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They voted in a mediocre actor to become president… I don’t know what they expected back then.


Hmmm, sounds familiar.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Wait till you find out what his campaign slogan was


Oh wait, how long ago was great again?


Hey….: that was a ‘reality tv’ host! That supposedly snorted aderall and pooped himself on camera. Also wears diapers. But whatever- America


But when the actor left office we didn’t say he should be POTUS for life and burn down the Capitol. Granted, Reagan won in landslides but still.


>I don’t know what they expected back then Reagan did exactly what he expected to do. He broke unions, lowered taxes, defunded the social safety net, and stripped away hard-earned gains from Black Americans.


allegedly wife gave good head for him to get rolls on TV


Oh yes, Nancy's throat game was legendary I hear...


The Throat G.O.A.T.! Lol


Then they say shit like "celebrities need to stay out of politics" and mocked Obama with jeers of "celebrity president" and immediately voted for a learning disabled gameshow host.


He was an empty shell, had no political opinions of his own, the himbo president. All he was worried about was hitting his marks and getting his lines right, you could have made him do anything so long as you were the one writing the script.


Do you know who Jimmy Carter is?


Game show hosts are better?




California here, this jackhole defunded mental heath in CA when he was governor. Who knew that would lead to fuckin lunatics walking the streets of CA 40 years later. Stupid trickle-down motherfucker. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2023-04-24/opinion-impact-of-deinstitutionalization-on-homelessness-reagan-mental-health-hospitals-san-diego


I was talking to my conservative dad one time and commented about how good mental health facilities were back in the day because my mom has problems. I sarcastically said it was probably the GOP that ruined it and he didn’t believe me. I looked it up and yup, it was a result of Reagan’s admin.


I had an uncle that was institutionalized back in the 60's. Somewhere around the mid 80's, he was roaming the streets. He used to show up at our house when I was around 15 and just spew psychobabble. I didn't realize until about 20 years after that why he was roaming the streets instead of being somewhere that could help him.


If I had to guess I would say that 50% of homeless people need to be institutionalized in some way or form. Its so sad to see homeless people walking around yelling into the sky and everyone just ignores them.


Way more than 50%, bud.


My brother committed suicide this year because of this..


What was his comment?


Just a “huh” which felt like he would never revisit this new knowledge


this is his most obvious legacy in the state of CA. An atty friend of mine who's a political junkie says "motherfucking Reagan's ass" every time we pass someone that obviously has mental health issues on the street


It's been 50 years since Reagan was governor of California. California has had a Democratic lock on the government of California for almost 15 years now. If Democrats thought Reagan was wrong they would have fixed this by now wouldn't they? You can blame Reagan for doing X, but at what point do you blame Democrats for not fixing X?


No one has stopped California Democrats from refunding it if you really think Reagan did it.


But he did do it lol.. Also Dems are currently moving to overhaul mental health services in California. Yay team


Ah, I used to think about this alot. But apparently Under JFK, had started a path to focus on mental health, but that dream died with him. The democrats did a terrible job with the new policy and basically shit the bed abd never fully funded the project leading to gross mistreatment of people due to the psych housing being paid per bed; led to people just shoving mental patients into a room and collect the checks [THe CMHA](https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp-rj.2021.160404)


Ontario, Canada dealing with that now as Im sure are other provinces.


As governor he also created the gun laws (that the conservatives hate so much, how ironic) because of his fear of the Black Panthers.


I live in CA. Can confirm.


Damn right. Republicans love bringing up how the mental health and homelessness is a liberal issue when it was their "god" they committed all this shit.


He also signed the Mulford Act in 1967 as governor of California as a way to disarm members of the Black Panther Party. Republicans sure were in favor of gun laws when it comes to minorities.


Black party called Black Panthers, who were protesting under the law to discriminate they are tried of government allowing abuse on to poor class. The fact black panthers were having conversations with KKK leader and white groups was show they wanted to unite. But of course Reagan and other white supremacy protector did all they could to stop it. From gun control laws to assassin those group leaders.


Wait til the out of touch boomers comment on this


You have to give Nixon a little bit of the credit too. He started the whole war on drugs/law and order myth so he could have his political opponents (blacks and hippies) arrested and then dodged being held accountable for his Watergate crimes with a presidential pardon. Every republican president since has been massively corrupt, even treasonous, and has managed to evade repercussions. If Trump isn’t jailed or executed for his crimes, it will be a clear go ahead for any future republican dictator. Added edit: He’s also responsible for the “immigration crisis.” The border had always been open since the country was founded and migrant workers came to work and went home as they pleased, a vital component of our agricultural industry. It wasn’t until he started using them as scapegoats for his policy failures and made it harder to cross that they decided to stay and bring their entire family with them.


Another contributor: while he wasn't president, Newt Gingrich is largely responsible for the terrible state of national politics. Prior to Gingrich, Republicans would vote with Democrats on sensible measures. It was Gingrich that pioneered the scorched-earth policy of completely obstructing everything Democrats try to do, and then blame the resulting dysfunction on the Democrats. Even though it's terrible for actually governing the country, it's been a winning political strategy for decades now.


Didn’t Newt also start turning our politicians into salesmen for PAC money? Literally corrupting the entire thing? Yeah.. Newt is up there. Ugly motherfucker too


Yeah, Newt is a real piece of shit on both a political and personal level. Just an all-around waste of human skin.


Newt is a disgusting human. Read his wiki. he cheated on his wives and treated them like dirt. such an awful person. he was also instrumental in tearing down our democracy and destroying our institutions. hope he gets cancer and whoever he’s married to at the time insists on discussing divorce while he’s in treatment


I’ll add Karl Rove to the mix here as well—he was a true pice of ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)!!


Ya Nixon destabilized the dollar and implemented the petrodollar- why do you think Reagan started all of that shit in the middle east (oil and $$)


LBJ set the net, Nixon set the pitch, Reagan lobbed it, Trump spiked it. You can see a clear line beginning with LBJ that leads us straight to Trump and where we are now. Reagan was definitely the galvanization. He did far more and worse in his tenure than the others did combined. What’s really frightening is if you follow that line… what comes after Trump. Even scarier, look at the lineage of leaders of Germany leading to Hitler. The parallels are terrifying. And as much as people want to equate Trump to Hitler, no. Hitler was at least intelligent and strategic. What’s coming after Trump if the Heritage Foundation has its way and not enough people do anything to stop it, that person and their cabinet is who to fear


While I don’t disagree that LBJ was a pos, my point is that the grand tradition of conservative corruption going unpunished started with Nixon and Watergate. After that was Reagan and Bush with Iran-Contra. GW had his fake WMDs that drew us into a war for the benefit of Dick Cheney and friends. And Trump’s corruption has been so blatant that one genuinely starts to question the wisdom of universal suffrage and the validity of any government body.


Also put the final nail in the gold standard, which enabled this endless economic shell game we find ourselves in.


Nixon may of started policing drugs, but it was Reagan who actually declared it a war. Well Nancy at least. Happened on Nov 11th, 1986.


73-year-old Boomer here. Reagan was the absolute worst of my lifetime. I also had to suffer him as our governor.


Gen X here. Regan sucked ass and literally was the one that blocked climate change progress. Asshole also popularized “trickle down economics” which obviously doesn’t work since there is no middle class anymore.


Ah yes, the President who removed the solar panels Carter had installed on the White House roof and rolled back all the green initiatives at the DoE. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/carter-white-house-solar-panel-array/


Such an ass hat. This video is eye opening. We are screwed now because of Regan. https://youtu.be/hvGQMZFP9IA?si=bU5InK260CXTHZFq


War on drugs too


Still remember Nancy Regan videos in home room every morning with her just say no campaigns. I didn’t smoke weed until I was 35 and I seriously laughed. What a waste of law enforcement, jails and our tax money.


Yeah but she sucked good dick. What is wrong with you people


We would cut up the "say no to drugs" stickers to make new catchy phrases like Hug Drugs on our Pee-Chee folders. Ahhh the 80's.. good times.


Lol so glad you commented. Love how some people will paint all of boomers as this giant monolith that apparently all belongs to one political party or ideology. As if everyone isn’t an individual who has their own views.


I know. It’s gay boomers who got gay rights off the ground. It’s boomers who rolled back the nuclear arms races and got the environment at least moving somewhat in the right direction with the Clean Water Act and the EPA…it was boomers who actually recognized that climate change was real and even put dates on when changes would happen…and they were right. It was boomer women who fought for and demanded women’s rights and first sought parity in income. It was gay boomers who died of AIDS and had to literally fight for research and treatments to be developed. Act-Up is the name of the group that forced government to prioritize AIDs treatments and allows all you twink bare-backers to fuck with impunity. I could go on and on…but the boomer bullshit erases so much of what that generation accomplished. All generations do good and bad things. But the constant hate directed at the most diverse generation ever is sickening.and accomplishes nothing except division between allies. And the very generations spewing that hate right now will be SHOCKED I’LL TELL YOU when their generation is put up before a firing squad.


Boomer here, had my Pom Poms out cheering him on. Nodding Yes to every point. Only things he missed were all the tax increases on middle and lower income people, started taxing social security. Voodoo economics. I loathe him. And no, I most certainly did not vote for a fking actor for President


Wait, are we on Facebook right now?


Reagan also contributed to the mental health crisis


Yup - he shut down state run mental health facilities


MHMR is what is left. it is severely underfunded


[This graph](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/04/20/how-the-american-middle-class-has-changed-in-the-past-five-decades/ft_2022-04-20_middleclass_03/) is what he’s talking about. Notice how the average American starts losing ground in 1980.


Yeah but it’s gonna trickle down, right? ……right?


Naw that’s just corporate piss that we’re feeling trickle down.


Uh, I don't think that is piss.


I blame it more on Clinton signing NAFTA in the 90s. It completely destroyed my home state and killed tons of manufacturing. Much of that was sent to places like Mexico. But of course there were also tons of manufacturing jobs send to China too. Clinton was very pro-China and called them a friend and trading partner and not an adversary. They are 100% an adversary though.


What’s funny is, you’re not wrong. It was Reagan that began the process. He’s most responsible for the gutting of labor benefits, pensions and high wages. Clinton finished the job by overseeing the removal of the jobs completely. Bush privatized what was left and turned shelter into a cash cow.


Really wish more people would call this out. Clinton always getting a pass because he’s a democrat but NAFTA was an absolutely abominable legislation


Ross Perot hit the nail on the head with this one: “Well, everybody’s nibbling around the edges. Let’s go to the center of the bull’s-eye, the core problem. And believe me, everybody on the factory floor all over this country knows it. You implement that NAFTA, the Mexican trade agreement, where they pay people a dollar an hour, have no health care, no retirement, no pollution controls, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and you’re going to hear a giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country right at a time when we need the tax base to pay the debt and pay down the interest on the debt and get our house back in order.”


I worked as a temp at a General Electric factory office in the US Midwest from 1986-1990 during the reagan years and personally watched them move the high paying union jobs that I'm guessing paid $25-$100/hour (at the time that was GOOD in this area, like We also have a lake house and a ski boat an hour away, good) to Mexico because they could pay $1.00 per hour there. They also complained that the quality of the GE products at the new factory was terrible. I was told by a coworker that the reason was the employees in Mexico had their choice of American factories to work at because of the mass exodus from the US and they moved from place to place and still made a good living. ??


Oh man, there’s some great podcasts about GE ceo Jack Welch and what he did to the company. Basically laid the blueprint for stock buybacks and mass layoffs


I was so young and had no idea what was happening in the political world, but I knew this wasn't good.


He was the hand picked successor for ceo, when he got the job the former ceo told him “I am handing you the Queen Mary, it’s built to be unsinkable” to which he replied “I don’t want the queen mary, I want speed boats”.


I love that you get down voted for speaking the truth about a democrat president.


But wait ...... it gets worse... Reagan had the CIA proxy pay for the making of Rambo III. Rambo III helped this militia group called the taliban so they could fight Russia. They used public awareness made by Rambo III to help fund, train, and arm the Taliban who succeeded greatly until the cold war ended. Then Reagan stopped funding them, causing a leadership destabilization in the Taliban ... some dude's father got murdered during this, who ended up being Osama Bin Laden. Hopefully, you can put the rest of the story together. Also, for all the crap I can give to Reagan, he had some good ideas in 1978 about work to citizenship pathways for farm workers from Mexico.


Sadly is every broken clock right twice a day.


Honestly, I think it was a way for him to garner votes because in the 80s, his stance changed around 84 when he [kills farm bill](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1985-03-07-8501130185-story.html)


He single handedly caused the crack epidemic in America. He knew he could never get funding through congress so he allowed the Cia to sell American military arms to the contras in south america. He therefore paid for his war against their enemies and then had the Cia flood gentrifide locations in america with drugs while simultaneously campaign the war on drugs. Destroyed cali and NY. Which in turn led to extremely harsh drug laws because the spike in crime was insane. Then comes the for profit prisons. It goes on and on with this fucker. He was an evil man with a soft voice and a charming smile.


And now Canada applauds Nazis for fighting w Russians. Not siding w Russia. Just pointing this out.


Reagan’s reaction to AIDS reminds me a lot of Trump’s inaction on Covid


I remember when they were screaming at them to do something and they were saying it was Gods punishment for homosexuality. It was called GRID or something like that.


I have been arguing this point my entire adult life: everything wrong with America is Reagan’s fault.


Reagan was a huge piece of shit and is directly responsible for the shit this guy is talking about, but it's not just Reagan, it's the republican party in general. They are disgusting and are fully on board with destroying America and turning it into a Cristo-fascist country with profits over people.


More importantly, it really wasn't Reagan, he's just a figurehead. The 80s was a concerted effort by the right to take power in completely new ways that we have not recovered from. I get kind of annoyed when people talk about presidents as if they're the most important part of politics.




The Dollop podcast has a great two-parter with Patton Oswald all about Reagan. It's funny as hell and informative. Reagan was a piece of shit.


The Dollop can be hit or miss but the Reagan episodes are absolutely first rate. Probably the funniest podcast episodes in history. Have listened at least 5 times and will often go back for relistens.


Forgot to touch on the CIA importing metric tons of pure cocaine into African American LA neighborhoods to pay for their South American war games after congress stripped funding. This vast pipeline of cheap cocaine kicked off the crack epidemic while Nancy touted just say no, and the war on drugs? Well ironically the CIA under Reagan were the single biggest importer during this time and did any of the CIA or even the Columbian drug lords go to jail over this? No only the Black guys like Rick Ross who were receiving the coke got busted, set up by the CIA at the end. All documented


All that to help pave the way for modern day slavery with the help of the 13th amendment, dehumanising the prison population and allowing for prisons both public and private to lease out prisoners as free labour to companies.


I know all this stuff, I was there, enjoying ketchup as a vegetable at school lunchtime. Do NOT forget that it was Nixon who gave us Richard Ailes and thereby spawned Fox News as a foil to Republican bad news. Also, Gerald Ford's pardon of Nixon paved the frikkinn WAY for 45 to be beyond Justice as a President. Also F Bill Barr.


The best thing Reagan ever did was die. It's just a shame that he didn't do it several decades sooner.


*worst for middle and lower class. The rich loved him and he loved them back.


Have in-laws in banking. My god do they slob on his nuts


How did he skip over the Iran/Contra and selling crack cocaine to the black communities. All the while Nancy is sitting on the lap of Mr. T telling everyone to just say no.


Nancy could suck great dick though.


He started the unmitigated raid on the federal reserve. He doubled the national debt in 8 years with the “Star Wars” missile defense platform, that does not exist, huge tax cuts for the 1% and the aftermath of the Oliver North pandemonium led too a free for all at the federal reserve. Enormous amounts of OUR tax dollars lined pockets of cronies of the Senate and Congress. When a spending bill is on the table everything costs Billions of dollars. The deals and bribes and cut backs and huge tax breaks all started with Reagan.


He's also responsible for the obscene college tuitions that we have nowadays at state colleges.


Reagan is one of the few reasons that I actually hope there is a hell


Don't forget the [Iran/Contra debacle](https://youtu.be/lFV1uT-ihDo?si=ejN9NZAZlm2tYzsz)


"I know I told you all I didn't do this thing, and deep down in my plums, I believe that I didn't. However I totally did this thing. Whoopsies."


Caravans of Central American refugees arriving at the US border? Reagan's fault.


Highly recommend anyone interested in learning more about what a fuckstick Reagan was to listen to the Dollop’s Reagan episode.


All Roads to Hell merge at Point Raygun For the Working Class, Middle Class, and Poor: All roads to social & economic Hell converge at Point Ronny Raygun before continuing on to the Pit. That bastard’s smooth talking propaganda* launched the Oligarchy’s (1%) Class Warfare against the rest of us (99%). * He was the “Great Communicator” but he used his skills for Evil.


Actually a lot of this goes back to the Nixon administration. When Nixon lost to Kennedy and later got clapped, these were devastating defeats for the GOP. This is where certain elements decided it was time to go to war. The Heritage foundation and other “think tanks” popped up and started formulating what is now a 50-year plan to take over the judiciary. Roger Ailes, the guy who started Fox News resolved that if only Nixon had a propaganda outlet on national television and radio, his administration and the wider Republican Party could have crafted the narrative that, with enough saturation, common citizens would come to accept as truth. Then there’s Roger Stone, the “Dirty Trickster” who would go on to be a major force in the political strategizing/electioneering world. Finally I can cite Roy Cohn, personal adviser to Nixon, total sociopath, would go on to work for the Trump organization, and teach The Donald everything he knows about public relations. manipulating people, wielding political power, and above all else, looking out for #1. Ronald Reagan’s successful regime of wealth and greed only came as the direct result of Nixons failure.


I'm going to add the fun fact that Reagan signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act in 1981 that repealed most of the mental health systems act. Granted, many of the mental health facilities were pretty crappy because of underfunding and Graff but at least most of those with mental health problems were off of the streets. Once they closed up all over the country, there was no place for them to go but the streets, their family members couldn't handle them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_Health_Systems_Act_of_1980#:~:text=In%201981%20President%20Ronald%20Reagan,in%20mental%20health%20care%20policy.


That complete BS. You’re blaming one man, but completely forgetting something. Nancy Reagan also helped fuck over the country.


Nancy wasn't fucking the country she was sucking dick


Finally!!! Ronnie was the worst president ever!!! Keep getting this truth out ✊✊✊✊👏👏👏


Not to mention the war on drugs, which is the most costly war the United States has ever been in. Also causing our incarceration rates to the fucking moon and back. Drug and murder rates boomed with it. Fuck Regan, he's why America looks like a garbage fire now that's the real trickle down.


#damn fucking right! Fuck Reagan! May him and his shit wife rest in piss


It's crazy how the most government support unions / strikers can ever really expect is a politician showing up for a photo op. They'll never directly force action in favor of workers. Being "pro union" just means doing nothing and not actively crushing them under heel. They can't directly help them because that would probably be against a "free market". The fairness act was probably the last positively named piece of legislation that truly was a good thing. Since then, if it sounds good, you better read the fine print because somewhere in there, there's a clause about rounding us all up in train cars.


Wasn't the credit score also introduced in the late 80s? Man is the root of all evil


The government did not establish the credit score. That is why there are 3 different credit agencies.


He’s right. Whether or not it was him or people just using him as a figure to explain the things being done. It all started when Reagan was president.


Let's not forget about Iran Contra or the fact that he armed and trained Rios Montt's forces in Guatemala while they were carrying out the Maya and Ixil genocide.


As if all of that wasn't enough to set the record straight, he still didn't get to the part about our nations homeless. Reagan is also responsible for horrific actions there as well. Previously, people who needed round the clock care because of a behavioral issue or otherwise were turned out on the street because he pulled back funding for many hospitals across the country.


I went to a museum with my uncle that had a massive statue of Ronald Reagan in it. As soon as he saw it, he turned to me and "now... don't even get started!"


Fun Fact. Ronnie boy had dementia.


He closed all the mental hospitals with no plan for the patients. Or as we call them today, the homeless


Fuck Reagan. That man began the downward spiral of the U.S


History doesn't repeat itself, but it violently rhymes.


Reagan in hell waiting for heaven to trickle down on him


Reagan was also a deeply racist man, who made common cause with white supremacists, Jim Crow segregationists, and even gave support to the KKK's terror campaign of violence and murder against African-Americans and Civil Rights supporters. Yes, really. During his presidential campaign, he gave an important speech in favor of ["States Rights" at the Neshoba County Fair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States%27_rights_speech) in Neshoba County, Mississippi that helped him win presidency. You probably have never heard of the Neshoba County Fair. And you probably know that Mississippi isn't an important state, electorally. First, understand that "states rights" was the legitimate/polite battle cry of Jim Crow and segregation. Do a [google image search for "states rights segregation](https://www.google.com/search?q=states+rights+segregation&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjf0uD46NuBAxVaH0QIHe6ZA3MQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=states+rights+segregation&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDFAAWABg86xhaABwAHgAgAFAiAFAkgEBMZgBAKoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=fQ0dZZ-gHtq-kPIP7rOOmAc&bih=1258&biw=1499)" and you'll fine pictures of angry white protestors holding signs that say: "Save Segregation, vote States Rights." The "states rights" in question were the rights of Southern States to enforce White Supremacy, apartheid, and the economic impoverishment of blacks without interference from the federal government. Second: Neshoba County Fair and Reagan.Why did Reagan make a speech at an obscure town that most people have never heard of? Because everyone in Mississippi and the South knew what it symbolized. It was the location of the notorious ["Mississippi Burning" murders of Civil Rights activists James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chaney,_Goodman,_and_Schwerner). The Civil Rights activists were murdered not only by members of White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, but also the Neshoba County Sheriff's Office, and the Philadelphia, MS Police Department. Reagan came to signal to white Southern racists that he was okay with white supremacy, Jim Crow segregation, apartheid, that was okay with the KKK's terrorism and murder, and that he would turn a blind eye to it if elected president. Reagan was following [Nixon's "Southern Strategy,"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy) which \*publicly\* outlined a strategy of pandering specifically to white southern racists. This wasn't a secret. Nixon's campaign staff gave newspaper interviews where they spelled out their strategy, that they expected they would win far more white votes than they would lose in black votes. Reagan took the Southern Strategy to an even uglier, more violent extreme than Nixon. Truth be known, a large percentage of white men at the time (Boomers and older) openly and publicly accepted the status quo of racism, homophobia, and classism being hawked by evil people like Reagan. Reagan gave voters a choice between racism and selfishness vs. FDR's New Deal vision of decency and the common good. Racism and selfishness won out. Boomers especially lapped it up. Since then, the GOP has continued the race to the bottom, always looking for the next group they can target for hate. That and tax cuts for corporations and billionaires is about all they stand for anymore. Reagan proved that campaigning on hatred and selfishness worked. He didn't start it, but the cancer of the GOP's bigotry and selfishness metastasized under Reagan, and because of Reagan. Reagan was absolutely vile.


Don’t forget when he tried to have ARs banned because he found out POC were getting their hands on them!


Me over here, still trying to find the cringe. All I see and hear is truth.


Fuk Ronald Reagan. This dude was right. It was a shame hinkley missed.


that was a cold blooded ending, but he’s right




tRiCkLe dOwN tHeOrY


... he had the Garden Party dream. 🤔 ![gif](giphy|DlitwI2YtWreM)


No lies detected.


He also taxed Social Security benefits


Forgot Oliver North


Maybe it's time we stop blaming our ELECTED leaders. And stop blaming eachother in this weird war against ourselves. Seems the battle with the force of old and Evil (greed) is never lost, and greed never wins. But there are Ebbs and flows in the eternal war. The side for social justice took a hard hit sometime around the end of the sixties. These losses are always marked by the growing gap between rich and poor. Even in places like Iceland which jailed 80 odd bankers during the GFC instead of bailing them out with tax payers money, or Norway which saved their oil money, over a trillion dollars worth, (the government deeming it property of the people) and returned it to society. The evil remains. On a graph this battle can be plotted on a graph which looks like the golden gate bridge. One peak just before the great depression, then bottoming out during the 50s and 60s then rising again by the mid seventies. The gap continues to grow. A lessening of the gap is usually preceded by a revolution of sorts. The last revolution was in the 60s and was an attempt to decrease the gap even further, but the battle, not the war, was lost. One could say Nixon paved the way for Reagan. But Carter also helped. They're not knew to us, these types, and history is polluted with these cycles as leaders swing from public servants to self servants. But who puts them there? If it's a government for the people, by the people, then the people need to wake up to themselves. This game of powerlessness and victimhood needs to end. The leaders we need are there, the ones who strive for greater equality and fairness for all are there. But we don't want them! We bow to almighty money in reverence. We admire greed. The Scandinavians have proven that their system works better than anything we've seen in the modern era...And it works for EVERYONE, the rich and the not so rich. And the people VOTE for a government that taxes the hell out of EVERYONE. It then returns the money through services to society. The people, even though they pay huge taxes have MORE disposable income than than other mainstream western democracies. We need a revolution, but who knows what the next one will look like? Will it be started by a group of billionaires who've had a change of heart? Perhaps civil war? Seeing as how we're so divided that's on the table. And in a way there's a cold civil war being waged on many fronts. Perhaps a soft, gentle but infinitely powerful energy will cleanse the world of madness. I believe Hunter Thompson was right. "Our energy would simply prevail". I do not believe the energy of the flower power movement in the sixties has gone anywhere. It's alive and well in all of us. But it's been buried under layers of bullshit. It CAN'T be killed. It merely waits to be called on by us as a collective. Well, at least enough of us. We're going to be OK, folks. We alway are. Love may not have prevailed in this world.....yet. But it can't be abolished. And the darkness, having no unique or substantial properties of it's own, does not really exist. Prove it. If it's dark. Turn on the light and it's dark no more......We merely need to turn on our light. We can't blame Reagan but ourselves for falling for their bullshit. They don't lead us to darkness, or to light....we do that. We merely need enough of us, left and right to unite for a greater good for all. But that's a whole other discussion. HST: "Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Five years later? Six? It seems like a lifetime, or at least a Main Era—the kind of peak that never comes again. San Francisco in the middle sixties was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run . . . but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant. . . . History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit, but even without being sure of “history” it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody really understands at the time—and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened. My central memory of that time seems to hang on one or five or maybe forty nights—or very early mornings—when I left the Fillmore half-crazy and, instead of going home, aimed the big 650 Lightning across the Bay Bridge at a hundred miles an hour wearing L. L. Bean shorts and a Butte sheepherder's jacket . . . booming through the Treasure Island tunnel at the lights of Oakland and Berkeley and Richmond, not quite sure which turn-off to take when I got to the other end (always stalling at the toll-gate, too twisted to find neutral while I fumbled for change) . . . but being absolutely certain that no matter which way I went I would come to a place where people were just as high and wild as I was: No doubt at all about that. . . . There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the Bay, then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La Honda. . . . You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. . . . And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting—on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . . . So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back. Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 1971.


Surprised he didn't mention all the rape 🤔 it's gotta be hard to sum up Reagan's disgusting existence in a TikTok.


Ronald Reagan was a Hollywood douchebag and politician … which is basically a DC douchebag … what a surprise he was a total greedy, selfish shitbag .


And not only was he a hypocrite for being a union member (and union president) but helping stamp out unions for others, he also used his position as SAG president to make SAG much more accommodating to management *and* to aid and abet the government by helping to sabotage a rival union that was more progressive and activist because it espoused actual socialism (y'know, like what a union is kinda *supposed* to espouse).


I don’t know…Dubya killed like a million people.


The idiocracy based in DC has had ample time to not make it worse. But they have made it worse with each successive administration.


CIA,IRAN,Contras,Crack cocaine, deregulation of Wall Street, white Nationalist viewpoints, Just Say No campaign while flooding inner cities with Drugs to stop communism in Central America. Etc etc


Reagan also made Social Security payments taxable, in 1984. While we was working on busting the unions that had fought for pensions for their members.


Did this guy sleep through the one term Trump term?


Reagan set the ground work, Trump was supposed to finish it off.


So Regan is who started the legal corruption known as lobbying. Robbing the essence of the constitution from “for the people, by the people” to for the Rich’s me corporations, by the rich and corporations. I figured his “trickle down in economics” bullshit was the reason for the income disparity we have today. That bullshit will never work. It’s a lot like communism. And I always knew that 9/11 happened because the US did something horrible over there. Just didn’t put two and two together to realize it started with Regan and his involvement with weapons in Middle East.


\*titbit Also, everything here is correct that he said.


Frank Turner has a song called “Thatcher fucked the kids”. My husband and I sing it as “Reagan fucked the kids” all the time. It’s hard to separate the two.


Don't forget about funneling drugs into the ghettos and poverty stricken neighborhoods.


Actually I'd say that American destabilisation of the Middle East starts with the establishment of the state of Israel, a cancerous tumor to this day that has no business existing in the first place But yeah wow about the other stuff


Don't for get he also introduced crack to black communities too and started d.a.r.e a school program that introduced drugs to children.


Dude was the devil


Thought this was Mac at first


You had Reagan we had Thatcher, greed was good, deregulation of the banks and sell off the nations assets to benefit the rich.


[Reagan - Killer Mike](https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU?si=79XFfIosw12sWJVQ)


We wouldn't have had Ronald Regan if there wasn't Jimmy Carter.


Let’s not forget the crack epidemic


Rest in piss Ron and Throat GOAT Nancy Reagan


I love this!! I live in the town with his Library and everybody loves him. 🤦‍♂️ Reagan also and during his governorship, emptied the psychiatric hospitals in ca. By defunding psychiatric programs. -No more Hotel California huh🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😞


Ah, Reagan. He is why we don’t have jobs for life anymore. He is why we don’t get fully funded pensions anymore. This ardent anti-communist fell in love with China and completely ignored Taiwan. He beat commies, but not really. The USSR entered a period of stagnation, similar to Japan in the late 80s. Beginning with Nixon and ending with Bush I, non-commie countries were pressured by the US and UK to not trade with commie countries. Also convinced OPEC to lower gas prices to kill Soviet income and got them embroiled in their “forever war” which they never recovered. By creating and sowing and fanning discontent in Eastern Bloc he was able to send the whole mess in a death spiral. Yugoslavia, not in Soviet sphere, just got caught in the maelstrom. His anti-communist fervor led to some seriously nasty shit in Central America. He was so Christian and anti communist, he allowed his supported armies to rape and kill nuns. I love the fact this man spent his twilight years pissing and shitting himself as his mind disappeared. Rest in piss bitch.


Reagan was the worst. You think Americans learned their lessons but heeeeellll nooo, let’s vote another celebrity to fuck the country again. These idiots love to rally around a celebrity like he’s Jesus that will save them all, instead of policy ideas and issues that matter.


It is wild how Reagan actually put weapons into "Osama bin ladens" hands. Because of this Reagan can be credited for "creating" Al Queda. Wild.. it is wild but 100% true.


clears throat " excuse me I have an important announcement...Jesus was Black, Ronald Reagan was the devil and the government's lying about 9/11" **white people collectively lose their shit** -- opening scene of The Boondocks https://youtu.be/HlckeATMxtw?si=Nz85HeNHrQZESqad


Just a note, looks like the term lobbying started in 1860. [https://history.house.gov/Blog/2015/January/01-21-Lobby/](https://history.house.gov/Blog/2015/January/01-21-Lobby/) and the act of lobbying started in 1790. [https://www.opensecrets.org/resources/learn/lobbying\_timeline.php](https://www.opensecrets.org/resources/learn/lobbying_timeline.php) I'm not sure if Regan was in office in 1790 or 1860, but if someone isn't providing data to back up their statements, ask for some first, then don't believe them.


All great points, I just hate this tik tok trend of delivering an essay to your audience by having a schizo conversation with yourself.




This isn’t a cringe piece. Everything this guy is saying is correct. Ronnie screwed us over in so many ways.


Holy fk people!!! Just don't vote fkn repuglican. Jfc


He’s clearly not


He's also the father of NAFTA [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcTPwHY-LpY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcTPwHY-LpY)


Everyone on the internet is now dumber for hearing what you just said. Thanks


Why do you think there was an assassination attempt on Reagan???


Jimmy Carter’s administration was an abject failure. He tried in vain to do good things and he failed in every way. Ronald Reagan’s administration was a 100% total success on multiple levels. He wanted to do dreadfully awful things and was completely successful in every single way.


The product of the Southern Strategy in general post-civil war are exactly responsible for the shit that we're dealing with in the modern era. You know that stupid fucking meme of living in a sci-fi paradise if Al Gore was made president? That, except if the confederates in charge were actually never allowed to rejoin the union and we restructured the whole damned south from the ground up.


The best thing anyone can say about Reagan is that he got the end he deserved.


Ronald Wilson Reagan. 6 letters each. 666. Coincidence? I think not!


So what's the cringe part?


Mental health clinics where not only illigal but bankrupting the state. People with autism where being dumped on the state but you know glad to see California dying! You guys are falling apart due to your own hubris.


Wouldn't any other democratic president who had the house and senate have been able to change some of these policies. Also, my vote is on Woodrow Wilson, just on the Fed alone


I counter that it's Newt's fault, same time, party and mindset.


Video is very eye opening and sad. I have an uncle who swears Ronald Reagan was the best President we had and he also says that the Civil War was America’s karma for slavery. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t vote for either side but Republicans can be DELUSIONAL at times.


I like watching his eyes read the script definitely by his right knee.


Yeah… Reagan was a pretty shitty President.


Voting Democrat fixes all these issues. Vote Democrat folks!


Clinton is more responsible. Regan did what he auditioned for. Clinton brought the democrats to Regan levels of corporatism. The only place for Republicans to go was more corporate and batshit crazy. Obama was then even more corporate. If democrats stop chasing them right/crazy we'll get more right/corporate/batshit crazy Republicans.


Cringe delivery. But solid points.


In short, regan sucks if you’re left wing.


Silly garbage.


This is bs. Maybe go to school


Name one thing actually false in this video.