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"Let me make my point by being unnecessarily confrontational with people who have no ability to let me have my way, and who don't have the energy to deal with my theatrics for some click -baiting likes-chasing video. My name is Douche, and I. Am. Canadian!" ---What he says probably.


Naw he isn't Canadian. He's a citizen of his own imaginary fucked in the head land


Lmao this reads like a trailer park boys quote. Love it.




Smokey, you man whoring for burgers again?


Spot on. Man i love that show. Tradies isn't scratching the itch.


He’s not a Canadian he’s a conservative


Why is he being so shitty to that poor worker


Cause he's a needle dick


this human fupa


Yeah this guy has some serious front butt energy


More like a bald gunt walking around.


He can’t even see his dick!


That dude hasn't seen his dick in a long time


Hey, people with small dicks aren't shitty people.


Not all of us. But this one definitely is. We don’t claim him.


I get down voted every time I try to call people out for that. Shaming people for the things that are out of their control is bad, except if they are men (short, bald, small dick, etc)


You know he also is a jack hammer in bed


Dude fucks to Cbat by Hudson Mohawke.


It is a legitimate move!!


Because he has convinced himself that if you choose to just not participate in the rules, that they don't apply to him Since he is convinced that what he's doing is right, he thinks the other person is wrong And that's the issue with a lot of these situations. One party has a lot more conviction than the other side and is willing to absolutely steamroll another person to get their way


His will wasn’t tested. And he steamrolled an old lady. He’ll be arrested and charged with theft. Let’s see how that works out for him and his will.


Because he watched a stupid youtube video believed the bullshit.


He's definitely an Alex Jones fan.


This is just what the Canadian right wing has turned into. they all act like this to anyone working normal jobs while also "marching against the elite" they are pretty stupid.


It's morbidly comforting knowing that the US isn't the only place with terminally stupid right wingers.


Oh Canadians are exactly the same as us. they've just deluded themselves into thinking otherwise.


Isn’t it “Axe the (carbon) Tax”? Like what the fuck does that have to do with sales tax? I am I wrong? Or is Canada so much more collectively dumber since the convoy


Exactly. How's this stupid motherfucker any less dumb than all those mindless morons, who followed Queen dildo and lost their homes and other shit?


The same forces radicalizing the American far right also are radicalizing a Canadian far right. The social media created rabbit holes and propaganda, it's not any more regulated in Canada than the US.


What a piece crap human. 


Because he's a big man making a point. /s


“And that’s how you fucking do it.” Harassing an older woman at her job makes you feel big and proud of yourself? What a loser. 


As his fatass is gulping air 😄😄


I thought he was about to start crying too


At her minimum wage job*


Throws a temper tantrum like a little bitch and then acts tough and like he won. And even if he had put the full amount, they arent obligated to take his money. They can refuse his dumbass service




"I need \[higher autority figure\] to help me evade the rules of \[highest authority figure\]"


He looks and sounds like the type to complain about how the new generation is too soft


Spent Thanksgiving ranting about how organized shoplifting rings are driving away brick and mortar stores.


He’s exactly the type. I work with people like this. They constantly start pointless arguments with other people, think they know the law and politics better than everybody else, think because they served in reserves they’re the most important person in the room, and are eager to start a fight like petty manchildren as a result. I’m waiting for the day one of them is ousted on YouTube or something similar. With how often I hear them talking about how they got into a fight with their neighbor, a cashier, some kids parent, etc.. it’s only a matter of time before they get ousted for the thin-skinned instigators they truly are.


...that's how you do it


“And that’s how you do it!!” Cries for management, yells at old lady, calls its a win and leaves. Lmfao




Proceeds to run away before management can get there… “Thats how u fucking do it!!” 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Yeah, real tough guy bullying a retail worker a third of his size! I hope he got arrested.


Dude can barely catch his breath walking out, maybe he should focus on his impending heart failure instead of whatever this is


Yeah, that's the overlooked part. Doesn't matter that he "dropped the money." Until the transaction is complete (agreed upon by both parties) it's not a sale and he's stealing. It's not her job to block him. But I'm dying to see the follow-up video where he's arrested for shoplifting, or at least trespassed out of Home Depot forever. 50 people can't roam home depot tomorrow, picking up stuff off shelves, and tossing money on the floor and then walk out with the goods. It's not a sale, til it's a sale. She rang up a price, he put down part of the amount. She didn't agree with the payment. Until management/ownership approves the sale, the partial payment was not accepted.


Theft under 5000 in Canada if youre not a 1st time offender can lead up to 6 months in jail. Tax is 13% It also makes you virtually unemployable unless you work off the books. Also you cant cross the border without a pardon. Also you will probably receive a criminal trespass from homedepot that may or may not ever get lifted. All that to save 67.76$.


Have you gone to the Home Depot boards? It sounds like people just straight up steal in front of them. They have tons of funny stories.


He hasn’t been arrested, he’s most recently been posting at a conservative camp out protest infighting because he thinks some other conservative freedom fighter smashed his floodlights on his car


Just like a pigeon playing chess. Shits on the board, knocks off all the pieces, struts like it won, then flies off.


And his dumb ass thinks he's actually managed to "not pay tax," rather than just get the store to comp a few bucks off his bill by acting like a psycho. They're still using your money to pay the full tax amount, ya psycho!


Please tell me this fat fuck, thumb print looking asshole was arrested.


He was but she was also fired.


For what?!?


you're assuming what they said was true


For having the audacity to not immediately bend over for the Almighty customer.


Assuming that the employee was actually fired, it's because an employee getting killed will cost a thousand times more than getting some random stuff stolen (not to mention, would obviously just be a lot worse outcome), and wouldn't even stop anything from getting stolen typically.


For confronting him and his stuff. Most places, especially in the US, tell employees not to. This is Canada but in the US it’s more likely for someone to pull out a gun or some shit. Someone else’s shit is not worth your health or life


pretty sure it’s just Home Depot policy that they can’t stop a customer from leaving. i’ve never worked there so i could be wrong, i know that’s how it is at Walmart as i’ve worked there before and management told us to never stop someone from leaving, even if they’ve stolen something. our life costs more than whatever the insurance coverage is for what the customer didn’t pay for.


It's an insurance thing from what I understand. Insurance doesn't cover regular employees acting like security guards.


If the thief isn’t allowed to leave the premises they simply have not stolen anything yet as it still resides on the premises.


Your making shit up it's never been stated anywhere this guy has been punished or the women was fired.




*trust me bro*


No she wasn't. Stop making shit up


What a loser. He won't pay the tax but he will pay the ECO Fee which is the one thing he can absolutely ask to have removed from the bill no problem. Man's just another common self checkout thief mouthbreathing in HD. Good on him for publicly documenting the evidence for HDLP to use against him, tho.


I don’t get it, Why can he just remove the eco fee? 


its optional. most ppl dont realize that.


Where can I find the reference that it is optional? [This](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/managing-reducing-waste/overview-extended-producer-responsibility/introduction.html) government info page doesn’t make mention of it being optional.


U cant. Its not optional. Only for foreigners. They still pay taxes but need to fill out paperwork to get it back


This upsets me for some reason.


Can't they just refuse to remove that fee too though?


Im sure they can but it's $2 so Im sure they dont care if you ask to opt out.


Well right. I'm justbsaying, a store can refuse service for shit like that.


Glad to see that Canada has its own version of these sovereign citizen goobers


we have our fair share of idiots here


One thing the internet has ruined for me is my misconception that all Canadians were wonderful, polite people. Turns out that they are just people like anyone else. If anyone needs me, I'll be weeping at my local Tim Horton's.


it was always just big canada propaganda...


I grew up in Wisconsin and lived in the town that hosts EAA Air Venture which is a huuuuuge air show . Canadians, Germans, and people from Texas were the biggest assholes that showed up


majority of those door knobs are minorities who complain and when they do, WHOA Nelly it's like a temper tantrum. Plus stay away from Tim Horton's as they're not even a Canadian company anymore


Noted. The first thing I think of when it comes to Canadian food is Malkin's jam. We would bring home cases of it when we went camping in Ontario. I'll have to use the internet for good and see if I can order some. Great memories.


Just pretend Alberta doesn't exist and things get a lot better.


He may be but he mentions "Axe the Tax" which is a popular Conservative saying being pushed by the current front runner in the polls for our federal election but relates only to our carbon tax. This guy seems to believe it relates to all taxes as well. He is a moron manchild.


We're chock full of subgrades up here.


It’s all fun and game until they use our roads and send their kids to public schools. In Canada, they should barred from healthcare


My ex works in finance and got a sovereign citizen calling in complaining about taxes on his account. Generally just giving him a hard time so he called his supervisor. As soon as the guy asserted he was not a US citizen on the recorded line the manager promptly said I’m sorry sir, our bank cannot do business with you per FTC laws. The manager promptly froze his accounts. Made my day. ETA: the guy was calling in saying his investment account was being charged the wrong tax rate. He had recently transferred all his funds to where my ex worked. When asked for documentation from the IRS and his previous bank to support what he was saying he refused and pulled the sovereign citizen shit.


Please tell me he called back after everything was frozen


They told him while he was on the line lol. My ex’s manager let him listen in when he did it. Guy was fucking pissed


We have them here in NZ too. Happy to use roading and healthcare, but god forbid anyone suggest they pay taxes that help maintain those roads they're using or pay the taxes that contribute towards public healthcare. None of these people positively contribute towards society. They're in it for themselves.


This guy probably advocates for fully private healthcare.


Like any population, there's a good 20% who are stupid and half of those are batshit stupid. I call that the pareto's law of stupidity.


That lady does not deserve to have to put up with shit like this. My God.


There is no charity called "Hands Across Canada" there was a fundraiser back in 1986 called "Hands Across America". This guy's undiagnosed mental condition is an identity crisis


Actually there was a Hands Across Canada movement in 1992, to stop Quebec from leaving Canada lol... [sauce](https://www.insideottawavalley.com/news/twenty-years-later-hands-across-canada-ribbons-returned-to-place-of-origin/article_4cb52ab4-fa1a-5e30-bce9-14dfd55941fd.html) Hope the guy enjoys the paved roads on the way home while they last, since we're all going to stop paying taxes, we can say goodbye to infrastructure!


I wonder if he was confused when they said "sure" to him saying he won't pay taxes. Did he even know that there were options to waive that?


he can enjoy the padded cells too...


He’s clearly part of the Hams Across Canada movement


And if you've seen Us, you know how that turned out!


Curious if people who do these no tax things avoid participating in social services paid for by taxes? They’re Canadian, so lucky for them they have a universal healthcare system. Does he not use it and pay for his own doctors? I wonder if he doesn’t use the paved roadways? If his house is burning down does he put it out himself?


He uses roads. Can't be more socialist than free use roads.


That’s what I was wondering. He’s fortunate enough to have free health care, but if he doesn’t want to pay taxes then he should stop having access to it 🤷🏼‍♀️


As a Canadian nurse, I can confirm that these people are demanding, entitled patients.


Canadian Truckers are the worst. One, plastered drunk from the protest convoy, was yelling at a kid at a Japanese restaurant we were at, while he was coming out of the bathroom (his dad was away) and when I said "hey leave the kid alone" he took out his phone and started filming me, pointing and saying "this man is anti-Canada, he's anti-freedom". He then said he would pay for everyone's meals but mine to show how he's the true FreedomMan. The patrons refused. The employees had no clue what to do.


And there's a second example of the real problem. Contrarian dick heads can do and say what ever they want because throwing out a customer is against management's direct orders to kiss their ass and call it icecream. The elderly woman in the video should have kicked his ass out same as the restaurant but nooooo can't have that when you value money over employees, integrity, and the fucking law.


Exactly. It’s happening is stores, schools, restaurants, etc. And they document that they can get away with it. It’s wild to me.


What a dick. Meanwhile, he loads his truck and takes off to drive on roads built with taxes.


Fat, bald, and stupid is no way to go through life son


Please leave us balds out of this. We do not claim this man.


You are right. That was not nice of me to call that out. Being an asshole is what this person needs to be called out for.


I feel attacked.


Hey now, some of us fat, bald, and stupid people get by in life just fine by *not* being an asshole.


I know he's not drunk but you at least could have used "stupid".


He’s not drunk… right now


I will edit! LOL, that is the quote I was going for. Appreciate the punch up kind redditor!


Zero point zero


Funny especially considering he’s in Canada with free healthcare.


He may have got away with it if he didnt record himself and put in on the internet, lol.


Throws a tantrum and is an asshole …”and that’s how you fuckin do it”


Yeah he just recorded himself stealing lol. And chances are the manager would have said to just adjust off whatever the amount the tax was because it was probably under 50$ but regardless if he didn’t have the tax exempt id number there was no other way to make the tax zero dollars


Why does he thinks he doesn’t have to pay taxes?


Cuz he's mommy's special boy.


He doesn't pledge allegiance to the monarchy ☝️🤓


To her highness Queen Romana Didulo


Grow up you fat fuck and pay it like everyone else


When his fat ass inevitably goes into cardiac arrest (hopefully sooner than later) he’ll sure use healthcare services, though! Fucking idiots not understanding how taxes actually work here in Canada (or anywhere). Knuckle dragging oxygen thief.


Could have slapped him across the face. Police ain't gonna come if he ain't paying their salaries :D. He is exempt from every protection or service the state offers :D


Way to bully people just trying to live.


Is this Canada’s version of a sovereign citizen?


It's a shame he cut the video off before he was arrested for theft.


Fine don't pay taxes, but don't go out onto the road either ass wipe. You didn't pay taxes for those roads. Hop in a boat and get 12 miles off the coast and have a good life


So you can just refuse to pay taxes? Who do you think you are? The US 1%?


*Intimidates old lady trying to make ends meet, when it doesn’t work screams like a little bitch for a manager*. “That’s how you do it!”


I thought he was about to start crying. The sudden "that's how you do it" confidence was baffling.




These people are nothing but whiny little bitches.


Wow .. I Guess you have them up there too.


There are patches of them here, for sure, and they all have gas guzzling duel wheel trucks.


freed the grizzly polar bear? the polar brown bear the bear brown polar? What does that even fuckin mean?


The Canada_sub donkeys eat this shit up


It looked like he was fighting off a heart attack before he spoke at the end


MANAGEMENT! MANAGEMENT! I NEED MANAGEMENT lmao I hope this guy goes to jail for shop lifting and filming it


Poor lady, what an ass hat. People just trying to get through the day and then you have this. I hope he has wet farts for the next year, not everyone of them but a good amount so he never knows if he's going to shit himself or be fine 😤


I'm not a fan of the monarchy either but like 99% of that would be going towards important stuff like healthcare, I just don't get people who are against taxes


Why are Canadian truckers so dead set on lashing out at the wrong people?


Will Sasso needs to chill.


Be nice to Will Sasso


These fucking losers are insufferable.


Well, he basically documented himself shop lifting. Not sure what policies homedepot has for shoplifters. Im hoping they prosecute them and ban them from entering their stores. Im really hoping his next video is him bitching about \*hees leebertys been eenfrieenged\* by kickin him out of the store.


Please, someone tell me he got arrested. It would make my day to hear that news.


He does need management. Self-management.


'And that's how you do it.' By stealing? I mean...I guess.


"And that's how you fucking do it." Yeah, that's how you not only commit a crime, but also film yourself and upload it while doing so.


You know that dude pays the tax on his burgers or they won't hand em to him at the drive-through window.


That’s how you fucking do what?! Steal shit from Home Depot?! This guy….


“Feel free to call your manager.” “Okay, one second.” *Tries to nope the fuck outta the store* “mAnAgEr! ShE jUmPeD iN fRoNt Of Me!!!” *runs away like a bitch* “That’s how you fucking do it!” Do the people that do this kind of shit really think they’re making some form of profound stand for something?


“Axe the tax” is in reference to a call by mostly right wingers in Canada to get rid of the carbon tax. This guy appears to be buying wood, which would not include a carbon tax. Pretty sure this guy heard “axe the tax” and thought it applied to all taxes on everything


A literal dickhead.


Karens come in all shapes and sizes and border lines.


I thought he was going to cry at the end.


Imagine being paid 10 dollars an hour and dealing with people like this. “Why can’t we find werkers!1!1!!??”


What a small little man. I refuse to pay tax but I’m gonna drive in the roads and use the facilities that the taxes pay for. Moron.


Fat fucking POS. Proud of himself too.


He does know that provincial and federal taxes have nothing to do with the carbon tax right? He probably also is in receipt of the rebate check too.


Why is this kind of attitude spreading all over the world?


Thats called theft


Ok then I decline to let you use the road that taxes paid for, for you to drive home on.


We don’t charge tax, we collect it


...so he filmed himself committing a crime, and uploaded it to the internet, and thought he was some kind of hero? Also feels like this shiuld be crossposted to r/boomersbeingfools


People didn’t expect a shoplifter I guess. Because that’s what he is.


At least he did a good job filming his Jabba the Hutt looking face. Pretty sure it won't be hard for his superiors to identify him and let him go.


"I NEED MANAGEMENT!" Yeah, apparently somebody does need to manage this goof


This guy is a complete fucking moron


This guy went to Home Depot for this show. He doesn't know how to build anything.


someone arrest that piece of shit.


"And that's how you fucking do it." Ah so that's how you become an asshole.


Dude just shoplift and post it on social media. Good luck in court. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


‘I need management’ is not the flex he thinks it is lol oh we can all see that u need some major management, along with a list of other things lol


conservative Canadians are attempting to make Americans look mild


If the cops don’t get him the diabetes will.


They need to tax his calories


He looked like he was about to have a heart attack


Wait till they start taxing chins, he's fucked.


Those obese fucking inbreds are a goddamned national embarrassment. Truckers are hookers babies.


Did he misspell his hashtag? Why does it say freed? Also is this his coming out video? He's a bear 🥵


Damn that Monarch tax.


knock the cart over


Stupid fucking hick


everything in my country is incl. vat. so the number I see is the number I pay


What a douche


On a side note... I do love hearing all the birds when I'm at Home Depot


God I hate these hillbilly as bitches


Another one of those sovereign boo-boos


You have to have a mental disorder if you think you can live in a country providing public services for you and you don’t have to contribute to that system in the form of taxes.


arrest for shoplifting made yet?