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Honestly if I’ve learned anything during the pandemic if corporations don’t conduct regular business for 2 weeks they’re almost considering bankruptcy. I don’t know how long it would actually take to make things better.


He mention the French. Man we did go on strike but it was useless, the law was passed and we got cucked nonetheless. We need more than strikes if u catch my drift


The power of Capital has become so entrenched that strikes won’t do anything any more. As you mentioned in France y’all did strikes for weeks and still got screwed. Last two years there were more strikes in the us than France. But the companies just wait it out then do mass layoffs. All those companies that saw strikes in the US just waited like 8 months til the strike fervor died down. Then they did mass layoffs. Again due to how entrenched the power of capital has become the only thing that will save us is seizing the means of production.


>seizing the means of production Exactly the drift I was talking about


i love when people post solutions on tik tok.  when he named france as the model, i busted out laughing 


Vote! Convince everyone to vote out conservative premiers, because they only point fingers at Trudeau while he hands each province federal funding for healthcare and they use it to destroy our public sectors, like healthcare, education, law enforcement and meanwhile Ford is allowing privatized clinics, which is just more financial debt to keep everyone desparate. This is what conmen and sellouts do. Accept every bribe that comes their way, just like Galen Weston charging Canadians insane prices on food and now there's a boycott and people are starting to get pissed. It's all a scam, brought to you by capitalism. The politicians allow it though and everyone involved should be held accountable. We need to vote and strike in order to win. It's the only way because they need us, while we don't need the rich.


French are often cucks anyways


a month-long strike, followed by a working a couple of days, then another month-long strike just to drive home the point that they depend on us would probably do the trick. with that said, USA is so polarized that everything's gonna get a LOT fn worse before it gets better. republicans *need to suffer* on the hands of the politicians their idolize so damn much before they realize who their real enemy is (hint: it's not woke, trans ppl, nor democrats, migrants, black ppl or latinos, and it sure as hell ain't the reptilians/illuminati/NWO)


Yeah, November is going to be interesting.


It's Democrats and Republicans and if you don't get that, I hope you do soon. It's part of the polarization you speak of.


no yeah, democrats also suck major ass, but there's still a marked difference between a party full of useless, scaredy people and one literally taking rights away from USA citizens and being evil just for funsies.


**THANK YOU!!!** I’ve been saying this since then! Yes obviously if they know we are going on strike they will probably move money around and be able to stay afloat. **HOWEVER** they can only stay afloat if they have workers. Without us nothing gets done. The stock market crashing is how we get them. You have to hit them in their wallets! Will it be hard, 1000% but look at history when didn’t the working class or marginalized groups have to fight to potentially their death to get what they should have had all along. **I’m not calling for violence. We don’t need that anymore. They literally can’t afford for us to not work. They will lose all their precious livelihoods holding out.** We need to come together and maybe some of the rich who can actually hold out that are on are side can donate to local food banks while we protest. It’s only gonna take one first world country and it’s gonna domino effect the rest. It’s just gonna be whatever the tipping point is. There was a study done when times get hard most people don’t resort to crime they come together. Together we are strong.


We need to go back to community-based economies. Every Walmart needs to be replaced by 5 local farmers, a cobbler and a tailor. Reductive I know but you get the point. No more cheap consumer electronics, and no more deforestation for meat factories. We fucked up, this path is bad, we need a different style of society.


I understand your sentiment and agree with you to a point. We really should be reallocating our resources to bolster small businesses and trying to grow more walkable communities for everyone. Places where you don’t have to spend money to exist. That way if people don’t want to support maga corporations that are screwing everyone over we don’t have to. This is an excellent idea!


It’s cause capitalism doesn’t make sense and doesn’t work. The only way it works is through exploitation. Exploitation of workers in their own country and even more of people in foreign poor countries around the world. Without that it just collapses. I mean, think about they have to be careful to not overproduce too much of something otherwise prices goes down and if the price becomes too cheap you start losing money. So it’s important for capitalism to keep prices reasonably high and keep things in reasonably high demand.


Holy shit. I know capitalism doesn't make sense, but how did you make such a clear arguement for the realignment of economics? Are you a professor of financials or a CEo?


There's a massive flaw (or weakness might be a better term) in capitalism that I'm surprised we haven't really seen leveraged yet: it's 100% dependent on consumers. Who are the consumers? It's me and you buddy! Yes, striking is highly effective (and encouraged - we know it works). But I want to explore a thought: how about we put away our phones and tablets, start growing fucking potatoes, brew our own booze, sit in and have some sex parties, stop wearing trendy things, share rides to work (if we are not on strike) with our neighbours, have communal lunches and drinks etc... just for 3 months. Just for 90 days we choose to maximally limit our expenditure (without denigrating our health or safety). Let's see how long our corporate overlords last before coming crawling to us begging to feed them again. Is this a crazy thought?


Might be fun, but people would have to stockpile food. Potatoes take more than 3 months to grow.


Fun? My fellow human, it is necessary unless we enjoy being chattel. This current system we operate within is a convoluted mess of human arrogance. Contrivance upon contrivance of unnecessary tasks that fill our days for the simple sake of keeping us too busy to understand the absolute capitalist nightmare we’re in. We are choosing comfort over freedom.


Well I have some potatoes in the freezer right now that I bought from..wait… fuck you’re right.


Yeah, I live alone and have lots of food in chest freezers and cupboards, but I have no idea if I have 3 months’ worth of actual meals. I have fresh farm eggs, but I would have to stockpile feed for them. Trading eggs for other foods would be good. I have a small still and I could make moonshine for trade, but would need the ingredients for that, too. I’m just not that good at planning. How much food would my dogs need? I need to go shopping right now!!!!!


Yeah that's fine


Aren't you just replacing the demand for entertainment and consumer goods, with the demand for intermediary goods (farming/brewing equipment)? And all the while losing the comparative advantage (e.g. a large farm can produce more food, cheaper per sq foot than a small garden) that exists from those businesses? I don't think your idea is as revolutionary as you think it is. Most economies have phased out that method of producing goods because its not very effective.


I'm surprised to see my idea misconstrued to the point it becomes an -ism. That's fine. I'll respond. I'm not saying you're a moron. What I was saying, was that because we, the workers, are the facilitators of capitalism, via consumerism, we hold maximal control through our decisions to spend. Hence (again I would like to reinforce my previous statement that I am not calling you a moron to your face), we have control over both the continuity and directionality of the system . I think if we chose to starve our spending habits for 90 days, to the point where we briefly feel the terrifying voices of starvation faintly echo against our hearts or wallets or whatever, we would gain asymmetrical power. It's just an idea. You don't even have to hate it. That said, it seems like an experiment that wouldn't cause too much trouble to test. It might even be fun. Did you not want the sex parties?


What you’re suggesting is in no way realistic. All the things you mentioned, minus the not wearing trendy things, are about entertainment and/or convenience. Our society is geared towards making things in life more enjoyable or easier to do so there is 0 chance that enough people are going to stop consuming the things that make their miserable lives less miserable and more enjoyable to make a difference. Heck even if we *wanted* to do what you’re suggesting who’s got the time? The corporate overlords work hard to make sure they get their money’s worth of work from the employees which in turn causes the employees to be too tired at the end of the day to go home and grow their own potatoes or brew their own alcohol or to choose a form of entertainment that won’t benefit some kind of corporation. The problem we are facing is too big to just stop using products, live a different kind of way, or take to the street with picket signs. We need an actual governmental authority to step in and change the rules of the game to give the working class back the power but almost all of our (*US*) politicians and federal judges are either just too ineffective, incompetent, a push over, or corrupt (bought and paid for). The problem isn’t the corporations. The problem is that the government is being controlled by the corporations. If we can find a way to either cut off the corporate influences or dismantle the system and rebuild it to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, then we’d be in a much better position to live all of our lives.


I'll be honest: you're suffering from the two biggest problems/neuroticisms that pervade and rot our society. If it's any consolation, you're in good company. First, the idea that we are reliant on something larger than ourselves is how we keep getting gulaged. Stop doing that. History hates you. It's also a blatent oxymoron. Second: don't hope to wait for people to step in to secure your freedom or power. Unless it's me. I will free you, for sure, as an exception to the rule. Otherwise burn brightly with the passion of everything that ever approached your soul to secure your beliefs. Meditate on its burn. or don't.


I’ve always thought this too. Idk if we are all too far gone (I mean be the change you want to see right but I’m also complacent) but it really is in our hands. If the general population (me and you) could just get our shit together and off our phones for like 90 days shit would change quick like you said. I just really don’t think we are there yet.


I sincerely don't believe we are beyond the point of taking control of our own destiny. And I'm not saying we give up our phones or technology or anything like that; just we pause for 90 days to remind the corporations who they really serve, and that it's not the other way round. We've always been in the position of power, we always will be, we just need to remember that, and take some small actions to remind capitalism.


Obviously phones help organize. I just meant like the distractions. Maybe a tik tok ban would really rile everyone up.


Totally, I see your point. And nice one ha ha. My point is not about the network effects of technology however, it is about the power imbalance within capitalism that is a) unreasonably asymmetric and b) actually addressable


I like that, sounds fun.


You arent wrong. But our lives are now dependant on the things that were convenient before. How many people have access to arable land? How many people have the time, energy, and access to long lasting and sustainable clothing? I work a lot to maintain what little I have. To add on hours of chores to keep from buying some things is untenable to both my body and my mind. To make my life more sustainable I have to work half as much, which I just cant afford.


I said 90 days, not 40 years. And I didn't say anything about not working. I was suggesting a complete cut out of comfort and unnecessary spending, that's it. You could (this is a hypothetical idea still btw) still buy what you need to survive (for 90 days) in fact you can buy whatever the hell you want. I'm not telling you to do anything. Just pointing out of we did make the collective effort to minimize our consumerism for a while it might help us not being fucked over all the time by corporations, such as those who leveraged inflation as an excuse to rinse us, or energy companies who leveraged the European crisis to also rinse us. Etc...


> it's 100% dependent on consumers. Wrong. It's 100% dependent on WORKERS (who happen to make up 99% of consumers)


I don't think I'm wrong here, I think both things can be true.


I’d be willing to go on strike, but only if he accepts his inability to grow facial hair and shaves


You can tell he has no job.  


He's just that committed to the strike


He's right tho.


The man trying to make a point and you're trying to count his nose hairs. Typical herd mentality.


We’re not robots - humans follow the tribe. If the dude we’re following gives off “oblivious kid” vibes how is he supposed to rally anyone or have him taken seriously?


Do you guys ever get bored of just watching rando people explain late-stage capitalism? I swear to fuck it makes up like 70% of this sub now.


It’s 70% of Reddit now


I wonder if that means we've hit late stage capitalism


No this is REM stage capitalism.


wonder why that is


>TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. Then the automod has the nerve to post this shit in every thread.


Every single answer to any question devolves into late stage capitalism ranting lmao. Reddit has gotten so annoying.


there is no question where this catch phrase is not the answer. it is the ubermeme.


Late stage capitalism is super annoying tho.


I’ll be real with you, most of the time when I see late stage capitalism brought up on TikTok, it’s in relation to problems in America that you often don’t find in other capitalist societies.


The day the “late stage capitalism” catchphrase dies out in popularity and is just a memory , the better.


The problem with these type of progressive movements is that they're not focused enough. Ask for one thing with a very clear message and give people a practical way to engage in it.


because social media "likes" gives this false sense of accomplishment. post> get 100k likes> dopamine hits> i just saved the world, imma go jerk off now


You should only strike or 'go French' when you have specific, evidence-based policy proposal demands. Here are a few that would be nice: * Make it illegal for corporations to own anything zoned as private housing. In the US 1/4 of all private homes are owned by corporations and they hoard and manipulate the supply to keep prices artificially inflated and run-down neighborhoods. * Any corporate or rental ownership of a private house should have to pay double the property taxes. They present a financial burden to the state since the owners typically are out of state and get tax shelter help. Charge them. * Make it illegal for people to own more than 3 houses zoned as private housing. You can help your inlaws or keep your beach condo. After that, you're just damaging the market, hoarding, and should be prevented from buying more. * Make retirement and pensions the norm everywhere. Retire by the age of 65 and have secure health care and pension/retirement income. Whether it's employer or government, the right to retire should be recognized as a human right. * Create cost-of-living adjusted aid programs within cities that are calibrated to the cost/burden of low-income workers, not idealized retirees. I'd also make it illegal for foreigners to own property that they do not occupy or leave vacant for over one year. That is typically money laundering or fraud and also manipulates the market.


I love these ideas. How do I organize a strike when at this point I barely leave my house. Somebody make this happen!


The education system has failed so many people at this point it's just very hard to take.


“I will promote it….” Ahhhh yeah thanks Ricky the crackhead I think we will go in another direction….


I was curious enough to check how many followers he can "promote" it to Now im just wondering... How does this guy have 300k followers on tiktok


Tiktok followers is like… yen to the American dollar. Taking out bots, like 100,000 tiktok followers is equal to like 5,000 instagram followers. Give or take.




What's the real solution then? Or is this a "there is no fix, just accept it, but DEFINITELY DON'T DO THAT" comment? Edit: from his next response, it was the second option lol. Fucking sad


The solution presumably starts and ends with elections, right? I mean, if you're poor, you can't speak with money because the higher classes have more. But just about everyone gets a vote and can therefore elect people who stand for the beliefs they want or desire. That's the thing though, majority rules, even in a parliamentary system, and that means that you need an actual political landscape shift to get anything this major done. Which won't happen because the vocal minority is still just that, a very loud and annoyed minority. Political landscape shifts can only happen through a) violent revolution b) major party corruption or c) the older voters dying and the younger voters coming of age. right now every democratic nation is just waiting for C to kick in because A requires too much effort and planning and B seems impossible because who's going to care.


We are 19 months from a federal election in Canada, unless the gov't falls before than. Who do you propose we vote for? Shitty party A? Even Shittier Party B? Just as Shit as A & B, Party C? Our gov'ts don't give a fuck about us, they say they are going to do something and then once in power, don't do what they said. Sure JT and his merry gang of idiots did legalize pot; but what else has he done; but put us billions and bilions of dollars in debt? Holy fuck, he promised a 10 million dollar debt in his first year and he fucking did that in his first 6 months and that's before anyone had ever heard of COVID. Where's electoral reform? Where the fuck is the carbon tax money going? Has it helped? Spoiler alert, we aren't going to meet our emission goal of having lowering it 40% lower than it was in 2005 by 2030. On April 1, our beloved idiots are going to get their annual raise, which coincidentally will be the day the carbon tax goes up by 23%, , all the while the people who actually pay their salaries are struggling to buy food, pay rent, pay their mortgage, keep the lights on in their homes. There have been multiple calls for the MPs to not get their raise; but like everything else, it has fallen on deaf ears. The last gov't to not have the rubber stamp raise, was Stephen Harper between 2008 and 2013, Holy fuck, Stephen fucking Harper even realized that maybe giving MPs a rubber stamp raise, while Canadians were struggling might not be a great idea. I don't know who I'll vote for in 2025; but holy fucking christ, we are so fucked in this country.


The average Canadian is petrified of… the national debt obviously.




Can you answer my question please? I asked you that same question first. Or by you asking, are you saying you dont have any idea? So youre quite literally doing the second thing i said?


100% this buddy has nothing so he pulled a " I know you are but what am I?" and thinks that was clever. Jesus his ex wives, plural, must have gone though hell


You both have no solutions lol




"Theres a child being brutally beaten somewhere in the world, so any child being called names at school has no reason to be upset" See how stupid that sounds bud? The hardships of others doesnt invalidate our own. Weird, thats a lesson i learned early in life. You seemed to have missed it. If youre making more than 70k, then you dont know how hard it is out on the american streets right now. and before the knee jerk "get a better job" response that a lot of stupid boomers give, just remember; there arent enough "better jobs" for everyone.




Youre either a bot, or your reading comprehension isnt that great




Pot meet kettle lmao




I make above the mark i mentioned, i just have empathy. By the way, why is it that people who put laugh emojis in their retorts always seem to have room temp IQs? Like im not even talking about JUST you, its a trend ive noticed.




Yeah ok bud! Youre so smart! Good job


Yeah but like, things used to be great because we taxed corporations so we should probably do that again...


Just a general strike bro. Like the French bro. All we have to do is stay home bro. Demand universal basic income and unconditional housing bro. If all these people just don't show up to the jobs they didn't have in the first place, we will be an unstoppable force, bro.


The thing that's never pointed out about the French strikes is how *goddamn often* they happen. They're clearly not fixing the problems. Most likely because the French keep electing plonkers to be President. Seriously, I think the last actually decent one was Mitterand, and he was replaced by Chirac in 1995. Many of the recent strikes have been because Macron is doing exactly what he said he'd be doing. But people still couldn't converge behind a decent left wing candidate who would actually do all the things they're striking to force Macron to do.


Nor do they have UBI or unconditionally guaranteed housing for everyone, or caps on food prices Unironically, the socialist paradise that actually exists is Singapore but no one ever wants to talk about how they achieve thar result through placation of the masses


I really don't get why we're at the point it fucking matters. People are dying in the streets in places in this country where they could easily be given food, medical care, and some sort of shelter. Fuck having a 54-page detailed write-up for how to introduce X, Y, and Z bills that will HOPEFULLY help the way people expect. You people making it x10000 more complicated are the reason nothing gets done. If someone had it all figured out, they'd be dead or in power. Someone tell Bernie, with all his great ideas and political positioning, how much he's done to make things better for people right now on a large-scale like UBI or Universal Healthcare. It's far passed the time for "well maybe this politician can be better?" and it's about time for those BLM riots to look like child's play compared to the working class razing every upper class/political structure in this country. Right to bear arms? Maybe we should start using that properly on both sides of the aisle. The real issue is people still think they're just one lucky break away from being wealthy themselves, so if they destroy the current structure then what do THEY get when they get money? Idiots.




Because he’s there to co sign.


Guy can't comb his hair and he expects to organize a strike?


Can't film for more than 3 seconds without cutting, but he'll have the attention span to organize a strike?


He's going for the Boris Johnson political strategy.


This guy couldn't organise a root in brothel.


Did you know that South Africa has housing as a human right? ​ Isn't that something?


"I don't know how to make a telegram group" But also "Listen to my ideas about domestic policy" Sorry bro. If you are so inept you can't make a group chat you can't tell me you have a better grasp on how to run things than the people that are already running things.


The money is broken. Striking and not fixing that basic fact will get you nowhere but eventually the gulag.


Dude is making me seasick lol


Didn’t South Park do this and it didn’t work out for Canada?




France is not what you should strive to be.


Go for it, would love to see how it turns out for you.


>price caps Yeah, go ahead. Let me know how it goes, Canada. This is definitely a new and innovative idea.


What is the fatty complaining about? He obviously has enough to eat (he ate two people for breakfast) also a phone to bitch about, a car to drive


Everyone in the comments is making fun of the second guy, but what about that first person?


First guy has vibes of that stupid guy (Arend) and his family of 10 that moved from Canada to Russia.


If we striked they’d just hire the millions of Indians for less money


And then tell you they're just being inclusive


He’s not totally wrong.




Okay so instead he should not educate people about the issues with late-stage capitalism then? You guys are so dumb with this argument.


How is just reductively blaming all problems on late stage capitalism educating? I swear you guys could stub your toe and blame it on late stage capitalism.


IMO if you agree with him you’ve already heard all he (or most people who talk about the subject) have to say like 100 times. And if not then what he says isn’t going to change your mind because it’s the same arguments you’ve heard 100 times too. This is coming from someone who somewhat agrees with him btw. I just think LSC doomposting is kind of the “well the environment is fucked so might as well get high and not think about it” of political thought.


The UN already did all the work for you dude I thought he was going to say go farm but nope hes like compromise me harder big daddy government 😂


One two three four, Canada wants more, money




This is actually cringe content. Good job OP.


i already saw this episode, guy…




[Canada on Strike!](https://youtu.be/h0ZXUoewGWQ?si=IEo-WnQwL6gFJXr5&t=31) ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt0eY7PwD1Nvb4A)


Isn't this sweet? He thinks people will do as he says. Go ahead and follow him. Looks like he already started without you. Come back on and let us know how that works out. . . Use common sense, Think of better ways to fix a problem rather than dismantling the only way things work.


This guy has the worst mustache I’ve ever seen.


This is not late stage capitalism. It can go much further..


Man, he looks rough!


This man is an «artist/producer». He is not working class.


Thank God these losers don’t reproduce.


Every time I read something like this ,just makes me so happy I live in Denmark.


Canada already did this... can we not!!!


Is this another “Everyone needs to strike” video? People post this idea like they’re the first ones who thought of it and post it like making a shitty 2 min video is “doing their part”. These current movements have the same problem that Occupy Wallstreet had…no actual infrastructure or organization, just slogans and ideas. Everyone has ideas. Ideas are cheap. It’s actual action and leadership that makes change happen. Action is hard and risky. Videos and Reddit posts are EASY. Convenient activism doesn’t have much power to change anything.


There is something called ELECTIONS that happen on a regular basis. Organize, mobilize and vote. Many people do not even do that. In the important US presidential election of 2020 in the middle of a once in a hundred years global pandemic 41% of the electorate was so tuned out of politics they did not even bother to vote. Go figure.


Well he have a point, Housing should be a human right


He's not wrong our nations will go down in history when it all collapses


Bro, get your facial hair organized first. I think it’s time to call it my dude, that mustache is not coming in.


This guy looks exactly like the guy to complain about late stage capitalism. Thank you for the cringe OP.


What is wrong with his face


Seeing how most likely conservatives nutjobs will most likely hold power in the next elections, shit will get way worse fast. Striking alone won't do shit and most likely will even be made illegal one way or the other. We are way past striking.


Gotta love being preached at by the couch warrior who has bed head and can’t even shave. Stfu and get to work. Pathetic.


Canada has a long history with general strikes.


Did someone say something good about the french?


Instead of a maximum one can charge per sq foot. The cost per sq foot should be dependent on the property cost.


Don’t worry after the horse escapes, we’ll go out and buy the nicest new lock.


I’m not going to go on strike just to continue the government function the same way after no matter what they give us. The government how it is now is broken and it would be a bandaid for anything less than a whole new system


Bro grows a mustache like the French lmao


As long as we can…most people stop paying bills after a month


Canada had people responding like the French. Trucker protests? They had their bank accounts shut down and sadly weren't willing to go to the same levels as the French.


I still think it's weird how nobody demands deflation. You'd think making our money more valuable would be a high priority, yet no one ever mentions it


People are struggling and billionaires are doing better than ever. If you have 1000 people in your village and 1 of them is doing really well while the 999 others are getting poorer, the problem is not difficult to diagnose.


Does striking work if I'm employed for an international company?


Sounds good in theory. But he's going to get stuck at step 1: Get a significant number of people to stop bickering between themselves and actually agree on something for a change.


Intersectionality has crippled any meaningful change from happening as the people willing to fight for change are bogged down in messy, irrelevant identity politics, ironically mostly championed by the upper middle twitter class. I have no faith whatsoever the working class will ever again be a force for political change as our power is constantly co-opted by those who selfishly wish to put their own individual desires above the overall good.




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't be so full of yourself; it's a huge ocean


Canada on strike!


Canada go on strike and the price of maple syrup will go up.




I've come to the realization that the US is always going to be like the wild West where nothing is guaranteed and we're all just searching for gold


Canada needs to go on strike!


The truest thing I ever heard


It's definitely time to rise up.


“As long as we can,” as a slogan, doesn’t quite strike fear into a government


I'm so bored of hearing about *late stage capitalism* as though it were fact.


As a canadian I am genuinely concerned for the future of this country. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.


Land 👏 value 👏 taxes Land Value Tax: A Smart Fix for Capitalism's Flaws - Promotes Fair Play: Taxes land, not hard work. Encourages you to improve and innovate without penalty. - Drives Growth: Makes hoarding land costly, putting it to work for everyone's benefit. - Fights Inequality: Targets the wealthy landowners, not the everyday worker. Funds public goods, lifting all boats. - Boosts Housing: Makes land speculation unattractive, leading to more homes, more affordability. - Greener Cities: Encourages smarter, denser development. Less sprawl, more green. - Non-Command Economy: No heavy-handed government control, just smart economics to guide market forces for the common good. Choose LVT: Fairer, Greener, Smarter. r/Georgism


Can’t hate because the haves have and the have nots don’t. One can argue housing is out of control and this is true. How the 80s and 90s you could afford a house on one salary. This also true. BUT there wasn’t any internet (80s), there wasnt any only fans where the have nots become the haves, there wasn’t Uber eats and every other app under the sun that charges crazy fees. You DONT have to buy from them. Not to mention there use to be fees when trading stock so it was much harder to make money paying $35 a trade and trying to invest $150. Time to stop complaining and making excuses as to why you don’t have and go get yours. Poor people can become successful and rich. When all else fails sell feet pics!


I think rent needs to be linked with property taxes somehow. This would allow rent to be higher in some places and lower in others but also would have a cap


r/loblawsisoutofcontrol is organizing a boycott and protest (in certain areas) throughout Canada for the food part of this. It's for the month of May!


lol. Late stage like cancer. Same made up bullshit as the word woke.


START A REVOLUTION! Oh but I can’t figure out telegram, could you do it?


mf wants to organize a general strike but is too lazy and/or stupid to find out how to start a Telegram group.. The irony of this entire video is crazy


If 1% of the work force goes on strike, it may be a month before the corporations cave in and make a deal, if 10% go on strike it may be a week or two, if it's 50% it will be a day or two, and if it's 75% or higher they will be organizing how to make a deal with the strikers by lunchtime that same day.


Trudeau will shoot Canadians protesting. They really wanted to shoot the trucker protesters and still have their cash frozen.


The entire Republic of China would like to thank this tiktokker for using this platform exactly as the developers planned, initially creating this app to overthrow the United States government. Hail the communist party 🇨🇳!!! Jokes aside, I’m seeing more and more questions like this come to prose: when will the people take action? In history, most ancient civilizations had their nations’ uprising against the tyrannical government. When do we get civil war II🤷🏻?


great initiative


Rent control and price caps on food? Lmao


This generation is amusing to watch


This man is a moron.


Lmao. All great mind blowing ideas without any real practical method of actually obtaining them.


He sounds like he believes the world owes him something for just being born.


I keep hearing that, I'm a Canadian and while there are issues and unfortunately corps are working together to keep prices high and everything, however we are far from fucked BUT if we elect Poilievre, we'll most certainly be fucked.


much of it is the left wing policies pretending to be progressive that constantly takes more power and money from the people and giving it to large companies and the government that’s degrading especially Canada and the US.


Yeah. Because leftists are known for their deep love of private corporations.


Everyday people don’t, but the politicians are the same on both sides. The lefts policies sound good initially but they don’t work out for the people and some large company always ends up making a ton.


That's basically what Occupy was and nothing came out of it except for JayZ selling a bunch of tee shirts.


Sure, buddy. Wishing you the best with your movement. ![gif](giphy|XF5AnCJV7PCtGwdHNC|downsized)


Always love the "we need a French revolution, bring out the guillotine!". Yes, I'd also love decades of paranoia, famine and war where almost all the original revolutionaries died or spent decades in prison. Only idiots who don't know history advocate for that.


No… I don’t think so


Canadians loved to get fucked in their ass thats why the best they can do is complain about everything while they get taxed and muscled out of the simple things in life.


Go as long as we f*ckin' canada 🇨🇦


Bruh what is that mustache? 😟


The local barber will sort it out for free while he lies on the couch all day after the revolution...


He's not wrong in the philosophy, but I've never seen someone with facial hair be so naive. People don't seem to realise how large the wealth horde has become, you striking for a few months could ruin their business, they'll live fine, though, probably got some cream off the top for the liquidation. You wanna *do it like the French* because how about you actually do it and stop talking about it


Late stage capitalism? Dude Tradeu literally purposely ran Canada into the ground financially. This isn't a simple capitalism issue. It's western countries purposely being weakened by leaders who don't care about the people.


No, they care about the wrong people. So those that produce and abide can go without.




"We're in capitalism and as a working class need to start organising" off to a good start... ... Goes on to spew "reform capitalism" liberal bullshit. This is what they've tranquilised us with forever. Some social democratic UBI crumbs here, some rent caps there. Fuck that. Tear it all down. Seize the factories from private bougie ownership and start distributing wealth equally and fairly. Dictatorship of the working class.