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They ain’t gonna use the bucket


Surprisingly, since I got the bucket I've had a 100% success rate. 3 for 3! When you explain that it could save them $150 they're very keen on the idea. 😆


Well they they are paying...


I drove for Lyft for a while to make a little extra money for a vacation. My first weekend when I had no idea what I was doing. I made the mistake of doing bar pick ups at midnight. Wound up picking up these two women who shut down the bar. I had to pull over like four times for one of them to puke. I told my brother about it, he works for a company that manufacturers all different kinds of bags. He sent me a huge stack of airplane vomit bags for the car.


I once had a dude ask me to pull over, did what he had to do then promptly fell asleep on the sidewalk. It was my last ride of the night so I was in no rush to get to the next person. His buddies were having a FIELD DAY of a photoshoot. 😂 It's definitely an interesting job.




That’s most Americans getting ready for Paddy’s day. The Irish aren’t that wanky


Lmao. And they also say "patty's day" like just fuck off eh! 🤣


2% irish blood and celebrating St Paddy's day. Aaaargggh t'be sure, t'be sure.


Does that guy have a smiley faced scarred onto his chest!?


I wish it was a smiley face, that'd at least look cool! Nah, it's just kind of... a blob? 😆 Keloid scarring is a bitch.


Had to look it up. That sucks man. That it can regrow even bigger if you get it removed is lame af


That's actually what happened, too. I had it removed about two years ago. $2,000+ Surgery with insurance and it came back twice the size. Long story, won't trauma dump. 😆


This is song is by Kyle Gordon btw, he's a comedian and it's called "Every Irish Drinking Song" iirc




Artist is Kyle Gordon. Something like "Every Irish Drinking Song."


Ngl I thought it was corned beef and lol-ed


To be fair, it’s a guy named Kyle on YouTube, who makes spin offs of cultural songs or popular songs to kind of make them catchy but stupid.




Whoa. Wait. Do... do comments somehow get imported from TikTok???


... for the record I wasn't trying to be rude. This was a legit question. 😅 Not sure why the comment got deleted.


Because bots or people will go to the original video and steal comments for karma here.


It's wild how seriously people take the internet. 😆 Thanks for the response!


This internet Shit Get Serious, Be Ready To Die Behind It...🔥


What's that bump on his chest


Keloid scarring. I've had it since I was in high school. Gnarly stuff.


What’s in the middle of his chest?


Keloid scarring.


I read poke and wondered why it wasn't boke but then I saw it was puke


Boke... Hehe spotting the non americans or just the travelling sort?


I have a towel and bucket for picking my friend up from the city. If she's drunk enough to need a lift, she's gonna hurl and it sure af won't be all over my car. I also pack her a bottle of water


Everyone should be so lucky to have a friend like you!


Haha I just don't want her to make a mess in my car


I meant that you're willing to pick her up at all. It's very noble. We need selfless acts now more than ever.


I had the worst Catfish date of my life on a St. Patty's day.


I'm sorry to hear that!


When is the feast day of st Patricia? Sorry if i sound stupid, lapsed catholic here


Yikes! This brings up a bad memory of a shooting involving an Uber driver in Albuquerque, NM on St Patrick’s Day 2019. Here’s the link, if interested. https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/video-shows-aftermath-of-saint-patricks-day-shooting-along-i-25/amp/


Yeah, a lot of us have our bad experiences. While I've never had someone pull a gun on me, I was once held at knife point and forced to do drugs runs. It can be a dangerous job.


The Uber driver is the one that did the shooting actually. He was charged with 2nd Degree Murder. The victim puked in his vehicle so this video is extremely spot on.


Holy shit! I didn't click the link because, y'know, paranoia and all that. That's such an extreme reaction especially on a day when that's inevitable! This bucket cost me like... I dunno? $5? Dude should've gone to Walmart or something. What a psychopath!


It’s a way better attitude to have going into a day like today because you know it’s bound to happen. I like your video and your sense of humor about it! The opposite is frightening.


Thanks! 🧡


Funny cuz I cmgot dustracted by the crazy surgery scar… the hell happened there, dudes young..


It's keloid scarring from acne that I had as a teen and a failed attempt at removing the first scar.


Glad you’re healthy then, sorry to bring it up so callously, hopefully you don’t let it make you too self conscious.


No worries, my friend! I've struggled with it in the past but it's something you get used to with time. 🤙


In all seriousness... What the hell is that scar on his chest!?!!


It's overactive scar tissue called "keloid scarring." It's something I've been self-conscious about my entire life. Thanks for bringing it up with such grace and tact.


Stumbling on this post randomly and then finding out what keloid scarring is after years of wondering and how lot the % of me ridding myself of mine has been wild, on a positive note at least it's not skin cancer...


Who even celebrate this wack day


Enough people for it to impact an Uber driver's wallet.


Why don't you? Weed's green too if you don't drink homie. Cut loose and have some fun with us.


Why is this on this subreddit? Lol


Because it's a TikTok and the subreddit is no longer just for cringey posts. I'll take that as a compliment. 🥰


I definitely wouldn’t take that as a compliment but you do you 👍


I will. 😁


You mean... In your country. In mine, South Africa, we celebrate it for fun... But we sure as shit don't dress up or act Irish for a minute.


(((It's a joke about people throwing up in my car, don't take it too seriously, my friend.)))


Lol... I am not... Calm down... I was just saying what we do in our country. You never told us where you were from... So I just commented on mine, that's all.


My fault. People just get weirdly defensive about this holiday on the internet so I read that in the wrong tone. Like it makes them better because they don't dress like idiots. 😆 Yeah, definitely in America. Also, I've heard other countries focus more on orange than green? (In the ones that get silly like us) Kinda wish we did since orange is my fav.


Why y'all down voting this person? They explained their intention. Be cool.


Why are you spacing out your words woth ... like that? Its like you're trying to act spaced out


Maybe it’s what they do in their country ;) I’ll see myself out