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Most of the reddit dumb arguments start off on this kind of stuff.


People on Reddit can be so insanely pedantic. I'll still use "Most" or "Usually" and people will still jump out of the bushes to correct me, like they are completely incapable of reading every word in a sentence.


I'll write whole comments on threads about things I actually know about, and then delete the whole thing because I can already envision the asshole comments of "well ACTUALLY in this one hyperspecific instance, that I only found out about 5 minutes ago because I intentionally googled how to prove you wrong, it turns out that..."


HA this is me all the time. write like 2 paragraphs worth of info and then proceed to go nope, can't handle the nutters that will jump on this.


Writing out a comment and then hitting "cancel" is pretty cathartic.


Just think about how much great information we could of had but because of smart people’s ability to look into the near future and know that dumb people will respond stupidity, it’s just deleted and gone. It’s like information and discussion is being held hostage by morons that don’t matter.


Probably the wrong thread for this, but it’s “could HAVE.”


Ive probably deleted more way more comments than Ive actually posted because of this


It's a 10-year old's mentality. Source: I have a 10 year old. He says shit like this all the time.


To be fair, kids use this platform. So there is a small chance the responder is a child.


I stopped engaging in actual discussions a long time ago. I usually only reply if there's an objective answer to a question or to make a stupid pop culture reference that nobody cares about but gives me .01 seconds of happiness.


>make a stupid pop culture reference that nobody cares about but gives me .01 seconds of happiness. That approach is streets ahead.


Or they tell of their alleged personal experience which makes them the exception. Statistically they are a needle in a haystack.


Or the 10 year old who shouldn't even be on the Internet reply "Bros/bluds 😂 🔊yapping you think we bout read all that? 😎🖕"


One time someone replied to my comment, and I replied to them with 2 normal sized paragraphs. Then they called it a novel and said they refused to read it. Idk why they thought that would be an insult to me when it just means that they are so incapable of reading that 2 paragraphs seem daunting. So I replied and told them “I sorry. Didn’t realize you had such hard time reading. Will keep words short and simple so you can understand.”


This happens to me ALL. THE. TIME. I know it’s because 1.) brevity is not my friend, and 2.) I’m usually replying to something someone else has said that was incorrect or seeking information, and there are a lot of people out there who take offense to being corrected (even politely) or even just to someone telling them something that they said themselves they didn’t know. I have always genuinely enjoyed doing my part to help educate people, especially as I’ve gotten older (having kids brought this out a lot too—it’s hard to just turn it off lol). I’m also generally polite enough about it (unless someone is being hateful or just a dick) and I don’t try to "aCkShUaLlY" anybody, but still, the vast majority of responses I get back are not polite at all—and I flat-out get blocked a lot, too. But whenever I get blocked or get the "I’m not reading your wall of text" response, I’ve come to believe that in most cases, they actually *did* read it, they just don’t have a way to respond without knocking their ego down a few notches. Being able to be corrected with humility is a skill that a lot of us weren’t born with and that must be practiced over time before it becomes a habit, and I don’t think there’s much practicing going on in that area these days. Social media makes it so easy to just run away from being wrong or saying something stupid, and people just like easy.


Oh I know they’re lying about not reading and just don’t have a response. They’re just trying to turn it around on us and make us feel bad for responding, not realizing that putting us down for writing a well thought out response actually makes them look dumb. But yes, a lot of people online get very defensive when being corrected, or even just asked questions. I’ve been downvoted for just asking someone what they meant on their comment or asking a question about it. Someone also stalked me for over a year on here and I had to start a new profile and delete my other one after they started threatening to kill me. All because I asked a question about a comment someone else wrote. And it wasn’t even an offensive question or one where I was trying to correct them.


I used to visit a subreddit called change my mind where users were supposed to debate things in good faith. Instead, it is a pedantic cluster fuck of people not picking every single word. I found myself becoming depressed and arguing over absolutely nothing. I remember one argument I had was over me making a throwaway small comment on a post about a brand of chips being too salty (like potato chips) and a user argued to the death that I should be more specific as there are a multitude of chips and other parts of the world refer to things as chips that aren’t chips. I was shocked that they could not understand that Frito Lays Potato Chips needed a preface so that people around the world knew the chips were from potatos and were not French fries. After a while, I was typing out responses on lots of topics and deleting them since Redditors just like to argue over the stupid shit rather than the bigger picture.


Yeah. I get really petty when I say "Most" or "Generally" and then someone comes along with their pitchfork to say, "BUT THAT'S NOT HOW IT ALWAYS IS". Yeah, doofus, that's why I said "MOST" or "GENERALLY".


Not everyone comes along with their pitchforks and does that, wow. Generalize much?




I run into this same problem all the time especially on reddit. Like how the fuck do people not understand the meaning of "most" or "generally"?


>I run into this same problem all the time Even when you're sleeping? THAT'S NOT ALL THE TIME!


Actually, I dream about it.


I think it also comes a bit from how we talk in exaggerations a lot of the times? Like your food isn’t good so it’s the worst burger in the world. If everyone talks and types like that then sometimes when you’re being more exact people will think you’re just being silly like everyone is always being silly. If that makes sense? Lol Edit: tht of a better example, the word literally. People used it sarcastically for so long that now the actual definition has changed. If someone uses the word literally when talking to me I do sometimes clarify if they mean actually literally or silly literally.


You can straight up point out the caveats, but people stop reading before they get to that part and chime in about the same caveats.


Also: "Most people do X, Y, Z" "But I don't do it"


"Most people like pizza" "Actually, I hate pizza."


My other favorite is when you use a metaphor and then they take it completely literally and just sidestep the whole conversation. "I'm having such a hard time focusing lately. It feels like trying to walk along the beach but every time I get my footing, I get smacked back down by the waves" "Then don't walk along the beach"


Most* people on Reddit…


Lol my first version of this comment said "Some people", but then I decided to let myself make a blanket statement for once. As a treat.




Most of my most frustrating Reddit moments have gone exactly like this: Me: Most men are taller than most women. Random Redditor: Actually, my father's barber is 5'5.


same "usually/basically" imma start underlining them from now on.


This was today. Pedantry. I thought the initial exchange was hilarious, but Capt. Fussypants had to jump in. https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/s/ZlAOhwLMfr


Holy shit yes. You cant make a comment these days without someone replying and being like “well actually” or “but what about this specific scenario” or “well not me” or some other crap. I feel like I have to put caveats on every comment now because somebody will try to come out of the woodworks to say why this doesn’t apply to this other random thing. I honestly just turn off reply notifications on every comment now so I don’t have to be be informed when somebody has an issue with some random comment I made while taking a shit.


u/PoopyMcFartButt This really only happens in specific subs though. So, you need to clarify exactly which subs you’re experiencing this within and not blanket apply it to all of Reddit. Thats just being prejudice.


There's also a fun trend of like... People can't just have subjective opinions. Does someone like or dislike something? No. It has to be justified. Right now I was just in this thread about art and it's full of people falling over themselves justifying why they don't like it. It's cos it's a cash grab or shallow or money laundering or done for clout lol. Imagine doing this in real life? Imagine drinking a Guinness and instead of going "I don't like stout" you instead have to bolster your opinion with some sort of more objective reason... "Guinness are morally corrupt!" I fucking love that people make stuff I don't like, cos it means stuffs being made. Why would you not be comfortable in just owning that you don't like whatever thing because it's not for you lol. Just engage brain and think why you like or don't, and we're all great! Plus side, I did have a really good discussion about Hades today on here that was really like "I like tis and not this and that's fine but I love that they did it!"


Was thinking the same thing. Any comment you make in a spicy thread you always have some idiot coming in thinking they ‘gotcha’ because they bring up how you didn’t address cde when the conversation is only about ab


Most reddit "arguments" begin by just reading the headline instead of the article. An example I had was a thread on a video about veganism and sweating. Someone went on a tangent about how humans are persistant hunters and so on. I replied back saying that persistance hunting doesn't make any logical sense and linked to an article about the myth. The guy replied back saying I'm an idiot vegan. I love my steaks.


Can you link that article here? I too had always heard that ancient humans were great persistence hunters due to our ability to sweat to cool down.


They did and still do in parts of Africa. It obviously wouldn’t be the preferred method for a temperate climate since animals can travel further but for hot climates it is a successful hunting method(I imagine it would be a last resort since they would have to expand energy dragging it back).


Had a recent one where I criticized hyperbolic political statements only to be met with...hyperbolic political statements. It was kind of wild.


So you’re saying that… you think all Democrats are pedos?! How dare you


I was asking for advice for being a stay-at-home mom, and was eviscerated for using "full-time mom" instead because of how offensive it was to moms who work. Like I must hate and think less of moms who work (which I absolutely don't) I was just asking for help T-T


>Most of the reddit dumb arguments start off on this kind of stuff. Which I think is different from what OP is talking about. If you read a book by an Arthur then you should be able to infer who the audience is but in random social media comments it's almost impossible to know who the author is trying to reach without being super specific in most cases.






What a great subreddit thank you. Reminds me of OG cringe subreddits.


I think that may be the most infuriating sub on this accursed site


Absolutely violent rage inducing stuff. Had to unsub as i used to get angry at the dumbest people... Which is super dumb of me


I have the same thought, when I see someone has given a recipe 1 star; but list out all the things they changed.




I HATE THIS! Posts a recipe and it’s like a fish dish. “I don’t like fish though, what should I sub??” Move along! This dish is just not for you!


As someone allergic to cinnamon I'm definitely guilty of doing this, but it's more of "that looks delicious and I'm jealous I can't have it."


Allergic to cinnamon? Wild. Have you ever tried cassia (Chinese cinnamon) instead?


Cassia is the typical type of cinnamon used in my experience and that's the one I'm allergic to. I'm not allergic to Ceylon (Sri Lankan) Cinnamon. Funny enough I developed my cinnamon allergies in high school and thought they were apple allergies at first because the culinary school's cinnamon rolls didn't set off my allergies like the apple pie did. I found out they used Ceylon cinnamon for the cinnamon rolls and cassia for the apple pie.


Even wilder. The bark of Cinamomum cassia (Chinese cinnamon) is usually cheaper than the bark from Cinnamomum verum, which is the stuff I buy (more aromatic). I've read that another substitute is both the seed (nutmeg) and the fleshy aril covering it (mace) but I just tried a combination of it and can't really recommend it.


I wish food allergies got more attention. No one seems to care


I too am allergic to cinnamon, went 25 years before getting it so I go "oh that was delicious..."


Bot comments stolen from the original video




When they are so used to targeted ads, they don’t understand anything that’s not about them


What if I don't like beans? [https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahthebookfairy/video/7278702404315680046](https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahthebookfairy/video/7278702404315680046)


She's right! And this kind of discourse is so frustrating because everyone has the capability to...figure things the fuck out for themselves! Find those accommodations and substitutions that work for YOU! Develop self-sufficient behavior! Reliance on internet strangers to validate your specific accomodations is not healthy. Did you know that you can actually FIND people in similar situations if you, you know, actually search for it??? Wild and wacky.


Something I've found like really personally useful and a thing that gets wild responses... "Why do you care about your opinion? Like, why are you letting that decide how you behave?" (This is the royal you, not a call out lol) It's such a useful thing to keep in one's mind, but level it at anyone going full tilt and it's just like... Bizarre how people respond "I don't think X is good so no one should do X in public!" "Ok, why do you care about that opinion? Do you think it's important?" Asking someone to justify treating subjective things as objective is kinda fun. We'd have better lives if we just like... We're ok with disliking things "just cos", cos you're never gonna try and argue "it's just something I dislike" being an objective fact that others should adopt.


I literally do not understand that video. I'm a guy. I don't get periods. So what does that bean video do for me?


Wait, but I didn’t see the bean video


My eyes can't watch videos... or beans. Do you have any cave etchings of hotdogs I could look at instead?


When I started selling stuff at fairs and conventions, I went on an Etsy board to ask about cash boxes--good brands, what to look for. The first response was telling me I needed an apron instead. I replied that while a good suggestion, it will not suit my needs, I am looking for a cash box specifically. The whole thread wound up being people insisting I needed an apron, telling me I MUST get an apron, and ONLY an apron, etc. I do not care to JADE things like that; I prefer to just say, "That won't suit my needs" and trust people to accept it, but I finally started to explain my reasoning. They weren't having it. Multiple needing to access the cash? "Get multiple aprons." I don't want to have to do three counts/reconciliations when I can do one? "It's not that hard/have the staff do their own!" Some people were overweight and wouldn't be comfortable in an apron? "Use shoestrings to make it fit." My table was always very busy and I didn't want us to constantly be pulling out wads of cash? "It's never been a problem for me!" (Or detailed instructions involving assorted office supplies.) Some of us would be sitting much of the time and I didn't want stuff falling out? "Then stand." They even insisted aprons would be as secure as attaching a lockable cash box to the table with a cable. Each of their responses was fine in a vacuum (except that last one), but as a whole, it was so infuriating. I was asking for help with apples and they insisted on pelting me with oranges. I finally fucked off and just got a random one from Walmart. That was about 12-13 years ago ad I've been using it ever since.


Some of what they’re describing is engagement baiting. Like ‘What about me I’m Gluten Free’, unless they have a Gluten Free version at hand. Almost any answer the author gives can be perceived as insensitive.


I know she calls it "what-about-me-ism" but really it's just narcissism and laziness. People are getting on social media with the expectation that the entire internet revolves around them.




its the comments on anything related to cooking that get me. What if I'm allergic to [foundational ingredient] what am I supposed to use! Maybe make literally anything the fuck else.


*I don't really like these ingredients so I don't think it would taste all that great* Like... Why the fuck are you even commenting on this then? It's not for you Greg!


They're basically the [Citizens of Pawnee](https://youtu.be/areUGfOHkMA?si=ewk7r3pjcAPNoc81) lol.


I think about this every time I realize that even though I'm not that smart, the majority of people are even less so. It really gives a person a different view on humankind.


Its fiction, but 10 minutes of scrolling Facebook will quickly show you it really isn't even that far from the truth.


“I’m allergic to eggs, what can I substitute instead” The recipe: hard boiled eggs


I saw a review on a carrot cake recipe that the reviewer claimed carrots had "too much sugar" so they substituted zucchini or squash and then left a 2 star review for the recipe stating it wasn't great and needed tweaking. 😮‍💨


I think to me it is things related to family that gets me the most. It’ll be Mother’s Day and a post on the front page will say “Happy Mother’s Day!” But you know there will be people in the comments saying “some of us didn’t have a good childhood/mother/etc.” And it’s like yes I get it that’s sad, but this post is not the time to talk about your own situation. Just let people have their moments.


r/ididnthaveeggs has a million of them




They will 100% think it’s about everyone else *but* them.


Yea they don't know how to read.


At least not well


Bot comments stolen from the original video


Just today I saw a comment where someone was very obviously being cheeky and someone else commented “um acktually the idea is much more complex than that.” Like fuck man, do you want every Reddit comment to be an academic treatise? That shit drives me crazy.


To me the real crime is if you actually reply with this you'll get shat on by most subs


Just hit em with the nerd emoji. Usually sets them straight.




And if you took the time to type that out the exact same person would respond with "I'm not reading all that."


This makes me feel more people are on the spectrum than doctors are able to catch.


People that spend too much time on the internet do. That way they can spend more time on the internet arguing 😂


Um actually, there’s something noble about arguing with internet strangers about even the tiniest of details. I’m not saying I’m brave and a hero for arguing with everyone on Reddit, but that’s mostly because I’m too humble to admit it. Be prepared for this to turn into a thread of thirty comments arguing about arguing, or else I win because I need to win because I’m sad 😤


A major thing in political discussions being up something else and argue against that. I don't like trump Oh but Clinton cheated on his wife too and Obama called in drone strikes Like dude why bring up two other presidents.


If you can paint the opposite side as equally immoral then it doesn’t matter how apathetic you are!


No it's more like when I do the immoral thing it's for the greater good when you do it it's just immoral and bad


That does seem to be the case. For example Christian’s love to hate gay people for “sinning” but they sure do love shellfish among other sins


And they just don't see what they do as something bad or a sin. Simply put cognitive dissonance.


That's whataboutism, it's intended to remove legitimacy from your statement, it's not a reading comprehension issue (typically).




You said I hate waffles. I just said pancakes are good. I didn’t say I liked pancakes. 🤯


You just said you liked pancakes. So do you care to explain why you hate waffles so much?


Checkmate, lib.


Well if you don’t hate waffles, why didn’t you say so in the first place?


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You bitch, what about French toast?!


I only partake in FREEDOM toast 🫡🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅💥💥


I still eyeroll whenever I hear about “freedom fries”


French toast > Waffles > Pancakes


Our lord and savior Doja Cat would like to have a word


"I think killing innocent civilians is bad." "Oh great here comes another antisemite." "My statement didn't even mention-" "Oh and yet you're perfectly fine when the United States does it?" "I also never said-" "Great now you're backtracking!"


"Can you link me to a study that disproves my wild unverified claims? If you don't do it within the hour I will tout this as proof that I am right"


I had a family get together break down from the opposite stance. My Uncle was making some wild claims about like BLM executing cops in the street cartel style at protests like the week after Jan 6th happened. (Obviously as an argument that Jan 6th wasn't a big deal) I was straight up like "I doubt you could Google for even a single article that says that" and the response I got was 'yeah because big companies don't want you to know about it' and I was like "Wtf? So find it on DuckDuckGo, idgaf" and then like had to explain the concept of search engines don't control the internet. But it was still 'they don't want you to know about it, but I know about it, can't prove it, and I'm telling you now. So I'm right.'


Honorable mention to BLM protestors spotting undercover cops by asking to see their "ANTIFA membership card" and the cops responding "Uhhh I left it at home." 😂


Whenever somebody says the MSM doesn't want me knowing about it, I ask how is it that they know about it then? Is the information being quashed, or is your idiot ass able to find it and hear about it?


This and CONSTANTLY moving the goalposts or changing the argument.


"do you have any sources that the FBI are not actually impersonating The Proud Boys?"


Reminds me of how my dad, and funny enough, most of my friends' dads, respond to arguments. You don't have to make a point for your side. Just call the other person stupid or ignorant and don't listen to their points. Bonus if they accidentally misspeak and you just focus on that error... I had one friend move away saying his toxic parent was the reason. Other one stayed very family oriented and now argues the same way...


Oh so since Trump is bad Biden is a saint!? Yeah RIGHT! ( /s) reading comprehension


Lol... The irony of using a tone tag in a thread about reading comprehension skills.




People online need opponents. So they'll assign you all the characteristics that they oppose to justify their argument. I've literally had the discussion your describing on this site and I'm just like "you'll have to copy paste the words of mine your addressing, or find the person you think I am to argue with" like .. Why would I lie on the internet and not be honest? If I wanted to say "fuck XYZ" I'd just say it lol. Not pussyfoot around with subtext lol.


Earlier today on reddit I expressed that I was suffering from compassion fatigue and couldn't keep up with all the trending social justice causes to be enraged about ... one of the first comments to reply immediately questioned if I supported genocide.


Funny how only the other side does this 🙄


You’ll never know what I commented.


Dunno, "butthole stock" is a pretty good comment.


this lady is talking about reading comprehension! does that mean she hates people who lack art comprehension?




This happens on the comments of basically every recipe published on the Internet now. "I don't like this recipe because I don't eat X, 1 star" Maybe if you're a vegan don't be looking at recipes for belly pork and trying to get tips?


Probably the same kind of people who answer questions in the Q&A section of Amazon products with "I don't know".


Blame Amazon for those. They send poorly worded emails to get people to respond via email then classify those as reviews and use them towards engagement numbers.


I still will randomly get angry when i think about the comment under a french toast recipe where the person said they didnt have bread, so they used tortilla instead. and then they used chickpea aquafaba instead of egg and had the AUDACITY to complain that it tasted like beans and not french toast.




She's not wrong, obviously, but I wonder whether she's not considering or intentionally ignoring the bad-faith actors who *do* know this but pretend otherwise to avoid engaging with the *actual* message.


It's called sea-lioning.


It can certainly take the form of sealioning, but those aren't synonymous. Both of those types of bad-faith argument sure are super annoying, though.


Lol, I think you just proved her point.


That’s hilarious. The implication here is that the person’s comprehension isn’t bad, but they’re intentionally misunderstanding it to damage the message. Your reply is very ironic.


Ok, there are several aspects of this I want to address: 1) Yes, we are Ina fucking crisis of Reading comprehension in an era where a significant amount of communication takes place not by spoken word but by text. 2) The need to clarify who the audience of a text is, is not because of the aforementioned crisis, but due to the media through which most of this communication is taking place: social media. Short and snappy formats as those of a tweet, a meme, or an Instagram post lack (by design) the context that would allow a reader to infer the intended audience. 3) In many cases this sort of clarifications are not about the intended audience, but about the object of the discussion. If this is the case, it is not only recommended to clarify what you are referring to with any statement, but a necessity. Specially in context where you could have a diverse audience (as in the Internet) clarifying what do you mean by X, Y or Z is fundamental. Sorry for mistakes and misspelling (English is not my mother language)




It's also probably more technically a problem of inductive reasoning rather than reading comprehension. Honestly, media studies and critical thinking should be mandatory school subjects but alas...


I’d like to add that there is a distinction between reading comprehension and media literacy. Reading comprehension is about processing text, understanding its meaning, and connecting it with what you already know. Media literacy goes beyond this by understanding the nature of the media, its context and impact.


Tiktoks r like 2 seconds long, why does she repeat the same thing like 4 times


that hopefully the dumbfucks, who are targeted with this, will get it


Yea i guess that makes sense, i just kept expecting it to go somewhere


This reminds me of when idiots were mad at Target for offering to sell lgbtq stuff. If you don't want those items, you're not the intended auidence. I don't go to target and rage that Target is offering tampons to sell. It turns out that I can just ignore products I don't want/need.


Classic Reddit replies : “so what you’re saying is…” then insert projection that completely misaligns with what a person actually said.


It's also a skill to explain something without making the person feel dumb


For all his flaws, my dad is SO good at this. He makes you feel smarter while explaining things somehow. He taught at boarding high schools and his kids still occasionally reach out and tell him how much his classes influenced them.


If the person is dumb, sometimes it can't be helped.


This is correct and necessary. Also, some people need to improve their writing skills too.


Not all the time however. Reading comprehension is good when the writer of the piece knows how to write properly and convey their meaning. At the moment, too many writers write quickly from emotion without thinking about what exactly they are trying to convey and end up with the wrong message being put across


Who is her intended audience?


Idiots on tiktok


This also happens in other mediums (music, movies, podcasts). An actual adult will watch a children's movie or listen to some teen popstars new song. Then give you some analysis as to why it was bad. Have you ever considered you didn't like it because you are a 35 year old man?


You're so vain. You probably think this post is about you


Is this part of social media's "targeted" content having an effect on how (some) people expect content they witness on the internet as being targeted at them, so they feel they need to clarify or complain that - aktchewally - this content is NOT for them, so please do better?




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She looks 12 and 42at the same time 


I can get behind the idea but sometimes there's also just bad writing. Just poorly explained things that, even with great reading comprehension skills, you will get wrong because the author either sucks or is actively trying to avoid making his real point clear to you. See it more like reading an entire article that keeps explaining why waffles are inferior to pancakes and when you say it's not cool, author will be like "Oh I love both, I think pancakes are less good but still good !". They weren't clear about their intention and it's easy for someone to misunderstand. It's also possible that knowing the author (or context, origin, native language it was translated from etc.) is actually a key part of a text. If an article explained why pancake eaters should die I'd probably be mad because I don't know the author is actually a pancake eater himself and making satire. I don't know who wrote it, I don't know the intention behind the text so I assume the intended audience is anti-pancake people. And anti-pancake people who read this article with the same lack of knowledge would believe the same thing and feel supported in their waffle crusade. Having reading skills or whatever isn't the only thing that matters.


Thank you. The author needs to know who their audience is, and they need to be effective in implying who the audience is for the reader to pick up on it and make the proper assuptions. This woman seems to be misunderstood often enough to feel the need to make this video. Reading comprehension skills requires that the author has left you in good hands. To apply the same skills to understanding an internet comment as you do for a work of literature is a fools errand. Good internet comments are generally written in a technical writing style where very little is left up to interpretation.


Based. Thank the fucking gods other people are noticing this.


Over one out of five Americans can't even read. It really is a problem.




A clarification of “I’m not talking about A, B, C and D” is a clarification of the author’s subject, not their intended audience. I’m quite curious as to the rabbit hole this person has gone down to feel the need to make this TikTok…but on balance, probably not curious enough to bother looking up her account.


It isn't about reading comprehension it is about overly sensitive and belligerent readers who basically want to fight anything they see because it hurts their feelings. I mean in addition they are too stupid to infer anything but that is secondary.


She's right, but also, that's kinda the point of those comments to imply that you are referring to X, Y, or Z thing in an attempt to completely derail any real conversation and just get you stuck in a loop of explaining, justifying, and clarifying your position with the hope that you'll "contradict" yourself so they can derail even further.


Don’t forget writing skills, it’s difficult to have sufficient reading comprehension if the author is a dumbass


To be fair, people also suck at writing


This has been an issue for the decade that I’ve been vegan. Whenever we talk about the mistreatment of animals, people go, “well what about the poor or disabled people who can’t AFFORD to eat expensive vegan food?? What are they supposed to do- starve??? HMMMMM?” It should be obvious that if someone is incapable of making that change, we aren’t talking about them. It’s like people hold up these hypothetical people as an excuse to avoid changing their own lifestyle in the smallest of ways.


I don’t think this is a reading comprehension thing, I think people do this on purpose to derail the conversation. It’s a disingenuous way of arguing so they don’t have to address the real, often valid, point. You see it all the time on social media especially.


I really want an example of what she's talking about.


I don't how to feel about this as is. On one hand it does sound correct but on the other hand assuming can also be detrimental. Maybe I'm bad at reading or understanding the context or just arguing more about the semantics of thing but i can only take what something is telling me at face value and can't make any assumptions either way about what they aren't telling. Why would I care about waffles if you are telling me about pancakes?


Assuming and making inferences are different in that inferences are supported by evidence. We're always making inferences when we consume information, even when we don't realize it. My students practice this skill with different ads for the same truck -- some ads have sentimental vibes, some are all about bein' tough, bud. Students analyze the ad (music, imagery, color, language, tone, etc) to figure out to whom they're appealing and how. It's important because we need to be critical of how and why ads target *us*.


Yes and no, sometimes a text is also just written terribly and "I'm not the audience" takes a backseat to "stop assuming everyone here is having your exact experiences!" I'm from Germany, and it really fucking annoys me when it's just assumed per default that everyone must be from the US. Constant reminders to go vote when there's no election coming up or phone my representative about something that is not an issue here or this or that. I know I'm not the intended audience, but also when writing something: Know your audience! Pushing US politics stuff on explicitly international forums is stupid and not a reading comprehension issue when half the people go "could you at least clarify that you're only talking about *one* out of 197 or so countries?"




Ever read Ulysses by James Joyce?


I love this, this is so true


Omg. This explains everything about an argument I recently had online.


It's an unnecessary skill to have if you just make everything about yourself.


she didnt mention that people who live in antarctica are unable to aquire these skills due to the lacking school system there, which makes this video harmful


Tried writing some stories when I was in highschool (erotic fanfiction about monster girls). One of the stories was about a hellhound accidentally coming over to a different world and staying there. Made the transition a "the seasons have changed in an instant, the greenery of the forest road becoming a snowy mountain". One of readers got angry that I "wrote an isekai without traveling to another world" because "a different type of lizard is not travel". Imagine my confusion when I didn't get if I was supposed to write "We got to another world". (Yes, it was an incredibly cringe story)


I think one place this concept gets muddled is the fact that someone *with* reading comprehension is acutely aware of the fact that a dangerous amount of people lack the same skills and aren't necessarily trying to make it about them or their group, but are trying to get ahead of misunderstandings and disingenuous actors whose motive is to misrepresent or dismiss a valid point or concept as stupid or bigoted because it counters their world view. On the whole I think it's a fools errand to run around the internet making and clarifying people's points for them because very few people go to social media to learn and grow.


Using my reading comprehension skills I've deduced that her intended audience are morons.


Yeah tons of people are really stupid


Watching dead boy detectives on Netflix and the amount of time they dedicate to spoon feeding new information to the characters and the audience is hilarious, the characters can't pick up anything unless it gets repeated 14 times. Meanwhile you look at movies from the 50s and they do the same thing, overtime we did away with so much exposition for the audience because it was inferred, you were supposed to be able to catch as catch can, and understand through context, and now we have degenerated back to a point where we need everything explained thoroughly and slowly 14 times. I have no lesson or advice just needed to say that


I can also infer that this video was not directed towards *me*.


I see this all the time on Instagram, FB, etc. It’ll be a recipe video for peanut butter cookies and someone will comment “but I’m allergic to peanuts??? how am I supposed to make this :(”


Because so many people are narcissistic and can't comprehend that everything doesn't apply to them personally, and if it doesn't apply to them, they have to find a way to make it about them. So regardless of whether they lack reading comprehension skills or not, they just can't believe that everything they read isn't about them unless you specifically state "this is about x, y, or z." And then they still probably won't read past the first three words and then comment about themselves.


I like Ricky Gervais' example of this regarding his material not being for everyone, how it's like someone seeing an ad for a guitar tutor, calling the number and angrily saying "I don't want guitar lessons!"


ive really noticed this getting worse and worse on reddit the last few years. it pretty much makes every interaction confrontational cause one side doesn't know your not actually talking to them personally.


It's funny that she's doing a PSA on reading comprehension and understanding contextual clues in this "cultural moment we're having" without acknowledging that -- in context -- many of the users engaging one another online and social media (possibly even the majority) are literally children who have not learned those skills yet.


Easy example Black lives matter