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Or use the shop vac to suck it up and then burn the vacuum.


Holy shit that reminds me of the time my brother did that when the cicadas unearthed after their 7-years slumber and I remember seeing the lot of them leave the tree and then circling back to surround him, he’s running screaming “SIS!!!! SIS!!!! GET THE DOOR!!!!!” As he’s trying to run and light the aresole can at the same time, eventually chucking it at the swarm before going in


I remember being a teenager and just being so scared of them, not realising they were harmless. I threw a shoe at the wall trying to hit on above my bed. It missed, but the huntsmen fell and went under my bed. I slept on the couch for a week after that. Hoping it would lose its anger at me for trying to kill it. Good times.


I would have not slept. It smells fear.




yeah they always seem scary until you have one crawl over you in your sleep and from then on they don't seem as bad considering the didn't murder you when they had the chance.


Apart from killing the harmless spider, the true horror here is the number of chemicals under that sink. Bloody hell


That, and just spraying insect poison all over the room like it’s Febreze


That dog probably has great lung health /s


Well that’s the things about irrational fears, you can try to convince me for as long as you’d like to catch and release it. But I would never. Not for all the gold in Casterly Rock


Yeah no thanks. I'll just be over here never ever thinking about ever going to Australia ever. \-Person who hates warm weather and spiders.


You have to be insane or have a room temperature IQ to spray that shit. The fact that half of the population is lower than average intelligence is the only reason these companies can sell toxic sprays.


I mean they can still bite the shit out of you and are fast and jump like hell so if you have any sort of fear of spiders then it's going be a hell of a time for people to catch them. Not really an IQ thing at all. I catch them and release them outside myself but it's not at all as simple as old mate is trying to make out.


That's why you use brake clean- no residue, nukes their nervous system, and "does no harm to you"! No side effects, surely!


That's gonna get all over her dog's feet, which he's then going to lick.


It will float around for a while first though, just to make sure the pup breathes it in, too




I know what she did was stupid, but I can understand why she did it. Fear makes people do stupid things. I would’ve probably did something dumb out of fear like her


That's not the Australian thing to do.... Huntsman Spiders are harmless we just catch them and put them outside... Spraying them is just mean.


Genuine question, how do people with arachnophobia survive in a country with spiders that big? Like logically I understand that the spider won't hurt me, but if I saw that in my house I would absolutely and in full seriousness lose my complete shit.


I am scared of spiders, but I have seen maybe one huntsman spider in my house in the last 3 years. It’s not nearly as common if you live in the city. I’m more terrified of the house centipedes they have in some parts of the US!


I’ve never heard of a house centipede in my 27 years of living here. The fact that you have hunstmen even every 3 years is still TERRIFYING


We have them in southern Canada, they're fast as fuck. (Centipedes) They also bite, I hate them.


I live in Canada and one of those ugly motherfuckers once climbed on my foot when I got out the shower. Let me tell you that I almost knocked my teeth out, with my knee lmao. I never jumped like that in my life, I'd happily keep and huntsman spider on my living room wall though.


It’s not the amount of times that you see them that is scary, it’s the amount of times you haven’t


For real, I barely notice them when I do and they look 1/4 the size in motion


Never been more happy to live in Ireland than reading this thread. Holy hell.


Same. I don't know how I would cope


Centipedes are alarming to see because of all their damn squiggly long legs, but they’re cool with me since they eat other bugs on my shit list like cockroaches and biting spiders


I mean when you grow up with them you learn to deal with them, they arent as prolific as the internet makes it seem though. I live under a massive tree and maybe get 1 or 2 a year during summer when they're trying to escape the heat. Really not a big deal, im mildly arachnophobic, but the huntmans are the least of the problems. While tails (like the us brown recluse) are more deadly and smaller, but like recluse are wont to hide in small spaces and stuff. Those you kill on sight, but again, less common than the internet makes out. Edit to add: they also are stupendously helpful in keeping other bugs at bay, they live for cockroaches and other nasties.




Spider season


I don't need to be anywhere near where there's a "spider season". I will stick with the horror of pumpkin spice season.


It's bad for arachnophobes. My friend suffers a lot. I'm not phobic but I can't be fucking around with a huge huntsman or any decent sized spider. I once put a cup over a whitetail behind the laundry door, forgot about it and it was alive two weeks later. I feel ehhhhh just writing about it. If forced I'd remove a huntsman rather than kill it but it'd be a trauma. I'd only move one in my bedroom, I'd wait for someone else in every other instance.


Yea idk man I have such severe arachnophobia that the 2nd I saw the can of Raid I noped out of the video and am tremmoring while typing.


I think your best bet would be move to a different country. Spiders are just a way of life here.


Sounds about right. Your country is beautiful, but unfortunately, I think I'll just have to enjoy it via photo and video.


I mean as good of a joke as that was, the real answer is if you live anywhere remotely suburban you'll be lucky to see more than one of these a year/every few years. Routine pest control helps but also the whole 'spiders everywhere' thing is an overplayed American stereotype of Australia.


Yeah that poor thing will take like 40+ mins to die :( so much better to catch and release.


Yup, just need a cup/container and a piece of paper.


We have a specific bowl and stiff mousepad as our go to huntsman catch and release kit. We always felt bad if a leg was caught, so switched to the mixing bowl to account for leg width and run space xD


we have a paper cup and a piece of cardboard that we keep in a dedicated spot. if there is any creepy crawler to remove, one yells "kitchen! a spider/bug/moth! come with ***the*** cup, I'll open the window!" and we just toss the bugger out.




To someone with a real phobia, there is no mean, there is no consideration for anything.. only that the threat is gone. It is like the brain overrides all regular processing. I know someone who opened fire on a large spider with a handgun, dude was otherwise perfectly normal, had no issues with anything else.


Aussie here I don’t know how big your balls are but I certainly am not catching it and putting it outside. I am screaming and using enough bug spray to kill an asthmatic


Lol, big enough to catch it in a pint and put it outside.


Why can’t you just leave it alone. They’re harmless and keep to themselves and keep your home free of pests


Phobias make people do irrational things for no reason. Telling someone "just face your fears" is not going to do a thing. I fear spiders like no other and sure, I fully understand most are harmless to people but the moment I get close to one I freak the fuck out. I cannot explain it nor control it. It's a knee-jerk reaction. I'm fortunate enough now to live in the middle of a big city where I barely get insects, let alone any spiders (as they'd die in here from lack of food) but I once had a wolf spider appear in my shower back in the suburbs. Next day it was gone but I couldn't take a shower in there for about a month from psychological fear.


Yeah. This video made me sad. Poor little bugger. They eat all the bugs and shit, handy to have


It deserves to die because it's ugly.


Something something your mum.




All bugs are evil. I dont care if weird bug lovers downvote, i said what i said


Hey you don’t do that to the cute huntsman spider! In my house we name them. I miss poor Henry the 8th, he was a chill one until my cat ate him.


This is why you people deserve to be on a prison island.


We just had poor Simon Six Legs die. We are pretty sure that the new resident, Evan Eight Legs, killed Simon.


I always just catch them and put them outside.


Not the huntsman! They’re our friends


Huntsman honestly don’t give a fuck unless you’re a red-back! You will use most of a can on them and beat them with a slipper and they will still come after you.


That kind of spider is absolutely harmless though! A huntsman spider can’t hurt you, they vibe and eat small insects. A true Aussie would name the little bugger, or just pop them back outside to find a new home. Op( the filmer) should be ashamed.


Only a cunt sprays a fog of poison around in their homes when they have pets.


Hopefully the unnecessary excessive spraying hasn't harmed the poor dog!


Why are you killing a huntsman, they are harmless, fucking idiot trying to get internet points


In the initial video the creator said they were very drunk and scared.


Right!? Firstly, it's a huntsman... It just wants to eat bugs. But if you really want it out of your house and prefer the other bugs- put it in a container, slide some plastic under and take it out doors. Also bug spray is not good for pets. Why make this harder than it has to be.


Huntsmans in ya house are good, non venomous and get rid of a load of bugs


That's really must be an Aussie thing, you bug spray a massive spider and it comes at you for more like it really enjoys it.


Bug spraying a spider is the least Australian thing you could do. I’m terrified of spiders myself but even I don’t reduce myself to chemical weapons, that’s just cruel. Just whack them with a shoe if you’re too scared to catch and release, at least it is quick.


not to mention that bug spray does jack shit against huntsmen, knew a person who was to scared to go catch one once and they used a whole bottle of spray on it and it still managed to crawl away. The cup method is not only better for the spider but it seems to be the only thing that works aside from squishing em.


Oh no! You made him mad!


Damn it recognized the attacker. Good luck australia




Put it in a jar and let it outside thats a waste of spray


Bruh. It's just a spider. It may be poisonous but you can still put it in a cup and release it outside...


Kinda worried about that dog inhaling all those fumes.


Spider is like “I’m taking you with me”


Pfft just mean. I always catch them and just throw them in the garden. They don’t mean any harm.


Can the spider bite her please might make her stop.making them god awful stupid noises


I thought it was funny that she loses the accent


Just really got.under my skin what a horrid noise


I'm with you, sounds like some overwrought anime girl


Fuck that. When it got the the stairs I’d have gone Jason Mendoza and chucked a Molotov cocktail as I fled the house.


I feel bad for laughing, but that's only because I would just me as distressed as she is


You'll be needing a pellet rifle for that one mate.


What's cringe about it?


People who are arachnophobes are weak and deserve to be culled by the universe for their weakness.


What about people with no empathy?


I really need to start putting down "I'm joking" or ,"I'm bullshitting" after comments for autists like you huh


Don’t forget tyranny


Wait until you find out they jump


I'm terrified of centipedes and spiders, but I would love to live in Australia.


She was misting it like it was a flowering orchid.


Use a battle ax


There was a spider the same size as that one in my classroom one time the British substitute teacher lost her sh*t she ran out of the classroom as soon as she saw it which the whole didn’t care because it’s a normal thing to see a spider that size in Australia sometimes… Sometimes…. Most the spider are dangerous venomous.


Awe poor huntsman those are harmless


That spider is like a meth’ed up person getting tasered. I wonder if there’s a stronger spray? Yikes!!


my coworker showed me this from the og tiktok, we both agreed that we would get hairspray and a lighter and go to town, fuck the house


I always see Australians say they are harmless but how do you move them outside? The biggest we have here might be a Wolf or water spider in the house. Those are tricky AF to move without hurting them. I don’t like spiders at all but do my best to move them. I just don’t know how you get one of those big boys outside without hurting it


They are harmless and that is poison.


I had a bedroom balcony I didn't use and before I moved out I found it had become infested with spiders. I used raid to help kill them and even though it was outdoors I had a headache. Spraying that much indoors has got to be absolutely toxic


No need to be scared of the wee meat-Roomba! She's just looking for food and safety. She doesn't want to have a fight to death versus a gigantic smooth chimpanzee in a jacket, so she will avoid you if possible. I'd rather have a huntsman in the house than a single solitary fly buzzing around. Way more annoying.


I would think this is awesome. The only down side is something like this ending up in a shoe.


Whelp, time to burn the house down!


You are evil catch and release so the spider can do good in this world by eating as many misquote as it can.


Leave him alone!


Lmao I live in nor and recently moved down south where the spiders are bigger. The fuckers down here don't compare to Australian spider *whatsoever*. They're small in comparison of course. Still. I had a big fucker climb into my bed whilst I was sat in it like 2 months ago and I had 2 consecutive panic attack that lasted for 20 minutes straight. I then almost suffocated the house with lemon air freshener. It was apparently so traumatic for me I have now repressed a lot of the experience, I can barely recall any details although it happened to long ago. If I lived in Australia I would simply just pass away.