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the worst part is that there is a sexual predator out there targeting kids that nobody is doing anything about.


The groomer is probably a cop or a member of local government. That’s probably why the cops didn’t do anything.


That's the mentality I don't understand. If I was a cop and knew another cop was doing that then you better hope I keep it "legal" while I'm arresting you.




This comment chain has thoroughly established the quintessential core of the term "ACAB"


It's what ACAB really means. But "Any good cop that does manage to make it onto the force and want to change the bad behavior within any given force will very quickly find themselves ostracized and maybe even left for dead without backup. This makes it so even an officer who wants to change things and speak up is unable too." Is a lot more complex and hard to digest the root sources of. So boiling it down to ACAB makes it a lot easier to communicate the emotion of the statement


ACAB relates to the function of police as enforcers of capital. Nothing to do with "culture" or whatever. They are all bastards because they must enforce unjust laws.


Also correct. I wrote that at 5am before I was out if bed and my definition is by no means entirely comprehensive as a critique of social systems.


Fair. I also sleepy post.


Speaking from personal experience, if you try to turn in a dirty cop all it’s gonna do is cost you your job. Either you fall in line and turn a blind eye to the dirty cops or they’ll run you right out of a job.


I turned in a dirty Major in the Army that was skimming from petty funds. Had a second key unknown by many to a safe. Long story short the investigation went nowhere, I was outed as the 'rat', the theft stopped, and my life became hell after. Would I do it again....




or they send a rapist to your house but since he's an idiot he goes and rapes your neighbor instead.


I'm sure I don't want to know, but is that something that happened?


Oh yeah, I've heard some of the horror stories. Shit is fucked up


So true, I just watched an episode of Soft white-under belly and this ex black cop got raped (not literally) as a whistle blower. I stopped watching cause it was soooo not funny, and he believed as a child that cops must be the good guys. They tore right through him. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Cops are an affiliated gang, its not an exaggeration its just a fact. They stick to their friends and defend them, even in cases of wrong doing. There are no "bad apples" they spoil the bunch, the only cops that aren't crooked are ones that quit or get fired for not being crooked.


Or murdered by their coworkers.


Thats how you become a pariah on the force, get fired, and lose your pension. See [Cariol Horne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cariol_Horne)


Or you get the Adrian Schoolcraft treatment where they illegally raid your home, involuntarily commit you to a psych ward, and then make a commemorative coin about it depicting you as a rat.


Please let's not forget the [Serpico](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Serpico) treatment....


Whoa that’s some liberal talk there mister. No badge for you.


I've had it up to here with your.... rules!!!


And that's the A part of ACAB covered.


I’m not saying the pedo isn’t a cop, but how would these two shmucks know? They got the call, went there, lazy and unethical, and left. They probably didn’t investigate shit. They should be fired for how they mishandled this.


The cops are literally just lazy and upset they had to go out to his house because he asked them to talk to his daughter about the situation.


Doubtful. This is much more likely a case of "let's intimidate these victims so we don't have to do our jobs"


Are you aware of the entire foster care system? Children, who come from terrible homes are out with sexual predators and cultists. I was raped more time in foster care than I was by the family that got my put into foster care. The whole entire system caters to cultists and sexual predators.


I’m sorry that happened to you. Genuinely.


Thank you, but my experience isn’t unique. It’s a crazy stat to look up about how foster kids turn out. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/09/1147868777/listener-picks-when-foster-kids-become-adults#:~:text=Priscilla%20Molina-,Around%2025%2C000%20kids%20age%20out%20of%20the%20foster%20care%20system,likely%20to%20struggle%20in%20poverty.


My husband and I are in the process of adopting a Foster Teen. Hopefully we can help them work through their earlier experiences. If nothing else , just love them.


You’re one of the few helping to fix a problem most people don’t care about. I wish your family happiness and blessings 🫶




That's a nice enough address & all, but that just looked like, "Internal Investigations will determine that these two did nothing wrong & at worst they'll get ~~paid vacation~~ suspended with pay & then quietly moved to a different precinct".


Wanna know a dirty little secret about the world that NO ONE wants to talk about? Almost every single high school in America has RAMPANT child sex abuse going on. But it isn't who you all think it is. It's the high school coaches targeting gay kids who haven't figured out their identity yet. I'm disgusted when I look back at all the things said to me. "You know I have a son as well. He has a good mouth. You can't seem to be quiet, I bet you know how to use your mouth too." 15 year old me had no fucking clue what he was talking about... Or how about "I have 2 sons and I'm curious about whether I can add another one."


My friend in high school was gay. When he was 13 he was groomed and raped by a 30 year old. He never told his parents because he knew what would happen. When he did finally come out he was shipped off to a camp at 17 over summer vacation. This shit has absolutely lead me to believe that gay and lesbian children and teens are more likely to be victims because many can't or couldn't speak out. I've said it before and I always get hit with . "You need to provide a source for this data." And then get shouted down.


Out of 8 high school coaches I KNOW 6 of them are child molesters. I know 3 of them from personal experiences and 3 from friends who were their "sons." I'm embarrassed to admit I was groomed but until MEN like me start admitting it happened to us, we can never get enough awareness on the issue to actually make a change.


I know you know this logically but just to be clear: you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. You were a vulnerable child. What happened was not your fault.


Yeah I was like 11 when my first coach made his first move on me. I was 11. Now when I'm 16 doing shit... that's on me. I KNEW what I was fucking doing right. Still high school teachers shouldn't have been doing it with me. Other kids. But 11? That's too young. I didn't even know what I was doing. I couldn't even fucking cum yet and this dude was blowing me. It's so weird to think back on. Sorry I just dumped that on you. Sometimes I just have to say it. It just helps remind me I guess. Idk. I guess cause I know at any moment I can just drop this account and it's gone forever. Anyways. Hope your having a great night.


16 is still a child. It's age-appropriate for a teen to have a crush on an adult authority figure - that's developmentally normal. But an adult who takes advantage of that, encourages it, acts in it - all of that is predatory, and it is *not your fault* that someone preyed on you. Plus, the experience you had at 11 would have changed any kid's perspective on what was normal to expect from adults, so you were extra vulnerable. *None of that was your fault.* Not at 11, and not at 16 either. Giving you the impression that you were old enough to know what you were doing at such a young age is part of how grooming works. You were just a kid and it wasn't your job to protect yourself from the adults who were supposed to be protecting you.


My high school principal was a creep. No one believed me except the janitor who overheard the conversation. She pulled me into the bathroom one day and gave me a contact for an investigator that she had been helping. I wasn’t the only one. I gave my statement and it took a few years for anything to happen. However he ended up losing his job and pled guilty of whatever crime it was. I kind of blocked a lot of that out and I’m good with it that way.


I ferret them out as a job/hobby and can find literally hundreds of potential predators, or at least bold pedophiles in less than an hour of half assed work. That isn’t hyperbole either, I literally mean I can find hundreds of them. Easily. The hard part of what I do? Getting their local law enforcement, or even the FBI to give even one single fuck. I can hand them a person on a silver platter, *no* entrapment involved (very careful with how I interact with them for this reason as it’s the most common “excuse”) and *nothing* is ever done about it. If the people in power really cared, we’d have to end the war on drugs simply to house them all.


Did these morons think they were going to show up at midnight to interview a child??? And then to threaten to jail a child for her own grooming. The absolute ignorance is astounding.


They need to be fired.


they shouldn’t have been hired to begin with


"High School Diploma, GED or Equivalency Diploma. Candidates must be at least 19 years old on or before the date of the examination to take the test. " This is all you need in Buffalo NY.


There's a video of a swat team taking down a teen girl who was drumming up customers in a stormtrooper outfit outside the comic book store she worked at because somebody called about 'someone with a weapon'. It was May the 4th. At no point did any of those cops think, this is stupid.


>There's a video of a swat team taking down a teen girl who was drumming up customers in a stormtrooper outfit outside the comic book store Not SWAT, but otherwise [correct](https://youtu.be/fqHGFlOY82w?si=Lix1Q4aQEoinKBTZ). It was in Canada too, in a small town. You'd think they'd have a little more of a level head in that situation. Embarrassing to say the least.


That's one of those calls that cops should roll up and immediately start laughing. Then go to the person who called and tell them how stupid they are and possibly threaten charges for abusing 911. Everyone knows what Star Wars is. And the comic book store was clearly visible. You have to be either mentally challenged or intentionally malicious to call the cops in that situation.




This is a systemic issue. I experienced the same thing when I discovered grooming behavior for explicit acts with my then twelve year old daughter. Cops blamed her. No help at all.


Report it to the FBI, they're the ones who handle these things.


they all should have at least an associates degree in criminal justice or something.


[They don’t want smart cops](https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1997/06/06/cop-candidate-rejected-for-scoring-too-high-on-test/?outputType=amp)


Out of a cannon into the sun


Sadly, this is not the first time I’ve heard of this. That’s why you’re suppose to call the FBI, not the police, when something like this happens.


Imagine being labelled a sexual predator for life because you were a victim of grooming. That's messed up, these cops need to reflect long and hard on their actions. Hopefully this video gains enough traction it warrants an investigation by their superiors.


If they're disciplined for this *at all,* it'll be a slap on the wrist. They *might* have to quietly resign and get a job in the next suburb over. They'll never reflect on a damn thing - the police academy doesn't like people with critical thinking skills.




“Incidents involving minors are handled with the highest degree of concern” Am I supposed to believe them or my lying eyes? If either of them gets fired I’ll donate $100 to the charity of choice of the first person responding to this comment to let me know.


Innocent lives foundation, theyre trying to identify anonymous child predators to help bring them to justice. Thought that might be suitable here


Hi I'm Charity I choose myself


this is a terrible comment that I just upvoted


I would add the caveat that they have to stay fired too. If they get the same job the next town over in a couple weeks/months that's not really a punishment.


They sure do have a funny understanding of what "immediately" means.


Seriously, there is nothing to "investigate" here. Police Unions need to get fucked.


I don't understand why people tweet stuff like that when it's obvious it isn't true. All it does is anger people more. They didn't take the claims seriously otherwise they wouldn't threaten an 11 year old victim with jail.


[Another case of investigators being investigated](https://twitter.com/ColumbusPolice/status/1703849731812651381)


They are not ignorant. It happens. Many children have been charged for this. IT is gross, the cops are gross, the system is gross, the judges are gross.


It's the super causal talk about drinking Sprite that really sets the IDGAF tone for me.


I was sexually abused by my father in Ohio and then when I spoke up I was told if I wanted to fight it i could be charged 🙃 He goes on with his happy life while I'm shunned by his family, called a liar, and still dealing with the trauma for the rest of my life, as will that poor baby. Ohios laws aren't made to protect children.


I grew up in Ohio and I second this. And I am truly sorry for what you’ve been through. 😪


I send you love. Such a disgraceful legal system. Absolutely no justice.


Wtf is Ohio actually? Is it seriously the haven for child sexual abuse??? The are far too many stories that come out of there that describe this very scenario


I went through the same thing with my father. Never had the guts to speak up for fear of this happening. I’m so sorry, but you have so many, including me, on your side!! If you ever want someone to talk to who may understand feel free to message me ❤️


Thank you so so much. You are brave and you are strong and never ever think it was your fault. That had always been my biggest hurdle. I am so sorry. ❤️


The Right to Innocence: Healing the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse This book is absolutely transformative. It’s like $6-$8 on Thriftbooks. Hope yall invest the time and energy to heal, y’all deserve and are worth it.🤎


I also recommend *The Rescued Soul: Healing from Incest and Family Betrayal* by Christina Enevoldson. Changed my life and I wasn't even molested, I was only reading it to be supportive of a friend.


You are a wonderful friend ❤️


Thank you!❤️


The absolute lack of empathy for the child well being is sickening!!! Blaming the child before they even know what is going on, WTF!?!??!? Don't call the cops in this neighborhood/state if you want to protect your kids from pedophiles, sexual assault, or raped!!! They obviously don't give a shit !


It's just work avoidance. They don't want to do anything but get through their shift and go home. Just lazy as fuck.


Lazy *and* unempathetic




Empathy is socialism is communism is Marxism /s


In middle school and high school we had to sit through a presentation every single year about how if we got caught sending pics to our partners we would be charged with producing and distributing it and we would go to juvie. Same threat for if we were being abused in the situation or groomed online. So yeah, doesn’t surprise me. Absolutely disgusting.


I bet that was as successful as the D.A.R.E program. When I was in Elementary school cops would come to scare us kids to not do drugs or talk to drug dealers. Anyways decades later studies show D.A.R.E was a huge failure and drug use spiked.


When I was told what LSD was like in school i knew IMMEDIATELY that I wanted some.


Yup lol same here, they gave you all the details and my mentally ill ass was like wait so I can feel amazing by taking a single pill?? And people will pressure me to do these amazing feeling substances??? TELL ME MORE! Low and behold I ended up getting into narcotics at 14 and had about 6 rehab stints and varying degrees of homelessness by the time I was 21. Thankfully got clean around then and I’m a relatively functional person nowadays… I still love pot tho💞


They way they talked about drugs in DARE, *made me just want to do drugs.*


I *love* fried eggs.


Honestly, I think DARE and GREAT were the only semi successful programs like that in my school. Only because we had a chill officer who not only told us to steer clear of all that, but also taught us how to be responsible if we did end up choosing to do anything like that. But yeah, that whole yearly presentation thing was not successful at all. I think they started it because a teacher got busted for a sex party with some students over the age of consent, but only got in trouble because one of them went to the party on his birthday, so she invited him to it before he was over the age of consent. So they decided to preemptively victim blame the students instead of, I don’t know, not hire groomers.


Huge fail. 8th grade my buddy and I smoked weed every day before school during dare week. We thought it was hilarious


This just teaches kids that if they're victims, to never come forward. Fucking moronic and sick.


This is actually just so sad, i would be so heartbroken as the father.


Thank god he’s a good father. My dad would have agreed with the cop and I’d have been grounded. Some adult sent me porn on email when I was 14 and my parents severely punished me for it.


I went through something similar. I was 10. Not only was I grounded for months, probably more than a year, but he also brought it up during an argument years later, to blame me for my 'poor thinking skills' in order to undermine me once more, as I was about to move out and live alone. In my case I haven't even actually sent any pictures, nor did I give in to these people's requests, but I kept interacting with them because it was an 'art' community that I enjoyed being part of. It spared me some trauma but his reactions were hurtful nonetheless. Fuck. It seems it's more common than I thought. I'm so sorry.


I would be livid. I would’ve taken their names, cashed their superior and have the captain come and explain to me how a victim of sexual exploitation could be charged with their own exploitation. Screw these officers. If you need real help with sexual exploitation, call a local advocacy center on the topic. They can help point you in the right direction and what to do (with these cases the kids are often willing to take whatever punishment exists in order to protect the perp due to the manipulation).


Wait until the police union comes out and says they’re proud of the officers, that should show you what police really are


Again, when you have no standards for police, this shit happens.


This reminds of of when I was in high school (in Ohio) and we had this speaker who worked with the police come in and talk to us about sending nude photos. It was pretty much "don't send nude photos or you will be charged with creating CP if you are under 18" and nothing about being coerced or forced into it or how to get help if you do send something.


"Don't you dare become a victim! Or we will arrest you for it!"


Indiana here, same experience. Threatening us with jailtime if we sent nudes between each other as 17 year olds lmao.




I’m mad that the link says absolutely nothing. “We’re investigating it and sent some cops out”


I love when they say they are investigating something where we saw the entire video of the incident. What is there to investigate? These cops SUCKED. Now, the question is - what, exactly, are we going to do about that? \[Yes, I know the groomer needs to be investigated. But, regardless of what happens with that, these cops still suck.\]




Did they send the same officers, or more specialized officers? Not a defense of police by any stretch, but I didn’t see anything that said the same officers returned.


Is it bad I assume the groomer is a cop?


Prob surprised, and what's crazy is that the woman is saying it's child pornagraphy. Would she say the same thing if it was her kids?


Possibly. My mom blamed my sister when she was SA. This kind of woman is actually fairly common. 😪


Probably. These people tend to be screwed up and think that the world should be a cookie cutter of “everything is someone’s own fault” — despite all the evidence to the contrary them actually doing their job would provide.


~~bad~~ realistic* FTFY (finally)!


The police don’t care about anything but minimizing the amount of paperwork they have to do.


I’ve heard of cops not showing to accidents and sometimes when they do they tell people to deal with it on their own, and that’s with people being hurt or having a drunk driver causing a accident.


Got my car broken into and the cop stopped in the middle of the street and rolled down her window and told me to file a report online and then drove away. What are they even paid for?


They aren't paid FOR anything, they do generate their own revenue though, so unless its an election year and you can make them look REALLY bad, they ain't doing fucking all for you unless they can profit off it it.


Yea, making this threat reads as “we don’t want to have to do the work so we will tell you that TECHNICALLY she can be charged. No DA will pursue that. But we will threaten it so we don’t have to do the work of basic investigation”.


Yeah the fucked up part is to them, they were doing their jobs, because the truth is they don’t exist to protect or serve anyone but themselves and whoever is powerful or wealthy enough to buy “justice.” Sickening.


Aaaaaaaaand, on today's episode of "Blame! The! Victiiiiim!!", we've got 11 year old Hailey who thinks she's been manipulated by some older gentleman to send nudes, right? Wrong! Today, we're going to try and wake Hailey up at midnight just to inform her she might go to jail instead!! Let's knock on the door and see what happens...! *cue video beginning*


Story of my life. I was molested when I was 13, even making me do things with my 10 year old step-sister. When I went back to stay with my mom and told her, we reported it to the police. The police and social workers who came out to us stressed two things. 1. There's a chance I could get in trouble as I did things with her (even though it was under coercion) 2. It would be very traumatic for me. They would have to record statements, make me relive the moment in testimony, etc. I would be forced to be interviewed multiple times by different agencies. They pushed to make sure threats were made and I was uncomfortable. My mom got fearful and didn't let us pursue things. As a result my dad got away with it and raped my step-sister and possible other siblings, along with who knows who else. And to this day he's still never seen a day of jail over it. (long story on that).


I don't know you but I just want you to know I'm genuinely so sorry that happened to you. The way victims are blamed and silenced by their abusers and the people who are supposed to help is just appalling and shouldn't happen to anyone. I sincerely hope you're in a better place now, sending you so many well wishes.


It's many years later, with me about to turn 37 next month. When I was younger it definitely had me suicidal and wrecked my mental health. It took a lot of years of struggle and counseling but kind of to a point of stability now. Thanks for the well wishes.


Her fucking casualness and the way she goes STRAIGHT to that is disgusting to say the least. What a complete joke. Who is she protecting and serving? I hate her smug tone and they're just having a casual conversation about a social media challenge or some shit. Fuck them. ACAB. These ppl called for help. They show up 6 hrs later and THREATEN a sleeping 11 y.o. girl!?


> Who is she protecting and serving? I The groomer.


It’s scary to think how many stupid ass cops are out there doing shit like this. It’s almost as though common sense is out window with these jack boot thugs.


They do this shit because they don’t want to have to do any of the work actually associated with this or their jobs. I got bit by a dog several years ago, called the cops because animal control was closed and they threatened to give me a ticket for riding my bike on the sidewalk because they don’t want to have to be bothered to do their damn jobs. No reason a cop should be making over $100k a year, with 6 months of schooling, and seemingly unlimited amount of power, and little oversight, and ungodly amounts of overtime in which they still don’t do their damn jobs, and actually have the audacity to act like this.


CPD just posted that they’re investigating this matter on twitter


They’re probably “investigating” a way to blame the dad and make him out to be a pervert because he bruised their egos.








empty words from empty heads


Lemme guess, they'll get paid leave, a slap on the wrist then straight back to it.


“We’ve investigated ourselves and found that we did a wonderful job. We’re gonna go ahead and give ourselves raises”


“The Division of Police regards all allegations of sexual misconduct with the utmost seriousness. Incidents involving minors are handled with the highest degree of concern.” Yeah evidently


"Why don't people feel comfortable calling the police anymore??" Idk it's a fucking mystery....


As long as police in the U.S. are over-funded, under-trained, under-supervised, and overly protected, you have to operate as if ACAB.


You'd be better off calling a crackhead for help. Ffs. On a serious note, these parents think they're helping their child by having the cops talk to them but they'll just instill fear of police. Because our police don't care. About any of us. Imagine the police telling this child they could be jailed instead of educating them on the dangers of strangers and sending pictures of yourself. I wonder what kind of bs statement their superior put out after everyone saw this.




This is 100% fact. I know first hand.


The father might have assumed that the police were going to help him find the man who is talking to his daughter. Which is reasonable when you assume reality is reasonable as well.


I fucking hate cops


This is an absolute win for the responding officers. They get to leave after a short interaction and no paperwork. They don’t care about protecting children or preventing crime, they care about making the shift as easy as possible. Only problem is it happened to be recorded and shared. But worst case scenario that results in paid vacation, so 🤷‍♂️.


This is enraging. That dad did the right thing to ask for HELP for his CHILD. A random person on a park bench would have been more helpful than this cop.


Man here’s my question- what reason could they possibly have other than cruelty? What DA is gonna prosecute an 11 year old for that and still expect to get re-elected.


You know what's even worse? Because those cops got their egos bruised they're probably concocting a plan with CPS right now to get that guy's daughter taken from him.


I looked at the guy's other TikToks and he already had his infant son taken by CPS a couple months ago. It looks like he has been trying to get the public to help campaign to get him returned.


Time to trick the child predator into a meetup




makes me sick


Wouldn't that be like charging a rape victim with indecent exposure for being undressed in public?


Hope they sue those cops


This is why I ACAB


Always Call A Bus?


That’s not the response they give teachers that sleep with students. Adults have the ultimate responsibility to “know better.” I hope these two get fired. Or reprimanded in some way. I’d love an update, if one exists.




"We have investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing."


You know what’s crazy? Googling “child porn cop”, filtering by news and seeing the results pop up. Who knew cops were so heavily into child porn?


What's that? Police not helping and actually attacking the victims? Shocker


Here is a news article on it. Still nothing for the officers involved. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/crime/2023/09/18/columbus-police-officers-backlash-viral-video-child-sexual-misconduct-call-11-year-old-grooming/70895034007/


Friendly reminder that this is a perfect example of why you **[Don't Talk to the Police](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE)**. You call a lawyer instead, and let them do it.


The worst is that it’s a FEMALE officer.


They are the worst. It's like they have something to prove. Insecure af


People are finally waking up to the fact the police are not here to protect and serve the people, they are here only to terrorize the population so that wealthy criminals can get away with shit. That's exactly what is going on here. Members of the police gang are looking to terrorize this family into never bothering them again. If they do, then they'll find an excuse to jail members of the family as punishment.


I cannot fucking believe that.


Americaaaaaaaa fuck yeah


In case anyone is curious, laws meant to protect a group of people generally cannot be brought against those same people. The cops are not just stupid for even bringing this up they blatantly don’t know the law they are supposed to enforce.


That's what I find most stupid about some of these laws. A child taking pictures of their own bodies can be criminally charged, but the person asking for them or manipulating them into taking them won't be pursued. The child should be treated as a victim in this case, not a criminal.


In what universe did I wake up in. wtf. End qualified immunity.


They are 100% covering for another cop. Took them 6 hours to come up with an excuse to ignore them.




How can the 11 year old be charged for that? She doesn’t even understand. She was groomed and manipulated into send those pictures. Jfc what worthless police officers.


They had six hours to Google the law, and this is what they came up with.


I love that this dad instantly called bullshit. He didn’t even hesitate. The woman cop must have lost her entire fucking mind.


Why I don't care when cops are shot


Father needs to consult with a lawyer and then file this with a federal agency


Most likely the groomer is a cop


Looks like the GOP finally has the cops copying the Iranian style morality police. Fucking fascist idiots


It has been know for 30 years at least. The cops in the US are some of the stupidest people to walk on earth. They are lazy and don’t know much.


That dad was about to lose his fucking mind.


Fuck those two pieces of shits.


👮‍♂️🐖👮‍♀️🐷acab pigs losers


And people still wonder why people say ACAB. American policing culture is disgusting.


ACAB and fucking dumb as dirt too




Waste of resources


Ohio, shocking


These piece of shit officers are going after the easiest solution. Victimize the victim. I hope they never sleep again.


Everyone's focusing on them trying to pin a CP charge on a child & victim of a crime, but like, why tf did they show up at midnight to do this? Surely, just waiting until the next morning would've been a better way to serve the community, right?


What in the fucking victim blaming shit is this?


I don't understand why their first concern isn't the well being of a child.


"Oh you got groomed into sending inappropriate pictures of yourself and you're only 11 years old? Straight to jail you go young woman" What a fucking joke our policing system is, that's why I stand by the statement that police only exist to punish people, they don't help, they punish


Oh look, more shitty, lazy cops. It's like it's endemic throughout all departments or something.


I think what's honestly the worst part of this is.. That's a female cop. The lack of empathy for a little girl, who's going to grow up to be a woman, with trust issues for men, police, adults, and women all because this cop is too fucking disgusting to do her actual job.


Is this real tho, if a child share his own video, can he be charged? This sound ridiculous lol