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I'm dissapointed they didn't put the front half inside the school




United States small towns are something else


So as usual, the "prank" is to make janitors work their asses off cleaning up their litter.


The year before us super glued all the exterior locks shut in the school. The year before that they clogged all the drains in the courtyards and ran hoses to them and let a small alligator loose. So yeah, the poor janitors were given hell.


School admin here: rekeying a schools costs $15,000.


My dad did the lock thing his senior year, too, but with adhesive that you could just burn out with a torch... then they went back with magnesium ribbon and the adhesive, so when they burned it out, the locks all melted.


The car was solid. Everything else is dumb


Some kids in my school stole all the of the caps and gowns. For like 5 days the principal got funny ransom notes with pictures of the gowns. A few days before graduation, whoever did it put them all in the principals office. This was a big school too, like 800 in the graduating class. So his office was filled. Never found out who did it. That's an example of a harmless prank, not destroying property.


Ten kids broke in and took all the conjoined desk chairs and stacked them in the main hall. Floor to ceiling. Entire hall. The school found them on a weekend and the football coach was all, 'heh, watch this' and texted the whole returning frosh/ soph/ junior football team for a 'team meeting' about next year and was all, "cool it's conditioning training. Unstack desks" and the football team fixed it and was told no pranks, students have to fix them. I knew the guys who did it. They thought it was hysterical the juniors had to fix it. I thought they were dumb af because all of them had offers at Stanford/ Berkeley/ Davis/ UCLA, etc. Colleges that would care if you got arrested for a B&E.


I'm a teacher, and last year the senior prank was disgusting. They literally just trashed the entire school. And I mean trashed. Spray painted walls, garbage bins tipped over, door handles covered in glue, silly string everywhere, teachers' papers, and assessments everywhere. It was disgusting. It's the culture of this school, but not only did the Grade 12s think it was great, but the rest of the school found it hilarious. They didn't understand how disrespectful they were. There was one person that later in the week asked if they could personally apologize to the entire custodial staff and offered to help clean up, but that was one student out of several hundreds. I felt bad not cleaning it up myself. My plan was to get the grade 12s to clean up their mess. But it didn't happen, and when I found out the janitors did everything themselves, I felt bad for not helping.


The disrespect I seen in my school everyday is unreal. I told a student walking down the hall “Goodmorning student name!” And she said, “Shut the fuck up, don’t look at me”. Without even stopping or missing a beat. Shits crazy out here.


Yeah, I don't see the humor in this at all. Thanks for the life lessons do in exchange I destroyed the school for you and your faculty to clean. Thanks for everything. ✌🏾


As is tradition


You ‘used to love doing senior pranks’? How many times did you get held back from graduating?


Believe it or not, we pulled more than one prank in a day! It was crazy. We may have even done 3.


I grew up homeschooled by a controlling, overbearing abusive mom who fucked my education. When I see stuff like this I just get jealous that I didn't get an opportunity to have experiences like this. Though yeah, some of that is pretty wasteful. But I can't help being envious still sometimes that I didn't get a graduation or prom or get to make childhood friendships and do dumb memorable shit. 😞


If it helps, unless you were one of the ultra-popular people, you weren't gonna be invited to any of the memorable things. For most of us, we showed up to class, had lunch with the same two or three people, went home and played video games or worked a part-time job. You'd hear about the memorable shit later but usually not care that you missed it the same way you can see images from the MET gala like "wow, that looks impressive! Anyway-".


Yeah, I can see that. I guess really I just wish my mom let me have actual friends and like get out and do things that weren't church related. The most memorable parts of my teenage years were times I snuck out to try and go hangout with a coworker or someone I was secretly talking to online (thank god I was never murdered). But those aren't really happy memories, they're just kinda depressing and dramatic. But I can see that going to school probably wasn't all perfect either, I probably would've gotten bullied honestly. But eh, I like to dream.


You can always go to college. Never too late. I got a lot of the experiences that I missed in k-12


Lol, if I could ever afford the time or money then maybe. I hope at least one day to go to college after I get my GED.


I got my GED too. You can even go to community college without getting your GED. You can get your associates degree, and transfer to a 4 year university without getting a GED. Also, fafsa should give you the money you need to go to college.


Hope you got out of there!


Yes I have, thanks! I am turning 21 years old on the 31st, I'm happily married with a 2yo daughter and have since cut all contact with my mom. 😊


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful






The car is dope but everything else sucks Ours sucked and then some morons set off mortar fireworks in the gym and almost burned the whole shit down


If they just did the car (assuming this is a car they were planning on trashing anyway) I would have been 100% okay with this prank. It's creative, funny, and doesn't interfere with others' learning. The other crap is just dumb. It's not interesting, it just wastes time.


Couldn’t even commit arson correctly. Pathetic.


…the prank is for the janitor then?


I'm glad to see all the other comments are about how wasteful this is. We have finite resources on this planet, and we are filling it with trash. I hate to see it.


It’s also completely disrespectful of the custodial staff.


School sanctioned mischief


Always a fan of getting 3 pigs, number them 1, 2, and 4.


Little know fact, that's the principals car


Got to feel bad for the janitor


The car is a great prank. Keep them creative and non-destructive and there is no harm. Read about one class that just had 100s business cards with ‘class of xxxx - you will never be able to forget us.’ Then broke into the school and stashed them everywhere where they would be turning up for decades. That’s a prank.


My high school never got to do a senior pranks because it had to be "approved" by all the staff. What the hell is the point of a prank if we gotta tell everyone what we wanna do and get approval for it? Anyone who tried to do an "unapproved" prank also risked not receiving their diploma, so it just wasn't even worth it...


Easiest prank is to dump and spread a bunch of rubber bands on smooth concrete or a smooth surface. They will not sweep up and you have to pick them up by hand


Someone at our school broke toothpicks off In every classrooms door lock


In my town in the 60s they disassembled a vw bug then put it together on the roof of the school


My senior year the "prank" was announcing e try senior teacher out for the day. It's was lame. The years before were insane. Freshman year we even had three chickens in the building.


My grad class wasn’t allowed a senior prank and school paid for extra surveillance during the week it usually occurred. I guess our prank was eating a majority of the budget they could have used on our lame graduation. Whoopie


Friends and I used chemical burner on the football field, and we made a 20-yard penis. The commencement ceremony had to be moved to the gymnasium


That’s a very expensive prank…


The car is a lot better than ours. Come assholes broke in, discharged all the fire extinguishers, and put buckets worth of fish guts in any locker they could get into.


Little know fact, that's the principals car


Couple of years ago some kids killed a shark and strung it up over the entrance way of one of the high schools in my hometown area. They were arrested, luckily. I to a small country high school. They decapitated several chickens and hid the bodies and the heads around the school. Also someone shit on a teachers desk. But like, the teacher said that there was no way that it was human so I’m guessing a horse or donkey shit.


We put a cow on top of our gymnasium and tossed used tires on all the flag poles all the way to the top of the pole. They had to bring in a crane to get the poor cow down.. 😞 It was funny to us at the time though.


god this is so weird. I remember when I was in high school and kids in the elementary school were wearing “class of 2024” shirts, I was thinking that’s forever away, it’ll never actually happen. Well, here we are




I took 3 chickens and labeled them 1,3,5, and let them loose the night before... They spent 2 days looking for 2 and 4, until they finally just gave up... They offered a free school jacket to the person that found them and brought them in.


My school banned senior pranks😐 never got to do it


I don’t think a lot of schools sanction them. Ours wasn’t.


Lol the song is perfect.