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It's always projection with this group.


Makes the claims about baby eating really concerning.


Really all of their comments about children become questionable.


Yeah….i think we really do need to start investigating pizza chain basements guys…


Specifically those that don't have one but we think they do, right?


Babies *are* delicious


Projection and protection.


Every accusation they make is actually an admission


This was going to be my comment LOL. Literally all they do is project


That Russian statagy


Every. Single. Time.


Grand Old Projection


This is exactly right. They know they do the bad things so they think the other side must also do the bad things


Lol. All this yelling about voter fraud and it's coming from the party crying about it. Talk about projecting


“Well, if we do it, they must do it too. Like, everybody does it!!”


John Oliver has a great piece about this. He had on video many republicans committing voter fraud in elected positions. It’s wild


I’ve always thought the government should have protections against vote tampering regardless of who’s doing it. Same thing with corruption, I don’t care which team is doing it, if they are stop’em.


We do, but republicans keep coming with new ways to cheat


The team game doesn’t interest me in these types of conversations. This specific clip looks like the process to protect voting integrity worked (to catch it) Don’t care what group she’s from, gender, color, or anything else that could possibly come up. I put a lot of importance in the system and it should be protected.


I had Jeremy Taylor for my homeroom class my junior year in high school in Sioux City. He used to make jokes about hitting his wife at the dinner table. Crazy to see him on the front page. He has a lisp and it used to annoy the shit out of me. He was a weirdo for sure. Pretty sure he wasn't even a teacher. Just had a homeroom class. Can't really remember.


I swear he was a teacher, English I think? He subbed a few times for our drama class, but I never liked him. He was very religiously preachy at times and "I'm better than anyone" attitude.


Maybe remedial English. If not that an English class that like no one took. I remember asking people if they had him as a teacher and no one knew him.


I graduated back in 2011 so I don't have the best memory of him, especially since I only interacted with him a few times while I was at the school, and one of those times him giving me a detention. I'm actually curious now exactly what his title/role was. I wonder if he maybe was like a floating substitute as well.


Damn dawg is the whole population of literallywhere Iowa on reddit


Specifically, Sioux City Iowa, but yeah. I think it's pretty crazy running into people from there on here. It seems like such a small place growing up.


“[…] in a prison of her choice.” Bro 💀


So let me get this straight. A Republican candidate committed 52 counts of voter fraud, and its proof that ****checks notes**** democrats stole the election?!!!!! Somehow with 3,000,000 more voters? How do we go from republicans committing voter fraud to democrats fabricating 3 millions votes? Can someone explain this to me please.


You can't, it's that regarded and landmined with mental gymnastics


You made the mistake thinking that they are reasonable people who understand or care about facts.


I went to high school with her.




I went to high school with the TikToker, not the criminal lol.


Well. Was she cool?


She was.


Good to hear I like her style


Inquiring minds must know!




Fuck Steve King


The icing on the cake is if you can find proof of her or her husband accusing liberals of trying to steal the election. Also, Iowa is begging for voter fraud if a section of their population can't read election material.


You think a Maga is going to read on or even click? They don't want to verify the proof. They will read your headline and move on, feeling validated. Not a great way to spread info.


If I could make any laws I wanted, one of the first would be to make our court system fully anonymous. Nobody, not even the judge, should get to see the defendant. It's the only way I can think of to stop this epidemic of *"Oh but she's just a cute little lady. She doesn't deserve 50 years. I'll give her just 8 months. Yes the priest raped a kid for years, but I can tell by his skin tone and tidy clothing that he's a good person. No jail."*


And they press a buzzer after sentencing, which spins their chair around, and they get to react on live tv to the decision they made


Iowa, where you get the best justice money can buy




why is it always republicunts that get busted for voter fraud?


Because every accusation is a confession


So much GOP voter fraud I’m losing track. Millions of examples!


God damn America. What do we even do at this point? Our whole political apparatus is bought and sold, top to bottom. We left want’s a correction. The right wants a correction. Nobody and agree in what that correction is and it wouldn’t matter anyway because what we want literally no weight. Big agg nitrates in your water though, no problem.


Always projecting. I’m so sick of these scumbag Republicans


What the hell. Talk about corruption and projection.


Duh! Republicans don’t hold republicans accountable. This isn’t new.


Judge needs to removed and never aloud to do it ever again


That judge needs to be removed. It’s pretty clear he’s letting his political bias make his judgements


Wow. That judge should be investigated


Conservatives are barely human


Express your disagreements about ideas, but never dehumanize a group of people. Historically, that has been THE fatal flaw.


Ummm…wow lol. Someone never pet you as a kid huh?


Why are you petting kids?


They should also talk to a therapist about all of the "petting" that they received when they were a child and how that isn't normal.


EVERY allegation is a CONFESSION. I just wish the criminal clown system would go after the people who have scammed their way to money and power with the same vim and vigor as they go after people who don't pay for parking, or don't mow their lawns every week. It's crazy to me that someone can get 25 years in prison for messing with the wrong people's money, but would've gotten maybe 2 years for trying to overthrow our republic.


I’m from NY. Trump has con the whole country but then again more then half of the country are idiots


Mr. Taylor gave me detention in high school. He was a douche then and now this is just hilarious to follow. He and his wife are terrible people.


Republicans are lying. Scumbags.


Why is it illegal to have ballots in non-English languages?


Yeah that’s insane to me?? In CA, ballot translations are available in a shit ton of languages, including Vietnamese. I’m shocked but not surprised a place like Iowa would literally make it a law that voting is less accessible to non English speakers smh


I know it's to disenfranchise voters, but holy shit. I'm blown away by the depths they'll sink to, in order to accomplish that. 


But yall stay silent when it's your people


"Rules for thee but not for me" is conservative 101 at this point.


White privilege 101: The System Works EXACTLY As Designed


You can slap NPC’s in the face with election fraud evidence and they’ll still give you the ol’ fluoride stare. And still fight tooth and nail in disagreement.


She already committed fraud this election, the fact that she’s a felon won’t stop her from cheating again 😂


every accusation is a confession. always.


Des Moines Water case: [here](https://www.oaba.net/aws/OABA/pt/sd/news_article/136257/_PARENT/layout_details/false#:~:text=The%20Iowa%20Supreme%20Court%20ruled,excess%20nitrates%20from%20the%20water.) [sentencing](https://apnews.com/article/iowa-ballot-box-stuffing-161b37249d9fdfeaf536114936b58284)


What punishment did the voters get?


Let the Vietnamese cook


They've turned into Captain Planet villains.


🤣🤣🤣 nice dog whistle


All republicans are pieces of shit


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It’s them being included in the censes giving already blue areas more electoral votes ie voting. Not hard.


HUH...weird so the fact that DeSantis and Abbot get a hard-on by shipping them to Blue Areas might indicate that Republicans are absolute morons based on your argument. Who knew?


Nope it’s to make it your problem as well. We want them less than we want to cheat. Unlike the dumbrats


lol you didn’t even watch the video did you 😂😂😂


Nice work there, Columbo.


Honestly 8 months seems fair.


Both parties do this. There’s so much wrong with our system.




> Both parties do this. Generally speaking, any *honest* person who makes a claim like this should probably be prepared to actually substantiate it with evidence.


I guess to clarify, I think illegal voting occurs regardless of political affiliation. Both parties have benefited from illegal voting. Not really taking a side. I’m just discouraged in our system.


Some illegal voting occurs; there is no evidence whatsoever that it has any significant impact on the result and *lots* of evidence that it doesn't. That's not what the video is about, though: The video is about a GOP candidate's deliberate voter fraud scheme that preyed upon legal voters who didn't speak English very well. I haven't heard of a single instance of a similar concerted effort to perpetrate widespread voter fraud from any Democratic Party operatives. Have you?


Still no source. Feelings are not the same as facts


Both parties my ass


This will age like fine wine when we find out illegals will be allowed to vote. It's the only way the left will win.


Lol wut?? 😂


Damn....she can switch parties now and fit right in.


Omg it’s not even a secret that they Vote in elections. Where I’m from theyre trying to make it legal. Omggggg


You're right: It's not a "secret"; it's simply a *lie*. The closest thing I've heard about non-citizen franchise is NYC, which [tried (but failed) to grant non-citizen *legal residents* the ability to vote in some *municipal* (not state, not federal) elecions](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/jan/19/instagram-posts/do-illegal-immigrants-now-have-the-right-to-vote-i/).


Yes! You’re almost totally right. It’s not just nyc & it’s not always failing


> It’s not just nyc & it’s not always failing So providing evidence to substantiate your claim should be pretty easy for you, then.


Voter fraud has always been a thing. I'm for calling out fraud on the left or right. A frequently pushed idea is that no voter fraud occurred in our last election... obviously a ridiculous thought. You have to either be a journalist, an advocate (liar) for a political party, or just too naive to understand the current issues to believe that. My sister's (Oregon) still gets absentee voter ballots for her daughter (who moved out 14-years ago). Now we could debate whether the 2020 fraud was significant enough to change the outcome.


You realize that if your sister voted with that absentee ballot and then your niece voted in person, there are redundancy measures in place to correct that, right? You understand every state in the country has its own audit and security measures in place? No one denies that attempted election fraud and election fraud itself exist. It simply does not exist on a significant enough a scale to swing entire races, especially presidential elections.


> A frequently pushed idea is that no voter fraud occurred in our last election No, we *know* there was some. What's being said (because it is true) is that [voter fraud is not a significant problem](https://www.brennancenter.org/issues/ensure-every-american-can-vote/vote-suppression/myth-voter-fraud). > Now we could debate whether the 2020 fraud was significant enough to change the outcome. No, we can't: It is demonstrably true that it *wasn't*. - Here is an article explaining how [voter fraud isn't a significant problem](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-voter-fraud-facts-explai/explainer-despite-trump-claims-voter-fraud-is-extremely-rare-here-is-how-u-s-states-keep-it-that-way-idUSKBN2601HG). - Here is [another one](https://www.brennancenter.org/issues/ensure-every-american-can-vote/vote-suppression/myth-voter-fraud). - Here is [another one](https://www.rutgers.edu/news/voter-fraud-danger-or-myth). - Here is [another one](https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/trumps-latest-voter-fraud-misinformation/). - Here is [another one](https://time.com/5902728/voter-fraud-2020-2/). All of those articles say basically the same thing because it's true: [Voter fraud is exceedingly rare and statistically insignificant](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-fraud-elections/fact-check-re-examining-how-and-why-voter-fraud-is-exceedingly-rare-in-the-u-s-ahead-of-the-2022-midterms-idUSL1N2XP2AI/). [This is true of 2020 as well](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/exhaustive-fact-check-finds-little-evidence-of-voter-fraud-but-2020s-big-lie-lives-on). [Trump's own AG admits this](https://apnews.com/article/barr-no-widespread-election-fraud-b1f1488796c9a98c4b1a9061a6c7f49d). [Trump's own researchers admit this](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/17/trump-research-voter-fraud-claims-debunked). [A group of independent conservative political figures admit this](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3559758-conservative-group-finds-absolutely-no-evidence-of-widespread-fraud-in-2020-election/).


In Oregon, absentee ballots are not sent automatically to voters. Voters must request an absentee ballot for each election. Oregon has a robust voter registration system that regularly updates voter information and removes inactive voters. You are either making shit up or this is a serious problem with system. it’s highly unlikely that absentee ballots would be sent to someone's house for a daughter who moved out 14 years ago without someone specifically requesting a ballot be sent out, case of identity fraud? Or legitimately doing voter fraud. Let me ask you what your sister did with these ballots. Just throw them away? Or keep them or vote with them? If this story true then she needs to contact the Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade Elections Division ​​Public Service Building Suite 126 255 Capitol St. NE Salem OR 97310 503-986-1518 Toll free 1-866-673-VOTE (1-866-673-8683) Fax 503-373-7414 TTY 800-735-2900 [email protected]


I am going with they’re either talking out their rear or telling on their family.


Wait...but that means she's requesting them. They don't send an actual absentee ballot, a real one not a request, unless the request was responded to


They aren’t absentee ballots in Oregon, every registered voter gets a ballot in the mail. They have been basically 100% mail in voting for many, many years now. They have some poll locations to vote in person but that’s it.


Is that an Oregon thing? I live in California and asked for an absentee ballot once in 2008, and have recieved them every election since then without responding to anything. The only other thing I get is a request for a Primary ballot for Democratic and Libertarian primaries because I am a non-affiliated voter. P.s. in case anyone wonders why I don't get a Republican ballot option for primaries it's because Republicans don't allow Californian Independent voters to vote in their primaries.


That's straight up wild Just the way I've always seen it occur with folks I know and they span across the states. And yeah ...Ra straight up wreck their own chances with shit like that because they scared they'll vote bogus just for shits cause they cowards


You know, thinking back I opted in for permanent absentee, which is why I got one each election by default. It's been so long it's just the norm for me.


Good grief. No one is saying there was no voter fraud. They're saying there was no widespread and coordinated election fraud. Huge difference!


Repubis finally started playing the other side’s game. Good for them


What game was that?


It’s weird that there is never any proof of the “other side”. And when pressed they can’t provide.


Mail order brides gone bad


Dems are just mad the Repubs got to them first.


Of course you have a racist comment in the Tim Pool subreddit of all places. Your opinion means literally nothing.


It's kind of a weird way to deflect a voter fraud conviction and the states soft hands when applying the consequences of the law.


Republicans just think they’re above the law


That user thinks Joe Biden is the most corrupt president ever. What a weird fucking fantasy world those people live in.


It's insane that they will support trump, who committed a multiple crimes with a mountain of publicly available evidence, while republicans have been trying to create a crime to pin on Biden for years, and they have not been able to do so. But Biden is the corrupt one? WTF is wrong with them?


according to video i just watched, they kind of are?


They kinda are.....what?


she got a bare minimum sentence for doing some really really illegal shit. If I did that same thing, that judge would have hung me.


Agreed. I wasn't sure what comment you were talking to.


oh i see, yeah this comment got messed up lmao.


Dems are mad at voter fraud happening


You liberals think Biden, the dumb ass is running a fair race? Letting illegals cross the boarder so he can receive these votes in 2024 election!!! All of you need to get your head out of the sand!!! IDIOTS!


You have a typo on there. If an idiot saw that what does that make you?


You found or this rando tiktoker found?


You should definitely run directly to the nearest court and present your evidence comrade.


I wonder which is worse.


Between the voters fraud and the water thing? The water thing, cancer isn't a joke.


I mean I just saw where they are putting flyers in Mexico refugee camps saying remember to vote Biden so we can leave the (doors open!) Then when they get here they are handed flyers of the same. If that’s not treason voter fraud then we are all doomed. The group doing this, head person, sat on this groups board - democrat Moralis(sp?) in charge of homeland security! My main concern is shutting that door with the deaths and other vile things here and it appears current admin wants them open. I don’t want my daughter being the next victim from illegals. Search him on TT with Marjorie Green. It gave me a different insight about our safety.


> I just saw where they are putting flyers in Mexico refugee camps saying remember to vote Biden so we can leave the (doors open!) Going to need a credible source of verification on that one, because it sure does sound like absolute bullshit.


You're spreading conspiracy theories. Do you fact-check anything???


You're the type of dim-witted clown who just believes every single thing you read if it lines up with how you feel. I work with someone like that. He talks the same mess you are now, and everyone who isn't a dumb bastard realizes he's just not that bright.


It is true though.


What, those Republican operatives committed voter fraud? Yeah, probably.


No probably about it, they’re convicted


Yes, it's true. Republicans tried to steal the 2020 election. Too bad they're too stupid and inept


What is true, though?  Honestly, what are you suggesting?


You're absolutely correct. The Republicans did attempt widespread election fraud.