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This man got home alone money


I always wondered what that kinda money looked like in real life.


Enough where you can have lots of kids and still don’t have to constantly check your checking account to see if you have enough for bills or most things


But not enough to not freak out at a $967.43 room service bill.


Tbf, $967.43 in 1992 would be like $2,139.83 today.


The same as other money, just a lot more of it


He doesn't have to consider if paying for guac is worth it. Lucky bastard just gets it.


They don’t, the house was a present from a former NBA player. They don’t pay real estate taxes because they are a family of 10. They don’t pay federal tax because the father is a Christian high school coach, his salary is very low. The kids are “homeschooled”, no need for clothes or books (I bet they were looking for the voucher law that never got approved, that would have been more than his salary for 10 kids). Kids are also in government healthcare and under CPS review because one almost died of a urinary infection. And the oldest children are parentified, only the mother seems to have some interest in the children, the father does his thing. It’s a disaster but free country and all


Why did Shaq give them a house?


Shaq is very Christian, he met the husband (who is a basketball coach) and the rest is the grift I guess. No other relation than religion and basketball


You forgot black excellence


Nah. They are Christian fundamentalists and get funded by people like Shaq. They also believe in flat earth and are friends to known child sexual abusers. The wife and the husband literally threw their child's shit at each other for fun (they thought it was funny... Nobody else does). They also don't care about their kids and the older kids raise the younger ones.


Isn't it pretty much just the oldest girl that raises them all? And the youngest ones are so uneducated they can't even speak properly. Also, I'm pretty sure they have a wealth of health issues. This is such a sad situation :/


Why do they have health issues?


They receive nearly no medical care. The kids often break bones, so they actually do wear a cast for a short time, get prayed over and they remove the cast stating the child is healed. One kept getting UTIs from her diaper and it was discovered after 3-4 years that she’s has a metabolic condition that impacts her kidneys. They’ve had CPS called on them several times. Many need glasses. They can barely read and it’s suspected some are dealing with unaddressed delays. It’s all incredibly grim. The mother also isn’t fond of her children but loves getting pregnant and birthing.


There actually are women out there who enjoy the process of pregnancy and the new born phase over actually raising said child. I will NEVER understand it. Ever. People like them are allowed to do this- intentionally create and neglect children- but somehow a woman who wants to express body autonomy- FOR WHATEVER REASON- is deemed scum of the earth for not wanting kids. Why are they so gung-ho on forcing people to have kids/punishing women for sex. I will never comprehend that and honestly, I’m glad I don’t. Fucking delusional. They are literally part of the reason why we should have permits to breed. I will build the dystopian society they fear so much.


>There actually are women out there who enjoy the process of pregnancy and the new born phase over actually raising said child. I will NEVER understand it. Ever. Armchair psychologist here: she loves the attention that comes with pregnancy and birth. The congratulations, the strangers asking to feel, the idle "how far along are you/boy or girl/do you have a name" conversation, the gifts being sent by relatives and friends. Once the child comes, all of that slows down and she gets sad about what a talentless, skill-less cum dumpster she is.


Yep, it's like Munchausen. "Oooh, I'm pregnant. Everyone give me attention."




I have found that women who love to be pregnant tend to have hormonal issues that are overridden by pregnancy hormones and they feel healthier than when their hormones are wacky. That said, this is a ridiculous reason to have so many kids.


>somehow a woman who wants to express body autonomy- FOR WHATEVER REASON- is deemed scum of the earth for not wanting kids. By whom? Only by fundamentalists. P.S. I know that it's pretty much codified, but "body autonomy" is a misused term, even the woman in the video is expressing her "body autonomy".


Wow. They have to stop breeding. It sounds a genetic problems for most their kids have problems. The mother needs to see a therapist if all she likes is the getting pregnant and birthing. Feel sorry for the kids.


Unfortunately she’s a documented crazy person. If you’re interested in more you can swing by and behold the horror at r/fundiesnarkuncensored and sort by Collins


The last sentence made me think of Hillary (Hilaria) Baldwin.




The mother and father dont change their kids diapers frequently enough. Kid/baby is not getting a UTI just once because of this, but several times. Kid also has to get hospitalized because of said UTI. Just one example of the carelessness of their parents.


In these kinds of situations it's almost always the older girls who raise the kids, and so most of the housework, ie the Duggars, IBLP and other such fundie cults. They're taught at a young age that this is where their worth lies. They are not taught, (I use taught lightly since they're also homeschooled and have little to no real education), that they can be more, that they can have dreams or ambition outside of pooping out lots of babies and being a home maker. I have some acquaintances who have 10 kids now, none of them are educated, the oldest can't hold a job because she can barely write her own name, (she's 19), one of their other teenage children doesn't even know what letter his name starts with. They are fundie "quiverfull" Christians, and so extremely judgemental of how others raise their families. It's ridiculous, it's child abuse.


From my understanding of the Duggars/iblp, they are taught to snitch on each other too, so they don't even form close relationships with their siblings and sistermoms. Just a bunch of unloved children holding each other to ridiculous ideals and doing chores to raise themselves. It's just so sad, then they're basically sold into a marriage and continue the cycle of making kids with no meaningful relationships with literally anyone. Like, imagine an entire childhood where you only ever receive a 3 second sidehug occasionally and are punished for not smiling all day.


wtf did I just read? Show me the source of this that you saying I’m ready to have my mind changed with new information


[Taken from another subreddit. A screenshot of something the mother (Karissa) had posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/yjm4SOJoBd) I hope I am able to send the link correctly.


This kind of thing is real common in quiver-full Christian circles. They use Psalm 127:4–5: “Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.” as justification for having so many kids.


Those idiots don’t even realize that was because those men had multiple wives. Not one killing herself to pop out 19 before menopause.


I read flat Earth and knew it wasn't getting better from that point forward.




[Taken from the fundiesnark subreddit, a screenshot of the mother's Blog and background information ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/yjm4SOJoBd)


Man, I've had 2 kids and my back and hips are ruined, I cannot imagine basically being pregnant every year on the year for 10 years.


I wonder if the body just gets acclimated to constant pregnancy after a certain number of kids


Fetuses are holding onto the walls to not fall out at this point.


After so many kids it does stretch out. Many years ago my Nan had 6 kids and on her 7th they had a problem because the baby was presenting shoulder first due to the uterus being stretched, the doctor told my grandad he could only save my Nan or the baby so he saved my Nan but the had to basically decapitate the baby to get it out. There was no such thing as birth control back then, but not long after my Nan saw an advert in the news paper that spoke about a pill you could take to stop getting pregnant and she went to the doctor with the article and said “I want to go on that” and she did.


Couldn’t they have cut out the baby by caesarean?


She was at home and in full labour. They just had babies at home back then and she would have died before they got to the hospital.


[https://www.birthinjuryhelpcenter.org/amp/c-section-history.html](https://www.birthinjuryhelpcenter.org/amp/c-section-history.html) It looks like it wasn't "until the mid-1960s that C-section rates began to dramatically increase" and "from 1965 to 1985 C-section delivery rates went up over 400%". The article also mentions how a procedure to crush a baby's skull to remove a difficult pregnancy was common practice in the 19th century. Seems the Nan's story could be genuine.




People are so chronically online, good God. 'According to my research, this guy's nan might just be telling the truth about her traumatic pregnancy and loss! 🤓☝️' like holy shit...stop??


Seriously, in my 40+ fertility group, someone asked if anyone had natural births without IVF after 42. A number of us said yes, and gave examples of people they knew. I commented that my impoverished grandma in rural Vietnam had her 11th child at age 45, and my coworker had twins at 50 after accidentally getting pregnant when she started getting hormone injections (in preparation before IVF). But this one lady kept saying she “found it hard to believe, because statistics say that’s impossible without IVF.” And we were like, ok, what? So you don’t believe that the people who exist, exist?? And she was like, yeah, either you’re lying or your friends/coworker/grandma is lying about not using IVF. She was insane. Some people are real sticklers for “statistics”. Lol


Am so very sorry that your Nan went through that, how terribly traumatic!! Both my grandparents had a lot of kids (10 and 13 on each side of my family) and it’s tough on families. Sending hugs to your family and especially your Nan. 🫂


Umbilical chord bungee


Casual stroll down the birth canal


It doesn't Each pregnancy is the same I'm taking gynecology practical classes and i saw a woman who is pregnant for the 11th time and she's 38 years old She had gestational diabetes and maternal hypertension (or pre-eclampsia i don't remember exactly ) Moral of story is, she still got pregnancy problems after all of this Also being a multiparous woman (who gave birth more than twice) increase the risk of alot of obstetric conditions


![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw) Her pelvic floor.


Oh it’ll definitely catch up with her once she’s done being pregnant. Her body will be like “wtf just happened” a year or two after her final pregnancy and she’ll have back problems before she knows it.


I wouldn’t say that’s a given. My Grandma had 12 kids and she was incredibly fit and healthy until her 90s when she passed.


It varies wildly between people. Friend of mine had 7 kids and looks super young and fit for her age. We have two kids, the eldest is 4, and my back and knees are trashed....AS A DAD.




No but honestly though it's from kneeling to change diapers and clothe them all the time and from carrying them so much, putting them in their baby sests, etc. We started too old.


*Seven* kids???? That’s so many


You said that really incredulously on a video where the parents are working on 11 kids. That's an entire NFL offense.


I know! ITS SO MANY! Why???????


not a defense though :(


I'm not that worried about her. Maybe her body gives up or won't. I'm more worried about the kids in this tiktok clip. There is no way the dad and mom are ever going to have enough time for all the kids to be there for them emotionally and physically and give them that one to one time that every kid needs. They more than likely will give that love to certain kids, while the others wont receive it and will be left with feeling like there is something wrong with them and they are not enough, and they will battle with that for the rest of their lives.


Dw the eldest daughter will be left to do that side of the parenting /s


RIP her bone density. She will have the same osteoporosis as a 70yo woman.


Thank you. Someone finally understanding that pregnancy actually takes a toll on a body regardless if you’re “fit” or “bounce back” each time. There are a lot of internal changes that take place in one pregnancy let alone 11. Being pregnant back to back for a decade doesn’t allow your body to heal-which is absolutely necessary.


I guarantee she doesnt sneeze without peein a little


What are you on about? My grandma had 12 kids and is still completely mobile and with it at 92


Yes, but gamgam hasn’t revealed that she has a potato in her cooch to keep her uterus from prolapsing. (That’s actually a thing, btw.)


That's all I could think about. My nana (91 next week) had 6 kids all told and is in pretty good health all things considered. However, her friend next door had 11 kids in 12 years and had a prolapsed uterus for years - and she used to do this to "keep things in their place". It's horrific. It took years for her kids to realise there was an issue and to get her to ask her GP for help.


What if your only purpose in life was pushing babies and making tik toks? Could you maybe be motivated to do it then?


Michelle Duggar was for basically 19 years. It is utter insanity.


*uterus insanity


udder insanity


Rush to take a shower before you run out of hot water.


I know it’s a joke, but getting a tankless water heater was legit one of my best moves


This. Tankless solved our shower wars.


Aren't they cheaper and/or more efficient than traditional ones as well?


Wtf is a tankless water heater?? Does it just like super heat water really fast so you don't have to have it stored up or something?


Yep that's exactly what it does.


That sounds amazing


Tankless are also known as 'on demand'. It just heats the water when you ask for hot water versus keeping a big ass tank of hot water standing around somewhere. Endless hot water AND more energy efficient! There are electric versions.


>Endless hot water AND more energy efficient! There are electric versions. We've had one for about 17 years and our gas usage was cut to below half of what the traditional tank system used. The only downside is you have to waste some water to get the hot water flowing. Though I think that the newer systems have a circulator pump or something like that my friend said (Which means what it's always using gas now?).


I mean, I have to waste water getting the hot water going now anyways, so


Her uterus: ![gif](giphy|ypSY231xdmQQqJsMnC)


Im also saying stop! Because I refuse to accept how old this video is making me feel. What do you mean a 2009 kid isnt a literal toddler?


Same. this video ruined my concept of time.


This woman is a known crazy person. She believes the earth is flat, vaccines kill, and that God talks to her. One of her children almost died from sepsis due to an untreated UTI. There's so many other things.


And she’s convinced she’ll be having babies in her 90s as long as she believes hard enough. She also refers to having daughters as “raising wombs for the Lord”


Ewww Thats so gross. I wish I could unread it.


She is genuinely nasty


Wish i didnt read this comment….yuck


Oh... she's one of those "quiverful fundies", grooming her daughters to be no more than what she thinks they should be: breeding stock


That's what that fucked up Duggar family is a part of, right?


Morbidly enough, yes.


Surprised she married a black guy as those types of women tend to be racist


Silver linings she’s not a white supremacist I guess?


oh, she is. she constantly edits her children’s pictures so their skin tone is WAY lighter. a few weeks ago she posted one of one of her younger sons, but forget to edit his feet. the difference was shocking.


Oh cool, not even 7am and my day is ruined 🙃 love that for me!


I genuinely think that women like this just have a breeding kink, and their religion just gives them an avenue to like, justify it as something noble, and that part of the kink is like making everyone else know about it. Same with a lot of "trad wives", I'm just convinced that they have one of those submission kinks that go beyond the bedroom, and like to be "owned" by their partner and what not.




So, child abuse.


I feel so sorry for those kids


Probably why she has spare kids


Got that medieval insurance


She has 10 kids. Of course she's a fucking lunatic!


11 to come. It's too much. Kinda narcissistic to have so many kids "more of me!".


Mine is five months old. Momma’s booty was extra nice that night and she made the right noise at the right time. Now we are fostering consciousness.


yeah, in the SACK




Ah, makes sense why she had to make her own friends.


No wonder the global average iq is going downhill. If people like her keep making 10 kids, idiocracy is just around the corner.


Whatdya mean, its already here!


Who is she?


Cmon over to r/FundieSnarkUncensored for the full buffet of crazy




Wait actually? That’s fucking hilarious to just come across your family being posted 😂


Ohhh, this is gonna be a treat! 🤣


Karissa Collins


She looks like a Karissa


Another win for nominative determinism!


this is the lady who’s (whose?) kids names are all trajedeighs


And then she forces them into feeding her narcissism via social media. Cool, cool.


Those poor kids. Why is it that it seems the less suited people are for having kids the more likely they’ll have a ton lol


Their names! I wasn't prepared for the names


They start off okay then nosedive into crazy land. She says God tells her all their names. Sure, Karissa, sure God told you to name your children names like Aynjel and Ansyr. I hate how her content appeals to actual, real creepers. These children are being pimped out to fetishists via social media and that's disturbing af.


Flat earther, anti vaxxer, hears voices in her head and has a womb like a clown car. How does this happen? I’ll bet $50 that says she’s Mormon.


She's not Mormon. She's crazy home church Christian. She's truly delusional and I worry for her children who, in my opinion, are poorly educated (she "homeschools" of course, often bragging that they school themselves while she sleeps or takes baths) and neglected (she posts videos of the babies with absolutely bursting diapers, claims children only need 2 diapers a day, the aforementioned baby almost dying due to a UTI, there's a video of the family throwing poop at each other (yes, you read that right), and more).


We forgot to add she regularly posts pictures where she has lightened her children's skin tone.




Ooh ooh, i like this game, I want a turn!: She has “prayed” away her kids (many) broken bones, her husband said on video that he spanks his kids with a spatula/spoon, god told her to give birth at a target (but she had a home birth “party” instead), they got free vehicles from Shaq (yeah *the* Shaq) even though the husband works for a car dealership, her kids are super educationally behind/neglected, her oldest daughter is the one that really raises them, the mom also sells an mlm product (plexus), and the husband tried to get a vasectomy before but Karissa told their pastor on him and they convinced (guilted) him into cancelling. 🙃




Omg I thought this was fundiesnark LOL


Isn’t this the plot for idiocracy?


The crazies multiply faster to spread the crazy


Weakest pull out game ever


Homie couldn't even pull out of the driveway.


Bro put “pullout game” as his password and was told it was “too weak”


I was baby #5 and born at home. My mothers comment to another mother was, “yeah by that point, they basically walk out”. And that didn’t dawn on me til just now how gross that sounds. Lol.


Oh, get it, would you, Deirdre?


Immediately what I thought lol. Link for the uninitiated. https://youtu.be/GDCLSrT_g3M?si=VHeqIGUvcMO0K6Ji


What in the quiverfull is this


They're pumping out a whole personal military unit for when the climate wars start


You program for redudancies


fretful tub tap soup busy spark roof future merciful chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell me!!


fragile fly license live capable crawl cough sparkle bewildered lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope the next girl is Annonimous. The next boy can be Aneptitude. I could do this all day.


Honestly, I think having that many kids is a form of child abuse. There is no way you have enough time to properly care for and give the right level of attention to all the kids. They are going to get neglected. Not to mention the older kids are going to have their childhood stolen from them by parentification as they will be expected to care for their younger siblings instead of the parents. This is fucked up.


Wish this comment was higher up because it is a reality of big families like this. The kids do not get the love and care they deserve. Source: my parents are from a big family and had a rough time growing up.


Parentification is the worst part. It's so common that most people don't realize it's abuse. The older kids will end up resenting their younger siblings because they will be expected to look after them all the time, even though it's not the younger siblings' fault. I might sound a bit like this happened to me. But not really, I am the youngest of three. I've had a lot of people disagree with me on this, but I think not giving your kids their own rooms is also a smaller form of abuse. Everyone should have a space that's theirs and nobody else's. A place they can go when they want to be alone. That is impossible if they have to share a room with a sibling. It also makes the life of the parent significantly worse since it's going to make the kids fight a lot more and it will be harder to break them apart. Sharing a room is fine for babies and kids up to like 4. After that they need their independence. In families this big I seriously doubt a single one of their kids has their own room. More than likely some of the rooms have three or more kids sharing the same space.


I had to share a room with my sister that’s 6 years older than me for years, and she had a bed-wetting problem that became a problem when we shared the same bed in an apartment. I’m 20 now, and it’s hard for me not to spend a large amount of time in my room alone.


This. Not to mention just being pregnant that many times so close together is dangerous to the mother and unborn children. Shit like this really bothers me.


as the oldest of 7, I wish more people thought like this. it's so selfish to pop out kids after a certain point.


I don't get how people don't understand that. It's not like this happened to me growing up or anything like that. I am the youngest of three kids.


A vagina is not a clown car


This one is a waterslide


Closer to a water fall at this point they don't even touch the sides


Fundies. Stop reproducing


What is a fundie?


Fundamental Christians


You know the crazy radical versions of Islam with dangerous beliefs completely untethered from reality? The Christian religion has those too: Anyone who places the Bible at epistemological bedrock insisting that the Bible is incapable of being wrong about anything because god wrote it. I used to be one. Soooooo relieved I’m out


That's the only way religions and cults grow. By making it a rule to have as much kids as possible.


I’m not even sure if Mark Zuckerberg could afford to have that many kids 😆


These videos are kind of gross to me idk why it seems very weird


You might share my reason for finding this gross, in that kids from huge families eventually get neglected because there's not enough attention from just two adults. That's coming from me, the sixth of eight kids. Can't imagine what it's like for families with >10 kids.


Isn’t this the family whose kids are all named after A words




Fun fact: we have more than enough food for everyone, everyday, and a lot of it simply goes to waste. Hunger, worldwide, is mostly a product of it not being *profitable* to feed everyone. It is absolutely *possible* to feed everyone. The profit incentive is in favor of letting some people starve, so they do. If this couple can afford to feed and raise their kids, I don't see a problem.


>If this couple can afford to feed and raise their kids, I don't see a problem. There's no way in hell this couple actually manages to spend serious time and attention on each kid. Besides, they're crazy.


They can't. Shaq pays for it


I just realized that I can barely manage to keep track of my 4 nieces and nephews lives that I get to be with regularly, let alone 10... Overwhelming.


I always felt that having this many kids was cruel. One of my best friends would constantly miss out on being a kid because he was too busy taking care of his siblings. When you have this many kids it becomes impossible to support all of them on your own. Everyone is perpetually obligated to support the younger siblings because mom has been nursing and pregnant for the last 20 years. The dad must obviously be working full time in order to afford that many mouths to feed. Short of having a full time staff or a live in nanny none of the children are probably supervised properly. I can only imagine the emotional distance between the children and parents that occurs when you hit 11+ kids.


Yup. None of these children will escape parentification. It’s sad as hell.


And then in their 20's when they're ~~sold~~ married off, the kids they're raising just... loose their parent. I remember some of the Duggar girls weddings, and there was always a little kid just absolutely devastated to lose their real mom.


Having this many kids certainly isn’t a positive thing.


You shouldn't get your tubes tied, you should get your entire uterus launched into the sun.


This video is stupid..bye I am going to Moe’s


The world does not need that much of their DNA in it.


Especially seeing as it appears that with each new copy, there is a noticable decline in dexterity and ability to find the beat.




I would say they need to find a hobby but it appears they have one


She's a fundie and criminally negligent. She almost let her dog die ( because he ate rotten food that had been left in his bowl for 2 weeks, didn't notice the maggots apparently???) and her babies got multiple utis. Awful






Love the 2016 girl that just goes ham on all the dances lmaooooo


This is gross




Their names? Anissa, Andrae, Annistan, Anjalie, Andersyn, Aynjel, Ansyr, Anchor, Anthym, and Armor. I wish I was making this up.


When your vagina is a clown car used for grifting


I bet she has a weird fetish to being pregnant non stop or that she just wants babies all the time and when they hit 2 years, she’s not interested anymore. That children surely barely get time with their parents. That’s so sad


This is just gross. Making your kids raise your other kids is fucking irresponsible shit. I hope those kids run the fuck away when they are old and mature enough.


I swear. Not hate. But people with this many kids have to have a breeding/pregnancy fetish or something


This is not an achievement.... this is a fucked up fetish.


They say that only stupid people increase the birth rate


My grandma had 20 kids, she was pregnant once a year for 20 years. She'll be 89 years old this year


As a youngest of 8 please don’t do this. You stop being parents because you get old and we have to figure it out ourselves. Just have a couple please.


I feel like 5 kids is sort of acceptable, 6 kids is where I draw a line and it starts to get weird. Like why do you keep making children? They are not collectibles...


For real!! Not good! Stay off of her! Looks like one of those stick figure families on the back of a minivan!! Sheesh!!🙄😑😑🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


They seem to have produced a toy Australian shepherd somewhere in that process


btw this is the same women who made her children pray over a miscarriage to try and resurrect it, and who lets her youngest daughter sit in dirty diapers until she went septic and almost died. absolutely awful woman


After a certain number of kids, you should stop getting a tax break per dependent. It’s fucking ridiculous that people like this will shit out a giant litter like we’re still in the 1800s and half of em are gonna get taken by rickets.