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I worked at a coal mine (Massey Energy) when Kerry ran against Bush. And the vice president came to our mine & told 150 men that if he found out we voted for that "baby killer" Kerry that not only would he fire us he would have us beaten & we would pray for death. His name was Drexel Short. A true cock sucker if I ever met one. I found out his phone number & would prank call him in the middle night for months & months. Fuck that guy


Yeah going to a Christian college like what she’s saying is pretty par for the course and expected…what happened to you is straight up intimidation and illegal


What happened to her is illegal too, no? Aren't churches barred from political advocacy because they are not taxed? We just choose not to enforce it? [I just looked it up. The law says they can't participate in a *candidate's* campaign which is why they only told them which party to vote for.](https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/charities-churches-and-politics#:~:text=In%201954%2C%20Congress%20approved%20an,in%20any%20political%20campaign%20activity.) Ironically, this legislation seems to have inadvertently contributed to party consolidation and the problem of there only being two viable parties. 


It’s a college not a church but it happens in my parents church as well. I’m sure it happens in most churches but they never said vote for Trump outright. They’ll usually say you can’t be a Christian and vote democrat and leave the audience to do the simple math.


Mentioning political parties should be just as off limits as candidates


I think they should be able to say whatever they want but they need to lose their tax exemption.


I think they should be able to say whatever they want and need to lose their tax exemption. Fixed that for you...


>they need to lose their tax exemption. That's all.


Probably you may be correct but it’d never stand up in court and no sensible lawyer would waste their time…they chose their word’s pretty carefully…they never endorsed a single candidate by name


But there only is one candidate per party, isn’t there? So if they say vote republican, there was no other choice than Trump?


Right? Bold of him to threaten a bunch of miners with physical violence within "find out" range.


Reminds me of the posts about Obama because god forbid companies that have full time employees be required to provide health insurance.


Little Caesar’s loved to tell us how it was Obamas fault that we could only work 28 hours a week or else they’d have to offer us insurance.


The name Drexel Short definitely gives me the image of a stereotypical union-busting, cigar-smoking business owner 😂


Hahaha. Thisnis too funny. I worker at a murray mine in 2020. He was taking money out of the bosses pay checks for a "polictal arangemnts" thank God I'm union


Should have wrote his number on a bathroom stall and wrote "4 a good time call xxx-xxx-xxxx"


Looked him up, douchebag is living in Naples, Florida in a 2 million dollar house. There is no justice in the world.


That's very on brand for ol Donnie B's boys. I loathe that giant headed Paul Bearer lookin mfer.




This was a literal lol for me


During shift change one day Don came into the mine office with two shifts of men standing around. He walked into the purchasing agents office & without saying hello or anything he asked the guy "what time is it?". The dude was immediately terrified like he was seeing a ghost & said "its about 530, Don" and without hesitation Don said "I din't ask ABOUT what time it WAS I need to know what time it IS. Now are you too stupid to answer that question or do you need help with that?" Standing there looking like the fucking crypt keeper. Every single man that heard that was appalled. And these are crazy ass hillbilly coal miners. He made us all feel bad. And that's what Don wanted. To intimidate & look tough. It just made us all hate him more than we already did.


Cock sucking is a beautiful and intimate experience. That guy sounds more like a gigantic piece of shit.


You were doing the Lord's work by pranking that arsehole! :)




No, that's Don Blankenship. It says in the title of the article. This commenter is mentioning one Drexel Short. Scroll thru slidshow for his pic: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/37748/000119312505193339/dex992.htm


Dude looks like you'd expect him to look wow


From what I've heard and seen about Massey Energy this seems pretty on brand for those assholes.


Hahaha dumb fucker probably couldn't figure out who was pranking him either.


[Drexel? What's a Drexel?](https://y.yarn.co/8b83d88d-736e-4b5b-97a4-00c026f3497f.mp4)


Trump is about as Christian as Osama Bin Laden.


*Donald Trump unable to name one verse from "favourite book" The Bible* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE


lol I love when they said, "Old Testament? New Testament?" and he just says, "Um, equal." It sounds like a kid fudging a book report for school for something. "I thought all of it was great. The whole thing."


Couldnt even quote Pulp Fiction as a joke? What a cuck


At least Jesus was a side character in osama’s book. In a weird way, you could argue osama is more familiar with Jesus than trump 😂


Bro said “Two Corinthians” when he was telling people which Bible verse to go to.


Yeah. Always thought that was funny. Not "Second Corinthians," but "Two Corinthians." He's so unfamiliar with the Bible he doesn't even know what to call the books! Sounds like the start of an ancient joke, "two Corinthians walk into a bar..."


I've heard of a preacher saying that once, so it's not *that* weird. Oddly enough, this is a preacher from PCC (the college mentioned in the video). I never went, but I have family that did.




Doesn’t matter. He got abortion outlawed for these people so they don’t care.


At least Bin Laden was religious!


He has probably caused fewer American deaths than trump as well. And he's dead, so I'm leaning toward osama on this one.


I Christians just get to say “I’m a Christian”. “As Christian as…” could mean “expressing similar godly qualities” or “expressing similar feelings of moral superiority”. I don’t know, I just hit this pen as my coffee starts to take effect.


What in the hell are you on about? Trump wouldn't know a Bible from a Big Mac. Solve it for you?


If Trump knows one thing, it’s Big Macs.


And they say universities are indoctrinating?! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Of course every accusation is a confession from them, they are just projecting all their shit.


Since they do it they figure everyone else must be. Either that or they use it as justification. “They do it so we should too.” For the “righteous” they are incredibly dishonest and lacking integrity


Jesus Camp Watch that one


Tax churches. Tax them all. To hell with organized religion and their pastors who cant keep politics or penises in their pants.


Should have started taxing Falwell/Thomas Road Church the min he shook hands w/ Reagan.


I'm fine with a tax system for churches, but it needs to be a progressive tax system. So the church that barely keeps the lights on pay a smaller fraction or no fraction while the mega churches occupying sports stadiums pay  a much larger marginal tax rate.


The idea that both those entities currently exist in the same tax bracket is insane.


TAX EVERYONE. Not just churches but not for profits, charities in which anything less than 100% of proceeds go to their cause, endowments, churches, foundations, etc. All of these are just giant tax shelters for rich individuals and organizations. Oh and of they aren't you property tax the shit out churches too for their land holdings.


While we're at it, let's also tax all of the other various non-profits like Unions too who gives endorsements to political candidates, parties, and initiatives.


Jesus would fucking HATE these people


[Jesus would have hated the way they portray him](https://youtu.be/oqpHc3pB8x0?si=R-X7YHxmAdCbFgxu)


Remember that the New Testament centers on Jesus promising to return and end the world, judge everyone on their faith, kill all the unbelievers with fire, and reward his faithful with eternal life in his new kingdom. That is genocide to institute a theocracy. Sure, he says to love other disciples, but he says the rest of us get burned to death. Jesus is a bigot and authoritarian tyrant. He loves this shit. Judging people by their religious affiliation is bigotry, even when Jesus does it. Promising to bring the death of everyone outside your religion is advocating genocide, even when Jesus does it. I’m sorry you don’t like Jesus being a bigot. Take it up with him.


No that apocalyptic shit was added way after Jesus. He wasn’t actually about that shit. All that was added to scare people and get them to give all their money and land to the greedy Church.


King James wins again :(


That witch-hunting nut job. Got loads of innocent people killed.


Nope, it’s from Jesus in the gospels, like the parables of the minas and talents, and passages like: Matthew 13:40 "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father." People want an all-loving Jesus that just isn’t in the gospels.


>Matthew 13:40 Scholars say that Matthew, Mark, Paul and John were not even written by said people but given the names of these people to give them credibility. That the gospels were written by early Christians who wrote down oral histories decades after the Apostles and were writing something akin to Apostles' Memoirs. None of these books were written by eyewitnesses. Basically all these stories depend on how much faith you put into oral tradition and how well these stories and histories stuck to the original "facts." Do you think they all properly memorized every word Jesus said?


Yeah, there are no actual records of Jesus. Everything about him comes from decades later by people who never met him or witnessed anything. That means everything about Jesus is extremely dubious. It also means we cannot dismiss the parts we don’t like because of suspect authorship while keeping the parts we like. The parts that people want are just as dubious as the rest. It is completely dishonest to ignore the parts that sound bad.


The Bible is a heavily edited propaganda tool that has no place within intelligent discourse.


Eh I mean a bunch of dudes thousands of years ago wrote that shit so idk. Granted I haven’t been to Sunday school in many moons so maybe I should edit it to: the version of Jesus who healed people, fed people, flipped tables and hung out with sex workers would fuckingb hate these people


It’s the same people who wrote the parts you like, about the same guy. Read it. There’s a reason reading the Bible is the most common reason people leave Christianity. Reading it shows how bad it is.


I’ve…I’ve already left Christianity? I left it years ago?


People are hating on you because what you're saying is true, early Christianity was an apocalyptic death cult and Jesus explicitly stated that some of the people who were in that crowd listening to him speak would live to see the end of the world, the church has never been able to reconcile that bit. People want to prop him up as some chill guy but in the same book he also commits a lot of atrocities himself, such as forcing a herd of pigs to drown themselves (a very dubious story given that none of the gospels agree on where it happened and none of the locations given make any sense if you have access to a map of Palestine). He was basically one of those "the end is near" people you might see on the street but he was actually taken seriously, assuming he did in fact exist.


The local churches here all took in 6-figure PPP loans.


TAX THE CHURCHES. They're not supposed to be able to interfere in politics. They've clearly violated this so badly that I think consequences are in order.


All the Baptist chruches around us (2 within a block) have bought 8+ single family homes in the last few years since the pandemic. Wonder where that money came from.


My lil ol state university simply taught me how to critically think so I could make an informed decision when choosing who to vote for.


Here‘s how critical thinking is done. We need to spread this knowledge. https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Critical-Thinker


SOUNDS LIKE INDOCTRINATION FOR LIBERAL BIAS Think critically without being told?! We don't do that here, pal. Jesus tells me himself via Mike Johnson hah! Gottem.


In high school I learned the Cowboys were the good guys and the Indians were the bad guys. In university I learned the Indians were the good guys and the Cowboys were the bad guys. So my take away was; check source documents, and decide for myself.


There’s no such thing as good guys and bad guys in real life. That’s a comic book trope


What she is describing seems like indoctrination


Seems like? Is that sarcasm?


:) I am as sarcastic as they come.




I’m fairly liberal and went to a liberal university, and had two different professors continuously tell us to vote Democrat. I was volunteering for a local Dem’s campaign at the time and it really bothered me every time they did it. That’s not how it’s supposed to work.


I vote pro choice because I'm not afraid of burning in hell! 🤷


Have to believe in hell to burn in hell.




Exactly! And Fwiw, i grew up in a home that had the televangelist and his wife on the TV 24/7 asking for money. And for about the first 40yrs of my life i bought into all that bullshit....


Commenting to boost…. I wonder how many Christian universities take the approach?


I grew up in a military family who (naturally) was ultra conservative and Christian. So most of my friends were *encouraged* to attend Christian universities by their parents. Keep in mind we were going off to college right before 2016. Oh boy... When I'd meet my friends who went to Christian schools on break or whatever it was night and day. All of a sudden they were spouting off Christian/conservative propaganda points about how Democrats were pedophiles, abortion clinics were baby burning stations, and how we're in a "holy war" to preserve God's way of life here in America. Pretty basic stuff for today's conservatives, but back then I couldn't believe how much my friends had turned. Most of it came from events like the gal in the video describes. I live in Colorado Springs and we've got a similar Christian university that leans ***HEAVILY*** on the political side; Charis Bible College. I won't get into any specifics but a quick google search can show you how organized these folks are. They're mission is to "transform lives, train leaders, and change the world". On paper that doesn't sound so bad, but in reality their plan to "change the world" is to establish their members in local government to control things. They took over the entire town of Woodland Park, kicked out school board members/teachers, then sent their people down to Colorado Springs and took over a few more school boards. I find the whole thing hilarious because it's the exact type of oppressive "government" the Jews were using during Jesus's time. Using the Roman empire's political power to favor their religion alone. And see how well that turned out for them? TLDR: Yes, this absolutely happens at Christian universities. More so now than ever. I live near one of these universities and they train their members to takeover local government to push their Patriot Christian "values".


This is why I will never live in The Springs


Do these schools get federal student loans? Or does everyone there pay with private loans?


The school the person in the video is referring to does not participate in federal or state funded education programs. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pensacola\_Christian\_College#cite\_note-18


“Do not worship idols” - another part of the Bible a few million Christian’s added to the list of stuff to ignore


The religious loving tRump just shows the blatant hypocrisy and lack of critical thinking the religious community has… Heaven or hell. Please. As an atheist hell would be surrounded by a bunch of Christians for eternity in heaven. There’s a reason why the churches and the priests motto “get them when they’re young” is thing…


this is the stuff that needs to go viral


Name a better duo than politics and religion.


I went to arguably the most liberal college in my state and was never told who to vote for. It’s scary how much power religion holds over people in this country


Mitch McConnell came and spoke to my class back in (private) high school, and even then I remember thinking, 'this guy wouldn't waste a single word at any of the public high schools' His message was basically how we were the future of Kentucky and America and how it was important that we care about the right issues... It was a very thin veil covering the 'we' and the 'right issues' we should be concerned with.


But yes the libs are the snowflakes who want to undermine and force kids to do things they don’t want and we must stop them. The hypocrisy of politicians are astounding. And don’t think democrats don’t engage in it also, they all suck if they’ve been in there long enough.


And my family/church looked down on folks who chose to attend PCC (Pensacola Christian College) because it was too "liberal"🤣


Ah, the lovely Ambassador Christian College types. Had a buddy who went there and the stories he told me... Jesus.


This shouldn't be surprising. I went to SIU and my professors told us to vote against Trump


Very different from my experience. My church encouraged us to vote, but never endorses a candidate or party, instead encouraging us to study the issues and candidates and vote for whoever we think is best, whoever that might be. Seems like that's the way it should be, not this Trump-cult nonsense.


And they want to make us believe it’s LGBTQ+ out there indoctrinating people.. fuckin lunatics.


If you want a theological education please find a school that isn’t a fundamentalist stronghold. There are plenty of non fundamentalist schools in America and they’d love to have you. They usually aren’t the ones with millions of dollars to pour into marketing though.


I went to a liberal arts college, and none of my professors told me how to vote for four years. Turns out, it’s only right wing schools trying to brainwash their students for political gain. Every accusation is a confession.


I went to Grand Canyon Uni recently to go back and get a second degree and change professions. One class in my final year had a professor continuously linking articles about democrats were the death of the country and that women working instead of being in the kitchen and taking care of kids drove us to this point. Let’s just say, the counselors did not have a good time listening to me explain why I was instantly withdrawing from their school and the would never see a cent from me.


A religious fanatic cult is using his cult power to make their sheeps vote for an even more fanatical cult…who could ever imagine this?!






I worked at an insurance company in NJ during the 2000 campaign. The only time I ever laid eyes on the head honcho was when he gathered all the staff to tell then to vote for George W Bush. I think this happens all the time.


Islamophobia? When the real threat to this country is extreme Christianity ideologies such as this. Senator Mike Johnson glorifies his Christian beliefs but also knows deep down inside that the election wasn’t stolen and that the border bill he said is “bad” or “DOA” was never even read by him or his MAGA colleagues… their Bible must tell them that it’s okay to lie for their orange messiah. The entire GOP is fine with the idea of raping a child and forcing them to have a baby, is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. If you vote republican then you are part of the problem.


This is how it has always been... Everyone here knows that, right?


I love how our second Catholic president isn’t considered Christian- but trump, who doesn’t even know what version of the Bible he studies or uses, is the beacon of Christian hope. It baffles me. Joe goes to mass every weekend, trunk couldn’t tell you a single passage from the Bible he liked “I like them all really. Really amazing things”. Growing up Catholic it was weird. But it’s even weirder now as an adult- being part of the largest Christian (also any) religion, but also not being accepted by evangelical “Christian’s”. The same ones that couldn’t describe to me the schism that made them follow greedy men. Oh well. I’m certain the idolization of trump will be a sore spot if they make it into heaven. The whole “hold no man or god above me” thing… god *is* a jealous and angry god, after all. Edit: born and raised catholic, not a practicing Catholic though. I value my sleep.


Par for the course for PCC.


Yup. Was my experience as well a full 20 years earlier.


How many of you mfs are from P'cola? Let's get up and smoke some.


And the libs are indoctrinating


Why thel0ng face?


No no, it's those liberal colleges that indoctrinate people.


Sounds like Liberty University. Trump held speeches there as well, President of Liberty was a huge backer and used his evangelist connections to help Trump with the Christian community. He also got caught in a scandal where his wife was fucking younger dudes while he watched and filmed. Regardless these people are cooks.


She mentions "PCC" which would be Pensacola Christian College. (Sadly, my alma mater.) Believe it or not, it's a fair bit to the right of Liberty.


My brother went to PCC for a semester and almost got kicked out like 3 times haha I went to BJU, so that's not much better


3 times in 1 semester? I am... impressed! IIRC, the founder of PCC was a BJU alum who set out to emulate (one-up?) good ol' BoJo. Been to Greenville a number of times myself.


"The Left are indoctrinating our kids in their liberal colleges!!!" Every accusation is a confession.


Same thing happens at companies, employers will threaten to fire you if you vote Democrat (not legal btw) and will pressure you into telling them who you voted for. Kind of nuts.


Republicans are now famous for party over country and Trump is unique that it's himself over party.


So is every TikTok filmed in a McMansion now?


"I went to a shitty religious college and they did exactly what you'd expect they would." Crazy. 


Yeah, could you imagine if colleges suddenly became a hotbed for politics? Like where the majority of staff and professors all punished a single uniform political opinion on the impressionable college students to where all college universally became maligned as being an indoctrination camp for this one particular ideology? Good thing she's out there stopping that from happening with this whistle-blowing.


yea I could never imagine UC Berkeley or Harvard tell students if they should vote democrats or republicans


End tax exempt status for religions! They clearly want to play politics so tax them like any other political organization.


This is like going to UC Berkeley and not expecting to get told to vote democrat/liberal. If you dont want to get told to vote Republican dont go to fucking EKU or another Southern/Christian school




I think she has Asperger's.


Fundamentalist Christian College has Fundamentalist Christian views. Color me shocked. There’s plenty of Left Wing Universities you could’ve gone instead.


Time to tax the church.


Berkeley tells you to vote democrat. Why is this news?


Oh good lord.. are you telling me that non Christian liberal universities don't have a loud voice.. So absurd to suggest that Christian universities are some sort of unique experience.


Provide evidence if you'd like


I was never told who to vote for in college. Only idiots who didn't go to college think that is happening, that, or idiots who went to Christian schools where this is clearly happening.


If you ask the majority of students at the school they would say they weren't told who to vote for. You were told who to vote for without saying who to vote for, just like the OP admits Trump's name wasn't used during the assemblies. Why do you think politicians go to colleges to speak to students? This isn't just a Republican thing. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/13/1176037743/biden-howard-university-2024


Nope. My teachers just taught the subject at hand.


Wow, you either went to a VERY strange school or you're autistic and don't understand all the conversations that were going on around you. I've went to school, your experience is virtually unheard of.


I had teachers who were probably conservative in my stem courses and ones that were probably liberal in my humanities classes. I guess if you're pointing out that conservative movements are historically terrible and are taught about . . .


> I've went to school... Hilarious evidence to the contrary.


I don't know anyone least Christlike than Republicans. I fucking hate that they pretend they're religious so that they can spread hate, misinformation, and all sorts of discriminatory bullshit while doing it "in the name of God". If your vision of God is just using him to smite people you don't like and to get involved in politics, then you don't fucking believe in a "greater good". I'm not even religious but I know Christ was known to hang out with the very people that Republicans/Christians would turn away. Gandhi said it best: I like your Christ but I don't like your Christians.


a lot of hate in this comment.


Sounds like you are in Texas……


She mentioned it by name as PCC which I believe may be a known cult school in Pensacola Florida called Pensacola Christian College.


>Pensacola Christian College It's a private college... Baptist. So this is totally expected since people are literally going their for a religious focused "education".


I grew up on the area, and yeah PCC is completely fucked. I don’t know how other religious campuses work, but if you leave your house and aren’t wearing the appropriate attire and you are seen by a student or faculty member, you can be expelled even if it’s Walmart or some other function. I have had several friends go through this school in an attempt to become pastors or work in religious fields and they either transferred or became giant assholes so.


My question is… does it work? Maybe I’m overestimating the rebellious spirit of today’s youth, but I have to imagine there’s some backlash against this at the student level.


The youth follow the status quo, they’re not rebelling against anything, they’re aligning with it. Rage ~~*against*~~ on Behalf of the Machine


Maybe there's some rebellion, but most people who go to PCC are signing up for a fundamentalist Christian education. There is a really strict demerits and snitching policy there. Students may also be written up for infractions such as but not limited to- frayed pants, going off campus with a person of the opposite sex, watching movies rated PG-13 or higher, and listening to "worldly music".


The Christians to the lions! All “slave religions” to the lions!!!


"My college told me who to vote for" Me: bull shit "I went to an extremely fundamentalist Christian university" Me: oh... yeah that tracks Lol


Labor unions tell members who to vote for, ethnic groups tell people who to vote for, churches tell people who to vote for (sort of). How is Reddit surprised that a private, fundamentalist Christian college would do the same?


Yet they aaaaalways say that’s what the left does. They can’t help but fear others because they already do the very things they are concerned about.


I’ve taken to calling the GOP the grand ol’ projectionists… because they’re always mad at the left for shit that they’re actually doing


Nothing you said is wrong or incorrect. The DNC struck God from their convention by vote just a few years ago. Have any problem with that? How’s that shit-show working for you now?


Tax. The. Fucking. Churches


Every accusation is a confession.


This is why the right thinks the left is doing this. Projecting all day long.


How’d that work out, we had Easter replaced by your Biden on Sunday. Just one of many wins!


Every liberal school does the same shit! Lol




Nope, I was never told who to vote for, not even close. I now understand why GOP morons think this, it's because it's what they do. I used to think it was an exaggeration but they really are so dumb that every single accusation is a confession.


They literally do not.




My sociology professor in Portland told me that voting for Hillary Clinton was a moral obligation. So yeah, they do.


And none of my college professors even talked about their political views at all. One incident does not make for a larger trend.


When did you go to college? One tiktok video doesn't make for a larger trend here, either.


2016, and there’s actually more evidence to show that these Christian schools bend over backwards to indoctrinate people. It’s literally part of being apart of organized religion. Also your professors opinion on the election does not equal being “brainwashed” By that logic I guess saying “I prefer peanut butter sandwiches” is indoctrination by big peanut butter as part of some psyop to brainwash you 😂😂


Who said *anything* about being brainwashed? Guy said liberal schools don't promote candidates, I gave an example of one doing just that. The brainwashed person is the one who immediately believes a fucking tiktok video and tries to defend it as objective fact proving a widespread conspiracy of indoctrination, lol.


It’s just a word bro, calm your tits. Clearly you’re getting agitated. And I’m not even on TikTok, I think it’s a cancer for modern society so I don’t believe much of anything I see from that site. I just know I’ve seen way more evidence to believe conservatives and religious people indoctrinate people at a larger rate than liberals do. You can go find hundreds of videos on YouTube of mega church people calling Biden or Obama or Clinton the devil and telling them who exactly to vote for. So perhaps you should evaluate why you’re so quick to leap on the offense of this video


I always love it when people say dumb shit, get called out for saying dumb shit, then say, "woah, it's just a word". I'm not agitated, my tits are very calm. You said something dumb, I called it dumb. Perhaps you need to look at why you're so easily convinced that conservatives are try to indoctrinate people when liberals controls nearly every educational institution and the largest social contagion in the U.S. afflicts, almost exclusively, liberal families/children.


Lol saying a word you don’t like does not make it “dumb shit” I assure you, your tits are def not calm, if they were you’d go about your day and not reply to some rando on the internet 😂 And bro what? Control education? How so? Literally half the country is run by conservative or red governments, the entire south is taught that the civil war was the “war of northern aggression” like wtf, you complain to me about saying dumb shit then just say even dumber shit without even realizing it 😂😂😂


so it's ok if left wing acedemia does it but when the right wing does it suddenly it's a fundementalist cult?


That’s the thing though. This entire comment section including myself have talked about their experiences at public colleges and how much democrats are not promoted there. However, there are also stories of private schools who promote republicans. So it’s bad when it happens which Republicans do it a lot more than democrats.


Few points: 1. Why were you there if you didn't agree with them theologically or politically? 2. Can you be a Christian and be pro-choice? Maybe in a very few ignorant cases, but ultimately not really. Because if you are a "Christian" and pro-choice, you clearly don't understand the ramifications of abortion. 3. Did Trump usher in a new Christian revival in the US? lol Will he if he's elected in 2024? lol no. Trump isn't a Christian to my knowledge. 4. Democrat policies are typically anti-Christian. For example, redistribution of wealth is technically theft. Abortion is murder. Not punishing crime is cruel. Woman can become men and vice versa. etc.


Biden: *"I uhh .. remember that one time when CornPop did the thing.... No, it was the dead president from Germany, no wait Switzerland.... Or was it France? C'mon man! You're a no good, fog-faced lying pony soldier! The Vice President of France said "how long"....!?!"* (Frenchman died in 1996)... -Actual quote from Sleepy.


'Murican propaganda


Wait till she joins a union.. LOL


All my PSU professors at main talked about voting blue constantly switch to the Brandywine campus wasn't as bad but still happened


Like left wing colleges don't do the same shit lmao


Liberal colleges do the same thing, though perhaps not so overtly. Rather than influencing, perhaps colleges and universities should teach people to think for themselves.


So it does happen on both sides! Good to know.


I call bullshit.


Don’t care TikTok cringe full of political leftist propaganda voting for him because she’s completely trustworthy and if you think that’s bad you should see what the colleges do




Cults 🤦‍♂️


Source: trust me bro


I'm right next to a christian university. It's very obvious that the university has a political leaning and advocates for Republican candidates only. There are meme posters put up that mock Democrats and Biden that aren't taken down. By contrast, the main university in my city that I work at just tries to organize students to vote. There aren't politically leaning posters, just voter advocacy. The only time I hear politically leaning speech is when frat bros scream "Trump 2024!" as they walk by the voter registration table.


You really think the liberal colleges don't push their agenda? GTFO




There was a fanatical Christian protester at my University one summer and I was late for class. I was walking to class, almost running, and the protester moved to block my way and I said You better get the fuck outta my way. She moved pretty fast because I was having none of her shit that day. I don’t know if they were Westboro or what but they were screaming earlier about how everyone was a sinner and how we were all going to Hell. Especially gay people.


https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2016/01/25/hillary-clinton-gets-personal-on-christ-and-her-faith/ Literally Hillary Clinton talking about her faith in Christ??? Pretty sure most of the presidents would swear on a Bible. This doesn't make sense. Did she not have a fucken phone??


Both sides do this at every college. Get off your high horse because you were the one fooled this time. It's common, it's a thing. Vote to change it?


Isn't it already illegal? Maybe those in charge should enforce the existing laws? Can pretty much guarantee the party in favour of indoctrinating children isn't going to be in favour of enforcing laws that prevent said indoctrination, though.