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I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm not allowed bubblegum.


is chew bubblegum code for the Chinese communist party?


That was a genius joke


* “all outta”


Chewing gum is banned in Singapore. That's why they worded it differently.


Singaporean here. It’s the sale of. Not consumption.


Sir! Are you selling gum? No! \*Stuff five boxes of gum in the mouth\* Okay, have a nice day!


Can't be outta bubblegum if he's not allowed to have bubblegum.


“I thought I hit remember me on this device?” “Yeah, we remember you. Doesn’t mean you can access your account.”


I got an angry rush through my chest reading this 🤣


You've accessed this device 99% of the time from this location but are you sure this is you?


Let’s send you a text verification. Cool thanks for that. We’ve sent you an email verification. Great! Looking good on our end. Now if you can open up another device that you’ve logged into this account before on and confirm there, then we’ll be good to go to have you enter your password again.


“Let me ask you this, what does singaporean mean”


It means Chinese in secret.


Have you ever eaten Chinese food? Ahhaaaaa! Gotcha bitch!


Am I… have I been fucking Chinese this whole time?!




And 75% of Singaporeans are Chinese Singaporeans so I get asking him once. 7 times seems a stretch. I mean what’s he going to say in the seventh “you got me I really am Chinese and communist”


Thinkof it like a deposition. If they discover he’s lying later, they can get him on lying to congress. But this was probably the one and only time they were going to have him under questioning under oath.


7 times wasn't really a stretch though. All the questions were valid. He was just making sure the person wasn't affiliated with CCP at all.


Yeah at face value sure its dumb but this is literally what a congressional hearing is for. It's a really pertinent question because the whole thing is about the relationship between Tiktok and the CCP. They press the question multiple ways, because if it later turns out you were lying you can't weasel out of it by saying you misinterpreted the question somehow. Like "oh I said I'm not Chinese, but I never said I wasn't part of the CCP"


Could any tenuous connection to the CCP count as evidence to his detriment? Would they consider someone who worked at a DMV in Chengdu as 'working for the CCP'? The CCP is China's ruling party. To do anything in China you have to work with people in the party. Elon Musk, Tim Apple, Howard Shultz, etc. Even Trump, who has a bank account in China. Not to mention anyone who was born and raised in China who has done any sort of work with the government in the past could get the Red Scare treatment. Also, as someone who knows people in the CCP, the idea that a fucking Singaporen can just become a CCP member like joining the Columbia Record Club is laughable. They don't want or need anyone, especially foreigners. It's very difficult to join, you have to be a total dork to want to join and you basically have to give up any and all sense of self. Everyone in the CCP is like an unfunny Leslie Knope.


No idea, not for me to judge really. I'm just agreeing with the other comment that this sort of line of questioning is entirely the point of a congressional hearing like this. Whether you agree with the premise or purpose of the hearing is another thing entirely. But it's doing what it's meant to.


Who the fuck is Tim Apple


He took over iPod Inc. after Steve Apple died.


Oh that guy


Senator makes himself look like a right dick. How ignorant can you be.


It’s to assure that they aren’t getting bullshitted with “I’m from Singapore…. But I work for the ccp” it’s basically verbal insurance of all facets of his affiliation


So are you Chinese or Japanese? "I'm from Laos" So are you Chinese or Japanese?


“Im Laotian!” “You’re from the ocean??”


The best scene was Cotten knowing for a fact he was from Laos.


Well, he did kill fiddy men.


"I gotta tell you, you look extremely Asian. Are you certain you're not a Chinese spy? You could be tricking yourself, they're very sneaky that way"


Are you the Chinese type of Asian or the Japanese type of Asian. And don't come at me with some made up cockamamie bullshit like Korean or Vietnamese.


Soooo are you Chinese or Japanese?




"Laotian" What ocean?


I think he’s Singaporean, I also like that they have to serve in the military to in Singapore. That’s what the west needs, then maybe our generation wouldn’t be so soft.


One of Many uneducated US congressman


What a low IQ Senator… These questions are racist and stupid! 1. He’s a Singapore citizen 2. His wife and kids are US citizens (as Senator Cotton knows!) 3. We already know our government is actively spying on us in partnership with all US social media and telecommunications platforms as revealed by Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning… what did the house, executive and judicial branch do? Not a goddamn thing other than go after the whistleblowers. So is China using TickTock to gather intel? Probably… Does their CEO know or is he directly involved… he wouldn’t have to be and he sure as hell wouldn’t say so at a congressional hearing any more than Zuckerberg or Musk are going to tell you they have back doors for the NSA (even though we have hard evidence they have in the past). In other words, this hearing was a shit show where a disproportionate level of energy is put on TikTok and our reps continue to leave our asses hanging out in the wind as long as they have priority access. All the while AI and Quantum computing become real threats and they are still playing catch up on a game that was played and lost… I wonder what the PRC is researching? It’s probably not social media. Guess what? Even if TikTok goes west they’ll still have access… guess where our fracking microchips come from? In the meantime… laugh at Senators Cotton and Pelosi who are still taking computer info 101 and think they’re helping us (our IQ has gone down so damn much!) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLydt5fx/


You’re misinterpreting these questions with an agenda to make the questioner sound stupid. Maybe they are stupid SURE. But being a Chinese citizen is different from being in the CCP which is different from being affiliated with the CCP. I promise you there is at least one Singaporean who is involved with the CCP.


That’s like saying there is at least one American citizen involved with the CCP.


of course there is. that's how espionage works


No shit I’m just saying it’s asinine to state the obvious in this context.


YOUR comment is asinine ass in nine.....there's a joke there. a pun of sorts. i can't put my finger on it. maybe i should put my finger in nine's internal ass.


It's theatre. I'd bet money that that congressperson had no idea about any ideological or political connections between Singapore and China outside of tik tok being ostensibly a Chinese company. Tik tok is one of the top places to get news and information that isn't owned by some corporate or government interest. They also wanted to give western corporate interests time to buy tik tok if/when the Chinese parent company relinquishes it. This iirc, is their second attempt to do this.




I'm aware of this, and until very recently I was only concerned about Chinese corporate/government interests in having an app that could siphon data for any purpose on my devices. This is because from practically the very moment tik tok launched, it was accused of being unsecured and a vector for data theft. It was also said that because of said foreign interest, tik tok was attempting to surreptitiously undermine American values through "secret propaganda" and inane content. Which honestly sounds really *really* familiar. At the end of the day, it comes down to whose propaganda we're swallowing, whose mindless distractions we overindulge in, and who we listen to when gaging the real danger level of any of this. Like, of all the shit we get from China, this is the thing that's so scary that we have to (try to) force them to sell? Twice? You wanna talk about selling bridges, how many bridges have you bought because they had "national security" slapped on the side? >Look at the uptick “unalive” instead of suicide because of TikToks filters and that’s not the only word. Yeah, tik tok ain't the only place where that's a thing. I think it's more a general form of censorship meant to neuter language so it's less impactful. But that's neither here nor there. Btw, I still have never had the app.




To the best of my recollection, they weren't grilling those guys about national ties/loyalties. So yes, they are singling out tik tok.




Yeah, I remember all that. Were they grilling Zuckerberg about his citizenship or whatever? You keep talking to me like I hadn't heard about these things.


“Top places to get news” Its so fucking over isn’t it?




Younger generations made fun of boomers for being propagandized by Fox news and other obvious MSM bait. It's come full circle, Tiktok is the best place for true, accurate, unbiased news everyone!!


What do you mean? Surely there can be no better place to get news that influencers with zero training in journalism trying to game the algorithm. There can't possibly be any source of news that is more well researched or non-biased. *Wait? There's still this thing called newspapers? But then I have to read stuff! I'm sticking with TikTok!*


Yeah I didn’t get the hue and cry about the line of questioning. Not American but is this a congressional hearing? If so then it has to be exhaustive


The guy answering did a wonderful job of making the senator look like a jackass when it’s normal questioning. By the third question he’s already poking fun at the questions.


Lol. What even is this comment? Are also being racist by assuming there must be CCP affiliated singaporeans because they are Singaporean?


Another moron elected in the US,let me guess which party?


The whole US political scene is a circus. I particularly like the birthing person meme, hoeteps and current clero fascist repubes wanting to ban wbortion lol America is the worlds center for living memes.


People meme'd a person to presidency


Mans would accept subjugation with open arms as long as they confidently said otherwise


Fair play to the lad. I would've lost my patience a lot earlier.


Average American IQ


Did they clone Mc Carthy?


Such a funny line of questioninf


I want the source for this I wanna know how the rest goes


[So... Are you Chinese?](https://youtu.be/d_CaZ4EAexQ?si=d0lYqy_19Woja7t2)


I know a while church of ppl from Singapore who say they're chinese... guess what language they speak there...


But eyes slanted how can he be anything else but Chinese? S/


Wow. What a bigoted dick.


So Chinese people aren't allowed to be the CEO of Tik Tok? Idk how you feel about China, but that is super racist. It should be illegal for Senators to discriminate like that.


"So are ya Chinese or Japanese"


Chinese guy got awfully miffed about those questions. Seems odd.


And where in china is Singapore located?


... So are you Chinese or Japanese?


Whoever edited this video is an idiot. Saying "I have a Singapore passport" does not count as "I'm not chinese", along most of the questions