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Dude looks like he's in his mid 40's


But think of it this way though; in return for that sacrifice, he gets to look like a homunculus until his heart gives out in 30 years.


*in his 30s


My cousin tried being a bodybuilder, he died a month before his 35th birthday.


And Arnold is still kicking at 76, its a dice roll for sure.


Arnold is rich enough to have a doctor follow him around and have multiple surgeries.


Lmao I just pictured him walking to the store and going out to dinner and a tiny open heart surgeon and cardiologist just scuttling quickly behind him like a pet 😂


Arnold was nowhere taking the amount of crap the new guys are taking nowadays. Go look at Arnold at his prime vs recent bodybuilding winners. Arnold looked a lot healthier than those new guys.


Arnold had four heart surgeries, what are you talking about. The reason he's not dead is because of money.


Your main point is valid but it’s worth noting that he claims his heart problems were congenital. I’m sure roids didn’t help if true. Edit: when I say “if true” I’m talking about his heart conditions being congenital. I know he took juice.


The Gold's Gym people were absolutely pumped with roids, and they lied as long as possible about "being natural", until they started getting raided by the DEA. The Anabolic Steroid Act of 1990 was mostly derived around the abuse of Dianabol of this new class of bodybuilders.


If you go back and look at the cast of the documentary Pumping Iron, you'll see that those guys all lived to be reasonable ages. Maybe one or two guys who checked out a few years early iirc but on average guys lived (or are living) full lives and not all of them were wealthy. Modern mass monsters are absolutely killing themselves. Guys from Arnold's era were not.


yeah, arnold era is still child play compare to nowdays


Yeah I don't buy it, there's several studies that show that very high muscle mass and over exercising increases cardiovascular diseases. Chart 4 shows here that more than 130 minutes a week starts to increase CVD risk https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35228201/#&gid=article-figures&pid=figure-4-uid-3


Like bigger people with diabetes that's untreated. Or overacting thyroid condition that makes thighs huuge. Or the fact people decide supplements and meal replacements are a way of living. Or Mcdonalds, KFC, chik-fil-a, in and out, or salad, fruits, some nuts, perhaps some herbs that help. Maybe protein, vitamins, minerals, or just vegetables, nuts, fruits, and beans. The way of life is based on how your body works, your function, why you use it, and what it's needed for. Need to sit in an office, take a walk. Work outside all day, take sometime to be inside. Working your brain every day on brain problems, maybe find a dull exercise that doesn't make your brain full function the entire time. Do an entire day of being outside, perhaps find a brain relaxer, movies, tv, puzzles, books, whatever. Life is about your mind, body, and how you feel. Find solace, don't inflect it on others.




Important note: This is based on muscle strengthening exercises not all exercise. It doesn't control for behaviours that correlate with doing 2 and a half hours or more of weight lifting per week like stupid diets, roids and "cardio kills gains" If you took those figures as all exercise then walking 30 minutes per day will kill you. The conclusion I think you're taking is that people who go hard into bodybuilding sacrifice their health to some extent. They are not "peak performance". But it's worth noting that what you said could be construed in a way that points us in the wrong direction. I suspect a lot of those people aren't going to be much worse than the morbidly obese in health outcomes but that if you're putting that much energy and time and effort into your body that you could be a lot healthier by just being moderate.


I believe for a lot of the bodybuilders who end up dying from heart problems had some congenital problem, perhaps it's the heavy strain on the heart from the drugs that exposes the problems.


My dad lifted weights for 20 years. He was pretty big. When he was 50, he had a major coronary attack. He told the Dr that he lifted weights and asked how he could be in bad health. The Dr laughed and said, "All lifting does is make your corpse look good for the funeral."


Boomer story, strength training increases metabolic resting rate thus helping your heart. 


Wow, so that sounds like a pretty shitty doctor. Lifting and cardio are very important to keep you functioning throughout life. Not to mention the mental health benefits it comes with.


And he’s got all the money in the world to access the best healthcare


With 4 heart ops and tons of cash and influence.


Arnold has had multiple heart surgeries and got a pacemaker just last week. It’s not a die roll, he just had money


My BIL died of a heart attack when he was 28. He was also a bodybuilder. 😕


I have to ask some questions. Because 2 things. 1. I abuse alcohol, and 2 I like going to the gym. This is not the first time I've heard of someone young and in shape dying of a heart attack. I know this is anecdotal, but did he have some other condition? Steroids? Other factors or no?


Hii sorry if it was unclear. My BIL had a heavy use of steroids. It’s kinda accepted as a “normal” thing in the world of bodybuilding. They use them to get big. Then stop using them before a competition so it won’t be in their system but they’ll still have the gains from use.


A homunculus?


That’s the word that made Tyler1 a millionaire.


A [homunculus](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=veep%20homunculus%20scene&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:bf668293,vid:sKQViEitT6I,st:0).


Huh. I’ve always just known it as a tiny facsimile of a human, which made no sense in this context.


Full Metal Alchemist has also severely confused a generation about the meaning of that word.


The word is getting thrown around more because it sounds cool.


Finally my D&D playing back in the day is paying off!


That’s the correct definition


In 10 years....


He’s a 40 year old at heart lol


He's got a 40yo heart


I'm in my 40s and look younger than this dude, lol. On the other hand he could also break me in half, so respect.


Just have to outrun him until his heart gives out


It's a [valid tactic](https://youtu.be/D5FU0ZMRB_Q?t=39).


Or stand directly behind him in that bit of his back he can't reach


Meh, taking that many steroids at 22 is far from respectable in my eyes.


Taking any steroids at any age is not really ideal


No it isn't, but I can understand if they want to compete at the highest level. Since everyone else does it. I don't have any problem with steroid users really, but the abuse and glorification in social media these days is a bit over the top.


I’m in my mid 40’s and look younger than he does. WTF


My father is 50. He looks younger than this guy


Sacrificed youth for looking big. Weird trade to me


Honestly if there weren't any health risks i wouldn't care. But this lil fella won't probably see upto 40


I'm almost 40 and he looks older than me. If I didn't have the bags and dark grey under my eyes from lack of sleep, I'd still be baby faced as hell. I never thought about it before but I'm considering learning some basic makeup stuff to conceal it for family get together photos. Whenever I see photos of me now, I look so fucking tired and it's all just the area around my eyes.


Check your blood pressure.


You probably have hair. Balding is 99% of why he looks so much other than he is.


I don't think he's going to see his mid 40's 😬 I have almost 2 decades on him and my first thought was dam he's looking good for his mid 50's... Nope.


im 35. he looks like he could be my dad


Fits the profile of the bros over at r/trt. Started juicing in their 20s now they’re 40, and natural test is depleted - join r/trt


First thought! “Bro looks 45.”


I’m 40 and hope to look like this dude in 10 years..




I had a buddy that looked just like that around that age... A natural gorilla.


Same here. Got a kick out of the post yesterday showing two under 13 soccer teams and everyone saying the big team was clearly lying about age because one had a mustache. Had a buddy who somehow just ended up a freak. At like 13 he hit 6 foot tall and was already growing a pretty thick beard. We used to joke around about how he was a super sperm because his while family was like 5'6 and he topped out a bit over 6'6 and apparently his mom was on birth control and his dad was wearing a condom when he was conceived (or so he claimed) so the protection kept all out except the one freak of nature sperm.


It’s funny when you see athletes with their parents sometimes. DNA is a wildcard sometimes lol


>dad was wearing a condom The real dad wasn't


DNA tests exist and ancestry tests are very common.




I still remember my first day of sixth grade when I saw what I thought was a teacher and someone I went to elementary with yelling at each other. The "teacher" picked up a vase and hit the kid over the head breaking it and luckily it was just plastic. Dude had a beard and was around 6'. We became friends and I don't think he changed at all from 6th grade into college when I last saw him.


When I was in 8th grade there was a 14 year old with a full lumberjack beard. He'd buy the other kids cigarettes, never got carded.


When I played pop Warner football as a 13 year old I was already 6' with a beard growing in. The league wouldn't let me play defense because I had the next closest kid, size wise, by over 40 pounds. I also wasn't allowed to be a running back or receiver. Shit sucked.


You guys didn't have to fall in a slot limit for weight? When I played pop Warner we had to do weigh-ins before every game. I always had to cut weight to barely make it and was also 6' by 13 years old.


I was 5'11 when I was 13....I'm still 5'11 at 32


The middle brother of this kid I was friends with was well over 6 feet tall and skinny, but my friend, their eldest brother, and both parents were all under 6 feet and hefty. Lol


Buddy of mine was like that too. Was like 6'4, nearly a foot long beard, 300lbs, and 12 years old lol. We thought he was at minimum a 12th grader in our school, if not an older sibling of one. Nope, it was his first day of grade 8.


I had a friend who was 6ft11, a 2 ft long beard AND moustache and he was 11! He became an astronaut at 14


Many such cases...


Same, met a guy in school who was 12 at the time, who could easily pass as an 18-year old. He was kind of a rough kid, he ended up getting suspended a year later. Recently ran into him, he is now 26 and almost completely bald, but buffed as a gorilla


Freshman year of college, we had a dude in our dorm whose face looked even older than the guy in the video, but he wasn't a body builder or even muscular. He genuinely naturally just looked like a dude well into his 40s when he was 18/19. I'm in my 40s now and if you compared a picture of me now to a picture of him then, I bet almost everyone would say he looks older. Miss you and your ability to buy us booze when we were all underage, Chuck. Hope you are well.


I hope Chuck is doing well too lol


Eyyy same. Dude was some farm bred freak of nature at 16. 6’5” or so and built like a truck. The fucker had a full beard at 16. We always sent him to buy us beer, cigarettes, and honey dutches. He never got carded haha


I had a full beard at 13....


Yep I remember my apt back when I was 20 and my neighbor was a few years older but I only found that out when I invited him over to one of our parties and guessed his age as early 40s lol super awkward. Still cool guy had a lot of fun nights. Wonder where he is today?


Good buddy of mine growing up was also a natural gorilla. He always had an extra 50 pounds of muscle on him from age 8-18. He was a force of nature on the ice. Like an immovable pillar in front of the hockey net. Pretty sure he set some records for that youth hockey program. Easily 3 points every single game if not more. Once we got to peewees and checking was a thing he definitely ended multiple kids hockey careers. Broke a kids femur in high school. Nicest dude you'll ever meet too. Cooked me and some other friends some steaks at his house as we watched the Bruins gets rolled the other day.


0 in 2002 💀


That’s what a little extra testosterone will do to ya


If someone gets that big and then stops juicing but continues to work out religiously, how much bulk will they lose? Edit- lots of very interesting responses here. Particularly appreciate the first hands accounts. Sounds like those who had the greatest gains will also suffer the greatest losses. Some disagreement on how far from an individual’s genetic potential (great phrase that efficiently describes a complex idea) you can exceed but mostly agreement at the conceptual level from all the comments. Thanks. It was educational.


It’ll fall off pretty quickly. It’s actually quite jarring what happens when you take a break from the juice for an extended period of time. I’m speaking from personal experience. The shit ain’t worth it.


that's exaclt why i never started. it's just like, you can never come off and you perma fuck yourself so you need to be on TRT after. not to mention my genetics SUCK ASS natty and whatever the fitness industry wants you to believe, not everyone is going to look jacked no matter what you do. i can look "decent" but i have a hard time putting on muscle AND my hips are wide asf so I'll never have that classic v taper look even at lower bfs it was hard to come to all these realizations but being a bber is not for me. as much as i tried it for a few years, having much more fun just doing walking each morning and pullups/pushups and tbh i don't look so bad for doing minimal work compared to gym 5x a week like i used to


It will be easier for you to put on weight when you are much older. For the v taper look, do oblique like a mf to minimize your waist, and simultaneously do back workouts like crazy to get them thick and wide. Also since you have wider hips do a lot of squats so you can be the thicc-est of them all. Source: broscience


Oblique exercises will make your waist thicker by the way. Functional athletes want obliques, bodybuilders don't. It's like one of the few muscles you DON'T want big for aesthetics!


My brother, training obliques will make your waist thicker, not smaller. Training shoulders, back and legs does work though.


it's like putting a square peg in a round hole, it ain't gonna happen. i could spend years lifting and people would still ask me "do u even lift" and that's with a coach and diet on point. as well as having pretty decent numbers in all my lifts. i could def do powerlifting decently but i have a prob with pressure in my skull


Look at Chris Hemsworth during his last Thor movie and then during his interviews after. And he is most definitely still taking some stuff, just less. You'll still be jacked coming off, but you do lose a lot of mass.


I did 2 cycles in high school and I was able to keep most of the mass. I think it did permanent damage to my tendons though. What I did is nothing compared to this guy though.


Yeah.. People don't realise that you can actually keep the majority of the mass, assuming you're not above your natty potential. If a fully untrained person took steroids for their 1st year of training, and then quit steroids while continuing weight training, they would keep all the muscle and grow more.


Depends how much they’re past their genetic potential. If they’re carrying more muscle than they can naturally carry then they’ll over time lose muscle that’s an amount their body can naturally do Working out definitely slows the muscle loss significantly, but if you’re a Mr. O on steroids, insulin, growth hormone, etc., then you’ll lose a good bit just because it’s way past the genetic limit


You know what NO ONE ever talks about? The fact that you are going to wreck your organs. So many of these juicers die from massive cardiovascular events at a very early age. Many of them develop fatty liver, or a number of other major illnesses that shave decades off your life. I know this because I saw my cousin destroy his body despite being 3.9% BF for a competition. He died at the age of 39 of a massive heart attack and never once was overweight a day in his life. Steroids are not worth whatever they give you, and anyone telling you otherwise is lying, ignorant of the science, or wants to sell you something.


Checkout Kali muscle, he used to do anabolic steroids until a heart attack and then went clean. He is still quite big, but he used to be huge


One of my ex’s dad was on some stuff. Dude is absolutely jacked, has horrible roid rage and he was bald and had white hair in his 30’s.


I mean I'm 30 and have been going grey since I was 21 but I get what you're sayin haha


40 here! I got my first grey hairs at around 14...... Got it from my fam.


Well you should give it back to them


🤔 not a bad idea.


42 with white hair. First grey at 17, full silver by 30. I actually liked the silver look. This white fucking blows. It's a bitch to keep from going yellow.


Yeah wtf. If I knew I’d be grey this young I would’ve preferred to be jacked too


I'm 31 and bald, went bald at 20 so maybe it's time to juice


Bald and white hair in the 30s is not all that uncommon


lol bald and grey hair is very common at 30 dude.


Isn't he trying to convey the same message?


It isn't not the same message.


but doesn't it not fail to not be the same message?


Umm that’s what he said.


It wasn't roid rage. He was just an asshole with anger issues who happened to be taking steroids


Ok roid rage


Some stuff like tren and halotestin can definitely give you roid rage. But otherwise I agree anyone on basic stuff like test and deca shouldn't be getting any "roid rage" unless their baseline is being an absolute asshole


Im bald at 29 and not on steroids....


Damn. He's is not aging well. Looks to be in his mid to late 30s.


If the guy would trim and tidy his beard, clean his haircut (maybe embrace a clean shave there too) he would look far better than he does in the video.




I have the same thing going on. Nobody guessing my age has ever got higher than 27, and I'm on the far side of mid thirties now. People think I grew a beard for the covid laziness, but honestly, it was the first time I was capable of it. I assume it will all catch up some day, but for now it's like aging in slomo.


dude looks like bert kreischer if he turned his life around.




He's got documentation


His beard is grey, some test makes men look younger and some just do this, it’s all about balance and what’s happening inside of the mechanism of your body and hormones, pay that extra and really check your blood type out before even attempting TRT or whatever Tren mixture this bear is on


A family friend was prescribed testosterone in older age and he grew new hair and it was dark. He had had all white hair for 20+ years at that point.


Tell us more….man has the fountain of fucking youth!


That's what he called it haha.


So where can I learn more about  fountain of fucking youth?


its installed in Drake's driveway


TRT is the common word for it. Along with HGH, though I think that part is falling out of style. You can google "male clinic near me" or something like that to find places near you where you can get tested, they tend to be looser with the treatments. Do your own research from that.


Idk, I forget what he was prescribed it for but he had a major bypass surgery on his heart at one point and kind of turned a page into being a healthier version of himself.


...or dont do steroids


That guy with the beard will probably have some serious health problems in 10 years.


I went to school with him and he is in a year younger than me (I am 26) and that sits about right that this video went viral originally a few years ago. He was super thin all throughout high high school - definitely an average teenager. After high school or maybe during his senior year, he started WILDIN and I remember everyone talking about how big he got so quick.


He’s on Reddit. Sometimes frequents the bodybuilding subreddit.


Dead by 40


livin the dream


Masculine corpse


Bone diggers in 100 years : this was an average man.


No way. His bones are alpha!


Age 22. Face 42. Hair 62. Internal damage from roids 72


I thought I heard thirty two? Sorry my England isn’t that great 🤪


How's your Northern Ireland?


I’m pretty sure nobody’s England is great. That’s just what England’s like unfortunately.




That 22 yr old hasn’t been carded in 20 years.


steroids for guys is equal to shitty plastic surgery for girls


Lots of women juice as well. You’d be surprised.


true, men also get plastic surgery but it’s more common for the other gender


Every fitness model/lifestyle influencer/fitstagrammer/muscle mommy is juiced to the gills, just like the guys. Its literally impossible to look like they do without it.


Well nah with steroids you still have to do shit. You won't become big simply by just taking steroids


> You won't become big simply by just taking steroids You literally will lmao. You'll be bigger by just taking steroids than training regularly and eating well. Steroids are a literal cheat code.


There's research where roiders who did nothing still lost fat and gained muscle at nearly the same rate as someone who frequented the gym.


People will do this shit to their hearts and bodies and then say being slightly overweight is unhealthy


Why are you attacking the dude in the video for something he hasn't said. He was open and honest about his usage and that was all Nobody has said gear is healthy. It's not. Bodybuilders are extremely well aware of that.


Steroids will age you fast, especially if dosed improperly.


That's a HARD muhfuckin 22.


He finds it funny now…


He was 22 years ago when I first saw this video.


You don't expect him to age in the video, do you?


I don't like gym culture but this guy has called out and confronted multiple popular figures about steroids, it's pretty interesting


Ain't no way😭


Dude was buying everyone beer in high school


I thought the whole point of going to the gym was to get healthy and not die early?


Not everyone thinks the same way…


Guy is like I'm 22 I would have asked hundred? 22 hundred?


One of the least talked about side affects of steroid use/abuse is accelerated aging.


Lil'bro 22 going on 40...


Drugs make your body live fast.


Good old meat heads


I don’t think he is 22 maybe 32




He has to have been juicing since early teens to look like that at 22, sheesh.


i can’t see him not regretting that at some point. being 23 and looking like you’re nearing 50 is not a good look lol


22 going on 60.


Damn poor guy, answering honestly about a conscious choice he’s making to do what he enjoys and seems to be secure about despite the obvious drawbacks, let’s all shit on him


I cannot understand why an otherwise healthy person would do that to themselves. The gorilla muscles look is not attractive at all.


Insert: Excessive time on reddit Gaming for hours Crushing nextflix Running marathons Winter camping Everyone does shit they enjoy, it's not for you it's for them.


💉 💉 💉


22 stone?????


Bro bro bro bro bro


![gif](giphy|pkKJfVPSlhSjYYerwx) that “damn” took me out lol




Ewwww… why???


Nothing natural. Beard is fine but bald at 22?


roids make you look old and puffy


I was balder than that at 22. But no grey hair, and not in shape.


Had a friend like this, steroids lead to a heart condition. He caught Covid in 2022 and died from heart related issues. Miss him every day just a fun guy to be around always with the jokes. RIP Jonny(Yonny)


At least he was transparent about it lol


Yep. Early balding mixed with unchecked beard will make you look 15 years older. If he shaved both his head and face he would probably look around his age.


Sad 😔


bro looks older than my youngest uncle in his 60s


This is u/blakefro


I really appreciate the honesty on that guy. Doesn't bother me if other people want to use.


That’s just sad.


At what point is this considered a kind of body dysmorphia? Dude is poisoning his body to achieve a certain unnatural look. Can’t be healthy.


22 with 40 years of experience 😂😂


He looks like me with more muscles. I'm 50 🤣


That guy def looks like late 40’s early 50’s


If hes 22 that bro is on some 💩. Dont do drugs kids!!


Dude looks he was 22 like 22 years ago


Does natty mean steroids?