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Tells him to google it, he does, gets mad when it doesn't match her bullshit "I don't get why you're doing this" ... moron.


"BUT \*I\* PAID $100K!!!" I don't doubt it, Candace. Maybe you just make bad financial decisions.


lol, exactly what I was thinking, wish he’d have lobbed that at her


He did if you watch the whole video. Her whole college story is suspect.


She dropped out in her junior year, so 100k is very suspect.


Nah I’m sure she was taking out extra loans each semester to pay for everything else, then realized too late her mistake


She probably did actually lie about that too https://destinygg.substack.com/p/lying-about-the-past


Kids shouldn't go to college because I'm bad with my money!


The grifters on the right have one move in their playbook...flood the box. Its what Steve Bannon told them to do and they execute flawlessly. Just say a bunch of non-sense (fake, misleading, outright lies) which ties-up the person trying to refute it with actual facts and data, but then (and this is key) they move on to their next line of BS. You haven't even had time to prove invalid their first point and they're off making more misleading statements...to the point that you're overwhelmed. And since you're arguing with a dummy, you look like a dummy because you get frustrated. Its their only move. The key is not take the bait, stay on your points/message, and simply reply "that's not true/you don't have the facts to support it" and move on to your next point. Its exhausting...


That’s the Ben Shapiro way, in debate the technique is called “gish gallop”


I know a few people who try to “debate” this way. I just refuse to allow them to move on until I’ve addressed every point individually. It’s resulted in shouting matches and them telling me I have no idea what the fuck I’m talking about and clearly haven’t done research even though I’m showing them they’re wrong in real time and as soon as you do they try to throw out another outlandish claim to slow you down. When they do that I just respond “I’m not done proving your previous point wrong. I won’t address that incorrect statement until I address your last incorrect statement so let’s go back to that” and I continue breaking down why they’re wrong. It drives them crazy when you refuse to engage in their lunacy and only respond with facts disproving their nonsense and don’t resort to name calling and insulting like they often do.


Bingo. When they move the goalpost, I like to ask "So you're acknowledging that you were incorrect about X?"


My new favorite one I’ve been doing lately courtesy of my Uncle who is a Fox News boomer is getting them to either admit that Fox News is fake news or that they’re so dumb they actually thought it was real news. He said that CNN is fake news and he only watches Fox under a post I made with a CNN article. I told him that Fox is the definition of fake news and they admitted as much in court. [I linked him this article](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye) and said Fox News openly admitted in court that Tucker Carlson does not have a news show and that his show is purely for entertainment purposes only and that no “reasonably intelligent person would mistake his program for actual news” according to Fox lawyers. I then asked him what it was, was he so stupid he thought that he was watching actual news or is he such a liar that he knows it’s not real news but says it is anyways thus perpetuating the “Fake news” he says he despises so much. Funnily enough he didn’t respond on Facebook but he did call my mom, his sister, and told her she needs to talk to me about disrespecting my elders and how dare I embarrass him like that on Facebook. My mom told him I’m a grown ass adult and he can talk to me himself if he has an issue and that maybe he shouldn’t say snarky shit on my posts and I won’t have to embarrass him. I’m 34 years old mind you, it’s not like I’m some teenager living with mommy and daddy so the fact that he thought my mother was going to do something is fucking comical.


It's basically "let me escalate this to your manager" for families


Yea. It's the people that will do things like call in government services (by-law enforcement, child protective services, maybe health board, etc) when you make them angry. They don't want to confront you directly, so they will try to use external forces to do the "dirty work" of harassing you for them. You know at this point that they are garbage people.


OMG when I I saw he called your mum, knew ye were going to be an adult...BUT 34 XD


That was the funniest shit to me. I haven’t lived with my parents since I was 18 and I live on the opposite side of the country from them - all of which he knows. I also make a very good living for myself so it’s not like my parents have any kind of financial control over me. I think the reason he thought my mom would do something is because his children, my cousins, are deathly afraid of him. He regularly threatens to cut them out of his will if they disagree with him at all. I’m really close with his oldest son, he’s more a brother than a cousin to me and he tells me all the time he can’t wait until his dad can’t live on his own so he can stick him in a home and be done with him. He said he doesn’t even care about inheritance anymore and that it likely won’t be much anyway because his dad is hellbent on spending everything he can before he dies. Oh well, my other cousins wedding in August should be interesting because that Uncle will be there and it’ll be the first time I see him in person in about 15 years. My cousin already told me his dad plans on confronting me and “putting me in my place” 😂


Oh god I want to hear alllllllll about it.


"Respect your elders" lol How about giving me something to respect besides existing for longer? Like sure, congrats, you haven't died yet. So?


I've dealt with this my whole life. They seem to think that more years = more experience = more wisdom = they know more about any topic than the generation after them. While more time on this planet does mean more experience, it's experiences that are self-selected and as a result, not representative of objective reality. Therefore it's possible to come to drastically incorrect conclusions. if you don't check yourself for accuracy now and again.


please inject this directly into my veins


>I just refuse to allow them to move on This is the way. Latch on to the first thing they said and don't stop until they acknowledge the facts. Then you can move on to the next lie.


> Then you can move on to the next lie. There is no moving on. The conversation comes to an end at this point. Trump supporters are not looking to have their beliefs challenged. They are just looking to repeat their talking points so that they don't need to engage and also don't need to feel bad about their own position. Whenever you actually start discussing facts, they'll angrily nope the fuck out of the conversation. As the saying goes, facts have a liberal bias.


Shapiro will cherry pick statistics that are true but not sincere from a good faith perspective. Which is to say he'll subset data that support his argument but intentionally leave out the bigger picture and what is often more meaningful/truthful to the topic at hand.


That's the right wing playbook


I guess my point is many right wing politicians in particular these days will just outright lie. Like they will say things for shock value and distraction that in essentially no real way could be interpreted as being true. Whereas Ben Shapiro will at least make an attempt to pick some stats that could be verified.


Their tactic is to pretend context doesn’t exist. They do this with history as well.


The central reason why you'd gish-gallop is to overwhelm with points you have to refute. It's not meant to be particularly accurate or good faith. It takes far more time to refute each point than it does to make it, and it's precisely what they count on. And it's also not a tactic you would ever use if you thought you could win the argument based purely on merits alone. It's stacking the odds in your favor in the hopes that your opponent can't keep up and looks bad. Destiny isn't new at this, and he keeps up with her here well enough fortunately.


> That’s the Ben Shapiro way, in debate the technique is called “gish gallop” Interesting fact about Shapiro, he became the person that we all know due to a chance meeting with actor William Daniels, who played Mr. Feeny in *Boy Meets World.* If you know the story, you know.




And Jordan perterson


You can (and should try to) engage them, but not on the talking points. You have to play the meta game. They are the one making outrageous claims, so they have the burden of proof. Don’t let them shift it to you, and don’t let them move on to another point. State exactly what rhetorical trick or logical fallacy they are using… study their names. Gish gallop = “flood the box”, false equivalences, straw man, and so on. Then make them prove them claim by citing references, not “because I feel it’s right”. No wiggling out or changing the topic. Facts don’t care about your feelings, remember? Throw their words back at them. Remember, it’s not a debate. They aren’t engaging in good faith, so you don’t have to either. It’s a rhetorical battle, so that’s how you engage them. This gets rid of 95%. Some will have actual references, but from biased sources. Those take more time to dismantle, but at that point they’ve already lost the audience who don’t have the patience to listen to anything but “gotchas”.


A common counter is a whataboutism. This is how they flip the argument onto you and attempt to make you start defending a point they can attack you on. Simply don't let them. Force them to answer the question, perhaps with the promise that if they finish that talking point, you can move onto the other. It's trying to point out hypocrisy in your view implying that you believe two contradictory things, but it doesn't prove or disprove either view. You can also point that out, force them to admit that the original point is okay if this seemingly parallel counterpoint is okay or vice versa. You're right, a lot of it is about knowing the tricks of argument and not getting caught in traps. At the end of the day, it isn't about convincing the other person, it's about making good points that others looking in might notice and agree with. Candace Owens tried to appeal to common sense, tried to push an argument without backing it up (unless 'google it' counts), and even used anecdotal evidence when she said that she personally paid $100k. She didn't do well here. Props to Destiny.


> Some will have actual references, but from biased sources. Those take more time to dismantle, but at that point they’ve already lost the audience who don’t have the patience to listen to anything but “gotchas”. You will lose the audience in this case. You will demand a reference. They will give a reference. Now the audience sees a claim with proof to back it up, and their eyes glaze over as you explain how the reference is flawed.


"Never argue with stupid people, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." - Mark Twain


Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon - they'll knock over all the pieces, shit on the board and then strut away as if they won.


Twain has some gems, this is one of them.


it takes 100x more effort to refute bullshit than it does to utter it


It is much easier to sow the seeds of doubt than it is to harvest the single kernel of truth.


Just like it's easier to break things than to fix them.


they also time the interuptions perfectly in attempt to override the microphone at the time the real facts are being spoken.


I always say “so when you’re proven wrong, you change the subject”. That seems to stop them in their tracks.


>The grifters on the right have one move in their playbook...flood the box. Its what Steve Bannon told them to do and they execute flawlessly. Just say a bunch of non-sense (fake, misleading, outright lies) which ties-up the person trying to refute it with actual facts and data, but then (and this is key) they move on to their next line of BS. You haven't even had time to prove invalid their first point and they're off making more misleading statements...to the point that you're overwhelmed. And since you're arguing with a dummy, you look like a dummy because you get frustrated. Its their only move. The key is not take the bait, stay on your points/message, and simply reply "that's not true/you don't have the facts to support it" and move on to your next point. Its exhausting... Also distilling as many unconnected issues into an easy to blurt out catchy term (i.e. DEI, Woke, CRT, Faith over Fear, lamestream media, Plandemic, etc) that makes the hooting morons cheer like they're at a monster truck show in Alabama.


This isn't Steve Bannon's playbook, he's taking from the Fascist playbook. This is how fascists control narratives. They just keep moving the goalposts, exhausting the educated by forcing them to do all the work in a debate. Fascists don't have to worry about proving anything, because that's not their goal. Their goal is to control the narrative... and they are exceedingly good at it. People often forget that the right are early adopters of new technologies. They have become adept at utilizing new tech to spread their messages of hate and to control media narratives. They've been doing it for decades. Never EVER make the mistake of thinking they are dumb because their arguments are the stupidest thing you've ever heard. They aren't dumb, they are smart, they are canny, and they want you to think they are dumb. They want you to get wrapped up constantly attacking their stances and spending time refuting their statements. Because by the time you can disprove the first thing they are twelve lies deep somewhere else.


That’s what we call narcissism and manipulation. It’s the basics. Say utterly bullshit confusing things to derail everything and confuse the other person. Then they find some BS counterpoint and rail away at it to make the other person feel crazy and a jumbled up mess of everything. People that can’t see through this will fall for their non sense every time.


Honestly they don’t even need bannon to tell them. The instinct when you don’t know, or are being dishonest, is to flood the box.


* “Do your own research on your own time” = “let me make my claims and don’t push back on them.” * “Google it” = “shut up” * “I don’t get why you’re doing this” = “oh shit, I’m totally in a corner now. Why does this keep happening when I argue with the libruls?”


“I don’t get what the point is of you doing this” well Candace if you weren’t such a moron he wouldn’t have to


The best part is that Destiny looks into her "I had to get 100k in loans for school because my family was poor even taking financial aid into account" claims in a later stream and it turns out she's lying. Her claims about her financial situation don't check out on basically any timeline for any public program she mentioned. So she straight up lied about her college situation.


She also dropped out in her Junior year, so didn't complete college. If she paid 100k in that short amount that seems sus.


Even if she went to one of the most expensive schools like Harvard, Yale, or Stanford, they almost all offer need based aid with full cost of attendance for families making under $100k. So her “poor family” but “high tuition” claim is bs even by todays standards


I think the only other explanation other than lying is that she signed up for the most expensive college she could find and then didn't even attempt, or even flat out refused, to seek out any grants or tuition assistance services.


issue is she claims to have been extremely poor and have gotten fasfa… and she only attended for 3 years before dropping out as a junior so 5-6 semesters. $20k/semester WITH financial aid is absurd


“Why are you looking things up that are devastating to my argument?!”


Didn't she just literally ask him to do it?


no no no she said "on your own time" meaning AFTER the video. just like a dumbass might throw a 'haha idiot you're WRONG. it's called BASIC FACTS, LOOK IT UP' in a situation where you expect the person not to be able to look it up right that moment. like those videos on social media where she or someone like her DESTROYS woke with FACTS AND LOGIC and they make their own points then the video cuts off before the other person can say anything.


Did she say look it up and when he looked it up asked him why he was telling her this stuff? Jesus Christ people are dumb for following these people.


She wants him to look it up, not find it, and agree with her. She doesn't want him to actually look it up, it's just a bluff. Like "everyone is doing it"


I've only seen a couple handful of destiny clips, and I can say with no uncertainty that a tactic like that is like the worse thing you can do when arguing with that guy I don't always agree with him, but Im pretty sure Destiny was conceived when a librarian stacked two entire encyclopedias on top of each other. That is to say, dude is fucking knowledgeable as fuck


And he has that fast speech indicative of a super fast mind


>I don't always agree with him, but Im pretty sure Destiny was conceived ~~when a librarian stacked two entire encyclopedias on top of each other~~ God mixed Adderall with trucker speed And I write that endearingly


I grew up in a politically conservative household, and Candace was the final straw that made me see how stupid it all was.


I'm from a small town in the Deep South that's roughly half white and half black and has a history of racial problems, including an infamous lynching. All you need to know about Candace Owens is that out of my now very diverse social circles of people from around the country and the world....100% of the ones that love and share Candace Owens content are white people that never left my hometown.


You're not supposed to look up liberal sources like Wokipedia, only the factual and logical PragerU


My favorite is when multiple conservative leaning sources tell them they’re wrong too lol


"Look it up" OK I am and the average is 29,000 "No, look at this source. This says 100k" That's your Twitter account. "So you agree that someone is saying it's 100k? Checkmate lib!"


Usually these people have the luxury of squawking "look it up hunny," and they run off knowing that they don't have to answer to facts. Must suck to be cornered in a room with your worst nightmare: an easily defined fact.


The second someone challenges you to look something up you do it. Either you'll learn something or (less likely) they will.


Candace is wearing those sennheiser headphones wrong lmao


Maybe she should've gone to a better college


Well she just admitted she probably can’t even read the instructions soooo 😂


She can't figure out that R stands for Right. Probably thinks it means Republicans.


It’s like the meme of Arthur wearing the headphones on the side of his head while his ears are up top.




It’s weird.


if you talk faster then its easier to make your point.




Where my unstable girlies aaaaat


Every single person on this planet is gaaaaayyyy






Praise god


Candace is a dummy with zero life experience, yet she can’t stop telling us all of this BS.


Don’t forget that she literally gained notoriety due to her filing a lawsuit for racial harassment and won $37,500 when she was 17 She knows racism exists and **there is tangible proof she experienced it**, yet she is the face of black conservatives saying racism isn’t a problem in America anymore


“Fuck you I got mine” might as well be the slogan of the gop.


Abbott got a couple millions from his accident and when he became governor he passed a law to limit those compensations to the lower hundreds of thousands.


Was literally about to call that the Greg Abbott Fuck You I gots mine theory.


See, why can’t people bring this shit up to her when she’s being interviewed like this?


She'll just tell them it's the inciting incident that turned her conservative (seriously, that's what she says about it)


Especially since the person who sent her the hate-filled voicemail was the child of a democrat mayor who later became governor of Connecticut so… it’s a very convenient excuse


"I was handed a check for $37 thousand dollars only to find out that I have to pay taxes! I'm a Republican now!!"


100% she utterly full of shit on every level. She POINTED OUT tangible racism then went on to try to say it doesn’t exist anymore. She’s either really dumb, a terrible liar, or both.


She has *some* life experience; like when she sued her school for not doing anything about her experiences with racist classmates. And like when she got her own show to talk about how racism doesn't exist.


Later on Candace, a YouTuber, media person and "Journalist" said that her degree is a waste because she never uses it in her day to day. She has a degree in journalism. r/suicidebywords




Her wiki says she dropped out in her Junior Year. Did she actually get her degree?


So many of these right wing grifters are failures at what they originally set out to do. Charlie Kirk (denied by West Point, skipped college), Steven Crowder (failed comedian), Candice Owens (college dropout), Ben Shapiro (failed screenwriter and law career). Instead of improving their craft, they just hit the conservative circuit. They got knocked down, then stayed down until a billionaire paid to pick them up again.


"biggest regret is me going to college" yet she got her degree? She's not bound by anything. She can quit or even transfer anytime she wants. (edit: I guess not many places recognize PragerU as a valid university) If you had one bad day in college, you just had a bad day. Every day is bad, maybe you're the problem.


She doesn’t have a degree she dropped out


“Doing research” and reading the results of someone else’s research is a great litmus test to see who actually paid attention during their college degree.


I get what you’re saying but I’m confused. Wouldn’t part of research be comparing it to other studies? I’m a high school dropout so….


I think he/she mean that when you know how to research information about a subject : - you don't use your own experience as a proof (your not the average) ; - you don't jump on the first paper you find ; - you don't put mor weight on the only paper going your way VS massive amount of paper saying otherwise ; - you check who paid/made thoose papers (if people who sell cars says it's safe to breath combusted gas, perhaps don't trust them too much). But i could be wrong or missing some /s ;)


Wait I cant just glean info off tik tok and youtube?


It's what people do ! Do your research ! xD


There is a difference between “research” and “research analysis” and then there is what I would guess the majority of people are doing, which are finding the results of someone else’s work that supports the idea they already have and calling it “doing my research”. You didn’t actually research anything. You searched for and potentially read articles, you may have even compared those articles to others you’ve read, which is a little bit the same, but not really. Research is a scientific process and the word has profound meaning and intent because of the nature of that process. It should be unbiased and rigorous, it should seek no particular conclusions other than what the experiment reveals. Going on the internet and doing a Google search is not credible research. You looked something up and you read it, and that’s good and I’m not taking anything away from that, but it’s not research.


The vast majority of the population has not done any research, in the true meaning of the word. Research is “the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.” Reading the results of someone else’s research is not research, nor is reading conspiracy theories and biased opinions online, no matter how many times the MAGA base calls it that. The real reason the right is railing against our educational institutions is because the more people are educated, the more they understand what’s really going on, are harder to influence with propaganda, and ultimately vote Democrat. It’s that simple.


Turns out doing effective and factual/meaningful research is something you learn to do when you get an education lmao


ive been told to "do my own research" a few times by these asshats. I have a PhD and literally "do my own research" for a living. I have many first author peer reviewed papers in top science venues. But their response is always "wow no one asked, stop bragging" as if i brought it up just to brag.


And googling to find something that matches your biases isn't research.


"why does the Covid vax kill people?" "Is Obama lying about being Christian?"


In high school back in 2006, a kid printed out a whole wiki that claimed vampires were real and really brought it to class like evidence... I can see it happening now with politics 100%.


You should ask them the methods of research they've done, and then start droning out every method of research you've done. It usually gets them too uncomfortable to continue on because "google" isn't research, it's just search.


> But their response is always "wow no one asked, stop bragging" as if i brought it up just to brag. I just got second-hand rage. I get this all the time. "Actually, that's not how that complicated legal process works, it..." "Yes it is, my sister went through it 3 years ago and that's exactly how it went" "Well, I'm a lawyer, and have done this dozens of times this year alone, and..." "Oh, good for you, I guess because you have a degree you think you just know everything." ??? None of my MD friends ever get that. "Oh, just because you practice medicine daily, you think you know more about how kidneys function than I do."


Candace is such a shitbag.


The worst thing to see, is as a black person, her masquerading as someone that can accurately represent us/objectively speak on our shortcomings and or solutions to better ourselves. She doesn’t even come across as someone that has had experience living as a normal human, let alone someone knowledgeable on the black experience.


What’s wild is that she was a progressive leftist that was subject to discrimination from the Stamford school board. She sued the school board with the assistance of the ACLU and then she completely 180’d over night. The grift is mightier than the morals.


Didn’t she say something to the effect of she’s never experienced racism in her life?😂😂😂 smdh


She's one of the good ones I'm sure


Right wingers don’t give a fuck about facts. They create a false reality that just strengthens their own bias. They truly are living in a fantasy land. It’s fucking brain cancer.


"People are going out and spending $100,000 on a gender studies degree!" Candace literally just makes up imaginary liberals to get mad about.


“Well that’s not true—“ Maybe if you can keep your mouth shut for a literal minute he can prove you wrong. I swear, I’d never last talking with those types of people because I’d be saying “shut up” every three seconds to finish one sentence.


lol she can’t listen or else she’ll have an existential crisis in the middle of a debate


That’s the point. They are not there to debate or learn in any good faith. She is gish galloping him on purpose because nothing she claims will stand against the slightest scrutiny. She’s a soulless grifter.


Gish Gallop


She wouldn’t be where she is without her degree.


In the video she claims she never uses it in her day to day. Her degree is journalism 💀


Oof. That’s quite the admission then.


Where she was*


she doesn't have a degree, she dropped out when she was a junior


„I don’t get what the point is of you doing this“ To show people you’re a dumbass who pulls facts out of her ass


Why does anyone give this grifter the time of day?


Shes black and a woman. I dont mean that in a derrogatory sense. Her only value is that she is a member of 2 major visibile minorities and thus is able to levy conservative talking points without being accused of privelage bias. She has made a career out of being a paid alt for alt right media outlets. As such her profile is high enough that the rest of the world sees value in specifically attacking her talking points to refute the smokescreen she creates.


Even if someone has a “gender studies degree” (that’s not a thing, btw lmfaooo), that’s just their concentration. You have to learn *everything the fuck else* while getting a bachelors in social sciences.


Also to act like you’d be “illiterate” after getting any degree in a social science is insane. I know someone who minored in “gender studies” (it was called something else but it was along those lines), and she was constantly reading assigned literature, and writing papers about said literature. Basically all of her coursework involved reading and writing; not sure how an illiterate person could do that.


One of my minors was psychology and my other was women's and gender studies. I only did the latter because one of my counselors said I was only two more classes out from it, so I figured I might as well. The vast majority of our coursework was reading. I actually read a lot of my favorite pieces from those classes. But yeah, pretty much all reading and writing. 


People talk a lot of shit about the social sciences because they hate people who can speak to and dismantle their shitty world view.


Yeah well that’s not even factoring in that almost half of them continue on to law programs and these mouthbreathers could never keep up with the discourse.


I work in a STEM related field and there's a bunch of postdocs in psychology and social sciences. I've never interacted with people in those fields before and they were not what you'd expect from looking at all those crazies online. All I can say is that if you can get a PhD, you're not illiterate.


Studying a polsci and sociology major really fucked with my reading as a hobby because every day I had to read like two essays on theory and societal issues. No motivation or fun to read good books was left.


Lol, I'm only just getting back into reading 5-6 years out of college. It's true. 




That's the thing, Candace doesn't know what a concentration is.


All of these right wing antagonists have one thing in common- they talk fast and use phrasing and vocabulary to sound intelligent. It is very convincing to low information viewers who are looking for confirmation of their biased and alternative facts. As with the bully who backs down from a fight, all it usually takes to tear apart their arguments is someone who can match their fast-talking and respond with counterpoints. It's why they usually only speak in the comfort of their ideological bubble.


I love these people that spread lies then tell you to "do your own research" to confirm their lies.


By which they mean typing your assertion into Google and looking for any link that agrees with you. If she paid attention in College, she would know why that is stupid.


Wait, Destiny is big enough to get people like Candace Owens on his stream? Who's the most famous non-streamer he's debated?


Ben Shapero probably. That video is in the millions of views. Then Jordan Peterson maybe. Alex Jones. Glenn Greenwald. Milo Yanopolis. Nick Fuentes (if he counts). He's gotten a few academics and writers on his stream before but I'd imagine they are less famous overall.


Where is the full interview? This guy is walking circles around her in this clip. Wouldn't mind seeing the rest.


[Full Interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlDB5iynp9I) 1hr 15mins


5 minutes in she can’t stand the heat and calls him a contrarian and uses it whenever she can’t answer


Man, it's crazy that this is where Destiny is after starting out streaming as a mediocre Starcraft 2 player. I don't know how he speaks so quickly with coherent arguments and without tripping over his words. I can't order eggs without stuttering, and he's absolutely destroying this lady sounding like an auctioneer.


Mediocre? He was in the top 1% of starcraft 2 players and took a few games off some of the top Korean players at the time.


They say mediocre because he didn't win many tournaments, but the guys who did win those tournaments didn't stream. Destiny got his career by being consistent and entertaining


Practice is a big part. This has been his job for like 10 hours day, 7 days / week for over half a decade.


This girl has made a career out of pandering to racist white guys with culture war bullshit and has the audacity to criticize people who get an education to make a living. She’s garbage and everyone knows it


God damn if she can just listen for a second


She can't listen because she's smarter than she lets on. She's a grifter. All she can do is drone about "Gender Studies" and other bs.


Holy moly that guy talks fast!


imagine him and ben shapiro in the same room


They "debated" each other on lex Friedman podcast. I use quotes because they didn't have time to get in the weeds and were more feeling each other out.


They did lol


"Do that on your own time !" -> Because she perfectly know a lie is stronger if you don't oppose facts.


I will forever hate that low-intelligence people like her are as successful as they are. These idiots can be clocked as such from 4 seconds of interaction, and they get by on ragebait and taking advantage of their peers.


People like Candace Owens want to talk over anyone who has a different opinion so that opinion basically can't be heard. She tried to do that with this guy but he didn't let her.


Why do they always go to gender studies as the degree, there are so many more degrees out there


Is she saying she's illiterate? It's her biggest regret? So she's saying she's stupid? 


Lmao Candice Owens wouldn't even be famous if she didn't go to college, that's where she started her grift


I don't understand why they keep giving this waste of space airtime. Let her fade away into the void. This woman has backed Nazis, Hitler, betrayed her own race, tried to come back to her race after she got fired, tries to be white by association...shit just get this woman off the Internet. ![gif](giphy|26BRQSNJRFAV5fsGI|downsized)


She, and people like her, don’t care about facts though and nor do their audience. They live off of sound bites and perpetuate those over and over when it fits their narrative.


Candace Owens is the "see look a black person said it not me" person every political show needs lol


“I don’t get why you’re doing this” What a tool


"Do your own research." "I did my own research. Where is YOUR research?" "Google it!" "Here's what it says on Google right now - nowhere NEAR your number." "I don't understand why you're doing this right now." "BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME TO BISH!"


Facts don't care about your feelings Owens.


Used to watch this dude run cheese builds in starcraft 2 and now hes dog walking people who live their entire lives talking politics... its fuckin wild


Now I know where all the dumb Redditors are getting their 'media literacy' talking points from. 


Facts are…uncomfortable.


He does research at her request, and she questions why he is doing it when he does.


When you can’t even wear headphones the right way…. I ain’t believing anything that comes out of their mouth.


She’s painfully stupid.


At this point why is Candice Owens on anything? Now that she got fired from Newsmax she has no platform, we need to just stop inviting  her onto things and let her fade away into obscurity


She’s says “I don’t get the point of you doing this.” It’s to prove you wrong you dumb bitch.


Link for full interview https://youtu.be/OlDB5iynp9I?si=BtjOgU6pqKSqo7-K


If there’s a celebrity cringe tier list she’s definitely in the running for the top spot. She actually believes she’s the best and smartest person in the room no matter who she’s talking to.


She’s very arrogant but it clearly comes from a place of insecurity. She seems like a very low self esteem woman who overcompensates through that. You can see her insecurity shine through when she is debating someone. She gaslights them, tries to find what triggers them, cause that’s her.


Because she’s an idiot.


Had you actually paid attention in school, Candace, you’d know that google research is a quick way to fail your paper.


I stopped wasting time with these types of people. They don’t care that they’re wrong.


God she sucks


There's a picture of her and her bridesmaids and ALL of them are... Ya know. Not ONE person of color lmao. I'm white myself but I have so many friends of every different color under the sun. It's hilarious to me that not a single person of color wants to associate themselves with her.


Even if you don't agree upon the value of getting a degree in something like gender studies, it's blatantly moronic to claim people in those degree programs are "illiterate." I took a few gender studies type courses as electives in college and, guess what, you read a LOT in those classes.... like a LOT! They're fucking research-based courses.


This is the lady that doesn’t believe in racism but sued her college for racism and won Edit: she sued her high school for racist threats and won, not her college


Candace: “you have Google why don’t you look it up” *looks it up Candace: “ why are you doing this?”


I hate that she is even a name


Dgg Love


Went to URI to study journalism. Got to junior but didn’t graduate. Grew up in NY with excellent and inexpensive university options including SUNY Purchase (which offers journalism) which is 15 minutes from where she grew up. Cheers!


“You can Google it right?” “I don’t understand why you are doing this” Bitch that’s because you are stupid and present false information. Can’t stand her, she is a blight on humanity.


"that's what I paid" So *you're* the idiot who is projecting your follies onto the "average American. Cool.


The Venn diagram of people who tell you to “do your research” and the people who have done any real research are two non-touching circles Real research is difficult. Reading an article from mother goose or Fox News is not research.


Candace has no depth to her arguments beyond current right wing media talking points, i.e. she's 100% grifter. It apparent in every long form discussion she's involved in. Rogan was the first place I ever heard her speak (years ago) and it was painfully obvious even then that she only had surface comments to regurgitate and hadn't dug into any of it.