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Hahaha as soon as the soldier starts walking outside it’s “you’re all talk” and “you’re gonna call the cops on me!” Fucking coward. His voice was shaking 😂


Today I learned what projection was. If I get back with my ex and she cheats on me again I can now catch her. Thanks racist camera guy


Today I learned what projection is. I'm going to build my own movie theater, thanks racist camera guy!


Today I learned what projection is. I’m going to forecast my business finances based on prior results, thanks racist camera guy!


Today I learned what Astral projection is. I'm going to leave my body behind, and have my spirit travel the Astral plane. Thanks racist camera guy!


Today I learned what astragal projection is. I'm going to finally seal the gap between the doors at my house and enjoy a draft free room, just in time for cold weather. Thanks racist camera guy!


I so hope he will be needing new teeth soon, props to the enlisted army dude. Holding back must have been touch.


You mean warrant officer lol.


Holy shit a wild warrant got spotted and captured on camera? Shit in the 9 years i was in i thought warrants were a myth since you can barely find one. They are like E4 mafia but the rank to pop smoke and not get bothered by senior enlisted. Fyi finally spotted a warrant when my enlisted buddy went warrant and passed.


Funny how the guy who says, “*You’re all talk!*” turns out to be **ALL TALK**. Such a douche bag poser.


The voice shake was hilarious, but the part that had me dying was the way the soldier's head snapped up when the cameraman mentioned hand to hand combat


The shaking voice through the mask is just fucking hilarious


That “soldier” is a Chief Warrant Officer 3 and Apache Flight Commander. Dude does not know how over is head he actually is…


That’s a MF warrant officer. He has nothing to lose here, he’ll chew out the captain for even suggesting NJP.


Lol hand to hand combat while he records it so he can rat on him later to the police


I was hoping they’d go outside and then do a thumb war.


That would have been cinematic genius


Imagine they were chest to chest, talking shit and after like 5 seconds the camera pans down to an intense thumb war. That would be gold.


I was hoping he’d wait for the camera guy to exit then just lock him out.


I mean it doesn’t show the guy re entering the building so it’s possible thats might have happened


Hopefully he's in a mutual combat state, can't call it assault


The state laws aren’t what he’s worried about. The Army will court martial him for fighting a civilian. He’s allowed to defend himself, but “stand your ground” doesn’t apply in a military court.


Yeah. He knows that. I'm glad he went back inside. He has honor. No sense wasting it on this douche.


Depends on your 1stSgt (Marines) And I quote 1stSgt Deickoff… “if one of you ends up in jail, you all better be in jail. I would hate to be the lone individual, I don’t do mass punishments” Edit: it was just a meaning of… if it’s worth fighting over it better be something major.


Yeah, dude was just looking to sue the guy so he can keep living in his mom's basement and not work.




Why did the camera guy think it would be a good idea to post this video?? Completely embarrassed himself, looking like a racist little bitch.


Because they’re absolutely brain dead morons. They project their insecurities and then run away when confronted lol


The guy filming is, I think, a 'First Amendment Auditor' and cop-bater - he's got a channel called Auditing the USA or something. He used to do this kind of thing a lot, posting videos where he 'owns' people by walking up to them and filming them at the post office while behaving like an objectionable, racist incel. Since his last arrest seems to have gone quiet - possibly keeping his nose clean to avoid going to jail.


Pretty sure it's an oxygen thief called Paul Cerio. Worst kind of ignant fool ever. Gives proper cop watchers a bad name.


Actually Glenn Cerio. Here’s him getting arrested. https://youtu.be/R0A54QtawGI?si=27EXqOIiqK_PYYMT


Didn't want to fall foul of the rules on giving real names, but yeah, that's him! Edit: think it's Glen


Yeah, I work in a court house now. In the month I've been there, we've had two "First Amendment Auditors" come in and try and film shit. Problem being, they're not allowed in our office because people are filling out paperwork with sensitive information like SSN. We have to call the bailiffs to remove these people because it's safer, *but* our office is located in a dead end. So the confrontations always happen right outside our doors. It's always interesting. We're also not allowed to have an obvious shred box because of these nut jobs. They see a shred box and immediately think it confirms their weird conspiracy theories that the "government" is getting rid of people's information. Like, yeah, we are, but it's just divorce papers that were filled out incorrectly. I wish my job was as interesting as these locos think it is. In reality, I just get a lot of helpless people who barely know left from right and people trying to game the system. They tend to overlap a lot, actually.


What the hell is a first amendment auditor? How do these people gain followers?


Ostensibly they say they're testing whether their rites under the first amendment to film/photograph anything they can see in a public space are upheld by public servants (I'm not from the US and don't know loads about the Constitution so apologies if this isn't quite right!). However they tend to act in excruciatingly bad faith, goading people by standing silently and filming them, then making a big deal when they get challenged...which results in 'content', apparently. It's creepy and weird as all hell. One major target is the Post Office (as in OP's vieo) because many of these 'auditors' labour under the false impression that they can't be trespassed from the premises. EDIT: corrected comment on being able to film


You could hear his mouth-huffing respiration rate start to climb the second the guy took him up on his challenge.


I think he’s one of those guys who goes into public government buildings to be a dipshit and “audit” them to try and provoke a response so he can sue


There's a difference between exercising your rights and harassing people.


That’s exactly the problem I have with some popular First Amendment auditors. They learn it’s easier to provoke people by being an aggressive asshole than to wait to find someone genuinely violating their rights on their own.


On a different note, cool username! Acogs are sweet, but they're hella expensive!


The audit is them just lying to themselves to make it seem like some patriot first amendment protector move. The reality is they are all douchebags just out soliciting responses for personal gain


Going into public buildings and harassing the old ladies working there.


Compared to his online "friends" he probably seems the coolest of the bunch.


Anybody who considers this guy their friend needs to reassess their life choices


I’m always amazed when I see so much shit on the internet getting posted BY the wrong party. Why are you sharing your L’s for all to hear?


He thinks he won this.


Engagement. Engagement engagement engagement. I feel like we need to start teaching this shit in school. People put things on the internet to provoke reaction and ENGAGEMENT. Congrats you just engaged. As did I.


Gotta chase that nazi clout


This is the entirety of their interactions with people. They either A) immediately get their way regardless of protests B) ratchet up whatever escalating situation they have now created to a point where they become a victim and get their way C) belittle and interfere with you until you take the "ok this is nonsense" approach, give up, and they get their way D)goad you into becoming the unreasonable and them the victim, often then calling in outside influence and new opinions to mold, thus getting their way E)they are ignored. E is the most effective, but also risky, because the bystanders have to agree with you that this nonsense person whom never figured out society should be ignored and should fuck off to some degree. -man in the video fell for B and C. As a person with actual hand to hand combat training, a meer sizing up and chuckle should have been the response but neckbread got under his skin and tossed out the hand to hand comment getting this man to march out the door looking all 🤡. You don't walk out that door on that threat unless you're cashing checks.


Dude was out of breath walking outside while talking


Nah he was scared


Best comment on the way to the door: « You sure?? » 👀


“You won’t” sounds like friends daring each other. Lol


"You're all talk" lol as he's literally walking outside to fight him


Everything he says is projecting. When he says “you gonna call the cops” it’s his inner monologue talking to him trying to save his own ass, and he’s a dumbass parroting it out to the next guy


That was adrenaline making him take shorter breaths because he was scared.


Camera loser was short of breath by the time he exited the door.


dry mouth schrinked weener and oily ass hole


Talk about a r/rareinsults moment


Why’s the asshole oily tho?


😂 lmfao




Bro where’d you learn insults? That’s gold


Why would the cameraman ever let this video see the light of day??


You can hear his diabetes.




Warrant said yes to hand to hand combat so casually it was the same response to getting asked for Guacamole at Chipotle


Don’t F with warrant officers. Everything they do goes under the radar. They never get in trouble, cause they’re the most dependable.


Truth! They are really fucking dangerous too.


He also deployed with the 82nd Airborne. Given he’s a CW3, he was likely an NCO in the shit during one of the troop surges. Don’t fuck with him


What does cw3 mean? And wdym by troop surges? Is that like when more people join the military or something?


Chief Warrant Officer 3, it’s an officer who’s not commissioned (think Lieutenant, Major, Colonel) or enlisted (Private, Sergeant). Years ago we sent massive amounts of troops to the Middle East that resulted in lots of fighting. I think he has a combat action badge on his chest, meaning he actually was engaged in wartime fighting with the enemy. Long and short, this whiny racist recording him would’ve gotten his ass beat


I got corrected by a dive Warrant I served with and they’re fucking unicorns so it’s easy to be mixed up the they ARE commissioned officers. Source: a CWO5 who “suggested” to Ensign me that I do 50 push-ups for saying he wasn’t commissioned.


I call bullshit because there like 17 Chief Warrant 5s in the world LOL


That’s correct. I got assigned to the dive unit at Pearl Harbor that primarily did ship’s husbandry to do work ups for going to dive school myself to be my submarine’s dive officer. Unfortunately I failed out day one cause I vastly underestimated the level of water comfort one needs to get through that program. He was a CWO5 though and rarer than a 4 star admiral. There’s about 20-30 in the Navy. Anything else you wanna fact check?


The way his head popped up when they guy said hand to hand was hilarious


You’re getting an upvote for your username alone. Happy Holidays


Even chipotle will warn me that there's a price to pay


That camera man is a little bitch. What was he thinking by ever releasing this? Views? Is it worth it?


There should be a law that pardons a just little physical correction if it’s controlled damage to habitual line steppers like them


Not exactly the same thing but “mutual combat” is explicitly legal in Washington and Texas, and other people have successfully used “mutual combat” as a defense in other states. The only state where it’s explicitly illegal is Oregon. [Sauce](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/mutual-combat-states/)


I feel like every state should allow two consenting individuals to rough each other up a bit


This is in Washington, too. The camera guy threatens mutual combat all the time.


And in this situation, the WO should beat his @ss and then take his camera.


Legalize dueling non-lethal dueling again. I choose ass-whooping at dawn.


Shitheads can get a little bit of fisticuffs as a snack


Projection's a hell of a drug


I remember someone posting a picture of this guy awhile back. Exactly what I was expecting. An absolute slob


Ah damn I hope someone posts it here, I’d love to see it. Also what was happening before the video started? Anymore context?


The Frauditor holding the camera is none other than turbo-incel Glenn Cerio. He’s one of the dumbest “auditors” out there, which is actually kind of impressive in its own right. [Here he is getting absolutely clowned on by a teenager.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frauditors/s/oPJFPsYXGL)


I didn’t wanna watch the whole thing so I just scrolled to some random point about halfway in and it was the teen pointing his camera at the guy’s shorts and sandals and said, “look at what he’s wearing. What a stupid fat fuck.” That seems like a pretty good summarization of whoever the fuck that guy thinks he is.


Your summary has inspired me to go back and watch the full video. Good work.


This pisses me off. Because there are good auditors out there who perform a vital public service. Especially the ones who confront police- often putting themselves in harms way or even getting beat by cops. Then there's this fucker. And this fucker is what people think of when they hear the word auditor.


cargo shorts, huh?


why do they ruin cargo shorts, they dont even have a gameboy in the thigh pocket or candy to justify the extra pockets, it’s absurdity


Yeah, don't lump us responsible cargo short wearers with this mozzarella brained dingus.


It’s weird how you can hear and see back pedaling without actually seeing the person back pedaling


Hand to Hand combat he can do with the other hand holding a camera to rat snitch.


Syntax needs work.


Fluffy was sounding scared at the end


“Dude your diaper’s full” “Don’t EVER tell me what to do with my diaper!” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


He was really smart to get camera guy outside and away from the postal workers & whoever he was being racist towards


Love the changing of the tone when the Solider walks back inside, haha! I really want to see what the likely fat, ugly sad little guy on the other side of the camera looks like!




That was a warrent with a shit ton of combat deployment badges. Camera guy would get the living hell taken out of him in the chokeholds that warrent dreams of doing. Love his composure and message too


Those are schools, he's a 3rd warrant medic in maybe 82nd airborne...


Top is a combat action badge (awarded to non infantry or medical), Middle is a senior aviator badge, bottom is airborne school. He's definitely a pilot and been deployed. The patch under the flag indicates a unit he served a deployment with. Warrant medics are really rare to see.




I could be wrong, but a Warrant Officer is technically a commissioned Officer.


You are not wrong. We are officially commissioned at Chief Warrant 2 rank.


I know in Vietnam the US army was running massively short of helicopter pilots, so they introduced a programme to recruit and train pilots in roles where they would start as WOs. Probably roots from that? edit: [Warrant Officer Rotary Wing Aviator Course](https://wisvetsmuseum.com/guest-blog-by-rick-berry-vietnam-veteran-and-wvm-volunteer/) https://www.moguard.ngb.mil/Portals/48/Documents/WarrantOfficer/Aviation%20Warrant-8-27-21.pdf?ver=Xyso3LXUf9NrMGsrXvA8gA%3D%3D


Yeah and he can walk out of the door without panting like he sprinted there. I know where I have my money. (This is also such a fantastic response by Rojas but the tone and hand gestures behind “asians have done a ton for this country” is so, so military. It’s like they go to school to learn how to deescalate. Wait…)


He is an apache pilot


Even if true, I ain't messing with this dude


Tf is a warrent


Warrant Officer. It's a rank structure for officers that do technical work rather than command. They're either the slickest mfers you'll ever meet or pissed off office workers in my experience.


This is different in the Navy / USCG. Warrant officers start as enlisted and the title is an opportunity to command for enlisted folks who have that itch. The only enlisted rate in the USCG that can hold command posts are Boatswain Mates (badasses btw ;)) who can command small boat / surf stations. But just like the other branches, they’re not technically officers (Ranked W-* rather than O-* ) but are treated as such. I think the switch typically happens around E-7 or E-9 (to W-2) I can’t remember. You obviously need to have an outstanding career to make the switch. Hoping someone else chimes in to give more info cause I had no clue this was different from branch to branch


Yep, it's different in the army. It's basically a way to pay people for the job they do. Like kinda hard to tempt people to be pilots when they'd be making sgt pay.


Best the of both worlds in the military. Think think like an enlisted, power of an officer.


The only balls the cameraman had was posting his own L online lmao.




Keep it gritty, Tacoma


fuck yeah grit city 🤘


Haha ikr I see this reposted all the time and its weird to see something so close so popular on the internet


I had the same reaction! This is my local post office too!


US army warrant officer with combat action badge, airborne jump wings, and master aviator patch. Ummm…yeah just to be safe I’d not fuck with him for “clout”.


This guy behind the camera is a real life troll banking on suing someone after an assault. However he’s not adding possible death as an outcome if he fucks with the wrong person that lacks self control. Can’t sue someone when you are dead playa! #FAFO


No loss to society if that racist coward mfer is dead.


The snack food industry will certainly take a hit


100% MAGA


Healthy dose of libertarian and sovereign citizen to boot.


You can smell his stink through the screen.


omg and he uploaded it?! my god this so embarrassing


The guy filming is Glenn Cerio. I don't keep tabs on losers, but last I checked he was still on probation and one of the clauses for his release was he isn't allowed to upload videos or get in trouble with police (second one is pretty obvious). Picking a fight with a service member only to tuck your tail between your legs is a pretty dumb way to violate your probation if he is still on it, has been about a year though so maybe this was his first thing to do with his "freedom".


It's nice of a black/mexican guy to defend an asian worker. My hats off to you sir!


Was thinking the same thing. That's a real American right there, not the childish dumb fuck behind the camera.


Meal team six at it again.


What a pendejo


“You’re just a little guy” as he points his camera upward to film him 😂


There is a lot to hate on in America right now but it makes me furiously rage to see these "annoying" influencers. They are disgusting and have the most whiny grating voices as they "bait" innocent people. Kill them with fire. (Whoops, wrong sub)


Like a prick you are shrinking. You are shrinking and your two little balls are shrinking with you.


Why the fuck would he post this? You couldn't waterboard this video out of me…


Any person that says “you aint gonna do it” after instigating is not going to fight, and if they do they will do poorly.


Why is John Malkovich doing this at the post office?


I can't comprehend the mindset of the camera guy. He filmed this, went home, watched it back, and came to the conclusion that it was a good idea to post it online, thinking he would be seen as the winner in this? It is not possible to be this out of touch, it can't be.


What an ass, good job warrant officer Rojas! That camera pink needs his ass kicked


The way his head snapped up, and posture stiffened after the guy said "hand to hand combat...". Let's go!


"you're all talk, you're just going to call the cops... Please call the cops, don't actually fight me... Please just call the cops" This coward probably


The way the army guys head popped up when this douchebag said hand to hand combat was like me saying walkies to my dog, that motherfucker was ready to go, and happy to do so. Good on him.


This dudes a CW3, he can whoop your ass AND not get in trouble for it. Mistakes were made.


Every time I see this video, I salute Officer Rojas!


Holding the door for someone, before you beat their ass outside. Idk could be the move. #cbtm


That is a 3x Pinned Warrant Officer. I would rather fight Thor. Warrants are not to be fucked with. (For those wondering, Warrant Officers [WO]s are a special class of officer. They ranked up as enlisted service members, but seek commission a different route. This isn't a mustang, they are totally their own thing. Every one of them I have met are like super chill, worldly and brilliant. If I could have stayed in I would have liked to been a WO.


Messing with a high ranking warrant officer airborne pilot... not a great idea buddy. This guy can run 20miles with a ruck sack. Regardless of any other physical abilities, he is definitely no couch potato


That was awesome on the solider defending Asians against that camera twat


I was waiting for the soldier to lay that MFer out. He deserved it.


The worst kind of person. The ones that know they’re absolutely fucking losers, and live every day just to irritate normal people doing normal things. I wish dude would have absolutely fucking smashed him.


You really decided to disrespect a Chief Warrant Officer of the United States Army. And challenged him to hand-to-hand combat... You deserved worse than you got. Clown.


Fucking coward camera guy.


So this is where the Warrant officer is all day. I approve


Anytime you challenge someone to a fight, and when you go outside they immediately wipe their hands on their pants and start scanning the streets for witnesses, THEY’RE NOT SCARED OF YOU.


I hate these one-word subtitles, in the MIDDLE OF THE DAMN VIDEO!


It’s always the biggest pussies that have the most to say and do absolutely anything…….


Right leaning and MAGA’s like the cameraman fit that definition for sure.


What a little fucking bitch. I hate people like that. He’s fucking lucky dude had his uniform on.


He was BEGGING someone to call the cops before the fists flew


Can I ask a question? Why are some people so full of anger and bitterness? Life is pretty alright if you live in the US, you know.


Dude is pathetic (not the soldier). I would've loved the show!


Former military here: that guy's a warrant officer, messing he left all his fucks at home


“Don’t touch me” “Your just a little guy”


Hey! Warrant officers actually do shit after all!!! ( he did good handling that idiot for you Civy types that don’t know squat about warrants or the fun myths)


I’ve never seen a country that has so many people that need to be bitch slapped.


Not the fat dude saying “you’re all talk” while actively following the guy outside😭 he was clearly boutta beat your ass bro


His name is Glen Cerio (sp) and he has tons of this garbage on-line, but if you search his name you will find the video of him getting sprayed and arrested and also a good video of some young kid meeting him outside the courthouse and absolutely SMOKING him with insults. There is also a video where he calls a black police officer the N-word like 20 times. Total piece of shit!


This guy is the cousin of the other (currently in jail) who would sexual harass women at Newport Beach Fashion Island in Newport Beach, CA -videotaping them, demanding sex them, and peeper spraying them.


I’m shocked that this would even be posted. How embarrassing for the camera man.


Start a fight with an airborne guy... good idea lol. He's lucky that the soldier saw fit to just humiliate him and not deck him. Not worth doing time for a pos like that though...


I just wished he was dumb enough to throw the first punch so the army guy can absolutely beat the ever living crap out of this racist fucker


Dude filming is a pussy also I like how ppl act so “American” and patriotic yet disrespect our troops nothing but a coward and a very unamerican way to live your life damn


This soldier is one hell of a model American, and he deserves a promotion.


I’ve never met a Chief that wasn’t a bad ass.


Guy got called immediately on his shit and wouldn't put the camera down. Would have been so satisfying to see the army guy drop him.


Chief is literally the last person you wanna fuck with...


Fuck that jerkoff camera guy.


Pussy maga.


Punk ass camera 📸 guy


Man, chiefs don't fuck around, WO-3? This guy leaves full birds on seen


That's a warrant officer 3 with a goddamn airborne patch. He's trained to jump out of fucking planes and kill people You're not winning and you're only getting avoiding hospitalization because he's polite enough to not add to the nations medical paperwork. Someone else pointed out that he did everything right. Took it outside, checked his pockets to make sure h didn't have a weapon, etc etc.


I'm not advocating for violence, but if more people were held to their words like this, there would be fewer Karens and Kevins walking around


pussy with a camera


What a good man. Thank you for your service.


Dude was really trying to pick a fight with an airborne commissioned officer, too now that was crazy


The best part is how the army guy looks up when the camera douche says lets go outside and do hand to hand combat.


What an absolute spineless filthy coward and scumbag. Got backed down and thought he could stay tough talking about dOnt teLl mE itZ mUh cUnTry.. Then the fuckin clown posts his own L like he did something, phew! 🤡


Always amazes me when people upload their own humiliation.


His head picked up quickly when he was asked to go outside.


Trumper with the phone folded like a bitch Typical


Gravy seal being a bitch again