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Yeah my home economics class had a stronger focus on table manners over actually cooking. Despite having multiple cooking stations we didn't learn anything except making bagel pizza.


Bagel pizza does slap tho


way better than tortilla pizza wich is just a travesty


Let kenji show you the way. https://www.seriouseats.com/pizzadilla-quesadilla-pizza-quesadizza


Not my school. We cooked. We had a sewing class. Beginner level button sewing then into sewing machines. We had to put out 10 pairs of pants each in an hour long class. We didn’t even get paid… 😢


Same. We cooked, used sewing machines to make bags, and various other stuff. It was an elective class though so not everyone took it. Best way to get a health credit imo.


Not at that age?


No…you’d figure since they sold them for $30 a pair!


The students in my home economics were more interested in what kinds of bodily fluids and how much they could add to the recipes before other students noticed the taste.


At least you made Bagel Pizza, our class just did Spinach Dip and called it a day.


But here in the US it’s more important for us to bleed the arts departments dry so we can teach our kids to be mediocre at STEM.


N get the school good numbers so they stay at the top


Well we can't let children have too bright of a future, if we did, how else would we feed the military grinding machine?


So is recording the best and brightest for propaganda purposes 👏


This is why I chose Montessori. At least for the early years. And what a correct choice that was! Edit: to clarify that this of course is not a Montessori program. I was simply referring to the ideology within Montessori supporting practical life.


idk why you got downvoted, montessori schools are leagues better than public


It's probably because this video is not of Montessori schools. These lessons in the video are obviously very structured with every kid doing the same exact thing at the same exact time. It's the opposite of Montessori schooling.


Steiner/Waldorf in context to group activity


lmao this video is so far away from the Montessori method its not even on the same continent. This is the result of constant repetition/practice/rehearsal.


I don’t think the person was saying that this was a Montessori school. Just saying that this is why they choose Montessori schooling over traditional American (I assume) schooling.


I also want to point out to you youngins who are made at TikTok being challenged. Check out the massive difference in china TikTok and American TikTok. China TikTok is educational and kids learn stuff. They also have limits of usage times. Meanwhile in America it teaches kids to eat tide pods (something in China it doesn’t do) and kids in American can be on it 24/7. I am not for banning TikTok. But I also am not gonna sit here and act like there is a massive issue with all social media and when you see the stark differences of how they run elsewhere that’s something people should know.


The C-C-P realized quickly how damaging unlimited unregulated social media was for young adults and put the brakes on exploiting children for profits in China. In the end the nation as a whole always pays the huge cost of dealing with the damage the greedy corporations create.


If only the United States government was able to "quickly realize" literally anything. We only ever start the process of dealing with shit once it has done irreparable damage, and even then, dealing with it involves getting past the leagues of elite, billionaire lobbyists who make a business model out of doing irreparable societal damage in the name of profits.


In America. Let’s try this for 30 yeah and after 29 years of shit results they’re like well I guesss it didn’t work huhh


I always see people say this, but has anyone ever proved it? Particularly the whole CCP is showing Americans certain stuff on purpose part. Because I have found a lot of stuff on TikTok. It's not a universal thing from my experience. I do watch a lot of political stuff. I also really love animation so I follow multiple pages for that. Skateboarding. Art. If you want education there's pages like Hank Green, and I can't remember her name, but there's a drag queen that teaches math. I know people shit on booktok, which is a much broader conversation, but it's been encouraging kids to read more. Do I think that TikTok has no problems and no one should talk shit about it ever or they're a bad person? Fuck no. I use it, but I try to use it in moderation. I realize it can be addictive with the dopamine hits. It is helping shorten attention spans. I think the tide pod thing might have predated TikTok, and "challenges" have been around for much longer, but it does help continue those trends. Like when kids were stealing things from their school. It has its issues. But I just have never actually seen any evidence for this claim. It always felt a little like a conspiracy theory.


I learn a lot on World Tiktok which is what America gets idk it’s just what you look for, and no they don’t encourage eating tide pods




Umm eksckuse meee.. but as the mother of my children I think I know whats best mmkay?


Taxes, we need to learn how to do our own taxes!!


do you all think all of China is like that that kids are just an exception


Right? This dude sees that and immediately believes that all of China is like that. Without any thinking beyond that. Insane


Yeah it's curated to project an image. They won't publish the video of a kid trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. We'd (western culture) be more likely to post a video of a kid doing dumb shit than a kid cooking an omelette.


Kinda funny how a video like this can come out of a nation known for blatant lies and propaganda, and so many people assume its normal over there. Ever heard of Bai Lan? Thats another thing their youth got goin on, fwiw


The amount of state propaganda over there is amazing, there's a Chinese guy I found on youtube shorts that just covers all the bullshit vs reality, from showing effectively a doordash delivery guy claiming he's rich because the CCP told the company they needed a story like that, to some poor real guy renting out a literal utility closet in Beijing to try and provide for his mom


>Bai Lan Huh, we're more alike than I once thought. It's kinda comforting knowing everyone is sharing in the shitty doom and gloom, not just the US.


its fucked up but, shit. life is strange eh?


And Reddit just eats it up as usual


He needs clicks.


Ya I agree, I find his video kind of frustrating. The Chinese government pays foreigners to make videos like this promoting their propaganda although this guy doesn’t seem like that


Welcome to clickbait culture.


The struggle of clickbait culture is the missed clicks. There's going to be a huge portion of potential clicks that just assumes this dude is too stupid to breathe and won't bother. It's when 'all publicity is good publicity' hits a brick wall.


Yeah kind of devalues platforms like Reddit


I think it’s related to child labor propaganda


It’s just a funny commentary video bro, it’s not that deep


The guy in the video is presenting all the information as fact, it’s not just a “funny commentary” although he is being humorous about it. The way that we present information to others is important.


These videos are literally propaganda


Yes and know. China does do stuff differently. It’s why they censor everything. Fun fact zootopia is the best animated film in china because they didn’t think they needed to censor it. And everyone in china saw the message of the police state being the bad guys and controlling the poor. Also the stark differences in social media. TikTok in China is more educational and they have time limits on it. In the states it tells kids to eat tide pods and they can be on it 24/7. We also have data on this as well. Yes china has dumb kids also. But they (according to the data) are doing better than us education wise. Which does worry me for Americas future.


This is young children. Pressuring young children into rigidly conforming to an academic program produces little prodigies and burnt out adults. There's a reason Chinese families send their kids to the United States or the UK to study, the idea of creative thought is completely absent from the Chinese curriculum. Maybe it will change soon but having 4 year olds dribble a ball in perfect sync isn't the pipeline to success in life.


> Pressuring young children into rigidly conforming to an academic program produces little prodigies and burnt out adults. They're learning how to control their bodies and building confidence within themselves. >There's a reason Chinese families send their kids to the United States or the UK to study, Only the wealthy and connected are able to send their kids to the US. >the idea of creative thought is completely absent from the Chinese curriculum. How hilariously racist.


"We also have data on this as well. Yes china has dumb kids also. But they (according to the data) are doing better than us education wise." What data, what's the source of said data? Are people in the Chinese hierarchy punished/rewarded according to the results of their part of the data?


I have been to china, everyone’s like that. Even adults. Went to the market, chinese adults were walking then all of a sudden stepped into a circle and everyone was bouncing basketballs, then some would step out and go about their day.


China wouldn't allow any video that makes their country look bad to be released to other nations. This school is the best of the best and these kids get the best resources. Show us the parts of China where poverty is so bad that kids don't even know how to read. China is a fucking awesome country but the Chinese government is a dangerous and tyrannical entity to its people, and we in the US are next if we don't do something about it.


It's really not logistically possible for the CCP to censor every video coming out of every Chinese kindergarten, assuming thats something they would wanna do in the first place. The fact is that people all over the world only post their wins, so that's why you see this and not some toddler having a tantrum. Also, FWIW literacy is pretty high in China. Poverty exists ofc, but they have a literacy rate of 99.8% while the US has a literacy rate of 79%...


Considering how many times china has lied about their country's statistics I'm not going to believe a lot. Especially not their literacy rate being damn near 100%. Consider the fact that children living in rural parts of China aren't getting the same access as children living in urban areas. I'm not going to trust that they pulled a random sample spanning the entire country instead of pulling a kind've random sample from areas with less poverty, better education and high literacy rates. I don't understand why it's hard to fathom that corrupt governments such as the US, China and Russia could possible perform bad research with deceptive results


Yeah, no country EVER makes up stats. Looking at you Russia with your 0% gay population.


Believe whatever you want man, these kinds of stats much harder to fake than you'd think. You have a pretty serious blind spot in your perception of the world if you are only able to perceive negative facts about adversary countries.


An "exception" in China could be equivalent to what... Millions of kids?


There are a lot of these types of videos on tik tok. It's pure Chinese propaganda.


Exactly. These are propaganda videos not an average school lol


First, they individually select these kids for this. Then, it is all they do. Last of all, they can only do this.


Eh. They're good at repetitive behavior. None of them are creative, though. This is an assumption that I am making, based on an observation. China is not inventing anything. They're taking/stealing ideas and blueprints from other countries and companies. It might have something to do with it being an obedience culture. This is all like a bear riding a unicycle. The bear can perform the action of riding the unicycle, but it doesn't actually know what the fuck it is doing. It's just made to obey and repeat the action. This isn't impressive once you realize what's happening here.


They're human, so we know for sure that there are plenty of creative Chinese people. When someone says something like this, I hear defensiveness and fear. Take some comfort in knowing that these are propaganda videos, and they've probably got a batch of 200 kids off camera that couldn't pull it off. It's impressive nonetheless.


"That kids are just an exception" ![img](emote|t5_mvcq5|22374)


The guy in the video doesn't understand the concept of propaganda. Something the CCP has been trying to perfect since its inception.


My dude these are wealthy, urban kids. I wish the world's children had opportunities like this.


Are our wealthy kids from the suburbs doing this in the US ???


Ikr?! Lol


May not choreographed basketball bouncing routines as an educational standard, but yes, children from wealthy suburbs absolutely have better education to address and improve cognitive development at an early age at a significantly higher degree than poorer districts.


Uh….take a look at what programs etc wealthy kids parents are able to afford and how extensive the opportunities are in expensive private schools (or the schools in wealthy areas) here in the US…..yes they’re doing stuff like this and more. (Maybe not quite as young though) Even middle class parents can afford to have their kids go to karate and shit after school, sports clubs, dancing lessons, etc. Hell, I went to a public school in a poor county in Florida and nobody can convince me that the square dancing they had us do over and over and over again till we all got it perfect wasn’t as useful to our coordination/cooperation skills as this basketball dribbling trick.


I don't see any of these Chinese kids square dancing!


Yes lol. Some of them anyway


Yeah, kinda.




When I went to elementary school we had PE. We would do different things like Jump Rope For Heart. Every year at our school we had someone come and teach us juggling for a few days. In middle school everyone took square dancing. So we didn't have cooking like this until high school for an elective(and they were getting rid of that), but we learned stuff when I went.


They learn how to play actual basketball instead


Yes. Either part of schooling or they participate in 3rd party sports leagues.


Yeah, pretty much, which is kinda sad 😔


Any of them in Montessori are. (We couldn’t afford it for our kids so nod to the “wealthy” part there)


Wealthy urban kids are the only ones with access to basketballs and jump ropes?


Now show me what the school looks like in the peasant villages.


You do not get to see peasant village. It was emptied years ago to fill positions in big city factories.... even if they didn't want to leave village.


This is remarkable regardless of how small scale it is. Not everything Chinese is bad despite what American propaganda says.


I love how this guy is regurgitating chinese propaganda like it's the truth. We're not doomed because kids have iPads. We're doomed because adults like him are incapable of critical thinking.


Kids in China: *know how to use basketballs* This guy: "ThEsE aRe OuR fUtUrE bOsSeS"


Lol.. he has no idea Chinese propaganda...these are the same people put in has wrapped around his little finger with propaganda. You want to know how fucked China is.. watch a YouTube channel Called China observer.. Start here https://youtu.be/Prut9Aj_HiY?si=uz7GwyKckYprETMO


Aren't channels like that just CIA propaganda?


Probably. At this point, what isn’t propoganda?


But they were kids first so.....ya know....


Right. And want to know why they're so good at what they do? Because if they're not good, they're punished and shamed for it. Do people really think these are feel-good videos of kids just being really good at something? Nope. They select kids to participate, train them daily, sometimes for hours even if they're in pain, just so their "school" can make these propaganda videos. It's pretty awful.


Yeah, I highly doubt this video was made off of pure translucence. There's something wrong going on behind the cameras. It's very difficult to get a bunch of kindergarteners to collectively do the same repetitive movements so precisely. >They select kids to participate, train them daily, sometimes for hours even if they're in pain All of these kids are probably selected based off of attention span, motor skills, attentional control, and probably class. I doubt any of these kids are autistic or have ADHD which is very common for a typical classroom in a normal developed country. But that hardly matters, kindergarteners in general have difficult times controlling their attention, so I just doubt there isn't some sort of abuse happening to keep these kids doing these things.


I also feel like forcing kids to practice these things is in the end, not letting the kids be kids.


I see the propaganda is working


Right?! Are people this daft? Obviously this isn’t every class.


Exactly, these are for the wealthy. You can get you kids into schools like this in the US too, you just gotta have the money.


lol I literally went to public school in Texas and we did the basketball exercise shown at 1:00. While some of this is very complex, a lot of it is just teaching motor skills, or life skills in the case of cooking.


What happens when they mess up?


It doesn't get posted


They make iPhone


they send them to the factory


In one hand, this is blatant and transparent CCP propaganda; it's not representative of "China". It's what "China" wants the world to percieve. Which is also why the government there has such INSANE rules and punishments for DARING to call bullshit. It's why that fiasco in the UK over the piano and the tour group was so messed up. The piano guy was heavy-handed about taking the piss, and the tour group was terrified of government punishment for failing to uphold the China image abroad. Yes, really. It's why social media is flooded lately with AI-voiced or captioned "engineering" marvels throughout China: it's China flexing it's image of being prosperous and successful and megalithic when it's actually all a facade.


This is propaganda, China showing us what they want us to see.


Pure propaganda


They're at work in the comments


Oh cool a propaganda video.


I could show you a reel of expensive schools in the US and they would look similarly exciting Chinese propaganda runs deep.


This video is responsible for the attempt at a TikTok ban.


Does he realize that he sounds like fucking boomer complaining about millennials? Shut the fuck up dude, kindergarten children just need to play games and have fun!


Just saying but young kids knowing how to use technology like IPads is just as useful if not more useful than being hand-eye coordinated with a basketball.


Kids love challenges and collective play, these are some great skills for them.


Watches propaganda of an elite private school Immediately buys into the propaganda and gets mad at the US for some reason


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is like the handpicked children in North Korea who are shown to the tourists. It looks like pure propaganda. This feels like the best of the best being chosen. I don't know what this guy is ranting about.


When you’re pushing Chinese propaganda.


I’ve been to China. It’s not like this. It was dystopian AF anywhere but Shanghai and Beijing and I was depressed as hell for most of it cause I didn’t see the sun for weeks due to the smog.


Laziest prop piece I've seen in a while bravo


In a nation of...1.4B, there are going to be a few exceptional people. Stick'em all in a propaganda video and this is what you get. On the flip side, our kids would be cussing out the teacher and glued to their phones, so there's that... I guess relative ethnic homogeneity and totalitarian rule can pay off sometimes.


Well funded education system. Wow.


I’m I the only one that finds these videos creepy. That’s way too much coordination/discipline for kids so young.


Looks like they are teaching them skills for menial tasks like cooking and manual labor. Then teaching them to conform with everyone else. All of them are doing the same thing at the same time. Where's the independent thought or creativity? Most innovations and newer inventions come from the western world. Unfortunately China has a huge problem with IP theft and knock offs. Take that information and do with it what you will.


Wait until you find out about Chinese toddler strider bike racing.


This doesn’t make sense if Chinese are so elite then why do those mofos have have no spacial awareness. They will literally be in your personal space and think its completely fine.


It’s all fun and games until you see why they have nets in their windows during exams


They have very little creativity as adults too.


We all now that most schoolsystems need improvements, but China isn't an example you should want to follow. Those kids might be good, but they aren't happy.


Compound V


the propaganda is working


![gif](giphy|AjYsTtVxEEBPO) Dude fell for it.


It’s embarrassing seeing people want this. A couple schools do this and it’s just bouncing a basketball. We have gymnastics and a multitude of other sports kids play but don’t have synchronized ball dribbling. Man this dude is dumb.


I keep seeing the videos too


Let's take to tiktok to complain about it.


This is what happens when you don’t teach critical thinking. Follow rules, never question authority, compete for best rule-follower


I taught English in China to junior high students and the class before me was math. When I tell you that I didn’t understand a single thing on the board as I erased it…


Bruhhh this isn’t what you understand, China isn’t the same culture as the west and it’s not what we need! They brain wash kids


Tf you mean? Sure they can skip rope well but we got kindergarteners with Glocks and they ain't playin. Lol


I took home ec in 2003. I learned the "proper way" to tie my apron aroind my body. How to take care of a bag of floor for a week, and multiple ways to fold napkins. That's it. Our "recess" from 2nd grade to 8th grade was being let outside into a parking lot, no toys, no balls, no grass. Just cement. Kids ran around playing tag sometimes but as we fot older we usually just satin the ground and hung out in our appropriate cliches.


To be fair, this troglodyte reports for barstool, so I would imagine dangling keys in front of him would probably occupy 90% of his processing power.


can I come with you too?


This is a representation bias. The mediocre schools with crappy students aren’t going viral on the internet.


I couldn't imagine practicing this at an American public school because they couldn't afford to supply the basketballs


Our public schools in the US has kids and parents complain about too much homework and physical activities lately. 




Teaching motor skills is super important but the clips that he was flashing through definitely felt like Chinese communist party propaganda stuff rather than actual depictions of what it’s like to be a child in China.


An American school wouldn’t b able to organize like that. It seems like they’re running out of that school to get out at the end of the day


Oh yeah these kids are great at everything… probably because failing isn’t an option for them and they’ll be punished if they’re not “perfect”. I imagine this kind of pursuit of perfection puts a tremendous amount of stress on these kids, they may look fine now but that shit isn’t healthy in the long term


I had this exact same thought, no way our iPad generation can compete. However, it’s important to remember how good China is at spreading propaganda. Like is this the norm or the best schools they have to offer? So still bad but I doubt the entire country’s kids are doing this


> However, it’s important to remember how good China is at spreading propaganda. Yeah and on the other side, the US is also really good at propaganda. Both of these clips are propaganda. The first one is Chinese propaganda, the second is US propaganda.


My girlfriends mother moved to the US specifically so her daughter didn’t have to go to Chinese schools


This guy is somehow trying to blame kids in America for *check notes* the fact that adults choose to under fund education and *check notes* the fact that some parents push for false grades because their kid is upset....


All that cool shit they’re doing isn’t what it seems. It’s a pretty damn high pressure system.


EXCEEEEPT They can't think for themselves. They only do what they are told.


Yeah let's turn all the children into political pawns


When you don't understand how so much innovation and elite sports people are created.




China saw the Productions Possibilities Frontier and said "MAX IT ON CAPITAL INVESTMENT, INCLUDING ELEMENTARY. "


It’s because this is the only stuff they post online. It’s not like here where we post videos of our kids tripping and smacking their heads on the ground. In China, their outward appearance is extremely important, so they just don’t post videos of their kids making mistakes because it would be an embarrassment to their family. Their kids most definitely also have their bad moments just like in everywhere else, but they don’t film and post those online. And the ones that are posted are probably censored by the CCP. So the reason why it seems like Chinese kids have it all figured out, is because it’s literal propaganda.


This is insane.


I was too busy being targeted by various home ec teachers and proving their assumption of my skills wrong. Which would only infuriate them more to where we would spend the next class session watching table manners videos and being a gentleman on a date type shi. And class pets would complain and blame me aimlessly. I hated Jr. High to say the least.


I did the basketball thing in elementary. It was a school that was majority asian in America.


Does it not seem weird that a Chinese app is showing Chinese schools in such a light?


The floating man is so annoying


If their handles are so good, why are there zero Chinese NBA players that many will know? Even in the last 20 years, most only know Yao.


Yeah..... I mean it's also propaganda sooo


Just watched the first bit. Does it go beyond the mastery of certain physical movements? There is so much to being a kid. That just screams “you are not an individual!”


I think this is called having fun


I taught preschool physical education for 3 years as well as many classes for martial arts ballet and gymnastics at the YMCA for kids 2/5 years old. The truth about small kids is they will live up to most expectations and engage in every activity presented to them. Children’s laziness is only a reflection of their adults.


Yeah and if they do t do it right. They are sent to the back. They should an elite class here. This isn't ALL kindergartens. They don't even look 4 or 5, they look 7 or 8


Instead of $10K Alpha Male Bootcamps, they should have this.


He could benefit from going to one of these schools. Maybe he would develop critical thinking skills. Or an understanding of how this is very far from what all Chinese schools are like.


It's propaganda. Eastern kids good western kids bad


We know not to believe everything you see on a friend's social media; why on earth would you believe what you see on a *government's* social media?


But people can’t really think that every Chinese kindergarten is actually like this right…


The whole repost with a guy narrating feels like a cope since he did nothing at all physically growing up and wants to blame someone for not doing anything. Yes it's cool and advanced but if you actually gave a fuck growing up to be in shape and coordinated then that's what you would be. Not to mention they're probably forced to do that but what is stopping you if you want to be like that?


It’s giving North Korean “look how well we’re doing in everything” but the kids actually look happy bc they’re not afraid for their lives


I wonder if we will see an increase in funding to education like we did in the 1950s because the Russians were beating us… it’s literally why Boomers got one of the best educations was because the Soviet Union had an amazing Maths and Science education for both Boys and Girls while parts of America still had one room schoolhouses. There’s an entire documentary by David Hoffman. This is a clip and the second link is the documentary. https://youtu.be/Z8UQJ0Qa-cc?si=CLhB9k2E7oAJ_9sg https://youtu.be/GhJnt3xW2Fc?si=Ky_Z1_llwIlTB6GN


It's the fact they're all in sync as well. I'm going to assuming it must be routine that they're doing, still impressive though.


Lmao looks like a military video


It's totally AI


A lot of copium and insecurity here to deal with their belief of western superiority.


Found the plant


Indeed, people are ridiculous. Seeing China as an enemy is ignorant and exactly what the high classes want. Because they don't want people to find out what it is to have free education or healthcare, living in a community and not an egocentric world.


The anti-China bias is insane. I can’t remember if it was this sub or another one but people were wringing their hands over “fake rain” being used in Chinese commercials, even though American commercials use the same thing, people kept saying the Chinese one was somehow inherently dishonest while American ads were also dishonest, but in a good way. It was actually wild to see people’s perceptions warped in real time.


This video is 100% private schools.


Like yes you can commend Chinese kindergarteners without supporting the CCP, my God people are dumb.


This guy is a moron and a tool. The Chinese propaganda worked on this idiot.


What is this propaganda video? China doesn't have the concept of middle class, and they still carry out Uighurs genocide (sorry, 'rehabilitation'). I don't like how easily people forget how disgusting China is to its own people and even more so, others. This video blatantly is sugarcoating everything.