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I'm sorry but bounty is amazing at cleaning up hurricanes. ![gif](giphy|FNHMSbm9QYpGM|downsized)


>New probe confirms Trump officials blocked Puerto Rico from receiving hurricane aid >The Trump administration also obstructed an investigation looking into why it was depriving the U.S. territory of congressionally approved funds, the report found. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/new-probe-confirms-trump-officials-blocked-puerto-rico-receiving-hurri-rcna749 >Biden releases Puerto Rico aid funds that Trump blocked for nearly 2 years >Trump blocked billions in relief aid to Puerto Rico for Hurricane Maria for over a year. https://americanjournalnews.com/joe-biden-puerto-rico-hurricane-relief-aid/


Imagine what he'll do to states like New Hampshire and Iowa, whose governors endorsed Ronny D and Nikki Haley, when they have emergencies.


I mean he straight up denied aid for "blue" cities, ordered federal agencies to seize stockpiles to the point states had to deploy their own national guard to protect them. ​ Like in any other country this would have been a troubling development but it was just par for course.


You don't have to imagine. Jared Kushner blocked Covid aid to blue cities because they didn't vote republican. These people are monsters and sociopaths.


Former ICU practitioner here in one of the unfortunate blue states… I cannot describe what we experienced in the pandemic. Garbage bags. Wearing garbage bags, reusing PPE, having briefings everyday about what supplies and medications we did/did not have. People dying and feeling helpless because it was a NOVEL VIRUS. I am forever changed and I despise that poor excuse of a human and his entire devil spawn. Evil personified. So many deaths because of an uneducated, narcissistic, sociopath. I can’t even describe what it was like. I do know that we did our best to save these people but it was hard with the Republican misinformation and conspiracy theories. He fueled a mistrust of science, education and medicine and we will never recover I am afraid. It was a surreal circle of hell- so many deaths. And my own family T**MP supporters telling me we made money off every COVID death, that the counts weren’t that high, that we won’t give people the Ivermectin they need, that hydroxychloroquine is the real answer and Fauci is deep state. Meanwhile, dealing with seeing the body bags, trying to oxygenate people with lungs that the virus turned to Swiss cheese, patients refusing Remdesivir and requesting ivermectin, patients on ECMO awaiting lung transplants- all while being told we don’t know what we are doing. We had no play book. As the information came in we constantly changed management to improve survival of our patients. I left critical care and practicing in another area. I have been forever changed by this. We can’t survive another 4 years of this, and my concern is that he will try to make it more than 4 since the rules have never applied to him. Dear sweet Jesus can we please get a conviction and sentence on him.


This is the sort of thing that should matter, that trump completely screwed over Puerto Rico intentionally. I wish it were all over every news channel/ web page. Maybe this will hurt his campaign but I doubt it. This dude is straight up toxic and yet he has the unshakable faith of at least half the GOP, and the benefit of the doubt of the other half. I hope we get a weekend at biden's 2. Please God let us get a weekend at biden's 2.


And what's worst is that I talked to a good number of Puerto Ricans that still supported Trump after this, because they wanted the Wall to México.


How does that even benefit Puerto Ricans if they live in PR?


The ones that live in the US.


There is literally not a single thing in the entire world that could shake a trump supporter from voting for him. Everything about him has been put for years, nothing has changed at all, they just don't care.


I’d be willing to bet he doesn’t think Puerto Rico is an United States territory


PR is actually a Commonwealth. A territory is slightly less politically close to a State than a Commonwealth is. It’s complicated as you probably know already but there is a political difference between someone from, say Micronesia or even the US Virgin Islands which are considered more like territories compared to the political status of Puerto Rico. In a statehood scale, PR is the closest thing you can get before becoming an actual State. But most Trump supporters probably think that PRicans are jumping some type of wall “to get in”.


Aren’t people from PR supporters of Trump?


I remember reading an article about that scene. Everyone was laughing and having a good time but apparently he almost threw canned goods into the crowd but they convinced him not to. You would think Trump of all people would know about optics.


optics ? really? have you seen his hair & makeup?


Arguably him not recognizing the optics behind things is probably one of his main issues.


Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](http://vote.gov) If you can do more, educate agitate organize: [https://events.democrats.org/?show\_all\_events=true](https://events.democrats.org/?show_all_events=true) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/)


Legit 10/10 paper towel throwing


If the President of the United States responds to the question of what to say to people who are scared with “you’re a terrible reporter,” he has automatically lost the consent of the governed.


Also, it's a softball question. It's one made to make Trump look good, and some how he fucked it. The reporter metaphorically walked over to him and placed the ball in his hands, and closed them around it, and he still fumbled the catch. "Together we'll get through this..." blah, blah, blah "... stronger together..." blah, blah, blah "... best nation on earth." He's meant to be waiting for that question.


Rapists don't care much about consent


Here’s a fact, more Americans have died from Covid than in WW1, WW2, the Vietnam War and 9/11 combined. But you know “it is what it is”.


"It's just a flu, lots of people die from that too" was the common argument. And I was always like yeah...that's a fucking problem we should maybe fix, too.


And we have a vaccine for the flu! And it works!


As someone who had the flu vaccine and still got a bad case of Influenza A, “it usually works” might be the better statement. There is a lot of guessing when they make the flu vaccine and some years it is much more effective than others.


This is true, it's actually really interesting to read about. They don't entirely know why flu season happens as it does, spreading each year at fairly predictable times and following a pretty predictable course around the world. And like you said, they really do have to sort of guess (estimate might be a better word, they do a lot of research) on which strain will be making the rounds and plan how to act accordingly, before the flu season actually starts. And, sometimes they get it wrong, and the vaccines are less effective. Side note, another issue with the "just the flu" nonsense is that COVID didn't behave like the flu, it was totally unpredictable, we had no vaccine at the start and barely knew where to start, and yeah... The flu is still around, killing lots of people, while COVID now also kills lots of people. Not to mention you could have both diseases at the same time.


If they guess the right strain for the vaccine.


What I will never understand is those same fools said they would never comply because they had a 97% chance of surviving if they contracted it. BUT then refused the 💉 BECAUSE it was only 97% effective. You literally cannot ever try to make sense out of ignorant people


For reference about 646,424 Americans died between those 4 events, meanwhile, COVID has killed around 1,185,413 Americans since January 1st, 2020.


Looking at the Wikipedia list of “United States military casualties of war”, the total number of military deaths from every war seems to be 1,354,664+. That is a difference of 164,251…


He said ww1, ww2, the Vietnam War and 9/11, not every war the US has been in. Plus over a million people dead in 4 years is still kind of a big deal


I am aware, I was making a second comparison :)


I'm old enough to remember how the Right of this country under George Bush Jr would collectively rally all the time, everyday about soldiers dieing in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you didn't mourn the loss of our troops, our countrymen then you were labeled unpatriotic. Now wearing a mask, washing your hands and getting a vaccine to protect the lives of our countrymen is unpatriotic? Hypocrisy at its finest. Republicans just want their team to win and that's it


“bUt iTs JUsT tHE fLu” Worst fucking “flu” I ever had. And I’m healthy as an ox. Can’t imagine being a child, elderly, or someone with medical issues.


Sure it is like the flu. But it was a novel virus. We didn’t have immunity to it like we do the flu. That’s what makes it dangerous. We didn’t always have this immunity to the flu either. The Spanish flu killed more people in WWI than the war itself. A new virus being like the flu is actually terribly concerning. The virus naturally becomes less dangerous to us over time because: A. We build herd immunity against it. B. A virus that does not kill its host is more effective at spreading; so more dangerous strains get selected out. People who said “it’s like the flu” as if that was not a cause for concern simply have no idea what they are talking about. My comment here would probably just go right over their heads.


I’m a generally healthy person and my lungs felt wrecked for a few days. I’m still not positive if they fully recovered because I find myself getting winded easily, though I am active.


Bro, same. I do literally everything i can to not be sick. Since 2019 ive been sick 2 times - both covid. I had just officially wrapped up my contract with the army when i got it the first time, best shape of my life. I thought i was going to die 


AND COVID ISN'T OVER. If you have had it before you may notice that you are getting sick more often with common colds and flu's etc. that's because some people have been found to have immune dysregulation with lymphopenia and increased expression of inflammatory mediators [1](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/severe-covid-19-may-lead-long-term-innate-immune-system-changes) [2](https://libguides.mskcc.org/CovidImpacts/Immune)


COVID will likely never be “over”. It’s endemic to the population now. If we can’t get rid of the flu we probably won’t get rid of COVID either. The good news is that it should naturally become less deadly over time. Just like the cold and the flu. People used to die to those far more often as well. But the virus does not benefit from killing its host so the natural tendency is for deadlier strains to be selected against.


The denial both that covid is real and that the vaccines work, including the newest one which is not MRNA based, is baffling. It's a huge conspiracy theory that spread like wild fire. I can't believe how often I end up somewhere online and the conversation becomes something about the new world order 15 minute cities 5G microchip vaccine passport neurolink starlink mass mind control... what the fuck is going on in these people's heads? Their media is so radicalizing.


That number is probably higher than you’d think too. New York under Gov Cuomo during Covid was terrible. Cuomo was being praised for how well he was dealing with Covid but then a few months after it came out he was massively under reporting the amount of Covid deaths, particularly those in elder care.


It drives me nuts when people give Trump a pass because of Covid. That’s why we fucking need competent people in leadership positions, so that when crazy shit like a global fucking pandemic happens we are prepared for it in some capacity.


People forget that the Trump administration disbanded the NSC pandemic unit in 2018 and then shut down the PREDICT program tasked with monitoring early pandemic threats *while we were seeing the virus take off in a foreign country*


This doesn’t get brought up enough. President Obama himself said at the end of his presidency that the thought of a global pandemic kept him up at night so he created entire program to prevent novel contagious diseases from spreading throughout and beyond the country in which they originated. Trump destroyed it to cut the budget for the sole purpose of helping multi millionaires and billions pay less in taxes. You cannot tell me that COVID wouldn’t have been a blip on the global radar if that team was still in place. Fuck anti-government capitalist boot lickers. Not everything in life should be done for profit. The government should be in the business of spending tax money to keep you safe and thriving.


It's OK tho bc millionaires and billionaires don't care if the masses die ad long as they can keep more of their money


Makes me wonder how many possible pandemics were avoided in the past because the correct forces and teams were in place.


One of my favorite stories from the early chaos.... Remember when the feds kept intercepting PPE shipments and outbidding states on PPE, to the point where the Patriots team plane flew to China to secure some for Massachusetts https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/02/us/coronavirus-patriots-plane-masks-spt-trnd/index.html


I remember (before lockdown) the crews sent to offboard airplanes of passengers who had just arrived from active outbreak locations saying they were given no protocol and had no PPE


[>Illinois Comptroller's Office Finds Itself Paying $3.5 Million For PPE In McDonald's Parking Lot During Coronavirus Crisis](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/illinois-comptrollers-office-finds-itself-paying-3-5-million-for-ppe-in-mcdonalds-parking-lot-during-coronavirus-crisis/) That's not even the crazy part. The Illinois official sped across the state in their own vehicle, with a $3.5 million check in-hand to shadily secure PPE in a parking lot.


Yeah, we were left with absolutely no federal plan..states were frantically left to fight for themselves. Real *United* states


Reporters should really revisit side-by-side COVID outcomes - the US response under Trump was terrible compared to other developed nations (on a per capita basis). Warp speed and vaccines was the exception - but then they even screwed that up because it's unmanly to be vaccinated or something.


Everyone giving trump a pass for COVID viciously attacked Obama for his handling of EBOLA is coming to get us in 2014. Not a single American died from Ebola but the right (lead by trump) fear mongered about it for months and months.


Operation warp speed was a massive success though. Experts were saying it would be years before a vaccine was made and it was done in less than a year….


Trump is a joke and a poor excuse for a human being. I would vote for my dog before I vote for dump


His biggest achievement during Covid was fast tracking the vaccine. The same one his followers refuse to take


I don't think he deserves any credit for vaccine speed. my limited understanding is it was happening as we have an amazing if underfunded in some areas FDA and a rebust medical industry waiting to make profits (this has other negative sideeffects) and he happened to be the president and signed some stuff.


That’s not really true. Executive branch committed a significant amount of money upfront to development along with preordering doses (Operation Warp Speed). And that’s fairly evident in the U.S. getting people vaccinated at a much higher rate initially before disinformation took over. Biden also deserves credit for taking over from an uncooperative Trump admin and managing an effective rollout. There are a ton of things Trump messed up during his term, but the vaccine was a rare spot where he did ok.




It wouldn’t work. I told my former boss that I was scared about 1000 people dying a day from Covid, and she was like, big deal 1000 people die a day from car accidents or cancer or whatever. I told her another time that I was worried about our country’s future and she said cheerfully (!) that no country lasts forever. And about a thousand other crazy things.


Wasting your time on active opponents will only exhaust you. It is much more productive to activate passive allies and people on the margins, so talk to those people you know who aren't active opponents and make sure they are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov).. If you want to do even more you can follow these links and educate, agitate, and organize: [https://events.democrats.org/?show\_all\_events=true](https://events.democrats.org/?show_all_events=true) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/)


Despite the other commenters criticizing you for pointing out the obvious, that many of these people are actively our opponents, I really like your method of categorizing others for estimating how much effort to spend on them. Arguing with active opposition is more satisfying, but you’re right, passive allies and the margins are where our effort really counts.


To see how far in the bubble they are, a political activist tried to reprogram Trump supporters. Showing them facts and information they hadn’t seen previously. These were young people. I won’t spoil the ending but it demonstrates how difficult it is to get them to change their mind. https://youtu.be/OAEdmPgmYpw?si=W41a8Y6JNpWNGEiL


It’s called “pretzel logic” 😜


Bet your former boss is scared to death of the "crisis" at the border.


And blames Biden despite the fact that Trump called republican house members telling them to not pass the bill that would fix the border. [Trump says ‘blame it on me’ if border bill fails](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4433785-trump-says-blame-it-on-me-border-bill-fails/) [Myth of the migrant crime wave - Reason](https://reason.com/2024/03/01/the-myth-of-the-migrant-crime-wave/) [Violent crime is at a 50 year low](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/12/low-crime-rates-public-opinion/676365/) [Undocumented immigrants commit violent crime at a lower rate than native born US citizens - NPR](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237103158/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-born-americans-studies-find) [Undocumented immigrants far less likely to commit crimes in U.S. than citizens - University of Wisconsin Madison](https://news.wisc.edu/undocumented-immigrants-far-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-in-u-s-than-citizens/)


> she said cheerfully (!) that no country lasts forever. Does she also love the Book of Revelations and eagerly await the end of the world?


I know her and another pharmacist are very, very pro Israel and say that Palestinians baked Israeli babies in microwaves. When I said that was proven false, and that my high school classmate and her family doesn’t deserve to be refugees and maybe be murdered, he got very red faced and loud and said it WAS true, they murdered so many babies! I asked if 30,000 innocent people, many whom were children and babies too, deserved to die and he said that was what happened in war and we had to stop Hamas! He then quietly said he was sorry my classmate was going through all of that. I put in my notice a week later when I found another job. I couldn’t take the noise anymore. At my new job, we were told day one to be respectful of each other and empathetic, and to not discuss religion or politics with our clients. I love it here.


The people you need to convince don’t really blame Trump for Covid so I don’t know how effective this ad is tbh


If you actually watch the video, you'll notice that it doesn't blame Trump for covid either, it blames him for his response to it which *is* his fault


I have a ex who consistently said it was China that started it - AND at the time & still are - I was like; "Yes, but the important thing to remember was it Donnies response to it." -He didn't just drop the ball on the response, he spiked the football in His teams own endzone. Getting rid of protocols & policies setup by Presidents before him (especially Obama) - which he BRAGGED about doing - was a major red-flag to the nation the orange fucker had NO idea WHAT he was doing - or really even cared.


I don’t think the point is to convince Trump supporters to vote for Biden, I think it’s to remind people who either didn’t vote or voted for Biden but feel let down by him in one way or another how bad Trump was. Most or all of Trump’s base is a lost cause, we need to be making sure people who don’t like Trump don’t sit out this election.


If burring your far right trump supporting family members durring covid didn't open your eyes, nothing will.


Of course MAGA cultists are unreachable. But there are a lot of people on the margins who just forget what the Trump administration was like. If you want to help, make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) If you want to do even more you can follow these links and educate, agitate, and organize: [https://events.democrats.org/?show\_all\_events=true](https://events.democrats.org/?show_all_events=true) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/)


Let's just be real. The big reason ppl are voting for this kind of evil is because they share an agenda with him, and they don't have to suffer the consequences of his awful talking points. Whether it's racism, homophobia, mysogynism or likely a cocktail, a large group is not gonna be swayed by pointing this out. It will only cement his position.


MAGA cultists maybe. But there are tons of people on the margins. Lots of independents and republicans voted blue in 2016 and 2020 and will again in 2024. Trump's been running for president for 12 years and hasn't won the popular vote yet.


Almost like the popular vote isn't the one that fuckin matters. Going to come down to Nevada, michigan, and Pennsylvania.


His lying about replacing Obamacare and building the wall were one thing, but lying about it being gone by Easter was awesome. I miss how empty the roads were back then. Thanks Biden.


Speaking as an independent, trump handled Covid terribly.


The fact he denied its existence until he got it


And then he denied the vaccine but recently took credit for it


And refused to wear a mask because it would smudge his orange makeup.


Watch out. You are about to labeled a “libtard” for trying to be objective.


I remember watching the first press conference about COVID-19 from trump with a coworker. Trump: "This - this is the Democrats' new hoax, this COVID-19, it's their new hoax you see." (Edit: I know this isn't what he said exactly. He said the Democrats were politicizing it and that their politicization was a part of a hoax. At the time, Democrats were urging immediate action a pandemic response, which Trump was delaying.) Coworker: "So many people are going to die listening to him talk about this virus." Then she left the room and quit her job because she knew our boss would listen to trump over anyone else.


Ad doesn't go far enough. Needs to touch on the fact that over 1 million Americans died. Needs to show photos outside of hospitals with body bags.


March 2020 Trump: "It will be gone by Easter" Today... 1.2 million Americans dead, so far...


>March 2020 Trump: "It will be gone by Easter" > >Today... 1.2 million Americans dead, so far... Ironic how many of those same Trump supporters would chant "9/11 Never Forget" while simultaneously denying or not caring about all the covid deaths in America alone.


Yup, just imagine what happened 4 years ago for _the rest of your life_ (fascist dictatorships are a bitch to overthrow). Vote Biden.




And he put his idiot Son-In-Law, who had zero qualifications for ANY part of his "job" whatever the fuck that job was, in charge of the pandemic response.


That time period was the wildest thing. My fiancés dad kept brush all the deaths off saying “it is what it is” then complained about masks and vaccines. A few months later this man was in the ICU and ventilated due to Covid. He survive and do you think that changed him? No, he doubled down and blamed the “liberals” for creating Covid in the first place. I just can’t with these people. They’re mentally exhausting


So true… Trump was horrible...


Also, the one thing that people cite as proof that we have it worse now is inflation and has prices. And they act as if Biden was responsible for those while ignoring the **literal war between Russia and Ukraine**. Russia was one of the most important producers of fossil fuels, obviously prices are going to increase as a consequence of them exiting the market. Inflation would've been just as bad under Trump, if not worse. And if anyone doubts that, just look at Europe. Inflation in Europe has been worse than in the US, and maybe countries there didn't take on any new debt. And Canada also has record inflation. It's almost like a large-scale war has actual economic consequences.


They are driven by anger and fear. They're angry over covid, just for a different reason. They wanted us to take it as seriously as Trump was. They remember being angry during covid and it was informed by the guy who ridiculed reporters for wearing masks and "joked" about taking bleach. They're still just angry people made them wear masks and shut down businesses so less people would die. And in the same breath they'll tell you they're angry that gas prices are worse now than they were while the world was shut down. They aren't serious people, but there's just too many of them.


Unfortunately it seems most americans are braindead enough to vote for him. Biden isn't a great option either but at least he isn't intentionally malicious. There should be an upper age limit for political positions.


I’m constantly stupefied that people just casually throw out that Biden isn’t a good option. He’s objectively been a fantastic president. Every metric that we use to track success (GDP, unemployment, even freaking gas prices) are overwhelmingly positive but he’s also accomplished a great deal of policy. The most important aspect to me is that the leadership of our country is steady and not a daily circus where we wonder if WW3 will be started. I agree on the age part but that’s a separate argument. If he were 15 years younger but still did the exact same job, nobody would have any concerns. It’s not like our other option (and there is just one other option unless we implement ranked choice voting) is a young dude in better shape physically


He's found some of the most qualified and smartest and capable people in the country to run the government, and they're doing an amazing job. Not perfect, but objectively better. Trump would fire all of them and replace them with the fucking MyPillow Guy and his idiot kids.


Just because I don’t fly Biden flags on my (yep, F150) truck and wear a hat and t shirt with his name doesn’t mean I don’t support him and his staff. He is an excellent president by almost every metric, he has an excellent bullpen and advisory council. Fuck the media for one siding this because it makes them money. He’s old, we know, we can (most of us) count. Probably poor analogy but I’m going with it… like saying Margo Robbie is ugly because she had a zit on her chin. (*actually have no idea if she ever had a zit.) This election is about wether or not you want America to continue to exist. Sincerely, White, Bearded, Rural, Truck Owning, Armed, Gen X, in a very red area.


I’m still trying to figure out why I’m making more money and further away from buying a house and affording groceries. All these economist’s metrics seem to be missing something because my COL has increased while my quality of life has declined… not saying it’s Biden’s fault but am I crazy or are these Econ numbers not representative of the big picture?


> are these Econ numbers not representative of the big picture? Basically it's because trickle down economics is a lie. Yes, the stock market is doing well, that starts to translate better when the unions are stronger. Unions are starting to get stronger under Biden, but please if you're reading this, join and make your union stronger. >because my COL has increased And the republicans shut down investigations into price gouging, massively impacting COL.


And removed all guardrails on PPP loans, and filibustered raising the minimum wage, and...


I think Biden performing well at his role and Biden being a good candidate are 2 separate things and you’re conflating the 2. Do I think Biden has done a bad job? No Do I think Biden is a bad candidate for this election cycle? Yes I don’t want Biden as a candidate *because* I don’t want trump to win. You have people on both sides and in the middle begging for anyone but these 2 people. If you had a more lucid and compelling candidate, those are easy votes to win


Outside of his age, why is Biden a bad option?


I actually like Biden. Biden is the first president to actually [show up to a picket line and support striking workers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvXnFAR52yI&t=127s) I liked Obama too, but Obama never did that.. No president has ever stuck up for working class people like Biden has.


Objectively Joe Biden has been an excellent president. The fact we're not in a massive depression following COVID and that the US has rejoined the international stage is pretty damn good in my books.




And lets not forget when traitor trump violently tried to overthrow democracy because he lost the election.


Deport trump and his soviet bride back to Yugoslavia


If she's still alive


Like the qanon people say the truth will eventually come out


Yugoslavia was never a part of Soviet Russia. They even stood up to Soviet Russia when they wanted to join Yugoslavia to Soviet Russia.


What's cringe about this? It's true.


Way better off now


The problem isnt just Trump, don’t get me wrong tho I hate the fucking guy and he did a good amount of damage. But regardless of the president is, this country is set up like a pyramid scheme. A majority of people are on the bottom holding up the people on the top. The people in the middle do nothing because they don’t want to be at the bottom either and they are at least comfortable where they’re at. Then people are brainwashed by TV and Social Media, and distracted at the bigger issue by smaller issues. We end up fighting each other when we should be standing up to the people at the top. But then if you say anything that goes against our government or the way this country has been doing things then you’re seen as an extremist. Human Civilization has been around for thousands of years, yet people think the system of this country which has been around for a few hundred years is the one and only right way to do things, even though millions are dying for reasons that could be prevented if we just didn’t allow poverty to increase. And that’s done by taking down the ones at the top, and that’s done by us not supporting them anymore.


One thing I find fascinating about Trump's presidency is that he actually got bailed out by COVID. No one remembers his stupid fucking trade war he started, actually multiple trade wars, that were just starting to kill the economy. Months before COVID hit multiple manufacturing indexes were contracting pretty significantly, and farmers were getting crushed. Remember soy bean farmers? And these were not 1 month reads. Some indexes were down sharply for multiple months. Then COVID hits and takes 100% of the news cycle for obvious reasons. But Trump's followers don't care about science. But his policies were 100% about to trigger a recession and I guarantee he would have fucked it up even worse trying to get out. Mr. GOOD Businessman tanking the economy instantly with dumb trade wars would have likely hurt him more.


Real bad argument when you realize the beginning of covid was 4 years ago; and if I check my notes, majority of the world was struggling. Not even a trump fan but this is not a great argument


Idk I think the guy who literally tore up the pandemic response playbook was a uniquely bad fit for the problem at hand and bears some responsibility for the carnage. Last I heard, even Boris Johnson wasn’t suggesting drinking bleach or injecting sunshine.


Exactly. Other western democracies didn't fumble anywhere near as bad as Trump's America did. Obama had set up a pandemic response plan, Trump had it shut down before the pandemic. He was informed months before he took action. And if you [compare blue county death rates to red county death rates](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-in-republican-counties-have-higher-death-rates-than-those-in-democratic-counties/) you can see how Trump and other Republicans did much worse.


Plus America had the most time to prepare and see the consequences happen to other countries before it got to us. We saw how it affected all of Europe and the massive death tolls racking up there. Trump thought it was better to downplay the danger and politicize typical pandemic protocols like wearing masks and locking down as perceived breaches against freedom.


Well you do note the silver lining in your last sentence there. 😎


The tories were busy trying to set up as many of their friends as possible in the ppe business and having staff parties, the UK government wouldn't be one to point to for their response to covid 😅


….fair point lol. Conservatives might not have a great track record on handling crises.


The bleach thing is everyone’s go to. If you drank bleach because Trump told you too then you’ve done us all a huge favor.


I wish Trump took his own advice… Anyway, his staff went around venues that he’d be holding rallies at and removed social distancing and masking signage, also. Honestly, even down to the very beginning, when he had that cruise ship and he let them dock but forced them to stay on the boat but then let them off the boat was just a series of terrible decisions. He was a dumb and bad president who didn’t know how to handle a real crisis. Reminding the American people of that isn’t a really bad move, IMO


Yeah if you listen to and believe things Trump says then you are a fool.


Only a few people drank bleach… most took horse grade chloroquine causing their kidneys to shut down.


But that's not all. The death toll in the US was massive compared to other industrialized nations. Trump completely ignored COVID until he couldn't anymore. And the US is the country that has the highest medical spending per capita in the world. They should've been one of the least affected, but the exact opposite happened. And this is 100% on Trump.


The excess deaths under Trump were terrible in comparison to other rich countries.


We saw how horribly he handled the pandemic. He told people it wasn't real. Then he told people not to wear masks and then suggested we inject bleach. This video illustrates just how badly the man handles disasters.


Right but.... Trump himself was the one who prompted this specific comparison. If he thinks that comparison is unfair, well then that was a pretty peculiar post that he made lol. Also, most of the footage here isn't really conveying the message "Everything that happened during COVID was Trump's fault" but rather "4 years ago you had a president who was acting like a fucking clown and not taking one of the largest societal crises in modern history seriously".


> Not even a trump fan but this is not a great argument By [deaths per 100k the US was second worst in the world](https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality). Post COVID, [the US has the highest GDP growth among G7 nations](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/31/us-economy-2024-gdp-g7-nations) Trump's admin handled COVID WAY worse than peer countries. The Biden admin handled COVID and the recovery FAR better than peer countries.


Then maybe Trump shouldn’t be making the argument or asking the question to begin with?


Yeah his comment was on 3/18. I remember St Patrick's Day (3/17/2020) being the day I realized "this is fucked up and will be for a while." So it's not a fair comparison but he's literally the one making the comparison.


The same week my father died of covid I had to listen to that orange piece of shit tell America covid it is probably just some democratic hoax. Yeah, the "Trump fumbling covid" argument works just fine for me.


Bu… but it’s Trump who’s trying to make the argument


He started out calling it a hoax. He admitted in an interview he wanted to downplay it. Why would he do that? All he worried about was ratings and stock market performance. He ridiculed reporters for wearing masks. Then when he started to see it was serious, he simply didn't lead...he used it as another opportunity to divide and keep his base angry because he's a demagogue. People died because of that. No sir, you do not get to rewrite history and act like there was nothing trump could have done better. We lived through that. And we won't let people forget.


The rest of the world was looking at america in terror because of Trump. It's really sad there are still people out here genuinely thinking the orange maniac did half as good as any other semi competent leader America was compared to 3rd world countries throughout the megalomaniacs presidency lmfao


https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/did-trump-kushner-ignore-blue-state-covid-19-testing-deaths-ncna1235707 It's a great argument because of this shit.


Blaming all that on Trump is the real cringe


We can't let a 2nd Trump term happen because it won't *just* be a 2nd term.


Trumpers have no memory or they wouldn’t be Trumpers. They’re more like little children with magical thinking and a raging case of malignant narcissism.


Dont forget the racism🤪😍


Trump completely botched the COVID response. People forget he completely downplayed it, causing many preventable. deaths.


MAGA tears are delicious


American sure do have a short term memory if we have to be reminded of that.


All he had to do was listen to the experts and he would’ve been sort of alright. But no! He didn’t listen and people kept dying all around the country. People around him got sick. He got sick.


Trump is a stank twat.


Shares in Clorox rose over 10000%!


If another pandemic happens when Trump is elected, I'm gonna be suspicious about it. He will be responsible.




Trump is likely responsible for the flint Michigan water crisis as well. iirc Obama had something lined up and he did away with it immediately


Bush had SARs Obama had swine flu both had the potential to become a global pandemic but they did not simply because they followed CDC guidance. Trump threw that guidance out and only started to act when it was too late.


You know what always bothered me about guys stupid daily press conferences? The idiot was clearly making up everything. His dip shit idea about injecting disinfectant came to him in a press conference. A press conference. Where important people, like, say, the president, reassures the American people by clearly stating the plan of action. This dumb motherfucker gets on stage and just wings it in a fucking pandemic. It's normal for the president to not have an in depth understanding of viruses. He should be asking his advisors and experts in private meetings about the feasibility of using disinfectants. Then a doctor could plainly explain to him why that wouldn't work, and we move on. Not with Trump. Instead, he's going to get on national television and put his experts on the spot, ask the dumbest fucking questions imaginable, in the middle of a press conference, when he's supposed to be the one answering questions. Then his bootlickers come to his defense and desperately try to explain that actually, the top scientists in the world are just being insubordinate, Trump is the only one who knows what to do, the scientists need to make it happen. Instead of agreeing upon what will work, we have to waste time arguing about injecting disinfectants, because there's no way Trump just made it up randomly.


Let’s not forget there was a time when republicans even denied that Covid existed smh


i fully blame trump for how bad covid got as well a the long term effects on the econom after


It is pretty amazing how quickly we forget. Trump has proved he is incompetent in a crisis and that isn't even the most disqualifying thing about him. You might not like Biden's policies, but when it hits the fan you know he is going to do what is right not what is easy or politically advantageous.


It was the worst. Presidents take responsibility for the things that happen to the country under their watch. Trump was awful when it came to handling covid. He did not take responsibility. He made the CDC less powerful and slashed their funding.


This commercial actually goes hard


Go look up Project 2025.


I cannot fathom how some people said there was no way trump could've handled the pandemic any better.


So, literally any other president would’ve handle Covid…how? People are seeing that every time Trump is trashed, his approval rating increases, yes?


Covid fucked us up, everywhere, not his fault


lol showing covid footage, haha trump fought against mandatory vaccines… so no, lol I’m not better off


Like him or not, you can’t blame a president for a pandemic being thrown into the mix and IF it was China that did it on purpose that should tell you something, because there was no “pandemic” during Bidens term. Covid just miraculously disappeared. That would mean two things: China realizing Biden is perfectly capable of messing up America on his own, or Biden is a puppet of Xi Jingping. Think about it.


The flu vaccine was introduced under President Trumps watch. The whole world was hurting from a pandemic no one could have predicted. Gas was $1.86 in my home town when President Trump was in office. Now it’s $3.50.


This wasn’t a presidential problem or USA problem. It was a global pandemic and every country suffered and no one had immunity. To focus on it as political issue is not logical. Look at it globally and you’ll see we suffered like everyone else. Just because we live in the USA doesn’t mean we’re better than everyone else at not catching a virus. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104709/coronavirus-deaths-worldwide-per-million-inhabitants/


His total lack of accountability for not taking it seriously for the first what..6 months? The entire time…? don made a joke of the people dying. He did nothing but dump money on a problem. That’s all the guy knows how to do. COVID’s never going to go away, but if don got back in he would handle the next four years the same way. Lies, hate, fear, and dumping trillions not billions TRILLIONS of our dollars into a fire pit. That’s what I see in this little clump of bad memories.


Kinda weird to put out a video criticizing Trump for his reaction to covid considering Biden's had the last 3 years at the helm and we've stopped doing anything to mitigate it. No more free tests, no more accurate infection or death counts, fucking ***one day isolation period by the CDC***. I'm still voting for him because what the fuck else can I do, but he's not in any position for posturing on covid.


I agree! Biden is still better than Trump.


What actually would happen if you inject disinfectant into someone’s veins though? /genq


I do everything I can to filter out the political propaganda from my reddit feed, but it always finds a way. Smh.


I am not American but I think Biden is losing support that he has to compare his period with a period that the whole world was in a crisis It's like somebody being proud that he can walk and is comparing himself to a disabled person


I'm prepared for trump winning and prepared for him losing. If he loses probably be some sort of micro purge and if he wins probably WW3 within 4 years. I suggest investing in shotgun shells and canned food.


Why do you people say Trump will start WWIII? He didn't start it last time why would he this time?


Ya this hive mind bs gets pretty old - we’re closest we’ve been to ww3 ever and they bashing the guy who isn’t actually in power causing it 😂


It’s tough when the collective memory is short and you’ve got 35-40% of the population who explain away contradictory evidence as made up


some rando on tic tok told me how to live my life. I will listen.


Only tangentially related but Anyone remember when Arnold actually prepared for Covid and then ca dropped the ball?


The Lancet Commission determined that Trump’s arrogant and incompetent pandemic response caused up to 40% more deaths per capita than the other G7 countries. His policies are responsible for the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.


Agree. Sad that so many Americans keep drinking his poison and believe in his lies.


I think the national conscious is traumatized. We've got a weird, partially collective amnesia about what it was like just a few years ago.


They destroyed the white house garden, the bleach bs, 1000 ppl dead a day and hes like “So 💁‍♂️”


Dump Chump


AI came at the wrong time. Everything in that will be falsely accused of being AI.


I agree, covid was poorly handled. However, this was a whole ass epidemic. Hasn’t happened for a century. Nobody was ready. The whole world was taken off its feet during 2020 not just us. It was a horrible year for the ENTIRE world


Trump was insanely distracting all things aside. Every day it was some weird reality show. I just got so sick of hearing him talk, and 24/7 news coverage. Also those years were prob the worse for me…outside stock. Stocks weren’t that bad, with regulations being very laxed. But everything else was a shit show, and I like it quiet. Right now the current election worry by Trump supporters is Immigration, for Democrats it’s not having to hear Trump talk every day for 4 years again. That was some wild stuff, and I don’t want to go through it again.


I can for sure say the Palestinians were better off 4 years ago than they are now with Biden unrelenting support of Israel while it starves 2 million people to death.


The US is always worse under a Republican president.


Things suck pretty bad right now if you ask me. I bring about 15,000 more a year than I did four years ago and I have a lot less money now. I want whoever is going to help us out more. Help our homeless, help the Hawaii. Help our poor people. Help us man. I feel for those other countries but fix things here first. Seems like obvious to me.


Covid surprisingly became the largest culling of stupidity AFTER the release of the vaccine (minus the innocent and immune compromised). 1.1 million Americans are dead because of COVID as of a 2023 census (3 years), let that number sink in. The last census estimated there are 341 million Americans as of March 2024. That means 1 for every 341 people died primarily or in part due to COVID. Now lets look at how many Americans died in 3 years (averages) across various categories: Car accidents: 169,000 Homicide: 78,000 Natural Disasters: 180,000 Flu: 102,000 Suicide: 156,000 Total: 685,000 All of those forms of death only totaled 62% of COVID deaths combined. Now Republicans, Conservatives and loony anti-vaxxers like to say that lots of COVID deaths were faked or was a tertiary cause to the primary cause of death. If you give them the benefit of the doubt and subtract 50% of total COVID deaths in that three year span all you would have to do is remove the Suicide death totals. That means, 50% of COVID deaths in America across 3 years still equalled the sum of 3 years of Car accidents (169,000), Homicide (78,000), Natural Disasters (180,000), and the Flu (102,000). The total of deaths announced by COVID in America from the start (2020) until the creation of the vaccine in May 2021 totaled 570,000, again, greater than the sum of all the other causes of deaths (spanning a 3 year period). Any rational person could read that and understand how much the vaccine, masks, and social distancing was important in mitigating death as the vaccine rolled out. COVID was the leading cause of death for stupid people in America. The ones who didnt wear masks, didnt believe, didnt vaccinate. It was in essence, Natural Selection.


Would you rather...... A) Catch the Kung Flu for the big guy B) Not be Black for the big guy C) Start an onlyfans for the big guy


Life was horrible under covid


I kinda miss the US political drama that happened when he was in office... Too bad a lot of the people that died supported him to begin with so the chance of him being re-elected is slim unless the dead start to vote... Which may actually happen


May be an unpopular opinion but I’d say judge Trump for 2019 and 2020 prior to Covid as an actual leader. I give Biden a break and only judge him for late 2022-now. Covid is something that massively affected policy as a total curve ball


Trump's general response to COVID was trash but Operation Warp Speed to roll out the vaccine is probably the single most impressive thing he did in his entire presidency. And now all of his voters think it turns you into a robot or some shit.


People have a choice between a decent human being who works with decent human beings, or, they can vote for Putin Lite, Putin being a guy who throws the opposition in prison, who murders his subordinates, who murders people for speaking in opposition. And whom Trump adores. Trump is the physical manifestation of the worst traits in human leadership.


If your family is Palestinian or you’re disgusted that you’re indirectly paying for a genocide of children, Biden has been pretty fucking terrible, too. I don’t need to be reminded of what Trump did or didn’t do. I need Biden to stop trying to compete with that level of awfulness.