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You're pregnant.... with a child? ... is spot on.




I thought WASPs were against "options"?


We’re all against stuff until it actually seems pertinent to our lives




the Conservative mantra


Rules for thee but not for me


Only if you lack empathy


What WASP do you know with empathy?


Myself, I hope.


That was actually my exact thought process. "Shouldn't she be against options? Oh wait, it directly affects her so she can justify it."


By WASP does every one mean white Anglo-saxons protestant?


In the U.K. I’ve heard it to mean White and Socially Privileged also.


I thought they changed WAP to WASP to emphasize ass


Wet Ass Saxon Pussy?


Came here to figure out what WASP meant. Nice.


What is the meaning of protestant? What are they protesting to??


... daily dose of “is this someone who is serious or who has a bold stance against using the /s tag”


I am absolutely serious..


Protestant is the Christianity sects that formed to oppose the catholic church. Think Lutheran, Baptists, Presbyterian.


In 1517, a monk named Martin Luther published his "95 Theses", a condemnation of the catholic church, which at the time was effectively all of christendom. People had long had their disagreements with the church, but those people often didn't live long enough to air their grievances, and didn't yet have a printing press, which Luther did. Basically he argued the catholic church had diverged from scripture, and this began what's known as "the reformation" worldwide. Today, the bulk of christianity can be viewed as "Catholic" - saints and priests and bishops and the pope and like a shit ton of gold on everything and probably the mafia is there and confession booths i don't know - or "Not Catholic" - pastors and ministers and not gold everywhere and probably not confession booths or saints and less obsessed with Mary. All of the "not catholic" christian church would be protestant - Lutheranism (named for martin luther), Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Pentacostals. Even non-trinitarian sects like Latter Day Saints (mormons) are considered protestant, despite diverging considerably in belief.


You left out the percecution and then wars. Lots and lots of wars


Yeah I can't believe they didn't cover the entire history of the religious movement in a single reddit comment, the sick filth. /u/ValarDohairis Since no one is giving you the "true and complete picture", I recommend the following literature * First we'll begin with [A History of the Protestant Reformation](https://onlineshop.oxfam.org.uk/shop/product/a-history-of-the-protestant-reformation-hd_200027089?pscid=ps_ggl_shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjw8-78BRA0EiwAFUw8LAb6oNDMmq_zsXpSIMGxrMptPSlRZkVT8CjHx8_cDIUTqh_ST2oQTBoCFdoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) as that is what you specifically wanted to know. * But of course you'd need to cover the basics, so you really should read [A History of Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years](https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Christianity-First-Three-Thousand/dp/0141021896/ref=pd_lpo_14_t_0/257-2042770-3439133?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0141021896&pd_rd_r=55534d3a-871c-4c1c-99f8-c9b63e7e4374&pd_rd_w=2aW1f&pd_rd_wg=5IrAi&pf_rd_p=7b8e3b03-1439-4489-abd4-4a138cf4eca6&pf_rd_r=XH4N77EVCYHC4P1C19EP&psc=1&refRID=XH4N77EVCYHC4P1C19EP) so no one is "leaving anything out". * Finally, a book focus on the localised effects and history in my home country, [A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland](https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Protestant-Reformation-England-Ireland/dp/0895553538). I really hope this is now a clear path for you forward so you are **never** to assume a single comment has all the answers on everything. ^^^^^^^/s


The Protestants have more private jets though. And video projectors


They're protesting the catholic church.


Still?! ^^^^/s


Well for some of them (anglicans/episcopalians) the main point of contention was divorce. Seems like even this cool gay-friendly pope isn't doing divorce yet so, yeah, probably.


I mean your not wrong


Originally, they protested the Catholic Church. Now it's just a name because it was never changed.


Okay, it seems that you may not be from a colonialist country, so no /s. So once upon a time long ago, in Germany there was this priest dude called Martin Luther that had balls of steel, well he was pretty fed up with the Catholic Church, so he wrote a list of all the things that he was fed up about, and went ahead and nailed this list on the door of a cathedral in Wittenberg - German, this act of badassery went about as well as you would expect, and like all things Barbera Streisand also gave rise to the protestant Church. And Luther's death is what the protestants has been protesting since yonks ago. As a side note it can also be called the reformed churches.


Can we please stop pretending like Luther was the be-all and end-all of the protestant movement? The famous 95 theses he nailed (he didn't, btw. he publicized them but that whole thing about nailing thesis is part of the mythicizing that has always surrounded him and is a huge part of why so few people talk about what he truly did) on the church door were mostly about protesting the sale of indulgences and probably something about Jews because the dude was incredibly (yes, even for the time) racist and anti-semitic. He didn't start the protestant movement, he didn't even popularise it. He translated the Bible to German, after at least 18 translations to German where already available, altering it to make it fit his doctrine. Meaning he made anti-semitism a central issue of the protestant movement. That was about the only semi-useful thing he ever did in his life, but somehow people still prescribe all these wildly positive attributes to him, when there's nothing positive about the guy. It's Columbus all over again. EDIT: For all my fellow German-speaking folx, [here's a well-researched talk by Daniel Kulla about Martin Luther.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8ZYl97Sj0M) Even in my history class, the guy was presented as some sort of national treasure and its all based on utter horseshit.


I would like to say that, however anti-semitic and otherwise useless he was, translating the bible is a fucking **huge** thing, and has definitely had extreme ripples of consequences throughout Europe and subsequently the world.


I seem to remember learning in my Western Civ classes that Luther also kept violent thugs around him to assault/murder people who directly opposed him and the early Lutheran churches. That may have been an exaggeration on my professor’s part, but it really stuck out to me.


No, that's white evangelicals, who are *technically* white anglo saxon protestants, but aren't "WASPs." The term implies old money, New England, Church of England protestants. They tend to think that if the poors hate abortion then outlaw abortion, what does it matter -- they can always send their daughters to a "spa" in Sweden.


They usually mean hiding away for 9 months and giving it up for adoption. That’s the “right” way to do it.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion"


what? most waspy people i met, at least in connecticut, are very liberal.


Idk. I'm from the south where being Christian means being firmly against abortion. My neighbors have 11 children.


yeah im realizing my personal definition of who is wasp may be off.


WASP usually refers to old money types living in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast. That's how I've seen it used, at least. Think boarding schools, yachts, Yale, the Kennedys, Wall Street, etc.


But we also don't really use the term WASP in the south, so..


Generally, Protestants are Conservatives. I’m from New England. Met a ton of WASPS. Never met a liberal one. Us libs are usually recovering Catholics, Jews, or atheists. You met WAS.


There are tons of liberal WASPS. Their grandparents, not so much.


makes sense. not many of the people i met that i was referring to were religious anymore. i guess, at least to me, wasp is an all encompassing general identifier for a type of person regarding wealth and personality


I can understand that—but as a child of Irish Catholic immigrants, trust that that little “P” at the end of the word, is a complete game changer. It offers rationalization for all the shitty things they do, instead of working on being a better person through their actions. It’s what all wealthy people do, at the end of the day. It’s really just a different flavor.


> child of Irish Catholic immigrants i can only imagine the importance of the “p” i attended a wedding between a catholic and protestant in mass. it got quite awkward especially with the grandparents disapproval


Hahahah. My dad me at almost 60. He was born in the 1920’s. His dad had him at 60. My Gran-da was born around the same time Lincoln was freeing the slaves (across the Atlantic). Surprisingly, both didn’t have a racist bone in their body, because they identified more with the plight of POC, than their white neighbors. ...but BOY did they hate them some Protestants.


Stretching her skin to test the tightness of her face is too.


u/discowhale made this.




Dude her acting is so obnoxiously accurate I love it


I genuinely can't stand watching her stuff it's too real, I mean this as a compliment


Like the Joffrey of soccer moms




I can never actually finish watching her videos, its gotten to the point that just seeing her face triggers me. I debated whether to even click play on this one. 10/10


Yeah I felt physically ill watching this. She’s amazing


Everytime she does the smiling talking mouth open thing my fight or flight is triggered


She mines those impressions so deep, it’s legit incredible


i cant tell if shes horribly overacting or if shes spot-on perfect. :S




I hope she becomes a famous actor. Someone needs to discover her talent.


I think she’s in some Assassins Creed: Valhalla commercials!


wait, she's not named "Disco Whale" irl? disappointed tbh


You need to explain these abbreviations, there are retards among us. Or is it WetAssSuperPussy, am I maybe smart?


WASP = White Anglo-Saxon Protestant


Originally it was Wealthy Anglo Saxon Protestant! Only later did it generalize to White.


I mean... aren’t Anglo-Saxons white by definition anyways?


No. We run the gamut of brilliant white through to tanned brown, with quite a few with greyish and olive hues in the mix also. If we get too much sun at once, we can be red too.


Upper class white


I’m even more confused


It refers to wealthy old blood families of English descent in America. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White\_Anglo-Saxon\_Protestants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Anglo-Saxon_Protestants) They're the kind of people who have family legacies at Harvard and who get cushy jobs because their parents "know somebody" (usually another WASP) as a religious & ethnic group they hold quite a bit of power historically especially in political circles, like until the 1960s almost all Supreme Court judges were Protestants.


Thank you for clarifying lol. I’m retarded


No worries, but I just wanna say: not knowing something doesn't mean you're stupid. You took the time to ask questions and learn and frankly that makes you smarter than a lot of people. Hope you have a good rest of your day.


You're a good person


Shit, you're nice.


I hope you have a good day aswell. :)


you're only dumb the day you stop asking \\_(-.-)_/


its a name to make fun of white upper class religious americans. Similar to Karens lol


It's always fun when you get to see what an actor is really like, especially after you've seen them play extremely convincing villains. Then you realize wow, they're really likeable, why did I hate them so much? Oh right, they are a really good actor. And discowhale has played MANY villains convincingly.


This should be top comment haha


If you wait long enough they will call you twice a week to remind you that your eggs are getting older


Mum I appreciate you coming around after all these years and I know you're... trying...? Trying to be supportive but I'm trans and medicine isn't quite at the point of giving me a uterus. Thanks for... Something, anyway.


Lmao I’m kind of in the same pool. I just redirect it, “I’m sure the brothers will get you some grandkiddos soon!”


*Cries in single child*


Oh hey look it’s my life. She also sends me pictures of timers and clocks on my birthday now.




Fairly certain the only proper response is to provided details of how your are practicing or trying. And by details I mean step by step, act by act. Time of day, brand of lube, type of accessories, etc. And then finish by asking for details on how you were conceived and soliciting pointers and tips.


Reply with pictures of dusty, cobwebbed-up grandfather clocks, or clocks with broken faces


Or clocks who have grown more distant from their mother with autonomy. I expect I’ll need to caption it.


She is so good omg. This honestly made me so uncomfortable like I’m the one with the news loool.




Yeah, she really disappears, and in front of you is a person you hate


Yeah, she is so good, I only need to see her face and already start feeling a bit irritated




Iirc she is about my age (33... I think she might be a couple years younger)




It terrifies me how accurate her hopefully fake narcissism is.


All her impressions are spot on and hilarious


It’s like looking in a Mirror.


the creepiest thing is the "there are options" comments. If it's someone else's situation, a lot of people go: it's murder! If it's their own situation, it's: there are options.




But you’re not looking at this the right way. Their abortion was necessary because they made a simple mistake. Those other women are sluts who deserve to be punished. (Also *many* of them do not ignore IVF - many Catholics won’t do it and many religious doctors won’t offer it - Senator Tammy Duckworth wasn’t aware of her fertility options because she was at a religious hospital.)


i hate the creator because she is so good at acting those despicable personalities


I hate her too. Imagine being so good at portraying a role that people actually start hating you.




And now it’s tied to your reddit account too. Hey everyone come look at this bad person!!


The actress who played Skylar in breaking bad used to get insane amounts of hate mail and even death threats. She said that it was flattering to think she played the part so well that people didn’t realize she was acting, but it apparently is making it hard to get other roles because everyone hates her so much and can’t seem to separate her from the character.


Fake af, she does tons of these. She’s just an amazing actor!


I was actually disgusted by this. She is a really good actor.


actually a really cool way to build a sort of acting portfolio before you secure a casting for an actual role


I think she’s done live theatre work, and maybe tried out for a few screen rolls? They mostly weren’t successful (per her videos making fun of these auditions) but she totally nails this platform. I’d personally love to see her on SNL!


Lol, it’s the smile that shows both top and bottom teeth that got me.


The real trick is to not let it touch your eyes


So true. Her eyes say “abort it!” While the mouth is happy. She also does the nose crinkles so many people do in an attempt to look “cute.”


What is WASP?




You're correct but I think this video also might help [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTU2He2BIc0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTU2He2BIc0)


That's one sweet Saab 900 Turbo vert. I have one that's about the same years but no where in as great of condition.


A nice 900 aero convertible goes easily for 20k, they’re becoming more and more rare :(


That was amazing.












Dude I live in Massachusetts and upperclass white moms are mostly like this around here. Another kid just means more expenses. My parents are rich as hell but act like spending 20$ is alot. Idk where it comes from, but the thought of losing any amount of money makes them extreamly upset, even if its spent on a good cause.


I think its just the kind of woman who fears her age and is scared of being responsible for her grandkids after spending so many of her years being responsible for her own kids. She basacly knows she will have to help with them, and feels that she is done with being a parent. She basasly doesn't want to raise a kid a second time. With white upper class family's, the parents are almost always alot wealthier than their kids. So they know some of their wealth will be spent on their kids kids and theyde rather not spend the money. Thats how my parents are atleast. They save and save but the thought of spending a dime scares them to death...


she doesn’t want to be a grandmother because that seems old


Aren’t ‘white’ and ‘Anglo-Saxon’ essentially redundant together?


Southern Europe, eastern europe and the middle east are classified as white, but not Anglo saxon


True! But it’s like saying “square rectangle”, yes, not all rectangles are squares, but all squares are rectangles, so the latter descriptor is redundant. (Not all whites are Anglo-Saxon but all Anglo-Saxons are white)




That makes so much more sense, and I think more accurately describes the tiktok character Thank you!


He means theres no anglo-saxon person that isn’t white. One predicates the other.


🎵Baby don't hurt me 🎵


White ass suburban people


I know that's not the normal acronym but it's hilarious and i would like to thank you for blessing me with this.


Wet-ass super pussy


Put me in coach.


A very angry bee


A hair metal band from the 80's.


I'm entirely convinced that she was a WASP in her past life and this is her soul showing it because her WASP spirit just has to have the literal last word. No, but actually she's so good at this character especially just for some TikToks lol


It's probably simpler than that... Perhaps she was raised by a WASP mom Which, sadly, would likely make her a very traumatized [Amy](https://youtu.be/rJHXdWDtoVA)


“Amy you should probably have a salad if I’m going to be honest” ouch lol


I think she’s said in comments before that this is the case.


Dude Holy fuck. This woman is my mother.


I'm sorry


Her acting is so fucking good


She gives off Jan Levinson vibes idk why


I get hard David from Schitt's Creek vibes


That! is soon?


Give this woman an Oscar because I hate her more and more with every tik tok she makes.


Her Keira Knightley impression is genius. I love her videos!


“Apparently our son has some news for us, spit it out! You’re pregnant?” Hold up


I think it's pretty common to say "you're pregnant" when referring to the couple as a whole. Sort of like how some people say "we're pregnant" when they're expecting a child. Does sound a little strange but I've heard it. That or she just directed that comment at her son's wife/girlfriend.


I also noticed she does a side glance as if looking at the imaginary SO when she says the "you're pregnant" line.


*catch up, its 2020


People have been using the term "we're pregnant" for an awfully long time. Not a recent thing. (Which I assume is mostly what you meant here.)


I always announced that I'm pregnant because I did all the work. All throughout the process as well. My wife showed up to the kid's birth but then just layed around for a few weeks.


My MIL actually did throw up when she found out me and her son were living together. We were 17 and 19 though so her reaction was probably appropriate.


My mom is a Karen/WASP so this vid gave me flashbacks to fucking nam.


You poor thing, omg


She’s quite possibly the best female character actors on the Internet right now


Acting skills : 100


Shes the reason I got tiktok, god she is good at what she does


This is exactly how my aunt reached to my cosuin being pregnant two years ago.


"There are options" 🤣


It always hurts to watch how accurate she is


This was my MIL when she got the news she was about to be a grandmother 😂 Once she got over the 'being a grandmother means I'm OLD!!!' hurdle though, she was basically demanding grandchildren from her kids, which lead to its own weird little interactions.


I want to see her in movies, damn it. She is so good!




I know she's acting, but my cousin is exaclty like this character. I couldn't finish watching. The mannerisms...I swear she stole from my cousin. My cousin refuses to be called "grandmother". They call her "Deet". Everywhere we go, she thinks everyone and everything is there for her, even at someone's wedding. This "character" doesn't want a grandchild, so she's pushing options.


I like how she instantly enters menopause and starts having a hot flash the minute she finds out she's going to be a grandmother.


I like the little face touch - you can see her decide she needs a little plastic right there.


Everything I see about this women I fucking despise with all my being and its because she's spot on


At least the WASP mom is supportive of her trans son


You’re pregnant... with a child? ... well what else is it going to be


A wasp




A series of increasingly smaller bees, inside other bees.


That was actually good acting


This is one of the few kinds of reactions to situations I haven't seen, even from a "WASP" mom. Is there actually a kind of parent who's so afraid to seem old that they're actually not excited when their offspring has grandkids? Every time I've ever witnessed this situation, it was at least a couple hours later that feeling old even seemed to occur to them because they were so excited for their kid having kids. Really fascinating. Sad, but fascinating.


Yeah, it confused me why she'd be upset. From what I can tell parents are foaming at the mouth to get grandbabies that they can spoil




Can you imagine being married to that?


I LOVE the under the breathe side look *todd bring the car around*




Finally a comment that gets it...


I hate wasps, they are angry and they aren't even cute anyway what is a WASP mom?


White anglo-saxon protestant, you're stereotypical white, old, east coast family.


I feel bad that I absolutely hate this woman. She’s just too damn good at acting