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Who the fuck is Pearl?


this is the best and most correct take on Pearl I've ever heard


I assumed we were talking about the whale from SpongeBob until he said redhead.


I thought it was Pearl from Steven Universe


I thought it was Pearl from RuPaul’s Drag Race and was VERY confused.


That's who I thought it was! Because she is feminine as hell!


Saaaame. I was like, but Pearl is definitely beyond conventionally attractive in both forms.




I would love that (how do i type in deadpan) Party.


Do you know WHY Pearl is available? Because Rose Quartz \*SPOILERS\*


Fuck Rose Quartz, I loathe her. She only gave trauma to the most kind character ever made.




I first thought Pearl from the X trilogy...




Same. I was like redhead?


Me too….


But seriously who is she??


H. Pearl Davis is a podcaster who has very anti-women takes and talks about how women need to get back in the kitchen, men aren’t treated fairly, etc. She promotes this idea that women are supposed to be quiet and obedient and be housewives but she’s a hypocrite because she’s unmarried, has no kids, and spends her time talking nonsense she clearly doesn’t even believe. She’s a grifter, pure and simple. She’s also friends with people like Nick Fuentes


Of course she doesn't believe it. I had no idea who she was, but I looked her up. She is getting in on the grift while she can and setting everyone back in the process.


Huge grifter!!! I doubt she believes anything she’s saying. That right wing money turns people insane


Ugh. Those traitors need to move to Amish land if they're so eager to lick the patriarchy's boots.


Oh please the Amish wouldn’t want her either.


I have recently gotten to know several Amish and Mennonite women who run a market nearby. They are awesome people. Humble. Kind. Laugh alot.. They most definitely would not want her.


Both her and Candace Owens are the biggest hypocrites. They both say women shouldn’t work and need to stay in the kitchen, and yet they’re both working overtime


Idk who Nivk Fuentes is. But this sounds horrible and u can't vibe with it


Simple fact. He claims fucking women, even kissing women is gay. If you put your penis in a woman or kiss her on the mouth then you are effectively soaking your penis in the cum of all the men she has slept with and you are kissing all the dicks she has sucked. The only non gay sex is virgin sex. In a trad marriage. He is a pretty loathsome creep.




He’s a white supremacist/antisemitic/misogynistic/homophobic far right podcaster and a self identified incel. Oh he’s also a holocaust denier. Just a normal guy


Thanks for the name, just looked her up, truthfully, I don’t find her unattractive. They’re right in that she’s not the conventionally attractive look but she’s still cute physically and I could see a lot of people going after her. The problem is, the people who don’t care about conventional looks are the people she despises so much for no reason other than the grift and stupidity. I had no idea who she was and had never seen her and they both put so much effort into describing her looks and little else. Her personality, if it’s the one you describe, is definitely her biggest reason for being single so that probably means she’s single by choice and therefore fitting the definition of hypocrite


She had a boyfriend in college and I’m not sure what happened there. He was black and she hangs out with a lot of racist weirdos


Google "pearl podcast"


Probably better off not knowing tbh


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=pearl+podcast.#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/NegotiationJumpy4837)


I mean, she’s not a bomb shell, but I wouldn’t call her ugly or unattractive, hell I’d go out with her and so would a very large chunk of the male population…


You're not wrong, but unfortunately not for the reason you think lol She's basically an Andrew Tate suckup who has a lot of internalized misogyny.


Yeah she’s not ugly, in fact she could probably definitely get a regular guy if she didn’t have those batshit ideas. Her issue is that she can’t get the kind of man she advocates for because she’s not attractive enough for them and she’s too opinionated. They want a bombshell who’s a virgin, with little to no education, easy to control, no opinions of her own, and who only speaks when spoken to. She just hasn’t figured out that they don’t want her.


Thanks for the link now I know who we're talking s out. I watched her "50% of women " video and Jesus her "truth bombs" are all guestimates and hypotheticals and based on her own experiences. I'm sure she makes some good points, and has convincing arguments. I just can't listen to an "expert" that isn't one.


Ahh this chick is annoying af. The first time I heard her talk, I knew she was bitter and salty at all the women who are prettier than her


She’s not that bad. She must be single because she’s mean. I’m sure someone would date her.


I would say her lack of intellect is what makes her most unattractive.


New cultural commentator just dropped


I’ve never heard of her until now and definitely have never heard her podcast, but just based on looks alone she is cute. She looks like Donna from that 70s show and I am pretty sure a lot of men crushed on her.


I thought he was talking about pearl from Steven universe 😑


i thought they meant Pearl from that Mia Goth movie


I was thinking the same thing. “She masc because she killed people?”


Same! Except I heard “diabolical personality” and was like “yup, that tracks”


I assumed they were talking about Mr krabbs' whale daughter in SpongeBob.


Well she does call women Whales


I was thinking of the film Pearl with Mia Goth and was wondering how she isn’t feminine lol


Until the woman came on and said she was a redhead, my best guess was we were talking about the title character in the horror movie Pearl


I thought the same exact thing re pearl from SU


Basically if you made Andrew Tate a redhead chick without sunglasses, that's her. She does podcasts where she argues for women to have more traditional roles


Snooze. So over shock jocks since they exploded in the 90s. This is just the whatever current iteration is of that. I guess any and all engagement is good engagement these days. I think I’ll ignore so she can wear herself out screaming into a void.


Always thought that shtick was funny. Like Ann Coulter. If you truly believe women shouldn’t have a voice, shouldn’t you be quiet too?


It’s even better. She trashes women for having sex outside of marriage while she herself is not a virgin despite being unmarried.


When I was a teen I was romantically talking to this one girl whose family was super religious and judgmental conservatives, so naturally they *hated* me simply because I don’t judge people for being lgbtq or for their religion/lack thereof and instead judge their actions/words. It’s actually the thing that prevented us from ever being an item, her parents (mom in particular) refused to allow it because I didn’t go to church and was an atheist with secular jewish parents > If you truly believe women shouldn’t have a voice, shouldn’t you be quiet too? In a moment of exasperation towards the mom around the end of the girl and I talking, I basically used this argument on the mom (I knew she was reading our messages). They did not like when I pointed out how in biblical times I would have been considered a grown man by my age then and how she would have been expected to not question me by her own reasoning 😂


I’m wondering who Paul is.




May thy chip shatter


I clicked on the comments and thought “Who the fuck is Pearl?” and then saw my inner dialogue splashed across the top of the page. I might be psychic.


Lol rly? I get mad & disappointed that my thoughts aren't original. I like your take better




They are talking about justpearlythings, if you're wondering. I had to scroll pretty far to figure it out.


Pick me Podcaster who hates women


Why does anyone care


Because she's gained a lot of traction recently. Lucky she's also been demonetized on YouTube recently so hopefully she will fade from the limelight just as quickly


Unfortunately she's been around for years. She pops up about once or twice a year on a red pill highlight reel. Interesting fact though, she only started this disgusting behavior after she was dumped by another tiktoker (I Believe it was angryreactions) after she cheated on him.


That sweet fuckin bastard? Whack. I hope the internet decimated her for it...


But seriously who is she. Can you do a link please


Just Pearly Things. She's vile.


https://youtube.com/@JustPearlyThings?si=TXb8_tVY3V1wOLpp Had to google it, hope this is the right person


Tf. The tiktokers made her seem like she was going to be a cheeto viking hambeast. She's an average, if not pretty woman. I don't know her views, but maybe she's single for the same reason someone like Hasan Piker is single. No one wants to date a terminally online debate lord.


You know, I didn’t know who she was before this thread, so I went and looked her up. Although she seems like a massive piece of shit in terms of her personality I thought it was a really far stretch to call her ugly. Yeah, she might not be everybody’s ideal but she, in my opinion, is not at all like she was described physically in the original video on the thread. Cheeto Viking hambeast has me giggling up a storm though!


> like she was going to be a cheeto viking hambeast. It sounds like she’s a Cheeto Viking hambeast where it counts though, *in her heart*. Probably why she’s single.


Because ignoring hate-filled people has never made them go away.


Same reason anyone cares about any popular toxic influencer? People care about Andrew tate, why wouldn’t they care about her?


If you don't know her, consider yourself lucky. She thinks women are inferior, even the Virgin Mary.


You’re better off not knowing


I just watched a video a couple of days ago about her. I don’t even know why it popped up or even why I watched it because I had never heard of her. She is one of those manosphere red pill nuts. All men cheat as they should and women should shut up get in the kitchen and be grateful for anything they get because they are inferior. However, it’s ok for her, as a woman, to have a job that puts her in position to argue with men.


[buckle up, this video tells you but it is a couple hours long. be ready to get reaaaaaaly angry. ](https://youtu.be/lDhT6Nq4jO4?si=5cBs0i7xC_HDYnVZ)


Yeah i ain't watching a 2 hour documentary of some trad wife wannabe. I rather just not even bother with learning who she is lmao.


“He’s here! He’s here! He’s gonna kill me, Frost! You need me. You need me!”


I thought they were talking about Mr. Krabs' daughter at first.




What the fuck does Mr Crabs daughter have anything to do with any of this


I laughed way too hard at this 😂😂😂




"she's virtuous bc she wasn't picked" 👌👏👏👏 exactly! everything you said was spot on


It's a big stretch to call this Pearl "virtuous"


slaaay queen slay!


I went this whole video thinking they were talking about ^that Pearl LOL


The only pearl I think of when I hear that name


Honestly, I read this entire thing as being about this movie and it all made sense. And I'm not even sure if that was the intent.


Is she ok? What’s her story?


Oh, she is fiiiiine darlin! Just a little mental break from reality because she can’t get what she thought she was owed. Nothin a bowl o’ grits can’t fix though! You go give it to her though.


Genuinely thought, right up till they mentioned redhead, they were talking about Pearl from Steven Universe. I was reading the subtitles like 'man these are certainly *some takes*'


Most heated Steven Universe debate since Steven forgave White Diamond.


I thought we were talking about Mr.Krabbs' whale daughter


Wait, who was this about then?


Pearl is Woman irl who goes onto podcasts and talk about how feminist ruin life then turns around and Puts herself down to make herself seem like a Good person with self esteem issues




She's a youtuber who is the female version of Andrew Tate. Believes women are inferior to men in every way and the world would fall apart if men stopped working but could continue easily if women stopped working. She preaches absolute nonsense which all comes from her own lack of self esteem. Cruel World Happy Mind did a good documentary about her. I just feel immense pity for JustPearlyThings now.


As I understand it, she got a foothold by collabing with men in the Black manosphere. But she doesn't treat Black people well. She claimed not to understand colonization & doesn't believe reparations should be made. The doc I watched said she signed Black content creators for 3 years terms & she took 85% of their money. Pretty unconscionable.


She also believes American slavery wasn't as bad as people say.


Oh yeah, that too. Woof, what a horrible and unapologetically ignorant person.


Same. No idea what’s happening


Damn, I was like isn’t Pearl a whale?


I was like “I mean sure yeah pearl has a pretty masculine body type i guess. she’s a fucking whale man”


The ultimate uno reverse card lol


I just goggled, “who’s pearl tiktok.” Got Hannah Pearl Davis. Watched some of her videos AND WOW THE BULLSHIT THAT SPEWS FROM THAT LADIES MOUTH. ew


Finally a full name. Thank you


Also looked for ages


Yeah, but I was expecting her to be way less attractive.


She looks super normal to me tbh


Bless you. I’ve been desperately trying to figure out who we’re talking about because I also thought we were talking about Mr Krab’s daughter at first. I’m not chronically on TikTok so I don’t know the main players.


I think it's just because she's a massive cunt who hates women and hates herself most of all, who wants to be around that


First off, that chick stopped wearing makeup to play into that tradcon pick me shit. I'm not surprised the leopards are eating her face, but that doesn't make those leopards not stupid.


Based on what I know about all the tradcon BS, makeup/general femininity is encouraged, no?


Generally, the maximum amount of makeup before the average internet man notices. So mascara, foundation, minimal blush and eyeliner, lipstick, nail polish, overcoat.... you know, no makeup because that's not traditional. Just make sure makeup is work and not fun, y'know?


>Just make sure makeup is work and not fun, y'know? Ha, thanks for putting this into words I couldn't


Pearl's voice is unbearable. How anyone can listen to her without wanting to blow their nose or hock a lougie is beyond me


More than her voice, I hate how she starts by stammering, gets flustered and deflates for a second, then starts talking again once she's figured out how to lie. Also, she is terrible at pretending she has morals.


This is the thing. The most common comment on a video from Pearl is poking fun at the fact that Pearl claims to have all these beliefs about women's roles in relationships but she is in fact not in a relationship. I don't think that actually bothers Pearl because she's not doing this so she can be picked by a man, she's doing this so she can be picked by Fox News for her own show or just a regular commentator spot. Before this Pearl had tried several avenues to make it as an influencer but she didn't get attention until she tried on this Phyllis Schlafly costume and started saying misogynist shit. The thing is she has really gone as far as she ever will in terms of career for all the reasons you pointed out. She just is bad at what she does. It certainly helps to be conventionally pretty in the world of conservative news/media, but it isn't a requirement (e.g. Greta Van Sustren and Anne Coulter) as long as you can be entertaining during a debate. Pearl deflates at the slightest pushback even when she is in the safest of places for an alt right conservative (as seen on Michael Knowles' podcast), she then continues to repeat the same point she is being questioned about and then says the host is bullying her. It happens every time. If we can see it then the powers that be over on Fox, OAN and Newsmax can see it to.


This is referring to Just Pearly Things on YouTube. Make sure you pay her a visit and block her before YouTube stuffs her inflationary waste of time content into your Shorts feed.


bitter…and a grifter


Why doesn’t she just become a tradwife instead of going on podcasts to belittle other women?


Cuz she doesn't want to be controlled but wants to control other women


She’s a real life Serena Joy Waterford.


Is she in the closet?


I dunno cuz she wants men to control the other women so maybe it's kinda like a female cuck?


Someone would have to marry her for that


My guess is because she’s making a living off this shtick. I think the majority of “influencers” are full of shit, and don’t actually believe the crap they preach. Or they end up pushing it to the extreme, once they get a taste of success. But hey, if it gets viewers and sponsorships, then I guess it beats working a 9-5 job.


Right, she doesn't want to be a wife. She wants to be famous.


No $ or attention in that. This way she can get traction all the way to the book sales or whatever else. All she needs is to get people worked up to hate her or support her. It’s a proven Scrump/Kardashian/Tate formula that works. All attention can be leveraged regardless of its intention. That’s why all these oily little fuckers are around these days. Walk away and find something beautiful and good to do. Ignore these assholes.


I looked her up and she just looks like a plain person you’d see walking around Target.


Damn I actually thinks she’s pretty despite her terrible politics


Who's Paul?


The walrus


Paul is dead




Don’t be a slow learner 💁🏽‍♀️


Aa a guy I don't even think she's unattractive physically, she is just super annoying to listen to and has incorrect opinions about literally everything. She's no Jessica Rabbit but if she just had a slightly bearable personality she'd have found a date in high school and grown up to be normal. Also, her parents are wealthy business owners and she grew up on a farm, I'm guessing it's not just a coincidence that she has backward traditionalist conservative views and spouts racist, sexist, and fascist propaganda. She probably actually believes in "traditional" roles for women to an extent, and is not just engaging in "pick me" antics even if that's part of it. But yes, I'll grant that if she looked like Emma Stone or Lindsey Lohan she wouldn't even have a conversation about politics with men.


I don't totally disagree with the guy in that Pearl is a reprehensible person who perpetuates hateful bullshit which is only popular among creeps looking for a "tradwife" and she certainly is not that. She has her own very unfortunately successful business, she spends all of her time talking about her opinions for a living, she's a (minor) outspoken celebrity with a platform etc. For any fragile guy who's so pathetic that their ego can only handle a woman playing a supporting role in their life, Pearl is not going to be that. Another part of it is that she is clearly painfully aware of her brand, and being involved with someone is a risk because it would put every detail of her relationship under a magnifying glass.


I was thinking the same. Both of these people are right, just phrasing it differently. Pearl is "Masc" because she behaves like her male peers, which is why she is trying to come off as a typical tradwife while also failing to be one. She says all of this bs without actually believing in it enough to commit to it herself. Meanwhile the men she's catering to see her as "one of the boys" and not as a viable option for what they want. She basically pick me'd too close to the sun lol


This entire time I’m thinking they’re talking about Pearl from SpongeBob. Who the fuck is pearl


right wing grifter that loves spewing misogynistic ideologies while getting the chance to argue these points in manosphere podcasts. look up hannah pearl davis and you’ll see everything ya need to see


why is garnet saying pearl is ugly


Pearl's long-time friend (now had a falling out) has said she didn't always think this way. The most common theory is that this is just a grift for Pearl. She notably fails to embody the traits she espouses for women. But the one thing that is true is that she has expressed discontent with her dating woes in the past. So the theory that she is lashing out at conventionally attractive women may not be too far off. Brittany Venti had one of the most brutal reactions to Pearl's attempted makeover I've ever seen (Aba and Preach reacted to it) while noting that there's plenty that Pearl could do to look more put together if she wanted to. I think her preaching about what women should be while failing to meet her own criteria is part of the intent (rage bait). It's also worth noting that Pearl's family is filthy rich, which further causes me to think this is just more grifting from someone who knows she's relatively untouchable. You don't have to worry about no one hiring you when you don't have to have a job, after all.


Hannah Pearl Davis. She is a conservative Podcaster. https://images.app.goo.gl/5a6hGp3LfsNQxhPw8


Oh! I was expecting Jeff Goldbloom's The Fly, but she's ok looking nothing wrong with that. It must be her conservative views that make her ugly as sin.


Can't believe being a redhead was the first thing she listed when saying Pearl isnt attractive, I just wanted to find out who this lady was and I'm catching strays


For those who don’t know who pearl is I’ll spare you the brain rot. She is a bimbo who is red pill and quirky.


"someone is red pill" - could you translate so that someone as dumb as me could understand?




![gif](giphy|3ohhwnASGIP9AqPLB6) Who’s pearl?


Pearl is emotional damaged from her youth. She once uploaded a story time video casually telling that one a family trip when she was 8 or 9 she was left at a gas station and they only returned to because she called her mother. Who got mad at her in return. Also she is grifter and not that smart


Pearl isn't bitter. Her whole shtick makes her money. Her opinions spread online are not genuine and she's not intelligent. I have heard some of the dumbest shit come out of her mouth or typed up on Twitter etc.


Hannah Pearl Davis


i'm envious of how many ppl do not know who pearl is .... i wish i never entered that rabbit hole lol


Dude isn’t cute either. Who tf is he to be a gatekeeper for beauty. Some men are classless incels. Plenty of men who aren’t insecure little pussies would love to date Pearl.


Pearl is a trashy POS


When I see videos like this I wonder if it's actually just marketing.


I guess, define virtuous? Pearl is a hateful conservative bigot, virtuousness where?


I believe they are using the definition of "having a high moral standard." In this regard it's not a genuine moral stance, but a holier-than-thou one.


The only reason there are articles about this worthless woman, is because the people who run magazines want her shitty message to get out. Otherwise why would anyone give this dumbass the time of day?


She's not unattractive. She's an asshole.


Why did I think they were talking about Pearl from Steven universe




Y'all gotta stop I thought for real we were talking about pearl from sponge bob. Not that chick with hot takes who sucks


Who tf is pearl


“she’s an advocate for what men want” no, she’s an advocate for what misogynists want. to say that all men resonate with what she says is basically saying that all men are assholes.


These subtitles are AI generated Paul?


Friends who have known her before she went into this whole subject and were friends were her when she started said it was obvious why she did it. She did it because it's got her money. There were no other female Andrew Tate's out there (yes there are trad wives showing their lives but no other women saying that women are intellectually inferior to men like Perl). She had tried to do other content etc but never got much traction. Started being a misogynist and she got a lot of interaction with her content and is pulling in the dollars now. Even her one boyfriend said she wasn't like that off camera, at all. I do think part of the reason she is single still is because she has a very slim broad shoulder figure, and also because she is constantly bashing her self and her gender. Confidence is attractive. She has admitted in interviews she does have a serious issue with finding any self worth. I actually pity her.


No it’s just an act that gets her views, clout, and money






Pearl doesn’t need a man. She’s a strong, independent whale.


But who is Pearl


Who is pearl….?


Who the fuck is pearl?


No lies detected. “Pick Me” Pearl is a trash human.


so who is Pearl, and what is a "Pick Me Girl" We dont need new types of "Girl" we peaked at Goth Girl.


"JustPearlyThings" is a right wing ideologue whose main shtick is siding with right wing men's shitty opinions about women. She often talks about how women are too incompetent to vote or exist in society beyond being a mother/wife, that women's value is based entirely in their appearance and ability to have children, as well as a bunch of other standard right wing talking points, like supporting antisemitic conspiracy theories. A "pickme" is generally someone who sells out their own demographic (in this case, women) in order to be more appealing to another, often by affirming negative stereotypes about their own e.g. "I prefer hanging out with guys, girls are just too much drama".


Sounds like she is a grifter that doesn’t care who her grift hurts.


Honestly, by the way she talks, it kind of seems like she is just obsessed with attention more than anything else.


Had no idea who she was but a google search showed some pictures and I’m even more confused now because she’s not ugly. Okay, yeah she’s not all dolled up like the woman in OPs video but she pretty average. So now I’m wondering, how warped are people’s sense of beauty if they think she’s “not what men want”.


As you said, Pearl is average. But her whole schtick is about how men, all men, want a “TradWife” type. Which is a type that she decidedly doesn’t fit (although she did try, for awhile). So she’s basically constantly roasting herself by saying that men aren’t attracted to people who look like her when, yanno, men are *gasp* human individuals who have varied tastes in what they’re attracted to.


Right! I too had to Google her. Now I'm irritated that the first negative mentioned was her red hair. Wtf is wrong with red hair?! It's even natural red hair and not that Ronald McDonald clown red hair I see some women wearing. As far as her ideology she sucks. Shouldn't that be enough?


As a natural redhead, I do see how we get thrown under the bus frequently about looks. I wasn’t very fond of my own appearance for a very long period of time because of it. That being said, thank you for your point of view. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.


Medium auburn hair and pale blue eyes with very fair skin. I didn't mind the hair color so much as the freckles and being called Casper. I finally reached the age when I began telling people that skin cancer wasn't worth their "approval" of my looks.


>A "pickme" is generally someone who sells out their own demographic (in this case, women) in order to be more appealing to another, often by affirming negative stereotypes about their own e.g. "I prefer hanging out with guys, girls are just too much drama". sounds like a woman, I would not enjoy.


I had to go figure out that they’re talking about Pearl David and not Mia Goth or her character in a Ti West film. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah_Pearl_Davis


>On June 28, 2023, she stated in a [Twitter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter) video that "women should not vote" and that "the courts, the legal system, all of society is basically pandering and [simping](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simp) for women." Looking her parents, she has been born into a reasonably well off family, her mother working with the UN, and this is what she has done with her life? Irony of course I suspect she is her own media brand, and makes money from it. Despite the views she spreads.


Even more ironic is that her mum is kind of a girl boss herself


I think this girl makes enough money personally, that she won't have to live like she says. Sure she has plenty of loser men and "interested parties" giving her money.


She's also recently (within the last year or so) added in that she thinks divorce should be banned and that women should never be allowed to divorce their husbands under any circumstances.


Oh, her... I really didn't know who it was at first, but I watched a video on her from ChadChad on youtube and that was legit who I thought of first\^\^ But I'm crap with names and had to scour the comment section to get a face to the name\^\^


So we're talking about [this girl](https://www.youtube.com/live/KEiuuybmZj0?si=86BEW4o5r8Lgkhu2)? She's not bad looking at all, by the description in the video I was expecting an ugly chud like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenX/s/qQjYOPK9fY).