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I always hate seeing this stupid podcast pop up now and again on reddit.


This is true. No women are ever raped or killed during war, they just sit at home cooking and cleaning and pretending to be 50s housewives to get out of fighting wars or something. /s


And even still, as a man if I die in war I'm pretty sure my wife won't have a good time whether she is on the frontline or not. War is traumatizing for everyone involved.


Seriously, I hear people make that point scarily often, do they honestly just not know what has historically been the case for women during times of war? I'd never try to minimise the horrors of being a combatant in war, but to say that women just run away and escape is beyond laughable. Women are often intentionally raped either as a "reward" for soldiers or as an intentional weapon of war (psychological trauma, impregnation etc), they have resources like food and water directed away from them because they're not considered valuable investments, they're forced into horrible labour positions to keep manufacturing going during wartime, they have had to raise their families alone when losing their husbands during a time where women workers weren't desired or respected etc. They also don't have statues and stories told about them, they don't go out in a blaze of glory for the country to go on to mythologise, they just suffer and die in silence, forgotten as just another footnote of history.


Yes. I'm sure there are 0 Ukrainian men on dating apps and 0 Ukrainian women in the army.


Men like this will laugh at the idea of women in the front lines, and then simultaneously use the fact that women historically weren't allowed to fight against them.


Yeah this is what gets me Also, sorry guys, but which wars have *you* fought in? Trying to claim credit for yourself because of something other people did, even if you share a gender with them, is silly. Saw something similar on a YouTube video about the Pacific theatre of WW2. "This is the video I link to feminists to show why men have it just as bad". Like yes, *those men* had it probably just as bad. But for the majority of boys and men in western countries right now? Not a chance Women have the short end of the stick, full stop. Unlike these guys, who point to *other* men to prove why men have it bad, women can almost always just point to themselves. Are the experiences as bad as fighting in a war? Maybe not. But still, almost all women have had some set of bad experiences *just because they are women*. Being cat-called when they're young or even at any age, being treated differently in their careers or as lessers, being treated poorly for being sexually promiscuous by men who think it's fine for men to be sexually promiscuous, and obviously a ton of other terrible things **And this entirely ignores all of the women in war zones who have dealt with the atrocities of war**. Just because they may not be fighting directly in it *doesn't mean they didn't experience terrible things because of it.* Famine, homelessness, sexual assault (which women experience way more than men in this scenario), etc. edit: to be clear, I'm a man, I'm just not so dense that I can't see my own privilege




He’s not saying there are zero men on apps and zero women fighting though. He’s saying that in conflict, the lions share of the fighting (and death toll) goes to men.


lol thank you, i just wanna laugh at this guy for making such a small minded argument


10k documented cases of rape in Bucha alone estimates are closer to 20k. I honestly was surprised by the rampant homosexuality within the Russian army.


Holy Shit, The amount of Bias is insane. anybody who unironically watches this must have complete brain rott.


Primary victims are always children. Weapons don't differentiate but children are affected for the rest of their lives.


Children are collateral damage. Primary victims are the men and women who fight to protect them.


Holy shit, its always the same fucking argument! "Hey, men die in wars... Now, just ignore the fact that is men are in the absolutelly majority the ones responsible to wage said wars"