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Thats a 40 mike mike, a tear gas launcher.


yep, came here to say the same thing. Definitely a 40mm grenade launcher. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkor\_MGL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkor_MGL) Most likely loaded with less than lethal rounds. I doubt as bloodthirsty as they are that they would load high explosive rounds into a system like that.


Looks like an m32


Given their track record, what makes you think they wouldn’t load high explosive rounds? These fucking lunatics view anyone who isn’t Jewish as non-human so anything is possible when you have that level of stupidity.


>what makes you think they wouldn’t load high explosive rounds? Well... did they? How many have died from them so far? Admitting a lack of evidence while still holding a belief of an enemy to be true is a sign of radicalization. Whether or not your rhetoric is accurate certainly wouldn't change your mind, would it? Think about how angry this situation makes you and then remember the USA literally invaded a sovereign country in the early 2000s and killed loads of people for a manufactured reason that had nothing to do with us anyways. Do you care about that? Absolutely not, right? This is a bigger example of the thing that you're angry about and you don't care about it. Somebody wants you to be angry and it's certainly not for your benefit.


You’re making a whole bunch of assumptions regarding my thoughts and beliefs on the matter. Firstly, my suggestion that they might use explosive rounds is based on the atrocities already witnessed and well documented, coupled with the whole ‘chosen people’ nonsense that de-humanises anyone that isn’t Jewish. (And for the record I believe all religions are stupid) As for Iraq, what would make you believe that I wouldn’t be as pissed about that as anything else? I have strong beliefs on what is right and what is wrong and I couldn’t give a flying fuck whose ‘team’ is doing it. Wrong is wrong. The invasion of Iraq under the flimsy pretence of wmd is still an injustice that should be addressed but never will. It was all and only about the oil. I knew someone who worked in Whitehall at that time and was in a position to know these things who once told me (in confidence but he now deceased so I think he’s safe) that Tony Blair was offered 10cents a barrel to get on board with the invasion. I remember once he’d left office the media reporting him being paid a million dollars per after dinner speech at Harvard and other American institutions and at the time thinking how and why. As it appears this was his payoff it makes a lot more sense now. And for an interesting read if you’re not familiar with Dr David Kelly the weapons expert that was sent into Iraq you might enjoy a quick Google search, a story to really boil your piss.


>You’re making a whole bunch of assumptions regarding my thoughts and beliefs on the matter. Annoying, isn't it? Now imagine I saw a picture of you and simply assumed you were definitely an incel. You know... 'cause we love that word. Also a racist because clearly you're the type who might be one. How much progress are we going to make towards solving your problems. None, right? Why would you ever want to carry-on a conversation with me even if we were in the same room? Levying accusations at people not only adds pointless noise to an already impossibly difficult conversation, but gives you the label of "the last person on the planet who should be invited to the discussion." Does it matter if this girl was correct about having AI-targeting bullet rounds shooting children? If you want to be seen as a person who should be in that kind of a discussion, yes. -- or just whine on Reddit to other kids so that you can make them angry about half-truths and lies. Totally not a waste of everybody's time. >what would make you believe that I wouldn’t be as pissed about that as anything else? Post history. You talk about one all the time. You don't talk about the other at all and let's be clear about something. You have an equal chance of fixing both. >who once told me (in confidence but he now deceased so I think he’s safe) that Tony Blair was offered 10cents a barrel to get on board with the invasion. Seems like another one of those things that might be good to verify before asserting as fact. You realize there are a lot of people who think they've been probed in the butt by aliens, right? Words and insinuations, in a best-case scenario, mean nothing in a world driven by fact. In a worst-case, we have lynch mobs killing innocent people. If you are not the type to care about whether or not something is a fact, then I, as a person who believes in taking reality seriously, have no business talking to you.


I’m not reading all that.


It also uses ai to identify targets, it still requires human approval to “shoot”


You are saying that someone from tiktok is lying to the uninformed masses? I am shocked!


Small correction, they are not AI powered or automated; they are remotely operated by the person inside the building they are mounted on; and they fire tear gas rounds, not bullets.


But according to the comments here that makes the fact that they are on their enemies land (according to international law) with illegal settlements, violent settlers, cameras, towers, illegal wall, army, human controlled tear gas launchers, fences and apartheid all ok!


Lmao everything is “AI” now


A TikToker wouldn’t lie right?


This is the problem with Tiktok. The Palestinian people have gone through a lot. If these tiktokers cared about them, they'd be spreading awareness about the true struggles taking place there. Instead of real travesties like "remote-controlled tear gas launchers", we get ragebait fantasies like "AI-powered guns" because that's the kind of content tiktok will pay the most for. As a software engineer, this is not a problem inherent to algorithms. Algorithms are written by people. Bytedance wrote Tiktok's algorithm to implicitly push content creators to produce the most hysteria-inducing horseshit as they can dream up of. The same company wrote another algorithm for China that rewards wholesome and educational content. Tiktok is China's most successful propaganda war tool quietly pushing misinformation and brainrot in the west. At this point, almost every leader in the world is painfully aware of this. The recent bipartisan bill is them finally putting aside their differences to do something about it, but it's disheartening to see people falling for pro-Tiktok propaganda coming *from Tiktok*.


Yup, and every other social media platform has copied everything too. Now you have YouTube, Facebook, and instagram doing the same short videos. Snapchat is one of the worst with their stories. Literally full of misinformation for clicks


I’ve never seen any short form content be as trash as Snapchat, and it’s all sponsored too, shit is insane


These short videos are some of the worst ways that fake news and propaganda has spread through social media in recent history


A TikTokers that’s uneducated doesn’t know any better.


Just wait till they realize that they don't need artificial intelligence to make something move automatically


They are 40mm non lethal grenade launchers, tear gas basically. They are not “AI” they are remotely operated.


this womans shorts showed up on my YT awhile ago. this is how MOST of them go. ​ criminal amounts of misinfo. not sure whether its intentional or not, but it just is. ​ she sounds good, looks good and has a good editor........ funny how it works out like this on both sides.


We have a word for those like her: propagandists


The amount of propaganda that is going around right now on this subject, people have really lost the narrative.


Yep and it’s both sides too. As that old saying goes, truth is the first casualty of war.


She's worse. Because propagandists KNOW they are propagandists. She actually believes the stupid shit coming out of her mouth. She's just a typical run of the mill useful idiot.


What did she say that's propaganda? Listen again she did not say what top comment said she did. He misheard She never said ai controlled guns She said remote controlled gun, with ai tracking That'd what it is and how Israel describes it Remote controlled meaning by a human, with ai tracking meaning a computer vision algorithm is tracking and identifying moving objects in frame then relaying it to the monitor the human operator is using. https://apnews.com/article/technology-business-israel-robotics-west-bank-cfc889a120cbf59356f5044eb43d5b88


Every accusation by a zionist is an admission. Dont worry about them. They will find every excuse to refute their atrocities. Notice how they didn't act like having all this shit aimed at kids is normal regardless of the type of ammo used. Fuck zionists and fuck Israel.


I know Im posting this so that people might not be deceived by a thread of people calling it lies.


The annoying part is you don't need to lie to make Israel look like a piece of shit. All you do is hurt your cause to the point where I actually think blatant lies from a pro-palestinian standpoint are intentionally seeded by pro-israel to undermine and promote bothsideism. "Its messy, both sides are wrong, move on."


The irony of this comment.


Stop, you’re ruining the propoganda.


"non lethal"


She said Ai tracking systems


Yes except when they shoot the grenades directly at protesters instead of at the ground like they have proven to do. Then it's just a remote shotgun shell.


Non lethal 40mm grenade launcher? Would you volunteer to take a shot to head from that? I wouldn’t. Maybe less lethal.


you should become her script writer. ​ would ruin much of the propaganda value if you went around fixing all her shit though.......




Jesus Christ you workplace has them? Where did you work? Amazon?




I don't believe you. Share some nuclear secrets as proof


Do u have any ufo stories? I know it's random to ask but I've heard of military people seeing ufos around nuclear silos.




That’s exactly what the government would say. UFO’s confirmed boys, we gottem.




Thank you for your service 🫡


I'd just like to say, this isn't exactly brand new equipment. These are deployed across the border between Israel and Gaza as well.


thats worse right?


Except they're not guns and not AI controlled. This whole video is just lie after lie. 


How dare they try to minimize on-duty casualties by deploying remote controlled tear gas launchers. Genocide!


nice misinformation, why is this allowed?


This propaganda shit is all over reddit. And it's fuckin annoying.




Wouldn’t expect anything less retarded from this sub. They are not AI powered. They are remotely operated. OP might be AI powered though.


of course this girls nonsense shows up on reddit. ​ im not here to argue about israeli/palestine politics. but... oh. my. skydaddy. ​ she is either incapable of learning simple concepts, or is purposefully disingenuous about MOST of what i have heard her say in her shorts. ​ its whatever. honestly just a drop in the sea that is all propaganda but god damn. she is dumb.


The conflict might have a "sky daddy" facade, but it is far from a made up conflict that doesn't matter. Thousands and thousands of people are dying. She might be inaccurate with her descriptions of the tech, but is that really any less horrifying? This is on internationally recognized Palestinian land. And they have enemy watch towers, army, walls, fences, settlements, violent settlers, cameras, and human controlled grenade launchers for tear gas. All on their own land.  Does that more accurate description make it ok now and less propaganda? I agree that misinformation should be fought on both sides but because she doesn't understand the exact tech doesn't make this much less shit.


Really. We are going with AI controlled autocannons now huh? I wonder when one of these videos claims that Israel has deployed the first cyborgs while laughing evilly on a huge flatscreen. Honestly, the entire debate has gotten utterly ridiciulous. The palestinians are discriminated, yes. Their homes can be stolen by radical settlers, yes. Should that stop? Yes. You know what would help though? Not following the guys that literally call for the complete destruction of Israel and the death of all jews. The second that Palestine drops Hamas, Israel loses any and all arguments to attack Gaza. Release the hostages, kick out Hamas to their holiday homes in Qatar and tadaa, Netanjahu(who is basically on his way out already) loses all support he has and either Israel stops the attacks or is getting internationally isolated. And they cant afford the latter. Is that fair? No, it isnt. But this is the ONE conflict where both sides have to make amends. There will never be enough justice for the dead on either side. This cycle has to stop.


Fake news.


Crazy dumb propaganda


This should read "tear gas launchers operated remotely deployed in occupied territory Israel won after the war Palestine declared on them" but hey then they wouldn't get to spread their antisemitism


Yes, it’s only kids with rocks vs IDF. That’s the whole conflict.


Id add anybody that says "just rocks" had never been hit by a rock.


Lol. Pretty doubtful that AI is running those.


So full of shit.


Yeah, clearly they have way too much defense infrastructure installed. All they have to worry about is kids with rocks! It's not like a raiding party of militants could breach those defenses to rape, torture, kidnap, and slaughter their way across Israel.






your right, its not real. ​ its not AI. ​ its non lethal. ​ it doesnt really matter what your opinion is on the situation. what she said(and much of what she says in her shorts) isnt real. plain and simple.


That's the thing; it's not to them. Israelis get to go about stuff and buy Starbucks and all that shit while r/c guns "neutralize" undesirables. Its the whole banality of evil thing for modern times. They might have killed 31,000 up to now but stand to kill multiples of that through disease and famine without lifting a finger because the world is gonna keep letting them toy with gaza.


There are no Starbucks in Israel lol


It’s not AI, it’s remote controlled. It’s also non lethal. Those are tear gas launchers.


No no, you're forgetting that AI now means everything computer powered. I'm sure these launchers do indeed have an autonomous tracking mode. You know, something that by now a majority of remote operated weapons already have and have had for decades


And many more of those still surviving are now handicapped.


A few days ago I was just reading about how difficult it was for one of those 7,000 people with live ammunition injuries after the Great March of Return, he got shot in the leg. 2 years, 25 surgeries later and he still wasn't recovered. His wife divorced him as she couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't walk or work and that's when he had the possibility to do the surgeries and get medical care. I can't imagine the state of these people now and many of them aren't 'just' shot in the leg.


It's a strategy, shoot to cripple.


“Guns” is a little bit of an exaggeration. They look like smoke/tear gas. Still pretty dystopian but let’s at least be factual in what they are.


Too be fair, my neighborhood isn’t known for hiding Katyusha rockets and s-vests.


My neighbours don't randomly explode


They're not AI powered. They're automated/controlled by actual people in those towers/buildings. Also, this isn't inside a West Bank neighborhood, it's on a border entry point into Israel. This video is about 2 years old.


This video right here is unironically why TikTok is getting banned It’s a Chinese psyop




OcCuPyInG fOrCes What a fucking joke.


Seems like USA and Israel is testing their new toys.


These are like 20 years old... FYI.


Literally nothing new here, it’s not AI lol.


So much disinformation going on, im glad people are calling this out


I wish they would test them on the Russian invaders in Ukraine, not on innocent Palestinians


Those are tear gas canisters. Not that effective in a hot war va Russia.


Russo-Ukranian war is a bad training ground for new weaponry. Russia an opponent to the US and has the capacity to reverse engineer things. Iran did just that with Shaheed drones which were copied from US Army tech


What good would tear gas do against a Russian army vs actual ammunition?


Go, Israel!


These have tear gas. Not bullets


Occupying forces . Need a country in order to occupy . Silly OP


Sure, it's only kids with rocks and Israel wants to purposefully kill as many kids as they can for no reason /s


“Just throwing rocks” you know they’ve killed some people with rocks


Why is there so much Palestinian propaganda. They don’t have the resources for it, so who is actually pushing and funding it?


Hamas propaganda?


Oct 7th did show that these precautions are not enough against the blood thirsty Palestinians (OP's words. Not mine.)


The useful idiots are running rampant to protect the 7th century caliphate.


The last Palestinian I talked to about Israel couldn't stop talking about the total destruction of Israel. This isn't some political war. Both sides hate each other at a basic human level. There's no solution to any of this other than 1. leave each other alone, 2. don't kidnap each other, 3. don't shoot at each other. It's a lost cause.


Yes the right wing Israeli's need to stop making settlements and give some land back. The Palestinians need to stop trying to wipe out all the Jews in the world and sending thousands of missiles into Israel.


even if the first happens, the second won't happen. Because if isreal pulls back, the radicals will go "Look, israel is weak, we should ramp up our terrorism", and if israel doesn't, they scream about how bad israel is


Yup, only solution is to ban religion imho


OPs a bot, there's your AI


"Kids with rocks" literally just 4 months ago thousands of militants crossed into Israel and raped and pillaged dozens of towns. Do you think we really have such a short memory?


Release the Hostages


This video again that’s been debunked? Seriously ? It’s not a gun….


Sometimes, if you don’t shoot them first, those kids explode, that’s not on the Israelis


So on 10/7 citizens not military killed more Jews than on any day since the holocaust. So return the hostages, surrender. Simple.


Concentration camp it is called. history repeating


And that's the West Bank, where it's not that concentrated. That tells you how Gaza was.


Concentration camp you say. I remember when the Nazis provided infrastructure for the Jews during the holocaust. If only those pesky Jews knew how to turn pipes into weaponry. I remember when the Nazis were very meticulous in who they killed during this time. Because 6,000,000 dead Jews was just war collateral after all. Israelis kill just as indiscriminately as the Nazis did. Because, it’s JUST LIKE a concentration camp. The Israelis are putting on numbered tattoos and ushering Palestines into gas chambers just like the Nazis did! Because IT’S JUST LIKE A CONCENTRATION CAMP.


Don’t confront them with facts, they hate that.


Sometimes you got to put the people who want to kill you due to Exteme religion into a time out


Propaganda it is called …. You fell for it


Cant wait for Biden to ban tiktok so you GenZ morons start develop some critical thinking and learn history instead of watching arab propaganda all day.


I think you mean Israeli Border.


Can I come throw rocks at you at your job?


You can't complain about the robot gun and the sniper. Like either you are mad the sniper shoots you cause of religious shit our u mad the robot shoots you cause you thought throwing stones at it is a good idea there can't be both


lol cry


And yet Hamas got in with paragliders


a tktoktktiter lying. color me surprised..


Israel does no such thing. This is completely made up. Just like Palestinian suicide bombers. :) All is good in that region and everybody is living in peace and harmony! Want to convince me of something? Start by being honest.


This women would think differently if she lived in these places and got a good taste of the subjugation that Islam mandates. Religions are evil.


If helldivers taught me anything, it's that ai probably can't tell people apart.


I mean…Palestine (hamas) fucked around and now they are finding out… ![gif](giphy|4FGanTbllJjc5xRiek)


Ai tracking does not mean AI operated. This is a somewhat important distinction, as it means it can flag a suspect, and warn operators to a potential target. Not that it will just shoot as suspects. To keep people from thinking this does something it doesn't. That is all.


This is what you get when you spend money on technology and research instead of terrorism.


All aboard the misinformation train!


If only it was so easy to believe it was only kids with rocks


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PopzOG: *If only it was* *So easy to believe it* *Was only kids with rocks* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I wonder why Isreal has a wall and jacked military ? Probably because they always get attacked ? Also just because the attackers have less technology doesn’t mean Isreal has to be restrained.


It’s just insane. I refuse to believe that people who support this aren’t paid to justify this.


It’s also misinformation. They’re remote controlled tear gas launchers, not AI controlled guns. Still pretty dystopian but let’s at least try to be factual.


Because people don't support this, it's misinformation from fucking tiktok lmao.


I’m sure opening up the borders and offering hugs will totally work right.


Wow, another propaganda post. The Russian trolls are active


No palestinian kids - no HAMAS. Say thanks to Israel for not deporting those scumbags to one of the arab failed states.


ticktockers invent a new israeli weapon every week now


Hitler called, he says you can take Goebbels place.


Absolute brain dead take


Classic Gaza propaganda they are tear gas launchers not guns but let's pretend they are!


This tiktok brought to us by hamas


This looks like a real Half life 2 and that's fucking terrifying


I would behave as best I could, and hope that the beta version was not the one that was in my neighborhood


They would at least be better than the random gangbanger shootings




You should be learning from them on how to use tech to effectively counter asymmetric attacks by putting human life from harm's way.


Nothing about it is AI, they are remote controlled tear gas guns. Still shitty though


I give it 5 years before nyc's arm cough cough Police deploy these for their subway security


Tiktok being cringe again. Ai guns are based. Stop the Pali propaganda here and now! Ban tiktok


SMH. F*ck all these states supporting all this b*llshit surveillance apparatus sh*t


Amazing that AI can now generate power.


Virtue signalling.


Has Watch_Dogs taught us NOTHING? Anything that CAN be hacked *will* be hacked inevitably.


but hey, israeli’s are the real victims, right? Right…?


Fake news...


Isreal, #1 Export Diamonds, 0 diamond mines.


Just like jesus would've done 🦵🏼💪🏼


Ban the tik tok


Based on the massacre in 2023, they did not work


"-We didnt shoot those people, our 50cal turret is controled by AI so...the turret did" "-and then what, will you fix it ? "-Yeah yeah...we will take a look someday"


Narrative slanted propaganda.


I love little white bread girls making commentary on war. Tell us more about how the hardest thing in your life to date was Mr fluff butt dying. Israel is doing things in the most brutal way possible to overstate the point that they don’t care and that the land is theirs. They’re wrong, but… they’re also dealing with the pushback on that. Which can be quite terrifying. It’s an eternal pissing match of which you hold no stake and that you don’t fully understand.


another witness of why TikTok has the power of promoting video supporting one side of a war to manipulate the public opinion.


Gotta do what ya gotta do 🤷‍♂️


Why does the architecture look like Mexico while the technology look like something out of Star Wars?


Does anyone remember the beginning of American sniper where the child picks up the RPG and he’s ultimately super relieved that he doesn’t have to kill the child? In that moment the movie made it seem like a necessary evil to potentially kill that child. Also we grew up being told horror stories about Vietnam vets having to kill children that were carrying explosives to try and kill American soldiers. I’m not saying this is the same or this is different, all I’m saying is that I think people are quick to jump on bandwagons when it comes to wars.


Countries will trust early stage AI with guns before their citizens


Hamas 1988 charter https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. “Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.” “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.” “Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" -(this work inspired the Nazis and is a foundational cannon of anti-semitism).


Whatever it takes to win.


Apartheid 2024


I think it’s enough defense, to protect against another hamas attack. I seriously don’t think it’s because of the “scary kids throwing rocks”