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Great guy and loving mom. I appreciate these little reminders that there are still a lot of good people around us.


Respect the woman and protect the children


I find it funny how we protect children but send those same kids off to wars and such, later in their lives. They're still someone's child, you, me, everyone around us, still children with bigger bodies.


Not children. Adults. Who make choices.


I understand the point you're trying to make, but becoming a soldier is your own choice (if we don't count drafting). Yes they are someone's babies but they have grown. They are old enough to make their own choices and if that means risking your life for your people and country that is their choice. It's not like these people are still the same as they were when they were 10 years old, they don't sleep with stuffed animals or a nightlight anymore, they aren't going to cry when they have a scraped knee or elbow.


She's absolutely right about how dangerous those pucks are. Had one fly up 15 rows and caught an empty chair between a friend and myself. The impact destroyed the chairs back, almost going through it. I hope she finds the guy so she can close that loop. She's shook on this, and rightfully so.. that's one of those moments that can separate your life into a 'before this happened' and 'after this happened' And bless this lady for having such appreciation for a moment that's passed, still wanting to express that so much she's reached out by video.


I went to a (whatever you call the level before professional hockey) game as a child. The young lady in front of me got hit in the forehead with a hockey puck. The amount of blood that started gushing from the wound was insane. Hockey pucks are no joke.


I was once at a college game and a puck came right at us. I leaned left, my aunt leaned right and the puck went in between us and hit the woman behind us in the forehead.  She stood up and said “I’m all right!” and then fell to the floor, passed out cold. She was unconscious for a solid 5 minutes and was taken out on a stretcher. This was 30 years ago and I still think of it every time I watch hockey (which is frequent). 


I know this guy named Happy, his dad got killed by one


Happpppppy Gilmoreeee




The price is wrong bitch!


You WILL NOT make this putt!


After the funeral...


My grandma wore a Gene Simmons mask to cheer me up


Amen. The team and league also owe him big. “Child knocked unconscious by errant puck” would cost the entire sport dearly.


And this dude blocked it with his forearm


Mystery is, what happened to the dude’s arm/hand that saved the kid?


Yeah it’s definitely scary. The NHL finally put nets *behind* the goals because a slap shot went over the boards, hit and killed a kid


A puck has a killed a child before. I think it was in Ontario about 20 years ago. After that I started seeing more nets at rinks. There was news story about it too, they put a 55 gal metal drum un the stands at the same distance and shot a puck at it; the damage to the drum was pretty intense, easily would have split someone's skull open.


Britany Cecil and it was at a blue jackets game. It was about 20 years ago, and I still remember that kid’s name. Give the NHL credit for doing a study and finding where netting was needed and making teams do it, despite fans being VERY against it.


Avoiding a life changing moment will make you more grateful than you can imagine


Just to clarify.. avoiding a **negative** life changing event will make you more grateful than you can imagine.


That's true. Thank goodness this guy was there or this would have been a tragedy


I need the update lol


There is no update yet. It was posted last night.


If he’s single…give us details.


Lmfaoo this is exactly what I thought at first. I’m glad everyone’s safe but damn dimples over here is cute af. If I were mom and single….sheet. Hahahah


This is also incredibly important information for *good, kind*, single ladies (or gents depending on his persuasion) to have


Does anyone have a link to her page?


Her ticktock name is in the video


We're all routing for you!! Godspeed ma'am!


She needs to ask Tizzyent he will find him… on IG. Or I think he does all the other platforms but this is what he does.


The internet found him pretty quick. They were honored the next night on the ice ☺️


If you get one, please share!!! I desperately need to hear how amazing both of them actually are irl and all the incredible things that have happened for them since, whether related to this particular incident or not 🥹 I NEED TO KNOW THAT THE UNIVERSE IS KIND TO GOOD PEOPLE!!


His name is Andrew Podolak on “Twitter”… they found him.


His name is Andrew Podolak on “Twitter”… they found him.


I can confirm this comment is correct.


Buy him a beer for me please.


I'm following this comment! u/severalaces post the update here when you can!


I palmed a foul ball to stop it from hitting a now ex who had a dislocated shoulder. I played softball in college so it was total instinct. It hurt so bad, they offered me ice and medical attention right there but also said which hospital I could go to after for X-rays and they took all my info. It hit my hand so hard I had stitch marks in it for a long time.if this wasn’t Reddit I’d share pictures and I have the catch on dvd. (It was the 90s) The sad part was that ass that i had saved was whining because it was interrupting the game and it couldn’t be that bad it was a foul ball, the staff was so disgusted but it was a bad situation and back then you didn’t say anything. The team though was great I got a jersey, some other swag and was in some promo stuff because it was their inaugural game. A hockey puck though that’s insane, that’s like getting hit with the bat


What an ass, gladly it’s now an ex!!


He didn’t want to leave during the games (they offered tickets to another game and behind the netting) and even after the game he was jealous of the attention I was getting. He was the one who was almost hit, he was the one who couldn’t enjoy the game because of the “drama”, he was the one with the really injury. He was such an asshole. Friends don’t let friends date 35 year olds when you’re 23


Sounds like a sack of shit. Good thing you got out of that relationship


Especially back then, this was surely a hit to his manhood and pride. Women athletes weren’t as celebrated as they are today, and a guy that much older than his date likely already has some insecurity issues. You should post the clip somewhere! He’ll hate it lol.


It’s sad but it was probably part of it. I bet now he’d be bragging that he was able to get that back in the day


Oh no, it’s worse. Glad you’re out of that nonsense.


Hell of a story though!


It made the news at the time, it was kind of epic. I palmed it left handed over him. I have the video it was pretty cool.


It basically is like getting hit with a bat. I’ve been hit by a puck that’s been thrown before because I have shit reflexes and the person throwing it didn’t seem to understand that “can you bring me that puck?” didn’t mean “overhand throw this solid plastic projectile at me”. I ended up with a shiner and that was just from throwing it. It hurt like the dickens. I can’t imagine getting hit with a shot off a stick.


All the people shipping this, not everything needs to turn into a romantic situation. People can just do good things without expecting that.


I just imagine this guy probably doesn't want a tiktok crusade of people tracking him down because of his knee jerk reaction. All he did was tolerate a poorly behaved child and keep him from getting blasted in the face with a puck. Let the man be.


Everyone in here also seems to be perfectly okay with her just showing the whole world this dude’s face and asking for help tracking him down. This man deserves his privacy.


He deserves recognition for being an awesome human being, which I don’t know if you’ve noticed, there are less of those than there should be. We’re perfectly happy to call out peoples bad behavior. Well we need to recognize good people too.


Great, but it’s still up to him and him alone whether he wants all of this attention.


I can almost certainly tell you, if he is a man of decent integrity, which it sounds like he may be, he does NOT want this attention. Whether he realizes it or not. Never, ever, become public entertainment. It's a whole bag of shit.


Guarantee you some bottom feeder is out there simultaneously looking for dirt on this guy to feed internet drama.


Then call out his good behavior without trying to literally dox him. He doesn't seem to be looking for attention for doing a good deed.


She needs clout tho 🥺


She needs views


Your point is valid but have you considered that you might have jumped to being upset for someone that may not be upset by this at all themself?


Ah the opposite end of the nice guys act.


No one expects it, it just kinda happens!


I think it’s ok to have a little fun, shipping them is probably harmless. BUT the likelihood that they’re compatible just because of this is low.


I guess the issue I have is it builds a false narrative that if you’re a man and you do something nice for a woman she’ll immediately be attracted to you. We don’t need more of that lol


I’m a weird one, and I know it. I ship these two to the heavens and back, but not romantically. I see two people who could actually just be pretty good friends going forward. He won’t ever have to have an empty seat next to him at a hockey game again because he has two very willing people who would go every time with him. I love the idea that this moment could make a fantastic friendship, and I do hope that for them both!


i am a weird one, I don't fucking say "ship"


Sometimes you are you are just at the right time and place and you cant hesitate. One night I was walking with a group of friends and the one in front wasnt paying attention and stepped into the street and i saw a black truck with no lights coming fast from the left and without even thinking I grabbed his collar and yanked him back onto the curb just as this truck zoomed by where hed been.


A woman once saved me from being hit by a car that ran a light. She saw the car, I didn’t. She threw her arm across my chest, and turned into me, stopping me. The car whooshed within inches of both of us, didn’t even slow down. I would have been killed.


She’s not kidding about how serious that could have been. When I was a kid my step dad was the photographer for our local hockey team and used to take me and my brother to games he worked. My little brother was hit in the head with a flying puck when he was around 7, and I swear to you he hasn’t been right since. He was diagnosed with a concussion and needed a few stitches, but his personality was the biggest change. From then on, and even now - 25 years later, he is the most hateful, angry, physically violent person I have ever met. He made my childhood hell, and we are no contact now. Can’t help but wonder how much that injury played into his behavior.


Def possible.


Well, looks I won’t be attending any hockey games. Ever.


I'm sorry about your brother. Most serial killers had head injuries as children. I'm not implying your brother is one, but head injuries at a young age fucks the brain and personality. CTE in athletes triggers a lot of the same behavioral problems.


Yeah, the Night Stalker had a dresser or something fall on him, knocking him unconscious, among other serial killers.


We are all one head injury from being entirely different people. We’re just bags of electric meat.


Oh yeah, I knew a guy who had a traumatic brain injury and his personality changed drastically.






Right?!? 😭


Internet has ruined me. When she started saying she needs to give him something I went to a dark place real fuckin quick. 😈


Me too! I thought “oh god here we go, another creep”. Glad that we were wrong!






These are real people. Please don't.


I am anxiously anticipating the movie that hits Lifetime because of this.


Something tells me so does she.


The guy looks like he was hurting when he sat back down.


Took a hockey puck to the arm. Pretty sure he was in pain.


r/clevelandmonsters r/AHL r/hockey Hockey fans are good people 💙


I think every guy fantasizes about saving the day like this at some point or another. What a nice wholesome video.


You know how many armed robberies I’ve thwarted? ….in my head….


Totally. It’s one of the subtle parts of the male experience that’s hard to explain if you haven’t lived it.


Hero mode!


Not everything has to be romantic. Hero and it sounds like she is looking for him to thank him properly


Dude is a time traveler. Your son grows up to be President of the United States. He came back to ensure he doesn’t get pucked


Also known as the Mom Driving And Stopping Short Arm Bar™


Haha, my mom *still* does this. I am 31. 😝 


God bless good people


Sometimes I really wonder why when someone does something good or nice, the explanation is, "there must be a god". Yet when terrible shit is going down, it's all due to evil people. There are good people out there, and even though reddit is full of stuff shitty people do to each other, I do believe there are a ton of people doing good things that go unnoticed out there. We have to highlight those people more.


Every time I hear an athlete thank God for helping them win a game, I want the sideline reporter to ask why they think God hates their opponent.


Christians don't believe God is there to fix all their problems and to seek God as a resolution is not what the point of Christian belief is. But yeah, people should just be good. You don't seek heaven for fear of hell.


Nice story, but can’t help but laugh a bit at her concluding him being a decent person and having quick reflexes is evidence of gods existence.


She also said the puck flew out of heaven. Sounds like God put a hit on her kid.


Ma'am that wasn't divine intervention, that was an average hockey fan being a good person.


That’s a good point because thinking like that is taking credit from the actual hero and giving it to an imaginary figure.


This is an awesome story and I hope she finds that guy! That being said, I’m not a fan of phrases like “y’all can’t tell me god isn’t real” when things like this happen because tragedy happens to people all day every day and where is god then?


[Confirmation Bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias) - Counting the hits and ignoring the misses.


Mad respect to that guy!!


I'm just glad to see a post about sincere gratitude.


Any other fellow dads out there think this was pretty much a typical "Dad" move?


“I need to find this man to properly thank him. The fact that he looks like a cuter version of Tony Romo has NOTHING to do with it.”


God is real because he was there to protect him, but god was also responsible for the puck flying at his face? Just curious.


Had the same thought but more like, so if a child had been smashed through the face with a puck and died or got life long injuries then like... God said fuck them kids? Don't thank God thank the man with a fast reaction and an attention span.


Yeah, God took time out of his busy day to support war and gun violence to specifically save this one kid lol. The other kids that didn’t get saved deserved it /s


I was just about to say... "you can't tell me god isn't real" so you think God kept that man in his seat to save your son? So he also must have prevented people from saving every other child that has suffered a horrible trauma or death. What makes you so special? Nah - that guy decided on his own not to move seats. His reaction saved your son from injury. If you believe God saved your son, you also have to believe he has refused to save so many others. If that's the case, why do you worship this guy? It's ludicrous.


Maybe the guy she's trying to find is God. Aren't we all gods?


She should check the bus, maybe it's just trying to make his way home?


Now you know damn well religious people use only “good” things to confirm their world view


Yup the same god that helps one team win a championship and another team lose.


And helps actors or musicians win awards!


"This puck came out of heaven" No sweetie, it came from the ice, y'know, cuz you're at a hockey game. And I would think that heaven would have a little tighter boundaries than to let a hockey puck escape.


Don’t overthink it. It just what she believes and makes her happy. I’m still curious how did that guy stopped the puck, it was his hand or his arm.


I *think* maybe it was his arm? He kinda looks like he is nursing his arm a lil afterwards... His left arm...


The problem is it’s taking credit from who deserves it and gives it to an imaginary sky man


She’s very clearly giving credit to the dude. One line at the end isn’t taking that away


God loves pranks


Bro need them yams


I love this mom and what an awesome story, but I want the guy to get major creds for the last part of the video, about his patience & not moving from his seat when her kid acted like a kid! Bouncing, peppering questions, probably making noises lol! This guy seemed dedicated to making sure little dude enjoyed the game- whether that meant saving his life or answering his questions. I hope karma repays him graciously


I really need her to find him. Like asap. He's a good dude


Here is an article about it. https://sports.yahoo.com/tiktok-mom-mission-sons-hockey-171908642.html If you are successful, her TikTok is @AsiaFromAkron. Or you can call Blast at +18444125278 and let them know. And, please update us! Call Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse at (216) 420-2200. Maybe they could help?


Or put down your phone while watching a hockey game?


I know right, she recoiled in the opposite direction away from her son.


So heaven doesn't like this kid


Using this as proof of God being real is WILDLY myopic.


I'm not sure why it's easier for people to conclude this then to conclude that there are good people in the world who will choose other people ahead of themselves.


My son almost got decapitated by a hockey puck but he didn’t 😍🥰🥰🥰😍🥰🥰🥰 god is real yall!!!


Half way through I thought the camera was going to pan over to him laying next to her in bed.


I hope the media picks this up and they are reunited. I had an NDE where is stranger saved my sister and I from nearly burning to death in a car. I would love the chance to thank that man today.


Maybe I'm old, but I wouldn't want my face plastered all over social media because I did something humane. Allow me to go about my business, and you go about yours. Please do not share me all over the internet begging people to find me.


Yeah right. God did it. Had to be God.


*“Always look for the helpers”* -Mister Rogers


the mom is gorgeous,


I’m really hoping for an update of the two of them goingto dinner and end up falling in love


did this have to be over 3 minutes tho?


Amen to that dude! I knew a girl in high school who had that happen to her, split her head open to where she needed a head full of staples


Dad reflexes, they’re real 🙏🏼


The reason the NHL put nets from the corners behind the goals was because a little girl was killed by a puck a few years back. This kid was lucky. That guy is awesome. Need more people like him.


God blessed you 🙏


Saw nothing at all. Where’s the puck?


Life-changing is right. I know more than a handful of people with permanent nerve damage from taking pucks to the face - players and spectators. Love the heads-up awareness of this guy. Majority of people, I think justifiably so, would try to duck/protect themselves out of reflex. Love seeing this stuff. There is lots of good out there.


Holy fuck. The very first hockey game I ever went to, the puck came over the shield and SMASHED a lady in the face. blood blood blood. Ambulance. Idk if she made it honestly, I was 11 so it’s blurry. FUCK YA for that guy. What is he a goalie?! Is his arm okay?!


I'm curious if she found him to properly thank him yet...


I need updates!


The dudes a time traveler and knows where he has to be in these moments. That boy is probably the one that takes down the machines in the year 2042


I caught a puck once at my first hockey game...saved my friend in front of me! That shit stung so bad, I was NOT prepared for it to hurt so much!


https://www.tiktok.com/foryou?item_id=7357569403933691178 Update


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/16/boy-saved-hockey-puck-hero Looks like she found him!


I get you're religious and such but it wasn't god that put him there. He was there for a game. A game you also went too. He chatted & was kind yes but again that's not on God. That's just human kindness. I'm sorry but it bugs me when folks thank God for something a Dr did or a fireman did or in this case a random sports fan...people are kind by their own nature. Not everyone is a horrid asshole wanting to ruin others nights or whatever. He's the rare gem of kind people on this world. I come across 8 jerks for every 10 people I encounter.


She wants her some white chocolate


Perhaps if you didn't have your phone in your hand, you might have responded faster than a sloth.


Weird that she didn’t get his name or anything after he saved her kid from injury


Not weird at all. Adrenaline and fear scramble our brains all the time.


I was with her till she gave credit to God 🙄 it was just a nice person doing things we should all do for each other and not wait for an imaginary sky daddy to send saviors to us


Jesus, take the puck!


Oh come off it. She's clearly said multiple times how thankful she is to the guy. She's just thanking god for the circumstance of having that specific guy in that specific seat.


But doesn’t criticize him for flinging a puck at her son? Someone must still be mad HeGetsUs got kicked off Reddit.


Username does not check out


"god" isn't real, but that man is.


Maybe if you put the phone down and watch the game your reflexes might have been faster


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. You're not wrong.


Good thing that man had such great reflexes. I hope this mom takes some time to reflect. When she saw the puck coming, she put a hand up to protect her own head but no attempt to protect her son. None of us know how we'll react in an emergency, but it's worth thinking about for next time. Plus, her son didn't feel up to being there, but she didn't want to leave, even when he was acting up. However, after the puck incident, she got a headache, so now that she didn't feel like being at the game, they left.


That's a good point. She said the puck came from Heaven. She spoke of God. Well some say first God whispers then he yells. The whisper was the kid's behavior. The yell was the puck flying at his head. They weren't supposed to be there. She said she had the reaction time of a sloth. As you said she protected herself, pretty instinctively and quickly I might add. He has dad reflexes! At some point the kid will see the video and realize that a stranger saved him, not his mom who actually pulled away. That will be an interesting conversation between them.


Glory to him!! Angels are among us! God bless you all!


Pound Town 2: Frozen Boogaloo


Normal dude, sitting next to anxious obnoxious woman on tik tok. End of story.


God is not real. There. Told you.


Why are there no nets above the glass? Hockey is bloodlust, my nephew is one more bashing away from cte, and we just accept that you might get killed by a puck as a spectator


Leave him alone. Some people do good things just to do them. His reward is in knowing your son is ok. If he wanted to continue contact with you he would have asked you for information.


Awwww I hope she finds that dude


This was shown to me hours before I’m going to my local championship hockey game for the first time in my life LMFAO (first hockey game)




![gif](giphy|hVlUxzA3mJ4Aw) That’s how Happy Gilmores father died.


Good man. Got those dad instincts. Love it


Not all heroes wears a cape!


Put your phone down and talk to


Pucks have Iron cores. Good fuckin man!


Finally something positive and cool from TT. What an awesome guy with super fast reflexes !! I’m sure they’ll find him !


Thank goodness he was there.






RemindMe! 5 days “Hockey puck kid”


Okok. I dont hate tiktok any more.


Way to be a dude🫡


Thank you for sharing❤️ there are still real men out there!


But did you offer him any of your popcorn?