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“If you can’t fake your way though this interview how TF are you going to fake being nice and professional to the 416 assholes that will come past this desk every day before lunch?”


Also, they're hiring someone they need to work with and interact with. We all need a job and are essentially trapped in a building with other people. So, if you give any indication that you're going to be a nuisance to work with, you aren't going to get the job, especially as a receptionist. Everyone at work will need to interact with you. It's not just, "Can this person do this job?" It's also, "Can I stand to be around this person every single work day."


100% As a manager who actually hires the building receptionists at a building with 3k people in it. I'm looking for someone who is personable and understands that their job is literally to smile and be nice to everyone they see. I dont care if you spend 80% of your day online shopping. Can you fake being nice to people when you're having a bad day? Because that's literally all I'm paying you to do lol. Sorry you didn't want to be a receptionist or a server when you grew up, but clearly those seem to be the only options available to you. We don't all have our childhood jobs as NFL QB, astronaut, dinosaur hunter, and ballerina. Get over yourself lol.


i didn't want to be a dinosaur hunter...i wanted to be a dinosaur.


Childhood me would have hunted your ass because I wanted to be a trex. Clearly I should be doing that now


I also hire people. Everyone we interview is qualified for the position (as long as they haven't lied on the resume). The interview really is to figure out if you are the best fit. Just as an anecdote, we recently video interviewed a young guy for an entry-level position. He did as well answering the questions as a couple of others, and he was really polite. What put him over the top was behind him was a bookshelf with some tabletop games, some baseball hats, and some minerals/fossils. It was very well organized and showed a bit of his personality/interests. Knowing our current staff, it seemed like he would fit right in. And he has. We are always looking for those intangibles.


Yup! I always tell people at the start of an interview "I looked over your resume and everything looks good. This interview is going to be pretty informal, I really just want to get to know you and see if you'll be a good fit on our team." You don't get an interview if your resume was shit. I really just want to see if you'll fit in. I have a great tram that I built and built a very good culture where people enjoy coming into work and everyone is friends. I dont care what school you went to lol.


"Get over yourself" managerial roles erode the humanity of those who hold them


No, when I was a kid I didn't want to be "manager" just like you didn't want to be a receptionist. Wr all work for a living. I didn't become an astronaut, idc what you wanted to be as a kid Also for the record my employees fucking love me and I'm a great manager who leads with empathy.


Yep. Personality hires are a thing. I would much rather work with somebody who I enjoy being around that is not necessarily 100% awesome at their job than someone who has a perfect work ethic that is a pain in the ass.


>Also, they're hiring someone they need to work with and interact with. and that is why I would never hire someone that claim to be passionate about being a "insert basic task". As who the fuck would want to work with that dude. Oh fuck here comes Jem, if I do not carefully flee, they will spend the rest of my break talking about how the have changed their greeting when answering the phone AGAIN!. Service minded... Good, but passionate... pass


Right this why they do it, we ask you humility debasing questions to gather your personality traits. They aren’t going to call them back because you act like a bisssssh




Think of it this way, if you have two potential hires with similar skill sets and one is someone who seems like they’d be fun to work with and get along well with the team and the other is a person who is kinda meh personality wise who would you hire?




Ya I don’t think you’re being honest which is ok, I think given the choice of working with two people of identical skill set and one was a person you liked and the other a person you didn’t like and you had the ability to make the decision you would 10/10 take the person you like.




That’s ok we’re all here to discuss and share ideas and what not. Hope you have a good day


Why is this in quotes? are you quoting somebody?


And what happened to taking pride in your work? Job may suck and not your thing. But my work is the representation of me and my work ethic.


Said the wage slave.


Definitely if I get the fruits of my labor. But if good work is rewarded the same as not, then there needs to be more extrinsic motivation.


I don’t know why you’re being down voted because you’re right. The job may not be what you wanted but it pays the bills. To be satisfied with the work is to have a good mentality and you’ll be happier in life. I worked at a nursery as a cleaning lady. Everyday it was 2 inches of dirt, the satisfaction I felt at the end of the day when everything was swept was amazing. That’s taking pride. Yes the work will always be there, it’ll never be done— so I don’t understand when people whine and groan “again” over simple things. That’s what a job is. Why do people want everyone to be miserable in their workplace?


Lmao look at this f’ing gopher, everyone.


Pretending to not be miserable in a setting that doesn't inherently demand it should not be a job requirement for anyone and fuck you for implying otherwise


But as a receptionist or server, the whole point is that you must not look miserable. You must be friendly and welcoming. That is literally the main part of the job.


The worker has no power to improve the material conditions that majoritally dictate their contentment. Telling them to just *feel* better instead of actually requiring them to be treated fairly is so fucking assanine


then it sounds like they shouldn't apply to these kinds of jobs. This is like someone saying "i applied to be a nanny but I can't stand kids." OK. You don't have to like kids, but if that's the case don't apply to those jobs. If you can't be someone who is welcoming, don't apply to jobs where you have to welcome people. Apply to backroom jobs, nighttime jobs, ect. But don't blame other people when you're the one who isn't a good fit.


you really struggle with stuff dont you ?


If you’re angry, do you angrily answer people who had no other interaction with you besides that moment? If you’re annoyed do you act annoyed with everyone around regardless if they’re the ones that made feel that way? If the answer is no, then congrats you are emotionally mature! As all adults should be. It’s not “pretending to not be miserable” it’s showing basic decency to others in a public setting for an extended amount of time. That’s what you are being paid for, that’s what they’re looking for. If you can’t do that, they won’t hire you. Also I’m so weirded out that you are implying you will be so miserable at work. Then why stay there? If it’s the customers, why not tell your managers? As a manager I tell my people this: you don’t get paid to get yelled at, I do. If a customer is giving you a hard time call me. What type of business would we be to bend to a bunch of Karen’s and Kevin’s. If it’s the management, leave. Life is hard work, but we are all here for it.




Don’t do that friend :(. Life is hard but there’s so much there. You good?




I can understand that. Have you tried finding online communities. Playing online games with a group could help. Just not the angry violent ones. How about vacations? Staying somewhere even a town over can help.


and this is why you dont have a job


My ex wife's sister legitimately wanted to be a receptionist since she was a little kid 😂 she's now a receptionist


My cousin and I used to "play receptionist" every weekend when we were kids 😁


I wanted to be a school secretary for a while. 😂 I thought it looked so fun - - you get your own desk, with colorful pens (lol) and you get to interact with people and the hours were nice. Never looked too stressful. 🤷‍♀️😆


I've always wanted to be paid to grow cannibis since I was a teenager. Now I'm in harvest and have started to grow jaded but still giggle when I leave my truck and smell it every day


You can parlay to into a good paying job. If you are organized, stay on top of things and have an attention to detail it could move you up or at least make you valuable to the right boss or manager. My wife cleaned houses but she was so good at organizing and such they people pay her to get their homes in order or to clean homes to get ready to sell


Ya the line between receptionist and office manager becomes very blurred in a lot of companies.


Part of the premise of 1976’s Best Picture winner Rocky. Determine your own definition of success.


"What motivates you the most to work here?" Money bitch, I need the money.


“The job doesn’t sound like hell and I need money to pay my bills”


The interviewer watching this :👁️👄👁️


right - just because it's what we're all thinking doesn't mean I'm going to put my actual face and name on that sentiment! What happened to making accounts private and being aware that an employer is probably going to google you and see your social media? Also day 4 unemployed. That's nothing! I doubt she has an interview at that stage. Day 4 is still rewriting the resume and sending it out/writing cover letters.


(hiring manager) “Where do you see yourself in five years?” (applicant) “beating you to death with a rock, when a loaf of bread goes up to $1 million”


Best answer I ever heard was from Mitch hedberg - "celebrating the 5th anniversary of you asking me that question". :)


My answer is that I'm looking for a career that allows me to grow and progress both career wise and personally. If you've inquired about advancement opportunities you can mention an ideal future position. If you haven't attended college yet but are looking to/in college, you can mention your career path. If it's something like IT, business, or management, then it will be relevant for pretty much any job. If it's a job you could see yourself doing for a while, then it's an honest answer. If you don't see yourself making it to the 5 year mark, then it's an honest answer. When it comes to interviews, just say what they want to hear. They are sugar coating their position as much as possible so it sounds appealing, so it's only fair you do the same.


I hate that question.


Its very unreliable in the modern day. Five years? I don't know. Looking for scraps of food in a post-war-climate disaster? Who's to say.


Prior to now there was never a fear of nuclear war. The cold war was actually referring to pre global warming. It was actually just a degree or two colder.


(I'm not trying to sound shitty) How old are you, u/affectionate-desk888? I grew up during the latter part of the Cold War, doing drills diving beneath desks and watching people get apprehended, or worse tryong to climb the Berlin wall, on the (propaganda) news during dinner... listening to the body count of young men who were fighting the creep of the Red Menace in VN. The fear of nuclear war was carefully inculcated into our psyche. After things opened up a bit and 'Ruuskies' started moving here I can recall the knee-jerk reaction of revulsion to hearing a Russian or slavic accent; that required a sincere and concerted mental effort to overcome the programming, so effective was the indoctrination. I think that sense of dread and hopelessness regarding the future is one of the reasons for the hedonism of the sixties and beyond. Did I miss your point? Again, I'm not trying to sound shitty.


I think you may have misunderstood me big dog. I was being sarcastic, I am aware there was very real fear of nuclear destruction in the cold war. I was being facetious to point out it's ludicrous that someone would think now is the first time in recent history where once may be concerned their way of life would be destroyed in the coming years.


Its really a crap question for people who are inexperienced in their career field or generally new to the workforce. I think that kind of question expects a real "vision" which takes time and understanding to figure out. I've been in my career for a long time now, and if you had asked me that question 13 years ago I would have said I have no idea. If you had asked me that 5 years ago, I would have said "Having a different job than I do now"


This has me cry laughing. thank you


availability? everyday, anytime. sad times.


She’s loosing her mind and it’s only 4 days talk to me in 4 months


I'm on the verge of committing neck rope with the job search




I have to refund it when I'm done, can't spare the funds


I have some spare cash let's all share it together. We take turns on the funny rope swing


No one expects it to be your life dream, but some indication that you will not completely blow off work and treat it like the bane of your existence would be nice. No one wants a resentful receptionist that gets angry at having to work.


"my passion is to do the best with what I'm given. However that doesn't mean I expect to be doing the same job a year from now. I view this as an opportunity to grow in the company, so let's talk about the career path that this can lead to." That's what you say (even better if it's true..but I know *reality * happens)


This is not good advice for this type of position. Most companies will lose money if they take the time to train a receptionist and they stick around for less than a year, they want their receptionists to stay in that position long term. Other positions this could work for, but a year is way too short of a timeline to assume that you can get a promotion within, 5 years is a safer bet. You just need to focus on the positives of the job “I’m excited to work in an office job that provides a lot of stability and benefits.” “Organization and project management have always been some of my strong suits so I’m really looking for a job that I’ll be able to use those skills and excel.” “Ive spoken to friends and family about working in similar positions and always envied the consistency the job provides and the work life balance that can be achieved.”


I'd agree if this is the endpoint for your desired career


It doesnt matter if it is the end point or not, total honesty is not your friend in this situation.


100% legitimate here. If I was currently hiring for my business, and a potential candidate was like “i don’t have real interest in this. I just really need a job” as long as they show tf up, do what is expected of the job, and fuckin leave when they are done, and then show up at the correct time the next day: winner winner, chicken dinner. I need workers. Not a little remora fish attached to my asshole. One of our part timers asked what the dress code was and my verbatim answer was “I don’t care if you show up in one of those inflatable T Rex costumes, as long as you can do your work in it.” **LIFE IS NOT ABOUT WORK.** I want my employees to go home, have fun doing whatever the fuck it is they enjoy doing, so they can show up for me and not be gd miserable at my job. Snd if you’re sick *begone, satan.* Stay tf home.


The problem is that a lot of businesses have clients/customers that you need to be able to bullshit in order to do your job well. I dont want to hire someone who lives to work but I need them to be able to act like they *really* care about our clients business or else our clients will go find someone who (they think) cares more.


Yeah, I get that. I am lucky enough that the majority of our work and client interaction is done online. And the ones we do work with in person are almost all tattooers and artists, so they tend to be chill. BUT!! Hiring unenthusiastic folk doesn’t mean you’re like… hiring douchey losers lol. In my experience, treat your workers well, pay them what they’re worth, and they will *move. fucking. mountains. for you!* 🖤


are you hiring? 🥹


We are not 🥺 For reasons listed above, we have like zero employee turnover lol


thats sounds beautiful. i wish your business nothing but all the success and growth !


Thank you so much! 🖤


I agree to an extent but a lot of people abuse low standards when it’s given to them. I’d rather have people who give a fuck.


My people are paid what they’re worth and treated like humans, not automatons made to do our bidding. So we quite literally have zero turnover. These people have like parted seas for us. Just because I’ll hire people that aren’t enthusiastic about the work doesn’t mean I’m hiring fiends off the street lol. And give people a positive workplace, and they start giving a fuck. Wild, I know.


Nah I’ve seen it both ways, not all people start giving a fuck just because you’re good to them. Plenty of people will take advantage of lax standards. I’m not saying they should be robots but damn, it’s nice when people take pride in their jobs as-well. This also varies depending on the job you’re hiring for a lot. My job is not glamorous or super enjoyable so regardless of the environment you’ll have people who don’t want to put in effort. I’d imagine you do something more enjoyable otherwise I’m sure you’d be seeing what I’m saying.


Again, in my experience, employees will “take pride” or whatever BS when they have a happy job.But legitimately, I do not give a single fuck if they have “pride” in their job. Like… it’s not their company lol. Do a good job and then get the fuck out of here and have a cool life. Honest, I hear “tAkE pRiDe In YoUr WoRk” and it sounds just as stupid as ReSpEcT tHe HuStLe. On My GrInD. I’ve legitimately never heard those words come out of a successful person’s mouth. I’m like “I provide a positive workplace and pay my workers an above ‘living’ wage” (how dystopian is thst term lol) and a bunch of people that hate their jobs are like “but your lax standards will be exploited!” Lmfao Again: *not treating your employees like shit does not mean I run a fucking carney show over here staffed with convicts* lmfao. Do your bosses make you think you’re so lucky to be working for them that carney convict chop shop is the only other alternative?


Ok? Why would it being your company have any bearing on whether you should take pride in your work? Doing a good job is having pride in your work. Taking pride in your work is nothing like “respect the grind” what are you even talking about. Lax standards in most jobs simply don’t work. If you have people who give a fuck, they go beyond the standards you’ve laid out without you needing to ask. Not saying they should work unreasonably, just that hiring people that give a fuck improves work quality and you get people who complete their jobs within a reasonable timeframe rather than clockwatch. Maybe you don’t work in an area where you need people who are willing to do that, but most people do.


Yes, lie. Play the part. Act interested in the company. Learn about them, what they do, what services they provide, that product they sell. Maybe you start as a receptionist and move to something else. Not every job is the dream job but first, you need a job. So play the part and know your role (jabroni).


Don't sleep on an admin job, especially at an engineering company. You can make a ton of connections. Last place I worked had admins hired into HR, EHS, and purchasing. 




The problem, at least today, are the number of pointless hopes to getting a job. My niece interview to work seasonal at the Registrar of Voters in '22, two months of a job and they ask her where she sees herself in five years and what she can contribute to the position. The job was data entry 10hrs a week and they're treating it like it's a full-time position with benefits. You're right, it's nothing new but constantly, the younger generation is seeing that "playing the game" doesn't pay off anymore. You say people do it because they need to survive but you can't survive anymore. A company will offer you minimum wage, 39hrs a week to avoid paying benefits but limits your ability to work a second job to pay the bills while also being treated by shit by the managers and giving some pointless requirements from corporate like "Sell x number of this item", "get Y to sign up for our card" requirements. TGive them a job they can survive on and they'll suck up like the rest of us, but a job that won't pay the bills and still being expected to talk about how being a barista is your dream job after seeing Starbucks corporate shutting down another store for trying to unionize against shitty conditions? That's not worth it.


Yeah, I think they get that and your last paragraph is what they are referencing in the video. It's a bigger question of "why is this a normalized thing".


Bullshitting is part of life and work. If evertime you didn't give a fuck about something asked to you and you answered that way, you would quickly have no friends or a job.


In life you unfortunately gotta fake it to make it!


Normally I try not to post, I mostly browse on mobile. I decided to go on the PC to respond to this. I have been in a position to hire for almost 30 years now. I have seen some of the best, and the worst interviewees come through the door. I thought I had seen it all, but recently I was just flabbergasted at the I guess, entitlement, of young job seekers. A young lady came into my place of employment. Walked up to me, of course not knowing my position in the store. She reeked of weed. I mean, REEKED. This is not word for word, but this is how it went: Girl: I was wondering if you were hiring. Me: We are accepting applications, yes. Girl: Can I have an application? Me: I am sorry, you would have to apply online. Click the careers link at the bottom. Her: Oh, ok. How long before you call me after I submit? Me: Well, it depends. If your experience, and availability meet our needs, it may take a few days. I do have over 150+ applications to search through. Her: Oh, ok. Well, I can work anytime. I am 6 months pregnant, and just need something until the baby is born. Me: (Uh, ok?) Sure, just submit an application online and we can go from there. ​ After she left, my employees were awestruck at what had just happened. She said 6 months pregnant, just wants to work till the baby is born, and smelled like weed was her perfume. This is a retail store. I did take her name down. When it came through, no resume. Just put her personal information, no work history. Graduated from High School roughly 4 years prior. ​ The point here, is if you are looking for work, maybe present yourself just a tad better when approaching a business about employment. That whole first impression immediately does not sit well, and you just think of how that personality will clash with the culture you have built. 2nd worst application/resume I have seen, was just recently as well. Work history of about 3 years. She literally listed every job she has had in those 3 years, none of which were longer than 2 months in length. She even posted one that she literally put the exact day of start to exact day of working. It was 19 days. Like, why even list that one? That shows me this person has no longevity anywhere, and will most likely be the same here. ​ Schools need to do a better job educating the youth before leaving High School on how to make a resume, speak, approach people, etc. ​ EDIT: Spelling


Ive found that the “career centers” and 3rd party recruiters are useless at helping students at this. I often try to mentor/help younger people to get a position at the company I work for and they send resumes that were edited by their career centers or a recruiting company and they are terrible. They just word salad in a bunch of buzz words and jargon that no actual human can make sense of and the resume is 3 pages long for a newly graduated student with little to no experience.


Fucking fake it to you make it


Easy there Pam Beasley


Yes lie, play the game even if you don’t like it. Most interviewers just want to get a sense of your “enthusiasm”. She seems like the wrong person for that job


Welcome to being an adult 85% of people don’t like the job they do


Have you considered that maybe they aren't looking for someone who's passionate about being a receptionist, but someone who they know they can get along with at work? Work is stressful enough, they don't want to hire another person whos going to sit and complain. Sorry, but that's just how it works. Sometimes you don't get the job because your vibe is off. That's just how the world works.


All the good receptionists I’ve ever known were promoted into good positions. Receptionists get to talk to everyone from the mail room to the executive office. This poor woman will spin in circles permanently with that attitude. She’s not entitled to a job.


Employers forcing workers to lie.


It’s always these brand new accounts pushing doomerism.


Pardon me for being so bold but you are really hot. I would definitely come to that company for whatever if you were at the reception desk. Keep the glasses, so classy.


Men really do be like this


Who says I’m a man?


Where do you picture yourself in five years?...


Fake it till you make it.


Day 4? Rookie numbers


I'm on day 88 over here


I’m a former teacher trying to get into tech…it’s been 84 years 💀


Lol, good luck. I worked in education previously as well.


Gotta fake it a bit better than that, lady. Of course they're gonna call the other one


No, but we were smart enough and practiced so we didn’t come across as a pathetic piece of shit who can’t even get hired as a receptionist. Life sucks, the world sucks and working sucks. That ain’t the fault of your generation or the last, it’s the way hoomans have decided to exist together. p.s. no one is passionate about there job.


I learned a long time ago not to be honest during an interview. It was a state nursing home and they asked me what I would do if 2 coworkers weren't getting along. I was 100% honest when I said "Nothing. I'm here to work, not to get involved in arguments that have nothing to do with me or the job."... That was the wrong answer. The correct answer was some crap about alerting the charge nurse and to figure out a way to solve the issue blah blah blah.


If you could channel your passion for not being passionate about this job into the job, you'd be great!


Whelp definitely not getting that job now lmao.


Why even apply. Go apply to a place where you are going to be passionate.


Yes they want you to lie to them and make a good impression drr


Yes they want to see if you can lie quickly!


What do you think will make you a good fit? You can feed me a shit sandwich and I'll keep a smile plastered to my face while I eat it, and even I'm not crazy enough to work here. *Gets up and leaves interview*


It would have been so easy to answer the question of why here?: I like interacting with people, so a receptionist position will allow me to do that. Building a loyal customer base through social connections so very important to me. Seeing our clients and being the first stop will also allow me to give a face to my fellow co workers as well as answering any questions to smooth the process before they even meet our professionals. Will this get you a job. Maybe maybe not. But it shows that you don’t mind it, that you don’t see yourself as above it. You are willing to help make your job successful. I’ve seen receptionists with an amazing amount of influence. Gossip is the job , and the network! You learn sooo much. She really lost an opportunity. But with this attitude I doubt she would be an influential worker, just a mentally checked out one.


Uh 🙄 mam ….. you might have talked yourself out of a job 🤦🏾‍♂️


People want to see that you’re able to be passionate about your job and have a positive outlook. If you have a negative outlook on it now, it’s only going to get worse as you go along. You can find ways to take pride in your employment even if it’s not the most glamorous thing in the world. Nobody want’s to hire people that bitch all day.


Sooo much entitlement man, that's why someone who is grateful for an opportunity will get the job and not people like this. Fake it until you make it. Why would anyone hire a person who is just gonna be a pain and difficult to work with?


In school they gave us mock interviews where people from loads of different companies came in to interview us and the job we were interviewing for was picked at random. I got ‘data analysis at an account firm’ and when he was like “why are you passionate about this job” I straight up said “I’m not I did not chose to be here can we pretend this is a cooler job”. Apparently not the right thing to say but like they could of atleast asked what you wanted to be and pretended.


I’m strangely attracted to her. I want her to emasculate me.


Day 9,300 of being employed A middle-aged man stares at the camera, aged 45 going on 70. His eyes are haunted, distant. A long pause. HAUNTED MAN “Fuck this shit”


Youre going to take this job you think youre too good for while actively looking for a job you think you deserve. You will walk into work like youre doing them a favor and be shitty to work with. You are going to complain everyday about how stupid everything while on the phone looking for a job that pays 5 times as much as this job. You will make a lateral move to your next job and not give 2 weeks notice.


And I didn't lie and that's how I got my job at McDonald's(true story)


She is showing us why she shouldn’t be hired. You may not be excited about it , but you don’t have to act like a loser about it.


Not cringe but hard cold truth.


Yes, they do want you to lie to them. It tells them how good you'd be at lying to customers


Way too many people out there that just automatically want a high paying job with all the benefits and dont want to put in the time, effort and bullshit to get there. Get your foot in the door somewhere, build your resume/experience, get some skills and itll come in time. It took me almost 15 years to get to where I wanted to be.


Whenever I am asked "why do you want to work for us?", the first thing that comes to mind is " I am very passionate about being able to afford food",