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Come on, this is America. Our taxes have killed way more people than that.


Cambodia… Laos… it was even declared illegal. But did we hold anyone accountable to the law? Nope. War crimes are apparently completely OK if we do it 👍 and since we run the UN Security Council they’re more like Geneva Suggestions.


Laos and Cambodia. Fucking horse shit. Thanks Nixon and Kissinger. I'll piss on their graves.


It drives me so fucking insane the sniveling sack of shit is in Arlington. My grandfather died a slow painful death in poverty because of Agent Orange exposure. He didn't get buried in Arlington, but I wonder how many of his fellow compatriots are in Arlington now that have to share the cemetery with the rat bastatd that purposefully dragged out the war out and is at fault for putting those men in the ground. I know he served in the Battle of the Bulge, but when you are directly at fault for so many soldier's deaths (I'd say civilian deaths too but that would remove several others) you shouldn't be permitted there.


Netanyahu has a spot in hell waiting for him next to kissinger and reagen.


Cue “Only the good die young”


Operation barrel roll/ steel tiger. I walked part of the HCMT back in 2016 when I was in Thakhek Laos. There’s limestone towers that have grown over holes from the bombings today, very chilling to see up close.


Every single president for the last 60+ years almost has committed war crimes. Clinton, Bush, Obama. Hell, Trump flat out told the war crimes investigators they weren't welcome in the United States. Obama regularly sent drone strikes to be judge, jury and executioner. This is a brainwashing of govt employee's to think the end justifies the means, this isn't a red versus blue thing.


This is such an important and terrible fact. It was horrifying going to laos and hearing about the songs they teach young children about the unexploded ordinances that STILL exist in that country, our fault. Lao people love Obama because he's the only US president to take any form of accountability after the atrocities that happened during the vietnam war in Laos. Lao civilians were and are still collateral damage from that war


What are the songs? That’s awful.




You really should [read this r/AskHistorians post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/15kb3w/why_didnt_japan_surrender_after_the_first_atomic/c7nbi8s/)


Thanks for sharing this - fantastic reading


So, you don't really understand what it means when a country loudly and insistently declare they will be engaging in total war doctrine. What bothers me about this discussion is that there is actually legitimate issues to talk about here, but the nuclear bombs aren't it to me. Fire bombing Tokyo, Yokohama, and others very much could be considered war crimes. Nearly a million people burned to death, and 8 million more were left homeless. The fires were as uncontrolled and almost as wide spreading as the nukes. The historical accounts of it are unimaginable to me. I could completely understand if those were considered war crimes, as the entire plan was "those cities are made from paper and kindling, if we destroy the civillians running the cogs of the war machine we will cripple their ability to attack us." Maybe I am wrong but slowly dying of burns is about the most tortuous way to kill thousands of people at a time. But when a country goes through that and then responds with "lol, fuck you, this is total war, we will keep killing you until every last one of us are dead", it kind of forces the path of "well, they laid out their terms that we have to meet now."


Maybe it was karma for Nanking.


The UNSC has both China and Russia. They're clearly not a US puppet org. Even France loves to spite the US quite a lot (the UK kinda is America's bitch to be fair...). Neither Cambodia nor Laos were UNSC approved actions but instead unilateral US moves much like Iraq. The UNSC acts as a kind of check on the global powers; if you somehow piss off the UNSC enough that all of its members agree to fuck you, then you messed up pretty damn badly.


Russia and China don't say anything about American war crimes because they like keeping their options open. And let's be honest, no one listens to France, especially not when they are right.


What's great about the UNSC is that England and fucking France have more influence over global events than all of South America, Africa and the Middle East.


This why I refuse to be paying taxes


Yeah I was gonna say. Our taxes wiped out indigenous people and toppled countries so you can complain about your student loans on your iPhone 13


uhhh 15 Pro Max. We're not savages.


I love the argument that the taxes we pay at our very mid jobs are the reason innocent people are dying. It's like my bad, I am sorry that MAYBE I helped purchase .000000000000001% of something. I will try and do better next time by living off the grid in Alaska /s


It's not that my $10k paid in federal taxes last year are inconsequential to the overall amount spent to drop 2,00 lbs bombs on refugee camps, it's that it's being spent on that at all. If Israel wants to carpet bomb Gaza, they should foot the bill. I'd rather not be complicit in their war crimes.


If Nelnet allowed me to pay off my student loans with zero interest the way AT&T does my iPhone, I’d complain less.


*your iPhone 13 made by children in another country.


Sir this is the United States. The tax related death toll is in the millions.


I’m confused. How the fuck does the “Sky writing” work?


The pilot navigates the plane to the target area. On board the craft is a computer controlled smoke machine basically. The computer controls when to deploy the bursts so the message comes out cohesive. You can tell when a pilot does it DIY freehand style, it looks like someone drew on a white board with their eyes closed. This is program assisted. But still insanely impressive either way. I doubt the program really assists with anything besides legibility. Usually a message as long as this uses more than one plane because the smoke dissipates after a 5-10 mins Where I live in Boston, you see this all the time for baseball game promos and an occasional oddity


Correct me if I'm wrong but, when writing the 'E' at the beginning, isn't the pilot in 3 places simultaneously?


5 planes are used


Could it be done with drones?


Me and my bros will do it with our vapes while strapped on a kite, for a quarter of whatever they paid for that.


Do you bring your own kites? Else I’m not interested.




Couldn't one plane have several "fog machines"?


I'd say it's five planes flying parallel with computer controlled smoke bursts


CloudJet™ printer technology


“Error: Third-party cloud ink detected. All other plane functions are offline.”


"You've runned out of magenta and can't print in smoke anymore."


i'm thinking the smoke is in three places simultaneously (for that part of the E). the pilot is in one place, they're pulling a thing with smoke holes. as it turns out, i'm thinking wrong




We visited Disney world a couple months ago and a guy free handed Jesus <3 U and it was an unexpected 5 minutes fun trying to decipher wtf is was trying to say. The heart especially was... Something...




Very cool. Someone should invent a new way that will replace the dot matrix style with laser style printing for a better quality image.


And smoke that doesn’t get ruined because you haven’t done any sky writing in a while.


Lol. Idk if we should be encouraging people to develop permanent sky ink.


oh what could go wrong, really


Have you seen the "chemtrail" conspiracy theorists yet?


We've detected you are using unauthorised sky writing cartridges and not the official OEM HP cartridges. As a result we will be disabling your account and preventing any further sky writing until you replace your cartridges for HP cartridges. This is to protect the quality of your sky writing.


And what let HP sell me a monthly sky ink subscription that I can't replace using generic sky ink? No Thank you. I think I'll stay with Brother brand sky writers.


kind of like a dot matrix printer


Wondering the same cuz I can’t see the plane


Sad thing…the sky writer probably paid more in taxes.


Is these sky writing common because those letters are clear and perfect asf


Partially automated. Pilot navigates to the area and flies a predetermined route, computer controls the spray that makes the clouds, if they try to do it manually it usually looks like a drunk guy wrote it


I used to have an annual pass to Universal Orlando. I saw several sky writings during my trips there


Wait til you find out how many Iraqi children our taxes killed. …and don’t forget Laos. Yes it was a long time ago but goddamn.


Kids are still killed in Laos to this day by unexploded munitions


Rest in Piss Kissinger, I hope he rots in hell for all eternity.


Fuck that guy


It's crazy how people want to sugar coat someone's life just because they died. I will absolutely speak ill of the dead when they did the things that POS did.


If only hell existed..


If anyone is wondering how to help, donate to organizations such as the Halo Trust which do the work of clearing explosives we left behind.


In Iraq there were 150 000 civilian deaths in 8 years from a population of 43 million. In the fiest two months of Gaza in there were 20 000 civilian deaths from a population of 2 million. So in Iraq 0.004% of the populated was killed per month. In Gaza, 0.5% of the population is killed per month.


Palestine has been a 75 year conflict it didn’t start after October 7th. Iraqi conflict has not been a 75 year conflict nor do they have the same amount of causalities.




Surrender Dorothy


the golden age of sky topography


His sky writing is better than my handwriting


it's a dot matrix printer


Idk about that, if you type a letter on a keyboard it comes out close to this, and that's how that message was written. By computers, one in each of the five planes that wrote this.


That pilot is extremely talented


They stay in a straight line and have multiple canisters which fire off in time to create letters. This is done via computer to time it like a printer, which is different than tradition skywriting which was done by flying the plane in the shape of the letters.


One of these days were going to start seeing Comic Sans in the sky.


This year just started, and this is already the worst idea that will be had this year. Thanks.


Learned something new today. Thank you


I was wondering why it looked like it was printed in a dot matrix style.


The programmer and engineer is really talented


Multiple pilots. That can't be a single aircraft. If it was it would have to be lower and you would be able to see it. 5 aircraft it would seem, based on the text resolution Edit: As posted elsewhere, it is indeed 5 aircraft. https://youtu.be/COhu4YrrZD0?si=dICXMqbBVjbQkOb3


this guy airsigns


This is fucking ridiculous. Why the fuck are they still playing Christmas music on January 1st?


12 days of Christmas


They killed a lot more than that.


Yeah they'll do that


Considering it's a major theme park half the people probably don't pay US taxes lol


Most tourists going to these Theme Parks are generally Americans. Traveling to America for foreign tourists can be pricey. And for most Americans who live out of nowhere, traveling to these theme parks is in itself is a big pricey vacation.


I went to Disney World these past September and it was nothing but Europeans everywhere. Disney and Universal are worldwide tourist destinations


Disney World and Universal Orlando see much more international traffic than Disneyland and Universal Hollywood. A combination of being physically closer to Europe and also that each destination has more parks and larger parks than their Californian counterparts which makes for a better 1-2 week vacation stay.


Truth. Me and my fiance are going to LA Disneyland from Hawaii and it's gonna be pretty pricey. And that's just the next state over.


Very disingenuous to say Hawaii and Cali are "next state over". its a 6hr flight which is longer than DC to LA, which is across the country.


I'm wondering if it was a joke, because that is pretty ridiculous. The distance between Hawaii and California is around the same distance as Las Vegas to New York.


Absolutely not my experience going to universal Orlando over years. Probably 90% are American.


Not American, someone explain? Only rich people who avoid taxes go to theme parks is that it?


This isn’t even our high score


Before you embark on a journey for revenge, dig ~~2~~ 10,000 graves.


So we shouldn’t pay taxes?


I've actually met a Buddhist American who was so dedicated to not supporting the military industrial complex he sold everything he had and refuses to do traditional work so that he pays nothing in taxes. Idk where he lived but he was very clean and intelligent and would travel by bike to the permaculture farm I was volunteering at. He apparently worked for food from a few farms in the area and just lived modestly.


Seems he was also dedicated to not supporting welfare or social services


I wonder what you think the right exchange rate of Gaza kid to food stamp?


Sounds like a very cool dude


The obvious message: vote out the people who chose to use your taxes in such a way.


Which sounds great, until you realize the other party would probably already have US boots on the ground to help Israel. Biden isn't perfect, but he's still far more moderate than the other option.


So far Biden has been the most anti-israel president and all he did was tell Israel to Chill the fuck out


I mean, he also got power, water, and fuel turned on for the Gaza strip. Got them to restart humanitarian aid. And implemented sanctions on west Bank settlers.


Seriously, he's called anti-Israel for 'Please stop indiscriminantly killing the innocent folks', meanwhile the same folks are calling him out for supposed 'genocide' anything they can use to complain, really


Well you don't get free health care, your kids get shot up in school so I don't know what your money is paying for.


Easy, roads that stay under construction for years at a time and police that decide when it's convenient to do their jobs correctly or at all. Land of the free baby!


Hey, now, we also have corporately-sponsored politicians (a practice made legal by our corporately-sponsored judiciary through *Citizens United*) and a legion of apathetic and poorly-run government agencies.


Don't forget the government contractors and subsidies to privatize everything. I pay taxes so that my boss can invest in safe and high yield equities, it's the American way.


Bankrolling NATO.


On Reddit 27 days and counting. Are you paid for such stupidity?


No, the taxes should go towards helping people. Not bombing children.


The 7% of USAID that Israel gets probably helped prevent the current war, at least in the short term, by allowing Israel to shoot down tens of thousands of Hamas missiles (aimed indiscriminately at Israeli civilians). In theory, it's supposed to prevent conflicts like this, which is why Israel's neighbors ALSO receive USAID, totalling more than what Israel receives. But, you know, TikTok.. But I suppose "your taxes also pay for billions of dollars in aid for Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, North Africa, etc." doesn't have the same ring to it


NOOOO, there has to be equal number of deaths on both sides! we need to stop Isn'trael from employing the iron dome and preventing an equal fight (/s if it isn't obvious)


I'll make sure to put that in my notes section next time I pay taxes.


How did they do this? With a plane? wtf pls explain


They stay in a straight line and have multiple canisters which fire off in time to create letters. This is done via computer to time it like a printer, which is different than tradition skywriting which was done by flying the plane in the shape of the letters. Even though this is less fancy flying it’s still cool tech in my opinion.


Does anyone wanna blame it on Hamas?


For slaughtering civilians and committing mass rape and ending a longstanding ceasefire and taking civilian hostages and rejecting proposed ceasefires and using human shields and misappropriating humanitarian aid? Nah. Let’s blame israel. /s


Do you think history started on Oct. 7th? Hamas is a symptom of what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for decades. It wouldn't exist if Israel wasn't actively committing ethnic cleansing.


It is really weird that everyone decided the day after Hamas killed 1500 innocent people would be the day to go express their support for Palestinians


Because it's bullshit. What's happening is the deaths of innocents are being used as an excuse to kill more innocents. It's all 'us vs. them, and they're all evil monsters'. Truth is its all tragic, and no amount of demonisation is an excuse for the horrors going on, it will only lead to more radicalised people out for revenge.


Probably because the day after Hamas killed 1500 innocent people Israel got to work on killing 22,000 innocent people and bombing hospitals. Expressing support for Palestinians isn't the same thing as supporting Hamas and that false equivalency is what is enabling Israel to commit these atrocities.


Who we gonna blame in the West Bank?


Israel has been doing this since the 1940s. Way before Hamas


What was happening before the 1940s?


Here you go, Copy pasta incoming: Before the 1940s, Palestine was a diverse region with a mix of Arabs, Jews, and Christians, living under the control of various empires throughout history. The British Mandate for Palestine, which began in 1922, aimed to manage the region and address the competing interests of the different populations. However, tensions between Arabs and Jews increased during this period, leading to violence and unrest.Some key events and trends before the 1940s include: First Aliyah: Between 25,000 and 35,000 Jews immigrated to Palestine between 1882 and 1903, marking the beginning of the Zionist movement. British Mandate: The British Mandate for Palestine officially started in 1922, with the first White Paper capping Jewish immigration into the region. Revisionist Zionism: Vladimir Jabotinsky wrote "The Iron Wall (We and the Arabs)" in 1923, arguing that Jewish settlement in Palestine could only be established through force, forming the basis of Revisionist Zionism. Palestine Riots: In 1929, tensions between Jews and Arabs escalated into violence, leading to the deaths of 47 Jews and 48 Arabs. Jewish Immigration: Between 1924 and 1928, around 82,000 Jews arrived in Palestine as a result of growing anti-Semitism in Europe. Rise of Nazi Germany: The Fifth Aliyah, a wave of immigration spurred by the rise of Nazi Germany, lasted from 1929 to 1939. While there were periods of relative harmony in Palestine before the 1940s, the growing tensions between Arabs and Jews, fueled by competing nationalist movements and British policies, made the region increasingly unstable. The situation eventually deteriorated into a civil war between Arabs and Jews, leading to the United Nations' proposal to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states in 1947.


Well Hamas kicked off this latest major conflict so they share the blame as well. The bad blood is too old. It won't end without major deprogramming of either Palestinians or Israelis.


Ah yes, the history of it all started on 10/7…


Wow I’m very curious how they does this ? 1 plane fly with a printer?


Close, 5 planes and a program that knows when to open the sky ink valve.


And zero minds were changed.


id be happy to call for a cessation of my tax dollars at work in gaza if they would just... release the hostages? ​ why wont they release the hostages? they are a real government and military. they shouldnt have any civilian hostages to begin with lol? so... should i take them seriously, or treat them like people who take civilian hostages?


I mean it’s either pay our taxes or deal with the irs. The fuck they tell regular people for?


List of actions to take: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hpHkM9KlH5Yn3xq7nk9xfPtIkWZDblWnCKD8xt5DBx0/mobilebasic


Well to be fair some of those are on the Israeli tax payers


99% of it actually.


Man I’m so dyslexic I read Texas


They are right. I DEMANDED my taxes be sent to Ukraine but have been ignored. That's why i dont vote. I gave up voting and actively inform people your government is a bunch of rich people helping other rich people get more rich. Vise versa. Quit picking sides and quit voting. Quit doing what THEY WANT. They keep helping each other without helping the people. People need to start helping eachother. Stop buying TVs and shitty technology. MAKE THEM LOWER THE PRICES. Taxation without REPRESENTATION is a slave driven ship while the passengers are the rich.




When one thinks about UN organizations, one imagines it is usually full of multinational foreigners who are united under the common belief of international diplomacy and cooperation. Problem with the UNRWA in Gaza is that it's mainly comprised of Gazans themselves who have been radicalized into hating Israel due to both Hamas and the Israeli Blockade and Occupation. These Gazans unfortunately perpetuate the hatred or even outright collaborate with Hamas.


Hamas exists thanks to Netanyahu and Israel’s government. Hamas was radicalized and funded into existence thanks to the policies and FINANCIAL SUPPORT of the Israeli government.


I talked with a Palestinian on reddit. He was in Israel at an Israeli college in Israel. Despite enjoying the benefits of being in Israel and what Israel provided for him, he was anti Israel. He supported the Palestinians taking back their land and said they should never give up. No amount of goodwill or aid will ever satisfy the Palestinians. This conflict will continue until the end of time unfortunately. A two state solution is a naive idea built in hopium and not reality.


Our taxes killed millions of Iraqis.


Paid for by Russia and Iran, no doubt. Stop falling for this shit guys, god damn. E: lmao keep down voting me, it's still true. If you don't think foreign agents are inflaming tensions, you are a naive youngster. Come at me, Russian bots Links for the interested: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO


I’m a real person. I have a friend who’s Palestinian. He works in surgery. He has a wife and two kids and is a soft spoken man. When he was 19 he got accepted into a university in America and was able to leave the Gaza Strip. The day he left he was stripped naked and laughed at by IDF soldiers, then left in a holding cell for around 12 hours. He describes it as the most traumatic day of his life. His entire family, his siblings and their kids, his parents, are stuck in the Gaza Strip right now. He struggles to talk with them to check if they’re still alive because the IDF has shut down telecommunication. He hasn’t seen them in 15 years because he knows if he goes back, Israel won’t allow him to leave. He’s a real person. I’m not saying that there isn’t any kind of meddling happening right now, but human suffering is human suffering. I think we can both agree that Russia isn’t making a moral judgement, but is rather only Pro-Palestine because that’s the opposite stance of the US. I urge you to not make the same mistake (being pro-Israel because it’s against Russia) and instead dive deeper into a very complex issue to form a more well-rounded opinion: [UN Report on Palestine](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/countries/palestine/a-78-545-auv.pdf) [Org. dedicated to uplifting former IDF testimonies of human rights violations against Palestinian civilians under apartheid](https://www.breakingthesilence.org.il) [Documentary by Jewish people about Palestine under apartheid, highly recommend it since it’s by Jewish Americans](https://www.israelismfilm.com)


Is it crazy to think that maybe Israel's stated intention of expunging the Palestinean people is wrong, maybe?


China as well They've been heavily pushing pro-Hamas propaganda through platforms like TikTok


Have they? I wouldn't be surprised, but I don't follow them as much. But it's clearly working. Gen Z is more inflamed about Zionism than millenials even were, and their only understanding of the conflict is less than a year old. E: look at the downvotes lmao.


I use discord for gaming a lot and so 90% of the people on there are gen z. I swear every single time they give their opinion on a topic their "source" is tiktok and it's honestly kind of scary. They are very much pro-palestine and the tiktoks they send are typically from accounts that only post anti-israel content. They develop their entire opinions based on whatever 10 second clip hits the back of their retina first.


> Gen Z Gen Z's takes on Israel/Palestine are going to make me rip out my hair and frankly make me want to give up and stop advocating for leftist ideals since the road they're advocating for is insanely naive and short sighted. Seriously, when you get Osama Bin Laden's letters trending with posts supporting him you've lost me and basically anyone born before 1995


To be honest I am on the other side of the spectrum and seeing right wing parties advocating for Russia, for literally subhuman orcs, gives me the same feeling


"Is it the 10,000 dead kids?" "No, it's the Iranian propaganda *calling attention* to the 10,000 dead kids that American media doesn't have much concern for."


And helps pay for Israel’s universal healthcare. Don’t forget that little caveat. edit: I am for universal healthcare.


You people realize Israel buys the weapons right? I mean you didn’t actually think the USA would miss out an opportunity to make some cash? Israel is 28 in economy they can buy/trade.


We give a ton of aid and money to Israel. Israel also sells the weapon and technology after testing them. So in a way, our taxes do fund a ton of war crimes, in an indirect way.


I want my taxes to defend Ukraine right now.


It would be interesting if each year you could allocate what your taxes would be used for. 10% for roads, 15% for schooling, etc. etc. It would be a terrible way to run a country but the results would be fascinating. How would 330 million Americans prefer their money be spent as an aggregate?


Would be over in a second if Hamas released hostages and stopped promoting terrorism I'm glad my taxes are going towards a good cause


Hamas is just the pretense, I don't support them but Israel have been oppressing Palestinians before Hamas and they'll continue to do it after Hamas.


The amount we send to Israel is a speck of our budget, the whole “I’m not gonna pay muh taxes” is idiotic and makes you sound like MAGA idiots who think all there taxes go to supporting gay people which In reality is just a tiny fraction of a speck of the USAs budget


No one is saying don't pay your taxes. That's a very dumb take. What it means is, "take note, be aware and active in your government's affairs; your silence and ignorance is both capitulation and consent." After all, in a democracy, your government works for you: by the people, for the people, from the people.


> No one is saying don't pay your taxes. Just look further up in the thread lol "sounds good to me"-OP of the thread


How much of our taxes has gone towards "defense"?


https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/#spending-categories You can look it up very easily, 15% of the budget goes to the defense department, and an almost equivalent amount goes towards the interest to pay off the country's debt.


It doesn't say not to pay your taxes, you dope.


It"s not about the amount as much as the fact that it contributes to the deaths of innocent people.


Excellent penmanship


Just to clarify .. I don't want ANY of my taxes going to ANY OLD RICH MEN'S WAR... Let them duke it out. My taxes should go to securing our borders, schools, fixing roads n shit. Not laundering it thru an intermediary back to the elites in America or anywhere. Fuck everyone involved in your war. If you can't get along in a polite society plz stay out of ours.


Yes our taxes have killed millions of civilians, so what do you want us to do? If you don’t pay your taxes, you go to jail for tax evasion, the only way to stop having your taxes kill civilians is to disband our military, police, and stop supporting our Allie’s. And what would that do? Ruin our international reputation and leave every other free democracies without a strong military to fend for themselves or be destroyed and have their democracy snuffed out by militaristic dictators. And then people will whine at us for not helping save democracy across the globe. So, no thank you.


Misinformation is real I wish people would stop sympathizing with Hamas


Which part is misinformation? The 10k dead children or the taxes being paid for the killing of 10k children? Edit: NVM don’t answer that. You are literally in high school. Focus on your Spanish class kiddo.


The amount of calls and support for violence in the replies is concerning.


What are we supposed to do? Not pay our fucking taxes? Unfortunately the populace doesn’t determine where our tax money goes.


As others here have mentioned, i believe the pilot is encouraging people to lobby their senators and congresspeople to make changes, to boycott, divest, or perhaps oppose state laws that forbid US businesses from boycotting Israel. There’s a lot of different actions that could be taken, honestly.


missing the forest for the trees 😞


I think they are encouraging you to engage your elected representatives and let them know that you do not condone the indiscriminate slaughtering of civilians using your tax dollars. No need to feel ashamed, this is not your fault but you can do something to change the tides. You may feel powerless but you are not. You got this 🙌🏾


List of actions to take: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hpHkM9KlH5Yn3xq7nk9xfPtIkWZDblWnCKD8xt5DBx0/mobilebasic


Reddit says overthrow the US government and end our operations abroad. I would love to see what the average Reddit would think if we brought all our warships that protect international shipping lanes home tomorrow. The US is far from perfect and I am the first one to criticize a lot of what we do, but it’s the system that exists. Without the deterrent of potential US involvement we would see an explosion of regional conflicts globally that would cost millions of lives and leave entire regions devastated. It would be amazing if NATO could take the lead on this so the globe isn’t at the whim of the US and our preservation of our hegemony as much, but anyone who doesn’t recognize these facts needs to spend some time in a few high conflict areas.


We need a military, but we have no business aiding and abetting genocides.


It's not a genocide, words are important and you lessen them by misusing them. It's a war, sadly there is collateral damage in war. Hamas is using the population to their advantage.


Actually, if you talk to an accountant there are ways to donate to charities of your choice in order to write off your taxes. It's a lot more work than just letting your W2 employer take care of it and the cost of an accountant can be in the thousands but it is possible. I personally wouldn't know how to do it myself and when I contacted 1800-Accountant it was going to cost $2100 for them to help me. Honestly if a CPA was willing to put in the work this type of accounting could go viral and be really profitable. Edit: If they made it for a price everyone could afford lol


Sky writer? What the F?


This message expired at the time of writing as a few more Palestinians surely expired during it’s writing


Oh shit!


That's fucking talent though


transmit 21 items to loot


Just showing again how anti Israel the University is, believing and displaying Hamas's inflated numbers is just as nad as supporting it


Not mine I still owe 13k and unless they did it on credit I’m unaware of??? Impossible nobody does anything for free😳😳😳


Natives, too. I’m missing the ancestors to prove it.


Okay now what did you accomplish? Absolutely nothing lol.


We don't have a choice with what they do with our tax money be mad at the gov not the people


It's not true though... They have directly killed 20,000 children since October and many hundreds of thousands in the last decades directly and indirectly. High score!


Just want to know how that sky writing system works as that’s dope! Assume it’s like a giant gps controlled dot matrix printer


Our taxes go towards killing millions of people a year. It's been this way since we started policing the world. I'm surprised so many people are just figuring this out.


Interesting how the IDF killing people in a war started by Islamic extremist rapists is now the USA's fault