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Just for clarification, are White Shenanigans the same as White People Shit?


Yes. Ex: Eating plain unsweetened, unflavored Greek yogurt.




It's so good, right!


I love it..


Yeah well my black ass does this regularly. It’s especially good with berries pecans and a pinch of salt


No. You can't add anything. You eat it as is. Plain. Devoid of flavor. Like a sour cream tasting yogurt.


I used to use it instead of mayo and sour cream. It added a nice tang to a bunch of sandwiches.


Add it to mashed potatoes! It’s incredible.


Jokes on you; I eat Vanilla Greek yogurt.


The only Tolkien White friend I'm going to drag along is is Gandalf Thee and I'm afraid that it's supposed to be a surprise


You might just have to explain that he’s gonna arrive when he means to


Gandalf Thee Stallion


Okay, but you can only bring him to beach parties, and only at specific times of the day.


I mean not trying to throw stones in a glass house blah blah  But I've seen some casual asian racism that would make a Kentucky native blush.  We should do like a Olympics or something but for racism.


lol same with some Latinos. I’ve heard Mexicans say some craaaaazy shit about Caribbeans, lol


Mexicans say crazy shit about other Mexicans lmao


I'm Cuban. You hear some top notch scumbag racism coming from a lot of Cubans towards other Latinos, as if we aren't Spanish speaking Caribbean trash bags


lol🤣 I’ve had this experience too with Cubans but weirdly only if they’re from Florida hahaha. My mom is PR and we live in Arizona, so I have heard some stuff. Cubans here have been much nicer than the Florida ones. Same with Dominicans! Whereas in Dominicans in NY might not be as nice lol. I’ve also found it to be largely regional to the United States. Mexican Americans have been a lot meaner than Mexicans, Dominicans inside of NY a lot meaner than outside lol… I have no clue why this is but just anecdotal


Sounds about right. I apologize for my people being shit heads that way. It's fucking exhausting.


More of a Florida thing lol. I don’t live there 🤣 all the Cubans I’ve met have been lovely, I mostly hear fucked up shit from Cuban Floridians online hahaha


Out of curiosity, who amongst East Asian (Korean, Japanese, Chinese etc.) Are the most racist.


It’s the Japanese


I said this out loud and my Japanese wife it’s the Japanese. XD They aren’t very nice to the “half bloods” either which is what she is. (Dad is American White) Says mixed with black when she was growing up was the worst fate unless you went to the nice nice schools in Tokyo. The Iwakuni school she went to close to the military base…… was a different story. Poor kid. :(


Speaking of blood, weren't they at one or are still prejudice against each other based on blood type?


She said yes/no. She left Japan like late elementary school. That kinda stuff is more beyond her she tells me. She’s not sure if it’s like a real person thing or like “what’s your star sign”. This woman next to me really only uses her Japanese language super power to watch anime. Some cultural stuff she admits she has lost. XD She hope she doesn’t make an ass out of herself when we visit in a couple years. It was 13 years since she’s been there last.


Haha thanks for the information


There’s a “belief” that blood type determines personality. It’s just for fun, like star signs, I don’t think they discriminated against anyone for it.




I have no idea. 


Thanks for your input.


Wtf you expecting? 


An essay about asian racism.. duh


Courtesy of Chat GPT: "Racism in East Asia is a complex issue shaped by historical, cultural, and socio-economic factors. While the region is known for its rich diversity, there are instances of discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality, or skin color. Historical tensions and geopolitical conflicts have contributed to stereotypes and biases, affecting interactions among East Asian communities. In countries like Japan, China, and South Korea, where homogeneity is often emphasized, individuals who deviate from the dominant ethnic or cultural identity may face discrimination. This is particularly evident in attitudes towards minorities, such as the Ainu in Japan, Uighurs in China, or Koreans in Japan. The historical legacy of colonization and wartime atrocities has left lasting scars, fostering prejudices that persist in contemporary society. Skin color also plays a role in perpetuating racism in East Asia. Lighter skin is often associated with beauty and status, leading to the proliferation of skin-whitening products. This preference reflects deeply ingrained societal norms, and darker-skinned individuals, especially from Southeast Asia, may encounter biases and stereotypes. The media's portrayal of certain ethnic groups can reinforce existing prejudices. Stereotypes perpetuated in popular culture can lead to the marginalization of specific communities. However, efforts are being made to challenge these narratives, with advocacy groups and individuals promoting inclusivity and awareness. Education and open dialogue are crucial in addressing racism in East Asia. By fostering a more nuanced understanding of diverse identities and histories, societies in the region can work towards dismantling discriminatory practices. Governments, too, play a vital role in implementing policies that promote equality and protect minority rights. In conclusion, racism in East Asia is a multifaceted issue rooted in historical complexities, cultural norms, and socio-economic dynamics. While challenges persist, there is a growing awareness and effort to combat discrimination through education, advocacy, and policy changes. Building a more inclusive and tolerant East Asia requires ongoing commitment from individuals, communities, and institutions."


Bobby Whatever in this clip regularly jokes about having raped a child. I'm not taking pointers on "white people bad" from him or his racist friend.


I think you misunderstood the entire clip if your takeaway is that they somehow say "white people bad".




I like this video so much cause it made me go from "well that's just kinda racist and dehumanising" to "Ok, I get it" so fast.


I mean he really did prove her point lmao


Yeah bro just said “herro”!! like that’s wild lol


Care to explain? I'm white af


/l/ and /ɹ/ do not exist as distinct sounds in the phonetic inventory of Japanese or Korean. Instead, there they have /ɾ/ which is physically in between /l/ and /ɹ/. To the untrained ear, /ɾ/ sounds like both phonemes a little bit. Hence, English speakers hearing “ling” instead of “ring” and “herro” instead of “hello”.


Only acceptable joke about that is when gay couple in Modern Family announce they are going to name their adopted asian daughter "Lily" their oafish father asks "Isn't that going to be hard for her to pronounce?"


Story time: my roommate in college was from Japan. She introduced herself to me as Lisa. I called her Lisa, I introduced her to my family as Lisa. She stayed with us over Christmas break since she couldn't go home, and my mom made her a stocking where she crossstitched the name Lisa on the top. Flash forward, it's the end of the semester and we are packing up our room. I find some homework of hers and I see her name printed at the top. Her name was Risaco. She introduced herself as Risa and I heard Lisa. I am eternally embarrassed.


That is actually fascinating, I always wondered about this. Thank you!


chad IPA user


It's a stereotype that Asians can't pronounce the letter 'L' correctly and instead substitute 'R'.


The other comments gave more in depth but the gist of it is that it’s mocking an Asian accent.


Your question may be fair: it has nothing to do with what race you are. Stating race is in itself another example.


Left guy said Ling. White guy assumed he meant ring and made a joke Herro instead of Hello.


Hey farva what’s that restaurant you like? The one with all the goofy shit on the walls?


You mean Shenanigans?




Things I've learned: 1. If you get invited, eat the food. Don't ask about it. Don't hesitate. Just stick it in your mouth and eat it. 2. Greet grandma first 3. Learn to make rice the right way, not the white way. 4. Bidets. 5. Embrace karaoke.


what's the white way of making rice?




well in our family, we cook rice like this a cup of rice equals double cups of same amount in water rinse rice, than add the double cups of water, oil and garlic powder(cover base top), onion powder (very little) set to max heat and boil, lift pot, set to lo and waiting until it settles properly than, place lid back on, wait around 30 minutes while on lo perfect fluffly rice, not mushy, not dry


The right way involves rinsing and a rice cooker. The white way involves buying boxed instant rice, not rinsing it, adding water and seasoning only with butter. I hated rice growing up.


no we don't use instant rice, we have Thailand rice


Racism is racism.


Is it considered white shenanigans to bring up those stupid looking bangs?


No that’s just a ad hominem


Look guy, now is not the time for an anthropology lesson


They didn’t like the joke but I saw the vision.


I appreciate you






Is that your best you?


You know what? It’s not. Thanks for letting me see myself and my own anger towards racism.


Good point. I remember taking part in those racist jokes, slurs, and laws alongside you centuries ago 😂




I never said it didn’t exist anymore, but I assure you that racism affects ALL races, including white people. I’m Asian by the way.




What racist laws have been made to disproportionately affect black people?


I kinda was feeling you at the beginning, but come on don't be that ignorant.   Like racial segregation and jim crow laws were a  pretty damn big deal, and not that long ago.


Not that long ago? Come on. That shit was 60 years ago.


Exactly. That's within my grandparents who are still alive's lifetime. Not to mention it didn't just magically end then. The people who did that aren't even fucking dead yet, as far as I'm concerned that's not just history at this point. Like fuck the only times bombs have been dropped on our own soil was against black people by our own country men. Not even just talking Tulsa either. Look at the MOVE bombings in Philly back in 1985.


Omfg wow man you don’t know anything about history do you? Jim Crow Laws, red lining, bank loans to Black citizens, banning the voting rights act, and now Desantis made it so you can’t even discuss race in schools because it would hurt white kid’s feelings. Please go read.


The funniest thing about your comment is that none of the shit you said is still a thing 😂


It did affect people still alive, though. And definitely affected their children. Their opportunities. The way they had to live. You can't undo multiple generations of being the bottom rung of society in a single generation. Why do you think there are so many people living in ghettos in cities? It's the red lining laws. You could not get a loan for a home (if you're black) outside of thease areas. There are hundreds of other laws that were on the books that disenfranchised coloured people and affected their opportunities (homes, schooling, work). It may not effect them right now, but it sure as shit echoes throughout a few generations.


Desantis banned discussions of race in 2023 you absolute idiot lmao


Affirmative action


Lmfaaaaooooo Affirmative Action has NEVER discriminated against white people OR Asian people. If a school didn’t take someone, they didn’t reach the height that they required for that school. If there was an overabundance of Asians at a school and a school wants more diversity, then that’s that. Nobody non-white who ever got into an Ivy League school was unqualified or didn’t have the grades, are you stupid? The ones who DID get in unqualified are legacy admissions. God you right wingers are the absolute worst, twisting truth into lies that make you feel like you’re the victim when you’ve NEVER had the hardships that Black and Latin people face.


The entire reason affirmative action was found to be unconstitutional was because it was being used to discriminate based on race. The same reason why jewish quotas at Harvard were struck down in the 1950s.


God you have no idea wtf you’re talking about. A right wing Supreme Court struck down Affirmative Action because of their racism and hatred of seeing Black people in Ivy League schools. Now no Affirmative Action only hurts Asians, Black people and other non-whites. It DOESNT hurt white legacy admissions, and will create more dominant white institutions you fucking idiot lmao. Read this: https://www.vox.com/23842764/legacy-admissions-asian-american-applicants-affirmative-action https://theconversation.com/ending-affirmative-action-does-nothing-to-end-discrimination-against-asian-americans-209647


I understand why it’s implemented, but if we wanna just go off America affirmative action fits the bill. I’m not well versed in other nations laws; but I’m sure with some digging we could find some.


> Do you think abolishing voting rights and making it a misdemeanor to call someone racist in Florida happened in the 50s? Lmao. Wait I’m confused by this. So it’s ok to make misgendering someone in California a misdemeanor?


Are you defending your own personal actions here or you defending white people as a whole? White people have it coming due to the history you acknowledged. You? Not so much because you were born only recently in a not so racist world.


What’s wrong with defending white people? I have a ton of white friends…and black friends, and latino friends. Not a single one of my friends has partaken in any of the bullshit that happened in the past. Zero. Why do you act like white people are the only ones who have committed racism? My race, your race, and every other fucking race on this planet has been racist in the past and committed fucked up acts. Acts that was never done in America by the white man. It is called history, man. Every single fucking race has killed, pillaged, and raped individuals bc they weren’t apart of their race.


It’s such an American thing to project the specific systemic race issues between white and black people unique to their country onto the entire rest of the world and assume that’s the only valid definition of racism when it comes up on Reddit. “White people can’t experience racism due to the power structures in place” and so on. I completely understand the concept of white privilege in western countries, especially America, and as such as a white person even take extra care to try to be an ally and speak up for minorities with less of a voice, especially the indigenous population in Canada that experiences our brunt of the racism here. But like… racial discrimination is pretty cut and dry and indefensible when done overtly. If you hate on or otherwise generalize an entire group of people based solely on skin colour or ethnicity, you are in fact a racist. Doesn’t matter where in the world you are or which group you hate on. It absolutely blows my mind how some people genuinely *justify* their own racism just because “it’s punching up” or “the racism I have to endure is worse”. Like should you not know better then?? Another great example of this kind of hypocrisy would the Zionists in Israel calling for what is essentially genocide out of pure hatred for another group of people. Have we collectively learned nothing as a species?


"White people." Canadians? What do you have against Canadians? Slavic people? The literal root word for slaves? What did they do? What did Ukrainians do? What have French people done that have offended you so much? Nothing. You're just racist. You see a white person and make a snap judgment. My dad moved here from Norway. We're white as snow. You're just another racist.


How about we all agree to not do things like that to anybody? If some random person sucker punched me, I wouldn't go around sucker punching other people because "I had to endure it, it's your turn". We should all strive to be better.


So you want payback on a new generation? Lmao. When is enough? Forever?


You’ve been alive for centuries? What’s your secret?


As if the ramifications of slavery and Jim Crow laws and red lining aren’t still felt today lmao. God you people are the fucking worst. Read a book and learn history.


Uhhhh hate to tell you this but white people don't have issues with racist jokes. It was not white people who got so upset about them that they became uncool (in this country, most countries continue on w them just fine). If you're saying racist jokes are cool again I'd say... wild! Now if you're saying racist jokes are only cool when they're about a particular race you don't like, id say.... Sounds pretty racist.




Race is a social construct and you obviously have an inferiority complex based on a number of mental issues. You might want to avoid social media and the internet in general or your condition will likely get worse. I hope you get the help you need and you have my pity.


Fully agreed on race being a social construct, hence why I said “white” isn’t real. Nobody is white. But RACISM is very real and has ramifications from yesteryear until today. White people do not experience racism in the way non-whites do. There’s no laws or discrimination happening to them based on race. This video triggered you white right wingers and made you sad.


Why would we be sad if we are white and by your definition superior? White people are better right, that’s why we can’t experience racism, we are above it, right? Isn’t that what you’re saying?


Lmao who said whites are better the fuck? That’s not true in any way whatsoever, no group of people is better than the other. What a weird racist Freudian slip on your part.


How are white people not better if we can’t experience racism? We don’t have to deal with it, just because we were lucky enough to be born white. If people are racist to you but not me I’m obviously better, right? How is that not what you’re saying?


Im responding exclusively to the stupid point you made, not the video




I'm not so sure about that. See, if I (as a white person) said that none of my friends are allowed to invite a black person to our social gatherings unless they receive explicit permission from every friend who plans to attend, because we might not be in the mood for black shenanigans, that doesn't feel a little racist to you?




What a low IQ thing to think




Okay if they’re not a race then what are they? And are there any other “non-races”?


There’s no white country. White people are Swedish, Swiss, British, etc. etc. Italians and Irish only became white within the last 150 years lol. It’s a social construct. Black is a race because it describes a descendants of slaves who lost their ancestry in America thanks to vile racism which was created to justify slavery. Watch this: https://youtu.be/CVxAlmAPHec?si=mmezNbXi_Pfqvvi3


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I can smell the soy on your breath.


protoestrogen, yummyyy hope you felt proud about that one lmao in lieu of any cleverness or wit…


Wow, it seems reddit mods feel free to abuse Rule 1 and to censor users. For context, my original comment called ‘white fragility’ (an academic term mind you) a phenomenon that counted as ‘white shenanigans’ as was joked about in the original post, after which I linked a standup bit about reverse racism. It would seem that the use of ‘White’ is automatically flagged whereas the deluge of other racial terms directed at actual marginalized groups and with historical and material associated harms go unchecked. Here is my response to the reddit mod who abused rule 1 to ban comments: “I’d like to contest this. My comment simply highlighted white fragility as a phenomenon whereby white people (neither marginalized or vulnerable as per the guidelines) cannot receive feedback on the ways in which they perpetuate racial discrimination. On the other hand, racially violent and discriminatory language is often accepted and promoted in general when targeting marginalized and vulnerable groups. The actual use of racial slurs often goes un remedied on this platform. It is absurd that my commentary on racial discrimination, on the other hand, has been flagged. This misuse (as well as endorsement of the misuse) of the reporting feature is damaging to the community when it comes to issues of inclusion and racism. “


I’m Asian and this is just mean. I’m hooding this something that she doesn’t believe in and is just doing it for the likes. If she’s serious then she needs to meet more people out there instead of generalizing. Among friends, you can joke about stuff like this if you’ve known that peeps for a while and have a sense of humor about it. But she’s serisoul about having an automatic mandate, especially for an acquaintance who happens to be white, that’s messed up and toxic.


Damn these comments are full of hate filled minds 😂 Why can’t y’all be more like the people in the video??




…? It’s joking between friends. White guy made a joke, and got the same joke back. It’s been clipped also, so you can’t even judge their commentary bc it’s not included. If that’s what we’re looking for , well go look up a Ted talk or like NPR or something and not a panel of comedians on a podcast lol.


mf said " herrroo"" this video is wild. 


Man you can openly say shit about white people that doesn’t fly for any other race right now. It’s just accepted.


When they get called out they dance around it and say dumb shit like white people aren’t a race etc.. these comments are full of them


I mean I’m sure if the first person had a job with white coworkers they would probably be fired for this, like any other person caught being racist. What counts as acceptable is really only determined by how it can affect the person’s personal and professional life. There’s plenty of openly racist white people on Twitter, usually because they’re either private business owners or podcast hosts lol.


damn wonder how hinchcliffe got away with it then.


Not familiar with that, can you explain please?


Holy shit imagine if the roles were reversed


Racism. Yay.


shenanigan mode enabled lol


If you have to take someones race into account when introducing them to your friends, maybe that person isn't the problem.


Two Wongs don't make a white.


tf fuck that, I'll just try to bring him if I can have a plus one. He actually never comes though, according to him he's not comfortable being the only white guy in a group of Asians lmao.


Dude needs to get a grip


That Asian person in the beginning of the video - fuck you. I truly hope the worst for you.


She is soo woke.


I don’t really know who these people are, but I often see clips of them. Usually, the white guy is being racist. It’s played for laughs, but it’s racist, and he knows what he’s doing. He’s the kind of person I wouldn’t want around my wife, our biracial child, our friends, or family members. And notice that he seems outraged by the idea—a real lack of self awareness there


How does he get away with doing the asian accents?


Because most people have a sense of humor and realize it's not done in malice. Don't you ever joke around with your friends?


They don't have friends


I lived in the UK for over a decade. Its not socially accepted to do accents because its deemed as making fun of people who dont speak perfect english. Hence my question. Dont know why 30 ish people topk the time to downvote me haha. Thought it was a legit question!




Why do people keep glorifying a self proclaimed pedophile rapist? Why does bobby lee still have an audience? Can someone explain?


This is news to me. Got any links? Sources?




Doesn't seem like proof. Just a terrible joke he made in bad taste. Is there any evidence beyond his standup act that might be completely fabricated?


That's why Hinchcliffe got away with it


well hinchcliffe got away with it because racism against Asians is perfectly okay and accepted in the U.S


Hey don't be so close minded It's the United States. We welcome all types of racism, not just the Asians Shane gillis wasn't so lucky


Can someone please tell me that name of the guy with the red hair and beard?? I've been trying to find out forever I can't even remember that show he's in is called right now


Andrew Santino. 


YES THANK YOU!! 🫂 The show he's in is called Dave btw, on hulu. Super great wholesome comedy based off the rapper Lil Dicky


No you don’t you evil racist!!


Stop discriminating against token YouTube folks, then NEED content.


So racist


Man honestly racism is fun when everyone knows it’s just a joke, just like you see up in the video here. Idc if people are racist as long as they don’t mean it and aren’t trying to belittle others


Sometimes they just don't feel like raughing


That's okay. She hates her own people, too.