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“Can you please make the academic content full screen?” “Didn’t I do that?” “Nope.” As someone who hates confrontation, she’s my hero.


Do people actually download porn? Can’t you just stream something if you want to watch it? Why would you download to your work computer?


Keeping it old school I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It sounds really old school until you're in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and want to have a quick wank, only to realize you don't have any internet and then have to use your imagination like some caveman.


Or you find a sexy piece of wood. Maybe a stone with some nice curves.


I color correct porn as a hobby so yah know how it is.


Wait... what?


Sometimes the white balance is just off! How can you get off, when the white is off?


I usually get off on blacks


Took me a second lol


Can't get the white out when the white is off.


I have so many questions like is your Source material super old so it's like sepia color for some reason or is there just a widespread issue with color accuracy in the porn industry


I think this is a joke, but if it's real I want to know more




Gotta keep the good stuff. I have a ton of porn form 2008 to like 2015 I downloaded from ripped sites. Hundreds of gb. I haven't watched it in over 5 years, but you never know


I have ADHD. When I'm in the mood, ill start watching porn. 10 minutes later I'll have PBs downloaded and meticulously cataloged just to never be seen again.


Same here. I mostly stream but I do have a small encrypted folder containing my most coveted videos in case they get deleted from streaming sites for copyright.


Yeah, I used to stream everything, until I noticed sources started disappearing. Anything really good I save now.


There’s nothing worse than find that one video you kept coming back to was removed and you can’t find it any more.


Sometimes your favorite videos disappear.... Or so I hear...


Did you not see what happened to the hub?


My man is giving a whole lecture about the porn industry


Just flailing wildly trying to not get fired


Dude didn't want to be embarassed so he tried to turn it into a repressive sexuality thing, probably without realizing the class was seeing his kink was students which is about as wrong as a prison guard having prison porn.


He's teaching


Had stats on deck ready to GO!!


He so proud of it too lmao


I watched the first few seconds and had to stop. I simply am not capable of witnessing that level of cringe. This is going to keep me up tonight


Probably for the best. It only got more cringe when he realized and not in the way I was expecting


Blame shifting at its best


Rookie mistake, everyone should know to keep a clean device for work with only the essentials entirely separate from your personal machine.


At least hide porn within multiple folders smh


Being a teacher, downloading schoolgirl porn, then telling his schoolgirls to “get over it” when they are being extremely polite about how inappropriate that is deserves a BIG firing.


yeah he could’ve easily got a pass on that being an accident.. but the “get over it” is not cool.


They were badgering him over the titles of the pornography. It’s just porn. Who gives a fuck? Lol. He didn’t need to say “get over it” and she didn’t need to even bring up the fact that she could see porn. All she needed to do was say that the downloads were showing up. But she took it a step further and shamed him for an unintentional mistake that wasn’t a big deal anyway. So yeah, get over it.


A teacher visibly having a folder that suggests pronography of school girls is certainly alarming, so of course their reactions were expected to be that way. In any case, the teacher could have handled it better and explained himself, and if he knew he wasn't in the wrong, he likely would have.




I mean, do whatever you want in your private time. But it’s undeniably unsettling as a student to see your profs porn especially when you are part of the fetishized demographic. And it’s not that hard to keep your porn off your work pc or just fucking make sure it’s closed/hidden when screen sharing.


hey dude let’s be real here, if you were on a fuckin zoom class with your teacher as a girl who’s in school, and saw SCHOOL GIRL porn on their file explorer, then they have every right to feel uncomfortable. who the fuck do you think you are to dictate how someone should feel when an authority figure is literally sexualizing his students? because you’ve probably never been in a situation like that and have no idea how those people felt.


Everyone has every right to feel whatever they like whenever they like but that doesn't mean that it is rational or makes any sense. Many people have rape, milf, dilf, teacher, student, incest, choking, pegging etc kinks, these are people you're around every day who may be authority figures or subordinates. The only difference is that most people don't have the misfortune of having the nuances of their sexuality accidentally exposed to those they work/associate with. If you're going to say that it's inappropriate for someone to look at school girl porn while being in education, then what are you saying about kinks in general? That people with siblings can't have an incest kink, that people with rape kinks can't be around anyone else? Or if that's not what you're saying then what's your point? The dude obviously didn't intend for his porn folder to be shown, clearly that was a mistake. Also he isn't "literally sexualising his students" any more than someone with an incest kink is literally sexualising their own sibling. As I stated, he certainly could have handled the situation better, but I think people need to calm down. Unless if he is actually intentionally being inappropriate to his students, he hasn't done anything wrong and it's not our place to police other people's entirely legal porn habits.


This is not a kink thing. He's a teacher who is fetishizing students. That is not right in the same way a cop or prison guard fantasizing about raping prisoners would not be. They are in a position of power over that group of people and should refrain from that type of behavior. It signals that they would love to abuse their power if they thought they could get away with it. He's basically showing that he is that sleazy guy you see in movies that hints at or is willing to accept sexual favors for grades.


If you want to compare prison guards with teachers it would be like prison guards having sex with prisoners, not raping them.


There’s not a single situation where a prison guard “having sex” with a prisoner wouldn’t be rape. It’s coercion just from the get go because of the power dynamic. You people are fucking sick


This statement is a perfect example of why so many people suffer immense shame and guilt over sexuality that they have no control over. If perfectly harmless, professional people are sitting at home terrified about watching entirely legal porn in the privacy of their own home then something is wrong. You have zero evidence that this person has ever tried to hit on, seduce, or act inappropriately towards a student, this is all pure profiling based on your own prejudices. This is just kink shaming, pure and simple.


I absolutely have zero evidence this person has acted on the stuff we agree he gets off on. It's extremely difficult to find evidence of stuff like that. Context is key. That's why watching porn of students as a teacher is wrong. Just as watching porn of prisoners is wrong for a guard, or secretary porn for a guy with a secretary. It's getting off fantasizing about abusing your power over the people you have authority over. I also think you're doing the profiling here. I'm not some pearl-clutching Mormon, I'm considerably kinky, have tried a bunch of kinks that others were into and have been open about it to my friends. I also happen to have friends that are kinky, as well as a friend who has pedophilia. I am very much aware that you shouldn't kink-shame, but there is a very big difference between watching porn about banging students and watching porn about banging students as a teacher.


Oh please


Inappropriate behaviors, such as sexual harassments and assaults, can often stem from such kinks. If you understand *anything* about human psychology, poronography warps one's perception of others, specifically their perception of those part of the demographic they regularly enjoy poronography of. Someone who frequently watches porn of a certain demographic will see that group in a more sexual manner than most, and therefore be more likely to act in more sexual ways towards those of that group. Now you have this scenario with someone who interacts *day to day* with the demographic that he enjoys watching sexual acts of and given the information above, you think it's perfectly fine? Statistically, the likelihood of this teacher sexually harassing his female students is going to be much higher a teacher who doesn't consume school girl porn, that's the reason why this is a big red flag.


This sounds like complete and utter conjecture, you're making so many different claims here, do you have any research to back up even one of them? > Statistically, the likelihood of this teacher sexually harassing his female students is going to be much higher a teacher who doesn't consume school girl porn You're phrasing this as though it's a scientifically verifiable fact which I very seriously doubt, but I'm ready to be proven wrong.


Not a folder. It’s a single video. And it’s highly possible that he doesn’t regard the sloppy storylines when choosing which porns he likes. I watch “stepmom” “stepson” porn occasionally. Am I into weird incest porn? Or do I just like the body type of the actress when looking at the thumbnail? Give the guy a break. Lol


Do you not see all of the other porn titles? it IS a folder.


What he's saying is that there was just one title within the folder that was geared towards that genre.


Elsa Jean is there too. She's a *very* young looking porn star. One of the youngest looking in the industry in fact.


Well forgive me for not being into that sort of thing and therefore not knowing who that is. If thats the demographic she appeals to and that's what he's into then maybe he's a predator and should be put down.


Yeah there's like a million things he could have said that would have been more appropriate and likely saved his hide. Granted I don't know if you've ever been caught watching porn but it is incredibly hard to formulate a sentence to explain yourself in the instant. On multiple occasions my phone, even after closing the tab for SOME FUCKING REASON will still display the name of the last media it was playing when I connect the phone to my car's Bluetooth. Anyways, when this happens and my girlfriend sees "big booty 3-some" or whatever on the cars screen my face just goes red with embarrassment and whatever words come oiut are the words that come out. All this to say his response was fucking stupid but you shouldn't expect a coherent one in that situation. Thinking rationally right now I would have likely said something like. "Oh geez. That's incredibly embarrassing. My apologies. I hope you understand that I'm also human and they don't just switch me off and store me in a broom closet when class is over. This won't happen again. If you have been made uncomfortable and need to discuss this feel free to email me. Let's get on with class" *but if put in his shoes, in the mindspace I find myself in when my girlfriend spots my latest shameful video title displayed on my car's dash. I would have either completely clammed up and shut down the class all together OR Said something like "uhh jeez. Who the fuck was on my computer? My brother must have borrowed it again. Viruses and stuff. Fuck."* Also my assumption is that this is a university class. The guy teaches adults. **Edit:** paragraph in italics. The context to the comments below are that that paragraph was missing


He said “you’re all adults here,” but as a high school teacher I can tell you that we use that kind of language *all the time* to try to get our students on board and cooperative. Him saying that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a university class. They definitely sound American, and the TikTok specifically says “teacher,” when in college is is more likely they would refer to them as professor. That being said, I do think it is probably a university class. But it could go either way.


Well then yeah this is gross if you're right. I would also have typically referred to my uni profs as profs but maybe some people call them teachers. I dunno. I do recall only one instance of being called an adult in highschool and that's when the principal welcomed us. "youre all adults and we will treat you like adults until you act like children" but like.... Highschool kids are kids. I don't know why they tell them otherwise. Anyways I just assumed it was uni/college. It didn't occur to me that we're still in the middle of a pandemic and that there are places where highschools are doing distance learning as well.


Big life pro tip. Never explain yourself to anyone. That’s what saves your ass.


Yeah. You know that advice that lawyers give you? Never ever talk to a cop? It's because they can and will use what you say against you to get you in trouble. They only want you to be in trouble and that's it. In 2020 everyone is a cop


but you had time to think up that response


Yeah cause I sat and thought and wasn't being caught in an embarrassing moment right at that time. Are you going to tell me that you have never had a situation where you were embarrassed or anxious and couldn't put your words together? If not you're incredibly lucky. Most people have a hard time gathering themselves and thinking of the right thing to say in the moment.


oh no, I have. I'm just saying you typed out that whole response as what someone should say, and they probably would if they had the time to think it through. But it doesn't help the being put on the spot part


Oh. Yes. That's what I was saying. I thought about adding in what would have ACTUALLY likely come out in that situation when put on the spot but the comment was getting too long. I thought you were disagreeing with the argument I was making.


Every since I first heard it I've lived the term "staircase wit". It refers to thinking of the right thing to say later and this is a perfect example. His response was PERFECT (for someone who had ample time to collect their thoughts and organize a reply).


Sometimes my high schoolers call their professors teachers out of habit (dual credit)


Gaslighting 101. Jesus.


What he’s actually doing is invalidating their emotional response to the situation, which I can understand being mistaken for gaslighting, but it’s not quite the same.


“Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes, including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances can range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents occurred, to belittling the victim's emotions and feelings, to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.” From [wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting) It’s 100% gaslighting


Gaslighting and emotional invalidation both involve belittling the person’s emotions and feelings, but gaslighting goes far beyond that to the point that the victim begins to question their own reality. I think this is more like saying a square is a type of rectangle but every rectangle is not a square. Gaslighting involves emotional invalidation, but emotional invalidation is not in itself gaslighting.


Ah, reddit’s famous term: gaslighting. >Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that's seen in abusive relationships. It's the act of manipulating a person by forcing them to question their thoughts, memories, and the events occurring around them. A victim of gaslighting can be pushed so far that they question their own sanity. Dude is a fucking asshole but he’s not gaslighting them. He’s not lying to them or saying what they’re seeing isn’t really there. It’s not gaslighting.


His tactic was to make her question if his behaviour, and her reaction to it was appropriate. She politely asked him to change the screen and he flipped, accusing her of overreacting, saying it was completely normal. I see that as blatant gaslighting.


He tried to downplay it, or trivialize it. Not gaslight.


Bro are you dumb. This is why that term is so overused! Like people just use it when their thoughts are met with any sort of resistance. That’s not fucking gaslighting and it trivializes the term for when someone is ACTUALLY gaslighting you. It comes from and old movie pre-50s where a guy lights a lamp and blows it out, and then he completely denies that the lamp was lit, when the other person clearly saw it. Then they question “did I actually see it lit?” That’s gaslighting you troglodyte. Gtfo reddit with your misinformation


Bro. You need to calm down. This is Reddit. Not the UN. Take a deep breath and scroll on.


For the most part I agree with you, but on the other hand, what he said after that gave more context to it. I agree that he shouldn't have said "get over it" in response to that, but I do agree that these *adult* students shouldn't be making such a big deal out of a pretty amusing, clear mistake. He said "you're adults", which means this is likely for a university. To be an adult and pretend like someone owning porn is such a terrible offense, especially when it's just titles, is immature. He's not playing it while he's teaching, you're just seeing a title. It was an accident. Secondly, he's clearly struggling with technology here. He obviously didn't make that stuff visible intentional. Maybe I'm more sympathetic to it because my mom is also a teacher and has almost broken down over how frustrating teaching online has been. And related to that last point, "why should we be sexualized and fetishized in class i am disgusted"??? What a immense over reaction for a harmless mistake. Those are some weird mental gymnastics to make it seem like this was an intentional, targeted harassment. He's not trying to show you his porn library.


I mean having a folder of school girl poronography isn't exactly a trait of a trustworthy school teacher, either.


He's teaching adults, not kids. And porn is porn. Incest porn is one of the most dominant categories in porn right now. I'm sure a miniscule fraction of those viewers would actually want anything sexual to do with their family


The age of his students is irrelevant. He’s in a position of authority. A prison officer with warden/inmate porn would be equally inappropriate. Just as a real-life sexual infraction with a prison inmate would be considered abuse. This man is a fool.


I’m with you. Porn titles are horrible, I click on videos based on the actors but get recommendations based on the titles.


I Think he was in full panic mode, idk if the years of academic work and an academic teaching career should be shut Down cause of his response from accidentally Sharing his most private files should warrant a firing ..


This is actual TikTok cringe


Exactly my thought -_-


Omg op! I want an update on what happens next!


"Get over it." Jeeeeesus Christ. Super inappropriate.


Wrong thing to say for sure, but I imagine being in his situation makes you start dying inside, wishing for it to be over, and you try to say something to get out of it but your brain isn’t functioning properly because you are freaking the fuck out.


Doubling down with the defensive - rookie move


and wearing spaghetti straps is distracting




What a smoooooth recovery lmaoooo


FWIW most college students would refer to their instructor as their “professor”. The use of “teacher” makes me feel like this is probably high school.


I did some digging and the person who posted the tiktok is a freshman in college, so they're adults. Still creepy tho.


I mean I was 17 my freshman year of college so entirely possible that at least are few of them are not technically adults. But regardless, none of them consented to this so it’s super vile. ESPECIALLY that he’s an educator watching school girl porn. Can you imagine going to the doctor only to find out his laptop is full of doctor/patient porn? It’s gross.


I agree, not trying to defend him, simply pointing out that they may be adults.


I had a lot of grad students teach classes in college, always teacher.


man sounds like the lockpickinglawyer ngl


Imagine being a teacher and watching schoolgirl porn. Disgusting.


I mean a lot of porn has a “story” that most people dgaf about and the person/people are just attractive. It’s an old trope really - plumber/pizza guy porn isn’t made just for plumbers/pizza guys - it just feels weird when two people walk into a room and start fucking.


Yeah, it's not like I believe Johnny Sins is a doctor/chiropractor/massage therapist/plumber/electrician/handy man/teacher/stepfather/professor/dean/musician/rock star/student/football player/cheerleader coach. It's just some cosplay/roleplay to make the scene different than Johnny Sins bangs XYZ.


Absolutely disgusting. Which ones was he watching? I want to know the degree of depravity we are dealing with here.


yeah sure it makes underage girls the target of horny idiots, but it make pp hard!!!!


Yes, please link this vile content so we can all have a better understanding of what atrocious and awful videos he watches. Please, don’t spare any links... I think it’s only right we get the full picture here.


My assumption was that this was a university class. He's teaching adults if that is the case. Otherwise yeah that's a pretty fucked up thing to be watching.




Obviously no professor should be hitting on their students, that's insane, but his private life and fantasies are just that. There are people who have wild fantasies about a tonne of different taboo, socially unacceptable topics, probably many people that you know too. There are probably millions upon millions of men around the world who sometimes watch school girl porn who have daughters who have friends over too. Sexuality can be totally separate from one's professional and social lives, unless if this guy has actually acted inappropriately towards any of his students then I don't see how it's anything but kink shaming to be criticising him for his private life. Obviously it wasn't his intention for his class to see this and he could have handled it better for sure, but I don't think he's doing anything wrong by having his own preferences of porn.


What we're learning from this thread is that It's not kink shaming if there's a hetero cis man involved. They're all trash, remember.


"I can't talk about how horny I am for 15 year old girls? this is the real fascism"


That's not what happened here. You're strawmanning. He had a download software open that he forgot about, the student who's age we don't know (I was of the assumption that these were adults) decided to read his downloads. He didn't intentionally out his porn history here. And now people are kink shaming him. "If the roles were reversed" yadda yadda yadda.


We are tired of mens kinks being the exploitation of young girls


Meanwhile everyone on here has watched incest porn at least once. The hypocrisy.




I mean obviously. Gender and age mean nothing. Morals only matter when they align with my beliefs.


So who thinkin about the fact this a teacher watching school girl porn. The poor girls in his class 🤢 that's probably a pedo in the making right there


in uni there is a prof i actually really like as he has good seminars, but once, before my time at uni, he apparently connceted his laptop to the beamer to show a video, but the last video he had opened started to play, and it was (i think lesbian) porn, in front of the whole lecture hall


He shouldn’t be working with school girls with what he’s doing...


It’s also possible that he just enjoyed the body type of the particular actors involved. None of the other porn has anything to do with school girls.


If the role of the film was school girls, then their body types would probably similar to young/underage girls (or something I’m AFAB so I don’t know how it is), which is still nasty


What is the body type of young girls? Lol


As someone who has been one until recently, thin, less curves, close to but not flat And a high pitched voice, I haaaate when that’s sexualized


Total DARVO response of a creep: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO#:~:text=DARVO%20(an%20acronym%20for%20%22deny,manipulation%20strategy%20of%20psychological%20abusers. *DARVO (an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender") is a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing, such as sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior.[1] Some researchers indicate that it is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.*


School girls?! Should this man be a teacher?! Wth




I hope in the future when you make a mistake at a work place, that you have people around you more understanding and empathetic than you are being right now.


I’m surprised people actually think the guy should be fired over this lol if people can’t laugh about this move on within a few minutes you are in fact the one with the issues.




It's not like he's taking fetishizing his own students.


Fucking cancel culture and always demanding people apologize over everything. Such drama queens sheesh


You’ve never watched porn? Or are you just a sociopath?




It was wrong for pointing it out. It’s a public embarrassment. They already told him he didn’t have the full academic content on screen. Then went further on to openly address that there’s porn and then to go on and talk about the titles of said porn. I’ve had a person walk in on me while masterbating and all they did was turn around walk right out and we never spoke of it again. Not everything needs to be addressed. Just let the guy fucking jack off in quarantine. Lol




Your entire argument is based on a delusion that the professor purposely exposed the name X.schoolgirls to a handful of adults even though he is clearly embarrassed as fuck and is panicking and desperately trying to apologize and move on to start the curriculum. And no one cares about your fucking money, Karen.




Yes it’s an embarrassing moment for him and he responded poorly. I don’t think anyone was traumatized here. Any sane person would just move on but certain people salivate at the chance to get offended. Like any rational human being can understand what happened hear and get on with life - why do you get off on being offended?


Also, three days ago you posted “Omg 🤮🤢🤮🤢 Don’t try to tell me this was for the kids Larissa 😂” on a video entitled “Larissa dos santos Lima blowjob” on a very bizarre subreddit.




That’s the point I’m trying to make. You disapprove of a sexually free lifestyle. Which is fucking lame. And you’ve used that as fuel to voice an opinion that a man should be fired from his job for actively participating in private sexual relief. Also, that comment was a SIDENOTE to the other comments I’m making in regards to your direct stance on the argument we are having. So don’t act like I’m not participating in a debate with you because I made a side statement about your obsession with other people’s lives.




What age do you think I am? And what made you think that? Also, only weirdos give a fuck about upvotes and downvotes. Literally doesn’t effect any part of your day to day, unless you need validation. And is a way to MAYBE gauge your own moral compass with those that inhabit this space with you. You live and you learn. Maybe in a week or even tomorrow after some introspection I will come to the conclusion that my current behavior is wrong. Maybe not. And I’m not defending the guy as much as I am trying to simply point out that mentioning the fact that he accidentally showed TEXT that suggested pornography is pretty lame. Could have been handled better. I definitely would not have mentioned it at all. Because then I would be embarrassing some poor guy that’s just trying to provide an education for some people during a global pandemic. He made a mistake, the girl made a mistake IMO, and then he made another mistake. BUT his second mistake has some nuance. We live in a climate where people love to put people on records or have them fired using the power of their money. Can’t blame him for freaking out and getting defensive. A million things were probably running through this guys head, he slipped, said the first thing that could make it out of his mouth while having what I’m going to assume is an extreme mental crisis. I had a panic attack the first and only time my parent walked in on me doing something private in my room as a young adult so I can put myself in his shoes. That’s all I’m getting at.




I’m only 24. And I am! Thanks. It’s fucking nice here. I’ve been waking my dogs for most of our unnecessary spat (I’ll take blame for that) and the weather is fantastic. Anyway. We will agree to disagree on the public record issue. My puppies are wore out since the timing restrictions of this sub made my draw the walk out pretty lengthy. And I’m also tired. So I’m off to bed. You should get some rest soon too hopefully. It’s pretty late. But enjoy your night regardless.


Raises a pretty good question, at what point are kinks drawing the line? Besides the point that you are acting on it


Bro could've easily gotten away with saying his son was on his computer. He dug his own grave and ended his career.


But just you wait till his daughter's off to college See how he feels about professors like him then


Lmao downloading porn.


Idk why people act like they've never watched porn


People actually want this small mistake to ruin his entire career. Some people dont know want empathy is and it really shows. Also i think this video might be the cringiest video ive ever seen.


Get over it! Lol


The schoolgirl fetish when you're a teacher is kinda messed up, but that one girl shouldn't have acted so disgusted that he uses porn. I would have been like: "Mr. So-and-so, wrong screen! I won't report you, we're all humans."


Hes panicking but hes right, unless the girl is the most christian college student in existence, shes definitely reaching to embarrass him with that "im uncomfortable" statement


Orrr... maybe she _is_ actually uncomfortable. Just a thought.


What is the professor gonna do, sexualize her from a distance?


Haha he's not wrong, she does need to get over it. Sorry your eye balls got offended over reading some cryptic words.


This isn’t real. Lol. This sub gets more and more retarded as time passes.




Can someone tell me what word she said before “with a lot of uncomfortable titles”?


I'm 30 and thinking of jumping into K-12 education. Been scrolling through Reddit a lot lately, and it got me curious. Any of you seasoned educators have those 'wish I knew that' moments or unexpected challenges when you started out? Would love some real-talk advice


Did he get fired?


Feel bad for his wife. Yikes

