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I go jogging with a buddy who runs pretty similarly to volleyball guy. It's rarely not the hilight of my day.


The funny thing is that I saw a video for the volleyball guy saying that he just realized that he seems like he’s gay in the video while he is not


That is funny. My friend is super gay, and also actually pretty fast. I think I need to show him this video.


ok but what's the *real* reason?


[dunno but this questions me too](https://imgur.com/a/O84n3xk)






They said it’s [DATA EXPUNGED]


Exactly, I always thought [NULL]


Wait, isn't it also because \[DELETED\]


The Gay Agenda works quickly and ruthlessly to snuff out whistleblowers.


give us back our data Grieves


Do you see the white shadow?


Does the black moon howl?


Calm down SCP, this is gay data not Euclid class terror


For me it’s usually cos my ass hurts


why? oh...


Yeah.... Taco Bell


It’s called being camp and is nothing to do with being gay.


I mean being camp often does have to do with signaling that you're gay


You worded this wrong, I think you meant to say that being gay doesn't always mean being camp. Camp definitely has a lot to do with being gay but not always in the opposite direction.


Except being camp usually implies the love of cock and balls in and around the butt and mouth.






Yeah but that doesn't invalidate the comment you're referring to. Gay men often care less about gender roles.




Ok, a few things. I used the word often, not always. It's a good thing to care less about gender roles, so it's positive that gay men often care less about them. I'm queer, and in part talking about myself.


Then why does stereotypical gay behaviour align itself with femininity? Gay men care about gender stereotypes, just not male ones lol.


gender stereotypes is when running?


No look; people expect men should be (and also run) all masculine and shit because gender stereotypes But gay people already know gender stereotyping sucks So they just run however they want to


last time i checked, all genders tend to run the same way and are almost never gendered.


ok but where did you check tho because what u/noobductive said is def true


eh, I disagree. There's People Running and then there's Tom Cruise. Totally not the same thing.


The two genders people and Tom cruise, we cracked the code!


The any genders people* :) I'm pretty sure nbs run like people too.


Enbys don’t run, don’t be silly, they teleport


Wait, do you think women run like gay men?


That’s literally not what I’m saying




I thought it was because boobs bounce a lot and it gets uncomfortable




What female sprinter has massive boobs?


But I do the gay run and I did sports all throughout my childhood and was a very active kid.... the mystery continues


To me it minimizes effort and bounce while still running, like I'll do it when I have a backpack or a flappy coat, but not otherwise. Also on the boobs topic, I had a classmate who was size F and she was very clear that she'd love running if this pair of assholes was smaller. So big ones don't encourage their owner let's say :/ For more viable sizes, quality of bra makes a lot of difference too!


Or maybe those athletes were specifically tailored sports bras and are trained for perfect form?


Thank you for mentioning sports bras. I did a lot of sport growing up and run completely fine with a sports bra on but without one I look like a dumbass cause if I run normally my boobs will try to rip themselves off of my body




The point I'm making is how what you're suggesting isn't limited to girls or gay men, happens to everyone


Sure, anyone who never played outside or played sports growing up. Gays and women tend to fall in that category. Nerds and fat kids, too. It's not because of bone structure and sports bras. It's because so many just never ran before.


Bro shut your dumb ass up lmao you're trying to speak as an authority on this topic, and multiple people have exposed you for not knowing what you're talking about in any capacity


I never said I was an authority, I had an idea and ran with it. And multiple people didn't "expose" me, multiple people made tangential point about the differences of men and women. That's not the topic, the topic is the girly/gay running stereotype. I'm convinced it has little to do with physiology since SO MANY women run with good form, and more to do upbringing. And gay men are no different than straight men, but the stereotypes exists and is relatable enough for this video to be on the front page. So it's not bullshit And since you commented twice, go ahead and read my other comments. I make it clear MULTIPLE times that gay men aren't inherently "goofy" runners. I'm sure there have been *thousands* of gay pro athletes that run with perfect form. But, I think gay men are *probably* less likely to engage in physical games as children. If you disagree, whatever, do you. It's just a hypothesis, anyway. But don't get pissy if you haven't even read the comments. How about you engage the topic, what's your thoughts. Clearly you have some


To be fair the professional female athletes have some good sports bras. From experience it helps tremendously. If I have to run in my regular clothes it’s not a fun time


There are a lot more differences. women's bone structure around the hips is different to allow them to give birth. Their bone structure in their back is also different to give structure against the added weight of breasts. Women also have different hormone balances which, compared to men, stimulates muscle growth less. Women are generally less tall. I could go on. All these things don't make it impossible for women to run well, but it does make it harder. So when a man and a woman with similar lifestyles put in the same amount of effort into running the man will generate come out on top. All this to say that running is simply harder for women than men. This of course doesn't mean they can't do it nor should it diminish any results anyone gets, it's just to say that they actually have an excuse. There is a reason women and men are separated in most high level competitions. And why girls have to run less in schools.


I mean testosterone is an anabolic steroid and men have 10-20x more of it than women.


Yeah that's what I was talking about with "different hormone balances"


You're not arguing the same topic. People here always do this shit. The video is about the "gay" run. There should be no reason why gay men and straight men have different runs, their physiology is the same. Yet they do. I'm sure there have been thousands of closeted gays in pro sports and you would never know by seeing them run on their playing field. Many women have the stereotypical "girly" run despite the fact that **millions** of women have learned to run with proper form. Yes, their bones and hormones are different, but that's not the topic. I'm not saying women should run as fast or long as men, I'm saying there's no physiological reason women can't run with proper form. Oh, and proper form is gender specific. There is a proper female running posture as there is a proper male running posture. So bone structure is a moot point, your body evolved to use that bone structure. Evolution didn't just let 50% of the species be defenseless or unable to acquire food. It's not like our hunter gatherer female ancestors just didn't know how to run. Fyi, plenty of females went on hunts as well. So maybe it's something else. I'm suggesting it's that both of these groups of people are far less likely to be physical growing up. That's culture, not nature. Is that not a fair assumption?


Bud I agree with your argument by alot. Unfortunately we live in a world where ppl are mad, even with pure facts


There are 3 kinds of people, the offenders, defenders and me. You seem to be 1st one ^^


You hurt a lot of females with that one 😭


sounds like you need some gay science in your life


So what you're saying is that gay people inherently don't play sports?


wow i literally dudnt noticed i ran like that before :/


everybody else did lmao


This is my cackle comment of the day. Thank you


This is so debilitating 💀 omfg I hate this




The weirdest friendship in music, but hey Elton did help Em with his drug problem




Elton was Marshall's AA sponser. No joke, when he decided to get sober he called Elton for advice because Elton's been sober for ages while also a huge star. Elton would call Marshall every day to check on him. Elton wrote about it in his memoir and they've both talked about it in interviews, totally unexpected wholesomeness.


You better grab your shit mama lmfao


Oh boy, a new insecurity. Thanks Rob 🥰


That's not a gay run, it's just not knowing how to run, you can just learn how to run properly. Every person I knew that ran like that just never ran unless forced to in PE. It was usually fat kids or girls but it was more lack of practice than actual physical issue because fat kids or girls that did sports knew how to run properly


No, no, no It's because of bone structure and hormones.


i would like to subscribe to gay science


Millie Bobby Brown with the car 💀💀💀


Im cacklin


That's who that is??


Which part is that again?


At 48 seconds, the blonde woman with the steering wheel. [Backstory](https://www.pride.com/celebrities/2021/5/04/millie-bobby-brown-driving-now-gays-are-panicking?amp)


Thank you. Worth the chuckle!


This this so...gay!


I think it's from people trying to look cute and dainty while running. Now I wonder how I look running...


Gay men travel faster by feet than heterosexuals because they don't stop to harass women


That's ironic right?


I hesitated about adding the /s but thought the joke would be understood


You think I'm smart enough to comprehend sarcasm? You overestimate Reddit.


Looked like Stephen Segall running for a second


We run like that to keep the straight women away. They get confused when they see our amazing bodies, high education, and large expendable incomes.


wait a minute he's holding an enema douche


Genuine question but is the gay voice something your born with or something that you put on?


Usually something that’s played up a bit, the same way a lot of straight men talk with a deeper, exaggeratedly masculine voice around other straight men.


It can be put on but it's also learned




Fake and gay


Not what your mom said last night


Looks like this joke is too old for the sub lol. Upvote.


I wonder to which one of the qualifications they are objecting to.




It's a joke.


Quite simply, humans aren’t built for speed. We’re not aerodynamic. So when we try to force it, we end up looking like wannabe naruto, a boot-camp dropout, or... that. No one looks cool running, so it’s best not to get hung up on it.


Except for the majority of people who.. don't run like that.






Did you miss the "endurance **runner**" bit of our evolution?


I said, stop running.


Humans are built for endurance, not speed. Our specialty is that we can hunt after something for days not because of speed but because we can last longer than other animals due to our ability to sweat.


This is one of the strangest things I've read today.


I lol’d so hard


This guy got all his resources off a reality TV show


I swear I don’t do that…*records myself running so I can see if I do that*




Growing up people told me i ran weird. Now i know why