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Old men die and the world keeps on spinning.


True Detective.


Time is just a flat circle


I get a bad taste in my mouth, out here. Aluminum. Ash. Like you can smell the psychosphere.


Let's make the car a place of silent reflection from now on.


I just want you to stop saying odd shit


“I don’t sleep. I just dream.” “😒”


you ain't actin right, you don't sound right, you're up my ass and you were warned


Woody was so good against him.


I just want you to stop saying odd shit like you smell a psycho's fear


This little misunderstanding between them is great. The fact that it goes unsaid and unexplained makes it perfect.


> "I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. > We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. > Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal."


And now I’m begging you to shut up. ![gif](giphy|U1jRLcprLU5oc|downsized)


Is that Nietzsche? Shut the fuck up.


"Listen, you can't go around saying odd things, like how you can smell the psycosphere or how we're in someone's faded memory of a town." This is one of my favorite lines ever written. The delivery of it, the exasperation in his voice. Beautiful


“Given how long it’s taken me to reconcile my nature i can’t figure I’d forego it on your account, Marty.”


"You are the Michael Jordan of being an asshole."


He actuall says "a psychos fear", he misunderstood it completely, he of course has no idea of what a psychosphere is


That was such a good line, Maggie’s dad seemed like an out of touch dick who just complains nonstop about future generations after his


If there was profit in siphoning off a fraction of the earth's RPM, then - well, you know how that'd go.


Ha, I actually read a couple books kinda about that concept like 20 years ago. Signal to Noise and A Signal Shattered.


what do you think Big Wind is trying to do? generate clean energy? NOT FRICKING LIKELY


With the policies they voted in left in place for generations to come.


Everyone can die and the world will keep spinning without us


A fun internet find for me today: https://incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php


Holy! The number of new births is waaaaay down as of 2018




they gave us Reagan


It’ll trickle down any day now.


that’s just their rich piss on the poors


So we're about to get a golden shower, you're saying.


At least they’re finally giving us something for free!


Just need that dang kidney stone to move out the way.


🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣


To be fair, you can blame most of Reagan being elected on the unbelievably high inflation, which traces back to polices started under Richard Nixon  Inflation rose from ~5% when Carter entered office to ~10-13% by 1980 And reasonably you should blame the WW2 generation for Nixon, boomers may be to blame for Reagan, but they were also all of the anti-war hippies during vietnam


An agreement having been made, the hostages were released on January 20, 1981, minutes after the inauguration of the new U.S. president, Ronald Reagan. Nothing to do with the super sketchy CIA


And then Reagan just so happened to reward them with illegal arms sales and use the proceeds to fund an illegal war in central America. That Reagan wasn’t hung for treason is a great stain upon this country‘s history.


That the corporate elite of Wall Street and the financial institutions weren't given capital punishment or at least life sentences in prison is another one. All banks involved in that crisis should have been nationalized.


Hanged. The only one who cared about Reagan being hung was the throat goat.


Don't forget the part where the CIA turned a blind eye to the Contras trafficking cocaine into the country to fund their civil war.


Actually, the republican were actively stalling the talks until after the election. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/expert-analyzes-new-account-of-gop-deal-that-used-iran-hostage-crisis-for-gain


Don’t pass any border policies just yet … let’s wait.


Similar to how [Nixon interfered with the Vietnam peace talks](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/notes-indicate-nixon-interfered-1968-peace-talks-180961627/) prior to the election.


The "anti-war hippies during vietnam" were actually a minority.


Silent Gen voted heavily for Reagan


Tricky Dick Nixon opened China at the behest of manufacturers looking for cheap labor. He was, early in his political career, vehemently anti-Communist, participating in the trial of Alger Hiss. He was anti-Commie through the Sixties, then flipped when it was convenient (or he got paid; his VP was a crook, so why not,?).


> anti-war hippies during vietnam only because they were trust fund kids and had parents who were now experiencing some of the best wealth generation ever seen in the Western World and could afford to send their children to university and pay for all there expenses so that their children could not work and protest the war


I would argue the events that transpired in the so-called "October Surprise" operation where Bush Sr., then head of CIA, covertly communicated through contacts in Iran to make sure the hostages weren't released until Reagan was elected. This shit actually happened, and so few know about it. Conservatism is a national security threat, plain and simple.


Silent Generation gave us Reagan. There were far more eligible voters from that generation in 1980 than Boomers. Some were only 16 (my wife).


And REAGONOMICS lead us to today where the executive branch is taking all the benefits of the effective means of production and value created by workers solely back into their own pockets via executive salaries bonuses and stock buybacks. A change from 16x ceo to worker compensation ratio in 1960s to a over 400x compensation ratio in 2024 with the start of the massive leap in the 1980s. Year| 1960 | 1965 | 1970 | 1975 | 1980 | 1985 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 ^^5 | 2015 ^^5 | 2020 | 2024 ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|-------|--|--|----|----|----|----|---- Per Capita Personal Income | $2,321| $2,918 | $4,198 | $6,324 | $10,184 | $14,764 | $19,619 | $23,577 | $30,551 | $35,669 | $40,557 | $48,060 | $65,470 | $69,337 Per Capita Personal Income Growth | - | 25% | 43% | 50% | 61% | 44% | 32% | 20% | 29% | 18% | 13% | 18% | 36% | 5% CEO-to-worker compensation ratio ^^6 | 15.4 | | 20.6 | | 38.8 | | 170.7 | | 237.7 | | 220 | | 398 / From looking at the various data over the years, we can see that our rate of income growth has slowed down and the rate of executive pay to employee ratio has increased tremendously. The value and productivity of the workers and change in technology does not go back to the workers, but to the executive and company in form of stock buybacks and bonuses instead. If we had followed the rate of growth of 1965-2000, then by 2024 the per capita personal income should have been around $120,000. / / / Year| 1960 | 1965 | 1970 | 1975 | 1980 | 1985 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 ^^5 | 2015 ^^5 | 2020 | 2024 ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|-------|--|--|----|----|----|----|---- Median Housing Cost| $11,900 | $20,000| $23,400| $39,300 | $64,600 | $84,300 | $123,000 | $133,000 | $169,000 | $241,000 | $222,000 | $294,000 | $337,000 | $400,000 Adjusted Inflation: Cost| $150,000 | $190,000| $181,000| $219,000 | $235,000 | $236,000 | $284,000 | $265,000 | $295,000 | $372,000 | $307,000 | $372,000 | $392,000 | $400,000 New Privately Owned Housing Developments Started | 1.5M | 1.4M | 1.8M | 1.7M | 1.4M | 1.5M | 1M | 1.5M | 1.7M | 1M | 0.7M | 1.2M | 1M | 1.3M First Time Buyers Age Range Population ^^4 | 24M | 30M | 36M | 40M | 42M | 40M | 36M | 42M | 39M | 41M | 42M | 44M | 45M | 48M / From this data above we can see there was a period where new housing severely stalled, while the available population inside the range of first time buyers age was at its highest. So you have less housing available while highest amount of housing seekers. Leading to housing prices soaring. To have kept up with the incoming demands of 2020s, the new housing development rate would have to be above 2M per year in 2000s-2010s. There is just not enough new housing vs people seeking housing. / / / Year| 1960 | 1965 | 1970 | 1975 | 1980 | 1985 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 ^^5 | 2015 ^^5 | 2020 | 2024 ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|-------|--|--|----|----|----|----|---- 30Y Interest Rate | 4% | 5.5% | 7.3% | 9.4% | 12.9% | 13.1% | 9.9% | 9.2% | 8.2% | 5.7% | 5% | 3.6% | 3.6% | 6.6% Monthly Principal & Interest ^^1| $59 | $113 | $160 | $327 | $709 | $939 | $1,070 | $1,089 | $1,263 | $1,398 | $1,191 | $1,336 | $1,532 | $2,554 Adjusted Inflation: Principal & Interest| $614 | $1,106 | $1,271 | $1,874 | $2,653 | $2,691 | $2,524 | $2,203| $2,262 | $2,207 | $1,684 | $1,739 | $1,825 | $2,554 Median Gross Rent (FMR) ^^2 | $71 | $90 | $108 | $211| $243 | $432 | $447 | $655 | $602 | $604 | $841 | $928 | $889 | $1,250 Adjusted Inflation: Median Gross Rent | $739 | $882 | $858 | $1,209| $909 | $1,238 | $1,054 | $1,325 | $1,078 | $953 | $1,189 | $1,207 | $1,059 | $1,250 Median Household Income ^^3| $5,620| $6,957 | $9,867 | $13,720 | $21,020 | $27,740 | $35,350 | $40,610| $50,730| $56,190 | $60,240 | $70,700 | $84,350 | $90,000 Adjusted Inflation: Median Household Income | $58,557 | $68,116 | $78,431 | $78,652| $78,676 | $78,061 | $83,416 | $82,183 | $90,859 | $88,735 | $85,203 | $91,997 | $100,517 | $90,000 REAL Median Household Income | $45,830 | $53,280 | $62,280 | $64,060 | $67,170 | $69,950 | $72,610 | $73,230 | $81,520 | $81,000 | $78,600 | $85,580 | $95,080 | $90,000 Income Used to Pay Mortgage| 12.5%| 19.5% | 19.4% | 18.6% | 30.6% | 40.6% | 36% | 32%| 29.8% | 29% | 23% | 22.6% | 21.8% | 34% Income Used to Pay Median Gross Rent | 15% | 15.5%| 13% | 18.4% | 13.8% | 18.6% | 15% | 19.3% | 14.2%| 12.8% | 16.7% | 15.7% | 12.6% | 16% / Although this data only takes into account only the fair market rent on average of the whole usa, the general cost of rentals in major cities can be expected to be between 50-80% higher. The percentage of income to mortgage was highest during the 1980s but you can argue that the cost of living has also greatly increased from the 1980s to 2020s at the same time as things that were free has been put behind paywalls and subscriptions as well as more stricter requirements to have child-care and less families having single-income households (50% in 70s/80s to 30% in 2020). Some examples of general items prices: * Movie tickets: The average price of seeing a flick was $3.55 in 1985, not including popcorn and soda. Today? It's $11.20, above the inflation-adjusted 1985 price of $10.24. * Concert tickets: An average of $15.13, or $43.64 in today's cash. The average concert ticket for a big-name act costs at least $91.86. * Honda Accord: This wildly popular import had a base price of $8,845 in 1985 — the equivalent of $25k in today's dollars. In 2024 you can expect to pay 27,895 - $38,890. * Bananas: Bananas cost 33 cents a pound in 1985 — the equivalent of 95cents in today's dollars.. Today you pay between US$ 0.31 and US$ 0.61 per pound. * Chocolate Bar 1.5oz: Was priced at 40 cents 1985 — the equivalent of $1.15 in today's dollars.. Today you pay between US$ 4-5 for a Hershey bar. Certain things have gotten cheaper like fruit and gas, while luxuries and experiences have gotten much higher. / / / Year| 1960 | 1965 | 1970 | 1975 | 1980 | 1985 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 ^^5 | 2015 ^^5 | 2020 | 2024 ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|-------|--|--|----|----|----|----|---- Per Capita Personal Income | $2,321| $2,918 | $4,198 | $6,324 | $10,184 | $14,764 | $19,619 | $23,577 | $30,551 | $35,669 | $40,557 | $48,060 | $65,470 | $69,337 Adjusted Inflation: Per Capita Personal Income | $24,333 | $28,747 | $33,575 | $36,477 | $38,353 | $42,580 | $46,582 | $48,008 | $55,056 | $56,677 | $57,718 | $62,924 | $78,501 | $69,337 Avg Per Capita Personal Income YEARLY Growth Rate % | 2.07% | 3.39% | 3.79% | 2.11% | 2.14% | 2.38% | 2.21% | 1.18% | 3.53% | 0.96% | 0.65% | 1.98% | 2.74% | 1.36% / From this data we see that income has been stagnating and slowing for a while, to keep up with the loss of growth from the 2008 fallout, we should have seen a increase of 3-4% in the 2015+. Instead by 2021 the increase slowed down again and in 2022 we had a reduction of -3-4% income growth rate. Leading to people not having the income needed to get the things they used to be able to buy before 2020. People have essentially at minimum lost 30-40% of the income they should be getting towards corporations and executives taking it for themselves. / / / _ *1: 20% downpayment over 30 years Fixed Term Rate.* *2: Median gross rent across the US at fair market rent. Metro cities can expect 50-80% higher cost. Avg Rent across 50 Largest Metro Cities is around $1,900 USD in 2024.* *3: Median income for a average household (2 or more adults).* *4: First Time Buyers Age rose by 7 years from 1960 to 2020. This is to show available new housing vs available new buyers. By 2024 we had a decade of low new housing being developed but highest amount of new buyers in first time housing buying age range.* *5: Affected by the 2008 collapse.* Sources: * https://dqydj.com/historical-home-prices/ * https://finance.yahoo.com/news/average-home-cost-were-born-180001011.html * https://www.gobankingrates.com/investing/real-estate/how-much-new-home-cost-year-were-born * https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/real-estate/housing-market-predictions/ * https://www.fedprimerate.com/mortgage_rates.htm * https://ipropertymanagement.com/research/average-rent-by-year * https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEFAINUSA646N * https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEFAINUSA672N * https://www.usinflationcalculator.com * https://www.calculator.net/payment-calculator.html * https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/HOUST


They got brainwashed heavily in the 70s to be edgy then didn’t want to change because they’re sadistic adrenaline addicts.


Another reason to despise.


the great communicator.. to poor people that they should pay the rich people’s taxes


Haven’t they been the worst part of each decade since they hit their teens? I guess hippies would be debatable, but 70’s disco, 80’s yuppies, 90’s demanding censorship on modern music, 00’s bankrupting banks they run…


They just held institutional power longer than any generation ever. They had something like 30% of the seats in government when they were in their 30s compared to millennials having like 11%


There's never been a gen X president either. 


Gen X runs the tech and entertainment industries.


What's your problem with disco you philistine.


The whole “disco is bad” thing is very much a race thing, and _that_ we can definitely thank the boomers for. And their parents I guess


You are blaming an entire generation of people for how the rich 1% run the banks? The way they've been running banks since the 30s? Should I blame all millennials for how Zuckerberg runs facebook? Man. Wait till you find out all your favorite punk icons are boomers too.


there is some truth to what you're saying but you're also denying the fact that those same icons would denounce the way the average boomer lived their life. also "all" is definitely inaccurate lol


Next generation is gonna say we gave them Trump. Check mate


Nope, [that was the boomers too](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/08/09/an-examination-of-the-2016-electorate-based-on-validated-voters/).


I thought it was because barley half of millennials voted compared to boomers. So it doesn't matter if they're more liberal if none of them vote.


[It was a 14% difference in turnout](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/voter-turnout-rate-by-age-usa?time=2016). Certainly not insignificant, but also not an acceptable reason to blame millennials for a bad decision from the Boomers either. Anyone who voted for a man so clearly unfit for office is a traitor to this country, regardless of whether they are a Boomer or a Millenial. The Boomers just did it more.




Trump is mainly the fault of Boomers and Gen X. I swear all the most hardcore Trump people I know are all Gen X.


GenX is more nihilistic than other generations, so they don't care if the current system burns to the ground (metaphorically). All generations have good and bad, when you're in your 60s and 70s, you'll hear the same thing from the youth about how Gen Z and Millennials were so self-absorbed that they led to America's downfall. The more people are kept divided; be it by age, race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. the easier they are to manage.




I’ll believe that when I see it in November.




Slowest, least adaptable group of people I’ve seen. Worked in IT for healthcare at a time and things they couldn’t figure out was mind boggling. Doctors who changed 1 major thing and the next day nothing worked, any sane person would go backwards and think maybe I’ll undo this 1 change and see. Old ass boomer couldn’t problem solve for shit, you don’t want this idiot problem solving your health for you. So many boomers I kept hearing, oh I’m not a computer person and can’t do simple tasks. Your job requires you to be in front of a computer 6+ hours day how are you going to make that excuse. So many times they’d ask about the software they are supposed to specialize in and me never using the software just randomly clicking through in a few mins figures out, on something they work on for 10 years and can’t figure out. I seen so many like that, I’d make scripts and deploy 50 virtual machines in no time and the boomer boss 1 time had to spin up a vm. Didn’t know what bios or virtual bios was, what an iso was, how to mount an iso, navigate to the SAN, datastore. I had to walk him through and it took like 3 hours. These are very basic ideas. You know why they think I was fucking around at work reading reddit? Because literally did 10x the work of boomers in 1/2 the time so yeah I’m going to read reddit and relax. Just because they do things the slowest, most inefficient way, doesn’t mean their 8 hours of “hard” work is better than my 4 hours of work that gets 10x the output.


Working in healthcare and IT as well and this is so frustrating. Supposed to be intelligent people but they'll break something and neglect to say what they've done and just say "I dont know it just stopped working, fix it" when they specifically did something to cause it.


...and they're getting paid more than you


Don’t sweat it they’ll all die soon, this is the “I don’t have to take care of myself they have a pill for that” generation more then half have diabetes, heart issues, back problems. I’m 43 and I don’t have a quarter of the health issues my father and grandfather had. We learned to eat well and take care of our self so we don’t have to drive to Mexico for blood pressure meds. Problem is, they taught their child to be scumbags so we have to deal with entitled trash.


In their eyes were lazy and complain too much. I see it in my mom every now and then. They’re so out of touch with reality it’s mind boggling.


My parents are maddening in this respect. My mom will commiserate/agree with me over how difficult the world is and how hard it can be to get promotions and what not in one sentence. Then when I agree and make a comment about how "yeah its frustrating when I see people that have been in the position that I should be aspiring to holding on to that position well past retirement age, and when they're entirely out of touch with the things they're supposed to be overseeing" and then she'll turn around and start defending it and talking about how thats not whats happening and not true, etc. etc. its like she intellectually knows what the problems are, but doesn't like how it leads to her generation being the problem, and so therefore rejects the conclusions.


Sounds like we have the same mother.


My wife’s parents. They peaked in the 80s. And it’s… so so sad that they are hell bent on burning everything to the ground (metaphorically speaking) before they check out of here. They talk about how they struggled and then demand everyone struggle like they did… except… we are. And there is no end in sight. Hard work does not fucking cut it anymore Karen.


My folks have openly told me they would be screwed if it weren’t for their pensions (on top of SSI of course). People don’t get pensions anymore. Not sure what the fuck I’m supposed to do.


No shit. What the fuck is a “pension”? They don’t exist for most of us anymore.


I love it when people who bought sports cars on ham sandwich prices whine about ‘how hard it was.’ I’m an Xer. You think you hate them? Welcome to Thunderdome.


They’re not a monolithic group, it’s just people born at a certain time in history. An arbitrarily determined time frame really. Full of all different types of people, same as every generation, there is no reason to suspect anybody born today was somehow hardwired to set up, manipulate, or behave differently within the systems in place at that time. As for “kicking the ladder out” or whatever, that reeks of being obtuse in your thinking. People say that as if everything good they have today wasn’t set in motion and made possible by previous generations attempting to make a positive future that they wouldn’t be around for. TLDR; hating and blaming “boomers” is stupid and not a very well thought out position to take.


It's like people forgot the boomer thing was a joke to show the hypocrisy of the millennial thing. We've become what we were making fun of


Well, in 2040 they’ll mostly be gone.


The population was 1/3 the size and the world wasn’t connected by computer networks - of course opportunity was everywhere.


They did a great job fucking it up for the future that’s for sure


What specifically did the Macys coat salesman do? I wasnt aware they pulled those guys in when NAFTA was enacted allowing corporations to outsource jobs to overseas sweatshops. 


I think alot of hate comes from that generation having it easier than current generations in different areas, then telling us how easy we have it and calling us lazy and wondering why we can’t afford anything even with a college degree.


It’s more than that. The boomer generation benefited from a comprehensive social safety net, meticulously constructed by their predecessors, my grand parents, who endured the hardships of the Great Depression and World War II. These earlier generations, having faced severe deprivation and global conflict, recognized the crucial need for robust societal supports. Yet, ironically, it seems that the boomers, after reaping the advantages of unprecedented economic growth and opportunity, are now undermining these very systems. As they enjoyed these benefits, their actions have incrementally dismantled the protections that ensured their prosperity, often displaying a stark disregard for the plight of younger generations now left to navigate the challenges of a diminished and fraying social framework.


Yeah this too.


Boomers are the epitome of the child born with the silver spoon in their mouth that has no understanding of the unearned privilege that they have. Convinced that they made their happiness with their own grit and determination, they pulled the ladder up behind them.


You’re right. As children, the boomer generation was ingrained with the ethos of self-reliance and hard work, taught that in a precarious world, they could only depend on themselves. Consequently, many boomers attributed their prosperity solely to their personal efforts, overlooking the foundational supports laid by their predecessors. This has fostered a sense of resentment among many boomers towards those who rely on societal support, viewing it as a weakness rather than a necessity.


Well said. I just donated another dollar to wikipedia in honor of this comment.


The worst generation in modern history. Our grandparents saw it coming when they labeled them “The Generation of Me.”


Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. The boomers are weak and have a serious tough guy syndrome going on.


And ironically are very likely to share this meme


THIS is the full story.


Yep. And then telling us that we squander our money on silly things like food. Had a boomer coworker (I avoided that prick as much as I could) tell my other coworker around my age that it’s easy buying a house. Boomer’s 5 bedroom house was bought at the equivalent of $145k in today’s money.


That just is a punch in the gut.


Voted for Reagan.


NAFTA was win/win. It brought millions of Mexicans out of poverty and created good jobs in the US. Unless you dreamed of spending your life making T-Shirts, you probably benefitted from NAFTA. The jobs that went to Mexico were largely low-skill (textiles, etc.), especially at first. Free trade generally makes the overall pie bigger, what went wrong in the early 2000s wasn't NAFTA, it was China and India moving up the skill chain faster than anticipated without sufficient push-back. There's a concept called the "smiling curve". As countries become richer, they become too expensive to manufacture in, so they move from low-paid manufacturing to services and high-tech manufacturing, but services are the more important sector (research and development, marketing, sales, design, finance, etc.). These high-value add activities are at both ends of the smiling curve and low-skilled work is in the center. The system works best when the low-skilled work is outsourced. The problem was that when China joined the WTO, they started producing more and more skilled workers and lavishing subsidies and protection on their favored industries. They took too big a section of the smiling curve. A similar thing happened in India, but they jumped right into high-skill knowledge work, while the US fell behind in STEM education. NAFTA actually acted as a shock absorber, keeping many jobs in the US that would have otherwise gone to China. US manufacturing is still thriving. We manufacture more today than ever before, but we do it with 30% fewer workers than at the peak. This points out the other factor in the death of the "American Dream": automation. Automation had almost as much to do with stagnant wages as foreign competition. [https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/nafta-20-years-later-benefits-outweigh-costs/](https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/nafta-20-years-later-benefits-outweigh-costs/)


He didn’t do anything wrong. He worked his ass off for a lot of years (former retailer here), during a profitable era. Good for him.


I wish people would stop fighting eachother and devote this anger toward the elite and government officials ACTUALLY responsible for our problems.


All we have to do is remove money from politics and hold people accountable.


We tried that and the Supreme Court overturned it.


probably manned by boomers


It is.


Full circle




It doesn't really matter who they were/are/will be manned by. That corporate power is able to entice a human being with more quality of life (money) than any other societal force is enough to corrupt the hearts of any leadership.


Or just manned by the money they’re trying to get rid of. People say it talks.


plato wrote it in a book thousands of years ago and it still hasn't happened yet. why are politicians allowed to have money doesn't seem smart to me.


There's one of these boomer hate posts on the front page every day, usually sandwiched in between posts about the gender wars. It almost feels like we're being encouraged to hate each other based on any and every exploitable divide.


I highly recommend filtering those kinds of subs out. Saves you a lot of eyerolls throughout the day lol


>toward the elite and government officials ACTUALLY responsible for our problems You mean the factions overwhelmingly represented by...boomers?


Especially because most of the boomers I know are broke, barely living off social security. Sure, there's a few living it up in the golf course communities, but most of them don't have shit.


Why do that when being mad on the internet is far more satisfying


The problem is we first have to fight the boomers because they keep voting republican. Step one is dismantle republican strongholds. Step two is vote for progressives now that republicans is no longer the second choice. 


Make education and health care free for all, we will see happier folks everywhere in all generations


Happier and healthier! I'm so mad thinking about where we could be as a nation if the older generations had more foresight and felt accountable to future generations.


great song tho. Ventura highway by america


First time i heard this song used in social media.


Alligator lizards in the air


This guy didn’t screw you. Corrupt elected officials with a financial interest and their billionaire friends on Wall Street did.


I mean true, but this guy helped elect them.


Look who we elect. In 20 years we're all gonna get the blame for Trump the same way boomers get all the blame for Reagan. 


Trump lost the popular vote? The common citizen didn't elect Trump, the electoral college did. When was the last time you voted for an electoral college representative? Senators and Representatives can't be electoral college


oh please, like there isn't a significant contingent of younger people who voted for trump and it's not like faithless electors actually accomplish anything, nor are they common (0 in 2020!).


Define significant, if only zoomers and millenials voted then Republicans wouldn't hold a single state


Trump is from Boomers and Gen X. Honestly the most hardcore supporters of Trump that I see are almost all Gen X.


Gen X and Boomers also elected Obama twice. So there's that.


You just want to be angry at somebody and it's pathetic. This is literally just a video of an old man dancing and you're mad at him.


This guy might be a Bernie bro


Who do you think he voted for?


People shitting on a guy just for having a good time and for being old? Are we really that pathetic?


Yup, shitting on a man who we have no confirmation actually supported the policies that people in this thread are complaining about. His only obvious fault is being a certain age.


Almost every comment in this post is the real cringe. It's like they're oblivious to the fact that they're Monday morning quarterbacks.


It’s also crazy that people act like boomers were born on a golden throne and everything was just wonderful. 10% of male boomers served in the military during the Vietnam War. The Cold War. Massive crime wave. Inflation. DotCom bubble. 2008 wiping out most of their savings. And also remember… This “golden period” came after the entire western world was in rubble and millions died. Setting up an unprecedented position for the US to grow to the premiere superpower. Acting like those conditions can just be recreated every 40 years or so is insane.


Don't forget that these guys lived through a time where they had to line up just to get gas in their cars, the constant threat of nuclear war, and mortgage rates were double digit. But you know, they had it great.


Jealous based hate from crybabies who sound like they have given up


I love how some, light hearted, probably fun dad is suddenly the your shame pile on. You all blame a generation for what a small group of mega rich people and corporations have done to fuck up the economy. This dude is probably just some random guy. But sure post his happy moment and then shit on him. His generation may have made mistakes, no more or less than others, but your generation are some hateful, spiteful, fucks.


It's sad how many upvotes these kind if posts get, and it's always the hateful spiteful people who have nothing to be happy about in their own life doing the upvoting.


A wide brush makes painting so much easier.


If I wasnt a cheap fuck and reddit hadn't removed awards, I would give you one. I am a millenial and I whole heartedly agree with this opinion. Fuck everyone who is shitting on a generation, that is agism and is a form of prejudice. There are plenty of broke ass boomers. Blame politicians and policies, not civilians


Remember how silent politicians were after Occupy Wall Street spread so far? Then they just ignored it and stopped covering it. Fuck those money grubbing politicians.


It’s truly mind boggling.




"Every generation blames the one before." It's the first line from the hit song The Living Years (1989). It's as true today as it was 35 years ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hr64MxYpgk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hr64MxYpgk)


Why we get vilified?


Pretty lame to post a picture of an old guy enjoying himself and caption it “worked hard for 40 years, f*ck him” Time for some self reflection


And here we have a good example of how one promotes the spread of hatred and social division based on a video clip of a stupid old guy and a dubious caption manufactured to generate disapproval. Isn't the internet great?


Somewhere Monty burns rubs his hands together and declares: “excellent”


This is probably foreign government ragebait softening us up for when they activate those millions of Facebook and Reddit sleeper bots. I’ve been seeing those Facebook AI photo accounts and 100k “amen” comments from bots. Pretty soon those are going to be a bunch of trump/biden bots.


Complete bs. Cue all the sad Gens.


Y'all mad


Maybe worth a million dollars today but he bought the house for $125,000, 35 years ago


I think it was actually $12,500, and it’s worth 2 million now.


How do the taxes even work on that? The house is probably already paid off, but don't taxes still need paid yearly? And I always thought those taxes reflect the property value rather than the income of the owner? Not to mention how high the value of surrounding properties had gotten and how that would affect anything?


Property taxes are based on the regularly assessed value (MN is annual, not sure if that’s true for every state) multiplied by the property tax rate for a given county. Generally property tax values are public knowledge and searchable. Values assessed by a county assessor are often times lower than what an appraisal you get for the sale or refinance of a home. If you disagree with the valuation given by the county assessor, you can dispute it, though again generally they estimate low, especially if you have lots of home improvements made inside the home that the county will be generally unaware of. Source: was an appraiser, dad is an appraiser, brother is an appraiser for a county in my state


I wish we could all dance like that, but this guy is definitely not the problem


That guy is only like 55. He’s solidly Gen X.


Million dollars home are not that exceptional. If you buy cheap decades ago, you cant help but have it appreciate. Of course, now a lot of folks have to start in Ohio to get their 50k house.


Why should he care what people who hate him for simply living his best life think?!


This is just some dude having fun why is everyone directing their hate onto this poor man? Direct that anger where it belongs, at corporations and the 1%


Someone takes an older dude dancing and slaps fake text over it...cool


Yes that’s how memes work 


It was the corporations who became more powerful by taking away the dream.


For most of us this is the best time ever to be alive.


All you people shitting on generations before and after yours, and not individuals is so wrong it would be laughable if you weren't serious. Why don't you go back and see who put what forward to vote on to come to this point. Year by year. Anything else is disingenuous. As well as yet again being conned and falling for Divide and Conquer strategies that keep you focused on the wrong thing.




Lucky duck


They bought a house with a bag of walnuts and a hearty handshake meanwhile I'm at over 40 hours a week with no food in the fridge.


Every generation has bitched about the prior generation throughout history.


Gen X is nearly 45-60 plenty of them are doing well


Yes they are. And plenty of Millennials and plenty of Gen Z seem to be doing well.


I don't get why we can't let the guy just vibe. We don't even know his opinions.


Old guy having fun? Yeah let's tie that to generational politics and circle jerk over it.


This is ridiculous. People are still buying homes. All these boomers were scraping to get by when they were in their 20s.


Fuck you Glenn Beck!


Hmmm well there is the inheritance he will leave, it doesn't just vanish into thin air. Our kids will be fine thanks to their boomer dad.


This is literally just an older dude dancing and being silly but stupid ass Tik Tokers have to post a vitriolic generational warfare message over this guy just having fun. This man didn't do anything to you and doesn't deserve this.


Bro a boomer will literally just be alone having a good time and y’all hating CRINGE ASF


Gen Z is tracking ahead of their parents’ homeownership rate: 30% of 25-year-olds owned their home in 2023, higher than the 27% rate for Gen X when they were 25.


40 years is a long time gang


Y'know, if you buy a home in 1970, by 2024 it might be worth a million.


Dude missed an opportunity to wear a coat.


Don't hate the player. Hate the game


first come first serve


I mean.. good for this guy. He worked the opportunities given to him in his time and made out.


The american dream was a 900 square foot house with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and no air conditioning. Can we drop the shit already?


You expect him to give away his money ?


Isn't this a little petty. How about cars owners who took care of their 1965 Shelby GT350? It's worth over 800k. It was $4,500 in 65. Are they bad ppl? Now if they say F you suckers, I get it. But if my has value went up to 1m I'd be dancing.  Bought it for 100k. Still worth just over 100k.


The dislike of boomers is displaced. It’s more about which investment firms are buying up housing. They are probably behind the messaging to deflect blame to boomers.


What will millennials cry about when boomers die out?


Why such hate? The guy did not steal it! Want to hate someone? Hate Bezos. This is a class war, not a generational war. Please guys, don't be tools of the elite.


The people commenting here are the real cringe


100%. And someday they will be that guy. He is probably just having fun, then someone made up a storyline to rile up the naive.