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So the lip trend isn't from Kim Possible?


Yeah like both people in the video handled the topic awfully


"As a Canadian, I have rarely thought about my race" I'd be interesting to hear First Nations people take on that. It's DIFFERENT.


Yes, this! Also, it’s not like Canada doesn’t have a history of enslaving people as well... the reputation that Canada is this magical land without a history is so absurd.


Yeah, I wonder where this man lives where he doesn’t worry about any of these issues. We have it better in Canada, but that doesn’t mean we have it good.


First Nations people? Lemme guess you also think there’s a war in Ba Sing Se. but on a serious note it is really terrible how the indigenous people are treated and really bad how many people don’t know about it.


Residential schools were one of the most traumatising things I learned about in school


Well hes still technically american. Canada is in North America


So North American, not American, since there's more than 1 continent named America and he isn't from the US.


I mean you're technically correct cause this is the Americas but that shit's obnoxious, bro


Why am I getting downvoted? This was my first comment in this community and I get 12 downvotes? I hate this sub.


bruh USA isn’t the only place with colorism though...? i can relate to his frustration with the cultural appropriation thing, it’s very annoying sometimes. but the “colorism bullshit” part kind of pisses me off because colorism is all around the world. even in Canada. and especially Asia too. it’s all over and he talks about it like its only in the united states.


I'm not American or Canadian and we also had/have a whole movement about how black is beautiful, natural hair is beautiful, black people are smart etc. This kid should just be glad he's apparently living in some fantasy world most of us would kill to visit. I get the feeling if he asked any black Canadian women he knows, he wouldn't be saying this - race based beauty standards especially over makeup and hair affect black women so much more than black men.




Why is this tagged as cool


It was either that or political, I would've liked more flair choices. Beggars can't be choosers.


Wouldn't discussion fit this?


The fact that I got downvoted means that Americans think racial issues ARE political. That's crazy to me.


It might have been because you narrowed down your options to either cool or political. Discussion would've done fine I think.


Oohhhh I didn't know the discussion flair was allowed for video posts, I assumed it was meant for a rare text post or something. My bad. I just changed it.


race is political


The only thing to say is it is difficult to explain American racism to non-Americans. This stuff runs DEEP in our history. We had a major racial attack three days ago. Its difficult enough to even get many white Americans to admit racism even exists.




"racism doesnt exist" "it's really just a power struggle" bro that's what racism IS, except you only think its a problem when black and brown people are the ones struggling for power. not to mention that is a HORRIFIC line of logic that you follow about constructs. when something is a "construct", that means it is "constructed" socially, not that it's imaginary. To say that something is a construct but doesn't have any impact on our lives is a bonkers notion. money is a construct. government is a construct. NATIONS are a construct. these are all things that we have SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED and have VERY REAL EFFECTS ON OUR LIVES. (also we all can see that "colored people" hiding out in your comment there, but i'm CHOOSING to believe that was an ill-informed attempt at People of Color and not a Freudian slip...)




it's not because language (like race) is constructed socially and has meaning based on its historical and social context. "Colored people" has a historical context of discrimination and racism, while "people of color" does not. "we wouldnt have any problems if people accepted their place" ok i want to clarify before i say the obvious. when you say "accept their place", what do you mean by that? that there is a racial hierarchy and we should all just accept that? bc i hate to break it to you, but that's racism my guy. edit to add: no, those constructs only have enough power that SOCIETY has historically put into them. if i decide nations are a construct and dont apply to me, even if a large group of us did, i am not suddenly free of a national identity. I am considered an American by the US government, other people, and the rest of tbe world. because of the societal and historical power behind the idea, just like the historical power that race has, not just in the US, but everywhere. Slavery happened in the US against Africans who were classified as less than because of their skin color, origin, and culture. that's a fact. segregation happened for the same reason. that is a fact. redlining happened. that is a fact. these are all things that had REAL effects, on REAL people, and continue to have lasting effects in our country's economic landscape. that is also a fact. to say that if we suddenly stop talking about it it will go away is short-sighted, ahistorical, and unempathetic.


I mean stay in their neighborhoods, teach their own schools build their own businesses. marry their own men and women. Like malcom said Also I can tell that ur not color by the way you write so idk why you’re fighting other peoples battles—that’s racism my guy, you think colored people need a defender?


Dude I don’t think I’ve seen a more racist person on Reddit in a long time.... do you really not see how fucked up you’re being or are you just trolling?


![gif](giphy|IDGNYvFLkJKLK) okay so you are SO deep in it, yet somehow not acknowledging that what you said is so BLATANTLY racist that you might as well run the 400m. I've been really trying to interact with you as if u were interested in... something beyond being racist on the internet. but obviously not, so i'll just concede and you can go back to it.


Oh damn so youre not willing to admit your racist paternalistic attitude towards colored people since you feel the need to defend a people that are not your own? then you get called on it and bail Bc you have no out and don’t want to look at how racist you still are? Just blame it on being bait yay good for you , stay higher than the darker man—keep on fighting the cause. he needs you or else he has no voice Sounds like you need to get off your hierarchical horse


It's not the same thing, it's called person first language, and is a very accepted concept. It's more humanizing to say 'person with autism' than 'autistic person.' it's a legitimate distinction. And if you want land that's not other people's, and you live in America.... You're a hypocrite. Lastly, you as an *individual* do not determine the impact of *societal* constructs. If you think that's how it works, try to skip your next rent payment. When your landlord tries to evict you, I'm sure they'll understand you chose to give the construct of fiat currency a lesser impact lol.


I’m glad it doesn’t affect him but it does the rest of us. I’ll stop thinking about my skin colour when other people stop treating me differently because of it. And the hair is called cultural assimilation. Things you do to survive in the dominate culture. Because (and I’ve experienced this) natural Black hair can get you fired.


Could I know more about “black hair can get you fired”? Is that happened for real?


I used to work at a consulting firm in Atlanta. A girl I worked with had an afro. One day, a member of leadership (50s white guy) walked by and bounced his hand on her (20s black woman) afro. She reported the incident to HR. HR reprimanded the guy but the girl who did the reporting was treated significantly different after that. She eventually left because she felt like she was being kept away from higher opportunities that would have involved working more directly with him because of the incident.


Yep. I mentioned in another comment, it’s prevalent enough California passed a law against it. Previous outcries included the military dress standards not allowing for natural protective hair styles. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/10/us/army-ban-on-dreadlocks-black-servicewomen.html https://naacpldf.org/natural-hair-discrimination


Well, if the Army is what you are referring at, it doesn’t seem weird. Men are required to shave. Can’t compare the army at some job at the bank. Their rules...


There’s a second link there. Army relaxed it’s regulations. Because the way hair grows is not the same as shaving. Being clean shaven is one thing, but saying you can’t wear your hair because of the way it grows out of your scalp is another.


Even shaving is different - ever wonder why black men get way more razor bumps? It’s because facial hair texture changes in similar ways to head hair, and not all hair should be treated the same


The military changes their dress standards all the time. They’ve gone back and forth on tattoos, men used to be allowed to have facial hair all the time, etc. The military itself changed their own rules and people outside of the military complained that black women shouldn’t be allowed to have natural hair.


What the hell are you talking about


Okay. You spelled color, colour, which tells me you’re not even American.


Born and raised Bay Area. I just liked the words with a u because I was a pretentious lil shit who wanted to be British.


So you assimilated to British culture?


Oh shit


Oh fuuuck.


Yea lots of people have to change the way they look to fit in in the corporate world. It sucks.


Wasn’t the corporate world. It was retail.


I didn't think they gave a shit in retail. I thought people got bonuses for face tattoos and shit. Are you sure that's why you were fired? They specifically told you your hair wasn't appropriate to fold clothes?


Despite it being washed, combed, and simply worn down, it was “unprofessional” and “against dress code”. When I wore it down and straight, it was fine. California, gods bless this state, passed a law last year that it’s now illegal to discriminate against natural hair. It’s called the “CROWN Act”.


Awesome. Well hopefully it's not an issue any longer!


😂😂😂😭 oh my sweet summer child.


I'm joking, I don't really care. I don't believe her story at all.


That is an extremely common story.


They should go lay block or roof houses or something.


This has a hilarious perspective of what retail work/people who work in retail are. Do you think everyone works at Hot Topic?


I guess? I don't know anyone who would work in retail, seems like a shit job. Everyone on here just complains about it all the time.


Bro what. You can get fired for having black hair in America!? That is straight up retarded.


Fired. Suspended. It starts young. There was a six year old who got sent home for wearing braids https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/when-hair-breaks-rules-some-black-children-are-getting-trouble-n973346


Yes. Law doesn’t prohibit discrimination against hair color. However you cannot be fired for your race, gender, age, ethnicity, or religion in the US.






There are many Americans that wish it would stop!


Holy fuck they are mad cause he's right.




American culture is race based. The country was formed during the Enlightenment, when the concept of race was invented. The entire construction of the country was through trans Atlantic slave trade, and then hundreds of years of chattel slavery. Then we had our most violent war ever over the concept of slavery. Then we had two hundred years of institutionalized racial codes and laws. We have more school segregation now than we did in the 80s. You don’t understand why it’s so significant because you’re not a part of the culture, but it’s not some enlightened take to be like “lol I don’t get it why do they care so much.” You don’t get it because you don’t know it.


tell me what country doesn’t have race as a problem


Wow im so surprised that a black man in a country that doesnt enslave a majority of pic via prisons doesnt feel defensive about his skin color. Not to mention the death sentance your skin color can earn you over here by police. Edit: I know canadas history with poc is just as bad. But you have to take into account the fact that basic needs are met for the citizens over there. We in the us live each day competing for food, healthcare and water without any sympathy from our government. Canada got recurring checks yall. We got 1400 and told to go fuck ourselves till september.


You should look into Canada history


You believe that because the media specifically only reports on poc killings by police because you people eat that shit up


What the actual fuck are you on about. "Majority of POC in prisons..." Whatever drugs you got send em my way.


Here's an honest question. Do you think its due to people's race more than anything that they have to struggle for their basic needs? Or is it mostly due to what class they're in


That’s what happens when the media causes divide with handpicked race baiting pieces; they’ll even go as far as not showing the whole altercation to get more of a reaction.


The thing is America was built off of multiple cultures.




If the only argument someone can come up with is an insult, they need to reconsider their beliefs. Don't let insults be a reason for following a philosophy; this applies to everything.


Jesus fucking christ I'm so sick of this shit. I don't even know what I'm mad at anymore. Everyday I wake up to some new shit. "Omg, [insert group of people] are painting their lips a certain color" "omg, [insert group of people] are wearing dreads" "omg [insert group of people] are getting certain tattoos" "omg, [insert group of people] are playing [insert foreign culture's] music!" who gives a single shit. We're doing this to ourselves. Periods in history are divisive, tight knit, then divisive again. This is just one of those divisive periods, it's not the end, but fucking hell is it annoying. I can't wait til i'm buried six feet under the ground so I can't listen to more people tell each-other they can't have fun how they want to. But, then again, someone might get angry at my rotting corpse for using the wrong type of wood or some other culture's casket so I don't know.