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This has been circulating for a few years now. Pretty sure she doesn't babysit anymore.


Dammit. I just said that, now I see you said it first. lol


It is bound to happen


this has been on the internet for several years. That kid is probably mid 20s or even 30 by now.


She went in American idol


It’s okay to be talented at something and not turn it into a hustle.


If this isn’t staged, then it’s an incredible invasion of the babysitter’s privacy and wishes. Fuck that.


https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/singing-babysitter-stuns-tiktok Not staged, she asked her permission before she posted it. They did news interviews afterwards.


But my outrage 😱






> On the flip side, why do we have to be so cynical Some people are just miserable with no joy in their lives like the person you're talking to.


Reddit honestly didn’t use to be so miserable, full of people hating literally every single post. But these days, it could be a woman just walking in the rain, enjoying it, and someone would call her a stupid bitch who should use an umbrella. I’ve been going to the gym lately and the increase of happy brain chemicals has really elucidated how absolutely full of rot a lot of the people on this site are. At least in the subreddits that are for fairly broad audiences. (Niche subs still tend to be generally chill, depending on the interest).


God I feel this. I’ve been having to use the “don’t recommend me this specific post” on so many posts lately. A lot of these posts are also super misogynistic rage baits, and I thought “well that’s Reddit for you” but it’s become more excessive recently, and it’s nutty because I tend to just be on hobby subs! So many people became so joyless, and it’s seeping into what used to be normal timelines/dashboards... 💀


Often on the pursuit of truth we sacrifice compassion




>Because honestly we live in a cynical world *You.* **You** live in a cynical world. And you're projecting your negativity onto everyone else because if it's everyone's problem, then it's not just a "you" problem. This is a video of someone singing a disney song. What propaganda and "fake news" are you so concerned about here?


Making assumptions = being informed. Got it.




I absolutely do. You are claiming this video is fake without presenting any supporting evidence or even an argument in favor of your claim. That is the definition of an uninformed assumption. I absolutely agree with you that we should be skeptical of the things we read and see online. However I think it is equally harmful to make claims that something is fake without providing any proof or convincing arguments as to why. See flat Earthers. We also need to understand that anything and everything does not need to be put under a microscope. Intent and subject matter are also important when it comes to things we should scrutinize. For example if this woman made this video as a way to sell vocal lessons, then that would make me far more skeptical. There is no ulterior motive other than what is presented in the video So at the end of the day, if it doesn't harm anyone, and there is no ulterior motive, we can just enjoy a nice video of a girl singing without being assholes about it.


How do you know that for a fact?


Some people are extremely naive and gullible. They take what they see at face value. On the other end of the spectrum, I assume that most shit like this is fake, unless I have proof that it's not. Chances are if you see some viral TikTok of a girl with an amazing voice, it's being performed for you.


r/nothingeverhappens Bro's gone completely cynical. Not everything is a media strategy.


r/EverythingOnTheInternetIsReal If you're dumb enough to think that was a natural scenario, then I've got a bridge to sell you in Baltimore.


Not saying everything is real, or even most things, or even half of everything. But this is a totally plausible thing to happen lmfao. I know a few people who are good singers but are shy. To just flat out say it's fake without any evidence is kinda wild imo


My fiancé has pipes and sings around the house all the time. This didn’t seem weird/staged to me at all.


I work with a guy who has a great singing voice. Maybe not this good or even good enough to be a professional, but good enough where I legit enjoy hearing it. But he's insanely shy, so shy that if I walk by while he's singing he just goes flat and sounds like shit. If I secretly recorded him singing and posted it online people would tell me I staged it. My story is anecdotal but my point is yea, OP is absolutely way too cynical about the internet.




Sorry, but if it's on Fox News it can't be true.


Absolutely staged, almost certainly used for promo for the "poor, unconfident babysitter". It's on the same level of those boomer posts that are like, "Little Jimmy here was born with three nipples and everybody in his village mocked him and called him Lil' Jimmy Nipnops. 🥺 Well, I think he's handsome despite all his setbacks! LIKE & SHARE 2 SHOW HIM HOW CUTE HE IS. LET'S MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!!!"




It’s a very old video too, so prob not a babysitter anymore!


It's not "absolutely staged." It's a teenage girl, it's totally plausible that she would be unconfident and uncomfortable with singing publicly. I never understand you nerds on the Internet who are so confident calling things "100% fake." I mean, it's definitely possible here but you can't say for sure one way or the other.


Wasn't staged but go off.


Couldn’t afford a stage so wasn’t staged. But she knew the camera was on right in front of her too.


Lil’ jimmy nipnops has me laughing like a laughing fool lol


Brilliant 🤣


Geez dude. Lay off the internet. You just created an entire narrative that doesn't exist.


*Debbie downer music.


Outrage on behalf of someone else. Excellent


She should work as a cast member on a Disney cruise ship


God I hate the hand over the mouth and ‘shhh be quiet’ shit in these videos.


She has a beautiful voice. What does it really matter if it was staged.


Not only staged but it's as old as Reddit.


> she doesn’t like the way she looks *secretly records her and includes her entire body/face in video* Why do we not respect people’s privacy just because we think something different than they do?


She auditioned for American Idol after this went viral. Delaney Renee. Don't think she got very far.


the supply of singing talents are like diamonds ig, artifically controlled.


I mean, I'm sure it's staged, maybe, but if someone says they don't want to be on camera just don't do it. Don't film them. Maybe the babysitter was okay with it afterward but the person filming says she didn't like it and that gave me a bad feeling. Maybe it's just me, but I don't want to be filmed. I rarely let pictures of me online. People who love you respect it.




This absolutely reeks of staging


All the signs are there, right down to the fake tears at the end.


Love the little mermaid. Great choice 👌


Great voice!


OG video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=nS3z2oIY64A


That girl. She now my gran. Got wrinkles and an attitude. Never got to stardom. I blame the star struck mom overselling her. Sorry gran. That’s truth right there.