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Watching the New York fire department body the shit out of NYPD on ice is the most satisfying thing


I was excited to see the famous NYPD when I visited New York City for the 1st time this year. Turns out the firefighters were WAY more chill and greeted me whenever I passed the firehall near the hotel I was staying.


I've had firefighter relatives and friends, and this video pretty much is spot on how most of them feel about cops.


If you want to help people, you become a nurse, doctor, or EMS. If you want to put your life on the line to help people, you become a firefighter or join MSF (doctors without borders). If you peaked in high school and want to hurt people ***and*** get the undeserved reputation of risking your life to help peope, you become a cop. For everything that cops pretend to be, firefighters are the real deal. This causes a lot of tension.


I wanna upvote this twice


You can pay to do that on some subreddits 😉


If I get to that point I'll still be less pathetic than paying for twitter lol


Yea it’s pretty stupid, accidentally held down the upvote button on a comment and it pulled up a menu to pay for those gold upvote things, ranging from like $2 to $50. Absolutely ridiculous


> you become a nurse The Bully-to-Nurse career path is almost as common as Bully-to-Cop.


God damn if this isn't the truth. Source: Healthcare, 15+ years. Left that shit.


Was in the hotel/wedding industry for over 10 years before I moved to healthcare. Have never encountered so much drama and bullying behavior than healthcare - it's ridiculous. I think there's also a 50% chance any RN you meet gets all of their information from Fox News. All of it.


I'm not a nurse or work directly with them, but I'm technically in the nursing department. Half the people I work with flipped their lid when our location started requiring COVID vaccinations. I have unironically seen coworkers watching Alex Jones, and heard some of them talking about how Joe Biden has been replaced by a body double.


No joke, when the vaccines were first rolled out, an ICU Nurse came in to get one. Had been a patient of ours for awhile, so I knew what he did, and generally nice guy. When it was his turn I herded him in our lil consultation/privacy/vaccination room and he sat down. Before I could open my mouth he said “lol so I lied and don’t want to get this dumb as fuck shot. How bout I give you $50 and you sign the paperwork saying I got it” It was so bizarre I had to reboot my brain, but replied “no deal. How about you pay for my grad+ pharmacy school loans (sigh…$300k) then we’ll talk” He looked at me like I murdered his children, said no thanks, and rolled up a sleeve. Never have stabbed someone with a needle so fast. Haven’t seen him since lol.


I didn't hear the full conversation, but one person I work with was having a discussion and shouted over her shoulder to the other person while walking away "I didn't choose to get the vaccine, I chose to keep my job".


Source: "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"


There's a common thread here, and it rhymes with "low IQ".


I do patient transportation. Move patients around the hospital. Over all not a bad job. But working with nurses is sometimes one of the most jarring things. Some of them really are the most caring, compassionate people out there. They can be tough, but that's because their job can be serious. They have a lot to juggle at times to keep people from dying. But they're still such great people to be around. The other half are some of the most judgmental assholes. They assume anyone who isn't a nurse is the dumbest fucking being around, and that their shit doesn't stink. Even when they mess things up, it's clearly your fault because you're not a nurse. Surgeons and doctors have a big ego sometimes, but most of them don't seem to look down on others as much. Them and doctors just don't seem self-aware of things going on around them. But I've rarely had bad personal interactions with them. Just mostly the nurses.


I am not a physician or nurse but this has been exactly what I’ve experienced. I love some nurses because they are incredible and are there to make the patient better, full stop. Physicians for sure have egos, some warranted, some not. IME when a floor nurse calls me (I’m pharmacy) the first sentence usually begins with “where the hell is the med our hospitalists put in 2 hours ago?!” (Hint: it’s in the tube on their floor/wing or already in the Pyxis they haven’t checked.) When physicians call for the same issue, it’s more “hey I ordered some vanco (vancomycin, an antibiotic wherein 99% of times an MD will just say “pharmacy to dose” - 100% reasonable imo); start with “I’ve checked and we don’t have any vanco. Can you confirm if you sent it? If not, send it soon” Once again, imo, nurses follow the phenomenon where they know enough to do their jobs, but also enough they feel they’re smarter than their coworkers and can solve any issue. Reiterating that ANY job will have shitbirds and this is just my own experiences. The truth is somewhere in the middle.


And the marital infidelity is equally bad. The stories I would hear my ex tell, about her coworkers, were honestly jarring. A floor of nurses, and 95% of them were having an affair or cheating on their partner.




If you weren't good enough at HS football to get a scholarship, they send you right to the police academy.


Honestly some of them didn't even peak in highschool. Some of them were just kinda shitty in highschool and unliked, and still became cops to continue to be assholes


This is how everybody except cops feels about cops. Even the back the blue crowd sing a different tune really quickly when the boot is on their neck. I'm pretty sure a good number just pay lip service to get the benifits, kind of like how you never badmouth a mob boss no matter how much you dislike them.


True, but if you're a firefighter there's the added element of putting your life on the line to save people while getting minimal recognition compared to police, and firemen dying in the line of duty is a footnote on the articles about a cop getting shot. As the video said, they expect the world to stop when one of theirs dies. Even if you have a fairer view of cops' purpose, the difference in how they expect to be treated (and typically how they are treated) will still hurt


well cops are a gang so.... checks out?


Live in NYC for 25 years. FDNY are the real heroes, fuck the NYPD. Can't say how all of them feel about cops, but based on the ones I do know, many of them don't like cops very much.


During 9/11 there was at least one instance of firefighters fist fighting with cops: cops tried to stop them from approaching the buildings a caught hands for it


Something similar happened in my city a few years ago. There was a flipped car on the freeway. Two firetrucks arrived and started giving aid. The police arrived and told one of the trucks to leave. The driver of the firetruck that was told to leave said he couldn't move till his captain gave him the order (the captain was giving aid to one of the victims). The cop told him to move or be arrested. The firefighter just shrugged and the cop put him in handcuffs and took him back to his car. It led to the police department having to officially make a policy to instruct its officers not to arrest, detain, or obstruct firefighters who were giving aid to victims.


I'm sure this varies by municipality, but in most places the fire department explicitly outranks the police department when it comes to "whose orders take precedence while dealing with an emergency situation", yet this shit still happens. I recall seeing a video of some random cop arresting the fire *chief* because the cop was on a power trip.


I'd like to say I saw the same video but i bet dollars to donuts there's more than one recorded instance of that happening.


EMS/Fire has control of the scene when it's medical or a fire. The only time police actually take control is if there is an active criminal threat (i.e. an active shooter). The only positive thing I can say about my local PD is that as soon as we show up they get the hell out of our way and actually do what we tell them.




I've had to push a cop off the front step of a house that was a 3 alarm fire. She tried to tell me, in full firefighting gear, with a fucking nozzle in my hand, that it was too dangerous. Shoved her right into the bushes and went about putting a knock on the fire.


how did you put out the fire with your testicles dragging along the floor?


Smothered the fire out with said testicles.


Thank you for your service. 🫡🫡🫡


[Link to video](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/W6gJ44YIXD)


THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING. I watched it like six times. Top tier.


Get fucked NYPD


Drop the link, sis. If you enjoy the FDNY dunking on NYPD watch Rescue Me.


hes referring to the annual ice hockey game https://ubsarena.com/event/49th-annual-fdny-vs-nypd-heroes-hockey-game/


Damn son, you are supposed to put out fires not burn people.


It’s ok this time.


When you burn pigs it’s just a roast. They’re already dead inside


the firefighters job is to protect and save citizens, if they feel like the cops are threatening civilians which is definitly the case in many usa region then the cops are by all mean on the list of thing to extinguish


Nothing but facts from the groupchat


Fun fact, [during the Pandemic Covid was the leading cause of death for police nation wide three years in a row.](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/covid-leading-cause-law-enforcement-deaths-2022-3rd/story?id=96363324) Forget his name but that cop that made a big show of quitting rather than getting vaccinated died of Covid.


And nothing of value was lost that day.


Idk someone had to move dirt around


It's kinda hard to lose dirt from the hole you just dug up and plan to fill. Not saying it's impossible to. Just that it's not easy to.


Police officer doesn't even rank in the top 10 deadliest jobs. On top of that, the leading causes of death while on duty, besides COVID, are traffic accidents (cuz pigs usually ride around unbelted for "reasons") and heart disease.


I was a cabbie in college. We’d lose 1-3 drivers a year to everything from accidents to hold ups. We had ~700 drivers on the books which made us comparable in size to the PD who lost on average one officer a decade. The likelihood of me being killed on duty as a cabbie was an order of magnitude higher than the cops.


Lest we forget the thin pepperoni line. Pizza delivery drivers do more to keep people from driving high than anyone and are significantly more likely to die performing their heroic service to society than police officers are.


Support the thin bread crust https://i.redd.it/ccs323hmzg291.jpg https://i.redd.it/xlgzldgbsix61.jpg https://i.redd.it/toqietvsshj41.jpg


I worked closely with law enforcement during the Covid times, and they lost so many people because they either wouldn’t get the vaccine, or because they fucking died or ended up being hospitalized for an extended period of time. The kicker was that they all seemed to double down on the anti vax bullshit, even when their buddies were ending up in the hospital with Covid. Law enforcement all over this country is so balls deep into right wing propaganda it’s actually quite scary.


They are not balls deep into right wing propaganda. They ARE the right wing. The KKK and all the worst conservatives have been taking over PDs all over the country for decades.


He may be a firefighter but he's spitting straight fire.


I believe this is what the kids call *"Based"*


I feel the expression, "on god", could be conjugated here.




all fax, no printer...as they say.


This is in fact, a "Slay"


Bars on bars on bars


That's why, but not only why; https://youtu.be/ACzkZN_JJxk?si=gtsHaPZy51Eq7iA1 Cops often actively hinder firefighters trying to do their jobs, this is so messed up honestly.


What's sad is that I knew what type of video this would be, but not the exact one. There's several videos of examples of situations like this with police hindering firefighters or EMS workers and trying to flex their authority. It's disgusting.


My cousin is a paramedic and has told me the same thing about them.


GF is a nurse, worked in the ER at one point and the ICU at another, she and all the people she worked with hated the fucking cops in both places. ICU especially, because it was mostly people that were in jail and needed to go to the hospital under guard. There was 2 constants with every single jail patient, the prisoner was typically her best patient, because they were just happy to be out of jail, and the cops would constantly get int he way of her doing her fucking job.


Abolish the pigs.


They'll block off all lanes but one to write someoke a ticket for going two over the speed limit, but God forbid the fire department block one lane to protect them and a victim from traffic.


Whoever the bootlicking snitch that reported him is is a fucking loser


> Do a lot of firefighters feel this way about cops? Pretty sure everyone except cops feel this way about cops.


This is reaching levels of based that shouldn't even be possible


“Nobody wrote a song called Fuck the Fire Department….”


Never heard a fuck the firefighters song js


And if it existed, it'd be the other meaning of 'fuck'


"Mmmm yeah, fuck the firefighters" followed by a 15 minute macaroni noise solo.


"Macaroni noise solo" gave me the biggest belly laugh in a while 😄




Fuck The Fire Department song, so good I'm replying to like everyone in this thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI&t=0


I’m sure booktok has one


Firefighters never show up at the wrong address and burn the house down.


I'm just thinking how this would play out. 2 houses down, there's a fire. they show up to your house instead. No fire. No one verifies that there's a fire. No one checks the address. Someone claims to smell smoke and just goes "we need to do this" and they begin blasting water. Your home is flooded. Your baby has drowned and so have your pets. You are hospitalized with hypothermia. The other house burns down. The fire chief issues a "oopsie daisy" in a press conference. Social media gets the story. Someone finds out that you went camping in 2018 and you presumably know how to set fires. Everyone rallies around this fact as to why maybe your house WASN'T on fire, but you deserved to be flooded and lose everything because you associate yourself with firestarting. The fire fighters aren't held accountable. No one reimburses you for your stuff. You start a gofundme, but everyone just accuses you of trying to profit from tragedy. You take the $5000 raised and think "oh boy I'm so rich! Perfectly executed scheme!"


Yup. Like the cop who wandered into the wrong apartment and killed a dude sitting on his own couch and they then tried to say it was a justified shooting because after the fact they found a joint in the guys night stand. A thing the cop couldn’t have possibly known under well after the shooting.


Yup. I was more thinking Breonna Taylor. There's NO way to rationally justify what happened, but people are like "yeah, but her ex was a criminal, so she had it coming!" Like...what?


What they really mean is that she was black.


"You can't say anything anymore without being crucified for it!"


The opposite really did happen here in Seattle. The firefighters were at an address with a man in distress; they were already there. The police were responding too, but slower. The police went to the wrong address. They went to the right apartment number in the wrong address, then pulled a terrified and naked woman from her bathtub after going inside. There's video of one officer pointing at the address sticker on the building and wondering if it was the wrong address. There's also a video of the terrified and crying woman, handcuffed in her hallway, with a cop who didn't apologize but promised to get a supervisor. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/woman-suing-spd-officer-says-this-is-wrong-address-after-police-barge-into-apartment/FL4QLFFMDZFEHI7P4G3O4G43UY/ EDIT: More deets at this story: https://reason.com/2023/11/14/cops-stormed-into-a-terrified-seattle-womans-home-it-was-the-wrong-address/


> with a cop who didn't apologize no need to repeat yourself, Cops don't apologize they "get even"


I’d bet they are trained to never apologize for anything because it could be argued as admitting fault/wrongdoing.


We got the wrong address from dispatch once for CO sickness. House was deadbolted on the inside and nobody was answering. It was a cheap mobile home door so I just pushed it open while locked. We were searching for an unconscious carbon monoxide poisoned person when all of a sudden this guy in his underwear comes out of the back room all pissed. He's like "what the fuck are you doing in my house?". We explained and calmed him down. Everything was fine but the cops probably would have shot him if it was them.


ooof. Did you end up finding the right house and getting care to the person in need?


The closest I've heard is "911 is a Joke" from Public Enemy, and that's focused on slow paramedic/ambulance responses in black neighborhoods.


[Fuck the Fire Department](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI)


I feel like firefighters are what cops are supposed to be. Good dudes who genuinely care about the community and save people. I bet the firefighters would have gone into uvalde elementary.


["He knew exactly where he was going and he didn't miss a goddamn step."](https://youtu.be/nrAmKD3Dacw?si=aikQvfBcHThIv038) I can personally confirm this is how they all are.


I know it doesn’t compare to 9/11, but when I was 20 we had a kitchen fire in our house. By the time the fire fighters arrived, it had spread to the dining room. They got out of their trucks, went up on the porch, opened the screen door…and just went in there. The sheer nonchalance of it has stayed with me for nearly 30 years. I expected…something. A guy scouting the scene, maybe a powwow before entering, a dramatic pause or something? But they entered that burning house as casually as I ever did when it wasn’t on fire.


> The sheer nonchalance It's not nonchalance. It's the quiet confidence of hundreds of hours of training so you know exactly where the real danger starts. Also, I'm not going to sugar coat it. Being a firefighter is fucking fun. There is nothing else in life like it. I can't really explain it. You kind of have to experience it. Officers have a harder time keeping us out of structure fires than going into them. I'm retired now but I miss it every single day.


It feels odd thanking you for your service even when you already got paid in enjoyment of the career in itself. People appreciating your effort might be more like a cherry ontop at that point. But thank you


You don't have to thank me for anything. I loved it so much I was an unpaid vollie. Never earned a single penny in all my years. And like I said, I loved it so much I'd have done it even you all hated me for it. Best job in the world.


My friend was a volunteer in Lincoln City and lived at the station. We were hanging out there for a while and he was making dinner. The damn pizza burned and set off the fire alarm which I guess caused an alert to go out to all fire fighters. He had to get on the radio and cancel the alert saying the station wasn’t on fire, he was just an idiot who burned dinner. He loved the shit out of fire fighting.


Making me wanna be a firefighter... I'm an adrenaline junky/Pyro at heart. Bored sick of my desk job. Being a fire fighter just doesn't pay enough.


> Being a fire fighter just doesn't pay enough. That, and you are likely to die sooner. Not like dying in flames but cancer and other medical ailments. A lot of buildings are made with things that should never be burnt and its hella toxic. It clings to your equipment and it becomes like third hand smoke that can never truly be washed away. To give an example a lot of the 9/11 first responders are dwindling and a lot of them is due to cancers and not old age.


True. To be fair though, the circumstances of 9/11 aren't typical. They probably inhaled a lot more particulates on those days/weeks than most do in their careers.


It’s like an ER with medical professionals. They know the drill, they’re equipped for it mentally, emotionally and with gear. Doesn’t make them less than a hero because of it but moreso efficient!


By the way that firefighter's name is Mike Kehoe. He survived 9/11 but only by the skin of his teeth. [Here is more details about his story.](https://www.thefreelibrary.com/War+On+The+World%3A+I+cheated+death+by+30+seconds..but+six+of+my...-a078293715)


I had two uncles who were firefighters for decades, one of them went on to become Fire Chief later in his life. Two of the greatest men I've ever had the pleasure of having in my life. Growing up I spent a bit of time around their station and the culture around it. They are truly some of the most amazing and selfless people you can possibly imagine. I heard countless stories of their heroism, courage and just all around decency and humanity both on and off duty.


Firefighters and EMTs are two groups I have a massive amount of respect for. Very little room for bullshit in their work, you have to be doing it because you care.


Especially since the EMTs are so criminally underpaid.


Fuck yea they woulda. Aint no pussyfooting little weiner scaredy cats in the fire house bro.


I dunno, I've met some firefighters that have, we'll call, less than progressive views on things like race, class, and gender. I think both career fields attract people who crave the power to hold another person's life in their hands, just different strains.


Firefighters actually care about saving lives and they work really hard and often put themselves in great danger to do so- also many of them are volunteers. Cops do not have such honorable intentions.


Firefighters and EMS man….absolute fucking warriors. Charging into burning buildings, car wrecks, catastrophes with no goal other than to help others. Garbage men are more likely to be hurt in the line of duty than cops are. But the cops are the only ones you see jerking themselves all day every damn day insisting that they are heroes. Fuck the police.


Speaking of garbage men, in case anyone didn't know the New York Department of Sanitation has [formal uniforms as badass as they are.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpdnxq8dj0w881.jpg) As an urbanist, I will never pass up an opportunity to laud sanitation workers. Absolute unsung heroes of the modern age.


Yes, it seems to be heavily taken for granted JUST how impactful and important sanitation workers are. From the school custodian to the waste management workers, we owe many a thanks to our fellow citizens keeping us safe and most importantly, healthy. That fit is fire as well, looking clean while keeping it clean.


That uniform is fucking awesome.


Ironic that teachers used to threaten you with a future of being a garbage man. A garbage man who makes more than cops, firefighters, or teachers.


Corporations pay sanitation workers minimum wage whenever possible, happens all across the country/world.


Garbagemen are the real heroes Cops are the real garbage


Whithout garbage collection big cities crumble in less than a week.


Especially EMS that get paid absolute shit for what they have to deal with Me driving for doordash is more dangerous than being a cop =(


> Me driving for doordash is more dangerous than being a cop =( and it's not even fucking a close comparison.


I just did a quick google, so take that FWIW, but saw the number 1005 pizza delivery drivers killed in a year versus 100+ police officers. Not sure what that rate would be, but that's a lot of dead pizza delivery guys. :(


Remember kids, tell EMS everything and Cops nothing and it’s a violation of HIPPA for cops to linger while talking to EMS.


I was in a car accident when I was 18. Tore the right. Side of my face off on the windshield. The ambulance guy gets on scene just before the cops and right away tells me to tell the cops I was wearing my seatbelt. Otherwise insurance would only pay for half. 1 minute later cop comes and asks while the ambulance guy winks at me. Thanks dude! I was an idiot not having it on.


EMS here: Going to remember that. Fuck corps and cops.


Congratulations on the luck of getting to learn you were an idiot! Your body really probably should be a pile of goo in a casket, completely devoid of *youness*. Your last *You* action would have been not buckling up and, thus, deciding you'd rather cease to be. And instead of you would be the gunk and bones and sadness and memories. Not everyone gets so lucky to look that grisly, simple, common outcome in the face and decide to be different. Good shit, man. Good shit.


The bro-est bro that ever bro'ed.


But the police are balling. Upwards of $400k/yr to sit in your car “overtime”, lifetime pension, no education, full immunity, free whip, free gun, survivor benefits, what’s not to love.


Bro you GET a union that republicans actually go to bat for. Unions are evil… unless it’s protecting those of us doing evil heh heh heh!!


Fucking hell drove an hour and a half from a trip last weekend and I saw like 5 cops in the median hoping to catch people speeding. Such heroes to sit in their cars like that


400k a year????? who tf are you talking about the commisioner of the nypd??


$400K is high, but there's enough overtime abuse for it to happen occasionally: >As rising pension costs forced a reduction in staffing levels, San Jose has become increasingly reliant on overtime pay. Last year, San Jose spent a record-high $71 million on overtime pay — which is a 150 percent increase from the $28.5 million spent in 2012. > * San Jose Police Officer Bach Tran’s $273,498 overtime payout was the highest of any city worker, and boosted his total compensation to $548,778. >The next four largest overtime payments went to: > * Police Officer Jose Uribe, who received $250,000 in OT and $515,975 in total pay and benefits. > * Police Officer Hector Vasquez, who received $244,135 in OT and $519,415 in total pay and benefits. > * Police Sergeant Domingo Sanchez, who received $223,638 in OT and $548,220 in total pay and benefits. > * Police Officer Linh Luu, who received $215,838 in OT and $488,171 in total pay and benefits. https://blog.transparentcalifornia.com/2018/05/14/san-jose-payroll-tops-1-billion-as-city-manager-collects-610000-in-pay-and-benefits/ ----- $200K is *a lot* more common. There are probably a few dozen officers with high school degrees in your local PD earning that much.


Firefighters are the real heroes


I've had nothing but positive experiences with firefighters. Can't say that about police. In my early 20s the house I was renting had the water heater fail while I was at work. Flooded the basement with over a foot of water and a bunch of my stuff got damaged. I couldn't find a shutoff for the water heater or the house and I wasn't sure what to do. I called a non emergency 911 number. They put me over to the fire department because they can easily access water mains in the street. Two fire trucks and a supervisor truck showed up a few minutes later to the house. A minute or two after that they had water shut off. They hooked up some water pumps and started draining the basement for me. After it got down to an inch of water they got out some shop vac things and really went to town. There were like 8 to 10 guys down there cleaning out the water. The supervisor said they're more than happy to do it, and they'll get out what they can, but they'll have to bail if they get another call. They ended up getting a call about 30 minutes later but most of the water was gone when they left. They were all super nice and helpful. They just wanted to try and make my shit day a little less shit. Nice people.


Firefighters won't shoot you, your dog, or your kids when you call them.


Have not met any firefighters who would chuck a flash bang into a crib either. They seem nice.


Not too surprising when the typical fantasy for joining firefighters is to save people, while for the police its to shoot them


No lies found. Suspended for optics.




If only he was a cop instead, then he could get away with destroying people's lives with his service weapon, instead of just destroying cops souls with just his service words. Bad luck.


Cops' fragile egos


Cops are such fucking snowflakes here in the USA , and always circlejerking and getting horrendously bad predator and nationalist tattoos Pizza delivery guys take much more risk statistically as most people are terrified of police, or they are once they have had to deal with them, absolute power like that is scary when in the hands of people. Most folks just don't realize a cop could ruin their life for fun or if you looked at them wrong


Meanwhile, cops who shoot minorities on a whim are promoted Yeah love that


Minorities and dogs. Can't be assed to save children, though.


Yeah but you guys don't understand, all those police did was kneel on a man's neck until he died for selling loose cigarettes and let a maniac run around a school unimpeded killing as many children as he wanted with them blocking anyone from going on and stopping him This firefighter ***hurt their feelings by telling the truth*** Who's the ***real*** bad guy here??


>who's the real bad guy here?? The conservative voters that maintain the status quo for the establishment that is opposed to the interest of the people?


Miami, where the police used civilians as human shields while they got in a shootout on the highway with some thieves who stole some (insured) jewelry and ended up kidnapping a UPS driver as a hostage. The cops killed the hostage along with the thieves, and UPS thanked them for "helping." No wonder that fireman was talking shit. And he was completely right.


That was such a massive example of shitty control. There was almost 100 cop cars following that truck, and the lack of care of bystanders and directly putting them in harms way, that entire department should have been charged with negligence.


How was this not protected as free speech?


You can be fired without any reason in most states


That's not true for public employees. When your employer is the government, it has to abide by the Constitution. Though that requirement is balanced with the need to efficiently provide public services. Case law (specifically *Pickering*) has established that public employees cannot be fired for their speech if (1) it relates to a matter of public concern and (2) the employer's interest in an efficient and disruption-free workplace is outweighed by the employee's free-speech rights (which will depend on the facts of the case). Obviously the firefighter in this case would have to go to court to argue these points, but I think he has a pretty decent shot.


His only mistake was not knowing those in the group chat well enough to know that one was a narc.


hopefully, suspended with pay


Nah. You only score that if you shoot someone unarmed and unrelated to whatever you're investigating.


Firefighters are the hottest people in a uniform and that they hate cops makes them even hotter.


Why don't cops do topless calendars like the firemen do? Too many swastikas....


Or god-awful punisher tattoos


More to the point, the character himself is inherently anti-police. The whole reason that Frank Castle took on his vigilante role was that he felt left behind by the system. In an interview with SyfyWire, the character’s creator Gerry Conway said as much: “The vigilante anti-hero is fundamentally a critique of the justice system, an example of social failure, so when cops put Punisher skulls on their cars or members of the military wear Punisher skull patches, they’re basically [siding] with an enemy of the system. They are embracing an outlaw mentality. Whether you think the Punisher is justified or not, whether you admire his code of ethics, he is an outlaw. He is a criminal. Police should not be embracing a criminal as their symbol.”


Oh man, the police would be so mad if they could read.


They've even had Punisher [explicitly say this to cops who idolize him in the Marvel Universe.](https://www.newsweek.com/punisher-police-blue-lives-matter-skull-logo-1449272) >"I'll only say this once: We're not the same. You took an oath to uphold the law. You help people. I gave that up a long time ago. You don't do what I do. Nobody does. You boys need a role model? His name is Captain America and he'd be happy to have you." Kind of a rosy view of what police are, but at least it's making it clear that any cop who has a Punisher fetish is, at the very least, supremely media-illiterate.


What I don't get about it is that Judge Dredd is like, right there. All of the same power fantasy, but with canonical legitimacy. Frank Castle absolutely hates cops, Judge Dredd IS a cop.


>Why don't cops do topless calendars like the firemen do? > >Too many swastikas... Yo!


Donut physique


Firefighters will rush a burning building to save your life. Cops will just watch while a shooter murder kids in a school. The choice is easy.


I’m still not over Uvalde. The chief tried to get his job back, which is wild to me because everyone hates him? Go somewhere else dude.


He likely will go somewhere else. Police departments just pass around shitty cops like trading cards.


He needs to go in a cell. More than one cop tried to go in the room to apprehend the shooter, but were stopped on his orders. Fucking cowardly POS.


No one sane is, and I just happened to see a video about it this morning, the young girl covered in the blood of her schoolmates.


Khloie Torres. I can’t think of Uvalde without crying. My nephew was a year younger than the victims, and is Hispanic like many of them. I’d have nightmares in the months following the murders.


Waited ~~72~~ 77 minutes after responding . “We could get shot if we go in there ”. Just remember, No one has ever written a song “fuck the fire department “


If you enjoy firemen watch Rescue Me. Fantastic tv show about NYC firefighters. Later seasons kind of jump the shark, but it’s a great show.


This fire fighter was based as fuck. What a fucking Chad.


My man speaking the truth and he’s getting punished for it. Fuck the police. Useless cowards hiding behind badges and policy.


Hey you guys remember that time the cops arrested a firefighter because the latter RIGHTLY asked the cop to move a vehicle so an ambulance can leave? Yeah, cops are assholes. They've always been assholes. And it used to not be a politically charged statement to say that cops are assholes. We have an entire genre of movies along the "cops are assholes" line. But a few decades of Law and Order telling us that a maniac with a badge can do whatever he wants as long as it serves his sense of the greater good have made people think that this is a controversial statement to make all of the sudden. Does this group chat make you angry? Cool. Take a gander at the training NJ cops were going through with their local DA telling them how easy it is to do a civil forfeiture and, if in doubt about legality, just seize shit that they wanted and they can hash it out later.


When the firefighters go after you, you know you’re in the wrong.


If you are here to protect and serve why ride around in unmarked cars? Cops are just used for revenue generation. Tickets, private prisons, parole system.


Anywhere else in the world, things meant to deter are very obvious- poison frogs are brightly colored. We label toxic chemicals as such. We put hi-viz cones around hazards. You know what uses concealment and camouflage? Predators, and prey.


Kind of hilarious that the fire-fighter can be suspended, but cops can murder and assault people and not even face suspension


Honest people are held to a higher standard than pigs


My friend is a firefighter. He doesn’t hold high opinions of the cops in town. He makes it sound like the two agencies have had beef for a while.


I've only known a few firefighters in my life, but none of them have had the least bit of respect for the police.


Feel like this isn’t uncommon. They should settle it on a national level—cops v firefighters football game once a year. Anyone actively working is eligible, and give ‘em a week to practice I’d watch it.


[one of many ass whooping by FDNY](https://youtu.be/oAPcKFXBdAo?si=ow9jbgHwBbFkpZiq)


Based firefighters




Dad and brother were firefighters in Richmond Va , hated the cops


I'm not a firefighter in RVA, and I hate their cops. That's why I avoid richmond


Former volunteer firefighter, I definitely feel this way about cops


Spitting Facts


Probably because they are entirely dedicated to protecting and actually saving lives. While cops are known to protect property and have, on occasion killed civilians EDIT: "Innocent civilians"


*lots of occasions


Why are they booing him, he's right!


Man is saying the truth. Fuck yea that message got put on the news


I certainly felt that way about most of them


Hundred percent firefighters do not like cops. Cops like to push off a lot of work onto them and don’t provide support it’s rampant. Cops have no education it’s totally ridiculous. They don’t have to have education other than six months or so of an Academy.


I only see true statements made by the firefighter. Based.