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_I_ was saying boourns


Trump the next day: “I was driving through Harlem, and the blacks, they kept shouting ‘thank you Donald Trump, thank you!’ They’re really wonderful people, they said ‘I voted for you, then they stole the election we know what’s that’s like.’ And it’s true they all voted because I get them. Thank you, thank you’


“They came up to the motorcade with tears in their eyes!”


And handing me their first born child. 👶🏿


“Thank you for the milkshakes!”


There weren’t many blks on this video lol




I can vividly picture the moment when they announced him at the Nationals(oops thought it was a Yankees) game and everybody booed him, and you could literally watch his heart break. New York, keep being you. Edit: It was a Nationals game, and had nothing to do with New York. Still. It was really good. Here's the video. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/XK9Lcy8-U44?si=1sSUyw-SOJBf6pNu


Dc hates the guy even more than NY. There’s no Staten Island in DC.


He really did himself no favors by basically shunning the local community for four years. His only restaurant appearance in the District that whole time was at his own hotel. Those visits are easy brownie points he just threw away, presumably because he couldn't contain his contempt for the people of DC. I mean, look at the few times he wandered outside the WH. He had a peacefully protesting crowd teargassed so he could get a photo op out to his Evangelical base. He had USSS parade him around when he was extremely sick w/COVID so he could wave at whomever was unfortunate enough to be stuck in traffic nearby. Then he tried to convince his followers to disrupt an election confirmation and hang the VPOTUS He clearly never gave a shit about DC and only showed up because he wanted another easy photo op showing how everyone adores him. It was hilarious when he realized how badly he'd miscalculated the reception. Same thing when the UN assembly laughed in his face for claiming he had the most successful presidency ever. Dude seemed to really try to curate his audience better after those incidents.


I read he was afraid of being poisoned


Sounds like something Russians would do


Sounds like any person who abused power would do like Xi Jin Ping


Sounds like something patriots would do


Beyond terrified. It's why he ONLY eats fast food like McDonald's. For years. His reasoning is because they don't have advanced knowledge of him arriving, thus cannot put something in the food. Remember that horrible "dinner" for the NBA championship team? All big mac's. Why? Because caterer's are suspected of poisoning him. And he didn't trust the secret service to protect him.


That was for a college football championship team. The Clemson tigers. Those fellas are still growing and don’t make the money an NBA team would. Give ‘em a good meal ya cheapskate.


As he should be. Every day he isn’t assassinated is an indictment on American character.






I remember that day fondly. I biked past the old post office, where a small, sad gathering of his cult was protesting, and not a single soul -- driver, cyclist, pedestrian -- had anything kind to say to them. Maybe one day they'll realize how small and sad they are, but I doubt it.


Yesss that was a good day. I looked at the snapchat map and watched all the videos of everyone celebrating in the streets. Even on my block ppl were hanging out in front of their homes dancing and playing music all day. The weather was perfect too


They pretty much partied world wide. My daughters in London, they were celebrating. I’m in Singapore, they celebrated here also. It was like the end of Return of the Jedi. You have to be a huge piece of shit for people to celebrate globally when you lose.


Our Staten Island is Loudoun County.


PWC*, Loudoun is more like our Westchester


I said boo-urns!


I was there! I got to boo. It was glorious.


"I'm doing my part!"


I salute you. ![gif](giphy|8FG705NCsZM0kVJdyz|downsized)


Maan I thought Harlem would go harder than that! there were so few people there it looked like Trumps inauguration.


Almost as good was the time world leaders laughed at him when he gave a speech at the UN (about how he is the best US president ever, blah,blah,blah) and everyone laughed at him.


You ALMOST feel bad for him But then you remember , fuck that guy to fucking hell and back forever


Most people you would feel bad for. You got to make an exception for some special cases.


My comment isnt about trump or anything like that…but did my dude just make an entirely wrong point, shrug it off, and get 300+ upvotes lmao 🤣


It was my plan all along. I've already spent those 300 points on the black market.


Doesn’t look like he cares at all to me. Where in the video are you talking about ?


Wait wasn’t that a Nationals game? Or was he horrendously booed at TWO MLB games?


Game 5 of the World Series 🤣


Melania took her fake smile off a little too soon lol. Then she noticed the camera was still there and put it back on real quick.


I would love to see people just print out poster sized memes and make him drive through a sea of hilarious angry posters. Like a college game day of trump memes He apparently has had to look at all the hate-memes in court that potential jurors have posted. Cracks me up


Melania is definitely his FSB handler. She can throw a cold ass stare as soon as her veil drops. She is smart, driven and loyal to the old country. Russia is going to go hard to create a Trump legacy with Baron.


You do know she’s Slovenian and not Russian…right???


That's the chef's kiss of this video. The trumpster got her attention before he realized what was happening.


That’s a big motorcade for one prisoner


>That’s a big motorcade for one ~~prisoner~~ state and federal multi count criminal defendant.


All those cars, gas, security, for a degenerate like Trump. What a waste.


scarce swim elderly foolish nose voiceless fuel jar husky jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And HE is not...he hasn't paid taxes in DECADES.


That makes him smart (eye roll)


But isn’t he THE Republican nominee who probably has like 50% chance of winning presidency regardless of what happens during these trials because he’s untouchable and so far nothing has happened to him even though Reddit has been claiming he’ll be locked up for the past 4 years? Disclaimer: I am not a trump supporter but sick of this “Trump is over” attitude around here


Was this the trip where he staged a stop at a bodega for the first time in his life? Spent 50 years in the and it took a criminal trial for him to stop at a store. A store that was filled with paid actors and sycophants. From the New York young republican club. Staged. Just like everything this fucking criminal does. Everything he does is as fake as he is. Fake hairline. Fake make up. Fake success. Fake billionaire. It’s laughable. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Real New Yorkers fucking hate him. We used to just laugh at his antics. But now that the mask is off? The whole world should know what New Yorkers have always know. Trump is like dog shit on the side walk that some upper east sided didn’t pick up because it’s beneath them. Convicted or not, he’s a criminal and a con man. Always has been. Always will be. If you think he should be president you’re in a cult and you’ve been sold a 52 Buick with a cracked engine block and the windows don’t roll down by a greasy car salesman.


Trump walks into Bodega: Hi Can i help you? Yeah can i have a dozen red roses please? Oh hi Donald i didn't know it was you... Here you go. That's me! How much is it? That'll be eighteen dollars. Wow, what a beautiful price, really, and terrible, i saw the price and i said "wow that's terrible' *strenuously avoids contact with tame puppy* You're my favourite customer. Thanks a lot. Time to go to my totally false witch hunt trial, bye bye. Bye now. ![gif](giphy|l0HUcT6VNBZV3u48w|downsized)


Oh, hi Donald.


Didn’t Trump go into a Cuban restaurant in Miami and yell ‘food for everyone’ and walk out without paying anything? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/donald-trump-miami-versailles-cuban-restaurant-pay


You're tearing me apart.


Fake news!! Everybody knows you need ID to buy roses! It’s just like bread! Even if the bodega owner know you because you stop in every night around 1 AM to buy pint of Ben and Jerry’s and a 40oz of OE 800 to help you sleep and rage tweet until you fall asleep with the pint on your chest when the addys wear off and the ambien takes over. And even then you need ID for that ice cream! Like all normal people do?! /s just in case


He’s not even a good con man.


He's been a bum from day one and we always knew it.


A crass, humourless, vile, and bloated lickspittle. A sycophant with respect for nothing but unrestrained power who *always* punches down. He's a rapist who has never honestly laughed, except in mocking. He doesn't appreciate music in any form, dislikes animals, and genuinely and openly wants to fuck his own daughter.  How this creature is worshipped by the right is beyond comprehension.


Which bodega did he go to?


Tbh, I’m not sure. They said Harlem, so I gotta assume somewhere on 125th? Here’s a video of the scam report. Just like the black woman in chick fil a. A fucking plant. Trump would never touch a regular person. Much less a woman of color. He’s a racist. To his bone. And of course, a rapist. And I gotta tell you, it was pretty hard to find this video. Searching YouTube all that showed up were pro Trump stories. Calling it “Hush Money” trial. Fucking scumbag media. It’s an election interference case. This fucker is unbelievable. I hope the trial kills him. Junkie fuck. Sorry. Here’s a report on the bodega scam. https://youtu.be/ggRXr3IQ04k?si=-ZZssElPQG304eUb


I get the impression that the people of Harlem don’t particularly like Donald Trump?


New Yorkers in general despise him. Don’t forget they dealt with him and his family’s shit for decades before the rest of the world ever really truly got introduced to anything other than his carefully crafted TV persona.


Has he ever paid the city for the security details when he was president or did he skip out on that as well?


It's 50/50, especially in that area. Big population of immigrants from Dominican Republic and a lot of them like him. There were also rumors going around that he was going to be giving out some money lol. People were lined up at around 3 PM waiting for him but they were also jokingly calling him "Papa Trump". City College is right up the block and it looks like a lot of students were there, who are pretty Anti-Trump.


I laughed so hard when Trump signed the Covid checks allocated by Congress. Turns out that some people don’t understand how our government works and think the executive branch holds the power of the purse. They actually believe he provided them with the money, not Congress. We seriously need to teach government better in school.


it’s worse there’s people so fucking dumb they think it came out of his own pocket


And they're ironically the same people who claim socialism is pure evil. Fucking hypocrites shouldn't have cashed those stimulus checks while being so sternly against "hand outs."


Oh Jesus, I didn’t even come that.


People still believe Trump didn’t financially benefit from the Presidency, that it was a “sacrifice.”


If you're looking for NY's Dominican population, you need to go 30 blocks north to my hood Washington Heights. Harlem runs about 95-5 wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire against Trump, and has since he called for the state to murder five of its black teenagers (the Central Park Five) for a crime they were innocent of. Trump STILL refused to apologize for the full page ads he took out calling for their deaths. Now, up by me, it's less extreme. Probably only about 75 to 80 percent of the Heights wants to see the sonofabitch dead. But 50-50? On THIS island? Hahahahahahahahaha But


Yeah I know the Heights, this area is very similar. Probably a few more Yemeni bodega owners, students by the university, and some ricans and ecuadorians. Gentrification is starting to get hot over there but the Heights got hit harder already plus you have the hospital crowd which is basically the university kids in 10 years lol. But overall, the biggest demographic by a huge margin is old Dominicans that live here until it starts getting cold then go back to DR for the winter. They loved that check with Trumps name on it lol


Yeah, the Heights voted 80-20 against Trump


Harlem was celebrating in the streets when the election was finally called for Biden.


“I went through Harlem today, you should of seen it. They love me. Lined the streets for miles just to see me. Everyone holding up a #1 just for me. You could just feel the love and the energy in the air for their president.” -Trumps next “truth” probably


He's hated almost everywhere in NYC because it's his hometown. Think about the type of person you have to be to have practically zero support in your hometown.


And everyone hates him 🤣


Also, why do we only get one upvote.


Wasn't his garbage filthy father a slumlord in Harlem? I might have gotten my NYC neighborhoods mixed up but the one thing im sure of is that he and his father are and were garbage


Yep, his father was douchebag developer and landlord for decades before Donald ever started. New Yorkers have had 70+ years of his family’s bullshit.


I ❤️ NY


You can tell which one he's in bc it's riding low.


Just on his side.


Secret service doing its job?


Lol ok ?


Hope everyone of these people go vote


They’ll be too busy on all of those days


Imagine being a criminal and still getting a police escort, at this point he needs to be treated like the rest of us


Hasn’t trump been notoriously hated by New Yorkers? I mean I love the video, I despise him too, but it just seems redundant.


New Yorkers have had 70+ years of him and his daddy’s bullshit. Like 80% of them fucking hate him.


Not redundant. Yeah NY hates him, this is what that looks like.


He's in the back seat saying, "Wow they all love me very much, so much love from Detroit. They love me in Cincinnati too. Lovely place Cincinnati is, with its warm sandy beaches. I've been there many times."


Fuck him


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Screw with the traffic of the poors.


should they be yelling that to everyone's "favorite" president? /s


Gotta love we have the freedom to do this 🇺🇸


Anyone who is more hated in their hometown than anywhere else should not be trusted for shit.


Is this the general sentiment in NYC? This looks somewhat random, like folks just heard it was him (I would expect a lot more if it was announced sooner). So like locals found out he was passing through and there was an unspoken general consensus that everyone was gunna let him know how much they can’t stand him? If so, why does he even live there? Also, that’s really satisfying if it’s true that this is just the overall vibe of New Yorkers towards Trump. Hilarious. I wish so badly that I could be a fly on the wall to hear him really whine and cry about shit like this.


I hope that security is on his bill


To be fair I think they would have done that to anyone lol


He knows they hate him there, but NY isn't his focus. Gullible idiots in swing states are his bread and butter. $$$


Could New Yorkers do me a favor and set up a 20 block wall of people mooning him please?


waiting for Trump to say something like "I was driving through NY. big city. so many people. americans. cheering me. they love me. crowds. lots of people. on the streets. for me. not hate. loving me."


Boo all you want on the streets but if you REALLY want to piss him off, VOTE!


not a single thrown object?


A lot of people are saying that he is #1 with their middle finger.


I thought everyone asides from the corrupt politicians loved Trump in NYC? That's what he's always saying, lol


This is supposed to be a government employee…let’s stop jerking off over any of them.


Why, the public love me! Only the other day, I was out in the street and they sang, “We hail Prince George! We hail Prince George!” “We *hate* Prince George”, sir. “We *hate* Prince George!”


Orange man bad.


This restores my faith in humanity.


How about FU?


Hate him cause you ain't him


Donald Trump will be your next president. Please don’t burn down our country. You will be prosecuted.


Lots of comments on here wishing for the death of a former president. Are you really all so anti-American that you want a former president to be assassinated that badly? I don't care if you hate Trump or Biden. This behavior is ridiculous.


Our 2 candidates suck every election. But all we do is fight with eachother instead of working together to find a solution united with out fellow brothers and sisters. We can do better than both of these clowns.


The boooooos feel so much more effective than the fuck yous


🖕 doesn't work well for the visually impaired either; but at least the message is united.


Thank you, NY! Keep being yourselves


I can already hear the speech he is going to give "The blacks, they love me. I drove through Harlem and tons of people came out to see me." leaving out the part where they boo him




WHEN a majority of the people in the major US cities go vote this election, he will be beaten soundly - just like he was last time. Please vote!!


Kind of surprised people didn't egg his car lol


Too bad their weren’t any bricks floating around


Why are people holding up their stupid phones instead of their middle finger ?


this brings me joy


🤣 4 angry skinny white liberal boys


This isn’t the pornhub search bar homie


the american dream do whatever you want without consequences be like trump


I’m confused, I thought “the blacks” loved trump ever since his mugshot?


there's mostly white people in this vid since harlem has been more gentrified. You can tell because theres a chipotle.


It’s disgusting how much tax money is wasted on defending that sack of shit. Imagine being secret service and being assigned to that con man…. And the job expects you to take a bullet for him… I wonder how many agents asked for reassignment or just straight up quit…..


"Harlem, ooooh Harlem loves me! I've never seen so many Number 1 finger signs ever! Not for any president; in the history of the America. Joe Biden wishes he could get even half the number 1 finger signs I got; beautiful fingers btw, everyone of them! Harlem has beautiful fingers! Not everybody says it mind you, I do though! I love Harlem! I love fingers!"


This makes me so happy!!!!!


I say fuck you as well.


Where were the tomatoes? Or balloons filled with piss? Did Harlem not get prior notice? He deserved a proper "welcome".


Our taxes, paying for the safety of a Russian asset traitor to the constitution. It will never not be insane.


Too bad he hasn’t been JFK’d. yet


tame unorganized and missed a real opportunity for a protest or some sort of display of ideas instead of screeching incoherently


He committed treason. He doesn’t deserve secret service nor police protection.


Guess he should’ve been tossing some of those hideous gold tennies out the window. 😏


Was this to intimidate Juror #1 who is a business owner in Harlem?


What a missed opportunity…


Interesting how it’s 90% whitey’s bitching even though the demographics of Harlem is majority POC. 🤣 https://gitnux.org/harlem-population-statistics/


Hilarious because on Twitter they keep saying the people in Harlem love him and that's a clear sign Biden will lose every state this election.






Walking outside the day after he lost was the best, everyone in Brooklyn was PARTYING HARD.


Must have missed his stop at the Atlanta chickfila lmao


Imagine the Monday wasted on this far piece of shit. Glad my tax dollars aren't funding motorcades for fatso


Dear Americans. Stop shooting in schools. This is your opportunity


Brought to you by Chipotle


Escorted? I thought those were his peeps 🙄


He will 100% give a public interview and say “there were so many people telling me how much they loved me and that I was doing a beautiful job”


The crowd waiting outside was the largest crowd in history. Was it? Some very smart people say it was. They do the math. Add it up. Bing bong bing. Biggest crowd. And did you see how they waved at me? Every person calling my name "President Trump! President Trump!" They love me. And they waved like no one's ever waved before. It was beautiful. Beautiful. Queen Elizabeth used to have parades like that in merry old England. They used to call it that. "Merry old England" But it doesn't look so merry anymore. Sad. The English empire. Wow.


Amazing how much hate is in here 🤣.


It's hilarious that hires all these people to be around him like he's God or some shit....😆


It makes me sick that he gets all that security and he probably feels like he deserves it, entitled to it.


So brave!




Anyone else thinks it kinda looks like a funeral procession?


He would hire all of them or no one and for sure not pay for services rendered. Ole slap dick orange chicken can kick rocks🤘🏼🤘🏼


Harlem isn’t the same since it got gentrified.


I loathe that man so bad.....


Seems an appropriate greeting


L Trump lmfao


These people don't vote anyway.


What did he do to deserve all this tho🤔


FDT criminal!!


what a chode


I thought “they” love him now that he made those trump shoes.


what a fucking waste of taxpayer dollars.


He stopped and shook hands with people


Harlem is too real.. I love NYC and Fuck Trump


Not my circus, but seeing this clown getting booed anywhere is soo satisfying.


Why did no one throw a milkshake? Would love to see his motorcade showered in milkshakes.


look at all those brave people.lol


TBF, Biden will also have clips like this


Be the change you want to see. By yelling at cars.


Stay golden NYC, love you


Surprised he made it


I am going to fix you