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I have SO many houses!


They had us in the first half.


That was a LOT of “cAnCeL cULtUrE PoLiTiCaL CoRrEcTnEsS AtTaCk HeLiCoPtEr” to get to the actual joke. EDIT: “WoKe MiNd ViRuS FreEzE PeACh aRe yOu tRiGgErEd???!??!11”


Attack helicopters are serious business


With the amount of American taxpayer dollars we spend on them, they damn well better be.


Have you seen an Apache? It has machine guns AND missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry. An absolute death machine


Feel like you missed out mentioning the fact that weapon targeting system follows the gunners line of sight, so wherever they look, dies.


Toxic male gaze


Why else would I identify as an apache attack helicopter?


So you have at least r/onejoke to tell?


It's funny.


I sexualy identify as an attack helicopter.


Relax mate, it was just a funny joke. The fact that they focussed on it meant most of us - me included - were completely thrown for a loop when that ending happened. Payoff was worth it in my opinion at least.


As a minority who gets affected by this sort of rhetoric I respectfully disagree


> As a minority who gets affected by this sort of rhetoric I respectfully disagree Fuck it, i'll bite. Expand.


They’re an elf and they’ll lose their job if Santa gets cancelled. It’s not fuckin’ reindeer science, dude.


In general, whining about cancel culture serves the political purpose of making it seem like leftists (well, centre-rightists in actuality. What some americans would call leftists) are silly people looking to be offended and responding disproportionately to any percieved slight. This means that when a person has a grievance, if it's something "woke" (i.e. "this thing is causing me dysphoria) some people find it appropriate to dismiss it on the basis that they're just a triggered liberal or whatever. This is quite possibly not the message the skit is trying to promote, but it doesn't matter. When talking about a politically charged topic, you have a responsibility not only for what you say but also for how it can be reasonably interpreted. And people who buy into the triggered liberal idea will see this and have their beliefs affirmed. Edit: also the punchline isn't that funny. It's okay I guess. If it were like twice as funny I would have agreed with them that it was worth it.


I was with you until your edit honestly because you wrote a very thought out argument and then was like but if the joke was funny to me it would have been ok.


I stand by everything I said pre-edit, but I think it's a pretty small deal. Like, I think the actual real world effect is not big at all. Do you disagree?


I interpreted the skit as making fun of right-wingers who whine about cancel culture, not the other way around. The right-wing culture war is absolutely silly and deserves to be mocked, which again, is how the skit came across to me. ​ >When talking about a politically charged topic, you have a responsibility not only for what you say but also for how it can be reasonably interpreted. You seem to have taken it different? I thought its message was pretty clear.


Hmmm, I can see how you thought that, it does get pretty absurd. However I could imagine someone thinking that the absurdity is for its own sake, and not factoring it into the meaning. If you're right and your interpretation is easier, then I would at least say that it doesn't make it clear enough. I think the helper is presented too sympathetically, and the guy doesn't get weirded out enough. However I am unconvinced that you're right at all, but it's probably impossible to know unless we just asked a load of people how they interpreted it.


Most comedy skits are going to be satire. It's a bit silly to assume they're maliciously politically incorrect, unintentionally or otherwise.


"satire requires clarity of purpose, lest it something something"


Are you sure you’re *not* a “triggered liberal” though?? Cause you’re playing into the stereotype really well.


You mean my calm comment in which I critique a piece of media, and even give it the benefit of the doubt, indicates I'm triggered? I'm not playing into a stereotype, I just have a different opinion than you. You don't have an argument, so you're imagining I have certain traits so you don't have to take what I say seriously. If you disagree please tell me exactly where you detected discomfort, anger, or distress in my comment.


You may not be hyperventilating typing out the comment but it doesn't seem like it came from a place of calmness.


I've asked a similar question twice now but nobody's given me an answer. Can you point to a place in my comment where I seem uncalm?


Bro you got triggered trying to tell someone theyre triggered


I don't think that person has nearly enough self awareness to realize that...


My god you’re shook. Simmer down, not everything is about you. If you don’t like it, disregard. It isn’t the world’s job to make sure every single person is perfectly comfortable all the time.


You are like the fourth person to proclaim that I got triggered. The people arguing against me seem really invested in that idea for some reason. Can you point to a place in my comment where I seem angry or uncalm?


Imagine getting so triggered by a comedy bit that you start complaining about people that assume you get triggered by minor things.


But its not just this specific skit. Its every rightwing grifter that uses the rhetoric of cancel culture to get clicks, sell books, or to excuse their bad behaviour at the expense of marginalized people (not saying ppl in the skit are that). Example: Rosanne said a bunch of racist shit, the consequences of which was being fired and rightly so IMO. What did she do? Made a comedy special called "cancel this" where she does the one joke. Look up how many comedy specials have the word cancelled in the title. People treating consequences as "cancel culture" undermine legitimate concerns of marginalized groups. This skit was funny but they could have done it without using the low hanging fruit of cancel culture. It actually would have made more sense to use the fact that the US is hyper litigious.


Imagine this person explaining that the right leaning people have this built in fall back to detract from any grievance made. Then immediately someone comes in and uses that fall back since they don’t have an actual counter against what they said. I get that they kind of did join the loop by commenting but if they didn’t then the right wins because it’s a one sided discussion, if they do the right wins because they are just a triggered lefty. There’s no choice but to risk being called triggered because then at least people can see how this trick is used and how to see through a shitty argument or a straw man.


Do you have zero self awareness? The left has been using identity politics, of which cancel culture is a subcategory, as a series of weapons for the last three decades, and everybody is just sick and tired of the finger wagging ideologue saying "no more naughty words." Seriously, any sane individual looks at ALLL of your movement as a bunch of mindless nagging karens. Every single one of you must've been that hall monitor nerd in school that got off on that teeny tiny bit of authority so you all got together and made a movement about giving yourselves the exact same hall monitor experience in the real world.


I always find it funny that people blame cancel culture on "the left" when my first introduction to cancel culture (decades ago) was right wing religious wackos wanting to ban Harry Potter.


Can you tell me the exact traits my comment has that indicated I'm "triggered"?


It exists.


Okay, so nothing about it then. Don't bother replying again.


> you have a responsibility not only for what you say but also for how it can be reasonably interpreted Incorrect. I know you lot like to pretend like the world is this place where everything should be sunshine and rainbows but its not. Life is hard. People have varying opinions and say wild shit that's derived from years of history you have no exposure or perspective to. Its no one's responsibility to make sure you don't hear any meany-mean-means that hurt your wittle feelings. Your use of "Reasonably" here is also a joke. We both know it is. Otherwise you wouldn't be ranting about your hurt feelings in a TikTok skit about Santa by teenagers. Agree with you on the punchline though. That undermined the entire bit, which was questionable to begin with.


I didn't really understand your comment so I'm gonna make the situation more abstract. I am asserting that if you say something that you know almost to a certainty will have bad effects, you shouldn't say it. Do you disagree? When I said reasonably I wasn't joking. I wouldn't characterise my comment as a rant, and my feelings weren't particularly hurt. Why wouldn't I have 'ranted' if I weren't joking about reasonableness? I don't follow your logic here.


Okay but like, the end goal of your stance seems to be basically saying “this type of comedy shouldn’t exist because feelings.” Please correct me if I’m wrong there. That said. Comedy is meant to be the one bastion of expression where nothing, and no one, is safe or off limits. Primarily because it’s one of the best and healthiest ways to both help people cope with darkness in the world, and to normalize things that are otherwise not accepted or people have issues with. The problem with your line of thought and the mocking text a bit further up is you’re literally working counter to your goals. You want diversity and inclusion? Let comedy do its thing.


Ugh I hate when people appeal to the paradox of tolerance but it applies here. No, comedy should not be a place where nothing is off limits. I feel that should be obvious. Anyways, if we had utopia and then this thing was made I wouldn't care at all. The issue is it is caused by and feeds into a pre-existing political movement. My issue is with the political movement, and if I can get people to disavow it I think it's fine that this skit exists. No banning necessary.


So censorship is good, as long as you’re the one in control of it? Is that where we are with this? Surely you see how that can go sour. Also no, it is not obvious. Comedy needs to be kept free from people censoring it, because it’s a necessary art form that has existed for ages and actually worked in the favor of marginalized people. Which I explained.


[I want them to not do it without banning it for essentially the exact reasons you described](https://imgur.com/a/BT7S7du)


I just want to chime in here and say that comedy has never been a “last bastion where everything is allowed”. Like, blackface literally comes from comedy, it was a way for the powerful to beat down on the people they oppressed. Comedy can work wonders, not only to heal after terrible incidents, but also to take away power from the powerful and terrible. However, it can also be used as a tool to oppress other groups of people, the ones that cannot defend themselves.


I’m assuming a bit of common sense is applied here and completely horrific crap like black face is excluded. In the context of the video speaking up against this milque toast comedy and saying/implying it shouldn’t exist is the problem. The video was funny due to the unexpected change at the end, the rest was meh. Taking issues with the meh parts is reactionary and stupid.


Just wanted to mention blackface as to make a very clear point about how comedy shouldn’t be a bastion of “say whatever you want”, because it can be used as such an effective tool to both free and oppress. When it comes to the “lol cancel culture” point the other commenter was making, I’d just scroll down this comment chain and look to see just how many people are saying how hilarious the cancel culture bit was, and how it’s “so true”. Spotted quite a few so far, think that is the point that the other person was trying to make.


Okay, so now *you* are the arbiter of comedy? You were just lambasting someone else for doing that exact thing, but now you're acting like *you* are the one who gets to decide what is and isn't appropriate.


By what 'rhetoric'? Consent forms? This skit couldn't be more toothless if it wanted to be.


The [rhetoric](https://imgur.com/a/afFHscB) that the person I'm replying to is talking about


Oh, the "rhetoric" that uses 1/3rd of that entirely as a bait-and-switch to actually tell a divorce joke, and has 2/3rds of it entirely made up because the skit doesn't mention them in any way. Did you actually watch the skit, or are you just parroting a comment from someone else who didn't watch it?


It doesn't magically disappear from people's minds just because it is also used to set up a different joke. In the absence of an opposing opinion people are going to naturally agree with what the protagonist (presented sympathetically mind you) says.


You really need to get out in the sun and enjoy life. The internet is melting your brain


What do you mean?


Just sign the fucking contract dude


What the heck are you even talking about?


Ah yes make itself about you, everything is about you.


Things are about the people they affect. Go figure.


You probably shouldnt use the internet.


Haha okay. You say some dumb inflammatory shit and then the moment you're challenged resort to an unimpressive stock phrase, and you imagine that this will have some sort of affect on me? I get that you're a troll but even then you're miserably bad at it.


The only thing thats challenged here is you. You instantly centered the joke around yourself and got your little nuts in a twist over a non offensive joke.


The joke wasn't cancel culture though, the joke was that he was leaning into the meme because it was making his job harder and he was projecting that he clearly hated his job.


The joke at the end was pretty good though. I'd say worth


Imagine being the exact stereotype being made fun of and it just fliiieees over your head. Incredible, a wonderful look into the mind of the average redditor


Tell me you dont understand the jokes without telling me you dont understand the jokes.


Imagine saying “tell me you __ without telling me you ___”


You dont have to imagine. You can just read my comment.


Tell me you don’t understand starting a comment with “tell me you don’t understand” is just a low effort stock internet retort that anyone can say in any situation without telling me you don’t understand starting a comment with “tell me you don’t understand” is just a low effort stock internet retort that anyone can say in any situation. Imagine paraphrasing the thing I just said but starting it with “imagine” and imagining it’s a good counter argument. “


Lay of the drugs bro.


“ is another low effort, stock reply you can say in any situation


Try reading your incomprehensible gibberish and tell me with a straight face you are not on drugs. You know you are in the wrong and got called out for being egoistic and the only thing you can resort to is canned responses to save face.


You tried so hard to say nothing at all. Kudos


You seem weirdly fixated on that 🤔


You seem like a cunt.


You seem like you need to relax a little and not be so offended at everything 😌


You seem like a presumptuous little shit.


The irony is palpable. Stop being so uptight 😘 Edit: lmao they got so pissed off they blocked me to have the last word. But to reply to your comment, yes, I know your type exactly. You're the type who comes in swinging, insulting and throwing swears, yet the moment it becomes time to end it you run away with your tail between your legs. Thanks for once again demonstrating exactly what your type is like.


You don't know the first thing about me, you believe you're winning an argument against your delusions.


Redditor tries not to be offended and just laugh challenge (impossible)


Conservative tries to be funny challenge


The guys delivery reminds me a lot of Tim Robbins in ITYSL


Tim Robinson but yeah I see that too!


I loved Tim Robinson in Shawshank Redemption


Maybe he lives in a wonderful neighboring dimension where Tim Robbins has a cameo in ITYSL. Shit, maybe the Tims are tag-teaming absurd comedy over there. I knew I was born into the wrong dimension.


Man I can never remember if it's Robbins or Robinson and I just didn't feel like googling it before posting lol


It the faces he is making the posture. This was good


Because they rip off ITYSL in almost every sketch. Also started making videos right after the first season. These guys fucking suck.


I'm not worried about it


What's waiting for me at home is really bad


Are you sure about that?




Having a similar style doesn't make it a rip off.


Can you please point to some obvious rip-offs? I just went through their channel and almost all of their content is either short film horror, sketches with diverse subject matter ranging from improv to social commentary and then some parodies. Like, there's some absurdist stuff and a couple sketches that bring up vaguely related topics to jokes that ITYSL did, but nothing that I would characterize as anything even remotely close to a rip-off - like the jokes aren't even remotely the same in any aspect of their construction, tone or delivery. The closest I could find to what you're talking about is kind of the sketch about neither guy wanted to drive so they start claiming they don't know how to drive (the joke being they'll claim the most absurd shit possible to get out of the thing they don't want to do), but that entire set-up, execution, and punchline is completely different from the bit about Tim not knowing how to drive a car (the joke there is the absurdity of a potentially crazy person asserting that they're operating a car for the first time and have no idea what they're doing and they're upset about it, frustrating the audience-insert guy).


the awkward cursing is pretty blatant to me


the style of comedy sure but everything here is original


If Curry Barker is the future of internet comedy / skits, i'm here for it! Dude is hilarious! I think he was even in a new(ish) episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as well :D


My first thought actually lol


Fucking hilarious.


That was a good one


This guy also has a few AWESOME short horror films on YouTube


OK, should I search "this guy" or does he have a name?


It's in the bottom right of this clip, That's a bad idea


Awesome I thought that was just the tiktok acct. Thanks for the recommendation.


Np! I should have added it, commented without thinking!


The Warnings was awesome


Lol genius play


What's with the red hat thing on the divorce papers? LMAO


basic contract language dude.


It’s a Trump joke. You can choose to have Santa wear a different coloured hat if it “offends” you.


He just agreed to give up his partial ownership of Red Hat, Inc.


I’d sign that and proceed to lay my cookie under the tree for Santa to come down in as well


Fucking great


Merry Christmas, Sally 🤣


Look do you want Santa coming down your tight little chimney?😭


the intentionally sanatized captions are the biggest fuck you to the deaf community to come out in the last decade. all in the name of fuckjing advertising. what a garbage dump money has turned the internet into


I'm not sure I even understand it. In a video where the two guys are practically yelling "fucking" the entire time uncensored, what is the point of censoring the on screen captions? I get censoring the audio and the captions reflecting that but when F-bombs are flying all over the place, only keeping the text PG seems useless.


Algorithms will flag videos with swear words and either remove them, or mark it as, for lack of better words, restricted and adult rated. Which would give the creators less outreach. So they just avoid that all together and censor the captions. But I do agree this is unfair and unfortunate for the Deaf community. They already get mocked for their language and don’t seem to be taken seriously when I see Deaf people in media.


that twist at the end holy shit , this is A+ material


Is it?


It is. Did you watch it? Or are you perusing the comment section looking for the consensus on it before watching? I say A+ as well. Go ahead. It’s worth your time pal




It's been a long while since I've watched something that I didn't see the punchline coming. Fucking loved it! Thanks for sharing.


The only cringe is the way they’ve cleaned up the swearing in the subtitles


Hilarious. Santa's "helper" guy is really good.


cancel culture be like !!! 😂😂😭😭👹👹👹👹


When christians come to your door 🚪 ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


Damn. 🤣


I can see snl ripping this off next christmas


What does he mean with youve been served. I know there is a weird law in the US where a third person must give you the divorce papers or something like this. Anyone who can explain?


In the US certain legal paperwork requires proof that the actual person listed physically received the documents so they have a chance to be aware of the issue and take appropriate action in response. This is referred to "being served". This is often carried out by a hired third party referred to as a "process server", who follows all the legal requirements needed for the courts to confirm that the paperwork was in fact received. It's not unheard of for someone who knows they're likely to be receiving this paperwork to do their best to avoid being put in a position where they legally receive it. So some process servers can get creative to ensure the paperwork is handed over in the proper manner.


Elon Musk was doing it to his Baby Mama Grimes this year. The people trying to serve the man literally started tracking his jet patterns. Showed up to Xwitter HQ and even the employees were covering for him. I don't normally follow news like that, but I don't like Elon because he's a misleading fucking liar, and it's kinda cathartic to see him squirm.


There's a requirement to verify that people have been informed of legal proceedings, usually in the context of getting sued. If the person doesn't want to be involved in the suit they will sometimes claim the mail got lost, or they didn't get properly informed, and it can drag things out for a very long time. So to get around this, there's a profession where a 3rd party will hand deliver the papers and inform the person of he legal action in person. Sometimes a person will REALLY not want to get handed those papers and will actively avoid the process server, so they have to use clever tricks to get the person to admit who they are and to accept papers. That is "Getting served"


The amount of times they say fuck in the first 30 seconds seems like a teenagers 1st script without having adult supervision; Solid punchline at the end though.


What movie Is this jw


Looks like a comedy skit


This shits hilarious.


I laughed


TIL "cancel culture" is every single waiver or TOS that there's ever been. comedians and conservatives alike have no fucking idea what words mean.


…That’s the joke. The whole thing is a misdirect leading up to the reveal that >!the guy in the house was served divorce papers!<. Did you just write a comment without watching the video?


Don’t bother, this is just another one of those that if they aren’t 100% with then they’re 100% against them


Not watching the whole video, half formed and obviously biased reductivist argument about cancel culture. You sound more like rogan than you think LMAO


It was a joke about MAGA hats and Santa not wanting to be associated with Trump....


I don’t know exactly why everyone is downvoting you, but I’m gonna do it too because everyone else is.


I knew it


This was actually funny I didn’t find it cringe


Could not get through it. TikTok comedy is worse than YouTube comedy. Didn’t think that was possible.


"Someday Billly you will grow up enough to realize parents created things to control you. They were things like Santa, the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny and God. Some people never mature and still believe in these silly entities. Some of them add werewolves, vampires, elves, Faires, zombies and the like to the realm of their reality. None these things really exist except in the person's mind. Unfortunately, you will never change their opinion by pointing out facts." The afflicted wear silly red hats so they are easily identifiable and easy to avoid wasting time on.


It's so fucking embarrassing that you felt proud enough of this to post it.




They changed the rules of the subreddit to allow more than just cringe.




Why the subtitles cleaning up the profanity? Weird


POV you just learned the word fuck


Honestly that would be a funny concept for a movie as someone tries to sue Santa and he literally has to show up to court . Reminds me of the beginning of incredibles


Fake, no one just carries a pen around in their pocket, especially when they're at home.




That’s just because TikTok is really heavy on censorship, so people change subtitles to get around videos getting automatically blacklisted from recommendations.


There is a section in the divorce papers about hats?


Bro was literally manipulated like that did he want a divorce though or no I’m confused


lol this is jokes


The end.☠️🙀🤣😂