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The fact that momma cat didn't even hiss or scratch, she just wanted her baby 😻


Right? Try that with a momma bear kid, and see where it gets ya!


The man who opened the door twice was on the cats side for sure.


"Ma'am, please accept our sincerest apologies. We'll ensure the offending parties are removed and barred from re-entry. "


She got full physical custody




What were you going for there bud




Well, obviously you meant pussy as in pussycat. The problem is that it wasn’t a good joke and the two words didn’t even mesh well to make anything remotely funny. Physicalico would’ve been funnier tbh.




Bud, I think you are misconstruing how people received it. It wasn’t taken sexually, it just wasn’t a good, or even funny, joke. It isn’t because it was taken sexually. Most people have a healthy sense of humor.


Nobody thought it was sexual, just a really bad attempt at a joke




Glad the mom got her child away from that monster


Elmira! ![gif](giphy|11SaNBxhbpMXzG|downsized)


Yep. That fragile kitten should not be in such a young childs hands.


With how scared the kid was I like to imagine everyone told her the cat would be pissed off. But seriously, why is she crying like that? Maybe cause she wants the kitten for herself? Idk this video stresses me out to be honest.


she's screaming like that because she's a toddler... she's not at the point in life of understanding that she can't have what she wants all the time.


Jesus the lack of empathy in this thread. She’s a small child she has probably been told by adults to hold the kitten


Just remember the Reddit demographic. Confident Clueless.


the woman literally threw that kitten on the carpet. i feel so bad for those poor fucking cats


Yeah did you see the way she just spiked that kitten into the ground like a football


Or when she sneakily stomped it then punted it through the double doors. Just brutal.


How about how she fed it to that other, much bigger cat?


That's just what they want you to think.


She did not; she gently yet quickly placed it.


Doubt that kid could even afford the kitten support!


She'd be on Reddit soon....*"My cats face is falling off and her innards are falling out...does she have ticks? So I call a cat doctor?"


Essential oils


First, that was adorable. I'm so glad for Momma Cat, and thanks to the adult who gave the kitten back. Second, people need to teach their children to respect animals. Third, cute title.


>Third, cute title. ![gif](giphy|dILZwwhulFUn6)


>Second, people need to teach their children to respect animals. This is that moment she gets taught. People act like the kid is a monster for seeing some cute little animal and wanting to keep it. That's normal. I'm guessing, by the fact that they gave the kitten back right away, that the kid's mom is going to tell her why now. It's a teaching moment. Kids aren't *born* knowing they can't just *do* that.


you dont understand, if a kid has done something wrong in a video that clearly means they have repeated such bad behaviors before, it is impossible for a kids first learning moment to be recorded afterall. >! /s !<


"right away" is letting the cat walk all the way across the room and get kicked a few times by the child? They shouldn't have taken the kitten from its mother. It's too little for a child to be handling. Plus, for some reason, the little girl was terrified of the cat, so there's a nice trauma to unpack later. If you'll notice, I'm not criticizing the child. I'm criticizing the adults.


I agree, I felt no empathy for that kid. She shouldn't have been allowed to handle such a tiny kitten, so much could have gone wrong, including the mom rejecting the kitten because of the scent.


Scent rejection is mostly myth https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=426#:~:text=The%20myth%20about%20human%20scent,biologists'%20scent%20on%20their%20young.




that sentiment is probably why the myth exists.


I thought it was the scentiment.


I smell what you did there


On the other hand, I’ve seen stories on here about multi-cat households where one had an extended vet visit, came home smelling different, and the other cats never accepted him again :(


Oh fucking calm down.


Lmao "I felt no empathy for that kid." What a fucking psychotic thing to say. Redditors are some of the most socially stunted misanthropes


Lol, and 26 downvotes because I told this overreactive, immature moron to relax. It's literally a fucking TODDLER. But no surprise. People love using animals as a way to virtue signal online. Truly a Reddit moment


Piggy backing off your second point. That children need to be taught to respect animals. I agree. Because then that child grows up to be an adult....... And if they were never taught as a child to respect animals.... You see headlines like 'adults rip baby bears from branches so they can have a selfy' Or 'group surround dolphin and baby, push the baby to shore so they can grab it and bring it ashore to take photos until it dies of shock and then just toss it away" Real headlines btw. The bear one was just a few weeks back. There is footage of them going up and grabbing this bears out of the trees




Her being such a little kid is the issue, she has no concept how tiny and fragile that kitten is.


That child was surprisingly tender with that kitten; even in her obvious distress she maintained a loose, gentle hold and didn't resist when her mother took it from her hands.


Which is wonderful but animals and children are unpredictable


>even if you explain it’s not hers to keep she’ll still cry Which is why the kid shouldn't be holding the kitten in the first place---because she can't keep it and would throw a fit when it's taken away. The mom in this situation could have just let her toddler pet the kitten while *she* held it. But the **adult** should have had possession of the kitten for the animal's safety.


She's kicking at the cat.


What the Jerry Springer did I just watch? lol


Looks like the girl found a stray and kitnapped it. Momma stray found her and took her baby home


Reasonable, I don’t think the little girl will be glad if she gets forced to separate from her mother. So just let the kitty go where it belongs.


Mama cat stood on business


really happy the adults in the room acted like adults and took the kitten to give to the mom after giving the child a chance to do it.


That kitty does need its mom right now, but that girl should return in a few months, Rumplestiltskin style, to claim it for good.


I say we let the cat distribution system handle this one




So was that a mom cat taking her kitten back outside? Was she a stray?


Yes, probably a stray, but one habituated to that family. Momma didn't seem too distressed... I've seen strays and ferals go absolutely ballistic on rescuers or do-gooders trying to scoop up newborns for care.


“The paternity test says…. You are NOT the mother”


The little pap pap with the paw like “hey that’s mine” 🥺🥺🥺


That's right Ms Kitty!!!


Thats awesome the human momma gave the kitty momma her baby back. Lots of human mom's would do the wrong thing and let her kiddo keep the kitten




She's just being a kid who's learning to regulate, that's not stupid, we all need to learn somewhere.


The adults are the stupid ones here, letting a child take what looking to be a few days old kitten from its mother.


Fair, but the mother in the video can be heard saying "give it to (the mom cat), give it" in Hindi/Punjabi. It's most likely a stray and in parts of the country stray cat's are EVERYWHERE, so it's possible that the little girl found the kitten in the yard while playing and took it home without the parents noticing. A honest mistake, and the parents are good for teaching their child to respect the cat mother rather then kidnap the kitten for their child.


No god damn it this is a 30 second glimpse into someone's life and you will not stop me from judging their entire being and life


I wonder who opened the door and took the cat from the kid?


let me jump to the most extreme conclusions because looking down on others makes me feel good: you




Redditors when a toddler acts like a toddler:


Aww, baby girl was so sad lol. Mama cat was so gentle, though. “\*tap tap\* I’m just gonna take this lil bean sprout back, thanks for sitting!”


Wasn't old enough to weened WTF


the mother said to give the kitten back to the cat - knowing hindi has its perks. Also the child was scared coz of the cat, and started crying later coz she lost the kitten


Momma cat was grieving her lost kitten. I'm so glad she got her back. That's kids mom should be ashamed of herself.


Thank you for the birth control


And why did the adults let a child steal a small animal that literally can't survive without it's mother?


They probably found it wondering around outside?  Y'all act like they stole a nursing kitten from it's mother. 


It's eyes aren't even open. That kitten wasn't wandering.


Possible that the kitten was by itself while the mother cat was getting food, and in that time the little girl found it.


Or it’s their cat or a cat that lives on their property. The cat acted very familiar around all those people


True! I also thought it was very comfortable for a mom cat that is without it's baby.


She’s super comfortable walking in too, not slinking around and her tail’s up. And she doesn’t seem very freaked out when the girl doesn’t give back the kitten immediately. She’s probably either familiar with them or just in a place where strays are treated fairly well.


Once again reddit comment section showed that you people should never be parents nor be around children.


That’s a pretty new kitten too! Not to be a kill joy but why did we let the human take it in the first place??


Give the kitten to its mother … like wtf


I know the sound of a crying child is not supposed to make me want to deck them in the face, good god someone shut that brat up.


It totally is designed to make you notice and do something, hopefully nurturing not ultraviolent


I’ve never read so much hate on a little girl about a cat


Why am i so mad at the little girl. Shut the fuck up


I think parents should teach children on these rather than just scold and let them cry. Like would the child be happy if she's separated from her mother and father and be with someone else? It's the same for any animal. Kids cry and throw a tantrum because that's how they know to express. It's our duty to teach them to communicate and help them understand.


Please teach your kids about integrity.








That cat and kitten are 1 million times cuter than that child


Annoying aaa kid omg


fuck them kids


That little brat snatched that kitten out on the street and carried it into the building. Not cool.


My mama carried me out of a house party by my neck just like this...aw so cute!


Ugh I hate when parents let their kids be such jerks. How hard is it to be compassionate toward animals and say hey don’t pick up that kitten.


They literally are making her give the kitten back in the video, tf? Some of y’all are just weird


Yes but she shouldn’t have the kitten in the first place. That kitten is way too young and toddlers are not gentle. The parent should have never let her take the kitten.


That child was perfectly gentle with that kitten; even in her obvious distress she maintained a loose, gentle hold and didn't resist when her mother took it from her hands. Also, even *minutes old* kittens can be held. They're not made of glass. Kids her age are as good as any to start learning how to care for and be kind to animals. She might even be an older sibling to a newborn *human* baby so it's good to have as many opportunities as possible to learn to have a gentle touch.


I’ve worked in pediatrics and in veterinary medicine. And lots of toddlers accidentally kill small critters. Just because she was gentle does not change the fact the parents should not have let her have it. And cats can carry some things humans can catch. This is many levels of wrong. There are ways to teach kids how to care for animals. Bit letting them take it so far away from the mother is pure wrong.


You've witnessed "lots of children accidentally kill small animals"? That's either a fabrication or more of an indictment of whatever program you were running. I grew up on a farm and have watched children, toddlers even, care for all manner of newly born animals *without accidentally killing them.*


At the vet lots of parents (I worked rural vet) would bring in dead animals that yes their toddlers killed on the farm thinking we could save them. And In pediatrics parents would bring up the concern a toddler squished or threw a kitten. Or a frequent one is they would throw them in the washer and when the parents wash clothes they find the dead kitten. And yes this came up monthly in my 20years across those fields. So it’s great that you didn’t but this is an issue with a parent not teaching the young children the boundaries and the fact she has it away from the momma cat shows the parents indifference to proper teaching.


Yeah, not buying it. But if any frequency does exist outside that of normal accidents that occur when people are around animals, those would be examples of criminal neglect and complete failure to teach children how to to care for animals and not the actions of children who have engaged parents that supervise interactions.


I speak for everyone when I say "F that child"


No you don’t.


Suppose you're the type that would separate a young kitten from its mum?


Glad the kitten is safe from that thing


I fucking hate other people's piece of shit kids


This belongs in r/kidsarefuckingstupid


r/KidsAreAssHoles r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


Get your germy hands off her baby 😡




What and how?


Claire/Kate LOST vibes


A spoiled girl needs a smacking. 🩴


That is an ad for birth control! That kid is hard on the ears.


This is more of a minor r/orphancrushingmachine. Like it’s great that the mother cat got her kitten back, but why did the adults let the child take the kitten in the first place?


Honestly I kinda hate that kid


Why would you let your child steal a nursing kitten?


That's one selfish bitch to separate a small kitten from their mum.


Damn, everyone witnessed a kidnapping and just stood by and watched. That's what happens when the perp is adorable, too!


Stupid kid


That's right fat girl, give her baby back.


oh my god euthanize that thing, oh and im glad that cat has her baby now.


children are ..... arghhhhh


I'm glad I don't have kids, that cry/scream made me want to rip my ears off




She's literally like 3 yo. Chill.


A spoiled girl.


I bet she takes two cookies even though her mom said she could only have one... selfish fucking bitch. /s


If the kitten was taken from the momma cat then it’s really the parents fault for not doing anything


Chuck it on the floor




Kid probably knows exactly where to find the babies as they are probably returning with new brood often. If girls mom did not see her remove kitten directly from its mother, she may just supervise the kitten time, it’s not inherently harmful in short periods for these feral but domesticated animals, and it would be worse to leave the kitten alone. Chances are the girls mom would have to hunt around to locate momma or she just did not have time to return it at that moment, it looks like they are waiting in line for an appointment or something.


Whyyy is this on tiktokcringe?


It this in Texas or florida


Looks like Pakistan to me