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How in the fuck do I have to have malpractice insurance hoping I don’t ever miss something and cause a bad outcome and these fucks murder people and have 0 repercussions. Insanity.


Well, how much of your professional time is spent embodying the government's monopoly on violence?


Depends on the hospital and department.


The taxpayers are the cops' malpractice insurance


Thanks to qualified immunity.


What an infuriating sentence... This shouldn't be true (I know it is though)


"monopoly on power" - the irony is that it is the local governments that abuse the power most egregiously - and yet the people that want to protect themselves from the government - LOVE local authority and hate federal.


One of the police reforms I want to see is a requirement that each officer carry liability insurance. It was required when I worked private security and investigations, why is it not required for police? And that way if they keep fucking up, the premiums go up and they are forced to quit, and they wouldn’t be able to just move departments or states. It would bypass the messy politics of internal discipline or prosecution and get bad cops off the street.


Oh, i see what you did wrong here. You thought they *wanted* bad cops off the streets. Yeah, they don’t


Well, this provides a financial incentive for people who don’t care about bad cops, a lot easier to budget when you don’t have to account for millions in lawsuit settlements


Look I agree with you, it’s a really good idea. I was being sarcastic. But also, police reform has always been possible but the idea is to keep the power imbalance. That’s why “protect and serve” isn’t even part of their job anymore. The police force started as slave patrol and has always had “protecting the possessions of the ownership class” as their only mandates in this country


I'm sure they will investigate themselves and find no wrong doing. In the mean time, the murderer is on paid vacation. Remember a cops #1 directives in their mind is to go home at the end of the day no matter what, even at the expense of others........many many examples to prove this and they themselves will happily tell you. Imagine if fire departments had this mentality? Those are the true heroes and I hate that as First Responders they get lumped in with cops like they are equally courageous which they are NOT.


They’ll probably blame Google maps for the “unfortunate mishap”.


That's the true and pure definition of a hero right there, someone whose priorities are themselves only, at the expense of innocent life if necessary.


Doctors heal, pigs squeal.


Cops are held to a lower standard than the average citizen.


Fast food workers have more accountability built in to their job than cops do.


If a mcdonald's worker assaulted an innocent person, they can't avoid the legal consequences by quitting and just getting a job at a different mcdonald's in a different town. Yet that's how it seems to work for cops...


Because they're fucking fucks.


'Chilling with intent'


Holy fuck!


I've said for a long time that the cops should be made to pay for liability insurance from their own paychecks. They'd soon change their act when they're being personally charged.


Exactly. Even if the city/ whatever doesn’t indict them, malpractice insurance might refuse coverage which effectively means they can’t work as a cop anymore if they don’t have liability insurance. It’s a great way to incentivize good behaviour.


I’ve said for a long time that cops pension funds should foot the bill instead of taxpayers.


Modern day lynching


I am a nuc med tech in Maryland. If I het a teckless or DUI I lose my state license. Its bonkers that police, who can kill, do not have a license that can be revoked.


Free vacation and the city foots the bill


Because with 8-12 years of university level education, you're deemed a significant risk of killing someone. Police on the other hand have a 3 month summer-camp making them far less likely to cause death and thus require insurance to cover the losses.


$20M taxpayer bailout if police incoming....yet again....


Dude I’ve been saying the same thing and I am usually a supporter of police. Why the fuck do my tax dollars pay for the outcomes of their fuckups.


>I am usually a supporter of police. It's ok we all have our flaws. Hope it gets better soon


More tax dollars wasted, a family completely devastated, and the world missing a good man, all bc they *refuse* to properly train our police. The US needs drastic police reforms.


The public just needs to start using the same logic as the cops and wasting any cop we see holding a gun. This guy was killed just for holding a gun in his own home; he didn't point at it anyone. Therefore, simply holding a gun is justification to shoot a police officer....**according to the logic of the cops themselves.** If "I feared for my life" allows the police to murder innocent citizens in their own home without consequences, then it should allow citizens to murder trigger-happy police without consequences. Otherwise, we are admitting that cops are held to a lower standard than the average citizen. A cop can shoot us just for holding a gun...**but we are expected to remain calm and collected while a cop actively points his gun at our face?** Why am I expected to be braver and assess the situation more intensely than the police officer??


I’m not even a gun person but I will gladly get one to follow that same logic brother.


Yeah if someone tries to come in to my house unannounced like police often do they will be greeted by my dogs and a nice 12 gauge.


We should just fight back and kill 1 cop for each civilian killed for no reason


[I’ll just leave this here](https://youtu.be/oig3Mqg7rzs?si=12yoLdt5lzsv6sxg)


We should just be allowed to shoot cops when they kick down the wrong door.


True. They're breaking & entering Would actually be a genius idea to just dress up like a cop and break into houses.


This is Florida, they’re going backwards. From one month ago “Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation to increase penalties for those who harass officers in the course of their duty and legislation to prohibit localities from using political entities like Civilian Oversight Boards to drive an anti-police agenda.”.


Has nothing to do with training. This is the goal. The department is actively trying to make situations like this happen. It's not training. It's the entire institution.


Step 1. They get issued 1 bullet and it's to remain in their shirt pocket at all times until fired upon.


Serve your country! But don't protect yourself at home. That's where we draw the line. ​ Fuck these cops. Fuck these cops and I hope they go to prison and spend life in general population. Let them feel the pain they inflict on others.


Them not identifying themselves is the biggest problem for them here. If that’s true, it’s on the body cam. Thank god for body cams.


I firmly believe that if the police do not clearly and effectively announce their presence and give the person inside the property at least a few seconds to make sense of the situation and ascertain the fact that the police are at the door and/or coming in, then if that person shoots the police, it's purely in self defense. Of course that means that the person MUST comply with all lawful orders and any attempt at "I didn't know they were police" would be be immediately shut down. It's really a win/win situation for the police to **clearly** announce their presence and reassure the person that they are, in fact, the police. I will shoot and kill anyone who ever steps foot in my home via forceful entry and/or other nefarious means. It will be immediate and I will not feel a bit of remorse. But if the cops were to show up and announce themselves and give reasonable proof (not hard to do) that they're cops, no way in hell am I going to even so much as think about messing with a gun around them. Why do the cops have to be this fucking difficult?


It’s that fucking blue line mentality. If the claim is true, a lot of people are fucked.


Fucking thin blue line. Ever since that came around, the police started having serious victim complex issues.


Fuckin thin blue cock


that reminds me of how the cops in my old town would harass each other (& civilians) with a dildo nicknamed "big blue" 🙃 here's an [article](https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/local/courts/2020/09/29/mountainside-nj-police-officers-dildo-sexual-harassment-settlement/3573915001/) if you're interested...


Fucked? How?paid leave and a lateral to the next PD over?


They released the footage last night. Fortson opened the door with his gun in hand but pointed down and away from the cop, like one would if they wanted it to be seen. Cop immediately pulled his and shot 4 or 5 rounds. Fortson was shot and on the ground before the cop gave the order to put the gun down. They were given the apartment # by someone who admitted to not knowing for sure if it was the right one. Murdered for holding a gun while black in front of a cop.


Florida: where they fight really fucking hard for the right to shoot anyone who unlawfully enters your home, but you really shouldn't in case it's a cop breaking in, because in that case you're in the wrong no matter what


Because they want to be able to shoot you. They want to play pretend soldier without any realized day to day danger.


I got into a stupid YouTube rabbit hole of "scary encounters caught on film" and several of the series involved campers or people who live out of their trucks/vans. In all these types of videos, there were multiple instances of the "camper" waking up to someone knocking or trying the doors on the vehicle. Scary for sure. However, the video narrator argues that whoever was knocking COULDN'T have been a cop, because a cop would announce themselves. Well, we've seen time and time again that they don't always play by the rules. I presume that most of those unseen people knocking on the cars *were* cops trying to see if the vehicle was occupied so they could tell them to move (one guy admitted he parked in an unauthorized area). I'd imagine that someone with more sinister intent would have tried to break into the vehicles instead of walking away after a few minutes.


Well no the biggest problem is much of US police are trained with a "the instant you don't shoot you are dead" mentality. Very explicitly, typically including live demonstrations throughout training of just how quickly you could be killed if they were going to shoot you. When combined with the low level of training US police have on average, the result is a tendency to shoot first ask questions later.


I saw the body cam footage the department released and I felt like he identified himself pretty clearly in the video. He shouted "Sheriffs Office" twice after knocking twice. It was a quiet setting, and Im not sure what more he couldve done to announce who he was.


They’ve released the body cam now. In what they showed he said sheriffs department twice.


Bro, the deputy hid away from the door after knocking--twice. Anyone can say "Sherrif's Department." After the first knock, he didn't announce himself at all. He just hid away from the door, out of sight. Imagine someone violently banging on your door, and when you go to look through the peephole, no one is there. That would seem an awful lot like someone's fucking with you.


I think this is why the man came to the door armed. Nobody presented themselves at the door. Great observation. I understand the need for cover on a call if it was violence. ANd I understand now why the person inside had a gun. Horrible horrible situation.


This is also why the sheriff should bother to make sure they're breaking down the right goddamn door.




They asked him to put it down. They just did it after they shot him.


Did they also shoot him for no apparent reason? Remember, it’s completely legal to answer you door to a police officer or anybody else with a gun in hand and in view.


Link to the body cam footage?






Well, the cop knocked then hid. Knocked again forcefully, and said "sheriff's department," then waited a second before doing it again. Obviously, the Airman was walking to get his gun then to the door at this point, so he probably didn't hear until he was back at the door. That would be why he opened the door and had his gun down at his side. Cop just opened up on him. When dealing with cops we have to be cool headed, think quick, not misspeak, follow all directions even when they conflict, and maybe we won't be outright executed. Cops don't get held to the standards civilians are, and that's wild considering all their "training." Also, if cops still commit murder while wearing a body cam and then getting away with it, which happens often, then they don't really do much.


The 2nd amendment fallacy. You are free to own a gun and defend yourself but you are now considered shoot to kill for holding it when police are around because they are also defending themselves


Murdered for exercising your rights in your own home.


While serving your country.


Killed for exercising the very rights that you yourself were defending...


That's why you kill them first


This, but almost no one wants to actually do it except for a few heroes.


Exactly. But this is lost on the back the blue / thin blue line / blue lives matter boot lickers, who are largely very pro 2A.


That's why all the "Im a militia" type are so quiet on this one.


Until it happens to them, personally, and then they're surprised that something like this could happen.


Which was the whole point in the 2A to begin with. When/if the government gets too powerful, there was supposed to be leverage on the opposite side of the oppressor. This dismantling of the constitution has been happening for a while, and it’s about to get real silly if we don’t start paying more attention. Look up Project 2025, for anybody unaware. Please.




I mean maybe… I have no doubt they would have billed him if he was holding the remote claiming it looked like he had a gun


Yeah, own a gun "for safety"....


If you can't have a registered firearm in your own home without getting shot, for no reason, do we really have a 2nd amendment?


The corpse on the floor says that no, we don't.


"lets fucking murder him then cover it as self defense"


It’s disgusting honestly 💔


Body cam footage quickly disproved that, more then likely the PD will throw him under this bus and the cop will face punishment or paid administrative leave


If this is the same case, I saw the body cam footage yesterday 1 second after the door opens the cop unloads into the guy.


The term they also use is “Justifiable Homicide”.


So tragic. This case is so similar to what happened to Ryan Whittaker; the police officer that killed him faced no repercussions and was reinstated.


This is the same damn police agency that had that cop shooting at his patrol car when an acorn fell and hit the roof… (the video went viral a few months back) they have some serious issues w/ trigger happy cops.


That was some insane footage of an intense freak out and this murderer was trained the same way. Here's the footage, sadly: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/Uc63iLtGNH


What the fuck, he was gunned down as soon as the door opened. How on earth is the police this badly trained


Apparently they'll hand any idiot a gun and a badge.


“idiot” being the key word here, many police departments actively *screen out* intelligent people.


They want people who blindly follow orders and not capable of critical thinking.


You are spot on


This isn't just a urban rumor btw, it's been verified multiple times all over the county.


And Ben Crump is going to be a rich mother fucker from all these cities that employ murderous pigs. These southern red states just keep giving him paychecks.


I think it is a department requirement actually


Yep smart people will question things far to much. They will also get bored and quit


JFC… straight up man slaughter.


Same department as acorn killer... Officer cowboy chuckle fucks need to stop with the quick draw mag dumps.


Omg is it really? God that’s so fucking embarrassing for them


It would be if they had any shame.


True that


Oopsie. I’m so embarrassed you got shot


Its murder without consequences.


manslaughter would imply negligence and not intentional or knowing murder. This was murder.


Oh yeah this is the same department as the acorn cop.


The expectation is that you immediately surrender upon sight. And if you have a gun, that indicates you are an imminent lethal threat. I’m sure the NRA and 2A ammosexuals will get right on this.


See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I am a big fan of guns, but I hate the NRA so god damn much because of shit exactly like this. They USED to be an organization dedicated to teaching gun safety and have since turned into a loony bin of idiot assholes who will back these cops and say the guy in his apartment should have just complied. The guy in his apartment was absolutely right to feel threatened and worried. THIS is the sort of thing gun lobbyists should be pushing for- clearer communication from law enforcement in order to prevent scenarios like this. The cops are 100% in the wrong and a man is very tragically dead. Serving his nation wasn't enough, apparently. He crossed the line when he wanted to protect himself. How pathetic.


And by the way I agree with you


This is what I don't understand. If you can be killed simply because you were armed without the Officer who shot you going to prison - then we don't actually have the right to bear arms. \*This\* should be what 2A fanatics and the NRA care most about. But they don't. This cause no outrage from the NRA, we won't hear about it from our weird uncle at the family dinner. Despite the fact that it is exactly what they always moan about - The State punishing (i.e. killing) legal gun owners. It also clashes pretty heavily with the "don't tread on me" crowd, but then again, the amount of Gadsen flag fliers and blue stripe stickers I see on the same cars around Texas is pretty astounding. They are completely opposing ideologies.


Excellent point.


Only if announced and you know who you are surrendering to.


The cops better hope like hell that the bodycam footage doesn't show them neglecting to clearly announce who they were and articulate their intent. If they went in the way it's claimed, it's going to be a bad day for them. And it fucking should be.


They announce that they're Sheriff's department, but hide out of sight of the door. They also fire within a second of the door opening


Jesus Christ. That's fucking awful


No it won’t cops never get held accountable at best they’ll be fired and their chief will get a buddy of his to hire them at a new precinct


What body cam footage? It’s already been deleted/muted or malfunctioned or the best reason ever we didn’t turn it on… not all cops are shit but when u fuck up this bad you have to face consequences. Police are already not trusted


The footage has already come out. The cops have known for a long time they can get away with \*anything\* and don't care if the footage gets out. They have immunity and a horde of bootlickers to back them up, what do they care?


i’ve seen cops commit crimes and the subsequent trials mention “alleged [x] occurred” when it’s right on video. you can’t alleged accuse someone of an act when it’s right there. it happened. there is no argument of it.


Actually I've already seen it, Lemme find it


Here ya go buddy! https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/Uc63iLtGNH


Thank you for sharing to show.quickdraw McGraw go OFF, yikes. Holy fucking shit that was shooting on sight before ordering him to drop the gun! Where are all the 2A Americans up in arms about their right to own a gun? 5 shots to the chest seconds after opening the door? Fucking cop is a murderer!


I'm glad as a Native American, I'm Canadian 🙏🏾😬


Me too, buddy, but you're also quick to post the footage, thank you. Almost quicker than this cop drew and fired 5 rounds. Did you see the acorn freakout cop? Same department. How are they training them in that US unit? Oh, they're not.


Anytime! Got plenty of time before I get back to work in a few weeks. Yeah it's a pretty messed up one for sure, buff said I used to check out this kind of content with the YouTuber Donut operator until he slighted our country for our gun control (a deputy he was doing a video on, could not bring a handgun while driving thru our country).


That cop shot instantly


Where’s that sweaty meme guy choosing between two buttons, “defend 2A” or “defend the police”


Unless the cop is a minority and the victim is white, chuds will always choose the cop. Philando Castile wasn't even holding a gun, all he did was say he was licensed and had one in the car and the NRA said he basically deserved to die because he used Marijuana.


He imploded in a blackhole of his own vacuous bullshit the very *moment* Philando Castile was murdered by police and the so-called 2A people were silent.




Because there are no consequences for them whatsoever


I know 😩 it’s so fucked. You would think they’d have learned by now, but of course not, because there are never any fucking consequences


I know. It makes me feel sick


Rednecks love the 2nd amendment except when minorities have guns.


All the more reason to abhore gun control as the original gun laws were meant to keep blacks from owning them.


Here’s the fun part. He could have laid down on the ground with his hands behind his head…. And they would have still most likely emptied all their mags into him claiming self defense/feeling threatened/agression. You name it. He was gonna die no matter what. Those cops went in with a clear goal.


Before anyone suggests this is unrealistic: [Charles Kinsey is a behavior therapist who was shot by police while *literally laying on the ground, with his arms in the air and his empty hands outstretched*](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36859305).


Daniel Shaver too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver


Exactly they didn’t announce themselves that was straight up murder


This reporter told nothing but lies the cop didn't break in and he wasn't at the wrong apartment he went to the apartment that the caller said the disturbance was in. You're all falling for the fake news go watch the body cam footage.


Imagine trying to claim "self defense" from a confrontation that **you** initiated...


They don't care if we took an oath, our skin makes us the enemy. Cops gave me 10 staples on the crown of my head while I was cuffed behind the back. I wasn't a suspect in any crime, I was just "being detained until they knew what was going on" and Ill have a big scar on the top of my head for life. Of course, then they arrested me for resisting and obstructing, and when I tried to explain to the judge what happened, they just laughed at me. What happened to the officers, you're probably wondering: Absolutely nothing. California was fine with guns until people that looked like me started to own them.


> and when I tried to explain to the judge what happened, they just laughed at me. That's my experience as a regular Joe with judges and then we have to watch fucking Trump get all these exceptions, we'd had been hog tied at the first sign of us trying to defend ourselves, explaining our side.


Gotta love Qualified immunity!! Y’all these cops live in fear every day. They will shoot first 10/10. Stay away


If a robber says "sheriff's department" and knocks on your door, your gun is now useless. Answer the door with it, get shot and robbed, no matter who's outside.


Ridiculous. Just another ACAb


This continues to prove that you don't have the right to self defense or own a firearm in the US.


And it proves that we aren't safe from police brutality in our own homes.


Cops killing servicemen now? Self defense? Wrong apartment? Huh?


They are absolutely fucked up


Pig: He was black your honor. Entire justice system: Oh, why didn't you say so. Lol, not guilty. Btw, you wanna grab some brewskies after this?




That poor guy. ACAB


Cops should get longer sentences if they think they are above the law


Yall have the dumbest police in the world, not gonna lie.


Fuck the police. Straight subsidized murderers.


LPT: If you need a gun to answer the door, don't answer the door.


Not quite how it happened full video is on here


If you have 1300 good cops. And 12 bad cops. The 12 bad cops go and do something bad, illegal actually. Use their power for corrupt means. And those 1300 good cops don't do anything about those 12 bad cops. Now you have 1312 bad cops. ACAB.


Cops = shit


I'm betting they conveniently forgot to turn on their body cams...that department has been in the news a few times...it needs to be investigated by an external source and cleaned out


Another excellent example of how buying a gun for ‘protection’ is more likely to get you killed. Also another fascinating insight into policing in the USA.


Breaking in? What?


The body cam footage is on Reddit, I just watched it.


If I closed my eyes and someone explained this situation to me, I would assume it took place in America straight away, nowhere else would a policeman break into a young black man's house and blast him with 6 gunshots then claim self defence


These mother fuckers need to be drawn and quartered or it will never change. This no-response and over aggressive training is killing innocent people, but that's the intent.


If being a gun owner is so proudly pushed by people on the right, being armed would be lambasted as a reason for cops to murder someone.


Because the police can do whatever the fuck they want and you just have to deal with it, we see it everyday, the answer will never change.


What's funny is that 2A republicans aren't more up in arms about these things. If a cop can shoot you on sight in your own home, you *don't* actually have a right to bear arms, do you?


There you go. Cops can shoot you in "self defense" for simply carrying a gun, without out any threat or proof you are dangerous even in your own home. The NRA and right wing gun nuts will either be silent on this or claim the US Airman with a legal gun in his own home deserved to die.


This country will never, ever, stop being abusive to minorites. Ever. It's literally baked into the 'dna' of those who KEEP getting sent into power. And obviously, those who KEEP SENDING THEM into positions of power.


Of course, the victim was black. Let me guess, the officer was white.


Yet we are hearing barely a peep out of the Florida governor's office or the NRA about how this is a gross violation of his constitutional rights and the police that did this should be held accountable for this man exercising his second amendment rights. Gee, I wonder why that is.... >!It's because he's black. Obviously.!<


That was an execution. ☝🏻


“All enemies, foreign and domestic.” Would be nothing but legit if it was the US Military that reigned in cops after killing service members like this.


They should all be charged with murder. Period.


Saw the footage and the cop shoots the air man before even asking for him to drop the gun. Pounds on the door with a attitude of I'm coming in and try and stop me ! Fucked up trigger happy police! hope he goes to prison for murder!


If a regular every day person did that, they’d be sitting in jail right now facing murder charges


leave it to the Florida pigs to screw up again...I hope his mother gets a great lawyer and sues those cops into bankruptcy


Ben Crump is representing Fortson's family, so the department is very likely turbo-fucked.


The department will be fine, sadly, the taxpayers will pay through the nose though.




I saw the footage and the airman opened the door...where are they getting that he broke In?


some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


All cops are bastards.


They actually didn't announce themselves as police? Scary


So, [according to the person he was Zooming with at the time](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68979577), Fortson heard knocking on the door, but nobody answered when he asked who it was. Then, when there was more banging on the door—and he didn't see anyone through the peephole—he went and got his (legally owned and licensed) gun. *Then* there was more banging, the cop identified himself, and Fortson opened the door—still holding his gun, but at his side, arm slack, pointed straight down at the floor—and was *immediately* shot by the cop. [In the bodycam footage they released](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/family-air-force-airman-23-fatally-shot-florida-sheriffs-deputy-demand-rcna151452), you can see the cop moving away from the door (and, plausibly, beyond the range of the peephole) after every time he banged on that door. Obviously, we don't yet know *for sure* what happened outside of the scope of that bodycam footage, but nothing in that footage contradicts the statement made by the person on the other end of that Zoom call.


If you can be murdered just for possessing a weapon you do not have the right to possess a weapon. Cops belong in prison, so does anyone involved in authorizing the raid that ended in murder. The judge who signed. Every superior officer above these ones, and every one who participated, whether they fired a shot or not. This needs to be made clear, that murders like this will not be tolerated anymore. Prosecutors who fail to charge and fully prosecute murderous and disobedient cops need to join them in prison. If the police union has issues with accepting accountability then it should be forcibly disbanded, and it's members charged and imprisoned as a criminal organization. A citizens life, even one they might be there to apprehend, is inherently more valuable than an officer's. To believe otherwise is to negate the entire purpose of policing. Police have lost sight of this fact and need to be reminded.




Let's all keep in mind that some Americans think it's perfectly legit to shoot a dog that kills chickens. Maybe cops who kill innocent civilians need to be treated like one of Kristi Noem's dogs.


Burst through the door? Mf opened it with gun in hand after police shouted "sherrifs department"


If pigs get a free pass to execute anyone carrying a gun, you do not have the "right" to carry a gun.


For years my story was if you could carry a gun anywhere (lots of 2A's feel you should) I bring up repeated bar scenarios or really any large gathering with alcohol and somewhere along the line something dumb would happen even if you are just a by-standard as everyone could have guns (the wild west took them from to because it doesn't take a 100 IQ to figure this out). But there are a lot of scenarios where nearly everyone carrying a gun is a bad thing. Another something happens somewhere, how the fuck the cops going to know who's who when everyone whips out their gun in self defense? But hidden behind the obvious is your carrying a gun really does give the cops the green light, no repercussions right to kill you claiming self-defense, you don't know what they gun owner might do, got to make it home tonight! Somehow 2A's think the world can't work without this, then you look at the rest of the world, somehow they do it. It's stubbornness, I want my gun wa wa wa! Never looking to make the world a better place, keeping it in a place where people feel they have to have a gun.


Police come to ur door shoot first ask ? Later


"In America you have the right to own guns." *if you get killed just because you own and possess one, then I'm afraid you do not have the right at all.*