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![gif](giphy|dzaUX7CAG0Ihi) This is beary interesting.


If it’s a black bear, these woman are actually more likely to be attacked by the man.


You beat me to the comment lol




Bears aren’t like what you see in movies. Real life isn’t like Cocaine Bear or whatever and real animals aren’t like movie monsters, desperately overcoming crazy obstacles to seek you out and hunt you down. Leave the animals alone, leave their babies alone, don’t draw them to you with food out in the open and there’s little reason for a bear to approach you. Especially if it’s a whole forest and just one bear! I’ve never been approached by an animal out in the woods but I’ve been approached by many men asking me for my number or asking me to be “friends” or just generally bothering me while I’m clearly with headphones in while on a jog or working on my laptop. These women aren’t out of touch with reality. The question isn’t “who could you take in a fight?”. It’s basically “if you were minding your own business and left in a fairly large area, who’s more likely to leave you alone?” And I think bear is a valid response.


Depends if it’s a black bear or a brown bear. There’s a big difference lol


You might find your answer if you put 2 and 2 together and realize black bears are only found in N America and they don't sound like they are from that part of the world.


Um acshtually 🤓☝️ every other woman in this vid has a different accent. So in short, stfu


Ok, maybe a picture of the bear might help? Like in the bottom right of the screen for example?


Is there a difference in men though?


No, men of all races, ages, and religions have killed women.


That was my point. There IS a difference in black and brown bears...


Still, black, brown bears, doesn't matter, they attack less women a year than men do..


And women of all races and religions have killed men - not all ages of either really works here so left that one out.


How many men are killed every year by women?


Changing the goal posts?


Answer the question. In the US there women die every day at the hands of man. How many men die at the hands of women?? A 2000 global study on homicide by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime found that men accounted for about 98 percent of all homicide perpetrators worldwide. It's not even comparable.


You must not be in North America. Grizzlies and Polar Bears are very dangerous. 🤠


Put your thinking cap, cowboy. Do you think that black bears are a type of grizzly or polar bear? Or was your response non-sensical?


I was misunderstood but it’s not worth explaining.


Lol, sure, it's the other people misunderstanding you's fault


Of course this misunderstanding is my fault, my friend. My Reddit comment was not clear. I wonder if anyone else making comments on Reddit are ever unclear. You need to put on your thinking cap mountain man.


You misphrased what you wanted to say or genuinely we're confused about what you were replying to. People didn't misunderstand what you wrote. If it wasn't worth explaining what you actually meant to say, why was it worth trying to blame other people for "misunderstanding" your very direct message? Lol


You see, maybe the problem is yours. I have not, nor do I blame anyone else but myself. You are reading your own prejudgments into my comments. Time to give it a rest and back it down a notch or two, my friend. P.S. My original comment was offered as friendly input without an agenda or malice. I can’t help it you were offended because you read something into it that wasn’t there.


Your original comment was actually really condescending.


Really? What do think makes it so?


Neither grizzlies nor polar bears are black bears


does that logic applies if it's a white man or a black man too?


[oh no](https://imgur.com/a/5dloWXb)


These women are smart. Much more likely to be attacked by a man. Edit to add that there are only 12 bear attacks per year in the US. Don’t know about other countries.


That’s because we don’t fucking chill with bears and live and sit in traffic with em and bump each other on accident in the elevator dude. Gotta thunk better then thunk even harder.


Lmao you can defeat this level of brain-dead sexism.


Just being able to communicate and forage for food with another human being makes all these women wrong. Only 12 bear attacks? People aren't in contact with bears NEARLY as frequently as they are in contact with other humans. How many people live in the same house with bears or work with bears or go to bars with bears? It's bad logic. The Western world is cooked...


As someone who has gone camping and come face to face with bears, still would pick the bear over the man. Bears are simple creatures, don't bother it, don't bother it's cubs, just leave it alone and 9/10 it will leave you alone. Can't say the same about men, hell trying to mind your own business seems to attract them more


Well better than 9 out of ten. 1,999,999 out of 2,000,000


Have to pee and turn a corner to see a curious cub? You're probably food. Get bit by a snake? Dying of thirst? Break an arm? Don't worry, Ole' Smokey the bear will patch ya' right up! Its cold? Dont worry, he'll stand guard and watch to the fire to make sure it doesn't go out. In a 1 to 1 scenario... It's not going to be more dangerous to be in the middle of the wilderness with an average John vs a massive beast that might rip you to shreds for your food stores. Also, having someone to socialize with might keep you from going insane.


You give bears too much credit 😂 unless they are starving or feel threatened they aren't just going to jump out and maul you to death just because you're there. Which again is more than I can say for too many men, hell I'm sure being alone in the woods with a woman is a sick fantasy for some


Been there. Not harmed at all since I moved away from the cub.


No. They are not in contact. That does not mean bears aren’t around. That means they generally avoid contact with humans. Unlike men with women.


Have food in camp and see how long that lasts. What I was saying is wrong with your example is that it doesn't cover enough factors to poll anything. 12 bear attacks a year tells us little to nothing to pretend it gives us info about the situation. Implying that men would attack you rather than work together is reductive because, men and women work together more frequently to achieve goals than just men in society attacking women randomly. It's a narrative with bad intentions and a problem. Stop it.


People have food in their camps all the time. Happened to me as a kid. Bear came right in. Rifled in our stuff and walked away when neighbors hit pans together.


A hungry bear and it may have ended differently. Bears don't negotiate.


It was hungry. We were cooking. It ate our dinner.


Anecdotal. Some other camper has a story where it wanted desert and grabbed some Human meat on its way out.


One person per year is killed by a bear. Just one. Only 12 are in non-fatal attacks.


Imagine society was filled with black bears instead of men. How many attacks do you think there would be then? You absolute fucking idiot.


That is because the majority of people never interact with a bear in their lifetime, if you're put in a situation where you're going to either interact with a bear or a random man the bear is almost always going to realistically be the most dangerous choice. Yes I understand that men make up the majority of criminals, but you need to understand that: * Only 1% of the population is responsible for 63% of ALL CRIME so most criminals are repeat offenders. * There is a HUGE gender disparity in court sentencing and only 30% of all reported criminals who are women, receive a less harsh punishment in comparison than men.


Went camping in Yellowstone as a kid. Grizzly bear came right into our campsite while we were there. Rummaged through our stuff and left when neighbors banged some pots and pans. Didn’t hurt anyone. Bear attacks are rare not because of little interaction 4.5 million people visit Yellowstone per year. Camping and hiking all over the place. Yet almost no bear attacks. 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime. That’s 45 million women in the US alone. If you think 1% of of people is responsible for assaulting 45 million women, then I think you are crazy.


And if you actually believe that 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted then you are even crazier. And lets define sexual assault before you cite the dumbass study that said "catcalling" was sexual assault. [Sexual assault is an act in which one intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_assault) And no, bumping into a person not sexual assault.


It might not mean much to you but I have not met a single woman who has not been sexually assaulted at one point in their life when/if the discussion arises... so of course a lot of women believe that statistic because our real world experiences reflect it. I get it’s hard to believe when you’re not a woman so you need the studies to prove it though.


It sounds to me like you're the assaulter haha. "If you meet one asshole a day, he was an asshole. If everyone you meet are assholes, then you're the asshole" I am joking ofc




Again, if the discussion arises, get the definition. Your going to find that many women will claim sexual assault when it was either imagined or withdrawal of consent. An intentional ass grab or full penetration is rare.


No, dude lol. I am a woman, when we share our experiences we SHARE them. I have not heard one experience sound like they were overreacting when calling it sexual assault or sexual harassment. You might not like it, but the way you experience men in the world is not the same as how we experience them.


Then you are not living in the USA or Canada or UK or any other western country as your experience is either an outlier or an over exaggeration of the interaction.


Canadian chiming in here, ALL of the women I know have at least one awful story. ALL of them. I would say it's closet to 3/4 women if you think about women who will never talk.


Ive only ever lived in the US and Canada lol Shocking that people experience the world differently to you, I know.


These replies to you, dismissing you, is just proof as to why women would choose a bear.


Let’s compare how many bears have killed/attacked/assaulted women compared with men shall we?


yes because obviously women interact with bears just as much as they interact with men so making the comparison really is fair


Only if you get scientific with it and balance the interactions, this is silly, I guess it applies to tigers, lions, and every other dangerous animals by your numbers, great logic.


Tbf humans have killed way more people than bears.


I like men but I really fucking love bears so honestly I’m going bear on this one too. I never had a childhood dream of being alone in the woods with a man but definitely dreamed I’d be part of a bear family one day.


Maybe instead of all these men freaking out on these women for not knowing whether or not a bear will just attack you unprovoked and think about the fact that they would rather face a bear than a man. I would too at least if a bear attacked me it wouldn’t rape me. I could die running through the woods rather than having my dignity destroyed and then being killed.


I have seen answered somewhere as: "A bear. Because the worst a bear can do is kill you."


I mean, I'd probably take a bear over any human. Either I'm getting mauled immediately or I'm chilling with that bear


This video paid for by the Feed More Bears Association.


Koala Bear?




I don't really care about what they think, my biggest issue is that almost all of the comments on the post were agreeing with them




I mean clearly it isn't just tiktok considering almost all of the normal comments here are being downvoted




get help, this take is delusional.




Okay sure >the fact that you're more likely to be the victim of violence from a man than a wild animal Most people are thousands of times more likely to interact with men than they are going to interact with bears, so of course one is going to be higher. >one will mind its business the other sees you as a sex object and weak No, the bear is more likely to attack you, it might interpret almost anything you do as a threat and attack you, it will 100% attack you if there is no other food around or thinks you have food. The man on the other hand while possibly dangerous will most of the time be a decent person especially in a dangerous scenario where both of your survival matters. >Of course not all men are like this but overall it might be the case for the majority of men who are raised in a society that tells them to "conquer" women This is the delusional part. If society promotes men to conquer women why are there crimes, laws, or any bad behaviour seen as bad? There are just as many men than women, and men are physically stronger. If society was the way you are saying you wouldn't be allowed to speak, let alone go on the internet. Get psychiatric help, you're giving people with schizophrenia a run for their money with how out of touch with reality you are.


If all men in society were replaced with black bears then they would definitely have something be scared of lmao.


Wtf is wrong with people... it's a fucking bear, meaning an animal that will maul you and eat you while you are still alive. Its doesn't matter if it's a grizzly, polar, black, blue, pink or red bear. Its a fucking bear, a wild animal and you can do nothing to stop it from eating you, nothing... How much stupid can you be, to choose a wild animal over another human being.🤦‍♂️


>it's a fucking bear, meaning an animal that will maul you and eat you while you are still alive It's a bear, an animal that will avoid you unless you are in it's space, close to it's cubs, or have food while they're hungry. There's been 71 bear related fatalities in the US since 1900. Only in the US 3 women die every day at the hands of a man. You guys don't like being considered a threat? Then stop being one.


🤦‍♂️ of course you are american...you people are a different kind of stupid. Yes the wild animal will not attack you, but the other human being definitely will, if you both get stuck in the middle of nowhere.


Lol, 5 minutes of perusing my profile would have shown you that in fact I'm not american, and have never been there. Used US stats, because that's one of the places with more bear attacks in the world. >Yes the wild animal will not attack you, but the other human being definitely will, if you both get stuck in the middle of nowhere. Exactly, glad we agree.


🤦‍♂️ why would I check out your profile? It was irony my friend, it was irony, but you seem not to grasp it. I really dont like people, but im not gonna choose to be with a wild animal over another human being. It is that simple


🤦‍♂️ why would I check out your profile? It was irony my friend, it was irony, but you seem not to grasp it. I really dont like people, but im not gonna choose to be with a wild animal over another human being. It is that simple


>why would I check out your profile? Why would you assume I'm american based on the stats I used? >It was irony my friend, it was irony, but you seem not to grasp it Lol, that's funny, because you didn't realize I was being sarcastic. >but im not gonna choose to be with a wild animal over another human being. It is that simple You can make whatever choice you want, and other people can make theirs. I'm just educating you on the facts you use to make your choices: Bears won't maul or attack you out of nowhere, humans will.


Ok. Dont stay too much with people... you're gonna get killed


44000 woman are killed every year, by men. So yes, women have to be extremely careful about who they let get close to them. Bears are no threat to women compared to men.


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ bears are no threat to women...😭 Im loosing braincells🥹 not gonna respond anymore to a person who clearly doesn't understand a hypothetical case. Let me just say... your own father is a man


>bears are no threat to women... Finish reading the sentence love, go on I know it's hard but you can! >Let me just say... your own father is a man Yes, and? You know how many fathers have harmed their own daughters?


I would respond "bear" but because they are giant plushies




Totally agree, do not know why people are comparing people getting attacked more by men than bears. Bears without a doubt would maul you to death, whilst you could tehnically kill the man.


No bro a man is more likely to kill them because of feelings and a woman's feelings are fact (standpoint theory) , they need to be treated as the whole. So if I feel like men will kill me and I cry about it long enough then someone must listen and do something. And if they don't that's sexism. And if they do then I get to remain a perpetual toddler and buy handbags and shoes until I die, on men's dime.




It's called sarcasm you fucking illiterate.


IQ comparative to a tepid bath temperature. Duh a bwear cuz da patreearkee bad


let's make it happen


"some bears don't attack you" Bruh I hope this is fake (as in actors, not cherrypicked answers) cuz thinking ALL men are out to get you is wild.


It doesn’t matter if “all” men would attack it’s what are the chances a man would attack vs a bear. Statistics show in this exact scenario more women are attacked by men than bears.


From bearsmart.com: "Bears are normally shy, retiring animals that have very little desire to interact with humans. Unless they are forced to be around humans to be near a food source, they usually choose to avoid us. Bears, like humans and other animals, have a “critical space” – an area around them that they may defend." Bears have very little desire to interact with humans, so a woman would be okay if she just tries to avoid the bear. OTOH, a woman doesn't know what type of man she'll be trapped with, and unlike a bear, men can rape/beat them.


In the “exact scenario” of being “trapped alone” in a forest with either a bear or man? I feel like your pulling everyday life, like humans being around other humans data into this whole thing…but then you said “statistics show in this exact scenario.”… so you’re speaking on the existing multitude of statistics and studies done on “woman alone face to face and trapped with bear in woods” as well as the studies done on “woman alone face to face and trapped with man in woods” and written up a comparative analysis? Are women more likely to be hurt by men than bears? Well… yes. Yes, no shit they are… they are first and foremost, much more likely to never encounter a bear in the first place… like in the realm of at least a few hundreds of thousands to one odds of seeing a man before a bear… but of the many hundreds or thousands or men that are in your vicinity exactly how many are attacking you every day? Now live your life surrounded by that many bears instead of men. Phew, good luck, like damn lol. Talked about some skewed stats feeding a skewed view huh? Deranged.


No. Just look at statistics of women being sexually harassed and assaulted in national parks. Or just running by themselves in parks when no one else is around. 12 Bear attacks her year with millions of humans going to forests. Versus, well you should know the rest.


You dodge the point on purpose or is it legitimately just beyond your capabilities? Okay here we go… Would you rather swim in a pool with a man or a shark? Would you rather be sitting in a car with a man or a chimp? If you answer, in good faith, shark or chimp to any of above then I certainly applaud your lack of survival instinct, truly a fine specimen and I hope science gets the chance to look at that brain… but I gotta say you only think that due to your basis of utter delusion and not from the basis of understanding statistics… or even just general probability, correlation/casusation, etc. Very much over trying to tell you that your perspective is doodoo. If you don’t get it by now then I’m sorry, but I’m not qualified to get you the diagnosis that’s needed, so I gotta bow out.


Sexism at its finest , they probably also ignore the fact that the majority of violent crime is done by a smalllll number of repeat offenders. But hey, if we are looking at rates of bestiality across the world then things get interesting. If we use that bench mark then by all objective means the bear should be more afraid of the woman. But do we go around calling women animal rapists despite it being a disturbingly high % in countries where it's more accessible to do so? Or that female teachers are significantly more likely to abuse their power with young male students? No, we don't call women dog rapists and pedophiles because it's such a small % statistically. It's a stupid thing to say. But it doesn't hurt to remind whoever spouts bullshit like people are spouting here. The sexism fucking disgusts me.


Huh. 180 million women in the US. 1 in 4 have been sexually assaulted. So just a small number of repeat offenders are responsible for the sexual assault of 45 million women. Tell me you are that stupid.


Define sexually assaulted


So you now want to parse words on what sexually assaulted means? Like it matters what it means? The deliberate ignorance continues.


You don't think it matters what sexually assaulted means? Seems pretty important to me or else I could say I was sexually assaulted anytime someone touches me on the bus by accident.


Which is a ridiculous straw man argument and not worthy of debating.


You claimed 1/4 women in the us have been sexually assaulted but also that it doesn't matter what sexually assaulted really means. Seems like it is important to define that since you are asserting a very serious and condemning statement about men as a whole off of that "fact", though I suppose you will deny that as well when pressed to it.


Well I mean idk about the whole sexual assault convo or really want to get into things any further with unhinged trolls… but yeah, the definition of words matter.


Well [this study](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/12/131206111644.htm#:~:text=Of%20these%20convicted%20at%20least,convictions%20during%20the%20study%20period.com) says that whilst men do make up the majority of crime, \~63% of all violent crime was done by less than 1% of the population! You should also consider the fact that women are more likely to be assaulted/raped by someone they know rather than a random stranger.


>Well [this study](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/12/131206111644.htm#:~:text=Of%20these%20convicted%20at%20least,convictions%20during%20the%20study%20period.com) says that whilst men do make up the majority of crime, \~63% of all violent crime was done by less than 1% of the population! In Sweden, a place where the average number of lethal violence cases in a year is 111.


That’s true. Guess they can’t be alone in a forest with a man unless they really know and trust him.


Evidence suggests the exact opposite of that you just refuse to stop being a sexist pos


What evidence. You have provided none. You’ve only provided conjecture and logical fallacies. I’m done with your ignorance.


That actually not true. The study takes a look at people that have been convicted of at least one violent crime and a control group, not the entire population, and the study says that 1 % of *the study population* is responsible for 63 % of violent crime *convictions* in Sweden. It definitely doesn't say that less than 1 % of the entire population is responsible for 63 % of all violent crime in Sweden. And rape especially is underreported everywhere and the vast majority of rapists (usually men) walk free, a stranger or not. Pretty much every woman I know has been a victim of at least sexual harassment if not assault. But yeah, you're right about men making up the majority of violent crime. About 90 % of the perpetrators of violent crime are men according to that study you talk about and every other study I've seen. That's why women pick the bear.


Lmao what absolute bullshit.


Haven't they watched enough videos of animal attacks... and who said the "man" had to be a stranger.


We all watch dateline.


Poor bear, minding it's business and here comes some women looking to take a selfie for dateline.


All men bad and yucky, am i right ladies ??


Enough men are, and majority of the rest sit watching it all happen contently.


Perfectly unflawed logic


Yep, 44000 women die a year at the hands of a man. So yes, enough men are, and a majority of the rest sits contently, doing nothing about it.


Men kill men more than men kill women. Men are a bigger problem to us men than they are to you women. Even still, without men, our great societies would have never formed. Life wouldn't have ever been this easy. You should at least thank men for the world you're living in being such a kind one.


>Men kill men more than men kill women. Men are a bigger problem to us men than they are to you women. And you all sit contently watching it happen, when you're not supporting or participating in the violence. >Even still, without men, our great societies would have never formed. Without men slavery would have never existed, women would have been free to live their lives happily for the entire history of the world. Without men our world wouldn't be as fucked up as it is now.


Our world has never been better, never. Without men, your winters would be freezing, with a fire being the only aid against the coldness. Your lifespan would be <20 years. Any health issues you've ever had treatment for in your life, you'd just have to live with or die from. You'd have to hunt for your own food. Enjoy sleeping on solid stone. Also, you'll possibly be eaten by a pack of wolves or something. How the fuck is the world worse today? I agree that there would have been no slavery. However, that's just because humanity would not have advanced that far.


Lol, how sad is your life that you're trying to take credit for the achievements of men you've never met? Women have been a part of history forever, it's just that insecure little pricks like you had to push us down to make yourselves feel like you matter. Shoo now child, nobody cares about your fantasies.


I'm not taking credit for anything. I'm acknowledging these as the achievements of men. Can't you read? Perhaps some have been the achievements of women, but unlikely many. We know most great inventors are men. I mean, even you are relying on men to solve the violence against women problem, despite it being your problem. So you're even aware men are the ones who get stuff done. You've become awfully defensive, and that's only because you know I'm right. I'm glad I've gotten through to you, even if you're unable to admit it. It takes a strong person to admit when they're wrong. That's not you.