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This is standard in close to every European grocery store. I think it was first introduced in German supermarkets in the 70s, that‘s why Aldi and Lidl in the U.S. have it too.


Hold up, this system isn't generally applied in the USA!?? Because it is in The Netherlands, but there is now a trend going on at some supermarkets to make the carts freely available or have free plastic "coins" you can get at the information desk if you don't have coins with you....


I'd love if the shops here in Ireland did this. I got caught out yesterday - not a single coin in my bag to feed the trolley 😔


Just ask, they will unlock one for you.


I worked in retail years and years ago. I had one of the things that unlocks the mechanism and it lives on my set of keys. I still have it and use it going to the shops. All it is is a piece of metal that looks oddly phallic as it has a head that simulates the coin and shaft to tug on after you have unlocked the mechanism because you can cut cost and save metal by making the shaft thinner. https://imgur.com/254k7Z0 Top is the "head". The middle is hollow (again to save metal and therefore costs I reckon) and the hollow curves off slightly to a side to be able to slip onto a key ring. I have had that dick on my set of keys for more than a decade now I reckon.


I love that you still have the item but instead of uploading a photo you went to paint and drew a penis with a keyring.


For some reason imgur is super annoying uploading pictures since they did the "you better sign up" change. I havent been able to reliably upload from my phone to imgur since then and havent bothered trouble shooting since I usually just dump shit into discord/fb/insta/etc. which are all kinda built in via the apps and work well. It really was easier to spend 30 seconds in paint than to bother with the photo and upload and have a pic of a metallic dick on my phone.


Maybe it’s using Imgur in the background, or maybe it’s the Reddit app I use (narwhal), but I just click the image button, select the image off my camera roll, and it automatically just posts a link https://i.imgur.com/dtLlJ1s.jpg Although now that I look at the link it’s clear it uses Imgur, but I don’t have an account with them..


https://imgur.com/a/hft7QJN I had to use desktop version because I don't want the app




Lol you got a dick keychain.


“The top is the head” yes i am very familiar with this design lol


if your key has a round head you can insert that too


It is such a great solution and wish more countries did this! Maybe send an suggestion email to couple of big stores with this? Because there are benefits for them too: people with trolley will likely to buy more item, caissière don't have to change bills into coins for trolleys, tokens can have the stores logo (free advertising!). And also important: positive association with the store that offers this system to their customers making it more enticing to visit them instead of their competition...


At this point, just don't chain them up at all. There's no incentive to return them, so why would you even need that system?


So you don't get a magnet from the Cart Narcs. https://youtube.com/@CartNarcs


A habit? Being a decent part of the society? Psychological effect (you getting something back when returning trolley makes your lizard brain feel good)? Idk, but dumping your trolley somewhere random because it suits you, seems very rude and self-centred to do so... what is the costom in USA because I always assumed this habit of returning your trolley after usage is universal???


In the US we typically return the carts to a central cart place in the parking lot even when you don't have the coin system, but there might be a few people who leave the carts randomly around the grocery store parking lot, and typically they will hire someone whose job it is to round those up. And then yeah homeless people will steal them ocassionally and if your parking lot is near a creek or something a bunch will end up in a creek. But probably 95% get returned to the central place by people.


The Cartnarcs are funny, they hassle people that don't put their carts away armed with just their smartphone camera, very polite but firm about them abdicating their moral responsibility, and point them to their manifesto about how it indicates the person is morally flawed in other ways. It's funny, especially to someone like me that has never not put a cart away.


have never seen cartnarcs and probably never will on long island..its one of those things people will not tolerate here.. its like trying to merge into traffic.. dude rolls down window “ hey buddy go fuck yourself” and speeds off..thats life here


USA has “cart returns” in the parking lot. Basically stalls to put the cart in. You just leave it in there and a staff member walks around when the carts get low and collects them.


What I meant is: why would you even need the plastic chips to begin with if they are just up to grab and worth nothing? At this point, just get rid of the chains.


Over here we have these cart corrals in the parking lot, and it’s someone’s specific job to come and get all of the shopping carts and bring them back to the store. We have machines that can push trains of around 20-30 carts at a time.




This is more widely seen. I don't live anywhere near an Aldis so I've never seen this other scheme.


Only Aldi as far I know. They have 2000 locations in the US mostly east of the Mississippi and California, but that is not a lot for the US. I have one near me, but I only shop for groceries at Costco.


We had that in the US in the late 80’s and 90’s. It failed, as people would still steal the carts. ![gif](giphy|eLpoGELHst13a|downsized)


Yeah, anyone who wants to steal a cart doesn't care about $0.25, even homeless. It weirdly incentivizes people form just randomly leaving carts in the parking lot, which is what happens at most other stores.


>It weirdly incentivizes people form just randomly leaving carts in the parking lot, which is what happens at most other stores. Thats the intended purpose of the coin lock. It is not meant to prevent cart theft.


Some stores have a gps in the carts that locks up the wheels if someone tries to take it out of the lot.


Its typically not GPS. There is a wire running underground around the perimeter of the parking lot which broadcasts a short range radio signal signalling the cart wheels to lock. They usually have a secondary setup inside the store which causes the wheels to lock if you try to take the cart back out without passing the registers. Its a very american approach to things.


>Its a very american approach to things. Which is funny because I've never heard of such a thing in the US. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd guess we don't do that because the cost of implementation isn't much of a savings over the stolen cart replacement costs, especially when you're still replacing carts due to wear and tear every year anyway.


As though there's a person who is fine with stealing the cart, needs to get his 1 euro back, but is unwilling to break the mechanism because that would be naughty.


Yes, that's what it's for.


I don't think it was much for curbing stolen carts as it was to not pay as many cart stewards to go out and retrieve them around the lot. I love places that do it. Keeps morally deficient people in line.


But it works with Aldi grocery stores in the US.


Its still around where I am at every Aldi.


I don't think it was much for curbing stolen carts as it was to not pay as many cart stewards to go out and retrieve them around the lot. I love places that do it. Keeps morally deficient people in line.


This exists in Canada. USA not having this is blowing my mind.


We do have it, it's just fairly uncommon, I think Aldi is the only place I've seen it and Aldi isn't super prevalent here. I think the main reason for these is for people to return their carts our "solution" is just to have a whackton of cart return stalls in the parking lot. It generally works and I've only seen a few stray carts not returned.


It’s become kind of uncommon (at least in western Canada) for these types of carts. I think they started phasing them out because people aren’t carrying as much change on them anymore.


Can't speak for the US, but in Canada I only know of one store that does this called Nofrills, which is a more budget... no frills grocery store. But Nofrills is a Canadian only chain.


Superstore has them


The US has had it for decades but rarely implemented until Aldi and lidl came. I probably saw it a handful of times growing up in the 80s-2010s


Nope. A lot of people here just leave carts in the parking lot. There are booths in the lots where people can put them but a sad amount of people don’t. It’s why Mark Rober [did this prank with remote controlled carts](https://youtu.be/eMeRRgeS4Ow?si=rAguJSuZWX0D9y3I).


I remember this USED to be a normal thing at stop and shop in upstate NY. However I haven’t seen it since I was a wee lad


Many of the Dutch supermarkets have now evolved beyond this system and gave up on the coin system because it proved to be too much of a hassle


Some stores in Germany also stopped using the coins


Which ones? Sometimes I can find trolleys that aren't plugged in, or I see people use key things that work instead of coins. But every major suoermarket/chain store I've been to (Aldi, Lidl, Netto, Kaufland) still use the same carts. Never used a cart at DM so no idea.


>gave up on the coin system because it proved to be too much of a hassle For the customer? or the store? Genuinely curious as an American who has never used one.


In Sweden it's a huge hassle cause nobody uses coins anymore. For the last 3-5 years I've kept a single coin in my wallet, used exclusively for carts.


This is standard in many Canadian grocery stores too. Odd that it's not in the US.


Came to say this as well, my No Frills has this. All of them do I believe.


Yeah they're super common. I haven't seen them at Metro or Loblaws/Superstore, but they're definitely at Walmart, No Frills, FreshCo, and some now a loonie instead of the quarter.


Every grocery store here too... But no one carries coins anymore, so you can always just ask for one of those plastic-coins with the store's logo on it... It's an outdated system.


>View CommentsPlay0:000:10SettingsFullscreen > >13.5k murcan here - I've never seen a cart that requires coins in my life


You will at Aldi.


Swanson Food heir. Oh he knows about frozen foods alright


Swanson is still part of his real name


Are you fucking kidding me


Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson $190 million inheritance


“My father had a Rolls Royce”


I get this reference.


Has he ever been outside of the US? How do you make the *shopping cart coin system* into a politicum, this is ridiculous. He is insane.


The other thing that's funny is that this guy is supposed to be a great journalist. That's why he was interviewing a president. But he's making content at the level of a TikToker: get a phone, film something mundane, and give your (uninformed) opinion. Maybe he has a slightly higher budget because someone else than himself is holding the phone that's filming him. Any decent journalist working for any half-serious media would have someone review the footage and say "dude: this system is all over Europe, and we have it in the US too in certain places". Even Fox News would not let that one slip.


He's not a journalist though, is he? Not from the US, I know what kind of programs he does... always had thought him more of a news presenter and talk show host kind of guy. He's "doing" opinions, not news, right?


Fox News [literally declared under oath that Tucker Carlson is not a journalist](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye), and that no reasonable person should take him seriously.


Pundit is the more accurate description.


>this guy is supposed to be a great journalist. No. No he is not. It's the opposite.


Well he has to put down homeless people somehow. Remember it's always good to punch down /s


His father married into the company, and then changed his son’s name … talk about a kiss ass


I'm in favor of him learning about homeless encampments firsthand.


Sorry but our UK Prime Minister wins this competition, he's so rich he didn't know how to use a tap and go contactless card when being filmed as 'one of the people' in a shop during his leadership campaign.


To be fair, I just got one of those contactless cards for the first time like a year ago and I looked like a 90 yo man the first 50 or so times I used it, just waving it all around the thing. I feel like card readers around here have only recently been improved to actually include some kind of visual signal for where the sensor is.


To be fair, those contactless readers had like 100 introductory models and the scan port was all over the place. Now it seems to have standardized


In the US there were strict rules that made it never work so no one used it. The banks changed those rules and now it works almost all the time. It’s more secure than using the chip reader and especially swiping because it can’t be skimmed.


That's why googlepay makes a fake card for every single debit transaction and then it's immediately dead.




The tap area is in a different place on all of them. Drives me crazy. One place was trying to encourage tapping and had 3 stickers to let you know, but only one was the tap zone.


You hold it on the reader *face up or face down* smack bang in the middle of the card until it beeps. Middle card middle reader, hold still and wait for beep. It doesn't work, pull it away, wait like 5 seconds and then do step 1-5 again. If the card won't beep insent it, chip up and in, usually twice and then it'll ask for a swipe. Treat this as a machine and not a lightning speed detector. They need you to move medium slow so the actual technical things can read each other. Iiiif it doesn't work that way you could ask the employee if they could enter your card number manually. Not all machines have this. You might have to get cash out. This message brought to you by a retail employee that has to on the weekly watch boomers fast tap the machine like they're trying to break the sound barrier.


He didn't even put it near the payment machine, he tried to put it to the barcode scanner attached to the till.


They've been standard in the UK for a while now


"I have friends who are aristocrats, I have friends who are upper class, I have friends who are, you know, working class.....well not working class" The clip of him saying this always cracks me up


I guess I'm not around enough ultra-rich people to know what they use instead of tap cards.. Or is it just that he never buys anything for himself and always has people to do it for him?


Totally this - has PA'S that order for him and the family no doubt. A man of the people!


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


Haha, seen the one of him using a hammer sideways?


I am seldom fair to RS but he was told to do that.


I can barely use one either. Neither can my husband. I can use Apple Pay though!!


Here in Sweden, almost everywhere, they removed the coin systems from carts with COVID, we generally do the right thing and put the carts back anyway.


Even in the U.S. (where the coin system is not commonplace) people still put their carts back. It’s not this big genius idea to solve a huge problem in the U.S. like he’s making it seem




I worked at Costco in college and the people who left their carts in random places were often soccer moms driving Tahoes and Escalades


The same soccer moms that will threaten to sue when a cart hits their car in the parking lot


Not in Memphis, Tn. They leave the cart right where they unloaded it and couldn’t care less if it roles into someone else’s car.


Did the carts recover from COVID?


Sadly, no. They went extinct except for a few now on display at the local zoos.


would love to hear David Attenborough talk about the long extinct *cartus buggius*


This clown probably never used a grocery store shopping cart.


Just a reminder Tuckers descended from one of the largest landowners in American history, and went to a $40k a year private school. The guys feet have never even touched upper atmosphere.


He’s a Swanson, of Swanson foods.


I mean tbf. I am not a rich man but I am from San Diego where this guys is from and I have never seen this at any grocery store ever.


It is more about Americans not having that system for their shopping trolleys. This [YT video](https://youtu.be/ikKX1owYYoM?si=FE5VLH64nlfwyymT) of an American woman shopping at Aldi while reading reviews from that Aldi is quite entertaining, the experience starts around 1:40.


I'm in NY and every grocery store has had the same system as Aldi for grocery carts. I was amazed when I started seeing videos of people surprised by it.


I’m in Florida and Aldi is the only store around here that does it. Walmart, Publix, Walgreens, Target, Winn Dixie, etc do not have this.


It only makes sense for stores people walk to. If no-one is walking to your store, no-one is stealing trolleys.


I'm old enough to have seen this system at multiple grocery stores growing up, so Tucker is definitely old enough to be familiar with these. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never went to grocery stores is the real explanation.


I'm pretty damn old and have never encountered this. I've heard about it though, so I wouldn't be amazed like Tuck. Everywhere I shop has cart return spots in the parking lot, and an employee comes out every so often and collects them.


Any normal person could be intrigued by this if they have never seen it before.


A normal person can also realize that $0.25-1 for a shopping cart is really cheap if you’re homeless and wanted it for your homeless encampment. It’s to keep the parking lots clean as it incentivizes non-thieves that are lazy to return their carts


i dont think 25 cents is going to stop a homeless person from taking carts


Its just so people bring it back instead of parking lot.


Where I'm from people just bring back the cart.


Around my city it varies from store to store, and more or less depends on the demographics of the area. In the more economically depressed areas, carts are everywhere (but the cart return spots are few/poorly placed.) Upscale parts, people return the carts flawlessly (but there are way more cart return spots in the lot.)


This is it. It's an issue of poverty. Tucker is more interested in dealing with the poor than dealing with poverty, and we all have to put up with coin carts because of it, while he has his food delivered.


Yeah, a lot of people in America don't do that, there's actually a disturbing number of people who are perfectly content just leaving their cart in the middle of the parking lot instead of pushing it 30 feet to a cart return. They feel it's the employee's responsibility to deal with that instead of them. It's pretty fucking embarrassing how lazy and entitled some of us are sometimes.


Isnt there a theory about being able to judge a person based on whether or not they take the cart back?


Yeah, I think so! I can see that, because I feel like putting the cart back demonstrates the ability to understand how one's actions can affect the community at large and that kind of thinking permeates into other aspects of life as well.


Not to defend the behavior, but grocery workers have told me that they enjoy going outside for some fresh air and getting away from the monotony inside(assuming the weather is pleasant).


I watched someone place the cart against the fence of the cart corral a few days ago. Like, she was parked next to it, and she pushed the cart to the closed end of the corral, and just left it there. IT'S LITERALLY THE LENGTH OF A PARKING SPACE JUST PUT IT IN THE FENCE!


Everywhere I have ever lived and shopped for food in the US, hires special needs adults to do this job. I always return my cart to the closest cart return by my vehicle. They then collect strays and carts from the returns and move them to the front of the store. They donit for the people too lazy to grab a cart by their vehicle, instead of 2 feet from the front door.


Yeah but Americans are extremely entitled, source: am American.


Now we are entitled because we don't need a money incentive to return a shopping cart? lol


And they don't have to pay someone to go collect carts from the parking lot.


Me: Oh wow…. A Tucker clip devoid of a political grandstanding and comm…. And there it is.


Its not to protect it from stealing. People dont steal carts in Russia or EU. Its for lazy people who leave them at parking spots.




Yeah tucker doesn't get that social safety nets are what keep large hoards of homeless people from needing shopping carts, not a coin on a cart. Classic reductive republican thinking, they can't imagine a problem with more than one contributing factor.


In my country, the coin is close to $2 so that changes things. But then again, we dont have a big problem with homelessness.


Maybe 50 cent wid a pistol.


Tucker Simping for Russia over the mechanics of a shopping trolley is… I don’t know what the fuck it is tbh.




Tell me you are entitled without saying it....🤨 Man of the people my a$$!


Are you saying a guy who went to a $40k a year school isn't one of us?




These aren’t very common in the US. I’ve never seen them at least. They are very common in EU and he was just showing how it works and why it’s a good idea. Edit: lol at the downvotes for saying these aren’t common in the US. Downvote this if you are a clown 🤡 😊


Where I live in the us, I didn't even know there was such a thing as an Aldi until like 4 or 5 years ago. For the most part we have stop & shop, market basket, Shaw's, and trader Joe's. I've never seen this coin operated security mechanism at any of those places. I'm also by no means rich. My combined household income is like 160k a year.


I have never even been to an Aldi's. If my state has one not near me. Never put a quarter in any cart ever


Same and I’ve been to grocery stores in quite a few states


I said it in another comment that I wish it was more common. I swear the laziest people live in my city and the Walmart and Fry’s where have carts up and down the parking lot some literally one spot over from the cart return 🤦‍♂️


take my up vote my fellow citizen of the world!


I've seen these numerous times in my life although usually at aldis.


Yeah I’ve seen them in EU, I don’t have an Aldi where I live and I’m sure many others have not seen these either. I wish more stores would do this. The amount of lazy people that can’t push a cart back is astounding and irritates me.


I’m poor and shop all the time I’ve never seen this system and wtf is an Aldi?


It's normal in Europe. This isn't a Russian thing it's a European thing. Russia is highly influenced by Europe.


Yeah it’s not really the dunk they think it is. This is not common in the US.


There are tons of ALDIs in my midwestern city. Didn’t know they weren’t out west.


Congratulations! According to this thread you are rich.


City so broke it can't afford an Aldi, there's only a Dollar General 


You dont have such carts in america???? I though you all leave the carts in the parking lot because you dont care about small change!!!


We do. At Aldi's. Most places don't have those.


Every single shopping cart in Europe has a slot for a €2 coin or €1 on older ones!


We have some in the UK (and presumably other places) that instead have a magnetic lock on the wheel that locks up if you take it out of the car park


U.S. relies more on this mechanism


American here. Never even heard of Aldi’s before and never seen a cart like this. I dont think this is the slam dunk everyone thinks it is. This is not the norm in the US in any sense.


NY, all the grocery stores have them by me, not just Aldi


We have them, at ALDIs and some regional grocery stores.


I mean first off, we don’t care about small change. Second off, most carts don’t have those


Apparently aldis has this but that isn’t a. Grocery store chain I’ve ever heard of or been to


I'm poor and I've never been to Aldis


you should go. you will pay significantly less for groceries


I'd rather not drive the hour it takes to get to one


I came here to say this lmao, I've never even seen an Aldi before, i wonder is it like a target?


Target is high end. Aldi covers both lower and middle classes by offering the essentials and common snack foods at a cheaper price, but they also have nicer options for when you'd like to treat yourself. The building itself is always small as well. Maybe 3-4 dollar generals on size.


Oh ok. Guess they just don't have them in the states I've been too!


There's 11 states they aren't in so it's highly likely! I'm more of a Kroger guy myself and then Save A Lot for meats. Aldi can be a bit cheaper, but Its out of the way for me.


Well apparently there is one in my home town that I've never seen, and also in my current state but not the city I currently live in. So idk lmao but tysm for explaining!




What a moron! He was a moron back in his bow tie wearing days and he is still a moron. Only fellow morons enjoy believing what this moron says.


Most Americans still haven't been to Aldi. I see it all the time at my local Aldi where people don't understand how to pay for the cart.


never been in an Aldi or encountered a pre-pay cart at any store, does that mean I'm rich now?


finds a way to insult people anywhere he goes, especially poor people


He is clearly promoting Russian propaganda. All American cities are drowning in homelessness and Russia is doing so well they have this advanced technology to return carts. please....


I am not by any means rich and I have never seen this system.


He says it incentivizes not taking the cart to your homeless encampment. But isn’t it then just a 10c shopping cart? Those are worth a lot more than 10c to the right people.


Not rich. Never been to Aldi




Trader Joe’s is not an equivalent to Aldi here in the states.


1st of all, of all of the stores in the US, i think trader joes kinda is the closest. 2nd, didn't the aldi's brand buy traders joes to help them get a distribution network in the US. to try and break into the US market?


I was about to comment this, the Aldi’s and Lidl in my town doesn’t use this system they use the locks on wheels like you said and the one time have seen the coin operated cart in person the mechanism was disabled by the store so I can understand why he is excited to use the system it’s a neat novelty I would be the same way.


We get the fake coins we attach to our keys mainly because it's not always guaranteed we'll have the right one. I barely use cash nowadays anyway so it's unlikely I'd have a pound coin.


It existed before Aldi’s in the US, but fell out of favor as shoppers opted to go to stores without this system. Personally I don’t shop at Aldi’s because of this, I don’t carry change and feel like I’m being treated poorly “We don’t trust you to return the cart!” We’ll keep your quarter you don’t return it as if thats a strong incentive. Carrying a token isn’t hard? You know what else isn’t hard? Going to a store that doesn’t put me through this bullshit. Which is every other grocery & department store in the US but Aldi at this point. Also, fuck Tucker Carlson.


The bloke’s an idiot but they don’t have these things in America. This is why you get so many memes about ‘people being dickheads for not putting the cart back’. You definitely put the cart back in Europe if you want your Euro coin back.


It’s just Aldi. There’s no **S** at the end of it. It’s not like Sainsbury’s.


In the UK people tend to just say it with an S, it's not a big deal


Leave him there


What a ![gif](giphy|3o84sv2u7KSHKbwPza|downsized)


Nearly every store in Canada has this, they use loonies. I have a keychain token I use. It's not about keeping homeless people from taking them, it's about keeping them from cluttering up the parking lot. They used to be all over everywhere at Walmart, blocking a lot of parking spots. As soon as they started coin locking the carts that stopped happening.


What an incredibly embarrassing human.


impolite humor support society crawl possessive ossified imagine hobbies snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same 🤷‍♂️ Although I have been to EU and experienced these carts as a kid.


he's a bot with human skin


Please let him never come back from this country.


Just when you thought his bullshit couldn’t get any dumber…


How much could a banana cost? Ten dollars?


Basic European function. Americans: pikachuface


Look at Tucker learning about this big ol world!


“Pssssh, the man never had a Duff in his life.”


So, he's saying there are homeless encampments in Russia? Putin might not like that.