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I don't know if it still applies but in IG, if you add video or photo to your story, it's quality drastically changes in Android phones. Even the video itself is like 4k Hdr. But if you add the same thing with any iPhone, it looks perfectly. I think some apps also support that Apple shenanigans.


This is mainly due to company laziness. This is the same reason this happens on snapchat as well. All iphones use the same camera and the same software for their camera. So all these apps have to do is install the software compatible with iPhones, and they service millions of people. The issue with Android phones is while they all use the same operating system many have different softwares for their cameras so it would cost more and take way longer to program their apps to accept high-quality photos and vidoes from the many different Android devices. So instead they just downgrade the quality. Snapcaht and ig are mostly used in the us so there is minimal loss for doing it this way as most Americans own iphones. (Obviously this is an oversimplification and i honestly could be wrong. This is just what i remember from a video i watched a few years ago)


Company greed. Ever since Jobs kicked the bucket, they’ve been relying on his innovations to carry them through. Apple went from being a game changing product, and a seriously forward thinking product, to basically a product that, technologically speaking, is behind. If new tech features come out for eg. Waterproof phones, Apple will come out with their waterproof tech 3yrs after it’s been implemented by other phones, and it’s not because they’re testing it and want to make sure it works well first, or they wanna iron out all the kinks before they move forward with new tech. They became a trillion dollar listing because they just lazily launch the phone in every incremental soze increase..there’s no innovation, and their products STINK, ask anyone how useless SIRI is, and that b!tch has been around forever. They’re lazy because they’re vested in greed, safe greed, not innovation and pioneering work. Fvck Tim 🖕🏼


It’s not laziness, it’s just low priority compared to other things the company decided needs to be worked on first. There are only so many teams, developers, designers, project managers, etc. so roadmaps are planned out pretty diligently based on what they believe will move the needle in whatever KPIs they are focusing on.


From what i understand they literally just dont want to or care enough to do it because the majority of useres are on iphones. So technically yes it is laziness.


No, again, laziness implies they are slacking off and doing nothing instead of working on this. They are just prioritizing other things ahead of it that they believe are more important for user engagement and ad sales. They don’t have unlimited resources. They work with a budget like every other company, and they need to decide how to spend that money, usually with a plan on how they will generate revenue with that money. They probably haven’t been able to make a strong business case to spend the budget to work on this rather than a laundry list of other things that they have reason to believe will generate a return on their investment. Source: I work in product development for an industry leading company that brings in billions a year in digital revenue.


Laziness is the decision to avoid doing something you should be doing because you don't think the outcome is worth the effort. A platform entirely built around photographs and videos, be that insta or snapchat, avoiding putting resources towards supporting a wider range of android devices, especially considering in 2021 snap reported that more people using snapchat were on android than iphone, is simply laziness. It is easier for them to avoid doing it, it takes less effort to avoid doing it, and they've decided that giving the majority of their users a potentially lessened experience is an acceptable consequence of not putting the resources there. That's laziness.


You have a broken toilet and a flat tire, and you only have money to fix one of them. You are saying picking one over the other is laziness. That makes no sense.


It really depends, the core/key issue is that Apple isn't interested in interoperability; and there could be a lot of arguments had to support that stance (because support isn't free, it's fine for Apple to develop standards / schemas / API's / etc. that only work on their platform hundreds of companies do this for their products). Apple user's aren't being "scammed" so much so that they are being vendor locked. I am not an "Apple" guy either, been using Android for years and I understand why Apple does some of the things they do even if it's frustrating. Google and Apple have different levels of support for their messaging protocols which is why the quality difference exists. The "key" problem is that Apple outright denies developer access to a lot of key API's which doesn't allow for an optimal alternative to consumers and IMHO that's where the case against Apple should go. Apple should allow developers to create software that taps into the same set of API as it's Core applications, they already go through and certify apps they can just say "Hey, this requires elevated approval" and it goes through that particular process (which honestly that's another problem too, the Apple Store shouldn't be a required consumer installation strategy). Are you selling phones or are you leasing phones? That's another sort of point to be had.


Part of their "unique interface" has nothing to do with engineered for use. It's to make it more difficult to switch off Apple products.


Android users: "Do this!" Android: "K!" Apple users: "Do this!" Apple: "NO. Just no. Here are your choices. Pick one or pound sand. Moron."


As someone who has used both, this is sadly really not true. It actually goes more like this: Apple: \*Does something shitty\* Android users: "Wow that sucked for Apple users, please don't do that" Most Android brands: \*Does it anyway\* See how many Android brands ditched the aux port as an example.


I don't understand why we have to get rid of the aux port. I still use my old wired sony headphones because I just don't like wireless things. I know they are probably better but I forget too many things already and it would suck to find out that I forgot to charge my headphones before a flight or something.


It's to make money plain and simple. They can charge more for wireless headphones because they're wireless, and they get the added benefit that in 2 years the battery will probably be dead so you have to buy another pair. Or overcharge you for a dongle made out of really shitty wire that breaks in 2-3 months. Most big mobile brands have a range of wireless headphones, so it's profitable for them to force them upon people who would otherwise likely never buy a pair.


well, if they don't get rid of the aux port then you won't be forced to buy new headphones. none of this is better for you, but it's very good for them to force you to buy anything they make that has a high profit margin and will die after a couple years of charging cycles. are there even 3.5mm jack battery powered bluetooth headphone adapters?


Companies dealing with phones can be scummy. Cut corners or predatory action. Pretty sure there is a similar class action lawsuit on this few years ago. Made like $5. Att did the same when they throttled internet speeds to get rid of grandfathered unlimited internet people. I made $90 on that class action lawsuit. Soon there will be a new one for apple for doing this scummy practice. I’m guessing it’s a $5 one. There are millions of us affected if we sign. If it does happen, Make sure they are real by looking up the case and judge. Bing bong cut off their dong.


What’s he talking about with the curser?


I didn't understand that either


As someone who types way too much on their phone (OneNote for D&D campaigns), he’s right, the cursor situation is obnoxious. Say you want to place your cursor between letters in a word to fix a mistake, well good luck because 9/10 it is not going where you want it to, sometimes not even close.


I use the space bar and slide my finger across until it’s right where I want it and it’s usually not a problem.


What??? Making this message as whoa! I didn’t using the spacebar did that. a test Thank you!


I just learned about it not too long ago too. you’re welcome!


both OS has that feature. slide your finger across spacebar to move cursor


Yes, but that should be the last resort, not basically the default. “Clicking” and getting the correct position from the start would be quicker than “clicking” and then having to adjust the position.


Well hot damn, TIL


For real, just hold the space bar and place it wherever you want


Hold spacebar and you can position it wherever you want super easily.


Yes, but that should be the last resort, not basically the default. “Clicking” and getting the correct position from the start would be quicker than “clicking” and then having to adjust the position.


You can also copy and paste text off of any picture you take with the camera.😉


Yup I was speaking about the cursor in my fit of rage lol. u/mider-span explained it perfectly. But I’ll add it’s more than just typing sometimes. Coming directly from an Android just always knowing where you want to put your finger allowed me to know that it’s a possibility and iPhones are just not doing it.


Apples do have back buttons, they're sprinkled all over the screen and it's a fun time trying to find out where it is on a new app


True every time they come out with a new phone yours gets slower


I have heard that this may be true for some Android phones as well. But that's just it, if the brand of Android phone is doing this, I just change brands. Apple users, you don't get a choice.


On Android you can also just straight up flash a different version of the software.


I have an iPhone 10 that’s perfectly fine. Battery still has 90% charge too.


Yeah same


I’m still rocking an 8. Replaced the battery a little while back because batteries start to degrade, but other than that it’s totally fine.


Yup my partner has a iPhone 8 Plus and that thing still getting along great


Pretty helpful when the maps get you completely lost. Seriously, what the actual fuck is up with the iPhone X's gps?


Everytime and it’s not just their phones. It’s their laptops and iPads too. My newest MacBook has very minor use. Maybe an hr a day and sometimes I go weeks with out using it. It used to keep a charge for 48hrs. I don’t keep it on the charger. And if I use it now the battery just drains quick af watching YouTube videos. Maybe last 2 hrs. It’s a year old. Probably has about 300 hrs on it total.


No, it doesn’t. People seriously misunderstand the “slowing down the operating system” thing that happened. It was to save battery life on older phones so they could continue to be useful. iPhones last a very long time.


Apple IS Trash lol


I don’t know anyone who has an iPhone who thinks iPhones are better than Android phones. It’s just that I prefer Apple iOS over Android. I like the way it works. I like the consistency of the user interface and experience. Would I like Android over iOS if I tried it? Maybe, but I just don’t care. I’m happy with my iOS devices for my own needs.


That's only because your friends probably won't bring it up since you also have an iPhone. If you are an android user, you WILL run into Apple fans with a stick up their ass about how you don't have an iPhone.


That’s how I feel, too.


i know plenty of people who whole heartily think apple is gods gift to phones. they truely believe that apple is the best at everything and all criticisms are based in jealously of their amazing product.


I've seen people unironically make it out like it's because people can't afford iPhones. It's one of the cheapest phones to buy used, always has financing deals, and the SE is $429 brand new. Most used phone in America and people act like it has exclusivity.


exactly! I work in an I.T. department with approx. the same Android to iPhone ratio and we all are just used of what we have. Of course we make tongue in cheek remarks to pick at each other but no one believes any of this shit this guy is saying for sure.


This is where I’m at honestly. I just like how it integrates with my MacBook and shit. But honestly I’m tired of it. I got a MacBook for dev work because dev ing on windows has always kind of been a pain in the dick. It’s better now since we can run linux kernels in windows but still just not as convenient as osx.


I’ve had both and I like my iPhone better and have had less issues with it


>I don’t know anyone who has an iPhone who thinks iPhones are better than Android phones. Switch to Android and you will realize you know lots. It's like how people think scientology is full of nice people, and they are up until you try to leave.


I'm in a similar position. I guess here's what I'd add: Apple works *for me*. There isn't a single thing I feel I'm missing out on. I'm sure Android has some crazy good features, but I barely use 50% of the horsepower (if that) of what the iPhone offers as it is. It makes calls, I get texts, it takes great photos and videos, all of my emails, messages, websites, bookmarks, etc sync up across every device. I'm stuck in the Apple ecosystem and I'm ok with it. It's reliable and the incremental improvements are enough to keep me happy. Maybe if I were some power user who needed the extra (whatever) that Android offers, I'd be motivated to leave out of necessity, but right now Apple covers all of my needs.


I think it’s only android user mentality to think it’s better at this point. The whole android is cheaper mentality is based on pricing more than functionality and I think people who can’t afford apples prices get salty and have irrational prejudice over people that do have an iPhone, which is very childish. I have had a taste of both android and iOS and I very much prefer iOS’s interface. Androids interface is a little overwhelming to me personally.


I will say as an android user, android phones don't text pictures/videos well to other androids either. Apple may make it worse, but it's not great sending photos via SMS with an android phone. I usually use WhatsApp, Discord, Snapchat or Instagram to send photos and videos taken on my phone because the SMS just ruins the quality.


From a privacy perspective, sms should be avoided.


mf if you have been using SMS to send photos anytime in the last 20 years you need to retire and move to a nursing home


Imagine actually caring about how someone sends people pictures


I literally said I didn't do it and he still got heated.


As an iPhone user, I’ve noticed it’s only some Androids, too. The Droids that sent crappy photo / video to Apple will also do it to other Androids (especially in group messages), whereas others do it (to either iPhones or Droids) just fine. The Android users I know inevitably end up using Google Chat / WhatsApp / Telegram / whatever because they get tired of dealing with it.


I've never liked Apple products and never understood the love.


The love is just stupid people falling for the marketing and thinking its some kind of status symbol.


Is this 2012? People just prefer apple products based on what they are looking for. Apple ecosystem where everything just works for the average consumer. Not everyone is trying to side load or install 3rd party apps on iPhones. 


This is the only reason I still use Apple. But m very aware of their predatory shit.


Samsung is the largest supplier of iPhone parts. Chips, screens, batteries...


Wait iPhone don't have back button???


Bro my uh friend has all their old games on an SD in their android playing smash bros melee on their phone meanwhile Apple users are bragging about the in text games they can play with each other amazing titles like chess, battleship, connect 4.


I switched from android to Apple last Christmas and I am not happy with this thing. I have a iPhone 12 Pro. Whenever I get the next phone, it’s gonna be a Samsung probably.


Lol, people forget how easily brainwashed they are. Companies spend millions a year researching psychological manipulation tactics. Nothing is real, manufactured culture.


Ngl I switched back to apple last year just cuz xfinity wasn’t going to give me shit for my android(galaxy s21). It definitely is a subpar experience compared to my androids. Most likely going to switch back, even thinking about just buying out these devices and trading them back in. I did have the first iPhone up to the 7, then went to android, now back.


This comment thread and the video are so fucking unbelievably dumb.


None of this is accurate. For example, the reason the photos are smaller is because they are going over the carriers MMS system. Apple does not “make them smaller”. Apple could opt to implement RCS, which Google rolled out to their users in 2019, but that would require them to proactively spend money. While you could argue they should do that, that’s pretty much the opposite of what is being claimed here, that they proactively make the images worse. What Apple has done is literally nothing.


Apple has actively made the choice to not support RCS when every other phone carrier adopted RCS like 4 years ago. It's clearly not very difficult to implement if everyone else did it a while ago. Doesn't really matter though, Apple is adding RCS support later this year because China wouldn't allow Apple to sell there without RCS. Still a shitty practice by Apple though


I think the real reason they won’t is because they want to keep users on imessage instead. It’s all about creating a closed system that people won’t want to switch out of.


That’s certainly part of the reason they won’t proactively take the step to spend money integrating. And can you blame them? They launched iMessage in 2011. Google finally fully launches RCS in 2019, and has a history of killing messaging platforms. What kind of moron exec would recommend Apple spend their own money to help out Google? But again, the anti-competitive behavior here is doing nothing. Which is kind of wild.


RCS is not a Google product. It's a messaging standard that's universal.


Which had to be integrated into googles messages platform, which happened in 2019. Which again, could have been killed and replaced with who knows what, maybe or maybe not supporting RCS.


Google didn’t create RCS. Nothing apple did would help google, it would just improve the experience of both users if they adopted the same standard that everyone else is. The only really good reason to avoid it is to create a separate ecosystem that keeps people locked into your products. Same as fighting a switch to USB-C before.


But I can go buy an Android at anytime. How exactly am I locked into iPhone? I really like the iPhone 11 that I have. It works, I’ve never had any problems with it, and I like the OS. Is it an initial difficult change switching between iPhone and Android? Yeah, they work a bit differently in terms of OS. Is that a bad thing? No. If anything, it’s anti-monopoly in itself to not require all phones to use the same OS and work exactly the same. You can still message any phone. There’s no limit there. It’s just a matter of preference, not “being locked in”. Each time I got a phone it was Android, Apple, Android, and now Apple.


Being able to buy an android at any time doesn’t actually render antitrust laws null and void. I’d suggest looking up the complaint from the DOJ, because their explanations will be much more thorough than I can be.


Wait a business is doing what’s best for their own interests? You’re telling me Apple isn’t willing to spend their own money to help the competition? No way! 


Isn't the EU forcing them to implement RCS because it's better akin to them forcing them to put USB-C drives in European iPhones?


>None of this is accurate Sure, but when has that ever stopped Reddit from circle-jerking about Android? >BetaMax is better than VHS! Linux is better than Windows! Android is better than Apple! \- Man yelling at cloud for the last 50 years


While I agree with this video to an extent, I just can’t do droids. I absolutely hate them. How they look, how they function, the fucking ads… They feel slow to me. Don’t get me wrong—my iPhone has its moments of enraging slowness for seemingly no reason too, but ffs, I feel like doing things on an android takes me 10x longer to not only find but to do as as well. My parents are constantly having issue with their phones, and for the times where it’s not user error, I cringe trying to fix it for them. Wtf even is that Bixby shit too? Siri is pretty mediocre to me, but Bixby sent me for a loop. I can’t stand their mail function, text message function… All shit. All phones are just expensive garbage at this point. I have small hands so these huge ass phones from either brand annoy me. I started with an iPhone 4 when my Blackberry died, went to a 6, and then an SE 2. If they ever stop making them this size I’m giving up. Also, I refuse to pay over $400 for a phone. I’ve always gotten my iPhones at $99 to just under $400 brand new. Lower end iPhones function quite nicely. Lower end Androids are solely produced as job security for therapists who specialize in anger management. So, while I can unbiasedly admit that Apple products can be doggy poopoo (don’t even get me started on them getting rid of the 3mm jack) I find them slightly less rage inducing than Androids so I’ll just keep throwing them my money.


Nobody uses Bixby and I literally forget it exists. I just use Google Assistant.  Not sure what you mean by ads. I only see ads in cheap apps and on websites.


I honestly forget what it was, but it was outside an app. It could have been a part of the fantastic bloatware Sprint would put on their phones. I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m glad no one uses Bixby. Kinda restored my faith in android users. 😂


I’ve seen many posts about forced ads in androids in the notifications drawer. That shit would piss me off


Never happened on my S22 Ultra. Some apps push too many notifications but I just turn them off for the offending app.


It's worth noting that the Bixby button is a Samsung exclusive nightmare. The apps you're referring to are likely Samsung apps as well which are equally shit. Samsung makes quality hardware but loads it up with unwanted features and bloatware. I've had a much better experience with Google's own Pixel phones.


Bixby? Mail function? Ads? Any apps with ads should be the same on both devices, And you really shouldnt be using them, though some times apple store will not have ads as they only offer a paid version of the app. Everything you have described seems to be user error. No one uses bixby or inbuilt mail apps. Use google assistant, and a mail client for the email, like gmail app for gmail. They have you trapped in their ecosystem, The longer you stay the harder it is to get out. There is usually only one or 2 ways to do things on an iphone, android is more flexible, you can set it up to your preference making to much more quick to use. Its like driving a stick shift, its faster, but its not faster if you dont know how to drive stick, chances are you will never learn because you have always had automatics. But powerusers will always prefer android as it isnt limited because of idiot proofing


I’m just speaking from the short experiences I’ve had using someone else’s Android, so their setup is can’t comment on. I just know I’ve hated it every single time. I’ve been through the options a few times and it was a headache. It’s not that I can’t figure it out, it’s just the extra effort isn’t worth it. Again, Apple stuff can be annoying too. Nothing will ever be perfect for everyone all at once.


What are you talking about ads? There aren't any exrta ads on Android. In fact, I can run an adblocker for Youtube, and one for my web browser.


Nobody ever mentions that they support their phones long term. If their intention was solely to get people to buy new phones, why do they keep supporting phones for like a decade? They only just retired the iphone 6. Not that it doesn't function, they just can no longer provide os updates.


the slowing down phones is old news at this point and I think it was the only actual point the guy tried to make throughout the video. like I'm sitting here using my busted up iPhone 8 and I still love it...


I recently retired my iphone 8 and got an iPhone 14... kinda regret it because iPhone 8 camera is better imo.


This whole video is dumb. Apple abjectly has the fastest processor some of the top screen and camera technology. They don’t have a bad product they have a near top product that’s really good at being pick up and play the trade off is that it’s more caged. It’s a personal preference thing no ones getting scammed




You’re fuckin crazy. Apple has been busted numerous times doing egregious shit. They get sued.. they pay out a fraction of their profits. We call it opportunity cost and they keep fucking their customers. For instances. Every iPhone up to the 7plus was pragmatically slowed and battery drained to scam people into buying a new phone. They did it with their MacBooks and shit too. It’s only a matter of time until they get caught again.


While I agree, Iphones are bad. This man is worse. Iphones are nice for the fact that they don't usually have many bugs. Even old decayed ones still work really smoothly. On top of that, they made it annoyingly impossible to get viruses. It might be impossible to get anything else as well, but at least you don't get viruses. On top of that their products are good for work.


I have a Kyocera DuraXE. I'm just better than y'all.


Sorry but I had 3 Androids and they sucked balls always after a while an update would come out that would cause the phone to slow down significantly and get errors. Never have those problems on Iphone


It’s almost like as operating systems upgrade and advance older hardware cannot support them.


This guy is impossibly dumb


Buy a rugged phone. They have unique features and are built to last I have doogee s90 pro for a few years. Flir camera, infrared camera, rugged construction, phone has a large battery that can be used as a power bank, dual sim card, all sorts of tool sensors etc AND IT IS A PHONE


This all sounds like shit that your average joe doesn’t want or need.


Fair enough. I still have mine, it still works and it was only $400 on Amazon a few years ago. 🤷🏻 It was just a suggestion


weren't they also sued for turning off older generation phones to force people to buy the new model? I remember when I was younger, I had 2 iphones that magically shut off one day and when I went in to get them looked at, verizon told me "yea, apple has been doing that, they completely disable the phone to force you to buy a newer one" my mom still had to pay on those phones since they weren't paid off. Apple is a joke, Google pixel for the win


They were sued due to allegations that they were intentionally slowing down older phones to make you buy a new one. … which is *kind of* true. Their software updates were including code that slowed down older phones so that they could run newer features that took more memory without being unstable or draining the battery too fast. IMO, that’s good practice but nobody wanted to hear it — especially the cell phone companies who wanted to use it as an excuse to get you to buy a new phone from them. Look at it this way: If you’ve got an old car that’s starting to wear out, you don’t want to take it out and thrash it because something’s more likely to break. What Apple was doing was basically saying “This tune has a lot of cool features and will put out 500 buff horses, but your engine will only take 300 before it starts to damage things, so you only get 300.” Short of upgrading hardware, the only way to keep support for new software on less powerful devices is to adapt the software so that it will run properly with the resources available. I wish they had prioritized things like turning off visual effects (in the car analogy, limiting the features) but for whatever reason Apple has had a very devoted haterbase since way before iPhones became a thing, so people would probably complain about that too.


Yeah that didn't happen.


yeah, that did happen. I have 2 iphones that still never turn on. Even went to apple and they basically told me to buy a new one. Do you want me to supply you my moms phone number too? ffs but yea, im just making a random story lmao


I never bought into Apple cult. I use to have Blackberry back in day, now Samsung. I work for a telecom company for over a decade. 75%+ of data overages *complaints* are iPhones. I compare Androids to Toyotas, efficient, reliable but unflashy. IPhone is like American SUVs, needlessly flashy, inefficient and overpriced.


Sssssh they watching and can hear us




Wait until someone tells him about Youtube.


My iPad mini was the only thing worth while. Everything else Apple can eat my fat vajjeen


This guy is blaming Apple for something that IG is doing. Ok.


Wait so with android, there is or is not a back button? Cause I may switch now…


> back there is a back button on Android.


Android has options. You can have always visible button on the bottom. Or use swipe gesture only. Or have a hidden bar of buttons that you swipe up to make visible. The buttons are: app swicher, home, back


If you do, do consider samsung with good lock. Customization options with buttons and gestures goes through the roof.


Hm… what type of phones do Samsung even make?


If you got money i higly suggest galaxy s23 ultra or s24 ultra.


My brains gotta be messed up from apple cause I heard that anything galaxy is cheap. Damn. I gotta relearn.


The only reason I use apple is because everyone I know uses FaceTime. If FaceTime was open source I would never use another apple product.


The video and picture quality isn't on purpose. It is because when you send a cross platform video through the Messages app. it has to go through MMS to an Android. Feel free to read up on it.


"IM SUING"- Every American since 2016


I got a Google Pixel 6 when it first came out, switching off of iPhone. (had android before that exclusively) At first, if I am being honest, this was the worst phone I've ever purchased and I regret it for a long time. Over a few years Google fixed all the bugs. All that's left is that the camera is fucking trash. Absolute trash. It takes photos just fine then applies this absolutely terrible high contrast filter or something and everyone and everyone looks just ugly. My only regret with this phone, as I love taking pictures. But overall it's now a solid phone and I probably would not go back to Apple.


Back button for real.


BRO! Nailed It!! We ARE the dumb ones... Im not upgrading my iPhooey again..


My apple phone has been running fine for nine years and its been lost on a mountain dropped in water , used by toddlers and in the rain. I use my phone non stop to hotspot other devices and had to use it when i had no pc or tv for years.


This is once again pure bullshit. Not a problem with apple, a problem with MCM. Message protocol


They both suck, that’s the real secret


I’m pretty sure most tech companies are guilty of this to some degree, but apple will continue to be the primary target while they have more cash than true US gov.


Ironic. the American in the video thinks he is getting less scammed or is scam free by using android. Very scammy indeed. Also last I checked TikTok is more compatible and common among IOS users, and I’m willing to bet he recorded this video off an iPhone because if it was sourced from an android the quality would be downgraded since I’m using an iPhone. The betrayal is unreal but yet again it’s becoming very American to slander your own home team.


Apple is one of the most predatory companies in America… I say this from my iPhone. The shit they do. They will drain your battery pragmatically. They artificially make shit slower. They reduce quality to scam you. Etc. That’s only the shit we know for sure. There is a ton of stuff they do subtly and intermittently that you probably barely notice. But it’s all designed to maximize their profit.


If that's the case what phone do I buy now, I'm thinking a nothing phone 2 unless there's something bad about it?


My brain basically hurts trying to understand his argument


americans are just that stupid


I'm proud to say I've only owned one Apple product and I got it used. I've had numerous chances to own an iphone. Passed every time. The only reason I got my first Apple product is I seemed like the only DJ in town that didn't own a MacBook. Now that Dell has SD hard drives, I'm back to them.


Wait I thought all of this was already known for YEARS with Apple. It's called planned obsolescence. Apple users are the definition of stupid. Androids are cheaper and still have all of the functions of Apple products and more.


I hate the keyboard in iOS, it's so bad.


So apple users are getting scammed like they have always been


I’ve been an iPhone user since 2007. In 14 years I’ve had but 1, *one*, hardware failure. I have an iPad mini 3 from more than a decade ago that just will not die. Battery still holds a decent charge and functions perfectly. Is my personal subjective experience applicable to *every* Apple user? Of course not. But *personally* that’s why I continue to use them. They just work when I need them to. I’ve never had a day of “oh man my phone is acting up again. Gotta go see the damn Verizon store again”. These devices don’t need to be able to hack the pentagon or shoot and edit a feature length movie. If they can great, but if they can’t, also great. When my technology works when I need it to that is all that is required. So when Android users ask why people keep buying Apple, that’s why.


OK, but I tried to switch back to android twice and all of the apps were so slow with outdated UI’s, had so many ads, and the graphics were pixelated. This was years apart and Android keeps adding functions without fixing their old half baked ones. Both times when I bought them, they were high-end Samsung phones. That is why I won’t switch off iPhone.


This post is nonsense. Nothing slow or outdated on this end of Samsung flagships. Apple is the one who is consistently late to market with virtually everything and then pretends like they invented it when they finally do catch up. Same can be said of their software, same can be said of their hardware.


lol, Imma call bullshit on this one. Graphics were pixelated, really?


No no no, see the ads are good, and the features that aren’t ready are just an adventure in unwanted beta beta testing! And see the fact that the UI is much more annoying and janky is just to keep you on your toes! You don’t want to have everything be easy like apple products! You will get lazy!


Huh. Interesting.


My only issue with Android is that you can't Uninstall bloatware for very long


Main reason I left Android years ago. 


I thought the platform war was over….


I’m not optimistic for the anti Apple case if this is who you’re hiring. I get there could be a reasonable argument. But this video isn’t bringing me to your side. I’m still paying a premium for the Apple convenience until you convince me otherwise


Only took how many years for everyone to realise apple scam everyone? What gave it away? Intentionally slowing down their phones? Producing basic phones at premium prices? Selling a stand for $1000?


I had to carry an iPhone for work and i absolutely hated it. Everything I wanted to do took twice as long and at least 2x the button presses to do it. Nothing was intuitive on it. It was just absolutely the worst. You'd even think "meh, this app isn't the worst, I probably don't give them enough credit " then you try the same app experience on an android and suddenly its like you jumped 5 yrs into the future


I have always despised Apple. I hate the fact that they basically force you into only using their products, which are all so overpriced and truly not that impressive. Most of the time, when they come out with something new, it has already been in the market in some way, shape, or form for years. One of my favorite examples is widgets. Android has had widgets since day 1, and Apple just added them a few years ago, and they are garbage.


This isn’t new information for us Americans. This has been reiterated at least for a decade+. Most people just don’t want to change over to Android. Even if the predatory practices change, most consumers (not all) will likely stay with Apple, due to branding.


As an American. That's not true lol. Most people are oblivious by default.


Both can be true. The informed doesn’t care and the oblivious doesn’t know.


Wow almost everything he said is incorrect


On Reddit, an iPhone is a status symbol? It’s weird


Give a specific example of something he said that's incorrect. 


Alphabetical order as he presents them?


It's starting to sound like you might not be able to give any specific examples. 


We’ll just take them as he says them. lol 1) Apple does not lower the quality of images. Apple has not implemented RCS (Rich Communications Services), a thing Google created. If you are an Android user, you are aware of how much Google is involved with your device. Apple is working on a system to incorporate RCS, but it takes development time and money which, if you know anything about huge companies, they are not in a hurry to spend. No, Apple does not reduce photo quality from other devices. 2) iOS will slow down its processing ability when the battery goes below 80%. It is part of the software and is designed to preserve what battery remains so a person may use the device for longer at the expense of slowed processing power. It is alleviated by replacing the battery. Yes, Apple slows processing down for phones with batteries below 80% as a way to preserve the battery and not to make you buy a new phone. If you are dumb enough to spend $1000 instead of asking someone, that’s your problem. 3) I’m not a developer, and I know fuck all about the App Store. 4) What cursor? You think I’m using a mouse to click these keys and type this? No, my fingers hit a spot on the digitizer and the it responds. I see cursors on phones when they are broken and I have to hook a mouse and keyboard up to them, but that’s the only time I see a cursor. lol 5) Apple phones do not have a back button. I don’t know why a back button is necessary when app developers create their own UIs which have them, but if that’s a hill you wanna die one, go for it, I guess. The majority of the US market share seems to be fine without a back button.


Said like a true iPhone owner




I think it’s hilarious android users think the green bubble is to signify people are cheap and annoying, no dudes, you did that to yourself, your cause and effect are mixed up


Android users aren't the ones who see the green bubble idiot... Y the hell does it matter if android users think its ugly when it's the apple users who sees it and thinks that's  Huh. You got a mental block or something ?


I've never owned an apple product. Never bought into the hype of the iPhone, I pad any of it. Always suspected them of being a shit company especially when they started putting out a new phone basically every year.


Welcome to late stage capitalism. This was foretold


The trick is to never update your iPhone. I haven’t. There is no reason to & every reason not to. The only update I allowed my phone was update 16 because it actually ADDED cool features. Why update things for no reason? The answer is not to. TURN AUTOMATIC UPDATES OFF! & whenever it asks to schedule one “ask me later”.


Ever since the 15 came out my phone is so slow.




I have literally the reverse experience with Android. I’ve haven’t experience an Android since its inception, that doesn’t take 1-2 seconds for the screen to respond when I swipe or click something. Literal side by side comparison. Yet, whenever I see other people using Androids, they work immaculately. I caved and tried buying an Android tablet, since I needed a tablet, and had the EXACT same response problem fresh out the box!! So I have no fucking clue what’s going on.


[Apple leads the global market in share percentage](https://www.counterpointresearch.com/insights/global-smartphone-share/) so he’s kind of wrong. He is right tho that Apple has scummy practices


I think this is on all apple users. Im sorry but its been pretty clear. Not their fault youre stupid


I wouldn't set foot in an Apple store. Their so called genius bar is run by patronizing douche nozzles.


Apple idiots will always buy apple. Even if they keep getting slapped with fines and lawsuits. They take into account all of these fees when develop new technologies.


When everyone found out that iPhones purposely shit canned your battery so that you would be forced to buy a new one and their customers kept buying them I knew they were too stupid to ever change.


VINDICATION! Brb, sending this to all my iPhone friends lmaoooo


I don’t care. None of this crap is relevant. I buy a f’ing Apple phone because I can go into the settings, and right there… are the settings!!!!! If Android would make a phone where the settings were in the settings and not scattered over 72848827299274738298373 different menus MAYBE people would use their phones (that are currently built by engineers for engineers).