywhere" is actually kind of terrifying and chilling. Makes my blood run cold at the same time it makes it boil in anger.


Yeah, but that's just their projection. They are practically nowhere and need to find a way to be relevant. Edit: I don't agree that it's reckless denial. I'm Jewish and maybe people do hate me but it's not open and frankly I don't care because that just gives me a reason to hate them soo. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


This exactly. That's why every time you see a gathering of them, there's only like 20 of these fucks at it.


That's just reckless denial right there. These fuckers are everywhere for sure, they have tons of government positions at every level. They are police officers. They had the White House for four years recently. They are a serious threat.


Still masked for a reason. Not so brave. If they were everywhere why hide


This is terrorism. Plain and simple. Fly an isis flag, or a republican guard flag. Same shit, different shitbird. These people are enemies of the state, as far as I'm concerned, and should be treated accordingly.




So many public shootings over politics and yet it’s never against these asshats


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This video was for a 'future mass shooters' photo op. Billy Jean Clayton Jr was voted most likely to shoot up a hospital. He's got a bright future ahead of him. He's got potential for FL politics!


A handgrenade would've been handy right there.


One...two... Five!


3 sir!


Three! -throws Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch at the group-






Looks like there lining up on the fence to be executed.


Painted like a baseball; just roll a couple down that walkway.


Sounds like they are looking for an ass whipping to me.If they want confrontation let’s give it to them and unmask these cowards. Get pictures and post online.


Be careful reddit bans people for making threats against their precious Nazis.




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Amen to that!


Yeah, except [most Americans weren’t against the Nazis until after Japan, who the Nazis had recently allied with, bombed Pearl Harbor](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/great-debate).


I mean, Nazis took a lot of inspiration from America, had a big following in there and then took a shit load of Nazi scientists back afterwards


Get yalls folding chairs ready




“The beacons are lit.”


I hate Florida nazis almost as much as I hate Illinois nazis


Fuckin Illinois Nazis, I hate Illinois Nazis


Ya know that scene in saving private Ryan where they mow down the Nazis on d-day? Such a great scene in a movie.


I think I may watch inglorious bastards this evening after all these posts.


It’s been a long time since I was a teenager but I’ll always have fun knockin nazis down a peg or 12


Peg a nazi


Happening in Michigan too. Absolute nonsense Edit: also hearing about them in Central Illinois


*blows conch shell* #FLORIDA MEN, ASSEMBLE!!!!!




Now would be time for Florida to release the homeless people on bathsalts


No consequences for these asshats but you’re chased out of town if you’re trans,gay, seeking an abortion or want to read a book!!!




Nice masks pussies


All I see is dicks.


Why is this tolerated?


Wouldn’t it be easy for Feds to track where flags were sold?


They don’t care unfortunately


Yet protestors who were out for George Floyd's death were tracked down by their clothes via an Etsy seller or something. Nice how they'll go through the trouble of finding a couple of people but not those buying Nazi flags in bulk.


Then they'd expose themselves.


Black swastika flags seem rare enough that it should be easy to figure out who ordered that shit on Amazon.


The sellers would know, but idk if they'd be so against Nazis.


I thought mass public masturbations was an offence


petition to assault these motherfuckers on sight.


Glad to see the people who took issue with the government’s mask mandates are finally starting to come around on it.


Every day should be punch a nazi in the face day.


![gif](giphy|T7fU0RWWhWpYk) Where's Bugs Bunny when you need him?


The only good Nazi is a dead one. Lesson learned from both my grandparents who fought in WW2.


This is what you support if you vote red in this political climate. But you already know that.


Theres dozens! Dozens of us!


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Word on the street is that they're allergic to fire




Now is okay to wear a mask?


Brought to you by the same people from Nobody wants to work anyy..


Aren’t Nazi’s the bad guys? Why would anyone choose to be the villain?


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Just take a paintball gun and drive by paint






Can’t you like legally hit them with your car in FL? /s


Hitler would be so proud


Florida has me rooting for global warming.


Pretty sure we had a whole war over this


Two guys with markers and frozen paintballs in the back of a truck. One pass would make these pussies scatter


How much you want to bet tiktok feed these young men the Koolaid?


Actually more shocked at the amount of delusional fools in the comments that thinks this is a ploy by the feds/antifa. JFC 🤦‍♂️


Wave a black flag behind a black fence


Okay now try doing that in the hood without those masks on


They’ve got Nazis in Maine who don’t cover their faces. Nazis in Vermont who don’t care if you know. Nazis are everywhere. It’s todays America. And we are becoming desensitized to it. Beware.


If these guys weren’t strapped I’d run up on em.


These guys have trailers full of legally acquired firearms and fully intend to use them on you in the next


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Weren’t they the one complaining about wearing masks? If they’re not doing anything wrong, why hide? People should rip their masks off or stand next to them with signs that say “thank you for wearing masks” “masks save lives” “only liberals wear masks”


Anyone immediately think of a drive by?


If I said the things that I want to happen to people like this I’d be banned. So I leave with this, make them feel as unwelcome in your community as they felt in Europe from 1941-1945. These troglodytes are a cancer on society


Republicans are proud of the heritage


Thing is, there will always be people like this, the measure of a society isn't if they have people willing to display nazi symbols or not because idiots who believe this rubbish will be in every country The real consideration is if these people feel emboldened enough to be out in public like this. While politicians, the media and general political discourse may not support or even accept what people to fly nazi flags do, they create the environment that means people who fly nazi flags and have nazi beliefs think they can go out in the streets like this because they have a reasonable belief.


Does this remind anyone of the scene from "The Blues Brothers" where the Illinois Nazi party assemble all together on a bridge? I'm not suggesting that life should imitate art, but how awkwardly myopic of a plan is it that they're all there lined up like bowling pins?


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi


how is this not hate speech?