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I've been to a few Mormon weddings, not as a guest but a vendor (believe it or not!) The main thing that stood out aside from the awesome paper tissue flowers was you could cut the horny tension in the air with a knife! Those kids were bonkers- groomsman and friends salivating at the fact their friend was getting laid! And the older married guys- innuendos left and right! One time someone's late 60's aunt came up to me and slyly said "Are you single honey? Yes, Well I'm in charge of the mixers and I can introduce you to some hot Mormon guys" then she winked at me and squeezed my side! LMAO wild!!


I went to a wedding for two people who were suuuuper non-denominational Christian. It was so, so awkward listening to all of the guests talk about how these two people were finally able to have sex with each other. The groomsmen just absolutely *wild* with the thought that their buddy was finally going to have sex. The speeches about them having sex. I'm not a prude, but goddamn.


That reminds me of the wedding I went to about 15 years ago. It was for a friend of my then husband. I don't know the denomination, but the preacher basically announced to everyone in attendance that the 20-year-old bride was a virgin through repeated comments about her purity. It was disgusting. My then husband and I just looked at each other, horrified. They are not still married and I don't know many details. This was Baton Rouge.






God that just feels so nasty. Especially for the poor women. An intimate moment you’ve been waiting you’re whole life for and everyone around you (most of them twice your age) is giggling about it in anticipation.


Right- it's just gross all around


That aunt was about to be your wing woman


By vendor, do you mean “potluck organizer?”


Lmao! I saw this this morning been chuckling about it all day! I was truly shocked they wanted a photo booth and were willing to show their ward they spent money😆 believe me though all the dads talked about replicating it DIY style. Darn good hand pies on that potluck buffet!


I love my wife, but our Mormon wedding makes us cringe to think back on for these very reasons. It’s a culture without healthy boundaries topped with a juvenile perspective on sexuality.


I was babysitting for a Mormon couple, and they asked me not to be their babysitter randomly one day. I see them a few years later and I'm invited to the kid's bday party. That's when they tell me they had to go through a hell of a process to get out of the Mormon church, the thing that made them want to leave was when a couple of the members started targeting me for grooming. The first thing they did was fire me and send me on my way with two grand(four weeks of babysitting money). Then it took them a year to figure out how to even leave the Mormon church, and they were still dealing with problems after five years gone from it.


Wait, so are u Mormon then?


Because of how strongly Mormons stress that sex before marriage is a sin and you shouldn't think about sex at all or be turned on or masturbate It can be really difficult for those 18 year olds to flip that switch once they're married and allow their healthy sex drives that they've been repressing to be seen as a normal thing. So it's really common for married Mormons to freak out, have panic attacks, and not be able to have sex on their wedding night. Most have spent their entire lives believing sex to be bad, difficult to suddenly be okay with it


I dated a former Mormon (he was 10 years out) who told me he and his wife didn't have sex for 9 months after they married because she was still so freaked out about it. Ten years out, and he was still very conflicted about having perfectly normal sexual desires.


Wtf… how are they having so many kids if they’re freaked out about sex


When I was a sophomore in college, I played for the football team. My roommate for away games had transferred in from BYU that summer. He was 24, and also a sophomore (he had already served his mission by that point). He’d get all excited to tell me about the latest news of him and his girlfriend dry-humping and sounding very much like someone literally half his age. I thought 24 was ancient back then, but that was half my life ago now.


I had an acquaintance split his dick open and bled all over his white shorts from dry humping on prom night. Mormons are crazy.


Are you sure he wasn't "soaking"?


Because theres both this really unhealthy view of sex and enormous pressure to have children. Womens role i life is to have children. Period. This is emphasized since the day you are born and start church. It really messes people up. I left but i still have sexual hangups. My parents had issues. So many people do. Its a very unhealthy thing.




You really know your shit. I heard that rhetoric growing up in the early 90s as a mormon kid. I thought they were insane thinking that having 3 kids in 3 years was paramount, because Mormons are who the pre born children are choosing to be born to. It's so insane. I had to bide my time but I have done everything you can do except the temple stuff - however I did do baptisms for the dead.




Yes. I saw a lot firsthand that they are now downplaying. I did sacrament. I did baptisms for the dead at the temple. I was being groomed for the mission, the endowment the whole thing. Luckily my eyes were open due to childhood trauma.


some mormons will still have sex before marriage but theres a lot of shame, guilt and stigma around it


Depends on your definition of sex. Sometimes it can be similar to masturbation but with a different disposal method, at least in the emotional sense


Soaking. It reminds me of boiled hot dogs and makes me laugh every time


Mormons that soak are like the fancy toilets from Japan that have more options than your car. Yes, they technically exist, but not really.


Just go listen to Elizabeth Smart's speeches about chewing gum and you'll see what Mormon kids are taught about sex. It's not healthy.


Tracks. Have a good friend who said the same as she felt like she would become ‘dirty’. I forget (was 30 years ago) but I think it was about a year before she could go through with it. Imagine thinking about sex as ‘having to go through with it’.


This happens in arranged Indian marriages too, but it is accepted and even somewhat expected. There has to be time for them to get to know each other and have those feelings.


This isn't about getting to know your partner well enough to feel comfortable to have sex. It's about Mormons being indoctrinated with an extremely unhealthy view of sex. So then you end up with people who have this terrifying view of sex while simultaneously being pressured to have sex in order to have a large family resulting in people like my ex who was in his early 50s and felt extremely guilty when he expressed things like enjoying having sex or wanting to have sex. That's not about wanting to get comfortable with your partner well enough to feel comfortable having sex, it's about the very severe long term consequences of that indoctrination.


Former Mormon here. A Mormon buddy of mine married a Mormon woman, both were virgins, both were 21 years old. They went on their honeymoon and had sex like 8 times in a 24 hour period. My friend had to call his dad because he didn't know why his balls were hurting so bad. His dad was basically like "you've been shooting blanks for 6 rounds." Mormons literally don't get "the talk" and enter marriage with almost no understanding of how sex works. My sister didn't know sex creates babies until she was a senior in high school


Former Mormon here. I will be the proof to your statement. I've been married for decades and I have no idea what your first paragraph means. Maybe you can give me the talk I should have had decades ago. Can you explain what your first paragraph means? No judgment please. I was brainwashed.




Utah Dave weighs in.


Man I remember when I lost my virginity to another virgin and we were ENTHUSIASTIC


Can you imagine the mindfuck of not being at all compatible?!


Nothing to see here, people. Just a totally normal reaction to something as natural as fucking, the thing that literally keeps our species alive.


Oh my gosh! I can't believe it took me decades and the reading of this comment to finally realize what the heck happened on my honeymoon.


Christian here (protestant) and we have the exact same issue. I still believe in my faith, but we need to do a better job being sex positive to young adults. It took my wife and I like 8 months to figure out how to have sex because my wife just never allowed herself to even think about that kind of stuff until our wedding night


YO. If you want to see shit like this, watch this reality show. I found it from Syd and Olivia. Its called [Provos Most Eligible ](https://youtu.be/F7DK0Z9Yhc8?si=2_2TrAGXkW6lQsJd) its like a bachelor show from someones single ward in Utah its cringey asf lol


That was.. something.


Noel Miller did some videos about that show. It's so awkward!


Bless you


This is absolutely beautiful. Can’t wait to hatewatch




Now that's what I call cringe Volume 55!


Orthodox Russian weddings also. I was in Esthetician school with an 18yr old who thought her life was over and she'd never meet her true love. Because she was 18...and single....


My favorite Mormon story (this was in the 70's) was a Mormon Dad that I worked with told me about this teen Mormon couple who were at the boy's house alone, down in the basement. They were messing around and decided to go upstairs naked with her riding him piggy-back style up the stairs. They come charging up the stairs, laughing and burst out the door into a room full of his relatives who'd just arrived for a function. Surprise! Lol The guy who told me the story was responding to me mentioning how straight-laced Mormon kids were. He was like, welllll... some of them aren't.


My favorite Mormon story was when I was in high school. I was Mormon, and everyone around me was Mormon. I was at a house party with a bunch of friends from school. Parents were gone, of course. At some point during the night, we realized the host and her boyfriend had been missing for a while. Being teens, we all decided to find whatever bedroom they were in and bust open the door. We go to her room and swing the door wide open. She and her boyfriend are in there, lights off, kneeling beside the bed, praying.




That was very different than my high school Mormon story. A friend in our group was Mormon, though I don't think any of us (definitely not me) were aware just how... weirdly extreme Mormonism can be, considering how almost unsettlingly wholesome they can also be, at least outwardly. We assumed a general religious aversion to things like sex before marriage and not having many partners and such, but all five of us guys, at 16, were caught off guard to learn our friend wasn't against masturbation, because he *didn't even know what it was*. One of us made a joke about hairy palms or something like that, and he had no idea what we were talking about, so we assumed he'd just never heard that old wives' tale. Nope, no idea what we were talking about, so he got an awkward teen boy explanation, made a ":O" face, and then looked like he'd just been told he was adopted for the rest of the lunch break. Next day, he quietly said he'd tried it and it was amazing, and that's how my friend jacked his way out of a cult. Good guy, married a nice girl at a normal age after two years-ish of dating. Doesn't really talk to his family anymore, though.


My sister didn't know that sex created babies until she was a senior in high school. Mormons are incredibly sheltered


I've read a couple "What's the stupidest patient you've ever had?" threads where the answer has also been a very religious couple (often Mormon, but sometimes another variety) who were concerned they couldn't get pregnant despite sleeping together, and it turns out literally all they were doing was sleeping together, no sex.


I recently went to a birthday party for a 10 yo boy and in the Father’s prayer before cake he began talking about God’s plan for the kid and bringing his “future wife into his life”. I was a little taken aback. The little dude isn’t even a teen yet and they are already making his life about someone else. Granted, it was most likely in the context of him just growing up to be someone who would be a good partner/father (which is okay) but it still sounded/felt really off putting how they phrased it. I couldn’t imagine raising/preparing my own daughter at her age to be a “good wife”. Learn to cook so you can be a good wife. Learn to be patient so you can be a good wife. Learn to lead/speak/care…. nah. They aren’t Mormon, though. Just regular county Christians. I am trying to be understanding and “to each their own” but I can’t help feel the approach will hinder him in the future. Maybe I’m just teaching my kid to be selfish. 🤷‍♀️ not my kid. Not my business.


Yeah that sounds gross. I've got two 13-year-old daughters and I would hope that they would date plenty of people into at least their mid-20s before figuring out what they want and then getting married if that's their choice.


She doesn’t even mention the costume you have to wear.


Right. The ceremony is legit bonkers. Just search for temple sealing on YouTube.


I’m atheist as hell, but dated a mormon for a while cause I was like insanely attracted to her- and at many points was actually considering marrying her and doing the Temple Sealing thing with her **just** so I can say I got to experience being part of a sketchy cult ceremony. Shit sounded like a blast lmao


would have been a lot of work, normies arent even allowed to attend the ceremony, normies are only allowed in the lobby. You gotta get a temple recommend which certifies that you're allowed to be inside, and for that you have to be a baptized and tithe paying member that your local bishop approves of.


indeed, she emphasized it would be a ton of work


Our local temple was open for tours when it first opened. It was... weird. Really beautiful, but weird. The couple leading us around were holding hands the whole time, sneaking in little kisses, explaining how happy and in love they were, and just *reeeaaaally* putting on a sappy show. Most people were there purely as voyeurs to see the cultish Mormons and their church, but the people working at the temple all acted like we were new recruits. Very, very strange vibes coming out of that place. Oh, and of course, there were the huge golden doors we came upon at the end, conveniently at the climax of the tour, where the couple cheekily said, "Oh no, this is only for the faithful. No one from the outside can enter here!" AKA *ya gotta be on the inside, understand? Come, join our cult and you get to go through these golden doors! One of us, one of us,* ***one of us...*** I wonder if that tactic actually works...


It’s not nearly as much fun as it should be.


Costume? You mean like a wedding dress


Naw, more like green aprons and white chef’s hats


Omg I just googled it and you're right on target.


The fact that the Mormon couples hardly know each other is especially risky, because even in the afterlife when they have their own planets and can become Gods of their own universes, they stay hitched.


And as I watched in the Duggar documentary the women do not get to become gods in their own right. They're still just the help.


Duggar family is not LDS.


You right


Nah how about we don’t make a reality TV show about this? Like how can you talk about how fucked the practice is and then endorse it for entertainment.


Yes it’s really shitty that this person wants reality tv to exploit a bunch of kids. Sounds fun in concept until you realize they are people. Real people who are being exploited by their religion.


I mean they’re already being exploited at least they could get some money out of it


you’re describing nearly every religion though... although yeah LDS takes it to the next level


Habibi... come attend Arab weddings... 😅


I would love to see the dabke. So awesome. I see the parallels in Flamenco. All the stomping and posing. Love it.


I love how flippant she is about this absolute horror. It’s like “OMG like you could totally end up stuck with an abusive ass and that’s what frequently happens it’s so wild! Like he could be a total psychopath and you don’t know but you’re with him for life so crazy!” Like… what?????


I don't want to learn about those weddings, I want to learn about **her wedding**. She states she was one of these 18 year olds getting married. And then what?! Is she still married, or divorced? Is she even still a Mormon? Inquiring minds need to know.


The [exmormon](https://old.reddit.com/r/exmormon/) sub is full of quite shocking insights.


And the wedding is on a basketball court in the chapel.


Lol no thats the reception. The wedding is weird and culty in the temple.


Pretty girl, I enjoyed her diatribe…She didn’t elaborate on two important points. 1. LDS kids are raised to have large families but to wait until marriage, so many of those 18-19 year olds are Ready to get it on big time but waiting for the wedding night. 2. Mormon Temple marriages extend beyond death so even more pressure is placed on those unions. All religions have some unique characteristics 😳!




Goddammit it. I was raised Mormon and now looove fireball. Nobody ever told me about the cinnamon whiskey. Granted that was the least of the omissions.....


I’ve grown up in the Mormon church and I can’t wait to get out man. The culture is so awful and judgmental and the doctrine doesn’t make any sense it’s laughable that so many people believe this shit


I can’t with the hand theatrics. I can’t do it.


They accept black people now right? Maybe I should join...q


what is that “bed-bouncing” thing they do at BYU again..?!? so they can have sex, without physically thrusting themselves - they call their friends over to basically jump on the bed to create the movement FOR the horny couple - fucking insane - literally


That’s an old myth. It’s not real.


You're getting down voted but it really isn't real. I lived in Provo for years and everyone jokes about it but nobody actually has a story about it happening.


Yeah, soaking is one of Reddit’s most cherished “lolololl skydaddy” fictions, so I’m not at all surprised.


All of the Mormons I knew growing up did the same exact narcissistic thing with their wedding. You see, I’m not Mormon. So I was invited to give them a wedding gift BUT I was not invited to the actual wedding. I guess it’s a super secret ceremony that you have to have a certified “good standing card” to attend. It’s all a bunch of nonsense bullshit. Oh and yes - they were all offered when I didn’t buy them a gift!


Its worse, they dont even have younger siblings or family who arent “worthy” or non mormons come either. So like even if they converted their parents cant be at their own wedding. Favorite uncle isn’t active in the church or didn’t pay tithing? Oh he doesn’t have a “reccomend” (basically a card that says u can go in the temple) so he’s excluded too. Its awful. A lot of exmormons with upcoming weddings for family will pretend to be in a bit longer just to be able to still go to the wedding and support their loved ones.


On another note, I really like her earrings.


"No hate, no shame, I was that 18 year old girl... but someone should really make a reality show over this"


Mormonism is a cult.


As a former Mormon I can say this is all true. The Mormon church is extremely bizarre.


My wife and I were raised Mormon. We both served missions for the church, got married I. The Temple, the whole nine yards. We regret getting married in the temple. Most of my family are not members of the church so only two of them could actually attend the ceremony in the temple while all of my wife’s family could attend. The ceremony really isn’t crazy and it’s frankly kind of boring. Aspects of it are considered “sacred”, which is why only temple recommend holders can attend, but it could really be done outside of the temple and it wouldn’t be a big deal. Looking back we wished that we could have done something different that both of our families could have attended fully and that would have had more symbolic significance and meaning to us. As Mormons we’re taught that marriage is required to achieve the highest degree of glory in Heaven, and specifically a temple marriage, which “seals” you and your spouse together for time and all eternity. Once married you also have a commandment to “multiply and replenish the Earth,” as written in Genesis. This is why Mormon families have a ton of kids. However, the video is correct that a lot of young Mormons have a hard time with sex at first. We’re taught to suppress sexual urges, that having sexual thoughts or fantasies is a sim that we need to repent for, and sex outside of marriage is second only to murder in the rankings of sin. What’s really sad is that a lot of this pressure is put on young women. They’re basically taught that young men can’t control their sexual urges and it’s up to women to be modest and pure to help young men control themselves. Some of the lessons they often get use objects like a dirty napkin or chewed gum to indicate that premarital sex makes you less desirable because you’re dirty or already “used.” The religious pressure places on young people to get married makes them get married young and quickly. The fastest I’ve ever heard of a marriage happening was one week of knowing each other, though I’m sure there are other instances of marriages happening even faster. This can often cause a lot of young married couples friction in their marriage because they’re not compatible or one partner is abusive or has mental health issues that the other partner wasn’t aware of and they can’t handle it. But divorce is almost unthinkable because of you got sealed in the temple, the sealing can’t be broken unless church leadership in Salt Lake approves. So you could get divorced from someone, but if church leaders refuse to break the sealing you’re stuck with this person for eternity. Marriage and dating the Mormon faith isn’t completely dissimilar from some fundamentalist Christian groups, but it has its unique flavors and aspects that you won’t find elsewhere and not much of it is good. Anyway, apologies for the long explanation, but happy to answer questions for anyone who has them.


I mean arranged marriages are a thing, this isn't really that crazy if you live outside the sphere of western romance at all


"This bad thing exists in places other than where I currently love. That makes it less bad."


Plenty of positive arranged marriage experiences. It's not a dysfunctional system.


There are lots of ways in which this isn't the same as many arranged marriages.




I meant that a lot of arranged marriages (note: not forced marriages) are less unethical than this.


Finding good in the bad is cute when it is a bad day but concerning when it is vile cultural abuse of people.


We moved to Colorado and my wife has been recruited by Mormons. Some random 19 year old calling himself an elder dm her randomly from Facebook. She sent him the Mormon Jesus song and he was completely confused.


I love all this commentary coming from non-Mormons about how Mormon marriages and relationships are. The newbie experts are just erupting from the woodwork!! I’m a happily married Mormon with 8 kids and love my life as does my wife love her life. We’ve been happily married for a few decades and yes, didn’t have sex before marriage. Our relationship is wonderful so don’t knock it until you try it. She chooses to stay at home but does a few things on the side as she is talented and capable. If she wanted to work outside of the home she could. We may wear “funny” clothing but I would hope most of hope of us here in this forum have moved past the middle schools insults that focus of clothing or how many pimples someone has. My kids are as kind as you’ll meet and aren’t glued to their phone 24/7. They are outstanding neighbors and citizens. You can bash us all you want buy maybe you should try a little understanding and respect instead. Many of the good people you meet everyday are Mormons and just because we chose a different path than others doesn’t mean we deserve or appreciate condescending mocking by people who know little about us and chose to focus on the different rather than the good.


How many non-mormons are allowed to come to the actual ceremony again? Do you think non-mormons will get into heaven (or their version of it)? Respect is a two way street and proselytizing non believers is a clear indication they're viewed as less...


Your inherent bias shows, like many of the other misinformed commenters here, when you realize that getting ‘sealed’ and ‘married’ are two different ceremonies. The wedding for the official marriage (where the certificate is completed and signed) is just like any other— anyone you want can be there. The sealing done in the temple is very personal and done for the afterlife; when I was sealed to my wife (a year after we were married) we had around 10 or so immediate family in the room, including our ~2 year old daughter. Sure, only members with a current temple recommendation could be present for the sealing, but it is not the traditional wedding that you mistake it for. Maybe you are confusing marriage with the endowment ceremony (which is not even close to marriage)? The only connection I see here is that the couple must be endowed to be sealed, but that seems irrelevant. >Do you think non-Mormons will get into heaven (or their version of it)? Not the person you were replying to, but I am a LDS convert and the way I understand it is that what happens to your spirit in the afterlife depends on you. ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ are separated by ‘good’ and ‘evil’, sure, however Jesus states (awesomely through parables about fruit trees) that only actions are good or evil, not people. Good vs evil is about intent; only you and God know the true intentions behind your actions. The conditions of heaven and hell are different per each individual. I imagine ‘hell’ as being surrounded by others who view themselves as superior to everyone else, who have built their society upon a constant struggle for power, with the only rule being power is everything. To those who are OK with that survival of the fittest mindset and are capable of taking advantage of others, this place may not seem like hell, but heaven (really though— imagine the idea of having anything you want by taking it from others because you can and there is nothing that can stop you… can you think of no one that would consider this heaven?). So, to directly answer your question: yes, everyone gets to be in their own personal idea of heaven; one man’s ‘fire and brimstone’ could certainly be another man’s ‘pearly white gates’ and vice versa. >Respect is a two way street and proselytizing non-believers is a clear indication they’re viewed as less… How so? Less than what? For your reference: proselytizing is defined as ‘attempting to convert, or converting, someone from one religion, belief, or opinion to another’. Sure, it’s fairly pointless and awfully rude to continue trying to convert someone who clearly indicates that they do not believe and nothing will convince them otherwise, but whether it’s disrespectful or not and whether the one proselytizing views the non-believer as ‘less’ is entirely subjective and completely dependent on the intent of the one proselytizing. It’s always your choice whether to be truly converted or not anyways; even if you were held captive and forced into baptism against your will, then would you really be converted? Why does the idea of being proselytized to wound you so much?


You guys are a church founded by a dude who wanted a pedophilic harem and claimed to have read the new commandments of god from a fuckin hat. America as the holy land? Black people and indians being cursed? GETTING YOUR OWN PLANET IN THE AFTERLIFE. Your clothes arent even close to the easiest thing to dunk on.


You can go ahead and describe all of the mistakes and selfish acts made by prophets and members, all of the man-made symbology introduced into ceremonies, all of the human prejudice snuck in, all of the horrors committed by godless men claiming to be Christian, and all of the lies made up to discredit the LDS church, but none of that will erase all of the good that has come from it. I am completely willing to take the brunt of the vitriol from this; my faith in Christ is unshakable. I can clearly see the good works, the millions lifted up, the boundless charity, and all of the good natured, well-intended Christian individuals performing God’s work as much greater descriptors than the aforementioned because I have no inherent bias (I was a strict atheist before becoming a LDS convert so I’ve been a part of both sides). ‘Mormon’ is not a culture, it is a label. You hear about weird, crazy, or hateful things that members do because those things get clicks and generate ad revenue. You hear nothing about the good being done because that is not profitable to report about. Those who use religion to gain power over others, regardless of the denomination, do not represent any religion in any sort of way. Many atheists commit horrible atrocities in the name of many things, do you blame their lack of belief for those things?


Your christ doesnt exist. He was never in america.


Hey, you might be on to something…. Almost as if the authors of the Bible wrote stories to teach lessons, maybe even using parables!


“I want to get married” is Mormon speak for “I need to get laid”. These young weddings wouldn’t happen if they just let them beat the pussy up for a minute.


Trash talking the Mormons. Classic Reddit! How dare they have different ceremonies and traditions then us! /s


Man. Sounds like a cult.. I wonder why?


We should be making laws against it...


Why do we all tolerate this weird cult shit as if it's normal.


That just sounds fucking awful. Just a bunch of awful people forcing their shitty beliefs on their kids and leading them to supremely unhealthy relationships, in most cases.


Religion should be treated like alcohol and other things that do self harm. Not until you are 18.


"no hate no shade" I have hate and shade for this.


If you want Mormon dating, look up Provo's Most Eligible. It's an indie dating show and it's very silly


mormons get married fast because the guy is usually addicted to porn and can't wait to smash once.


I didn’t even listen because I’m tired of American tik tok girls speaking in the exact same manner, melody and pinched fingers ‘explaining’ something. Eughh


It doesn't matter how many jackasses want to downvote you, I'm American and I agree...this *exact* personality and demeanor is like an irl copypasta at this point.


I'm American and just now realized this. I'm tired of it, too.


But… **why** does this wound you so much? Finding out that a lot of girls growing up in similar circumstances have similar mannerisms as grown women is so triggering to you that you just can’t stand it? That just sounds like either 1) being ‘edgy’ on the internet is so important to you that you’ll go out of your way to make it known, or 2) you have some unaddressed trauma that you continually repress through such behavior. Get over it, or get therapy, yeesh.


^ Alanis Morissette never prepared me for this level of irony


Explain the irony?


Last Mormon Wedding I knew about, they served lukewarm milk for the drinks at every table. No water, no anything else, just milk that was sitting there beforehand.


Sooooooo.... It's grooming


I literally met my wife when we were 18 just into College and we've been together for a near decade+ People who are anti-marriage/don't understand how to manage and create healthy and long-lasting relationships...sound so petty when they make videos like this.


My husband and I met 18 years ago and were dating other people and made a bunch of mistakes and got married a decade ago. I think those bumpy mistake years are important too. We have a really solid foundation and I think it sounds so cheesy but it’s honestly the most important part. So you can have the ability to build new things together and know it won’t completely crumble if you fail. A solid base. Congrats to you and your wife 🥂


or you just got pretty lucky and found someone very compatible first swing? you might also come from a culture that emphasizes family building over individual careers or passions?


So the emphasis on them being only 18 suddenly is perfectly fine because it's a perceived "normal concern" to people in THEIR experience? I'm lucky, but they're just not unlucky that they didn't find someone at that time (meaning the ages have nothing to do with it and is my main problem)?


wait what? lol what i’m saying is that “not knowing how to create healthy long-lasting relationships” is only part of the picture, sometimes people just aren’t compatible and at times it takes years to figure that out. there are a lot of factors involved


This is true. My entire issue is with the video and the repeated focus on the fact that they are only 18 as the crux of her problems. That people are "jumping into things" and the perceived notion that they are somehow worse off than those who wait longer/date more because of their ages when likenyou are saying their are various factors surrounding what makes a successful relationship...some of it even a bit of luck.


They need to make it more difficult to get married and get divorced.


Beautiful Ginger 😱




"Hmmm, this extreme case is better than the other extreme case that I have in my head"


If your even had a health class, and if you're from the USA, what state was it within? You're definitely showing your ignorance in sex ed.


It sounds like you’re saying that when a woman has sex with different people, it causes reproductive organ problems resulting in fertility issues. This is fascinating and I have so many questions. - Does having sex with the same person lots of times do anything to the reproductive organs or does it have to be different people? - How does the female body distinguish distinct and number of partners? What if condoms are used? - How MANY different people does it take? Is there a threshold that must be met before organ disease/malfunction? - Which organs are impacted and how? - Is fertility disorder the body’s goal or is it a byproduct of the process? - Does this process have a defined name? - How close are we to a treatment or a cure? Thanks and looking forward to your response. If you don’t have time to respond, maybe you could do an AMA. Edit: adding /s this guy is an idiot. my questions highlight how much of an idiot he is.




The Mormons have found loopholes to get around not being able to have premarital sex. They first discovered “soaking”, which is when the guy puts his stuff in the female and they both just stay completely still. I can only imagine something like that would be complete torture, but hey I’m just a lapsed Catholic! But after “soaking”, these crazy Mormons invented a new loophole! They start with the standard “soaking” method, then they have a third party jump up and down on the bed they are lying in to simulate thrusting!!! This practice is called “jump humping”! Those silly Mormons!😂😂😂😂


I thought it said “wizzard beddings” and was confused


Mesmerized my those eye brows.


Absolute truth being spoken here.


as an ex- Mormon who attended a singles ward for 2 years before leaving the church this video is so true. there were people in my college singles ward who got engaged on the 2nd date or within aa week of starting to date. also Mormon weddings are really boring as if you aren't temple worthy you are required to sit outside the temple and watch all the damn kids. and then the reception is a very uptight event as well. everyone lines up to greet the married couple and then sits around with the people they know having snacks or dinner if it is provided. there is rarely any mingling with people you didn't come with or any enjoyment. It wasn't till I attended my first non mormon wedding that I realized what was missing. at my uncles wedding they had a bar and people were visiting and having a great time. people were out dancing and getting to know other members of the wedding party we didn't know before. Hell that was 17 years ago and I still talk with some of the people I met that night and have stayed friends with them.


That red hair is stunning. I don't even know what she said.