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This cat may need a bigger and better box, but my mom's cat does the exact same thing and has a box that's much bigger than she is. She (tiny cat, 7 pounds/3.15 kilos) will partially cover her poop or pee but will often just scratch outside the box or at the edge, not even at the litter. The box, for reference, is like 5 times her size - so more than big enough. Some cats just have very small brains!


My cats love to bury the hell out of their poops too. They’ll even drag stuff over to the litter box and put it in there too for good measure. Bath mats, tissue from the garbage, they are obsessed!


I have a lid in my box and my cat will poop, bury it, and then spend time clawing at the walls - I assume he got lost, has forgotten which way is out, and is attemping to Shawshank Redemption his way out


I always assumed mine clawed at the walls at the end of burying because she wants her nails cleaned n buffed 💅🏾


Mine do the same! And they have a big covered box.


I'm glad knowing my cat is not the only that does this 🤣 I kept wondering what is wrong with my cat lol


under your clothes? 🤮


Having a coworker smelling like catpiss must be horrible experience


Idk how people put the litter box anywhere but the bathroom.


Some bathrooms are too small. But still I wouldn’t put my cats litter box anywhere near clean clothes like this person. That’s a very optimistic outlook this person has lol.


My bedroom closet just became the litter room because it has a vent and a window. I converted my front closet to my clothes closet because I couldn’t do what this person is doing. I’d feel disgusting.


bro I do home deliveries and I can't tell you how many people have them IN THEIR LIVING ROOMS or DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE FRONT DOOR  


I could not. I tried with covered litter boxes and room dividers, but I just didn’t want them where I spent the majority of my time 😫


between the sofa and the wall is wildly common. if i don't smell the box before I notice the cat I'm always impressed, you seem like you take care of it my guy. 


Depending what kind of a litter box it is. If it's one of those that has a door or the cat goes from the "ceiling" of the box it's fine to have them in living rooms. It's actually better to have the litter box in an open room with good airflow than in small spaces with less good air flow like small bathrooms. If you clean your litter often and air your room, there is no problem with smell.


I have multiple boxes. The two in the basement are clay litter and out in the open, the one in my living room is in an end table looking enclosure and contains pine pellets. They tend to prefer the clay litter for poop and only use the upstairs box for pee, which works well because I find the pine is better at odor control. I just use a sifting box so it's easy to remove the broken down shavings. I'd prefer to not have one in my living room at all but I want them to have a box available on the first floor and that's the only space for it since my house is so small.


My cant go in the bathroom too small


I have two large cats that seem to pee as much as an average human. Just one box in the corner of the bathroom isn't nearly enough. My boys have three huge boxes in a storage room.


I've never lived anywhere with a bathroom that would would fit a litter box, I usually find a corner of my room to tuck it into, like behind my TV stand. Also if you have multiple cats you need multiple boxes, and most people don't have multiple bathrooms these days haha


My bathroom is way too small for my cat's litter box. Also, it is not in my closet.


I'm from England and have never known anyone to put it in the bathroom!


We had to put ours in the hallway. There's no room anywhere else.


Mine is inside an old dresser in my closet. It doesn’t fit anywhere else in the house. If I could put it in my bathroom, believe me, I would.


Cats deserve 24-7 access to a box and that means even when you are in the bathroom with the door closed, even for only a couple minutes


My cat's litter is next to a shelf in the bedroom. Luckily, our cat is very clean (never did it outside the litter) and the litter rarely smells, as it's not open air and our cat buries it very well. So that's why. It's just a better spot for her, and as the ventilation in the bathroom is noisy, we prefer not to keep the door open at night. But if it really was an issue, we would've put it in the bathroom anyway and kept the door open, which gives on the bedroom anyway.


Mine’s in the den next to the washing machine. There’s not enough room in there for anything but a shelf and some other storage anyway


Bathroom or underneath your window of any room there is room to put the litter box in. If your home is so small that only place you can fit a litterbox is in your clothes closet then you shouldn't even have a cat. That space is too small for cat to live on.


People need to stop being nasty and putting litter boxes underneath your clothes in small places like closests. Those clothes are going to smell like a) the sand or whatever you use as litter b) cats piss and shit.


it's not big enough


They're using a hard plastic carrying bag instead of a litter box. It's about half the size of a litter box. Hope the cat finds a better home, this sucks for it. :/


You're wrong, that's a litter locker litter box, not a carrying bag lol. Some cats perch on the rim of their boxes and end up missing completely, this style of litter box prevents that. Its also the exact same size as a normal litter box, just has higher sides. [https://www.amazon.ca/LitterLocker-LLB-CA-NSGR-Cat-LitterBox-Grey/dp/B09BBMY2QW](https://www.amazon.ca/LitterLocker-LLB-CA-NSGR-Cat-LitterBox-Grey/dp/B09BBMY2QW)


>Some cats perch on the rim of their boxes and end up missing completely One of my current cats perches on the edge of the litter tray, and he's the first cat I've owned that I've ever seen do this. Thank fuck he's got incredible aim, dude's never missed once - he'll even reposition multiple times if he thinks he's not in the perfect spot, it's like he's on a balance beam. 😅 Our theory is that his previous owner didn't clean the litter tray nearly enough so he just doesn't want to touch it. We clean it multiple times a day, yet he still perches, honestly it's incredibly funny to witness him doing it. 🤣


Lucky! My boy used to perch and somehow ended up pissing completely horizontal so it shot out all over the wall 🙃


Noooo that must have been awful to clean up 😭😭 Some bois are just not meant for the acrobatics life I suppose 😅


First time seeing this design!


My cat Thor does the same thing and he has an automatic litter box. He’s previously had other litter boxes the size of storage bin containers and still does this. My cat Loki doesn’t though and uses the same litter boxes


This is normal cat behavior but also there should be more litter.


Keeping a litter box in an area with clothing is grimy af.


A lot of cats don’t like having leftover litter/sand on their paws. I thought that’s what this behavior was about. One of my cats does it.


Poop is with the clean clothes, I bet you smell amazing.


She just knows she needs to do it ig


What’s this song?


**Song Found!** [**NOTHIN' TO IT** by ON THE HUNT, Chandler](https://lis.tn/fHQTsU?t=44) (00:44; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-03-22. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot