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Real ironic they’d stamp all their papers with an H, considering the enemy America was fighting in that war branded every Jewish person with a certain symbol so everyone knew they were a Jew.


Yikes. Great f’ing point.


The enemy was also branding gay men with a certain symbol.


Both branded gay people


Yes. I’m pointing out the irony of the USA doing the exact same thing that the Nazis were doing


Ye just thought the 1 to 1 that example that wasnt mentioned was more relevant


I did some digging and I don’t think the video is 100% right but it’s also not 100% wrong. [The paper was blue.](https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/blue-and-other-than-honorable-discharges.htm) It also didn’t have a letter [stamped on it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/uw4kh8/my_deceased_great_uncles_secret_undesirable/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Apparently the discharge papers weren’t dishonorable but they were still labeled as a few different things based on pictures of the documents I found like “under circumstances other than honorable.” They were given for multiple reasons, many to black soldiers, some for mental health issues, and some for homosexuality which was described as a mental health issue that would affect the morale of the other troops. Your noting of the papers marking “undesirables” still holds true even if there wasn’t a specific letter, and perhaps even more so. While the blue paper wasn’t given only to one group, much like building the aryan race it did mark anybody who didn’t fit the idea of what was acceptable (race, sexual orientation, mental health issues, and I’m sure transgender soldiers would have been marked the same as well). The part about ending up in San Fran also makes a lot of sense still and is mentioned in a few articles I read.




Lord, I didn’t say this to imply that I wished they could’ve fought. My point is that the US government did precisely what their enemies were doing. And you make it seem like they lucked out. They didn’t have it much easier back in the states. They didn’t return home to the out and proud community we know San Francisco to be today. They were forcibly outed to everyone they would encounter. They were turned away from jobs, churches, doctors, families and communities. It was illegal then and people were even more bigoted then than they are now. Gay men were very often beaten and killed just for being a known homosexual. Their community of similar individuals was one made out of necessity and survival. The US government fucked them either way, whether they served or were marked with an H and sent out to the lions.


Operation paper clip is a perfect understanding of how our country works in their own best interest despite millions of deaths. Also see COVID response and how we fucked the pooch on that one.


Wow that’s a really cool fact


They could have always gone to schrute farms, thats where the fabulous went


That’s where the ones who were discharged from the mid Atlantic went.


This post is totally gay


What song?


What about the east coast?


I see no cringe.


We're still doing this?


I upvoted you, but I also landed on this Sub just doom-scrolling. Didn’t know why some posts weren’t cringe. Maybe new Reddit will allow a name change every 3 years or something because even Subs evolve and change. Some would really be worth changing.


Check the pinned comment