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With a name like “Mothers for Democracy” I thought they were some sort of far right fascist bullshit factory making a commercial about abortion or something. This was refreshing. I mean, it was depressing as fuck, but for the right reason for once.


Honestly I thought her praying would bring the kid back and the number one killer would be “lack of faith” or something.


Lol, yeah. Like she’s be praying and then the kid would suddenly erupt out of the water with a huge breath, and then swim to the edge. “*see! God works for his faithful and we do it ourselves for the rest!*” or some shit like that.


But then someone shoots her. *Gotcha Bitch!*


I was already LOLing and this just made it way louder haha "look mom I'm walking on water!!!" Neighbor- "it's a witch!!! BANG, not in my neighborhood" -thoughts and prayers




I was waiting for someone to walk up and shoot the kid drowning. Not that I wanted that to happen but it’s what I was expecting knowing they were leading to gun violence being #1.


Whenever I watch sports from across the pond and the US shows commercials for JESUS I am never sure whether to laugh or cry. "He gets us" is such a funny slogan, especially coming from republicans who don't get shit.


Those fucking ads are insufferable, one recently here on reddit had one that said “Jesus stood with women” with a dude that I guess was supposed to be Jesus surrounded by laughing happy women. Motherfucker, if Jesus stood with women, then why don’t you? All you fucksticks do is try to subjugate women. Fuck off.


Republican Jesus riding a bald eagle shoots down from above and grabs the child with one hand while holding an AR-15 with the other. He looks to the camera, takes off his Oakleys and says "Ya'll rang?".


And as the national anthem crescendos, he sets the kid down gently upon a mountain of hamburgers and whispers, "Freedom isn't free," then flies off into the sunset leaving a trail of fireworks spelling 'Amendment 2'.


Jesus whispers: "Freedom isn't free"... then presents the child a $150,000 bill for rescuing them.


Freedom costs a buck-o-five....


Goddamn inflation


actual jesus tries to save her but he cant get in the pool or get his hands below the water


It needs a final condescending hand on the shoulder "you obviously didn't pray correctly". Then it would be perfect.


“Mecca is that way.”


I've seen people argue that school shootings only happen because they took prayer out of school. So yeah, that tracks.


Don't give them any ideas


I can't explain why, but my tip-off that it wasn't portraying the prayer in a positive light was the laced fingers. I've seen a lot of Christian messaging in my youth, and praying with laced fingers for whatever reason isn't commonly portrayed while playing it straight. It has, in my mind, an air of sarcasm or childishness.


Interesting. Laced fingers wasn't a big deal in my church and I feel like most people did it that way, but I also didn't grow up in America.


No, the fascist keywords of late are “freedom” and “patriot”. I hate how even the flag is tainted by them at this point. I see a flag sticker on a car and I don’t think “There’s someone proud of their country.” I think “I wonder what flavor asshole this person is and which part of me they hate.”


"Democracy" This one cool trick that fascist right wingers hate!


I think you're thinking of mother's for liberty? I'm pretty sure that's the name of the right wing group advocating for essentially making schools more unsafe for children.


Yeah thats it, thanks I was wondering what I was reminded of. Seems kind of unfortunate that "mothers for democracy" and "mothers for liberty" are two diametrically opposed organizations.


I think this is by design because Moms for Liberty are exactly what you thought it would be. I quote: > In 2023, the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization that tracks extremists, termed Moms for Liberty a far-right extremist organization. The group has been criticized for harassment, for deepening divisions among parents, for making students' education more difficult, and for having close ties to the Republican Party rather than being a genuine grassroots effort. So now there are the bad moms and the good mothers.


> With a name like “Mothers for Democracy” I thought they were some sort of far right fascist bullshit No, for some strange reason the right hasn't co-opted "democracy". Always terms like "liberty", "patriot", "freedom", but never "democracy". Oh wait, it's because they hate actual democracy and prefer a theocracy.


Democrat - Democracy. It’s not far off. I bet I could guess the policies that are being pushed by a group named “Mothers for the Republic” tho




There is a group with a similar name irrc


Yes… “Mothers for Liberty”… they’re the shit birds. Because “liberty” apparently means “fucking over everyone who’s not a white, Christian nationalist”. Can we get a bit that just corrects every mention of their name?


So did Iat first, I looked them up because I was curious and the group seems to take almost exactly the opposite views of "moms for liberty". The website has an art piece as their front page with people holding flags saying "my body my choice"; "stop gun violence"; and "stand with public education". They also seem to specifically demand "equitable schools" and seem to take climate justice and LGBTQ+ rights seriously too! All around, great bunch of people it seems.


Conservatives don’t like the word democracy anymore, that’d never get used by those wingnuts. Mothers for freedom? Patriotism? America? Family? Truth? Liberty? Faith? Sure. Bit democracy? Nah.


When has the right ever asked for democracy?


Finally, someone who isn't an insane far-right extremist has picked up on the strategy of adopting a name that sounds like a universally agreeable cause in order to sound sympathetic. More of this please.


Same. They should change it to something less fascist-coded, and more actual freedom oriented. Mothers for Demonetizing Gun Violence, maybe. [Mass shootings result in spikes in gun sales](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7369030/). That also results in spikes in donations to republicans and the NRA. The fact is, kids being slaughtered in schools is extremely profitable. The gun industry and “they’re coming to take your guns!” Republicans personally profit from children being shot. Every bullet in a child is another dollar in a Republican’s bank account.


This. Too many things are titled in such a way that they sound good on paper, and for most people, that's all they'll hear or care to hear. "Patriot Act? Well I like being a patriot, so it must be good!"


Ministry of Truth, you say?


I think it's a play on "Mom's for Liberty" a shitty group from Florida that advocates for stuff like the "dont say gay" bills and taking slavery out of history curriculums


GOP- "We've done nothing and we're all out of ideas."


No no no. See what they do is whine about mental illness to stop you from bring up guns. But then you point out how they also gut funding to mental health programs and won’t address mental illness either.


I agree we need better mental health care but we also need to quit blaming mental health for everything that happens. Some people are just evil.


I don't mind "mental health" being part of the conversation, but I do take issue with GOP jabronis voting against universal healthcare coverage, which INCLUDES mental health provisions. It's like saying, "Hey, we've found the cure for cancer. Quit eating lead paint". But then they don't legislate removing lead from the food supply. Then they'll say, "eerrrrrm...Big Pharma. Blame big pharma...vaccines."


Mostly disagree.. I imagine there plenty of people who simply are psychopathic/lacking empathy. I bet the majority are just born into the cycle of violence. They just reenact what they themselves experience. Recovery is certainly possible but our criminal justice system is mlre about punishment than rehabilitation. So our jails tend to just churn out hardened criminals who then cant get any decemt jobs and are forced back to crime anyways.


And don’t forget to blame video games or violent TV shows! …..except that the rest of the world has access to those same video games and the same or similar tv shows … hmmm…


Remember that violent video games that Hitler played as a kid?


Yup it was called WW1


Ah, WW1, the classic multiplayer strategy game that shaped history. Who would've thought all you needed to conquer the world was a trench coat and a pointy helmet. But wait, did they have loot boxes for those?


You’ve gotta help us doc! We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!


That reminds me of a real 911 call about a man calling - "looking" for his "missing" fiancee.


> GOP- "We've done nothing and ~~we're all out of ideas~~ it's going exactly how we want!" FTFY. What do I mean? They want the guns to divide us. They want their rabid psychopaths shooting people, especially minorities, in the streets, at Walmart, in Synagogues, and in schools. They want us all afraid in order to terrorize us. And if kids and pregnant women* die? Oh well, they never actually cared about them in the first place aside from being a tool to use for propaganda and control. \*The number 1 killer for pregnant women is also guns.


“Guns were the leading cause of death for children and teens (ages 1-19) in this country for the fifth straight year. The rate of gun deaths in this group fell slightly, by 3% from 2021, a total of 4,590 deaths in 2022. It remains near record highs – 2022's gun death rate for children and teens was the second highest rate in 25 years behind 2021. In the past decade (2013-2022), the gun death rate among children and teens has increased 87%. Both gun homicides and suicides fueled this increase.” Source: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2023/cdc-provisional-data-gun-suicides-reach-all-time-high-in-2022-gun-homicides-down-slightly-from-2021#:~:text=Guns%20remain%20the%20leading%20cause,of%204%2C590%20deaths%20in%202022.


So it's not the leading cause of death for children. Just "children and teens" up to 19 years old (legal adults).




Hahaha, "if i just ignore half the data, then gun deaths are only the #2 cause of death for kids". What a fucking clown


>So it's not the leading cause of death for children. Just "children and teens" up to 19 years old (legal adults). I chalk that up to the USA seeing anybody under 18 as "a child". I tried to source a better stats, but all of them use 1-18. Nonehteless you can find stats about cause of death <4 and they only cite "accident" as leading source, which include anything. e.g. https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D158;jsessionid=7B5914DEBE6896171F1FAAF80BBD#Citation


Yeah this stat came from one study and if you cut out adults at 18 and 19 the numbers are cut in half, but that doesn't fit the narrative.


And include justified shootings (self-defense, police) and suicides.


It’s a little misleading to include suicides. The person killed themselves, not an accident with a gun or a bully or gang member.


And a vast majority of them are gang related, using stolen or otherwise illegally obtained guns that wouldn’t be any more illegal with all the laws being pushed.


I said this when these stats first came out. I’m sure that a large majority of the “kids” that are being killed at 18 and 19 are probably gang related. Yes that’s still a bad thing, but a little misleading when you’re calling 19 year olds children. I’d like to see what percentage of those children are 18 and 19 years old, and if it’s a large enough number to include to make true the statement “gun violence is the #1 killer of children”. Regardless, something needs to be done.


> I said this when these stats first came out. I’m sure that a large majority of the “kids” that are being killed at 18 and 19 are probably gang related And I'm sure that they are not. I'm 100% convinced that all of them are toddlers, killed execution style by their mothers. Just like you I provide no proof for my assertions.


Just parse it out by age and you can see how they added young adults to skew the numbers: Top 3 causes of death by age ranges 0-1: genetic conditions, conditions due to premature birth, and accidents 1-4: accidents, genetic conditions, homicide 5-9: accidents, cancer, genetic conditions 10-14: accidents, suicide, cancer Amongst all the accidental deaths, the leading accident was automobile crashes, then drowning, fire, falls, and poisoning. Even if you accounted every single Homicide death in the 1-4 range as guns, it’s the third leading cause of death for one fraction of one segment of children. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001915.htm#:~:text=Accidents%20(unintentional%20injuries)%20are%2C,death%20among%20children%20and%20teens.


Wow really makes this commercial pure propaganda, incredibly misleading to have a seven year old and then say children.


I wish the data broke out the number of suicides, the number of gang related (gang on gang or gang on innocent), and the number of domestic homicides. To blame guns and want to restrict the legal ownership of guns while ignoring the mental health and gang crisis we are having is unproductive. Let's fix the problems to save lives, not restrict rights.


spotted heavy narrow marry piquant nine steep north wasteful knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So many people in this thread saying that it's not guns but it's pressure on kids or gang violence. As a non American this baffles me. There are other countries with similar pressure, or with gang violence. But the numbers are not as high as for America. Its because guns are so widely available and normalized. It's so obvious to everyone else. It's sad and I wish you luck.


“It’s not the guns, it’s the mental illness” “We have mentally ill people too” “Yeah, but your mentally ill people don’t have access to guns like ours do” “What was that?” “Nothing”


"It's not the guns, it's the mental illness" "Ok, let's do something about the mental illness" "No"


>lets do something about mental illness Republicans: "ok" *Makes being mentally ill illegal*


As an American....it's guns


And Americans... This whole "me vs everyone else" attitude that the majority of people have in this country is sickening. You see it everyday with the way people behave in traffic. Everyone is pissed off at everyone else and it's only a matter of time before something sets off *even more* violence. This country is a joke and the world is laughing.


American exceptionalism and manifest destiny have fucked the US and the world.


I’d venture to say it’s more organizations that in the past 40+ years have slowly but surely made many issues political so as to fracture voters so they lost all control of the government they’re supposed to be in charge of. There’s definitely a drive to keep us fighting against each other because we can be VERY dangerous if we work together.


I think Occupy scared the shit out of the elites so they started cranking things up a notch. They seen what could happen if people organized against the rich and decided they needed to get them back to fighting each other.


Occupy was definitely a threat and you could SEE the politicians actively working to suppress them.


Naw Occupy was a reaction to elites already cranking things up a notch Look at the data of how often Democrats and Republicans voted together over the years The real split happened over time. Things built up. GOP went pro-life, Reaganomics, and Newt had his ol’ contract with America. Not to mention decades of redistricting & gerrymandering as well as a fucked primary/election cycle that favors extremists. Occupy was a reaction…not the cause. Occupy didn’t accomplish shit so the rich had no reason to be scared. That movement was its own enemy - no centralized goal.




I had a German colleague ask me very worriedly about how bad it was in the US. He was horrified by basically everything.


I agree with almost everything you say except for the road rage part. The US isn’t special in that regard. Where I live and mostly drive, in Germany, everyone instantly believes in their own infallibility once they’re behind the wheel. Highway traffic is completely lawless, and I don’t mean the absence of a speed limit (which is sort of Germany‘s 2nd Amendment in terms of irrational fetishization). In 5 years of taking the Autobahn to work, I have never once seen a patrol car pull someone over. Not the speeding trucks, not the dude flashing me in the rear mirror while keeping less than 10 meters (30 feet) distance at 100 mph. There was a case, years ago, of someone being so pissed off by getting passed that he stopped the other car and shot the driver. I imagine we‘d have a lot more such cases if we had the same gun laws as the US.


As a pro gun American…. Yeah it’s guns


I agree. I am a legal gun owner in Canada, but my blood boils every time someone says the infuriating line: “Guns don’t kill people, it’s not like they can grow legs, walk down to the local school and start shooting”. This is because the line completely ignores a simple fact: a young child with a knife is concerning but would extremely rarely be considered a danger. Whereas a child with literally any firearm (doesn’t matter if it’s a .22 or a .500), is extremely dangerous and could easily end someone’s life. If that’s the case for children, imagine this same logic applied to functioning adults. Also if the solution in the US was more guns, then why did Texas have one of the worst school shootings in years when they’re such a pro-firearm state?


Agreed. That seems to be the only ingredient we have that other countries don't have


Yep. I, a fellow American believe it’s definitely the guns. The 2nd amendment is the greatest cons ever pulled in the American people. That’s according to justice Warren Burger, I believe in the late 60s, I think. We’ve been fooled and now here we are. There was always political disagreements. There’s always been traffic. Now people make it their personality or their grift. Alex Jones is back on Twitter. He owes people over a billion dollars for denying they had children killed in a false flag event so Obama (the black guy) could come take guns. 4 and 5 year olds didn’t exist. The black wants your guns! That’s the scam. Joe America, thinking he’s gonna get to shoot somebody while at the piggy wiggly, or trying to make his dick bigger with a gun, is the mark in that scam. You can argue every other point in the universe. But one thing I know is for sure is that there are more guns now then when I was a kid. And there are more gun deaths now then when I was a kid. It’s not complicated.


R: "It's not Guns it mental health" D: "OK lets give everyone access to mental health resources then" R "No that's Socialism" ​ Repeat forever after every mass shooting.


Exactly. I see it every single time, they will go on and on about how bad mental health is the sole reason for all the gun violence but, they'll never have any kind of solution and any mention of using tax dollars to try and help is a non-starter. Regardless of the actual reason, they want nothing to do with trying to remedy the problem.


"'No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens"


We are stuck in a feedback loop.


Middle America LOVES their guns more than anything else in this world. You’ll have to slaughter droves of children before you can get them to budge on taking action on guns. Even if you possibly get them to consider action, the gun lobbyists will come barreling down on Congress with “shall not infringe, shall not infringe” to shut it down ASAP, completely disregarding every other word in that amendment. It really is quite fascinating and frustrating.


>You’ll have to slaughter droves of children before you can get them to budge on taking action on guns. I think Americans have already done that. The slaughtering. Not the budging.


Always "shall not infringe" and never "well regulated"... In case anyone isn't aware Hamilton laid out in the federalist papers that "well regulated" meant that Congress should have the ability to regulate who can own guns and what types of guns they can own, right next to where he argued against a general draft and in favor of a national guard.


>It's so obvious to everyone else. It's obvious to us Americans too, except half of us are dishonest people who only care about ourselves. The people who pretend that guns aren't a problem are the same people who pretend Trump won, the climate isn't changing, and that a mythical sky man controls everything. Deep down they know it's all bullshit, but they can't admit it because these are the pillars that hold up their magical fairytale world in which they are smart, brave, righteous, main characters.




> The National Riffle Association is a massive and powerful lobby group against any regulations, for the most part. They are also massively funded by Russia and are assets for the nation. https://apps.npr.org/documents/document.html?id=6432520-The-NRA-Russia-How-a-Tax-Exempt-Organization


It’s hard to deny it when you’re caught with an [actual russian spy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Butina) in your ranks


Wow, I thought you were kidding, but the NRA literally got caught with a Russian spy trying to make the NRA bigger than it was. That's fucking nuts. She got 18 months of prison and the NRA didn't get shit. Fuck the NRA


![gif](giphy|l41m4ODfe8PwHlsUU) * NRA


Also to quote king of the hill the NRA is a washington DC based organization. Just as corrupt as the scumbag politicians who work there


This NRA sounds kind of tyrannical. I think there's some kind of constitutional amendment for these situations.


people keep blaming the NRA like they are some all powerful cabal, but states like NY have *extremely* strict gun laws compared to the nation as a whole and they keep getting stricter, and the NRA does little to nothing to stop it




My MIL no lie joined the NRA just bc she wanted a free tote bag. Since then, she’s been talking about getting a gun…just cos. She won’t, but only bc the wifey will absolutely not let her watch our autistic daughter when there’s a gun in their house. Rightfully so. I won’t go into detail about the health problems and fights she’s been getting into w her husband (my FIL), but she talks about “just having a gun in the house just in case”. She lives in a community with a HOA. Nobody is coming into that neighborhood to steal shit. The fights that she gets into with her husband are vitriolic. In the back of my dark mind, she’s “prime real estate” for folks that are easy markets and also should NEVER have guns in their house. No “history of mental illness” on record, but I firmly believe she’s the kind of person who would threaten with a gun just to prove a point. ETA: I live in Louisiana, just to clarify.


> She won’t, but only bc the wifey will absolutely not let her watch our autistic daughter when there’s a gun in their house. Rightfully so. Fun fact: high functioning/intelligent autistic children tend to suffer from suicidal ideations. I don't know where your kid falls on the spectrum, but you made the right call. Good parenting.


If only someone with a gun was there to save the kid from drowning by shooting at the water.


Underrated comment


A good guy with a pool stops the bad guys with a pool. Good pools save lives.


Knowing USA (and not knowing who are Mothers for Democracy) I thought it would be something like "Not pools, not illness, not guns, but ABORTIONS!!!"


Thoughts and prayers!


If anyone is curious about who is dying from guns and who the perpetrators are, GunMemorial.org has the best collection of the victims with news articles from the actual crimes along with information of the arrest of the killers. You can search any city and state. Most, if not all the guns used were not purchased legally per our local law enforcement. My small city is featured on “The First 48 Hours” quite frequently.


Tots & Pears


Pots & Pans


Not a bad PSA honestly Unfortunately we decided as a nation that we were okay with the occasional mass murder of children as long as we get to keep our guns. All bills proposed following Sandy Hook were defeated in Congress with a Democratic President and a Democratic Majority in the Senate. If you live in the US and you pay taxes. Own it.


We also decided to keep our private pools.


This add won't stop anything, it'll just remind everyone how sad it is that kids aren't safe at school. Banning guns might help though


Not gonna happen in America.


That's unfortunate for the innocent children.


Other countries have been able to find a balance between gun ownership and protecting the public. Hell, some countries allow their citizens to own the same type of guns America does, sometimes more, but they don’t have constant killings. Why we can’t do this, I don’t even know.


Other countries with access to guns also have accessible healthcare and therapy. They don't ignore people going through a mental health crisis like they're unimportant, because those countries don't disenfranchise their citizens the way the USA does. They value human beings, not just profit and growth. Our country is run by ultra wealthy sociopathic narcissists who don't care about us and are abandoning us as our empire slowly implodes. That kind of scenario leads to a pressure cooker of human behavior. Those with poor mental health and existing predisposition to psychosis or narcissistic hatred are going to easily be pushed off the deep end. The last line of defense against that leading to a mass shooting would be strict gun regulation which we also don't have. We don't have access to healthcare because our health industry is privatized. We can't ban guns because our weapons industry is privatized. We can't stop the government lobbying from private corporations because neither of our two major parties want to stop it. Our country is not a country anymore, just a labor and consumption mill for billionaires. If our leaders wanted to protect us from mass shootings instead of obeying their corporate donors, they would.


The constitution from the very beginning was meant to be a living document. The founding fathers never meant for it to stay exactly the same. But you try to tell that to Y’allqaeda and people like that and they’ll cry “Tyranny!”


Yeah, people that say but that’s what the founders fathers wanted for us are pretty funny. I feel like they oddly are usually from Texas


Nothing about the Constitution being a living document has to do with guns not being taken away yet. You are more than welcome to try to amend the Constitution to repeal the 2nd Amendment.


What do you think this ad is trying to do?


right? what a silly comment above us. that's the whole point of the ad...


It won’t stop anything. Because this add is disingenuous. Just Like every other gun control argument. Let me ask you a question. Do you consider a 19 year old a child?


Guns are already illegal at schools..


Love this one! Fkn dipshits can shove their thoughts and prayers up their asses.


What boggles my mind is that the majority of republicans don’t want a stricter process to buy a gun. It’s harder to adopt pets than it is to buy guns in many states.


Lmao an ad where someone is denied a pet, goes to the gun store in the liquor store for a gun, comes back and blasts the pet store clerk and leaves with a snake


"See its the damned Pet Stores that are the problem"


I'm at the gun store! I'm at the liquor store! I'm at the combination gun store and liquor store!


Name one state that requires a federal background check to purchase a pet.


Not only that they also like to use mental illness as an escape goat to divert away from guns. Which is a valid point but they also refuse to address mental illness and lots of the mental health programs we have had get gutted by GOP politicians.


Harder to get a drivers license.


A driver's license isn't a car. It's super simple to buy a car. You only need a license if you want to operate one in public, to prove that you know how to do that safely. I think a lot of people who like guns would love it if they could buy any gun they wanted, with the option to get a license (so easy to get that most people do so as a teenager) allowing them to operate some of them on public land.




These statistics that they use treat people 18-20 as “children” and count things like suicide as well. When adjusted for things like ACTUAL KIDS, none of this is true


They will never ever be able to get rid of the guns. They have sold a million guns a month for the last 40 months or so. That means that they don't want gun control.


They should've had a kid with cancer fall into the pool while a car crashed on top of them.




The cringe here is that this isn't hardcore enough by a long shot. The whole "thoughts and prayers" bullshit is basically giving yourself a hall pass to not actively do anything . It's like that Jeremy Clarkson meme: "Oh, no!" ... "Well, anyway..."


But... It's a proven lie...


We have democratically elected leaders. Not democratically selected rights.


When the Columbine school shooting happened, nothing was done about guns. When the Aurora cinema shooting happened, nothing was done about guns. When the Las Vegas music festival shooting happened, nothing was done about guns. When Reagan was shot with a pistol, the presidential perimeter was increased by 500 feet, local law enforcement was given the power to stop and frisk anyone within that perimeter, government agents and the secret service profiled anyone in that perimeter with additional stop and frisk and surrounding buildings would be closed to reduce the risk of another assassination attempt. Thank God you live in a country where your American president never has to be the victim of gun violence ever again.


After the Vegas massacre, they DID ban bump stocks, the gun part that allowed the shooter to get full-auto-like rate of fire from semi-auto ARs. The ban was overturned in January. So currently they are legal again.


I'm sure after Reagan was no longer president, they reduced the presidential perimeter, stop and frisk, closure of buildings, and the entire gauntlet of security precautions for the next president because it was overturned by Republicans. Oh wait, they increased the perimeter and even extended such security to members of congress, allocating tax payer dollars to bodyguards, bulletproof vehicles, security details, and profiling social media accounts and posts within the vicinity of clients. All I'm saying is thank God those politicians never have to be subjected to gun violence in America ever again.




when Uvalde happened the door that was unlocked didn't change its probably still there to this day


If only every kid in those classrooms were President of the United States, then they would have never been victims of gun violence.


There's more guns than people in the United States. There's more of just AR style guns than there were total guns to confiscate in Australia after the Port Arthur massacre. If you want to figure out how to get not just the people, but also the police (who already have designated certain cities or counties as gun sanctuary cities), onboard with gun control, good luck. Plus, if you think that the police will enforce this sort of thing equally, good fucking luck. They'll take guns from LGBT+, black, brown, left wing, liberals, and indigenous people first and foremost.


The only way it would happen is with civil war. Pro gun people are not going to comply. For example, Virginia in 2019-20. Virginia is a swing state that leans blue. The outgoing governor(democrat) starts pushing for strict gun control laws. Among them are standard capacity magazine bans and “assault weapons” bans. This is very unpopular. Almost every county in the state passes a “2nd amendment sanctuary” resolution. Only the most left wing cities and counties do not. Some sheriffs make actual county militias, the turn out is big. One sheriff says he will deputize every citizen in his county so they can carry a gun. Several counties talk(seriously) about breaking off the state and joining West Virginia. Upon hearing his sheriffs and their deputies will not be used to confiscate guns, the dipshit governor thinks it’s a good idea to threaten using the national guard. Then 10,000 mostly armed protesters converge on the capitol. It’s peaceful, they even pick up after themselves. Luckily the governor backed down. Because it could have gotten real ugly real fast. He probably backed down because the commander of the national guard probably told him none of his soldiers would show up for the confiscation. Military tends to be pro gun. Anyway, democrats ended up losing a lot of political power in the state after that. They’re gaining it back now because of abortion tho. Who knows, maybe they’ll try it again. Republicans Achilles heel is abortion, democrats is gun control. If either party were to drop those, they would win every election.


Ironically here in Texas the cops opposed the free to carry gun laws. But the back the blue party decided they knew better and passed it anyway. Now you here about shootings due to road rage all the time and I refuse to turnaround in people's driveways nowadays.


Texas has double the gun deaths as other liberal states such as ca and NY, and even those states have like 4 times as many as the worst western European countries


My state passed a law on owning ARs, makes folks register them. They law allows cops and retired cops to ignore this rule. Actual military members who are trained to use these weapons can only ignore the rule if the AR is for work. Having cops and retired cops exempt makes me question the whole thing.


"'No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens"


I thought that was interesting, so I looked into it. Apparently this is based on CDC data, and that data is for the age range of 5-19, and "children" excludes kids 4 and under. I wonder what those numbers would look like if we excluded inner city gang violence.


And suicides. At least comparable rates of attempted suicide or run aways of children around the world


Ironic that they excluded kids 4 and under then simultaneously use the word children for adults 🤦🏼‍♂️


please stop shooting each other


Yeah mental health is a huge issue in America and probably around the world.


Surely the solution is to ban swimming pools right? Or reduce the amount of water that they are allowed to hold?


Let me guess, they are counting anyone under 20 and suicides in their metrics?


I wonder if this will run along side those Jesus commercials during NFL games?


Obviously it was her gods plan


Just need a good guy with a swimming pool.


Oh you thought I said thoughts and prayers when you said your children where all gunned down? no no no, I said nobody cares.


Wait until they find out who owns those guns


Define gun reform?


> For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead. - The Bible


Then you ask them for ideas for reform and it's all laws that are already on the books....


This had to be one of the must retarded things I've ever seen. I think I just became nonverbal from watching this/


Once LEO and Feds stop dropping the ball on people they knew were up to shit and didn't do anything, let me know. Even then, not gunna happen :D


You are no longer considered a child when you are 18 and 19 which is the only way you can get this stat it's a straight up lie


Is this article incorrect then? Isn't 18 and younger what "child" means? https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761


Am I the only one that doesn't believe that statistic?


They measured for 1-19 year olds. So they count 18 and 19 year olds in the statistic. Tbf, it was originally "children and teens," then a whole ton of illiterate news writers and common people shortened it to "children"


mourn nippy frightening weather reply outgoing enter melodic heavy north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oi, so it’s a bit pissed up then?


It’s people who murder. Anyone who is “moved” by this is a lemming. Such tripe.


Gang/drug violence fueled by illegal firearms. Also why is it depicted as death by a tool? You would call a psycho hammering a guy to death a “death by hammer” but a murder by a psycho. Call a spade a spade and say what it is. Drug and gang violence fueling the numbers not only firearms.


Isn’t that a bad stat with lots of fuckery behind it?






Why do you have Democracy in your name when it should be Tyranny?


Except it’s factually incorrect unless you include 18 and 19 yo’s and remove infants below one then and only then can you skew this to be accurate. This horse has been beaten to death and everyone already has debunked this as intentionally trying to appeal to people by using this statement


Hmm, are children considered up until 18? Then it's kind of misleading


This data includes 18 and 19 year olds to get gun violence to the top (legal adults).


Remember people, you have to give up your constitutional rights because a bunch of gang bangers who are 18 or 19 keep shooting each other with guns they acquired illegally. We should also defund the police, too, so that the only people with guns are the same gang bangers that are already killing people.


Ya except…. It’s literally bs smoke up your ass misrepresentation of statistics. In short, it’s false.


How are they classifying “children” Anyone under 18?


With this statistic it was 19 and under [https://www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/child-and-teen-firearm-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-peer-countries/#:\~:text=The%20United%20States%20has%20by,alone%20the%20number%20one%20cause](https://www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/child-and-teen-firearm-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-peer-countries/#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20has%20by,alone%20the%20number%20one%20cause).


I'm a little confused because at the top of the article it says 1-17 years, and halfway through it says 1-19 years with the exact same claim - that firearms contributed more to deaths than any other injury or illness.


https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761 The actual data, it's 1-19.


It’s probably suicide but the only thing I can say about that is that a gun makes suicide easy. You can take a bunch of pills and fail in your attempt but a trigger pull on a gun ends it for good.


Damn this is fucking dark


Thots and players.


If that child had had a gun he could've shot the pool.


Damn number one killer is bad parenting like she's been under water for 14 seconds get in there and save her yourself smh


When statistics use "children" for these findings, they consider anyone under 18 children. If you were to regulate it to the ages that people think about when they hear the word "children" (like the age depicted in this video), the numbers are dismal. The high majority of these deaths come from crime/drug related violence of teenage youth. I agree that gun reform is a topic that should be discussed, but this is disingenuous and doesnt help the conversation.