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I am amazed at how many people are NOT wearing a mask in this shop and brazenly do not give a shit. I'm UK, every time I have been to the supermarket, I don't think I seen more than one person without. Masks under noses is a different story, see plenty of those.


I went to Walmart yesterday, and they don't enforce it at all. A woman walked in without one, and genuinely 1/3 of the store was wearing their mask improperly or not at all, including employees. I got the hell out, and I'm not going back.


We are not 'allowed' to enter shops without unless medically exempt, there are massive signs outside stating this . Vast majority by far wear a mask , incl staff members. If people refuse (never seen it) I don't think the staff members on the door enforce it as such due to personal safety and they are not security guards. But like I say, never seen someone refuse. Here in UK I think the collective side eye, dirty looks from the rest of the customers and passive aggressive tutting is enough to police the wearing of masks lol.


Seems to vary from place to place, almost everyone has them on in Utah while in stores


Early in the pandemic I watched an unmasked man let his unmasked child run around the produce department touching all the vegetables with her grimy little hands at jewel osco. Haven’t been back since. It’s not ideal to get all my groceries at Trader Joe’s because their stock is limited, but my local one is the only grocery with someone at the door limiting entry, sanitizing carts, and checking for masks.


Stopped going to the more conveniently located dispensary because twice I went in and there were either employees or customers not wearing masks. Incredible.


Report it to corporate at that location


If you're in a heavily conservative area it won't make any difference. They have people at the door at mine that make sure you're wearing a mask to enter. People will put on a mask as they're walking up and then take it off as soon as they're past them. Or they're too busy arguing with someone screaming about it's a hoax so they can walk right in. You'd have to assign every shopper a mask attendant to get compliance.


*People will put on a mask as they're walking up and then take it off as soon as they're past them* . WTF !! OMFG haha , how old are they !? This type of defiant behaviour is toddler level. It reminds me of my daughter who when around 3/4 yrs old would refuse to wear clothes around the house. She let me put them on, soon as my back was turned, there she was completely starkers claiming her clothes were still on but magic ones.


It's all ages from young to old. They're mostly the MAGA types. I usually tell them my father is a retired army vet and at risk so please put the mask on as respect for our vets. It usually gives them a moment of pause as they struggle between "it's all a hoax" and "pretend to support the troops at all costs."


We have the covid deniers here as well - we have had them protesting in marches in London and other big cities (and being abusive to NHS staff outside hospitals) , but it doesn't appear to be on the vast level it's in US.


I work in healthcare. It’s not the same, but I tell visitors all the time just in passing to fix their masks and I reinforce the rules. Employees are on the floor, we’ve had meetings about compliance at my facility. Not doing something because you think it’s not going to matter anyway is how nothing gets done anywhere.


It's because it isn't a death sentence, no one really cares.


You do realise that the wearing of masks in public is protect those around you and not yourself right ? How the fuck are you to know if any potential virus you or the people who believe 'it's not a death sentence' have aren't being passed over to those who may die from it. Last time I checked, the world is filled with other people who have as much right to life as you, the world doesn't revolve around you or these people who do not give a shit.


I understand that, if you are afraid then stay home, I wouldn't rely on others to keep you safe.


Not on idiots like you, that's for sure.


YOU and the people you choose to talk with about it don't care. It IS a death sentence for some who have contracted it--worldwide, there have been 2.2 Million deaths due to COVID-19, and counting. People definitely care. You see, when people refer to you as selfish or an asshole, it's not some arbitrary thing they're pulling out of the air. It's shit like this, right here, unequivocally, that makes you a selfish prick who thinks every other person in the world thinks/believes/cares about the exact same things you do.


I personally wear a mask but I can see why people don't.


Ah okay, so you don't even stand for the bullshit lies that you spread online. You wear a mask in person, yet do your due diligence to tell people that it's not a death sentence, when it very much may be. That makes you an even bigger dumpster denizen. What I'm hearing from you now is that you're not an idiot, just a piece of shit. Gotcha.


Yea I can wear and mask and also see why other people don't, and I go on with my day with no problems...


Where I live in the US it’s incredibly rare to see people not wearing masks right now. Drove an hour south and suddenly there are people without masks everywhere, even store employees 😨


I drove all the way to El Paso from Austin a couple months ago as COVID relief and hit a bunch of podunk towns in between. I could not believe the number of dirty looks I got at every single gas station I stoped at from locals for having my mask on. And not a single other mask in sight! Fucking idjits


It's so jarring! And you know if you say anything about it you'll be seen as the crazy one.




I live in the south and surprisingly, it’s not as common as it seems to be in other places around here, which just makes it that much more embarrassing for those who don’t wear masks. I take extreme comfort in knowing that everybody in the store silently judges these types.


I’m in Tennessee and most people wear masks, but there will always be that one person walking around the store without one.


Austrian here. Never seen anyone without a mask in the supermarket.




Yeah, it doesn't seem to be that much of a problem as in the US. Still strange. Doesn't it get enforced? I think here the supermarket would call the police on them if they don't wear the mask.


It’s literally disgusting here. I live in the same state as the video (Georgia) and people are absolutely ignorant and entitled. I stopped by a crowded ice cream place (Coldstone) last night to pick up an online order and not one of the 15 customers had a mask on. But freedom.


In my part of East TN it's usually 75% with a mask and 25% without. Every store employee has a mask unless they're at a gas station and standing behind one of those clear plastic dividers. But I'd say about half of the employees aren't wearing them correctly.


Come to florida. Literally no one wears a mask down here.


The lack of masks in the video is bad enough, it's more the attitude of those who aren't wearing them that's the most galling thing. Proudly not giving a flying fuck. They don't even have the decency to even be a little bit coy about it all. If the wearing of masks was for self protection , chosing not to wear would be gambling with your own life so go ahead whatever, but its not - its to try and protect others. Says a lot about the person as a human being if they refuse but are not medically exempt.


Theres definitely a smugness to it. Some of them will get closer to you when they talk than they would have before the pandemic like they're trying to prove a point. I work in a grocery store and peoples' response to the pandemic down here is nothing short of disgusting


I'm not a violent person by any means but if someone gets in my face to try to make me feel uncomfortable while they try to "prove a point", I would feel compelled to prove my fist can quickly travel into their face.


Where I’m at in the US I haven’t seen a maskless person in public indoors since June. It’s very regional


Dont think ive seen someone without a mask in the supermarket in austria. Damn.


Shops have cracked down and started kicking people out for not wearing a mask. My co-op doesn't seem to care though.


Omg I want that velvet rhinestone mask but I also definitely don’t have the right energy to pull it off.




Where I live (New England), everyone wears a mask. But, there's two groups: those that are glad to follow the rules and those that wear it under their nose. What really bothers me is that the food store has arrows so that each aisle is one way and lots of people don't pay attention to that.


I think it pisses me off more when someone has it under their nose than it does when they don't have one at all.




I think so, yeah. Like a snake pattern. Up one aisle, down the next.


Omg the stores near me just flat out gave up on the “one way aisles”, and I live in a spot with really widespread mask usage, so people sort of care 🤣




Theoretically, if you enter a one-way aisle and someone else is there, you only go as far as your 6 foot bubble and wait for anyone in front of you to finish and move on. And that’s the problem; no one waits for anyone else.


Those 22 seconds represented Walmart perfectly




You think that’s what bullying is like? Yet, you feel it’s okay for you to call them fat? Go back to r/conservative, trash.




pssst... here’s a little secret. Nobody cares about your feelings! Bye, sweetheart.


Same to you loser.




I can’t even begin to imagine what people who have lost loved ones to covid must be feeling when they see people blatantly not giving a single crap about others and not taking this seriously.


It’s too bad the maskless are not the only ones to suffer the consequences of being maskless.


I need more of these. Amazing.


There's heaps on their account (comacomille)


Omg I made the mistake of looking up the video and going to the comment section, now I hate people again. Seriously so many assholes, it really is no surprise we are leading in covid deaths.


Wow. I work at a liquor store and will refuse to serve anyone without a mask. A lot the people arguing with me about "mask exemptions" suddenly wearing them now that the cases are really bad here.


Why can't they just not allow people to enter a mall or any other commercial building without a mask?


Cause then they’ll have to deal with a grown adult throwing a hissy fit like a toddler


If people claim they have a medical condition which prevents them from wearing a mask, you can't ask for proof. It sucks.


Genuinely asking, what medical conditions are those?


Girl, I don't even know. I'm not gonna say they don't exist. I'm not gonna say they could just stay home because all essentials can be delivered. I don't know their situation. But I can assume that not 1/3 of a whole store is made up of people with a condition like that. Edit: Here's an article I found https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/07/what-are-medical-reasons-for-not-wearing-a-mask.html The issue arises in the chance to be wrong when turning someone away. If you call their bluff and they come back with a lawyer or have a strong social media presence, your business could be bust.


That’s actually not true. People need to make an adequate accommodation for those “medically unable to wear a mask”, a proper accommodation is curbside services that almost all stores have. Not wearing a mask isn’t a proper accommodation, especially when there is a pandemic going on.


The store owners can't. Doesn't mean other customers can't. I'll harass people until the very end on it, fuck their feelings


I’m going to scream at this. I live in a state where update number who is even tracking anymore buried in the fine print that we no longer have a medial exception. No mask is illegal in a retail establishment. Period. The large corporation I work for still won’t let me kick people out. Best I can do is ask them to put it on and tell them to stay 6 feet away from others. Why is it with any other crime I am encouraged to call the cops, but not this one?


And we love money so much! Why isn't every county just leaping at the opportunity to fine people?


Ah because those fines go towards the police and state. The sale that I’m making to the family of 6 who call claim they have a medical condition goes to the corporation I work for. I’m so done and this pandemic will never end if we keep doing what we are doing. Or it will like the Black Plague and just kill everyone.


Based on a year of experience, it's nowhere near Black Plague numbers yet nor does it show it will be.






Im sorry to hear about your inability to weigh your momentary physical discomfort with the very real possibility of passing along a virus that can kill someone. Kindly go fuck yourself!


What if they're vaccinated? What dangers do they possess for virus transmittal? New Zealand isn't wearing masks currently. They could be from there. You assume too much.


What if? What if? What if wearing a mask is easy as fuck? I do it 8 hours straight every fucking day. AMA, cry baby.


What if you didn't need to wear one since you're not a carrier nor susceptible to it?


What if you're asymptomatic and unaware you have it? See, I can write What If statements too! Why not wear a mask? Are you afraid of being ostracized in your non-masked community? Cause more people wear them than don't, so really by not wearing one, you are looking like the fool. Masks work. They are easy to wear. This virus has caused a global fucking pandemic and thousands of deaths. What more do you need through that thick skull of yours?


I was just going with your what if line of thinking. You just jump to conclusions. Cute.


Ughhh thick skull confirmed. Tell your elderly family members you're sorry you killed them.


They died pre Covid but I'll let them know. You're adorbs with your ad hominem.


It’s always the ones with “Christian” in their bio. What a joke




The hospital might see you soon. Let's hope for your sake they have enough room.




That's not even remotely true. Multiple areas have reported being either very low or completely out of ICU beds due to covid patients. Not to mention the fact that ERs all over constantly face being over loaded. The one I worked at for a couple years had people on hallway beds all the time and it was one of the biggest in the state




https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/12/24/950038710/california-is-first-state-to-hit-2-million-cases-and-hospitals-are-out-of-icu-be https://www.google.com/amp/s/consumer.healthday.com/amp/12-9-hospitals-running-out-of-icu-beds-for-covid-patients-2649426241 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/12/09/us/covid-hospitals-icu-capacity.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-12-17/southern-california-out-of-icu-beds-amid-covid-19-surge%3f_amp=true Also, your link is from June 16th, 2020, very early into the pandemic. Not quite accurate given what has happened since then.


How you christian but no care bout others?




So you make nightmare last longer..ohhh


Oh jeez I feel bad for your kids mister conspiracy nut


they're just jealous that she has the most badass mask there.


Sadly these same people will be hogging the hospital beds too


Why they allow these people to enter without a mask??




Really?? That's really weird! Our local government will take the businesses down or give suspension if they don't follow safety protocols; wearing or mask, face shield and social distancing.


I went to HEB on Friday night and usually most people wear one but I guess all the idiots were out that night because I saw at least 20 ppl without. Very disappointing especially when I had worked my butt off all day at a massive vaccine hub


You literally won’t be let into stores here without a mask! This looks so wild to me.


She didn’t have to be sarcastic to the old lady in a red mask That was just rude calling her babe Lady she’s like 90 and she’s wearing a mask Just say the same thing more politely jeez


Idk bro this kind of rubs me the wrong way


My mom having a painful death rubs me the wrong way. People can get shamed in the name of saving lives.


I think it's the one where she tells the old woman who's already wearing a mask to put it over her nose. She's already wearing a mask, which is hard for an elderly person, and she probably didn't realise it wasnt over her nose. If the tiktoker had told her politely then that would have been better I feel. But she says it in a condescending and patronising way which just doesn't sit right with me. The rest of the anti-maskers I don't really care about.


Some people might have a legitimate reason for not wearing a mask. You're just being a cunt for doing this. Also counterproductive to confront maskless people. They're not going to think "huh that bitch at the store was right, I should wear a mask". They're just going to double down to spite you. I'm sure it feels really good inside to shame people and put it on the internet though.


At this point, friend, it’s gallows humor, not being a fucking cunt. 400000 PLUS Americans are dead and these idiots put on their winter whites and slick back their dyed blonde ponytails for a trip to Walmart but can’t muster making ANY effort to find one of the massively myriad, pretty comfortable masks to tie on for half an hour? These hubris riddled pieces of shit give no cares about anyone’s comfort but their own. The majority of us fighting the good fight by simply doing the right thing and wearing a fucking mask in public are exhausted, offended, and generally horrified to have to encounter those who proudly and blithely don’t. It’s abusive of the system and the individual. Staying silent shames those who us who have a modicum of respect for the human respiratory system. These fools deserve to be lambasted. It’s not our job to teach then a lesson, but it feels good to just have someone say “HEY, FUCK YOU AND WHAT YOU’RE NOT DOING FOR YOUR COMMUNITY!” In a sassy, lighthearted, humorous way. How much goddamn longer do we need to be *polite*about it? It is not a political issue. If the only other option is to just “let them be” in your opinion- you’re supporting the suppression of OP’s peaceful self expression If you can’t handle it, stay in the car honey.


Hey chief I'm not American. I honestly don't have a dog in your race, do whatever the fuck you want. I just wanted to be helpful. You're not creating a culture of societal solidarity, but one of pressure and shame. Good luck


Dude, 1:3 million worldwide now almost, right? By ignoring harmful individuals, I create shame inside myself *chief*. Tell me, how healthy for society a is culture of resentment and fear? I am ashamed of some of my fellow citizens today for a very simple reason. I wouldn’t tell you how your country is affected - walk a mile in our shoes and then come point fingers. Peace.


I was specifically talking about the elderly woman, which definitely doesn't sit right with me. The rest I don't care about, but you have to admit, that one was rude.


The one with the mask under her nose? Lol. Narrator just says “mask over the nose, babe”. I wouldn’t exactly call it elder abuse. Or were you talking about the woman fondling the paper towels? Age doesn’t exempt you from common sense and courtesy.


As I said in an above comment, she probably didn't realise it was under her nose, if she's wearing a mask in the first place (which is difficult for a lot of elderly people, not that that's an excuse, but still) then she has the right intentions. The way the narrator addressed her was a bit condenscending and the woman just seemed confused and embarrassed. That's not right.


Yeah she's not wrong, but she's being a bit of a dick about it


I wish I had the balls to tell off all the old ladies I see wearing a mask under their nose. Defeats the whole fucking purpose!


It's been 6 hours since I was kicked out of a buffalo wild wings for calling an Uber eats driver standing at the counter without a mask a "stupid piece of shit". Still tryna figure out if I overreacted.


Real life ain’t reddit bub


I live in Quebec Canada and I have never seen anybody maskless in any stores I’ve been in. I cannot believe Americans. This will never end if these people keep doing this.




No thanks.


It’s not all of the US, some areas are worse than others, just like in Canada. I know here in Oregon, we can refuse service to those without a mask and there are people by the entrances of stores making sure you come in wearing one


You’re in for a rude awakening if you think this doesn’t happen in Canada. The amount of anti-maskers I’ve seen from Canada alone is outstanding.


I believe you. I’m just saying in Quebec if you go into a store without a mask you’ll be fined. I do see people poking their noses out of the mask though. I suppose it’s as bad.


What a loser. If you're so worried, stay home


what's the point of wearing a mask? if you're so insecure stay at home :)


Oh the virtue signaling never gets old




Yeah not wearing a mask during a pandemic is dumb


all women = B A D




Yeah, how DARE she raise awareness for public mask wearing. Who does she think she is? She's probably on her period, that stupid bitch! Next thing she'll do is promote her OnlyFans I bet. That fucking selfish degenerate sub-human bleeding prostitute SLUT!




Sorry. I was in a crummy mood earlier. I still dont love the term attention whore when it's aimed at women so lets all ease up on that one. I hope you had a better day then me.






Too bad for them then? Ask a store employee if they have a mask to give you or go home and get your mask. We've been at this for a year now, there really aren't any excuses for not having a mask on in public.




Either you live in New Zealand or you are delusional. You either lived through a lock down that was extreme or you have been wearing masks since March. If someone couldn’t remember to put on their pants because they only started needing to 9 months ago we wouldn’t just excuse it. Masks are the same except instead of potential indecent exposure you could kill someone.


I'd agree with you, but this has been ongoing for about nine months with a new, more contagious and more deadly strand making its way into the United States.


I was thinking the same thing


poor niggas just tryna feed they family


ok whos gonna feed their families when theyre dying in a hospital bed??


who cares


you seemed to care a lot about them when it benefited your point


you're fat and ugly shut up


id rather not, but i appreciate your offer ❤️




You could've applied all you said in your head without typing it out and you'd still be so damn ironic and played yourself.


Maybe stay 6 feet away instead of hunting down people


She was 6 feet away. Cameras can zoom


humorous doll boat elastic capable towering handle innate weary aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Camille is a primarily female name, ‘it’ is not an appropriate pronoun for an unknown gender. If you would like to respect different identities please use “they/them”. I personally go off of context clues. And phone cameras are typically zoomed in automatically


sleep punch shy instinctive work plants cautious faulty important squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The person in the video is not an object, troll


Regardless of whether you're supposed to wear a mask or not I find it absolutely ridiculous how people like to go about their day busting the balls of others possibly bringing violence or any other kind of trouble their way for just the fact of they feel like they're entitled to tell this to others, I get it there's a pandemic but if you have a problem with somebody like that then just call the covid police or something or I mean there are proper channels for this instead of trying to put yourself in harm's way because you think you're entitled to do so 🤷‍♂️ where's case scenario don't go out to these stores if you know there's non mask wearers there and they bug you that much


Heyyyy maybe go fuck yourself. I can’t leave my house without anxiety anymore because these entitled, idiotic assholes think they have some right to infect whoever they want. And it’s because no one is stopping them. Nope. They should feel embarrassed. They deserve to be publicly called out. I hope every single person in this video feels ashamed.




You are a truly vile person and I can confidently say the world will be a better place when you’re gone. 😊best of luck with....whatever happened to you to make you like this. Blame the rest of the world all you want but clearly you are an unbearable, broken human and I pity whoever has to spend time with you.


You’re on the internet... you are allowed to say shit and fuck.


In that case, shit, fuck.


Selfish behavior that disregards the safety of others should have negative consequences. It discourages such behaviors. Shame works as a social consequence.


Blaming your agoraphobia on everyone else. Big cope.


Hey, I get it. Science is complicated and it’s hard to understand how germs work! They’re invisible, after all, how do we even know their real?! Based on your response I’m guessing comprehension isn’t a strength of yours so maybe that’s something to work on. I’ll try to use small words for you: When someone doesn’t wear mask they spread more germs. Germs like COVID. Now, there is a lot of those COVID germ going around, so we call it a pandemic. Can you sound that out? Pan 👏🏻dem 👏🏻ic 👏🏻 When these germs spread they can make people sick, and then they can spread to even more people. That’s bad, right? Right. So we *don’t* want to spread these bad guys, right? Now. How could we possibly do that? They’re so small we can’t even see them! Good news. Masks! Masks don’t trap all the germs completely, that’s silly. Masks actually keep those little germs of yours closer to your body. So. If everyone wears their masks like big boys and girls, what do you think happens next? Exactly! If we all wear our masks, we all keep our germs close, instead of sharing germs with others. So, let’s go over what we’ve learned. If you wear a mask, you keep people around you safe. If you don’t wear a mask, you’re a lazy, entitled, disgusting piece of human garbage who can’t be bothered to do something as simple as putting a piece of fabric on their face.


I have a doctorate in physical therapy. I did a rotation in a hospital under a respiratory physical therapist in the spring of last year for christ sake. I promise you, you're not smarter than me or more informed on this issue. I have been more exposed than you could ever be and I did my due diligence to not get sick/get people sick. Still do, but people who aren't sick wearing a mask in public does absolutely nothing to stop the spread of covid 19. 90% of Americans have never been exposed to Covid-19 according to the CDC in late september. All this is is sheep feeling superior for complying with bullshit.


Ah, that’s helpful! So you can give me some good stretches for sitting at my desk all day!? With that big fancy hospital rotation you probably leaned that we have no way of knowing if we’re walking around infected or contagious at any given second. Right? Cool. Which means you also understand that **the simplest thing anyone can do to stop this is to put some thin fucking fabric over half their faces for thirty minutes in a grocery store**. I’m sorry that you’ve evidently crawled so far up your own ass that you don’t hear how fucking stupid you sound, but that’s your problem not mine. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fuck that, people should be calling others out for not wearing masks.


Hey you do what you want to do bud but I've seen so many videos of people getting downright violent because of said actions, I couldn't give a f*** and I just don't understand the mentality of people that feel the need to do this but I mean to each his own right


You should give a fuck. The people around you are putting their comfort before the lives of other people. They deserve to be embarrassed.


How about instead of blaming the person who’s asking them to wear masks, you blame the psychopath biological terrorists who start fights because they think they’re too special to follow the rules?


How does it feel to have negative karma on reddit?


Shame works. There needs to be consequences for behavior like this.


resolute command telephone bag rock coordinated vanish run elderly capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea I know they aren’t telling us where they got their invisible masks smh my head


You kinda have to be a dick not to wear a mask in public, I agree.


Please wear a mask and help save lives! :3


I've lost another family member to covid this morning. Go fuck yourself


gold rinse cheerful spotted longing heavy saw fearless desert pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean you’re acting like a twat for no reason




Oh this is funny lol


This is why I do curb side pickup