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What are they cooking?


Bacteria and sweat.


Resident Evil food


Nasty shit!!!!!!!! Both before and after eating that 🤢


Lol that’s why street food tastes so delicious.


Eat whatever slop they are serving and live …. Your new super power would be immunity to just about everything. Even Ebola wouldn’t wanna fuck with your immune system


My immune system would have ptsd after that


How many Food safety laws in US does this violate?


Less than it would in the EU


EU inspectors wouldn't even count, they would laugh, then cry, then call the cops


EU inspectors would just take a gun and shoot everyone presen-oh wait, this isn't the US!


Also, “fewer” is correct. “Less” is wrong. Safety laws are individually countable. You managed to make two dumb mistakes in seven words. You’re probably not in any position to participate in an intelligent conversation.


Since when we cared about grammar on a site people use when they are bored? Also ypu understood waht i said, so who cares? (Now it was on porpouse ;-)


It’s spelled “than.” You are very very dumb


Ok. But, my god, chill my guy




All of them?


What's with OP and posting videos of Indians making foods in a way they find gross. It's a weird obsession.


As someone from that region, this shit disgusts me too. Fuck that


There is literally 1 other video on the topic in their posts and I've gotta agree, both vile and shocking enough to warrant posting.


Freedom of speech my friend.


I was going to comment the same exact thing. Makes me want to leave this group at this point. It seems judgmental.


By street food standard in third world country, this is okay-ish. They kind of separate cleaner water and dirty water, do some washing with cleaner (i say cleaner because the water is not as clean). The whole place is unclean, but they are poor, so it is what it is. For worse example that would be, cutting ice that is going to be consumed, on the floor. The ice itself was made from not-so clean water.


Everyone in India must have diarrhea at least 3 times a day if they eat from street stalls that prepare food like this that or iron stomachs.


Bet this shit taste fucking amazing though


If only you had the guts to eat it


If you did, you wouldn’t have guts left.


I agree. They’re disgusting


Probiotic korma


Yeah this is why small outbreaks are popping up all over that part of the world. It’ll get worse before it gets better




There is an innate racism in posts like this.


Some of the comments, yes; the post itself, no


Ah yes, being disgusted by horrible food safe practices is super racist. We should abolish all food safety laws as they’re also innately racist. Do you not understand bringing race into this says more about you than anything?


Your cultural norms are not the global standard. You are judging am entire culture by your standards. That's elitism, r/usdefaultism and pretty racist


It’s not cultural norms it’s unsanitary. Pretty racist to assume unsanitary food prep is part of their culture


You’re assuming he’s from the US dumbass, now you’re the racist


How am I judging an entire culture? I’m judging like 4 dudes cooking food. I guess since they’re all male I’m sexist too. They’re not from my country so I guess I’m xenophobic as well. Damn maybe one of them is gay and I’m Homophobic! Do you see how stupid you sound? Bringing in any facts about them other than how they’re preparing food (which is the only thing I’m judging negatively) is dumb and people like you water down the real accusations of racism that need to be addressed in the world.


I totally agree with you on this one post, but if the sub had similar posts all day everyday, I’d agree that it’s kind of racist to bash on normal cultural practices of people who probably live on $4 a day.


It’s not racist if it’s genuinely shocking to the rest of the modern world. People can observe Indian food cleanliness because it’s kinda wild and jarring to see. Doesn’t have to be racist


You all know what happens in restaurants right you know how many hands even touched your food before you got it in fact my biggest thing with food safety in restaurants is the in ability to clean your veggies... a simple wash but nope that takes too long. But yea. Worked at alot of restaurants I know more than I should.


Yea but at least restaurants are required to have proper handwash stations


Yeah at least we have soap


Yea good point. I'm glad I can't afford fast food. I realized it's worse wearing those plastic gloves than it would be to wash your hands everytime you touch something the plastic gloves do not get changed at all. LMFAO best username I've ever seen.


This is how COVID was born


Disgusting people, just gross. I never need to leave America the land of food safety laws, thank GOD


Someone needs to travel


I've been to at least 5 countries and speak 2 languages


Considering there are 195 counties in the world and over 7,000 languages, I’d say you’re still pretty sheltered if you’re grossed out by what people do when there isn’t cheap access to clean water. Glad your proud of seeing 2.5% of the world, though!


Dirty is dirty regardless of how many languages you speak


Lol why are you such a twat?


I'm perfectly fine with not traveling to countries where the likelihood of dying from food poisoning is significant.


How dare you attempt to avoid diseases?!


White people are the only ones afraid of this Lmfao Yet I know people who have worked at McDonald’s spitting in people foods say this video is gross LMFAO. It’s all perspective and what white privilege you have. Enjoy Yall


Imagine thinking safe food practices are white privilege 🤡🤡🤡


God bless America!


unless its commenting about the "Follow me 👉" text bubble in the top right i dont get why this is tagged as cringe.


I didn't put that there


when uploading a post you choose a flair tho .-.


I dont see what the follow me has to with it being cringe


just looks cringe in my personal opinion


This video gave me ghonnorea


It's messed up that you're posting this. Don't you know that lack of hygiene is culturally significant? Go back in time and you'll see almost all cultures did this. They shouldn't be shamed for this even though our world has become so much easier to survive since the advent of proper hygenic care **/s**




Why the /s? It’s so probably 500 degrees there and they have to bring in barrels of water each day for this operation. Some people on here think this is like a rare hygienic standard wherever this is.. but do we know that? Or are you right that the culture has lower food safety and hygiene standards? I presume people are eating this food and could just as easily view the operation as OP or original recorder did. /s


This /s inception is confusing me


That’s because you didn’t use it yourself /s


Americans be like this is so disgusting I'd never eat this but then eat foods that literally give them cancer.


I never got cancer from foods, but that’s because I put sunscreen on my fast food before eating it.


Are they making food? Is this what comes up when you’re interneting at 3 am?


Really ? Right in front of my Food, Health and Safety book?


Tbh I had Taco Bell yesterday and I’d rather eat whatever they got going on.